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PerDev Q3 W7-8 Detailed Lesson Plan

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D Schools

Passi City Grade Level Grade 11

E T Division
AI L Personal
E D School Passi National High School Learning Area
LESSON PLAN Teacher Karie Mae D. Tolones

Date August 11, 2021 Quarter 4th

I. Objectives Developmental
Interaction and Analysis
Content The learners demonstrate the dynamic of attraction, love, and
Standard: commitment.
Performance The learners shall be able to appraise one’s present relationships
Standard: and make plans for building responsible future relationships.
Learning Discuss understanding of teenage relationships, including the
Competency acceptable and unacceptable expressions of attractions.
Code: EsP-PD11/12PR-lla-9.1
 II. Content Lesson 1: Personal Relationships
III. Learning References *Book/s:
Santos, R.R. 2017. Personal Development, First Edition. REX
Bookstore, Inc. Florentino St., Sta. Mesa Heights, Quezon City.
ISBN 978-971-7811-9. 132.145p.
Wong-Fernandez, B. et al. 2016. Personal Development Reader –
Teacher’s Guide. Department of Education. Sunshine Interlinks
Publishing House, Inc. 3F Maine City Tower, 236 Tomas Morato
Avenue, Quezon City. 60-76p.
Materials TV, laptop, power point presentation, props, modules, activity
VI. Procedures A. Preliminary Prayer
  Activities Greetings
Checking of attendance
A.1. Review True or False (5 minutes)
In a ¼ sheet of pad paper, the learner will identify if the given
statement is True or False.
1. It is important to work on communicating our feelings in
2. To love someone, we must love our self-first.
3. Trying to understand where other people are coming from
rather than judging them helps us build and maintain
4. Having good relationship does not contribute anything to us
having good health.
5. When people listen deeply and let us know that they
recognize the feeling behind our words, more likely than not,
our relationship is doing good.
6. In our relationships, it is vital that we practice forgiveness when
a loved one has hurt us.
8. Using positive methods to resolve conflict will more likely help
us maintain good relationships.
9. Expressing gratitude to our friends and family help us maintain
good relationships.
10. Significant differences in core values and beliefs never create
a problem in relationships.
11. We are happy in our relationships when our loved ones
stay connected by spending time with us and letting us
know that they love us.
12. Excessive reliance on social media can be a cause of tension
in relationships.
13. Relationships are static; they are unchangeable.
14. Being compassionate, forgiving and grateful contribute to
healthy relationships.
15. To fully enjoy and benefit from relationships we need skills,
information, inspiration, practice, and social support.

Note: Please see the attached Activity Sheets, page 1 of SLM

Quarter 4, Week 1.
Option 1: For learners with internet access, they can submit
their outputs through e-mail (kdtolones@up.edu.ph) or Facebook
Messenger (Karie Mae Detore Tolones).
Option 2: For learners with limited to no internet access, outputs
shall be submitted to their cluster leader or directly to the teacher
through their parents or guardians. Minimum COVID-19 health
protocols shall be strictly observed.
8 1 2 35
A.2. At the end of the session, the students will be able to:
Presentation 1. Appraise one’s understanding about acceptable and
of Objectives unacceptable expression of attraction among Adolescents
towards relationships.
B. Activity Word Meaning (5 minutes)
Proper 6 words will be presented to the learners, then they will give the
definition of those words.

Relationship Personal Love


Commitment Attraction Responsibility

C.Analysis After defining the terms, the learners will answer the following
1. How do you understand the terms or words mentioned?
2. Have you ever experienced any of the following terms/words?
3. How does it helped you to be you today?
D. Abstraction Discussion on the concepts and importance of understanding
teenage relationships including the acceptable and unacceptable
expressions of attractions. (20 minutes)
Discussion Flow
10 Rules for Finding
What is 25 Most Common Love and Creating
Personal Relationship Nurture Your Long-lasting Authentic
Relationship? Problems Relationship Relationships

1 2 3 4

E. Generalization What I have Learned? (3 minutes)

To summarize the lesson, the teacher will have the students to
answer this question:

Direction: Fill in the blanks with the right words that they think
suited to complete the thought.

F. Application Reflections on Personal Relationships (10 minutes)

The learners will be asked to write a reflection paper on their
relationships, why they are important, and how they intend to
express and keep the good relationships strong and healthy. They
can choose any two from the following relationships or they may
reflect all of the following. They need to be honest and creative in
making the reflection paper.
1. Family
2. Friends
3. Partner (BF/GF)
Note: Please see the attached Activity Sheets, page 8 of SLM
Quarter 4, Week 1.

Option 1: For learners with internet access, they can submit

their outputs through e-mail (kdtolones@up.edu.ph) or Facebook
Messenger (Karie Mae Detore Tolones).

Option 2: For learners with limited to no internet access, outputs

shall be submitted to their cluster leader or directly to the teacher
through their parents or guardians. Minimum COVID-19 health
protocols shall be strictly observed.
V. Evaluation TRUE OR FALSE (3 minutes)
This is a 5-item assessment that will be answered by the students in ¼ sheet of pad
paper that will reflect the knowledge gained by the students from the lesson.

Direction: Write the word True if the statement is correct and False if the
statement is incorrect.

1. Friendship can be thought of as a close tie between two people that is

often built upon mutual experiences, shared interests, proximity and
emotional bonding.
2. Gratitude is not necessarily needed to strengthen your relationship.
3. We are happy in our relationships when our loved ones stay connected by
spending time with us and letting us know that they love us.
4. People with strong social relationships are 50% less likely to die prematurely.
5. To prosper, one needs an enduring sense of security and stability
nurtured in an environment of safety and love.

VI. Assignment Letter from Mom

The teacher will present a letter for the leaners to read. The learners will make a
response letter to her mom using a 1 whole sheet of pad paper or any special paper
specially made for Mothers. It can be handwritten or printed as long as the content is
related to the topic and the learners shows creativity.
Direction: Put yourself in the shoes of Shane and write a letter in response to Mom.
Explain your thoughts, feelings, and actions as a child who is now almost an adult.
Below are the criteria of the output.
Content------------------------------20 points
Self-disclosure--------------------20 points
Creativity---------------------------10 points
Total 50 points

Note: Please see the attached Activity Sheets, page 8-10 of SLM Quarter 4, Week
A soft copy or hard copy of the activity will be provided for students with no gadgets
on-hand, having a difficulty in accessing the internet and for those who will not be
able to go to school due to quarantine or any difficult situations.


Option 1: For learners with internet access, they can submit their outputs through
e-mail (kdtolones@up.edu.ph) or Facebook Messenger (Karie Mae Detore

Option 2: For learners with limited to no internet access, outputs shall be submitted
to their cluster leader or directly to the teacher through their parents or guardians.
Minimum COVID-19 health protocols shall be strictly observed.
VII. Remarks

VIII. Mastery

IX. Instructional

Prepared by:
Subject Teacher

Checked by:


Subject Group Head

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