7 - Grade 12 - Version of Me 2.0
7 - Grade 12 - Version of Me 2.0
7 - Grade 12 - Version of Me 2.0
“A life that not lived for others is not a life.” – Mother Teresa
The activity “My Hand Version 2.0” has something to do with the individual’s life, the learner’s
future career. The symbolic hand interprets how the individual works. The realization of the learners
chosen career with its work ethics, work values and personality that fits him/her to their career goal.
In the future workplace, it is important for the learner to know the duties and responsibilities of both
employees and employers. (Refer to appendices 1 and 2.)
As the learner experiences education from the school, his interest is in future career progresses.
According to Gestalt, (here and now theory) the experience of the learner has a strong influence that he
could learn and develop his work ethics and work values in the process of learning specific knowledge
and skills towards his chosen career. These are the factors that employers are looking for in an applicant
(learner). Aside from the intellectual part of the learner, another important aspect to consider in the
lifelong career planning is the personality of the learner.
The learner’s personality is an asset not just in the future workplace, but in everyday living. Most
if not all, employers highlight “pleasing personality” from an applicant. Personality is progressive and
developmental. The personality of the learner has been recognized from Module 1 to Module 6. And as
the modules progress, the learners’ personality also improves as it is enhanced in every module. Whether
the learner will decide to be employed, pursue college degree, make a business, or just stop moving
forward to its career advancement, that learner has his own unique personality.
Personality Development essentially means enhancing and grooming one’s outer and inner self to
bring about a positive change to one’s life. Each individual has a distinct persona that can be developed,
polished and refined.
Improving personality and Image is a reproduction or a mental picture of you as seen as others.
People react to you based on the way you present yourself, the way you look, speak and behave. If you
act defensively, you invite attacks. If you act strong and confident, people will respond to you with
respect and deference (Santos, 1984). Some Filipino men and women generally appear overly modest and
shy. Instead of behaving assertively, they behave too submissively, they let the situation appear to be
controlling them.
According to the study of Bencsik, et al., on the Relationship between Motivation and Personality
type, is proven that there is a significant relationship between the known and accepted (attractive) goal of
work its value and employee satisfaction. These relations are factors that reinforce intrinsic motivation.
It is significant to note that the determined aspects (factors) that the learners have considered in
planning for life and career like the goal motivators of the leaner has to be recognized since this factors
that will lead him to his career success that could address to the need of the society or may lead him halt
him from career advancement to meet the need of the society.
Here are some factors that made the learners what they are now: Where are they were from? Are
they from city or from a small town? What were their past experiences, particularly in your family? The
way they respond to people is a result of the way you respond to your family members-especially your
parents in your formative years.
The learner in this module would recognize its motivators as intrinsic and extrinsic motivators in
order to move forward to the next level and even to sustain their lifelong career goals. Intrinsic
motivators are internal variables within the individual give rise to motivation and behavior. Example is
the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory.
According to Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs an individual first have to satisfy its basic
Psychological needs (food, shelter and clothing) before the individual takes the second step with it is up
to the next need level which is the Safety and Security, then the need of Belongingness (to love and to be
loved), then the need of Esteem (Self-esteem) and the Self-actualization of which is the highest need of a
While a process motivator emphasizes the nature of the interaction between the individual and the
environment. Examples of valued outcomes in the workplace include pay increases and bonuses,
promotions, time off, new assignments, recognition, and many more.
Main Activity:
1. Each learner shall be provided with a piece of paper;
2. Learners observe their two hands and choose which hands represent him/her the most. Is it the
right hand or the left hand?
3. On the bond paper, they trace the hand they chose;
4. Have learners draw symbols: