Batch Reactor: Department of Chemical Engineering
Batch Reactor: Department of Chemical Engineering
Batch Reactor: Department of Chemical Engineering
Introduction 2
definition 7
Application 9
Advantages 9
Disadvantages 10
Conclusion 10
Reference 11
Batch reactors process one batch of material at a time in a closed
system. Typical types are shown in Figure 1.1. They have the
advantage of flexibility in that they can be used to produce a
variety of chemicals, i.e. they are not dedicated to a single
product. They are used for fine chemical, pharmaceut- ical and
polymer production on a relatively small scale. An additional
advantage of batch reactor is that of relatively small capital
investment. Nevertheless, their design and operation are being
improved to meet the needs of clean technology operations, and
the Buss reactor (shown later in Figure 1.5) is one example where
improvements in batch reactor technology have led to
significantly enhanced performance. The important operational
parameters in the case of batch reactors are good mixing and heat
transfer. The need for this is well illustrated by considering the
case of a gas-liquid- solid catalysed exothermic reaction. Good
mixing is particularly important to give a homogeneous dispersion
of all species and to ensure good mass and heat transfer between
the phases. Provision of good external heat exchange may also be
necessary. Various batch reactor designs can be seen in Figure
l.l(a)-(d).The most appropriate design for the stirrers in these
reactors depends on the nature of the fluid phases requiring
mixing. Figures 1.2 and 1.3 show typical turbine-type and wide-
radius agitators, while Figure 1.4 illus- trates several ‘Archimedes’
screw’ and marine propeller-type agitators.
Figure 1.4 also shows the types of circulation obtained from these
and other stirring systems, and in a number of situations it is
necessary to use baffles to control vortex formation. Turbine-type
agitators can be used in liquids with viscosity up to about
10Pas[l]. Wide-radius or spiral agitators are required for the very
viscous liquids with viscosities greater than this.
Figure 1.1 Some typical types of batch reactor: (a) batch reactor
with double jacket; (b) batch reactor with double jacket and
internal coil; (c) batch reactor with external heat exchanger on
circulation loop; (d) batch reactor with cooling by vapour phase
condensation and recycle. (From Trambouze et al. (1988), p. 98;
reprinted by permission of Gulf Publishing Co., Editions Technip,
27 Rue Ginoux, Paris.) Another method of inducing good mixing
and heat transfer involves the use of closed loop circulation.
Figure 1.1(c) shows a simple closed loop circulation reactor while
Figure 1.5(a) and 1.5(b) show highly efficient three-phase
reactors, the former being the Buss reactor [2] and the latter the
Figure 1.2 Turbine type agitators: (a) turbine with six flat blades;
(b) turbine with eight curved blades; (c) turbine with six flat
blades mounted on disc; (d) turbine with six curved blades
mounted on disc. (From Trambouze el al. (1988), p. 540; reprinted
by permission of Gulf Publishing Co., Editions Technip, 27 Rue
Ginoux, Paris.)
frame with large inclined paddles mounted perpendicular to the
frame. (From Trambouze et al. (1988), p. 542; reprinted by
permission of Gulf Publishing Co., Editions Technip, 27 Rue
Ginoux, Paris.)
Figure 1.5 Three-phase reactors: (a) the Buss reactor; (b) the
Cocurrent Downflow Contactor Reactor (CDCR). Cocurrent
Downflow Contactor Reactor (CDCR) [3]. These reactors are
similar in many ways, the Buss reactor using a venturi device to
mix gas with liquid and solid, while the CDCR employs a simple
small orifice. Reference will be made to some of the
configurations illustrated above in later chapters. Some of the
design features of batch reactors are equally applicable to other
well-mixed reactors, including the continuous stirred tank reactor
(CSTR). Typical reactions carried out in batch reactors are
nitrations, sulphona- tions, hydrogenations, alkylations and
polymerizations. They represent relatively small-scale operations
typically suited to the fine chemical pharmaceutical and polymer
is the term which is used for a vessel type. There are two holes on
the tank which are used to charge the Reactors. We can not put or
taken out anything on it while the reactions.
This equipment comprises of a tank along with an agitator and
integral heating/cooling system. These vessels are available in
different sizes, including from 1 litre to more than 15000 litres. Its
structure comprises of steel, stainless steel, glass-lined steel, glass
or exotic alloy.
Vapors and gases are charged through the connection on the top.
Liquids are discharged through the bottom. A number of
operations can be completed through a single operation without
breaking the containment. Batch reactors are useful for its
versatility. These reactors are used in process industry.
These reactors are widely used in process industry and also useful
in laboratory applications like small scale production and inducing
fermentation. These devices are generally referred to as
Batch reactors are used for most of the reactions carried out in a
laboratory. The reactants are placed in a test-tube, flask or beaker.
They are mixed together, often heated for the reaction to take place
and are then cooled. The products are poured out and, if necessary,
This procedure is also carried out in industry, the key difference
being one of size of reactor and the quantities of reactants.