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.... .... ·-
~ .. .. •'
... . . . . ,. •• tft:L$
r . . . • rs . . . lco.•!
,... ta..••s tor your

lo oonolud•, G•lnl
•veryd•y li t e . '

Ben - •

15 AUI! FAAHCAIS \ ~ '\..:

~~~R:;~:AL ~> OIAMA.NO:\ Q,ALAJ : E.orythin9

•I•TEA :lnto Oarkness
TEL: 29 &4 09 · 05
I \ ~!
,. . .
W.OIA-.!Rll : 0.-0 ee
TOR!E!!TO!! : Anno Ooal.ni 89
G. G,, , H, :lclipse
! !!JNTER :lnto Darkn••• MAYH(M : L1ve 11/.0 0 , 0,R.
i OIAMANOA QALAI :Ple9ue Mllsa CATHEDAAk : Ev•r1thin9
~ PARAOlSE LOiT :Liv• A.9lst 81 SAMAEL :!v•rythint
N. DJAILEeic :O•MO 81 TIAMAT :lverythint
DAMNaTlON PRIRf :De-o 89 12 ROUJNQ CHRIST :.S•t"han••
PENANOE :l•~ l • r Tr•x l l : THE WVLLIEI : wttJ spers ...
CATH E PflA~ :De.o 90 l! : P!~!OllE LOS! : Gottiio
HEAQIUTJ tLiv• 04/91 !..:! : AUTOPSY : Montal Funeral + Ep
SHEER TSA608 :Cen ' t H•t• ••.
: •AyTOPfX :ev.rythint - ~~
Q,Q,,,H1 :EoliPt• .... : ... .. ,....... _s~~ ~éÀsTIEN IttANX : Doad {R.l.P-, Yot.11
eve HAI! ooo :ln th• H••• ·· · - ' 'i.I liv• i n our heort• bloodbrother),
wra...., . .
BUTTHOL! $U!fll\.t :tv•rything .

8ENOIT TH!NA ~ All in C•••tel"y,

.~ · ··-e~·"·

· •
rl..:Eurony1M>u• a Mayh•• · M41t•lion &
Slay•r . .9, Nuolear .Holooausto ot
BlOOdy V•nt••na• & lkh•ri.t.Dirk &
El . . r & Ionio Violence , Keith & Mll.laphar, Al a• & Abaur~ er Cryat 0
~••dbu~t.P•l"•41 •• Loat & crew, Oot"avio & latr•. . Unot i on iin•,
Mllrtln & Aaphyk,Chria & Autopsy, E-oty Gr•v• fionda,X,t•9M.1ptor &
Paul l Mllat e r,Kfl• l Gole•,Jeff & Sa. .e l, $teve & Se raphio Dec•y
Cal"casa, a. rney Nepal• Death,
l :.ARecs.,Davo & P..c•vill• A*Ca,Phi1
i\J.ck & $adlatic Inte nt ,Da•i•n &· Pillet, Nichool & INcla•r ll••t
Sftud,Tony & Pha ntaa•,Solidarity Recs . ,Al•iater Crowlay & A: .A:.•
Confin•••nt,E•• & O.•i9od,John & eh . 8ot.11ch•t ' o.T.O.,J.L De li•• i
•~nt er , ehr 1• & l•ouloe retion,Luoo & Wicc•, Aloa, Net"Z• & Atrocity.
f v11, Ketze Ruoff,,r• Oo th• Troll, c.hri a a Rottrevore, And, & Fu.1.1
w...19 ...i J.ntel,011v1er Ata.ik Oirole,He r . . n a OSP,8ob & Aa.pftya,
-~r..tio v10... -...o. & T•r•inal Mordor ,Tor• a Old ~une r•l,L.era &
;.ec;s,,.._11 P1ll• t,Jeff Pla 9nerd. Cerbonized, Mort a l F•ar , Srowyn &
: • .::a.e_._ 6 • ~l• tll.e9s,Jun9l• Hop. 8ond•t• H•rv••t, lr691 a Neaaiaà,
"-1.,.... •....c-s
Go O.t Organ1z•O, Johnn, a Unl•• • he4 1 Jan a Pr••t11•
Qoe, . . & :•·•~-•~t .. l C.Onvulaion , Hellal•ught•r a Ti• . .t,Aot>.rto &
:..:,_,._. .,,_iJM.•• •.e• ,..._y , Oave &. Brutal Ti. . tin• ,Aoberto & Visua.J.
..........-i..:• _ ,.'t.l• 6 •..Mta.ct1ve, Aggr•a•ion 1in• 1 0.uthior & ELM,
;...e & ...,__•t. ...••••.-&.e .,.. 6 l.H P•triok a Oiah•r1M>nio Orch••tr•,
:• cc.· ---~ .. b'l....... .,llact10ll,
Il'•-.-...... '- .1"1.arO Benda, zin• a, lobala, don ' t haaitat•
to a•nd u• your productiona, Add•
Aian Kioa & K•r•-•tuar iine,P•t•r
snd reviawa tor aure. Peopl• ....no Daub & Epit•Ph zine, Loat & ~ound,
~e:• -. f-.&.1 ... f 'l.ac "•:i !•• want" to writo u• ror infoa or other D•vid & Miaanthrop•,Ph111ppe &
---.a.li••» ~ ..1 . . ._ .... o. . aa... ~n1n9s pl••••
anoloao an l.R.C. for
• •ure reply. ThanM.
COTLOO, Th099a & Oe aultory,O.ry &
! ,.: J.lim• !..• a . ..&C.'t • ~J.-• l.•SUe Baphoaet ,Rob•rto & llaokCH1t zin•,
...,. aU u-. ..-. S.t. . . . ~.e to Jeannot , 8ull Met a l & ... • • ar•,P• t.11>'
I U~ ! ..,1
_.,, )"'""E I • • ,.,.. tor,-•t Chavez & Oyint T•rt'Or zine,A>"'
y . . . t-1\A!U ,.... • •• Boy•r,Hiok a P•radia• Loa t • ./"

MALAPHAR is th• n•• band froa Dirk CARBOtll?IQ new lint•up 1s n ow· l ars
HOsiftDar9 (baae),P otr (dru•si a nd
H•ihfiK\(aa - A&YZ sing•r>,they h av•
r•cord•a a two tf'ax reh•ars&l. ver ·1 Chrl•tof •r
<•lao in Ther1on) a s voa
• gu1tar.T~•ir lp ·~or th• Security •
int•n•• ln • brutal d••th style 1 t~en • 111 b• out ln tha sorin1 on Thrash
•seeotre ov•r Gor9oroth 0
costs 7S to get ln touch w1 th the• : Oirk He1nten Aecs.T~•Y hav• n ew .tilt• shirt s b e ck
JS'MGAAO :l~1 •ro th S~•)•lu• , 8•rglyv Aa Sohutz•nra1n 19.6107 Rei.nheia 2, •tHJ rront Jrint ecl, a 1ze: M1 L~ XL.XXL,
. 45,1282 Oslo t2,Ho,.....y. G•"-"Y· tor t2S to Lara AosanO• rf,M>G• r 1M1nn
-•9 •5 ,\19"&0,Stook hol• ,Sw.den.
FOETlsii2' d••th band 1ntoa to:Mik • NYSTIF"l(R froa brazil got a 7" out
?.O. l•• .7l4' Sussen.Ger. .ny. calleO " T E.A.R",#ith 2 Oeath '2t"J ai9nad on C•nturJ "9d1a Aecs
lQìfCKiil"• or Sl
•• 1. . r•o:Aftdres
•v•ng . . nce
songs.tt costs ?$.Their 89 deao is
still availabl•
Ar . . ndo O. Sllv•
tor 6 S to: A/C
Conc•tc•o R.Andr•
lP•. •nd •n •P wtll b e out s oon
so tek• oara.3rcl cl•. , Ss a n d Shir t •
avaleible for 12S to: J6rge n
P.O.lo• 2 •9,Sant1a90 9,Chile. ~.~~c•.,01 -~1b•1ra,S•lvedo,.}B.ahia/ $andstro-,Ly•1•tan 10,621 • 3 Yis b y ,
SEI THAASM oontact is :Da.ara.cli 8r•t11.Cep:•0.•20.
SentFy~Av .Coro n• l Joa• Oias 81ch alho TAA~~~C d•.O
96A CE~ Jl.270 SH NO 8ras1l A de.o t~P• tro• CONVULSE 1$ av•il
-abl• tor •s (Europe) ~ SS
lhd~ 4'9at•ft
s ....o.~.Jt a ~
ooats 51 to :J.Larson
k nd
Hl,59500 HJ6l by ,
or new Carcass
~or all t o.t>orea tur•• ls born I tElsewher•). lt·s Deatn ..atal and tuckltt · ra9ln9 l I t
S!ffi V"' i•tn•
z;ina .A l ·Ot oT
r tiaTUrad and i t call•d "R•suaoit•tion ot Evi1nass· .
Contoct:Jonn• ~ii k Mulainen ,Paj akatu Bl•ck/d••th b•nd HAZAEf
i• do n • 1n an in••n• stila.so you 24,37150 No ~ ia,Finland. ~chapel or ooo• • deiiìO Où
can ordar it to:Rya n 1'tu doon ,5717 '#Ot Jek lt•a i•k, Ul 0 l ie 1sk•
Ha ndr i a Pr.,Virginia &Qnch,VA 09400 Pol•nd,
2346<4,USA.lt CO•t• ' $ tor 8 8 A.A LOST • FOUND la a HC label which •Restlng ln You f' Oraves• rro• d a at
pagaa. wl 0 l lf(l·IStilfca 'fOU 9 lot of CC)Ol band AB<*I NOO i• yours for SS to:
lte•s ror ~ ntcft prlce c•t~lng js
lor t 1
Stili on 1al• t• th• naw interna l Chr1a,P.O.BOX 723l,,•lla Chureh,
issu• tro• th• -.11 ~nown SLAVER out ju!t ""'" to tbe V1rg1nia 22040,U.S.A.
toliow np ndr•s•:Lost à Found.l•
J4,AQ •t111
•1th tons or bana"i ana
0001 th nga ao ordar tor SS to:
Mooro 8, lOOO Hannover • 0 Ger . . ny. AEPUGMANT 'SOr•B• • Of Oeath• i
Sl•Y•r M99.~.0.So• 4-47,1701 Sar9s Oo you know Avant-garde oecult death your~ tor ! s
to:Arn1 • Chaos,H•tve ld
-borg ,H('lr-.y. stratt l,2750 8 • ~•r•n,8 e l91u• .
•et•i ?NolSO write to N E~
A n•• cool l•b•l 1n Fr•nc•: çgrps• end you'll know wt'lot ~t . .ans.Send • "!ltuclaar l • oro1st• is th• 3rd d a
Qr1nd•r R•~i• ,o/o fabien $1.on-Soun
-a1r. 14 MW Jo•cn1a ou ••ll•y.94110
blank t•g• to:Hecro. . nt1a P.O.So•
i9006.1?2 2,Mi.uttos .Ath•ns .Gr••ce .
troa th•
~or es
y•••i OECtASEO s o s • t 1
o:K n9 1'3W~5~53 Kort
Arcu• 11.,rance,Th•f ao • l tra• 7" tOtn Ave .,Arltngton,22205 Vir9inia,
fre>11 Mac•br• (nd {S. . ) 1 ·consu-.4 by JMllt:>E• h•V• 2 de.as ava1laol• ,for USA.
Darhneaa· tt s color pr1nted cover • 1. 1 t ••cft to : l91P•1er.65 Av•<"W•
lyr1c• shaat . Pric•• ar• t111 9 Road.L•••1n1ton $pa 0 1!ngl.al'l4 G.et tne c.ult t •pa frOM AtSHOaAEllT
cop1ea:SJ (uro~•~ 6 S over~•••,t~ ·occultu• 8ru)era•,ror S$ tO: Sti a
10 COP1•• •S and SJ . fhay 11 pl"'Ooably •occultus• ~ohansen, •••sav .7.171
r•l•••• Olaaectlon {$.,..).Acharon Q.ralu• . No,...y.
( Au•t > an• ce. . t•rr <'rance l.Thay re
cool 9u1a and no r pp-off. For Ooo. freaks here·s the n . . cl
8ATN'nl . . rch•ndisa : d e.o. 4 S , rroe ~·1• tor 6 $ to: Pet•
r•he• rall 31, $h1rts 7S to: Erte ~uMtlidt!::Ptl isiingan 31,t61
~. .,.. z
atson ~2~ ,lor•nC• lload, Haw 8right-
on PA, 501J8,UIA. S.Tl~ 01A80Lt OUM th• n_...
o and fro
••·NOAIEM -..-~.ta k • oon tact :S.rd
~ rlt• to ~~~ OEATH :Lori Bra vo, Q.E~thu • . Selva 1olt•"t• v . &e , 28
5025 W. irtl'K'1 ~ n a~landal•. AZ, Lilleha . . . r,Ho,...y.
8SJ01 1 U.$.A.
•1 ~attar Of SplQtter • ss to t he
tMP~I OO oontaot l•:Ma rk Sawick ia, Qrind d••th b•n d 6I S ~L :
zz•~rOip•ot Road,C-2$,8loo• i ngt o n, R1ch•rd,Sd1aonl••n 45,50 MA
iL,1> 110•,UI A. Tilburg,Holl•nd.
Anotnar payoho indus nolsy hippy The d~ abolio Vinc•n t Crowley t r
t>•nd callad ~RM! L tra. Wh;:t.ch ACHEA<>~ .,.it for your l • ttars at
'·, vou can gat ou Oon ' t H•v• A 'Hl• n ew •ara ss:P.O 8 0X 7624,
~h~nca ' da--o 90 + ttick ars to~ SS Pittaburgh,JA 15214 USA.
to:Hokturna~\91 Northgat• Villaga,
8ur11n gtott,fN,01016,USA.
st S
!Oreec•> , • 111 re le•••
or wtld Ra gs Aecs.
The UI band VfCEAS~O •111 ralaase M()ATlClOUS d e.o "O• natic alurr• c ost
soon thetr tlr lP 4!allao "Luc~ ot J:s '"a Sftlrts 13• (H1gh qu&lity a rt
th• Coro••" and a ltai.tad 1· w1ll be
out soott,tt • c all•d •Gutwt"encn·.
wo••1 2 klnd : O.aio cov• r+ Deeth
. . , . treka ,or • T• ...tna l Tarror t o :
XYSMA lo 'Yean• i• out and ava1l• Toet Woodrutf 1512 $,Arlington RJ.d9e
-=lS"l'r"for IOJ to: a.T.G.~. Recs, P . O Aoad,S01,Arllngton,va.22202 ,USA.
&o• 251. MLllersv1ll•. PA 11551.
List•n to th• Oark aruta l Oe.ath
COTLOO de.o taoe is •·1ailabl• H•t•l frOM XCRASIA • •no a bla n k
tOF 30~, to:PhilLPP• Gutz,ou. 37 t•P• to:Tho. . 1 RaUg•n 0 3112 A.kker hau9
Av. J•an Mo~l in,82390 Villenauv.- -•n ,Nor.,..y.
La-0.renne ,Franc• . NfCAOSCHlfr? :cloo• d•. , cos t a ss,10
A85UR~~· CAYST :e/o Al•• Shulza, UM,Jt Obraohtatf'.39 , 8 G31 AH
Wliìl4at .90,0-61?7 Reinnat•,RFA. ?woll• 0 The N•therlan d •
MORDOR th• h•lliah doo• v lndus NECROPHlbf got alway • it• bOth d•-o

&•ftb!~tO Gora,8.P .360,1020 Renens tiP•• o n ale:"Tha Ter• i n al Oerange-
••n t• (88)\3&, a nd • a eyo nd The Truth"
vo 1,Switzerland. (89) , \ i .Ado 1 or 2 tACs tor s•H.To:
COHJURATlO~ :o/o Jerry Pardue 1 5 17 Takoeki Ohk u . . , 136,-31 Katakura-Cto,
N. GlDdl S ,Plainti•lO.IN 46168, Hacnioujt,Tok yo t92, Jap an .
th• d•atn •atal band trom
d end CATHEOfAL tha doo• band
fre>11 L•• (e'li='N'iip.,... • Oeatn a1nger}
j u•t aitn•d on earacne Aacs.
New ttASSACnA !p ts lu't out,and
1t ' s t•tlfd •En oy t~• Violenc•·~
: \ •
end i• bett•r t an the first onel~
$AMAEL MOABIO OE.Ant attd a lso goda
JQllOMPHlà wtll r•l•••• tha1r }p on
tfiKCh label O.mo•• Proc1uct1ons.
R U OE;e:
o~t lhj f
1 •11.,,ly Oead' de.o is
ea-Poason.Th• tape 1• 30
•1n°lott9 and coat• 10 OM to: Gero
Sc•itt,Johannea•Wetlef'•Weg 22, 7900
Ul.91, Q.ef'. . RJ •
BRVTAL. H* ia a cool zin• fro-
Cfi11'Y - a"'hould wrlte to, ~•u• •
1t·a ••tre• lY death al'ld ...11
printe d i n Norbid tq,g style . It
co•t• 4 S to: P.O.Box 2303,C•ntro
Cea1ilaa , ' •ntia oo, Chile.
PENTA~ tra- Chlle h as 1us t
Fil'Ofilti-a-;b.,..relTh e y a laG wo r~ on
t h•if' new d•-o.
A~P HYX •nd H ~AOP SY n•~· sign•O
5 CiXtury Mea R•cs, wa wa...lt tor
their both Lo• very •oon.
Out in luna on Wild R•9• Racs.~~ps
tro• t•C~n1oal 9r1nd D•nd MAUSCA •
(• A -Terrorlt•~•nd also from1 Ua lth
thraah bano ~L-AR OEATH (2nd lP>
reaturing Chf'iifer'"f""'Slng1n9 on
t1'f0 tr• • ·
The 3 s on9-s 7 • • Hecrorges•• fro• tho Anothor groat bands f ro• Mexico, The Znd issu• 'of
OEA1'1i CCURRIER 1s sti l l available it s SH08- HIGGUAATH . You can got EXTAEME UNCTION is out! You c•n
' o r 1S ( cu rooe ) & SS ( Worl d) to : Ji~ thoir 'Horror Creaturos• do-o tor ardir thls vory gro•t & woll dono
Trou s • o ~i-s . E f esou S4 A. Orvl~,26 500 4S and both aidod t-shirts for work to:Octavio GOdoy Qonzal••,Tr•vo
Gr• ...c e
12S to:Artur o AlvarozLApdo.Postal -s i a P i ntor Sorolla , n08 40 Z8980
130$, C . P 06002 D. F 1 , Moxico. Porla Madrid,Spain tor ~S.
Oeatb ra:sn o.no ACROSTICHOll got a An onglish band wh ich is callod ·visooral Seab " fro• 9or.an GOLEM
d ..-o out tor S:S to ; El1phes.Edison- O COMPOSEO ) USt ro l oasod a do!llO is availablo to Max Grùti . .oher,
!..a.a.n 45 . .5021 MA ~~lburg,Hollan d. w l trax.it costs 3S or Gr1nden Str.26 Buckow 0-1276,ROA ,
' · Otto : Ooco•oos• d . 93 Aich1M>nd for 6$ or 10 OM .
'Ois~G0>.ar io t ne Obscurity • is the Road,Kingston,Surroy , KT2 SBP,UK .
~5 aift~ e..s ae.atl'I demo fl"O• niexican Th• l eodin9 trench spoodcoro band
~ 9EW1'. '~ .6S c.a sh to:tvan You ean got t ho ~NGUISH l trax M.S.T , who lS now a 4 m&Mbors band
to~z S.,CU is Perez Verdia 653-3,CP 7 · , "Ground Absorbs • Ou"r"now and \;!"I'T"" r elease tho1r no•t lp in
-44070, Gu~l.aJ•ra,Jal .Mex ico.
lt costs ss ouropo and 1 rost of Goraany w1th S."4ottok as producor
t ho world. Solinas Valerio , Via ( Atti tudo,R,Va•pires} .t " v• ho3rd tho
~oniaso 2,20148 Milano , Italy . adv . trax . ~t ' s fastor & orutalior l A
t.at ac1 ysai.c Oeethnoise fo r 'Repug 12 tra• lp thon out on Jun~lo Hopf
_,,ant Blasphe• y• , the FLEGETHOM SEHTENCEO do-O l s out, 'Whon Mus1d1so.lt ' s oallod "38'48 Aogone
d.-o t ape out for 4S Europe ~nd SS Ooatli Jo1n '1s . . . · i s t ho titlo ot - rat1on• and out in l'Nly.lhe line-up
...ori d to:P.O.Box 3407 ,Athens GR it.Includ~ng $ doath trox . It cost 1s now: M1okoy {vocols) A••o•o
10210, Grooce. SS to:Sa•1 Lopakka.Ar •intlo 6. (bass),J . P {Guitar} & Edgar (Òru•s}.
91$00 Muhos, Finland.
trax death de.o 'Aest Without
oeace• f ro• PROFAlrlCER costs 4$ Groat1Cu1t grind/doath US band "The M~ss· is t h• 2nd demo fro• the
c~sh to:A2.an Oiiir ,Apt Blk 713,Bedok AEPULSIOH rofor•od. c zocos.band HASTER ' S HA184EA ,and
Reservoi r Road,03-3936,Singapore you can g et lt tor 5$ (o : Franta
{ 1647 ) . ABRUPTIJN :cJ o Tony 'IT" Sàrkkè Stor•, Spalove Z3: , Praha · 6 , 162 00,
P r oti lv . Sa-61235 F i n$pan9,Swodon! Czocoalovachio.wo don · t know any-
th ~ ng about t ho Jrd doMoO.
doath metal bands fro• Al l s tickors availaòlo to Mathias
Chile , TORTURE to:Los Navios 5061, Ruof f INFESTED INCARNATIOH AIO • Hew ENTOMBED singer i s Orvar tro•
Hunoa,Santiago,Chile. HOMICIDE : 8.achair . 1,/311 Roclidorf,Gormony'. HIRVANA 2002 ,anothor swedish band .
Angolo Joldres, Nueva York 99,Villa A Somo rull!Ours say that A1~ST
Prat.Ouiliour•,5760 Chilo. ba$S playor diod in • cras cù"F. '" • suggoat you to got i n touch with
Wo don·t know yot if tho band so•• oool t radors,very godly s uch as
How PHLEGETHOlf tro• Finland whoso will rolo•ao tho1r 2nd lp. t ho following o nos : Phlll1ppe Pillot
2nd De.o is called •Neutra! Forest • . Z3 Ruo C~rnot, 01000 St Don is Los
Got it tor 5$ to:Tee•u Hannonen, BAOKEH FEAA 8 trench doath band Bourg ,Franoo.Or oven C1r11 Bruscot6
Lossitie Z O 14,80160 Joonsuu, W1ll hftvo o 1 now doMO o ut on 8 Routo d'Hoynio ux ~ &9800 St Priost,
trax stud io in IMIY· Fr3nco.TAAOING AuLES ! ! !
F inland. You oan also writo us 1 thore are
PUNGENT STENCH will hevo a 7• t uekin' troublos, we 11 trado
'Diabolic Forces ' is tho de90 fro• a u t,but i n Japon onlI!Thoy ero i n f orm you about tho underground
MORBlD DE.ATH ,get i~
for 30FF,5S or wor~ing on thoir now pian~ will you don t forget the IRC.
(ovorsoas ) to:Hatalizio Sorgo,55 bo footu r .od on a S2L•P or with
Pastur,6020 Oa•pre•y, OISHARMOHIC ORCHESTRA,OISASTAOUS Another band fro• Finland ,it's
MURMUR • • , oa l lod FUNCUNT ,thoir "M~ nutowo lli'
d e-o lnc!udo~ S songs ~nd co~ts 4S
HECRONAMCY dcso !& out call•d t o: Juss1 Salvo, 29570 SOOr•erkku
"Vi itOns ot Lunacy • lcontains death S F lnl and .
trn~.So nd 5$ ~o J."S•ugglor• ~TATION is a doath •otal band
Hiotellis 1 Fodonos I0,17236,Ano oo•IX§ f rO• Singapore wnoso d9MO
Haravgi,A~hens,Grooco. will ~· out soon ,so writ• t ho• to :
Roy Yoo, 22 How lndust~tal Road,
MORTICIAN doath grind do.o {3 trax) Singapore 1953.
is avalaiblo tor 3S (USA> and 4$
{world) to:Will RahMor 200 Round Oooay band VAAATHAON cont3ot is to
Hill Orivo,Yonkors,N.Y io710 1 USA. P.0.8ox 31232,Athoris 10035 .Grooce.
• oosolation' is SIGH do.o,got it "Sloody Cero-.oni3l" costs SS to sond
f or 4$ cash to:M"ii"'ai Kawashi•a, to ATOllllC AGGAESSOA :Enri q ue Zunige
Fo ~nli'rd'i'i'. COCKa 351,Nunoa-San tiago,
1 - 2- 8-401,Mo jiro,Toshicaa-Ku,Tokyo, Ch~le.
171 Japan.
f ho o~i91nei REEMCARNACION havo a
death trax on AMOAPHIS dol90 now dOlllO out . Sena SS to : V1otor Paul
cal lod •ois•ont ot Soul ' .Send thon a Jara111illo,A . A 50366 Modollin, Colo•
blank t~po • 2 IRCs {Europo) or 3 -bia.
IRCs ( World) to:Esa Holopainon ,
Tonotorvont i e 53 8/A,00420 Helsinki •Noorolust• is tho dolllO f roM VAOER
42,Finland got it tor ss to : Potor Wiw<:2a'F'ilr;Ul
GiotkOW$k• 7/1,10-170 Ols~tyn,Poland
Black 111otal band MORTIJARY DR.APE ~ Got in touch with NECAOF'AGO for
has a new do.o tapo,so writo trio• to
got intos: Max Bovotl,Vj.a Righi
15100 A.lossandrio . .tTA'-1 ~
3.., tneir 00111<> •erutal " Utilattoa • to:
~Arno ldiAu~ Oo Ll. . o 114,Poa~oa,HG.
. , CEP:37~00 8razil.
Doath aotal bond DEOOMPDSEO got
1t$ • 1nner Oestrui"tT'6'tì" 6 · trex
~ .

1~(11• . ~. . . Stevo Cutlor" , basa play or fro• US
demo out t or 7 $ to : Danio! Lo ~~ band AUTOPSY juat lett tho bend
Br a y , 3: Bl.d o u Midi, 76700 Herf l our
r .&. ì ' and i t 111111.iiios tho• vneblo to t our .

Fr anco. I l
Another cool ~ino is 1<.ARAXATUAR
i ncluding a lo~ of doat6 6aXda
Jlll9ll' ~

~ ...
and i t costs you 5 $ to ordor it
to: Shahtzen 639 u-1 Lane 15,
Pokok Aasa•.~000,Taiping,Porak,
West Malaysia. ' '
EXIT 13 contact: Bill/G.T.G~)•:
DESULTORV now 3 trex do.o out,
P .0. Box 25 t ,Millorsville,PA.17551
Eallod "Ooath Unfolds·~and costs :
ss to : J ona Almgron,Bonoosti gon 30
,1 44 oo R6nnin9e,$wodon . ~~"
c ENOTAPH 7 ' is avaloible to this~
.111dross: Oistort•d Har1110nv, e / o Joso ' ·
.adol fo L . ,Apoo. Postal 19• 648. 0~1J
'tox i co 19 OF,ond costa 5s . '

OYIMG TE~RU.C 1s a cool doatn grind

~ì'idus o pen •1ndod 21ne you have to
eotit.act v o ry f ast ,lt c oat:s 3$ tor 85
o.eges , ..-1t• to: Paul Ch•voz, Z301
~ . t ~• ~ O.vis Hwy , Apt 809,Arling-
~oo .VA.22202 ~ U SA.
Europe was striken by the mighty
legend ot death meta l coming from
t he U.S.A tor the winter.I"m sure
many fans were wa iting tor that.
Untortunately they didn " t tour
France.The MASTER lp is out now,but
the new one will blow it a way as
soon as you "ll hear it,and 1 · m sure
that all the f ans who have seen
MASTER on stage won "t say we lie.So
here · s an interview with frontnan
Paul Spec kman n.
It seeas the legend is back ?
Paul :Veah,it was so lon g waiting
tor our first e uropean tour 6 or 7
~ears .It"s very e.>o.i.ting to 6e here.
It "s our second gig and I "m a l ready
• sick:too much herb hash ! On the ABOMINATIOll i nside cover are
How do you find tho ouropean way of
lit e ? .
~hotos with bikes,are 3ou
aul :fo be honest ,1 on t
biker !
have ~y
Paul :I love the crowd here. Maybe in own.I · d love to have it as . soon as I
J weeks there w ill be more peop lo, can aftord me one.My friends aro
but I "m enjoying myself here. bikers.It"s a way to free yourself,
It •us t be difficult to play tor 2 like Twisted Sisters.I played wit n
bands i n a sa.. concert ! the• when I was in my first band and
Paul :lt s terrible,1 woke up this I was 18 years old,nino years ago.
MOrn ing with no voice ! When wilJ. fou record your next lp ?
When soaeone look to ABOMINATION or Paul :We I record tho . Abo• ination
NASI ER he wil l feol respect for Znd lp in February,out in Apr il or
th ese 6oth death pi.oneers "! May In January 15tn the brand new
Paul : thank you.It s nico that Ma ster so as DEATHSTRIKE.Then
peoplo feel respect,finally 7 years anothe~ OEATHSTRIKE or MASTER,so you
later we have records 1 COs,shirts , figure that about 7 lps wil~ be out
tour.We c a n only get bet~er now . tor su ...e r time.I hope we 11 get
Wasn "t it too frust rating to wait anough support to sign on a llUlJOr
such a long t1•• 1 label and do a real tour.
Paul :of course,but when you re a
death metaller ,you never giv e up,I
live my lite tor music.Believe it,it
is musi.e or death !
I know that Jou don "t l ik e very au c h
new bands in luenc ed by you,but tor
your noxt tour,wtiich bands would you
chose to tour with !
Paul : Kreator .I hope they "ll see it
when you will print it. Now ,as k Aaron
a ouestion.
O.K,whic h dru. . . r influenced 3ou ?
Aaron : I liko doublo bass ru . .e r
like the ones of Oark Ange l, Slayer ,
Possessed.I like good produc tion
stuff like Kreator , I don "t wan t to
lis ten to noise .
How does it feel t o be a dru. . .r in
the back of the scene,behind the
others . ls it frustrating !
Paul : Good question !
Aaron : We ll,it "s a kind of •Y style.
I don "t know,I just like it.
For wh ich bands are you dy i ng ?
Paul : Black Sa66ath,Mot0rhead,Tank,
Angelwitc h,The Ooors,HendrixiJazz ...
Music is an art form,but don · t
read oth er bands lyrics, · c a use I
don "t want to write th e sa•e thing.

Sy driving a little time in the Why - d i d Ken l eft t he band ?
~errible Engla nd 1 we met the so much Chris : We ki ck ed him out actually.
~errl.ble AUTOP~V drummer,I mean A~ s a good bass player,but we
Chris Reifert who answered our didn ' t got along with him too good
~errib le questions ...
But I don·t wan t to say a nything b ad
and we don "t need tension in the
lt see•s you fet popular i n Europe , band.
how is it in he O.S. X ? The fact that now t here are two
Chr l s : We haven t been playing b rothers Cut ler, will keep the band
around the US yet,it"s hard to tell, nt0re u n1ted !
but i t seems we are more popular on Chris : Yes , I thin k so,ever ythi ng is
~he East Coast than at home.No ma ny a , lot better now;e ven if he plays
people are really into us where we wi~h .us only tor a couple of months.
Er~c s older brother were at first a
Vou played a lot of new t unes,have guitar player,he only pla yed in
Iou already iiholy written the second garage bands .
~ ,
e r is :Yeah, we "ll probably record
~hy n.ve you done a second version
oT the • S-evered Surviva1• cov• ,. !
our next lp in November 90.We have Chris : Because a lot of records
st~res r efused to take our first on e
1 2 new songs. which was too graphic:too much b lood
All for the l~ ? I li ke the new one as th e old.I "m
Chrls :Yes,Ion "t like extra trax. glad we did it.Hammy fro m Peaceville
It Il be named "Me n tal Funeral",like suggest it,but we h ave h ad the
the death of your brain. choice.
Is th ere any concept behind this What do you t hink of Paradise Loat
title ? and Bened1ct1on ?
Chrls :No,just the same kind of Chr is :Sened iction is very heavy
stuff. No thing totally new. We don·t Paradise Lost,r·ve been hearing th•~
know where we "ll record it yet,we "re to~ a long tìme ,they 're great .I
look i ng for some studios. Ma yoe in th~nk we got a good heavy bill for
San Francisco. We don ' t wanna use a this tour.
producer.As a producer says if it Oo you l ive fr om your band or are
sounds good or not,and we cando ìt
too. We need someone who can put ou r · èou working !
ideas on the t a pe. hris : No we . have a ll ful l time job
You j ust tour in UK and Holland,but I persona 1ly make t - shirts,a pret ty
when wil l3ou tou r al! over Europe? co9l j ob.If anyone want so•• shirt,
Chris ;I on t know,but there are
some t a lks about a tour in early
1991.It"s j ust still in the tal k i ng
sta~e. Wa it & s ee tor offers !
wr1te us,but I don "t
How can you s1na and
t he sa.. t l . . . and
d ecide it ?
make bands
drims at
n did xou
Chris : It s not ha~d,it j ust take a
Iot of breath. We ]ust were looking
for someone to sing as we formed the
b and,but nobody fit.

AUTOP$V : Menta! ~un• r •l

Att•r th•y don• • loud oru•h tn·
•p ,th•r •r• b•ck w1th • eood
doo.y p.For •Y own 1 li-• b••t
that lp,tha.n th• f1ttt on• .1"h•Y
st ill apt th•J.r •04.lnd , but th•
traa •r• now •lower.J JU• t h••rd
to thl• lp i n • •trans• • t • t• •t
a trip 1 but lt ' • •ure t h•t didn · t
d isturo •• a lot .Thi• lp r aally
rul••· •n.d 1 · a truelly i 9P•tiant
to ••• th•• on ata9e , ' c eu•• i t
will . . k• • Y brain rot ..•
H•re's an interview with Alex,
sing,r tro• the ger••n 9odly b a nd
ATAOCITY.This band was t•atured
in our first issue in th• be9in
-ning ot this year 90.And we ~~e
said that ATROCITY waa pro• • ••d
to a great future.as being one or
the best doath ••tal band ot the
.O•ent w~~h their 7".I thlnk you
all know that "8lue 8l00d 0 ""8s
roally succossfull.and now with
this JUSt out lp,ATROCITY w1ll be
h oadl1ner in underground with
band s like CARCASS & NOR810 AHGEL
so hurry up to got this cult lp!!
Sa tisfied with "Hal ucinations " ?
• • e • • in ove
::tTJ"Ocity like it !IWe s ayed at
Morrisound Studios in T1Npa,
Florid a and rocorded tho albu• A1ea :R• are not afraid ! becau s•
togeth er with the death met~l god Wi"'"l\av• now our own gu~!~ see tn •
producer:Scott Burns. ohoto .• ) .. Jus t a b ad JO ~e .In th•
The •us 1c is very technical and
brutal de•th ••tal.I think aany
~idd l e East Irak ,it •••,q
b•d.I ' • atra!d ot svery danger of
~•oole • ill like it •• as ourselves a ...ar . Warfare i s .iaade oy ~011.;1-
too.~l~o,th• cov~r l : gre•t,don• ~ian s .~ut c!ti:on~ ~nd solC~•rs
Dy H.R.GlGER ( Eaerson.~ak•
Pal••r.Celt1c Frost.and .av1es:
• n•v•gun
to oie~G.l.v •
•nd Let
the Qol1t~c1ans
cn e• snoot
àltens t II,III and Poltergeist th•-s•lves .Als o it s wo r~ • tnat
t, II, III).!.!. cO• P•nies ...nich bu1l~ ...•oons
Cen xou t•ll us .ore abou~ it ? ~k• -on•y ot ..,...r ""1.t.hou't car1ng
Xlei !Yes.~t s a COnc•Pt lp.A ot th• peopl • wno ar• sutter1n9 .
~y of a iaanbrandl•d girl whose Fuck ' e • all .
lit• is dictated by arugs.It ltow - s t h• tour • i.th C*-RCA$.$ end
shows hor ·N holo li fe till he r the othe r"S I
dying fro • an overdose by heroin . A1ex :It ..... a ?r eat ti. . !l8•st
It's a very soc1al critically ~..,.. in ?eris. 11
story. It se. . . you ' v • organi sed . . ny
' What are vour fortheo• ing plan s ? conc•rts,ls \t soin9 on ?
Ales : Re want to tour aga1n. Maybo
n •At year tOg•ther •1th OISHAANO-
tn• U.S.A we wil l ~• on Roadr&cer
Roadrunner , aa yoe •• 11 tour tner&
too.aut 1t s hara to do c a us• ~
~•• ber s , •• too,have to do c~ v~l is
Wh•t do you think About th• don•
r e&lrth of a grea t Glir. . n~ !
Al•• ! ... It sa whole sold out of
castern Gersany ... ..,ery badl ! Flrs t
monev t .slksfou?ht
they have ! ! .
tor liberty, now · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Max Oru•tz•aoher
Lindonst'r. Z6
1276 Buekow

Dts.E..eEA ; A•bOrn In 8las pha• y 90
lh•~• sw9dlsh guys hava there a real
good de.o. It s sur• th1s on• has
been . . 1coaed aaong deathtreaks ,
Tha s• 3 trai aounds at l ••s.t
Slilof>t it2rx gt th• band ? or1ginal . W• ean only hope They " ll
._.f!l 7otl.e•Dir tOr•ed in 87.Aft•r not try to sound llk• EntO• bed, Nnver
-•l •a•lft9 2 d•MOs,Dis• e • b •r s p lit • tholess, we e an ••P•Ct • good lp lt
~ •nd b•c•• • Cernago tor • ~ ile, th• b a nd go on plailn9 in th•t .... y.
a ~ er the recording of the Carn•ge They sl,n-4 on H~o ear 81est Raes.
:o. solit u o and Ola-..ber reto ~ . so .-..~ tor the~r klller forthoa-i
~ 't igu tl'lliftl\ too ~ aweGi1h release.
fii:: a!:: l*l°"t~doean ' t,1
raain reaso n tor euery
t h•

t h• sa••
th• ••••,i•
t ho uae
studio {$unli9ht thet DISMEMBEA :Lik a •n ver F o ng ••
l.S ) . This 10 (rax lp 1• probably very
llhat t aoout the lp ? • waiting by a lot asion9 you •11.
JIQitt l ! lfie IP li t!tied •Ltke an So h•r• lt is.lt lncludes 3 trax
·~ Sunlignt
Stree• • ,it: .... rec.ordM
studio in Mllrch . It
ff"Ol9 th• deao
and 1 t • s
t•P•f••• r•viewl,
raw r ·ec:ord ng . The on y
::oatai n• B sonio
2 tionua trax on
••lting trax •
ne CO.Oen Seagrave
troubl• abovt •11 t he s e bonds
trom So•ndinavi•n got t h e ••• •
En to• bod aound,but Oia• o • b•r 9ot
"'1 H
i s do~ng the oover ,so 1 t hi n" ~t
be a cool oove r drawing.And it
-.:1.l be out aa aoon a s poaaible.
• reel raw aound in the N1h111at
vein,faaturin9 ao.• grindìng dru•
p.erta and ~ çerc••• luttural
: taa,-? · t_1 90 .Oft tour with screa._.. on a traa.(a ept het the
·d • ·"·
Angel in June/July 1 nothin9 voice ts re•lly wild,less d••P
.ore really. that everyth~ng h•ard till now •
Jlha our r oa d•• l with 1 Thare are alao ao•• offoot• end
• ur i d eal witn: pei n , c hoira on trax which . . koa th•
•• ,darkness,tns anity,lonalyn•••·· whol• going v•ry ori9inal •nd
Jo.n ou th1n ••th •• turn•d t oa•ti. . • v•ry dar~. N •verth•l•••
you • 11 t ind t .he 1.p ou1: i.n 1our
• "•s,doath . . tal has b•C. . . a atores,but if yCK1 -..nt to order
t r•n0 1 1 don t know wtiy 0 but it the d•ao t•P• get it tor 3S to
d oesn t both•r . . . . . Yb• all th• Nicha el T.,efo • ucl••r 81..eat A•c:s
••cit•• • n t abou t d • ath . . tal will Nittel.Ohlg•••• 1,7322 Oonzdort.
cool down alte r G wt"til• end a ll t h• Go r - n y ,
o.nds wno ara raall y 1nto it w1ll
llfl'lat • r con tion ot g ..th ? 00
ou ,. .
• d0tt ' t , ••,. d . . th • ..,,,
s ud 171 . .. nit ~ • a na tura l thln9
it will h•PC•"
lo everybodI,l' • 90r e
concern•d a o ut how I wil di•. (l' •
hoping for a pa l nl •ss d•at h ) .
What ' • our s j _o n race
• · · • littl• bit •c• r<MI about
• wouldn ' t be too tun to 1 • t th•
d 1 s•ase.Hey,you all out th•r•,u•• a
COftdO• ·. .na n you .. . En .•• Hh• ... You
Whtc ~S d ' intly•na• d yoy to pl ay
• ers onnaly 0 l' • influanc e d by
-an s like:Ca rca•,De i c ido , Necrovo r e,
O.vastat1on,Aut~sy , Me.ssa or• ••• But
Clat aot . . to •1na in a band? No
td•a,lt j ust happe n ed.
Wh~•tf! •

our n lu•ncas o cr•• t •
USl.C, •
. us lI' sit in •Y r o oa ,
at night,ha t wake ,ha l t asl••P,
and than • uddenly th• lyr1cs pops up
1J'l •Y h•ao and 1 wr1t• th . . d own.
Oo ou 'alOrs.hip a lod ?
: 1 biliiV• iri Wys• lf 1 d o not
ne a n y god/religion, whaf• v•r to
f eel sacura.
Are ou ì n t o oc2u ltis a 7
! tel, 1 a Vef9 Ihter•a t ed in
• coultlit soer•• . . and tascina-
t.-s . . at t:h• . .. . tiae.
ilfh.at df
you th1nk ot hal"d drusa ?
".UI~~ . Rara dfu1• ari ihif and
~d be tof"bidd.,. i n •ny countr y,
so.. or • y old f r i •nd•
herd drug• e nd l te•l very bad about
u s 1 ng
1t . aut I won • t help th• • .c• u •• 1t · s
t be1r own tault it t h•y a ra
a..cll to oo druga,they
a nd
c a n only h • l9
t:tt- . el vea.
~ l lv• fl"'Oe our -..s " " do
. nt, I · · un•aployed
• 11 ·~ to work r•• lly soon .
k : . . . t U ve frQlll our a.u•io.
s... , _ C.....O• ?
•"*'' X!I Uie a.-. -..ntloned in Q.9
- cl•--.• of ,..., ~il1• ~Mil'"Yana,
-......_.. tc: 1 st S...0. 0 Pent• tr. . .
S..0-:.t_... 'E.al• •• • • • Miarc1l•• • a .nd

::._o;s et _ . . _

~ - ....... .,
iifillijL , .,.

Contact : Ao•l Sand•r•

Baand 40
6086 CG N•er

krt~ tor t .. •
a, .at do vov

na~A ••
e Coloeabia
the druga ~•radi••
Dut it a totally away tro•

r••lity.Y•ahlUnfortunately Col<Ml-
-D1• pro<luc•• lota of druga,Dut
th•r• are other countri •s doin•
the . . . .... Even in the U.S.Alll
Aotually Colombia h•• ~ec09e verr

-ulet .W. really love to liv• bere
..o . .tter if tt •a dangeroua or

• not anti -•. . r i caft

the U. S . A bas D••ft I f -. .; • •
tr11n • to put their noa• into th•
So4tth ancl C•ntr-al -.rica
covntriea.lv~ they never help 1n
no . . , to 9 1v• t hese countri ea
the real help they need . . . l think
the U. 5.A would try to solve
their °"" probl•..
tr11n · to fuck up all
th• other
'f "- ve aoc •


• graat new a rea MESSIAH

aa reborn l tAtter two cuit l ps ,
hay ar• now b•ck with an •P
'#1'\ich 1• tot•lly cult too ( s••
r•vi . .) . T~ •n , ar~ihguitarist tro•
th• b•9inin9 of ..-as iah is th•
on l y On• who atay•d in th• band
and who anawered our questions •• .


-.,.1s _1•P•n •a• b•nd 1s playing
s~•:• 19-841 and 1s not so death a s
~ :•" tnink. In fact they are
-"'°"'"' -eor• black,but started in a
• ._.~y pow•r style that turn ed
~~~~ a Slay•r styl• to co•o now
:~ soaething .ore d a rk.They havo
• -.-.a:l)'r•l••s•d 5 s1ngies ano a
:..o is out now.line-up is Gozol
:».ass vocals ) ,El1zaveat (guitar),
.M"C Zvru9e l1on ( dru•s ).! ju st it is not a popular rel19ion in
·~r-;ot to add that this band is th e wor la. W• ' re watch1n9 the
-.ally 1nto satanis•.,. whole wor lO alwars.The !90St popu-
lar reli9~on s christionity.
with xour Sth •p.new Japan has th • oelievers or it too
sold t I th1nk Satan 1s :aan •. Mu..an !!
. .tot :: · ~ not satistied.Our Sth and On th • an1 . . 1s th• »e>st foolish
s~n gle 'The 7 deadly sins• was 11ving th1n9.I don ' t be li•v • ~n
~ld 100 copies in Japan,but our Goo,it ' s •n escap• -..de by conse-
~:~ s1ngl• 'The Oevil sperm is quently.Saobat s lyr1cs 1s bad
:.o:d' WllS sold 400 copies in t•nta1sy to so••one ( christ1an )
.~9an and ~.Ger1M1ny. hu . . n and r ea l1ty to so••on•(ant1
:~ seeas ou ' re reall into chr1stian) . Meavy M•ta l soLr~t 1s
cu o u •• e ieve l.n r•o•ll ion• 1nd, w• have b••" ?1Ck •d
:v . up th• MOst d ark 1 heavy and insane
.,..zol : t h aven ' t got experience the-.a .1
5• c~~u l t.! bel! eve in ~;;ult,and Oarksid• . 11~• tn• l *89• of the
in Satan . .. Oevil i s Evil!!tBu~ I Ho • to s•• ou soon in
con t b e l~ eve in Ood. •~o . .,,,.nna go o ~urope .. u
~ l s i •~nese underground ? 5ond has no 19Qney . t have plan ot
.:dZOl !Shlt! N•• youn9 band don ' t éurooo travel tor pro-otion and
~ooear in japanese undergroun d sight-s••1n9. .
,._ ra sh $etal scene. What are your upcOtUn9 elans ?
Jo ou k• • anese sooiet ? Ge"Z:ol : Recoì'din9 ror fi.r st li>!!
:. 1o• o •
~ •oan ese oonstruction
D oanese soc.:i.ety. Now w•
are doLng tn• rehea r,al
can·t ~ake for it!Lo will O• r9l•ased tro•
t.n d t.vioua l. Cvil Recs.{CO only).In Japan CO
"llhat are your intluences ? 1s th • .os t popular.To~3l 10 trax
-...tOI ! Wi were lnfluenced by: ·satan bl•ss lou•,•King ot Het~· •
• r on Maiden,Ang•l•itch,Veno• and ·carcasavo~c • ,'R••k or creaation
5lach Sabbath,Slayer,a.&tnory and •te ... So•.cl son9,slowly son9 1 and
~nowar . •1ddl• SP••d song, trax ot •1arl.ous
.A.bout •h•t d ••l iour lyrics ? typos.I wn isn you ~i ll O• 3bl• to
~•zol !Sit an 1 d• ath ,occult, ~•ta l 9nJoy,surely.LD 1s full ot Saob•t
.aoan Buddhistic countory ... SUt
Contact : "asak 1 ~acni
• ' 058 ~osn1kawa.<uwana-C1t7 ,
~le-~~et , 51 1. J APAH

..• AOTTR!VORE i • • tou r piece death

••t•l oand tro• th• USA which iust

....• r•l••••d a 7' on R•l•e•• R•cs . atter
th•y did th• great 'Th• Eplto. . Of
'•nt•lti•• •• 1ntr0duo1ng de-o tape .
Mara • •n intarvi•w •ith Chris who
ooth atngs ano plays guitar.
CftrLs : " 0,1 th~n~ 1t w1Ll
re9e"ì"dl••• ot Shit l i k e thet.
Mo. dp lou or•• t• ~o"f• ?
C'll?T's ! •ll,fO~ tfieyPlcal part t

p:ii"f"'"thlnk or 1•1 sh1t th• us 9ove;-

~''•d ;:ttn four ?
: t l i ituFftid OuT*"all right
d•-O n . . nt dO•• •nd how 9eool• are na1~•
to it.Th• t . . k•s •• a r•al pisa.ct
• it could h ave O••n batt•~
nk ott •n•bl•~n9 •• to ott>lt• ounh ( real
tfto~,n . lt 9•t• th• ;>oint across t ;>unk ) style lyr1c• . A"d tor th• ~sic
th1n ~ . Our 7 l• 9'1'Ch batter produc- well th• t s tougn . tt tal•• lots ot
t1on, we l u a t flnnt shed reeordtn9 it. ti. . s1tt1n9 wtth •Y b41nJ O on tba
~df the J\lrtc•
d••l with 7
.XKt i- I tldil shit,Kita tor
~9• ot • 1 bed trr1n9 to ~k• r 1 t~ s
an4 r y th. . •• or11 nal as p<0ss1bl•.
a ~ aoc iety ,rioh tags,tough att~tu How do ~u ll"fAfer fvroe • ? Contact1 :Chrlt W•ber
-cl• ' • • • . eto ... ~; il l 1 lt freat,lots of 3t9 Zno lt . Apt '>
'illl'la · s r on u th• ..,.r .. e.v1 d••th •ota co• lng troe tftat Monon9ah•l•.PA 15083
c:ountrX· USA
•o• ....,•t n •u t~-1 4buu ~ i~
l don " t
thin- Busn should be
Ara U$ •
ff99 O
go n r

o liv• tn ~
• a11·
A1 11 1ng innocent people.At th• sa•• -.ore on fr-o. th • USA ••Y•l4ll righ
....11 dOn ' t thlnk Sadd•• ShOUld b• . . Yb• ,.. do have a 11ttl• .ore
tr••do• than . , . , countrl es,bu~ we ROTTREVOA[ :Th• lpitO•• Ot Pantalg1a
•91-l l~t a11+1ona ot g•llons ot oil
~ . O d~
;--...,! ., ,..
.iat t fte Gult. hat ' • wrongJI
•,b !~·· l ? guess it
h av• to P•Y t•••• Llk• wage t ax
wh1ch l• • t •t•d l n fhe constitu tion
thet •• don ' t h•v• to pay it but
tnl • 6anCf sounds or~9 1 nel even tf
they oot • b•d product1on . 1t · s a
good daath band,very brut•lL•1th a

,. .... '
1;9Wi~O .,. 1t t 11 eround l•t• 91 c•us•
. . . ..,. to 1Uke • lot 90re ne• mate-
~·~J"~"k A ..J.,O.s.abortion,
stup1d aaa P•OPl• l n this country
ere afra1d Io r•b•l.T••••
t nor•a•tn ' • in av• ,..,. is belo• 3
• 1 n1 •u•.A eh tag• got the poor and
good d••P ~01c• re•lndi ng urave or
so•e oth•r• brutal 1wad1•h ones,and
evan their louo o a rts e1n • t avo1d•d
but fJts well wi th t heir dark styla.
............!:! ~%~~,:- i}OhS ot a fortK- • ldd t • o ••• lirlm•r• t h•r ... nt us Aottrevore c•n ba conaid•r•O,a•ong
- •1 on _ Polltioian$ vota th093• ves ra~•os:
On• •~•t•d 93 grand • y•~rs 1• n ot
the bost doatn b•nda,aa an hoadlinor
fro• tno new UI underground sc•n• •
anou9n to Liv• O n ~1 · 11 tr•d• h1• •Y
• grand eny d,y . ~wcking polic• and
other •u~ho rtt1vo tlqwr•• h arass tha

-t o
This swedish band torMad in 88, There are -ny good underground
undar the na•• Treblinka.Thay bands in s..a.n~is it not hard
reloasad 2 da1110s • crawling in too muçh to be t e b est ?
vomit• and 0 The Sign ot the Penta Hellslau9hter :Yos,1t would be
-gram•.In 89 tho 2 trax ep was very har to the bost,but that is
out on Mould In Hell.Thev have not what is the most i •portant.I
now changad their na•• to Tiaroat. don't want tho swedish scene to
And thei r
now out on
• sume rian Cry• is
MFT. Na jse and Emotic
become a competition.I know that
he re are many bands which are

fro m ExpuJ.sion,have now left the better than us,at loast tor tho
band afte r the recording of tho ~o•ent.Ny faves are Ento•bed ,
lp. Now H e ll~laughtcr (guitar & Grotesque,Opfer Blust and some
vocals), answe"" OU" questions. more ...
Why did y~u c hana.ed Trebl inka to Have iou ever seen black . .ss or
so• et ing dark in this way >
I i.amat ? Ho!Islau~hter :I have seen" guys
Rellslaughte .... :On e of the raason massacra_ing gravos and aftor
was th e people got shocked.The - wards pissed in th o soil . I have
main reason was that tho new na•o never soen a black mass but I
should fit our lyrics batter would like to do it '
though ... so. .thing to add ? .
What s about a deal ? Hellsiau,hfer :Buy our albu • !!I
Rellslaugh~er :Wo got a deal with
CMFf one year ago 1 ond our first hope t~a w~ wi l l go out and play
lp •s umer i an Cry is already some 919s in Europe later on
re 1eased. Hope we 11 meet then and we wiii
have great times ...
What are your influences to write
~our lyrics ?
e llslaugnter :eocks l ike Necrono
- ml.con and soMe book s by H.P.
Lovecratt and Ale1ster Crowley,
but most 1y they COMO fro• our
imaginations ... Thoy doal with
Evil!!For us Evil is tor exa•ple
dark woods,fullt110on, mist,rav ens ..
'Ne are not into tho brutal Evil
anylonger .
Satisfied with ~ou r ep ?
Hellslau,hter : o, we are not.It
belongs o the past wh ich w& a r e
trying to fo rg ot.
SO• • future plans ?
He l ls l aughter :11 ~0 will tell
what happens ... I havo loarned not
to spoak too much about the
What are ~our f avs ?
He l ls l aug ter :All stuft I a•
Iis toning to 1ntlueneo mo a bit
li ke:Ento• bod,Bathory,Grotosque t
Black Sa bbath,Faith No More Chris
Rea 1 Saxon,QueensrycheLThe Àlara,
Sta~us Quo ,Front 242 uire Straits
Rotting Christ,Sa•aei ... But so•e
b ands nave been more i mportant as
an influ on c o on our ~usic 1 like
(oa rly )V eno• ,Cearly)O ostruct ~ on ,
(ea r l y ) Sodoa ,Slayer as wel l
the g rea test death me tal bands ...
as •
Poss essed , M<>rbid Ang e l,(early)
Sepultura .I Could go on for ages,
but I bet t er stop.
Do you believe in Evil and all I
those i nterna l thl nfs ?
He llsl.a ushter : So•• i •e s I do.
Wh e n I a• walking on the co.etary
alone in the night for example .
What do you thi nk about hard
dru~s ?
Hel slau,hter :Of courso,I don " t
li. ke i t !.

CMFT Records
Contact :TI.Af4AT 12 Church Close
e/o Hellslaughter RisbyiBury St Ed•unds
Albert Malares V. 21 E Suffo k ,IP28 SRH
., .,
.S•t•n1e Heta l -.-o t •
So• 2217
96201 Rov•n&••J.
;~:~·~ • •P ava1laole fO f" 7 USI to
-.•X ,..ual.O
...... l •l'l-Q 37

~1 .-s t d•d T- sh1rt 11v11.i.labl• to

J.at..,l• Metal Te90l• ,o,. 11 uss .,.
,.._, 0o0-.t•t1••.

• ~.§fìI.ANI
~l.!j(&! w;y

Evi l on•• walk a9009 uaJ6•harit

is t"eally an extre•e black death
bano worahipin~ Maste r Goat .The
only wey to know -ore abou\ theae
aaligna nt lncarna~1ons ••• to
mak e a n interv1aw Wl~ h th a• .Th• n
Holoeauato of BloodY Vengeance
( 9u1tara ~ voeals ) . was th~ dalaOn
who fr1•ndly enswered us.Here •re
the true abuut Hell .•.
what ·a ~bou t your 7• ?
HoJocausto ; feah,that DlCture
is out hbw and you can order it
froa gar.a~ Turbo Mu1 1c.lt
contains •a1eek Mass Pray• r" • 3
new songs of fast oeath black
•e~al.Thc PlC of the ~.sidc 21 by
Cnr1s Moyen .
What · ~ th• concept of lyr1c•?
Rolocausto !Darknass !!
What s xour fhilosophY of Evil ?
Aolocau•to ! m not sure Wfi•t you
moan abou{ this Evil philoaophy.I
•llln occul•ist .
•What oc you think about aravea
oesecra\ lori in France ?
Bol§CeusJO :1 don t know
~inda grav e desacrations
thare in Frenc e .Luao •ev11• said
that they .,.,... only stupid guys.
Abo~t anclent to• bs end ce• atarv
l •• v • rJ 1ntere st•G to 11~0
+ bonc• , skul "··.
How is f inland to llV• in ?
fiolocau•\O : F~nlano 1s vary ••P•n
- sive to l1vc ... Too cold wint ar
here in north of flnland,l oon · t
li ke about this country .
Horo'• on intorviow wlth '
most i1•t~n• band from tha E~rth:
the What ·s your .est horr1ble occult
e~~erìence \ i l l now.
s•HEWY :Fallon Angal Of Ooo• l 111011n 8LASPHEHY fro.-a Canado. l Ho ocausto : MOsl horribl• •.. H. . ,
• • -.1tad lp of th!s s atanic sont th•• an intarviaw, but as it blaybc whan • y black aag 1c curse
s ' tnhaada 1s tinally out Oft Wild sae•s th •r w•r•n ' t inta,.ast•d in was p e rfectly succeed . l ' wes also
~gs Raca. and pr~ntad on ,.94 answarkng at all . So her• ara tho
~nswars f ro• Caller of th• Storas great when l ca• e too crazy one
-f~11.It • _,,.. taat and brutal (9u1tar).lt"s very short,ao bo night atter blac~ candle r1tual ,
·"la~ on th• daeo tapa "&lOOd Upon yeah ..• ao1r1tual v1s1ona,nlOht-
• à Jtar• 1t · a now raging blac~ sura wa ar• sorry to print only a
~r1"4 . . tal,totaily i nsana wh1ch fow ~ but lt "a up to th• band to aares , atc •.. Great!Stoned by blac k
~~ · lu ances .,.. 8athory Rapulaion •ak• you •nto~ theit" to•lin9a . What doa& 6eherit ••ans ?
,...,09 end so on .. lt's ' a vary na" ARE VOU ~ATISFJEO WITH THE fiolocaust6 ! Beherlt i& the ayriac
styla i n wtlich Blaspha• v ara *FACCEA-,(NGEC-Or-DODM--C-P- na•e foi' Sotan.
·~r st .H aar çha new sound or Hall C.O. I. S : Rot 100"'11:-Could hav• Satisfied with vour l•st
a.t14 b• cruc.i.fiod by tha wovoa of been Ditt11r, Holoc•uato :Ve&, we Must
~rribl a noiso fro • tha Abyaa tl ~A~~sl~~h~~s t;°Re A60UT THE stud~o aoon.we need aany
C, O . I .s-?°W• •r• sa:f0iniç sl\1ns ja,Jl<J
ft••• OY our friands are . ?-eO) What do {ou think of hard drug~?
EVER OO!:!J. A BLACK MASS-CA UALS fiolocaus o :I • not againat lt,
FROM"IRs.,.DX A bu( hard drugs destroy all weo-s .
C.O.l.S~R 5t at th• .o••nt.out I thin ~ that it's not vary
fiOporully soon. sonsibla to use hard drugs.Ya
EVEA GOT ANY TROUBLES WlTH GAAVES didn "t oak anyth~ng about grasa ,
DtsECIOrTTO shitty dope ?
C . O.l . S ! t•a •a.ny
~nd probobly torovo~.
b•foro What Ho you think of tana who do
the ••• • is in the I FlC• atter
CRFAì~'OC!:CBROTAL'LYRTCS 7 o oceua . don "t guesa that
c.0.1.s: o ur=i:yrics ai'o Irifluon- oro 1 1 so k ind ot tana who do
- c•O'Gl' t l u t •, d osoct·a t ion • •urdor 1 all things •• in lyrics. MorbidJ
and tha joy a ot blood. Fuck JY~Mh ~uz~ be sick if ao• • -
YOU ARE THEN SERIOUSLY INTO THE body do ali as on lyrica i • piety,
OCCVCT l Sarcofago.All fans are O.K,~henx
e.O. i 1$ :o r course.all th•t ia to all,true blaek ••tal guya,666.
evi i.
C . O .f. $ :COiijioa ln9 90ra blliirds
and r e cu,.din9 and lowing.

., 2
After h• spent so•• t1••s play1ng
in bOth death bands ~tHl~IST and
Ol$ME~8 EA,Johnny kept 9otn9 1nto a
death way and for••d n1s own band
\nown as UMLEASHEO.The tlrst 3 trax
tape was great,but h•r• they
back with a cool oro~o t~P•
(see review) that introduce th•• 3s
a great hope tor the awedish scene •
whioh st3rt to produce only clonos.
Thon UNLEASHEO is 3 suro b~nd wh1cn
tota lly rip-off all tho unori93l
llNO NtC i ORMJS !
:lOHM#t :lh e tou·r was ,..tllor l!l Lots
or rioadbang,beer and • ~19 thanx to
tne geraan audience """1cn were
kille r at aost shows dtd.
11' S lot.O YOU GOT A DE.AL '
;JOHMNT :f eah..,. ve s19ned to Cantury
Meat. Aacs. ~or 7 lps. Thc. co.•oeny is
totally cool and tho so are the
P009l• work1n9 on tt.
'#HAT ' S A60UT YOt.!A LP 1
:JtJRW•T : lhe deout lp 1s out 1n ~ay
1na will b• •nt.i.tl•a •In the
$htdowed Vallevs Below .•. •
JOAINt : I hate polluti5nd I ha te 8APHOMET is a death metal ~and
tOvernNents t~at do not rotl1:e ·Nhat tro~ 3uffa1o,New York.Thoy started
lt best tor ~he nature ~nd th• ln 1987 .and then roco,..doo thoir 7•
p • opl• liv1ng in lt . L1~• you saLd
~•il Ore•noeaco ! ! Ln 1990 on N .F.O Rocs.including 2
~RE VOU IHTO THE OCCULT 1 tra x ( s•e revio•s).In May 1990 1 the
.. OHNN t ; '•an . :11.,1t :>tò"\ • ..c O•sstv• l v band signed on Oeaf R•cs. for tneir
OOM' T YOU THI'XK S"• -SOISH SCF NE STAAT d•but .~ "The Oead Shall :nherit "
10 ote CAUSE OF CLuN§
JOA•lt ;l agro• :t s Si~uisten
~o~ f out in ~arcn 1990.
tO 5ands L.i.ke Mercl!•ss,Orave ano
Tiaaat and you 11 tn.i.nk d\ff•r•nt. Why BAPHOMET as n•=~.is~h• vour fav
""Al 00 YOU THINK O~ ltHAO ( T~E t.t0l.Y 0 at".cn ?
Sipho. .t .i go~ the na•• out of the
~a:.i,t :I say
:. not afratd " ' lt,all: 9ncyclopedia Of WltChcroft and d~MO­
Kive to l.S fuc k J.t . CCursed ar~ nolO'JY. I lik'd i t becouse it was
tn• slaves ot :sla•'.\Ll3n ts dead!! Original and catchy.
WHAT tS YOUA OPlMlOM ~BOUT THE What do your l','rics deal with ?
JOHN•t :ih• aoortion p ~ obl• • can
Bipho• et :Our lyrics are about
4~Iy b• solved ~Y and ehos•n by the dooth,things wo ~ako up , movies or
""°.,_" oorry:i.ng tl'l• baby . Sh• .st.ould ~coks we hove read.
s~tisfi~~ with your 7• ?
·~•l fr•• to tak• that d•ClSLon.
MO. IS YOUR COUWTRY TO~IVI N ? g;.-pho. .t :Yes, ~t s ilright the lp
JOHINT : Pretty safe , pr ~ •'"'Iii";cold KTlls it buT ~h$ 7• is 9Òin9 into
ls Aell.?~•ttv r~cn . 10 • ntc• 1ts 2no r~oressin9 ot 1000.
country s1de.lots ot ~01ots,~r • tty
tree end I :lltnk : LI st<ty th•r • '4'ihat' ar&~ur forthco • 1n9 plans ?
!tll th• •nd. Bapho•e t :noOeful 1.y to-ao .:. tour to
OOM"T YOU THIMK S""'EOISM SCEN~ STAT suopor! t!'te lp.
IO OlE CAUSE OF eco•e &AMOS ! Oo ~ou b4lieve ~ " F.v\1 ~trenqth ?
&ip ~t :t es.~ thtn~ :ners .i.s :vil
ovorywnere and 1n al l of us.This
n e lps #nat we do.
Acoor~inq lo yo~ ls there soewthinq
JOHllf :Th•v · ~• no~ for Vikings •nd 4 rter doatn !
th•t I 11tny 1 don't us..., \.hefll. 'o<te got" !ii{ho. . t ;I really don ' t know, I h ave
dr1nking culture uo h•r• Ln th~ no roally thougn~ obovt it.
.~ortn and we " ll stick to 1t.But t.I' Aro you into gore mov i es ?
P•OPl• got a dlf~•rent
tlsewtt•r• , 1t's O.X. Wl.th me. esch
country h•s its own cultur•.
o ultur• Baphc. . t : 'fe:. we .i ll -ro•1e
mov!.es, :ha1 ho,lp g.i.ve 9ood t.opics

SONETMINO TO AOO '! far songs 3nd 3r9 OAC•l~ent way t.o
JOHNNf : 11'ian.ic: ~•basti•utor th• spon~ spa-9 tiMe.
lritirviewilook out tor our lp :a.n Jitay ~ha~ the ~ig~ •s t th~ng 901n9 •ron~
and take ots of car•.S•• 1• on tour i.ii tf•"' o . .,.A .
Sp1k•h••d rules,ch . . rs:tt BiWKo ... t :ihe biggest tn1ng going
#rong r~~ht now l.S a recession we
3re goi~9 :nrougn b•cous.e of the
Contact :Johnny Hedlunn ?9rsian tlul f ·.-,a r .
Kalm9.13 A,3tr Ar~ there . . ~. troubl• • l~h Sou~~
1214~ ~ohanneshov Amer~can peo~(• .
SWEOEN Bifho..t :Ho any MOre trouble than
w1 n any one else Ln tnis country.
i'Kd ts tor
sur• • r•al n•w
hopa ror Scenoinav:i.a. °C•u•• th•y
tound v•ry or19inal. far rro• th•
entolltb•d sound, l1k• to . . ny banda
now.lt s th•n a •1• b•atwaan aarly
Oaa th and Ni h iliat.th• 19US10 ls tor Contact :Gary Schipani
sura vf11'"! "'iolattt •..Johnnl 1 b•nd g.ot 51 Count:ryside Lan e
r•al 9000 .usical habil ti•• on thi• Oepew, New York 1403
pro.o t•p•.$0 you can aapaot a v•ry
orwah1n lp out on Cantury 149die U.S.A
v•r1 soon.Don t •l•• tn . ..

., 3
How is the scene where you live ?
_!_QnY.: lho scono 1s vory lovoly,lots
~ice trees and a gretty sky . No, Contact : Tony Brandt
tho scono is gotting ottor,thore · s 3826 W.Acre Avo.
nt0ro of a following tor local bands Fr anklin.WI 53132
then boforo.xt·s alright. USA
What's the concept bohind the word
-rycan't nropy• !
1-ru!x :lt •oons,whon o 1U1n t h i nk (Or
1s) he's a worewolf and 9oos around
toasting on hu•an blood and tlosh.
_I f you could t;ravel, jn ti•e.which
por1oa would yo~ cfioose f
1·vo got ao•• Seb too and you too, TO..!!.,l :lt would llko t~ go back to
... ail havo PHANTASMs .But this one llio dals of Josus and party up with
! s the Phantaa• ot a warewolf.Direct so•• w ne end babesl
·ly fro• the USA,haro is thoir inter
-Y aw with Tony, (dru•a & vocals).
For tou,what ' s the
I n ovory"8'ay l1fo I
sv•bol of horror
lony : lh• sight of aoeino •Y hugo
_..r·• xou
~-~ sucn a
1 nspirod by
na•e ~
tho .ovie to Aiu!hin9 to add ?
Tc?O!ii :I d lUCe t1i say thanx alot for
~ :Noll was lnspi rod by fiddler tfio intorvi•w and whoevor is roading
6ir"Yh• roof. No wo were inspirod by this check out Phantas• and don't
ti\• .ovie but aiso by tho •••ning of squoozo ~our d1n9lo borrios to hardl -
tb• word itaol f. I think both •Phan- PANTASM :l,.Icoantnropy 90 '--..... • ·
ta.$.a s• -ovios aro groat but I 11ko 'Nlii( 3 ong and gro;>t do-a!It
tb• 2nd ono bost. f oo.ture• s low he•vy doatn witl'I a
ifow it haa •11 bosun ? typJ.ca.l US sound dUrlng 4$' w.a.th a
~ :Phantas• fias if•rtod whon •o 900<1 pro.a ... ctton.And tho 7 long t rax
iJMrScott McK.illop woro playing in 8 a ro i n ·1..opro•y• voln. !'ho volco ts
band callod Hu . . n Evil.Mo and scott 'l.ck and orlg.1.nal.Hus.1.cally tho.-o
.e.nted to steirt a new band togother .lro .a J.ot ot br~atls and 1deas.So lts ,,~J\
• a..nd •k• 1t hoovior and .ore ori in rou
-•l .thon our othor band.So obou' 2~<..soo:.. :,,,>·
vo ~~ ·!sod lt , J.t wort'.hit buy1ng ,~
Y••ra ago wo started Phantaa•.On the .... ~~~ .... • • ,...
Co.o only •• e nd Scott recordod on ; ... ·"
1t but th• band now consista of ••· p ~ ·
Scott NcKillop (guitar),Doug Schoon '
• eçk (guitar),and Mat t Greissbor9er
(bass). ,
Oo vou think it ' s botter to do a ~
Ione dellO llko youra to atfrac't ' •
lebols 1
Tfnx :Woll,wo aad• our first do.o as ·
1 it waa our 1st eilbu• .I really
don · t know if it's batter to aeko a
long or ahort dellO tor labols. ~"
Aro you worowolvos fans ? f ••
toni :Well I • ttìl . .}or worewolf ~·
. . n ac of fho band.I loved tho• ovorf
sin ce I aaw Lon Chanoy aa the wol f ,
aan whon I waa a . . 11~but •Y favorit•
werewolf .avi• is tno 1st •Howling• ~
It rules alll 1 ,.~
Cen you describo us your favorite l
sonas ! • yncant:hropy • dellO 6$
l6n :My favorite song auaical1y •eurning Sensation• ~hirt: (L-XL)10 $
u d be oither •Palace of Blood• or •Livo Video• 11
"Put to Sleep• end •Y favorito •Lycanthropy • st ckor 50 e
lyrics is •Koopor of the Dea~ .:.fl!.!!!:.!l~J29 S~•.!! !.~r· sticker

Horo is b now hope trom Finlond Contoct :Esa Linden

and thia time no introduoti on cause Niittupollont:ie 22
they introduco tho~selvea in tho 32200 Loi-.aa
i nterviow!So,eaa,9uitar and vocala Ftnleind
a nswered •..
Well it soo•s that t horo is
d aath baftd 60&?x wook In Finland
tfti MO•IKt.why so many appears Oid it cast ou a lot of ..aney to
~ulè kly 7 - go sue a oo sound I
:sa :Yeah ,you ' ro rjght Esa !I cos us CT"'$'"'" or so•othing
FTiiland we havo now death TrKe that,~o it's not Much.We are
banda 1 but no so •any in my opinion. quito happy with tho rosult causo
Finland has always been lato in the studio whore we woro isn ' t
evorything . I think that it · s onlY. ~oally good.~ut t think we mado good
good thing we have new bends anij JOb.We don t have reall~ 9ood
scene is growing.I don·t really know stud i os in here but that ' s our
why this hoppenod so quickly. dostiny.
How is the finnish soeno ? I know that Finl$nd is l:inkod to th•
Esa :fho scin& 11 quito OK I think. O.S.S.R. toF ocono•Icarreeisona.but
f1i9 coolost bands aust be Xys•~. during W.W. 11 you TouQHt with eacK
Oisgr&ce,Funobre and A•orphis.Hovo other. Aow t11re relatlo'ns now I -
y ou evor heard Purtononco Avulsion. Esà ! U1ff1culf ijUIStions - Aahl
Their singer roally rules.At gigs F"iiiland is linkod to u.s.s.R.
-oro pooplo aee•s to be iotoro:Jtod econoMicel reasons , but I don ' t
in bands and that ' s cool.(n Swodon about politics and things like
there Must bo more band •••bers thon worth or ahit.That's it.
fen a 1 not in Finlandl Could you toach us so.-o
Is Do•igod •eaning a half of god or WOi'di 1
Wfìa t 1 Esa :Whl not.Here we ·9o: • Rotten
Esa :Not really,I road that De•igod TIOsh• s •Meta liha• in t1nnish Got
~e ctually Satan · s son.(Woll wo did i t I I .
not know thot whon we chose this Some futuro plans ?
• na•e.Hoy we aron't satanist!lFor us E~n :Future plah"i7R....,.,well I think
0••1god •eens so•othing liko the s i~possi b lo for us to tour but
lord of Oar~ness.l think wo are more 9i9s would be nice we'll
obsassed by Darkness (He!ho!) rel~aso so•ething on vvnil,~~t I
How- it has all startod ? won t teli you yot.Thanks!
Merchandise list ?
;-:.~:~r~~f'w!: 0 1~nta~:.:~ 0 ~td9g~•w! Eii :Our de-o •'Oii'fioly Oo. .1n• ia the
f\av e ait played in severa! bands only thing we have.It costa 5$
0.fore De•igod .At that time we wero (Europa) and 6$ (Elsowhere) . We'll do
iat...-e.stod in doath ••tal ond we T-shirts too.
atil.l. areLso it was notural to start OEHIGOO :Vnholy Dont>Oi n 91
playiO§ i~ . In tho begining we woro w~ 11. 1 think th•t with A..orphi•,
fo.r pieçe but we kickod our second Ooai god i• a good now hop• tor tho
gu:it.arlst out .Wo have playod only doeth scone . How,I know how finni•h
f°" r ~~9~ s o far with raony finnish ~ooplo r••i•t to tho co}dnoss: w-~th
bafMb. ( iy•aa . Funebre, Oisgroce ..•
L..iA.-.p 1s Esa Lindan (9uitar-voca )
l. doath • $tal.A 3 trax 4•-<> • 1 i ntro,
&11 wi tl'I ~n 4~collent •ound tl'lore
T• ro l.aitinen ( baas)Ò and S9ppo oro n~ wey without gotti n9 it . i lik•
aat.ila (druas).I "• 2 • Toro is .,,, 18 tho SJ.ngor voico which ~s deop but
11nd Se.ppo is 16. not noi~y liko tt0st or tho 'new

MUTIL~T!O la wttn no douot the
b•tt tr•ncn O•atn bano.gut att•r
th• gr••t auccess of tne1r f1rst
d•n.o ·Psychooeath Lunatìcs•,out
1n 88,ther• wer• any news or so••
aoout th• ~ano.~no so•• ru.ours
were spread over tnea.Sut now
they ••o la1n all ~nat *111 ~apoen
now,$0 her• 1 an 1nterv~ ew w1t~
~ icnel ano P~1l1ooe.

~m,ong tft• MOrld,you re one of th•

MO!t flilìRSus trench band.out very
urikndwn ;n ~rance,now do 1ou
re.et :o ,l'Sl ... !
,q\§K•J; ~ ..
we are 111ostl'/
~n~wn amonq
deathtreaks ana not
t~rasners.aands t1~e Loudblast A
Agressor start to be known w1th
tne1r lp s ,and even ! f ~~ ~r• !~s~
ta•ous.we are more respecteo ~y
our fant.
Wh o mucn sllence in spite of a
u ess a cross the
=~•gota lot of problo•s
o M vtng auring thos~ yo~r,,t
moved ~any tlmes in Frane• .
?h~àl\pee :Th• ~omoers of :h•
51 were spread everywh•ro Ln
Fr3nce,3nd weren t ~ole answering
,,. 1 l.
~ ich•A r~•r• ••r• only t~•s•
~•asd • ~no noth1~9 els• evon 1~ ~o .,ou
"'•"Y ~eOOl• tnougnt or ~o!c ot~•r
t~1n9s .:: s not • sec:3ry -atter
st1t• 1
q;chel : ~o , N• 90 turther now.Fo r
::l t " ..... qi~Ki! '"•~• s ~6 death scen• 1n ~s. '?s;cnoa•ath" is only oee~..... n
#hat sre ~our •ort~co21n9 ~13ns? -r~nc• . -h• ot~ •r ~ands 3r• :~ra$n :nr•sn ~no death.~ow Ne onl~ pla y
qiCXi.1. . q W _ #. s.v. ~ ~dW ano tr•ftdy ':"h• 90.S t ~a.ou.s ~rencn roal gooo O••th ~• t a l,•x :ro• l y
~uit3P1st 1no ~ new d~u. .er w1tn 3anos ~r•n : O•atn.•ve n 1f :ney #lOl•nt •nd tot3llI o•tt•r.
NftO• •• st~rteo :o ••bearse s~nc• -,in~ ~ner ar• . 3ut t~•rs :n
ar• NhLcn countr!od d vou sold che
~orLl 90.#• a1on t ~•hearse s:.nc• •ayo• :1tt.e ~ano.s ~lay1n9 Qeatn lìOSt 3f .tOur do s !
~ov••b•r aa.#. then #()r~ on n.-w
trsa, ~or • de.O of course.3ut lt
'•tai..,. ~on : ~now .-hat s sure
•• ~•v • •o ~ook ~o~o•d.
:tCK•E .Es6oCially in OSA à Scan-
1nav ~.rro • -"•r• wo also gota
• Lll o• out in ~ 1'0nt~s.: t~Ln~. *h•t"a th• ~•ln conc•ot of your lot ot iaa1l ano interitst . Al so
sno not ~•fore,oec~use •• havs 3 tro• ?ol3no •nd South ~ • e r ~ ca , but
tot to oo,1t ~ust ~• oerfec:.
Some sr•v•out ~our or 919s ?
~ le •l :r try to descriD• picture
"k"' ; 9uys only ...r1t• to got fr• • c ont0s
~• ar• not 1nt•rost•O in tn at ~ and
iM\11 è• ; •e lll'OU~d ~1~• to- tour ~tM6idh•r•; sounds, colors, or N~ d~n t ~n, w er or r9~d tn ese
-?lal'i"• '-•S n•aol1ner. tt woula ~• teel1nas ro• •Y •1nd.Sut old k1nd ot lott•rs.
greot! !Fr ~nce ts so great!: lyr1ca rro• •Psycnoaeatn ••• • are ~ow how do ou cons\d•r ·P~vch o-
q tcnet ; As soon as Ne get new gory and •i!ly.Now ~t·s n.oro
o una l.Cs
?7-'i77N• wi..1.l look tor sol'llle q:.9s conc•ptu~l.Ont ot our new song e a . s s ty crap ! ~n d I
abroad (Sw1t:erl~nd,3ermanv,:talv ' Graco of A•birtn • ,1s about nesu~ c an noar 1t anymoro , 1t' s
ano St.1.g Lu•. , , ) . No Nanna OIK)Ye. roction Day tro• th• a1ole.ror ~v totally unprotessiona !. '11& v e Kept
~ccoro n ou Nn1cn bana t1ts own,d•od w1ll co•• to lifo as "Crown ot Coa th" and °Funorar i u• •
' e es :.n srna rtOnaI 3eath :omb1•a 1.t s funnv and cynic. but we onanged th•• 4 lot ! ' Hys te-
• e .li. fJ
~o ou ~ov• contacts w~th !abels rical" h•s o • •n th r o wn away .
an w ne ""°u.1. ou t:• oos• .
:1~s· t !fh • Oft4f r•al Oeath ~etal e • • •s or us wou So•e thin' to •dO ?
s ~oro~o ~ngel .Th ev unaer- ~ a o, • • ••nt • gooo Oistribu-
qot_(l!I~ :au{ Our n e xt d •t90 .i t
stood th•n O••tn ~•tal is "llH)r• t1on. unfortun•t•ly thay never .w1II "'II I I l l
th•n only l iutt3r r~fts ~nd NrOt• ua. #e only iOt cont3cts
scr•a• a .It •ust )r1n9 ~t.o$pn•rs,
fro• #l ld ~•9s Recs .• ~•acev~ll•.
an un1v•rs• ... -h•r• are 3lso 3000
oanoa 11~• IN190lat1on.~troc1t/ •• and O•atnl1'• $il•nco ~r0<2uc~1ons ~ont•c~ :Mutilated
~or ..wno• • • Nlll nev•r rel•aso 15 Rue des Lazaris tes
~h1l1pp• ~ow d •ath . thrash 1s 0 1000 Bovcg
tl'•Xdy , Jna .,e ,ar e ;>lay1n9 t .-.e 3nytn1n9.!uronyiaous told •v•ry-
nign•st l•v• l ot oeat~ ~eta_. •n•re NO ""°u lo r•l•asa a :~ on Fr•nce
"4fch•) : '4ayo• ·1anessa ;>arao:is JSP.tnat ••s f3l.s•,but 9r1ntec !ft
•vory t•n:1n•s.Ne :~ougnt 3oout T-Shicts:70 FF
N Ì• •l•as• n er ~•x: single on COlng an •o for the• ,out overy- • Psychod••th Lunatics• de110:30 FF
Ea raone t! Too sany band$ aro :~1n9 hapoen•d as cr3P,3nc r1pped
pla~Lng .,1tnout f••l~ngs,only EO
-ot~, #• dtc ~nytnin9.
2• ~nown.

"1 5
,:;eJtET!RY is a a fr•ncn pro•i- :nf uenc•s faves ?
• ~~9 young band which got a dentO Ge6fPfoy : f Ilke 6l ass1cal •us ~c .
:~t ( see r evi•w) ,8ut E don "t want ~l.d wa n : Jero•e and •• !ist•n :o
-: : e ll you .or• about th•• and ~•ss•cr• {U S ), ~ecrovore . ~ut also
; -eter to let you d1scover (his $tr31gnt cdge HC.
-=-~• tnrougn tne 1r fun 1nterv1ew. Jero. . :Mr
Carnage ,O ~·••oer .
taves are 5nto• b•d
ou ' ve
u •
o the o
urse v•s-s.
~~•rre : :
nardcore •nd tndus .
l• sten
You IMIY hav• a lot ot ?rOJect ?
t~ en9l 1 s~

~idwan ; #e ,1 d6 ~x •o ~n ~orpse
Yr~ n der ~ees . , ,. frencn l ao• L.#• (ljA.~~
""Ibe oo Gadges ano ,,,1rts,but
on y 1f we r ece1ve deaanos . ....,._ .~
Je~o•• : W• l"• hearse once a weok
that i enougn tor now. '
~ow do you •r i.t• your lvr;cs ?
"tl.dwai\ : t l'ie1•1t tiri t i'iil 1t1essages
~~err9 :Unfortun•t•lv,our stngor
~ay bi StUP1d tl
~l.dwan :That · s \t.r· m i nspired by 8lasoh•• 1 ~ l•ugn) ! t
norrol" llH)v i ea, l.t l$n t too P~e,.~e : t s B o•r•onne l cno1ce.
seri.ous. Whal do you t n1n ~ ot v1ol•nce as
Wero•e :NevertheL•ss , we try to ao you ~Iay and ~lng (X S "'iolent
so•e th1n9 struetured . way .
~ha t do you th!nk of death met3 l Jero•e :I thtnk death i.a at ~U•J.C
• #ave i.n rr,nC e ;
ri~d w•n : •A•Pt 20 guya,t~ere lS no
What are gor• .av1ea tO c1neaa .It
i.s a kina ot 3rt,out no ne•d to
1110ro to s • y , be violent to oo 1t .
?1erre :It s llt0r9 Haro-~oek h or~ . Ri.awan : It 's not Deceus e vou l l k•
...ioro•• : The l'ltOl"O brt.1t.l.l guys violont •us1c t hat you ·~$t oe
-lstan to ?rotector ! t! v1olent .
• Nh•C .:io 1ou,. p•r•nts :n\nk ot ?~erre : You v• got al w•y~ stuo14
c ••• t.rx • fo04$ w1tn n er ~o--•~nd ed ..,. y of
seel.ng tn1n9a .
d1dw•n :• ftey even don ' t ~now I "•
-i. e tecnnio•l deatn trench band !.X • 5.and .
>CWllTAL FEAR l a now b•ck aft•r a ~torrs :rhey con si.oer 1t as a
s:.lent year that nave . .a. so•• -sP• r• tt.-. .
: ~ou 9ht th• b•nd was deaa.aut IJ90tfroy :_...y father he lp ~•
!~ •Y are r•ally alive and ready ~•use he likes art ~no th1n-
~~ strike back so here ' s a n i~t•r :hat ...,. do a ~J.nd o t s.t.
:~l.•• w1th th• 1r insane dru . .•r , ~•ro•• : ~y feth•r 11sten :o noavy
- _o rent. \ làu4ft > end said we pl3y nas ty
( J.t s a ll tru• -•d) and pref•r
o r out in as ou Stryper (Censoreo-eo! ! )

. .
-Afg•nt :ln tact,att•r
3• ,w• play•d with a lot ot
•• '#

our first
.:no I
·; n,at · s your las t fav zaov\ • ?
1\erre : 'Uanoe • itK tN• <llO!Yes• .
l'IJ.dwan : 'R•-an.a.Ma tOf" tt • .
~•ì'o•• : Surelly
0..1. " . I
not •t4ignlanaor·
pref9r 'Neaf" Oeetn c.xp er1ett1
,ands till w•
9ot so•• serious
~ro bl•m • to g•t • rehearsal pl~co
-ce• .
Geoffrox : t neve~ go t o cine .... . : A I dwAn De J ftf"C htl
and •...,. were 8 months with any iJo "{OU th1nk ~ou tnullt h ave l onq 1 2 Aue Vlllol
,laces wher• we could reh earse, na<r Id d!ay \ _ ~ do~!~ oJX~ • 93120 Ln Courneuv•
end w e had tO do our best to have 41.dwaft : o.t :t. idiCulOUs. Hall · to. Frftnce
~•h earsals beforo concerts.It was
Jery wrong tor th• band evolution
~ u t now we finally tound a cool
,tace wnere we can -.ork •ore
seri.ou:i.!.y,'#e 4.l\)0 havo a lot Q~
~ ... traa.~na lt ' s also true :hat
si.ne• •Abyssuss ~byssu• Invocat •
.-as out we recorded anyth~ng 9lse
~nd tor the -o•ent Mt are 'lay1n9
~ur traa on ttage only cause we
~O P• ao1n9 so•• thing oet:er than
.a G tlllO.
~•t do xour l frics deal w1:~ ?
-.of•Xt ; fPSKç i lyrics have all 11Whi.. h s:·1 les 1rf!•1•,.ce "ou?
t~ • sa•• concept.lt s tne at.-os- r!Ofirit : w1 11~• i6••d ~It~•s , MOATAL FIAA :Pro-o liv• 91
~ner • th•y br1n9 .Th•y ~r• ~11 thrash and d•ath,•nd '4orta r•ar ReCdfd•d liv• in Franc•,that ~ .F
aoout a 9ru••O•• •ti.oaon•re,òut 1s esp•cially a ryth• ~and.~bout gig is really great and po-.rfull
~de in a cyn1oal #8{.Th• l~ri.cs ou r intluencea •• lik• wnat dtd though th•lr t •ohnio•l part.The
~r• ~J.nda snort horr ti.e s:or~•$ Pest1lence,and also S•oult~ra.~ut brutal hab•litl•• to play death
~J.th d1f••r•nt auO J ecta,a bit th•r• are ~•"I i.ore too . ••tal of t he •••Oera k••P their
: ~k• Ln Cr9epahow COMlCS. Can VOU t• ~ ~Oout that a9 auslc $orioualy intenae,so don ' t
,.,.. you do1n9 bes1des concor #
:-r en s O•
ence z.n vour
t hink they •r• playin· in a
t;toring way. lt ·a a l waya raging and
• _or•nt : ~Oout our )Obs , t:'lef"e ar\t r oren -wa& a ly groa;t l.ftSl!lno, so• • kindo deliriu• part
,o CO&•en ts,Out our ~ai.n hoooy is è~use . we m•t oool guys Like could re• ind Vo1vod,but th• res t
ot cours• 'l!USJ.C as 11us1ci.ans but ." 'lartin f'ro"' ?esti.lance.And Llk• stay in • Pestilence or Athoist
a l so as fans.&lac~ {boss} likes Spermbirds,they •ero vory trust- voiAn.Co ntact : s eoost i en Z11M!9er1N1nn
•ootba l.1,Frsnq1s (vocels>,1s :tt s ful ·111ith us , <1nd others 1.1.ttlo 1 3 ue 0 u Mill 1 on ,88240 Ba1ns - Los,
•rt school i.n .Sp1.nal,he d r~ws a :>anas tro• th• t testivol 1.nsteaa 1"""'l.:-Bai ns,Fr1t.nce.
!.ot out ne SO••t1..ne$ <10 so•• of being l ike StY(>l.d rock-star s .~ _
snort 1'M)V1.•S wlth f rl.eftdS.Eddie Yes , they we l"e re•l•Y COOl. We WOl"'O
3u1tarsl ...or-s a lot ~us1c, a nd sLso r•ally glad of o e 1ng tne
••oec1•l y guitor ona ~oss.to fr9nch oend tn•t At roc1ty chose
.r~t • our tr•x, oeus • at ~1S no•• •or that fest1va1 i.t · s great fro •
~ • 9ot • saa lL studS.O w1tn ...m1ch the• for hav1n9 9 1ven u• a chance
"'• r ecoras " tot of traA.h• also to play •l.th sucn oands . The
: .~•s v1a eo g a••s and co•outers . ge~~•n Cl"'Owd ~•s re• lly great
40'W \ S he s en e n ~a ne ? ~oo.
- _o •n : e ,. a 4 'I - •nts "low~, -..n.at ao vou ~n il .-ibout •1our
JI u tnat ,"#• h•11'9 b••n '"'-00..0 *:.r st 1e90 16i_1.susa ... .
~·· ?Jy tl't• tnrasn associ.at.ions ·-.6rwnt : 'ldysius •• , ' (j st!ll
"'-o• Mency tor wno• .,... <flllQri..ed tor ]f°94t tor us c auae 1t \ s our
so.e conce rts . «• ••t so•• .-or• r•al oeg1nn1n9.out tnat · s tr~•
•·1endly assoclat1ons 1n other our traa are now very 01..tferent,
:1:._acea tnan ~enoy . t ast•r- ana l ess bor1n9 tnan on
Soae 2lans 9t r •eOf"d1n9 soon ~ our f1rst deao . aut I thin- :nat
-. or .~t . or ao~rs • . •· •V•fy Sa nds tor a fir st de.O ,l t ..,.. 9000 t f
.... ;iiiifla •ecord so. .~n.inq,but we 1ou a l so tnink tna t •• #9t'• young
::.:ia t ..."""'• aistr11>1o1t•d aga in at th1s tJ.Me t Ho..,, ...,. hooe our ne•t
-.ao~ "'~ :: ..o •• o rather ti"'/ to r•l.•ase w1ll be :.n t ne ""•'i' ••
...._. • .• ~ •• ,_,,t 1t s very exgen- :n1nk at tne ~O •• nt and tnat J.t
s-•• •>'9' • >9~0 llke us ,•no wewl ll show our •volution.
~· · !-a ..__: .. !11.t
~~ - --~• t'C.•4• lonq and verv
!?-**.:.•, !es:• ;!&!\: tdu tn1nk
_! -!-.t .. •u .. s.:.a. !e.ath fans '!
·.:: ......•"! •s; 1 1 . . ,a. *!4rit about
!\:i '! 5115"'"·: >;;.: :,a..,r -..s tc can t oe
~ . . -~• ~ . . t"t ... t.a • • +e :ry to
o - . .. ~ ..,., •tY l •-s ~" O\llr craA.
*9 ......_._ . st"'"".ç,t..1r• G :;rsa "'1.tn tas t
~-...s .M:: : ~~ t t!'tin • our trax
.,...., : :.io :..c ... ._ i.c.a.i. -"'1W91 , d eath
. . t-~ _..._ • .at .. 1 • .a •~l• ano
... ~ .. t'°"cr.~w -...s 1c
A• Jett was on •
aay they wera drun M a nd a19ge o
fro• Cathedrallw• grav•a.Th•t t•ld th•Y listened
nlty to ta k our track ! ahu• • to Cona u• • ' .In th•
•O••th1ng else than th•
au••tlona.Lots of th1nga h•v• been
uaual court they
I n nk
v• lltt•n•O to our lp.
oo ••n fans take th•
wr1tt•n on tne gore gods.so •P•rt a
tew Qwest1ons on the band,thia tnter e : ree y und• rstand how
•YL•• is aor• on Jett ...,.Y ot aee1n9 fliiY can taka tha lyrics 11t•rraly.
th.l.f'lf•. How 1ntelllgent you muat b• not to
kl..11 paopl• or so.I th1nk lt's
•P•c1ai tor th• USA.serial ktll•r~ .
th•lr culture a ttrent• country.M't•n
:lt s • v•ry a.t>19oua queat1on y~ r• tn•r• 1t a 1ik• waJk1n.<J in •
eugnat ). Eurouean was rwally aov1a.?eopl• •r• .or• fr~•ndly than
• • C•llent on the .....nole,reallI h•rd •uropeens.It s th•tr cultura way of
trevelltng.~e played so. . rea lv bao ltt•:•;, do th1s• , ,or • • •"'Pl•.Chuck
giga,but good ones too.lJke evary ot D••th i• • fOrt of typtcal
thinga in lite. In tne wnole, we •••r1ç•n i n • w•y .H• doean·t want to
en1oyad tt.wa had so•• troubl aa 1 n be treated Jik• sh1t,wn1eh 1a . . yba
Mafseille.Wa plnyed tor ten •tnutes
in • really ••~11 place,it ••• All
not th• s••• tor you • nd aa.That ·s
~hy ho didn t want to co.a in Euroo•
the prol!Mlt•r.Soconct t1•o you oo on
tour,thinga are bettor.For the VS~.
So l~t s talk !b,~f y~ur naa t
Jotr :lhar• i J
IO tttle . a ' ve
eoa1n we ' vo ptoyed so•• ot th• bost gcn- alr•ady 8 aongs wh1ch i n th•
giga W9 aver. dono over there .The wt.ol• ar• 45 •lnut•s long.It · s
thing we not1ceo there ia tnat o1ff4cult b•c•u•• Xan 1a tn
o eople thlnk that sc•n• n•r• in un1vers1ty Mika la 4n Sweden 1 1t · s
Europ• h•• lots or act1v1ti••.919s, hard to g•i togath•r.W• wantad to do
•nd in fact.1t • s sa•• h•r• and 4t 4n Aor11,but it s too l•t• now.
th•r• . litt••t show ....,.. ln Los We ' v• got • • tra• aachlfte , so ...
Ang•l•• w1th -or• than • thousanQ SN11k• d.-os and precttca • lot.8111
and halt P90Pl•.but tn everat• ,th•r•
w•r• •OO people.I don t thlnk • lot
and X•n do a li th• rtffa •"'4 I
all the lyr1ca,
ot P•OPl• •new ..,. wer• tour1n9;and Are there •" ~ n e n la:n.4 now
tn•r• •r• ..
"1 P900l• wno ve heerQ
ebOut C.rcass any-.y .
1n a e

• •
u s•••
ular on h• Othtr ~•~ on ,tn• conserv•t..J.V•
:ni.,..,-, • 9•
n o .
a lot of L•tt•rs,t
k ._. probablI ar• kn~--"'" b•c•u••
p•r~y ~· r•ally weak .Th•y ve no 90re
laadar,and th•y n•Mt on••• they ·re
w• tour•d.Th• • bu•
J•nuary thls Y•ar end
th•r• 1n
~ak. Ma)or 1an t carry1ng
cnarisaa.Tha sy.pto• or th• br1t1ah

l e at Au9ust.W• gainaQ otta•ption at the •O••nt lt thet people want

90n•y end ftll4t•r1al thinga end the ••lly don't know oe u•I I
troM t h a preas.It was raally bizarra eonaorvat1ve give •• •11 ~at they o t liko to th1nk that f ·. n a
to hav• int•rv1ews in noW$?~p•r ltk• exp•cted.The conaarv•t1vas don•t do positlon which IMlk•a pao~l• liat•n
8 1lboard, L.A. Ti•es... hara ~•r• .uch of th1nga they v• told,JUSt ••• to wnet t say.They •van t.1 don ' t
probl•• • w1th t~e 18 yeors old 9uys tne pollta• ,because •van tholr know .mat to sayl(laugns).
• t•t arraated,becaus~ aft•r on• blrth SUPPOrters era eoa1nst the•.The

~~· :flaujKs) l dOft t th1nk about

at 1t · a uo to th . . wnet thay do
lsn 1 1t. •
Gr1ft : I don ' t think thay·ll r•e.lly
Are you onlr dOO. or httyy -uaic
fr•.aks ?

Ce• :We listen to diff•r• nt atuffs.
:It s true,
w.i.11 vou r•sord 1Pf'
lp 7

cU1: f s
po.a ' t _,ul be
Grlff :lt"a a good idee .
~lou done t~• Oi
_!'_-!''" ....., ,.. ••!~f
i a sue of
. wo, 1 KlvlK t • it yet
D•c•~•• I ve• , . . proble•a .t·v• tO
f1nd so. . body to o• t printe d no....It
Anythina to •2d i
ts gonna b• out in f ew montha .
~ : You knOW tn r• i • • c o.piletion
~P o ut on Ria• Above c • ll•d Dark
Passaoe s <S• • r•views, ),Juat l~k tor
'"f adress tnare.You cen get our
ah rts tor 8 f tor all tna Europe
Gr1ft : Ch•ara tor tna int•rvtews . •
Cpntact : CATHEDftAL
P.O. Box 111

., 7
-~ seo•s this great doo~ band got
J lot of success,ospecia lly in UK
~ne of course everywhore in the
..orld.I think you all ask about
~~ •se goth1c ghosts,so hero are
so.se infos about these cool dudes
1~0 Nick,singer expla i n their
'~•l ing s.

-o- i s going your tour?For . . it

se~s that vou are vory popular
-ere in England.
"l t.ck : Yoah , well we aro not so·
~ooular as you think.like in Srad
- 'or-d whero we play ed '"• don · e
-se to have a good foll owing
~~ ere!:~ ut it ' s groat we havo a
;cod i me.
~~t · s abou~ the release of vour
.,•xt I~ !
i ~c k : lt should be about January/
-~oru ary 1991.Tho albu• is callod
·~ thic ,with 9 or 10 songs,recor
-~ •d in a studio not far away
.n e r e we live.
:J-=.o you cal ll"c:cd;- a=ak• previous
.:.n ::.n.sland !
i iek ' :No,even if we have already
~ed in SON• parts,it·s our
'"'~r st tour.
vou live i n the North of England
c;::ow is tne scene there !
~~eK : lhere a re b ands ,but death
~l i n England don '. t i nterest et the fans get
•• a l ot,I like 8enedict i on,but I , -
':nd the others too fast. th e ir own opinions on ~n. .
So what ar 9 your favs ? Nick :feah,i can writo a line ono
- · Oi ·~
~ick :~ounagaraen ,~ing a~nd , later and Tho tnen
new another
songs are twohard weeks to
~~rvana,Sad Rel~gion 1 8ad 8rain~ . d etin6 IK>St o f the• havo senso
.._s o th ere a ara
n a.. s ecial se concept
os ! behind f ar tro'• •ho .. title ' just MOro pers
;fck :No it s 1ust the name I -ona l.
~~ ought,éhe cover is supposed to It soees that the trend in death
39 l ike a modern p a radiso lost. ••tal is to be heavier & slower.
v hobbies boside •usic : fou were one of the tirst with
i 0 rea ing so ~e ti•es Autopsy to do it,ha. do you react
am de finit~y.not into sport to i t ?
are the •usician and s i n er Niek :I prefer i t now when i t ' s
1. e es . . iii"O';:'i doo•.But i t's true t hat
ic : inger$ of Sad Rel i gion an~ doath Metal is a trend.I prefer
';oundgarden are bril~a n t,for mu$1 old metal bands like Trouble or Poacevillo Recs.
c1ans I like King Oiamon d Mercy ful Fate than now fast onos. P.O. Box 17J0owsbury
:~~ Tari st and of course Chr 1 s And to conc1ude ?
~e1f ert as a drum~er. Ni.ck :lhanks tor tho intorvi~w, West Yorksh~re~
~ave ou so•e fuTure plans fori'ii'Crit fans want infos just wr1te W F 1 2 BAA, U . I\

l.C:ou rin
~ur~pe or O.S.A !

u .. OJ)S)I a11d
at"'itr ~upoo~od
~er-.any and Swode:io;; \.n Nc:>v~•ber w /
we are waiting tor
to go
n LOST :
to Peacevillo Recs. wi ih an I.A.C
Foi' Gott'li
i li Who ...,..it•d forc . siclll d•11tn 1~-------------------
iaetal, thl.& review al.n t t or 10~.
1 tni~
Your aous e
n oxi 1 lp t1 o tour U;SO~hic• are
s vor
;~rp~~:;d wrii~t i~:~;~?n
J.p ' cAuso iaany tt'll.ngs ohange
~ou ins l.re or in eros in e sino• •to•t Par11;dis•• . We stl.ll
[l&~-~ e i s or fl.nd thl$ sp•o1al sound, but tne
.ic oa , u wo a;..e not particu ~~~:n :r•.,~~-1~~~. ne!:~ò d~;;
~y in Heroic Fan tasy concopt, ~nd i~ Òn• word: aotHIC.Atid wnon
..;; are not liko Sabbat. The lyrlcs you haar tho wl'l<?l• l P t9u l"'"Xt!t
.are very concrete,they a ppear,bu't ~=~tit =~~ps ou9~~s!nto 1 s r•r••I
:.noeed they are very per?onal, I 3o•en{od atl.osprtero. Thor•11 are
o(. nQW what they •&&n t bU't it $ hard marbe .oro lllOl~iC 9ui.tars par1~
-o explain wh cn cro•t• so•ethi.ng 11nrettl ·
~ ' this l p i $n ' t t or ••tre.. doath
it could bo listeti•d by a 1ot of
derM.freaMs in the coolost way. I ' ve hoard you played in squata .can
F-&A~; io ?<%6Ba. you tali us •ow 1s the s uatters
lito ?
'J'Onn :Wo'vo played in
You said in your l~ you don " t wannaFOISo .oney.so tho squatters can
R0-555)• be ortlllated wlt:OGoath •efal,why?restoro tho building i n \which theY.
squats t o

and so.don t you fh1 nR· it s puro'livo.As tor a squattor aay,I woula
.;:HTER is probobly the revelation intolofonce in tact f . not know except fro• NY own porson-
bf ~he year.It see•s they st&y far Jofii'ì '"':'Wo don't wnnt to be affiliatodnal experienco.
•r-oe th• scene by not gl.ving 111uch OF"Closaified with any tor• of music~y have you chos.e n such a na•e and
~rorsations or oven doing flyors or s c ene.Tho reason bocouse we don·tvmaf 1s our favor1te season f
for th •ir lp.Novortholesa ,we want want to bo held to such things.lf on : ecauso wo wan e a na•o thot
f-!aall y got this interviow with John you let poople classtfy you thonw~nfed that wouidn't pigoonhole us .
you·ro li•ltoij becauso thoy expect1 protor spring ond fall I love tho
v• h••rd
eas w
our record co~ an has you to stay thet wa y torovor. Wewint•r,su. .ors Olright bu! 1t ·s too
o re eas n o our never intondod to stay with onedaan hot.
c•n ou o 1DOre particular sound or stilo ofoo you ofton olay liv• and have you
. es wo ve a a proble• plaiing.~s wo grow so w 11 our got any· ér6]06!: or a tou'r ?
in; 1! releasod on vynil,w'hich mus c . It s liko expocting an ortistJoti'n :Wo ve playod OUl:. ·•lot:.But tn
";;~o tho origtnal doal wo ogrood to paint tho so•e p!ct:uro evorr ti•O'fl'i'it"la~t B lllOnths we havun · t plavod
N . At roloase ti•• (Sopt.90) thoy ho paints.It li•its your cren,1·,,ityonco.Wo havon 't hod a dru,..or.Wo 11
:s:alO th ey wero having trouble at the and that · s why banda breok up.AlsO$OO what happon~ wi~h tho now
•ss.lng gtant,that 1t would be out we · re not o death •otal band. •oiabers.
>-c. 9 on vynil,no luck.we·vo Vou also sa ou tool concernod withWho~ havo you decidad to sound like
f"'il'•ed with tho• about it but they oc10 ••-s
ro o us r:Y'Oii'""Cl'Ol
.-.p <;.i•~ng us d i tforent storios.At ous s a ou s. John :Wi novor intendod on it.It was
~.ast ~t· s out on cassetto and CD 1 soJohn :I don t know What you want ••a-pFogrossion .
~ t c o-pl•in too •uch.But we ro'fO'"answor for this . 8ut I feel ovory- How is tho responso to tho lp and
't'..il.1l. ~9 tor vynil. body should bo concornod about whathow naan~ do110a <1,td voù" iolì 7
~ llh the covor. is go1ng 0 11.And that·s what wo want:JOnn :the rosPOnae to tho Ip is good
e v r wes taken fro• a to do.Get peoplo to wake up~tar we·re ready tor a s.econd
:-f' ._.,. photos. th• actual consetous ly. But wo also want to raeke pressing end that s without good
9 irtwr. !lllkS t•k•n in 1942 during tho good •usic.Thot's just as i•portant. pro»0tion and distribution.As tor
rss:st.99 «1.at• rtin russi• Of courseRow do ou seo tho non-rooction oftho do.o about 400 if I can re.e•ber
ur~ ._ Y.J.J.. hat · s •11 the infoswos rn coun es ace o ur a ~Oon ' t you t:hink vosotar!._ans and.
.....,. =- it:-Ye telt: it waa ~ suit- ~ro6lo•.. In l_rnk I
b l.e eesw lor our albu• . It: s not JoRn : I dèSrf i: know whl'.'t you know;John :Wfio
sfraig'tit oda• are now 'frà'nOy ?
cares if belng
nttnc.-.:: :.s be bruta! or so•othing about tho situation.But tho USA has VOifitari.a n is a trond.At loast
s dGl7ib .a. ~.l1k• • lot of banda beon a\ding tho kurds.Mos t of oura good trond.Think of all
o .e.t: 1t !..s- to . . . . you think,totroops are still trying to restoroaniaals boing saved.Hopofully
nd ko you aaa- t ... Nta~~ty of war,hate thin s to arder .
reed ._.. w 11 last forevor

-i a
Sad but true. Ma rtln,singer from
PESTit..ENCE has 1eft the band. 'Nhy? HOW 00 YOU see THE NEW OUTCH WAVE OF
The reason is then simple : Patrick OEAIH MEIAL*BANOS llXE SI NISIER,
Mamel i and him don"t go along with MALIGNANr,Pv IHROSIS ... ?
each Other.It " s ot course pityful, MARIIN :I don t ~now th$ 2 l as t ones
causo ? ESTI~EHCE was ono of the ~ut ~ met Siniste r o n their dutch
first death ~•tal ouropean band.Tho tour with Entombed and Oi sharmon i c
~and stili exist but is i~ still Orch est ra . They were nice dudes and
PEST!LENCE ?Nevortheless here'$ an fr~ ~t v i nt&nse on stage .Good ban ds ~
interview with Martin which is dono wHEN ASPHYX WILL RECORD THEIR LP ?
half for PESTILENCE,and half for ... .flltARl IN ; Re II record the f1rst
ASPHYX !! 'Cause to r whom who wersn't ASPHYX l p 4 n january, we ' ll do it in
aware of it,Martin is now singer in Sto ckhol~,but I don ·t know the
ASPHYX . produc er ' s name .
THE US TOUR WITH CARCASS .U.00 MARI IN : Hopofu lly we can tou r in
:uro pe pretty soo~ , but when I d on t
lilARIIN .:The U.S tour was uninaagina - know ,as soon a s the albuN co ~es out
61etlWe did about 20 g i gs,and tho I 9uess.
fan s wer& nuts.I coulan t believe HAYE YDU EVER BEEN HUllT BY A PIECE
it? It ·.vas a grsa t success. 'Ile al so OF CORSEO GOOORA, LA I t:A I liIGH i IN ~
did on e ?19 ln ,\4e.x1co which was also
awesome . !t ·...as absolutely fuckin ·
kil ler !!!
PIQ'.RllN ; Fuck ! Goudha cursed cheese is
d angerous as Hell !! It suddenly
attacked ~• , swa llowed ~• and spit me
MAR llH : 1 >'ie :!mf'!""!.can c r oWd 'H~!"e out. I was s t1ell i n9 t or weeks ! !
ki llor !!Divin9,sla. .1ng.thr3shing. Everybody avoided me ,next time I'll
etc .. . 8ut in some cl.tles they were split it ~it h a s~ecial oheese •
?rett y violent;Out they·re just as scraper . WRRAAUUGH !!!!.
crazy as european crowcss .Fans go out L.AST '#!OftO ?
of thoir heads evervwh&ro. MAR i IN ; Du p a l.n, d u •.1in , du Senoit ! ! !
HAVE YOU WR I TTEN OTHER SONGS SINCE ( o r ead, '# l.ne a.nd Seno i t, Soursin
'IRE IHCARNAIIUN UF cusr • ? rules ! -ed )
MARIIH :PESi!LeNCE ttirew away all
tn e ~r new ma te ria l.I heard thoy want
:o b ecome more commerciai 1 ~SPHVX :The ~•ck
eentury Med~a str1kes again . The
dutch well known underground band
has now the ehence to show us all
their h•tred.~• Martin s i ngs now
tor th•• ( see int erview) ! they ·1 1
get a eore aatu rod sound.Asphyx
is • violent ator~ but beware
ASPHVX thojr slow and he•vy par t s a re
really doo•. And I think all the
P . O.Box 445 or191na lity ot this lp lies i n
t hoso IJH)netruous oppre••ing
7 570 AK breaks . Thi • first l p show an
Oldenzaal ~lready e xporiencod band . Tho
p r oduction is o~ .~~rti n 's voi co
Holland is even brutali er.The only baek-
ward is the l i nea r dru1HUn9.But
i n the whole you · ve got only one
issue.Buy it ; a nd it ' s trank l y
said .

How caae the new ASPHVX line-

cno~!S ~:e;~ter ~ r~~t ~~~~11.~~~

ut aftor two months he f i red

Th~o,thoir old singer . Theo fucked
up a lot of things tor Asphyx.He
talked shit and Dehaved hiraself
as an arrogant fool.8ob gave hi•
one more c~ance and he screwed it
so , he was kickod out.So now it·s
Martin + Asphyx - Theo ..akes Erik
Bob and 1110.
Tell us all about your new lp:
producer,nu•ber of songs,Where 1t
was recorded,When ...
Martin :O .K. our albu• contains 8
son9s and an intro. We recorded it
on our rehearsal room whioh is
also a studio.Harry Wyening,our
producer owns the placo he Duilt
hiatsel f a s~ud io ovo·r ti.e years.
And bocause we like not
Morrisound recording we did it
our own way!It took us about 5
days to do the album.Well,what
more do you need to know ?
How was the tour with Ento•bed ?
Martin :Oh the tour was great!it
was a fuckin ' successJWe got real
good frionds with Ento•&ed.They
are really cool guys.Exept tor
Austria was almost every 9i9 a
sell- out!The catoring was great,
tho bus allr i ght . In fact the

whole organisation was kil1eriso,
i t was just a magnificent tour.
Future Asphvx plans of tour ftiss
and releases ... and tell anv! ins
~ou want to add on As,hvx.
art1n :We are goingo set up a
full length european tour in sept
-embor with Entoabed again.(We
bo~h want that because of the
splendid relationship we have
together).Thon we might do so. .
gigs (or a 2/3 wee~ tour) in
Eastern Oer..any/CSSR and Poland
(raaybe Russia>.And we hope to
record a 1 2• in august or j uli
wh i ch will feature re-recorded
de_, trax (sung by •e,yezz!)
t n tho Nidd lo éast,J"•l i gion rules,
what do ~ou th~nk aoou t ~hat !
loro :l think tho pooplo ovor thoro
~ comploto craty. Th.ei 'NOI"' J ust
briko out two days ago,and thoso
stu pid Iraq fight a holy war. Thoir
brains are totally wasnod out.To
boliovo in 3 roli91on is ono thing,
but whon pooplo kill t or it,it ha$
gono too tar.The only truo god is
Ivar Medaas.
How is No.-..! to live in ?
Toro ~I 11 teli you this country
roolly. suck$lEveryth i ng is vory
oxponsivo and tho govorn•ont should
bo passed on the old pooplos'ho•e 10
yoars ago.Take for oxam~lo a bottle
of ·.vi.no.SO \ of its pric:o goos to
tho st~to.All this is just taxos.A
Old Funeral fro• Norway startod up can ot coko cos ts aoout 2S.Tho
~~ 88 with: Olvo (bass /voc),Paddon eostago to ratos aro also very high .
~ru •s},andTore (guitar) .In october ~t costs you 3$ to sond a tape
39 th eir first 6 trax del'llO was out: outsido Norway by Air-Mail ~ Tho only
" l't• Fart That Should Not ae•.It was good thidg is tho nature , 'Nhon I onco
~ •ry thrash and bad sound.In 90 thoy in the decado h avo a spare day, I uso
~$eo rded a 3 trax doiao *)rO violent to go t or a '# alk in tho foros t or ...
~nd brutal:"Abduction ot Li mbs• and so•e frionds go and catch so•e
• nich was woll sold.In july 90 they crabs. I livo oly S ~inutos fra• the
;ot Christian as 2nd guitarist , and Contact sea,you soe.But the nt0st irritat i ng
~ n nove•bor Olve quittod tho band . th1n9 about this country is that
-~ . now bassist is Thorlak .and ovory bov has to do his si litary
~ad don also sing.In january thoy sorvico.If you·ro lucky,you can bo
Nent in studio to record a op for ~lacod to the c~vil serv1ce.
;ne trench lahol Thrash Rocs.Wo thon Tore Bratse"th Are you into th• occult ?
ask Toro so•• more about his Hellebakkane 36 i ore :Yoan,roally lntoresting
..30 l.nions. 5215 Lysekloster t1i1i'( is. '# e h31ve t wo lyrics on tho op
Norway 'Nh1en are about -..el.rd thin~s. Wo h ave
~re xou satistied with xour d....o ? a song callaa • tncan·tation and it · s
1o re :SOth yes & no . Wo ro all happy an old ganuino. song which axorcists
;'T"f1i' our songs,but wo think that the us od :o sin9 iaany canturies ago.I
sound could havo boen a ~it mor9 hav• a 350 gages book aDout tho
,ru~ al.It's a kinda too •c1aan• if o ccul t and t roaa rt ·Nl. th groat
/ OU know what I moan.Sut wo couldn ' t ploasure.I'a not into satani s• o r
~~? •et anything bottor, · coz it was stupid stu ff like t~at,but woird
..;.u r fi rst timo in a studio . wc loa:'"n things ~av o al'#&vs intorestod •• ·
~rom our arrors you know.Anyhow,I Oo xou thin• A. I.O.S • ill anihiJ..a te
: n ink you can say wo ' ro quite tho planot !
satisfiod with the result. fo ro : Nahhh ... I don·t think so.Proba
• h at do your l~rics doal with ? =l>!Y" it will kill a groat doal of
toro : A lot o f th1ngs act:ually . 'N o hol90sex uals and stupid drug abusers.
~t want to just writo about one But whO earos about th e drug addicts
~ub1 ect all the ti~o.So we just tn ~Y opinion they desorve to die.At
Nri to about things which boco•o loast tho ones over 1a yoar, old.
~oso rbod in our minds.I think pooolo They 'r• j ust paras1tos in tho
a re quite bored with the •preaching• society .And I al.so th.lnk that those •
lyr1cs. 'I lo don· t appeal to anyono moga brains will find so.. kind of
t nrougn our ly r ics,we j ust want thom :>~~ v.Qccina1:ion agaJ.n-St it within 101
:o bo onjoyablo to road. ysars at loast.
Hop• to s•t a doal soon ?
:ore :We alroady ijavo a doal with ~'}..
' nrash recs. from your own country. . ·.:.~
~n ap will come out in ~pril 91 .It T-Shirtshboth_sid&d & color print&d:
~ill f eature three new trax .They
also wanted to sign us tor an lp 1 but'-L~:;;3:~~~~
N• tako ono stop at tho ti•o.We nave '
... ·.
Jt4,r-..~·;:20 .o.-;75 r F;7 G8P;75 SK.R;75 NKR.

already rocorded it but thero woro a

other releases beforo us,so we had
~o '#&it.The op will bo availablo
:nrough Thrash recs. and fro~ us,
and ot course so •inor distributors.
lltany giss since ~ou startod ? J trax do.a 'Abduction of Lia.t>s•:
ioro : We have played around 15- 16 4S Scandinavia& SS olsewtlere.
9i9 ~ ' till now.'4ost ot tho• were
sh1t.We ' ro only satistied with one
of the•,and that was at th e
~rav eyard Gig at Nottodon., h ere i.n
_...at do vou think about the
v !q•farian ~rena :
iore : tf peoplo don't want to oat
aeat' ,it's o.i( tor rt10.?orsonal.ly 1· .. .
~ ot a v egetarian and 1 · ~ not playing
: o be.Ha•burgers rule,but I hato Mc
.:,.Onalds, 'coz thoy serve shitty
Q~rg ors.Our locai cafo has the bost
ones.In Horwa~ we don "t havo this
;rend at all.- don·t know a sin9lo
v egetarian.au~ t know that there are
aany i n Holland,England and other
~ laces.Anyway,I can t stand vog•ta-
o l os.They are too h ealthly and taste
o adly.Pizza is definitely •Y fave
f ood.
OLD AJNERAL :Adv.tape 7" 91
CIO~ • do•th end profossi onal than
·~ . 1r firat releaso,here·s the •dv.
· ~ ~heir 1 • out on Thr•sh recs.lt
•~ now bettor th•n ever and vor!
~ •nd dis . . l.Than ••P•Ct a roa
p;ioi; ·~ fro• thia band and get it
~~• i t kills w1th so• • ta•t oru•
:a--..:s. and grav•yards voice.
OLD FUNE~ :Abdu~t ion of Li• b• 90
lh1s do.O s not very r•prosontative
of the b•nd co•p•rftd to tneir n~w
stu ff .But 1t s stili int•r•sting to
••• tn• evolution of a band . This
de.O i.n · t a cult pioce but
i ntroduee that band es a tea{ d••th
one.A~ffs •r• not ~jllors and the
voice 1• a •i• b••tw••n bl•ck and
oeeth ••t• l .Nev•r~bel•ss ~he sounda
is good .
IERRI : No,we haven t playod out yet !
lt really doos suck,too!We never had
a full line-up,so we nover could
play a show.We do a plan to play out
aftor we record our next de90.We are Contaet :
supposod to play this bi9 Death Fost
in Buffalo in April.That should
rulo!I hope we can find anothor
guita rist by thoniif not wo "ll just
got so•eOne to fi 1 in tor us. ·
IERRI :I usually write about 3317 Sunview Drive
Nystorious topics concernin9 . .gic, Pittsburgh,PA 15227
castles, vampi.r·e s ... I did j ust write USA
OERKETA is the well known wholy about so. .ono co•ing out co. . . Lyrics
girls bend.That ' $ why you can easyly are hard boeause you don ' t want to
imagine the fact we couldn't avoid wr i to about th e sa. . stuff all the
to make an interview with the•.It ' s t i•e.I "vo been gotten away fro•
see•s their •unholy Ground • d'.o is writt i ng the 19Qre •darker• lyrics,
very well spread everywhere in the because people were labeling us a
world.Then we had to feature the• in satan i c band.We are not a satanic
those pages. Fo.-. now, onjoy that band ! ! would cn111lidft,. 11~ " • ooo•
int&rview with Torri,dru. . . r of the me't:al • band.
WHAT IS THE PRESENT LINE-UP ? I ERRI : NO not at all! The only
TERRI :Sharon (vocals,guitars), Torri of fects Sharon used wa~ little
{druasl Mary (bass). reverb and so. . delay to hold out
lSN . T TòO OlF~ICULT TO FORM A OEATH t he lines and scroa• •.That · s i t ,
MEIAL BANO WllA INCLODING ONLY thore · s nothing to deepen her voice
GIRLS? or whatover.Sharon gets roally
IERRI :Yesl!!We have had so aany pi ssed ~hat peopl e tha~ say she uses
aggrivations trying to fo~• Oerketa. e t f ects but I guess co•ing fro• a
Things soe• to be going well with girl.it 1 s hard to beli ovo .
the newest •••ber,Mary,so all we
need now is another guitarist.We had
this one iuitarist that turned into
a fake,s eezy groupie;we onded up
kicking her out of the band of
course.Girls are very hard to find.
especially girls Wt'IO can play well
and don "t want to just. t eel •i•port-
tant• because they re in the band.
!ERRI :lt •eans • GOaess of Oeath• in
Stygian Nythology.Plus , Derketa . is a
character in the Conan series.We
thought ì t was different and f i t us
the best considering we are gir l s.
IERRI :No,I haven "t . I never even
picked up dru• st i ks botore we
formed the band ! You can tell that i s
true if you ever heard our rohearsal
tape!Sharon had pl ayed guitar beforo
for•ing Oerketa, but never was
serious about it until we got
together.Our bassist , Mary , had been DON "T YOU KNOW THE
in about 4 or 5 bands,all ot wtlich BAND CALLEO Wl lCHES
were taalo do• inated . She ended up and
)Oining us because we wero a lot
moro serious than the bands she was
in.Plus~she nevor was in an gir l
band borore.
DEJìfO ANO Tl"IA I 7 • ?
I ERRI :Well, our first do-0 1 *The
Onholy Grouno• is still our . only
del90 to date,but 1 t · s still se l ling
fairly well.•e recorded it at Al ter-
nativo Studios here in Pittsburgh on
an 8 - track.Evorything turnod out
~retty well considering it was our
tirst atte•pt.Thore are 4 songs on
it,all ot th•• are protty slow and
doo• y (because that"s the wav we
l1ke it !)tbut they have there fa s t
parts too. ho 7• was recorded at tho
sa•• plaee and .,.. re-did 2 of the
songs off the de90.We did this
bocause we we re playing the songs a

lot bettor and we wanted to
expori. . nt with the sounds 90re.
Soraphic Ooeay Records pressed up
ou~ 7• and are distributinq it tor
us.It's really killor,too!It·s on J
clear purple vynil!!The covors are
(tor so•• stupid roasons) not dono
yet,but I know people havo been
recoiving th e• anyway.Thoy will got
thoir covors lator.Hopefully,soon
things will be back to nor..al.I
forgot to •ontion that our domo is
boing sold for 5$ everywhoro,and tho
1• 4s being sold for Ss USA/6$
world (by Seraphic Oecav Rocs).
hav! reoeived ~ fow otfers
e lp oea end we will be •iOnlng
to Oeat/Peeoevil.le Reoords.
Are you •ll -onks ot e:rkness 1
Jiff :Ori stati .,. F• eonka of
How do you ••• relttions beet. .en
heri lind wo••l'_.:_1
Jeff ! Vory STW'O'el.

VIT~ AEMAJ ~S : Th~ Bleck Mass ep 91

Whi e aiortild lntr-o::~or tftetr f1rtt
~raok,"Of Pure Unholyneat",the~ ,et
anow ut wh1ch wey we heve to te•e :
tne Le ft ~•no P•th .Sn thlt OOO•V
Oeetn treok i t fuck1n Jfttenae ano
loud oerta . tnoro ere • 1 so test
tfte YOlCe lS COPtlY~ng espoc1ellr Oft ..leff 'Throat•
t ...
r eelly groat.The otnar troc•,•Fro~on 81 iq,-.s Street
Torror",lt ln t ho sa. . ttyle,wlth a C. F • Rt 028$3
snort tlC~ tntro.An al\ornat1vo oooe 6,$.A,
and fost dootn bano to hoar very

Yuu suu• to hDvo go~w lyrlcs,can

you dusCrt'68"--Y-orZS'Ongs ?
Cfirfi':"Ouf"""Tjrics ae1i( wfih d••th
dls••s•.stupldlly or hu• •ns ...
·e:x ulc•r"ation• 1s itbOut • gur
lnfectod with auch dis•Mse •hi ch
k1ll hlM littlo by little,slowly,
•Evi:i.coration• i.s about a •un so
sick of alt that
h• •utilat•s
hi•solt.•Sindro• Ot R•9urgit•tion
deals w1th our s1cknoss of th•
What ~r• vout_ tuturo
Or __gl!l.f. r
Cfir1s ,/{f the fl\9••nt wo aro
~n9 on new songs lor th• 2nd
do-.o out tor J•nuary 91 and tryln
to oo so•• conc•rts.It so••
roaders aro concerts Organizers,
just write us I
What; do yo1.1 thi r1k ot awiss banka
WfITCh accopr--th•
aruqs a •• 1.rs froa t •
it"....la ot
fla !
\ Ch'F1s :Evoryone Wnows fhit swiss
ban"i got f1lthy 90ney,but nobo-
dy knows how it alt goos.
What nre...._!iOu r hobbies .•nd do
st1Il Sfii'dY-or d6 you worW !
Cfir1s !All tftf'>o e we WOrk and
bosldea EXULCEAATiON,we like te
go to tho concorts and do parti••
with frlends.
What !s th• A,.tt•.,t lp ot this ~or
mnd t~• 60i't show iou Oe seen --
CH"r'ts"" ! I ERRORlZER:Wortd 06wn ll
and CAACASS liv• in Belgiu• •nd
SwitZ•rl .. nd.

EXULCERATIOM :And The Siohne3a 8•9•n

1K.is yoUìig s wiss bend is brutal l1k•
the extr••• ones Agethoclea,Exit 13,
It cont•ina 8 totei d•• th gr1ndtn9
tr•a.8ut product1on is poor·cau•• o
• too loud voic• & too l~ dru• per~
It th•y progr••• in thia .... y.they
wlll be a new grind hope i n a atyle
whoro thore are too raany lohe b•nda.
5 S or 30 FF to:Chris !rlliett•z ,
Tattes d · o1e 85,CH 1260 Hyon.
tsARNEY :Mitch als"o knOW$ that Nepal•
Oeath takes uo load of ti~es and
~n ly gets involveo w1th Righteou s
1 gs wnen he g o es back hO•o to Las
Vegas.I think Goatlord have solit-
uo .
BARNEY :Yos I a a. it i$ wr 6n9 I think
ror anybody to have th e r1ght to
more or l ess tak e a per son's llfo in
a court ot law or in a n y situa tion.
?OUR I OOR :N 8Rltl ll ? -
BARNEY :rlorida is 9reat,trionoly
peop40,9reat band • . killer weathor .
Braz1l was •n exper1e nco.Wo olaved l
killer $ h O ws with S•pultura· • Aat:os
de Porao.It W"a$ g o od oecaus• oeoole
never get to s e e many bands thero
ano they were totally into it.The
negativo side was tho high level ot
poverty and d e pression that can be
c l earlv seen when you travel around
SARNEY :Ju$t.1n fro• Goèt!esh
cravelled with us to the gig and so
:• tn~ught it woulo b e a good idea
o r Mitch • Shane tO do a cover with
BARNEY.! Screa• ing Si•g• With wind
Repulsion Slas t Rhino Charg•
Screa•ing Hacaw Flying Afr1ca n Head
Charge Jaoholocaust Cauze Oistort
Japan AAAAARARGGGGHHHH .. onough said !


BAKNEt : iho c6vof o r •A.e· is protty

abstract.It shows tor•s ot •xeloita-
ti.on and COl"'ruption. •Su ft&r. . shows
r &lig1ous artetacts surrounde d
bank not• pi&c•s represonting capita
- ism in tho church.The so c~ll•d
~sur~ing th• Faith",the gas mas ks on
tne inside cover represent the
aggression tactor caused by
religious • supposed blasphemy Wtien
peop le exerci.s e the ir ri.gnt to
question fal.th.

~:g;~§ii 1 ~T~f~~·ifit•i.·~!!USt''atlkj
BARNEY ;I tnink thore l.S bit of
di t ti?e nce beetween bands like
Kre•tor or Sepultura.l know both ot
th• latter support bends and they
a re all 9reat guys.Ho attitude
p r oble•s.I thl.nk we ~et offered a
tour with Slayer but .,,,. wo woulon ·t
• do it beceuae ~hey W'9ro char91n9 a
r idiculoua a•ount ot 1110ney to oo the
tou r a n d we near they treat supports
banda like shit.I don·t th1nk t·o
want people Wfto support Napal• Oeath
to n a ve to pay the sort ot door
prices that Slayer cnarge to see us
SARNE Y ; His v6Ca~s are prettr good
àrid Pdwerful.I th1nk they wi l come
thr ough really well in a studio
s1tu a tio n but in 11ve situations hls
voice starts to 91ve way ~owords tne
on d of the s e t . He shoulo get used to
things in ti•e through and snould oe
aolo to build up 1110re vocal sta•ina
j !~ YOu .ar• 1,nter•steo :.n
.e~11P$E,#al;er ' b•nJ *"!.'!•
:.ntos,tn• y v • soon ! de-os ~ut.~Me
~lso ~l •ys Ln PAOC!SS ~ev~~!0,3 ,
'\:.gn tecn tnrs•n D• nd ).
•a lt•" -,.~cnsl•r
2519 <:.t1•to"'
Jt.r!:...,9t~n ;,11 76')1.S

S.AOISTlC I NTINT signed on the Wild

A•gs so•• tl••• ogo and
r e l•• ••d •n •P [••• r•viewsl '#hiCh
sound• very 9od y,•tmp•nd1ng Ooo•"·
And h•r• w• got v•ry cool •nd lon9
•nswers by Rick Cort•z (guit•r).
t ur ' l • endin
no P"OaM> ion.l
tr••t tor bosi o
you look at
band• lik• Hucl••r O•ath and Blaspne
·•y ,tn•r ' v• 9otten aood orol90tion.
Even A ohard C. told us "You,guys
are doin9 r••l good tor no proao·-
tton•.w• av•n sola out our flrst
pr•ssint of r•corde •nd t•P•• •
coupl• ot tMinth• ago.I "• not sur•
'llllhat th• •••et nu•b•"• are,but I
,. no- it ' " ti•••- 90"" C'"'p!e'\ s:- ta:-.
And that ' s 9ood cons1der1ng that
lt s an •P·
~ did o~

ot two

SAOISTIC l lrlTEJ(! : l•pending Ooo•

Attar i goo~ 89 do.-o ·contlict
within",they are bacM with thi$
wondertul 4 songs ep.i ot tho• were
olreedy on their previous de.o:
"Existence• & "Horbid Feith".They
play taat d••th Metal with doo•
part s very we11 •tructured co•pos.
Th• s 1nger ts ~--2i~g,full of hate'
rage.Maiyb• one ot the biggest hope
th• U.$ .A.Good sound & product1on,so
ordor it now to W1ld Aags tor 10$.
As . . nr peopl• k now..at
tl"O~bl•• h•PP•n.a
end that ru-our•
.,.,.. •Pr••d •O.Out U$ ] abal ~areohl C
O.cay Rac• . lt•v• ChO•• t o •P••~ • ot
all the t end ln thl• 1nterv1 . . , h•
ust •APl•1ns you th• ree•ons of ell
ltoho•• O•l•Y•d oroara , Jt •
consioer 9000 or bea
up to you
whot w1lJ
tollow. We are not e tr1el end • •
only wann• keep unoerground •l1ve .
&.Jt , ..,. tho u9ht it ..,.. good to let
people tell wr.et they h•v• to s•y .
Wh dad ov chOO•• o rant on)
.,,.. .
rrT"" )USt
n · t onlr cnoo•• to o o '7 •
that 7 •P• are •uch
easier to start •ith, than tull
Jen9th lo• I
How -..n re ••••• tll ow ?
ave : e ave now • èi'ies 1 ..mich
ere in or·d•f' ) Minch 1 R19or Mortis N ,
Y. , ncentet1on , Mò~1c1 e n, O.r~eta ,
Goreephobla1 01s9rece , A9athocl es ,
•ys.. Abnorrenca 1 Thyebr.orrentl
Acrositcnon & '1ll1n1 eoo1ct1on I
Wh~ch k ) nt ot troubl•• papp•n.O • :Ltb
th• b•nda 1
St•v• : w.n,tn1..• .1.• a v•,.Y lonf
~ •nO a na,.d on• to w,..1.t•,ou
1·11 {ry to •ake it •• cleer &spos a
-ible .•• l wes rr1eno •ltn John ~ e
Ente• o' lncentat .1.on . He lntroouced
•• to n1 a rr1ends ._,,o w•r• ln banda :
X.-Ol•t •on (Rlgor -.Ortla N.Yj,Mort 1-
c1en,O.r heta , f;oreap~b 1 a . &o,
to rel•••• recoroa by th•••
star--\ • }' reeoro labe l , Well!•"-•"' J
banO• \0
__ .... -··

put out ••• ,o,. th• •P•

sh1\ started to heppen ! Tne band•
th• 1..s .t\en
01on · t aend •• any art..ork for the bonas,beoau•• they get all their
covera of thase r •corot ono wer•
ttuff done on tl•e,and tney eppreci•
very lezy end slo- •lth 1ry1..n9 to -te tne wo,.k t •• doing tor th•• ,
get so-•tb1n9 togetner . So , J finally th•n tne U$ band•!'So tnia ts ""'Y
got the oanos artwork wh.l.Ch I th• US banda on S.O.R are trying to
tnought everyth:Lng wovlo be cool!But
1t took •- ~ months alnee tne rel••••
KAM~1S PLftZA • SU\Tll 1136 o •t the europ•an band• on S . O. R to
o•t plss•d •t ua,and thlnk ...,. •r• a
oat•• for the be.nos to oec1..d• tnat
tney .... nteO •• to get tn . . artwork l
3768 llOCl<Y RlVER.DlllV.E r1p off!T'h• thtno that 1• *<>•t tunny
aoout oll ot th1a,i• that all the
$0,everyon• th•t oroereo th• recoroa
n eo to w'elt , _5 •onth• lor tne r•c-
~J,J;qEf..Affp, Ollll] #111-<jQSD banda •agr•ed• to •Y te,.•• oetore
ords,bec•u•• tne oenoa d1ck •• over
oy not nav1n9 artwork for the1r
JJ,s.A.; tna recora ••• . . de,a.nd now that it
naa b•en . . de,now they bad aouth
s. O . A!There i• nwcn ta0re thlngs I
coverarso 1 begen to oet l ettera oould talk about 110re peraonnal
tro• peop 1• ••~:Lng •• , '1ifhy neve we p,.oble•s that have ~eppened beetween
not reca1veo our oroe,.a? '.So,l had s. O . R ano tne other oenoa ,{eapactal-

to ..,.1t• oack to p-apl• tell1ng th•• I ly John and lncantation),but tt i~
that 11 . . . n t S.D.R• feult,but the
band• have fucked us over,•o 1f JCM.1 . ·. .
stup1d ano bOrino tor . . to 90 on
thts trtvtal bullshtt!I 1us t wanted
...ant to Oltcn at •o•eon• , wr) te to • t~• ch~nge ~~ st•t• •y • oe ot th•
th• b•nOa •"d tell the• to t•t off •tory!But it do•• not . . tter to • •!
the1r l•~r •••••·•nO
at •• tor Oo1ng thl•,•O th•y b•gen
tO say l1e• •bout
seno u• tne art
-wo,.klW•l ,the b•nd• t•1 plssed off
.0. RIJ d~dn t
: ~-~--~;;.:,:,-_-;;.. ....,
'-~ . ...,- .Jt:;,;-
fhe truth will nold it• ownl
ave : s
o • a
end back
efore in the above
·~iss tne1r •••" 11k• they W4n~eo •• .j~ . . . ·..; • •wttr.th• banda tucked •• over by
to.so tnfy 1ot p1•••d eno tr1eo to not sandln9 u a tn• artwork tor the~r
bla. . el th• proOl • • • on $.D.R! au1
it any ot yo.u people heve ev•r
~ - .. - ·.;~ cow•,.s..... h •d to delay ell tha
r e l eases untill they told . . \hat 1
written to any of tho•• banoa 1 thould ftnd th• • th• ert....ork l(Wl'ltCh
o~l!c"'c -:.:-.• t 1 v;;,;
fro- the• ,or you--.r•°'1
n., ... ,. yot • r•p 1r
o .ait ti
,... •Y cno.1.ce tro• the b•91nn1n9 !)
So•• fo,.th • n lena ,.tnt
MOntha ror e reply l ~t ir you "k1••
ess• or ere f riend• with tho•• ever . ,we h•v• 11bout 8 MOr• 7•
banO•Jthen you wi ll R•t a reply ve,.y to co•• out wtth,plu• e fow
f asti e• just p1 ss•6 ot that thO•• sa•Pl•r coMi)•Ct Oiscs rele•••s,and •
banas ( ••P••c1ally John and Jncant•- tew 10• records l Maybe so• • lps, but
t1on ) neve atarted th••• bad ru-.ou ra nothing •tor aura• yet!
aoout 5.0.AtHow. they h awe wr1tten to Satisf~•d w )S h th• result of your
the othe r bands tr-o- Europa th.at are Tft'tarprl..'l• l
on the l ebel,and are tel11nt th•• i~ ;Yes.t •• very haooy w tth th•
th•t J e• go~n g to ,.,p th•• off tln way : nave r eleas.O the record s !I
"!sten• . .,a ~1n e ,l dld en t nterv1ew
in wtiich l sa1d , "European band• are
'"!"k that all th• different vyn11
co ors are c ool,and I dO MY best to
Much batter to work wìth then U$ -.k• o gooo package !8ut when oanda
Are coo lazy to ao nd mo lyrLo t , tnanx
l1st etc •• then t c3n not put out•
CO•Pi•t• peckage,but lt 1 s t h• bands
c no1c• to dO What thay want on the
l aoel ! I th1n k our r e l ae••• ·~·
batter th•n .ost ot tft• plain
•black' vyntl releaaes? (ju•t look at
~C>'U< ........ . CP'• • • tne sn1tty r e 1•••• ot incant•t1on
•tnt,.ant•• •nt Ot Ev11· on ~elap se
-•cs.!Totàl • hit!)
Oo you wann o on w1tn • • hin
"i ''
iiiore L• ort71
• : a id Oetor• . ~• plan on
• - g CDs ,loa , to•s,p~ctur e 4.1.acs,atc
but th• only .,.Y .,.. •111 b• able to
' r e l ease suon th1n9a.1s only 1f .,...
o • t tb• svooort trCHe all t~ e godlJ
_........ -..........
.·-··-- .. -··· ~

d eath aet•l fans 1n tne un.d•rgroun4.
lt 1s ~• cau ae of all you people i n
th• ~nd•rground th•t s . o.~ puts out

~ vynil of ~o•• of the IJ!Oat orutal
oends on tn• olanet!It tt was not
to r tn•• tha whole scene WOuld t ust
S6 PO•C • die!So pie•se ,supports your country,

-- ...

~ u poort your trLenos ,auooort yo u r
lltUS1c, support you,. b•nd• ,
y our z~nes,auoport you,. soene.an.d
-ost ~rtent aupp0rt ••Oh other ! ? !

Mey death . .tai,gr~n d lsol •tter , goret

4rund?•,dOOt1, •lnce re tn torever!! .


C/O k. . L. . ilrlan L. .
72S l'&orth '--lte 81Yd 142
Alt ~r. '1. J270l

Another legend ho• reborn: MAS$ACRE

After Maator,Posaea1ed I Repul11on
they oro bacK with n killer lp. So
for all th• true old fans here co•o•
tho MASSACAE ti•el

K. l :No ..• t think stur l~k• th•t i s

vefy chlldlsh.I don " t regr•t dolng
lt at th• ti . . J dld it .•• But now
would b• uncall•d for.Chuck do•a
onough hl•salt that hurts his r•puta
- tion that h• doesn " t need anyon•
olso to •tood tho fire•.1 loav• hi•
nlono.I hnvo nothino bad to aay
obout th• our·
What do tht yrics d••l with ?
K. C :Wfill• •veryonè •I•• wrlt••
8'60ut S•t•n or gore or ls ~litlcal
or sociallatlc,I lih• to wr1t• about
fantasy horror topics,gothic horrorl
1 ·~ a blg H. P lovocroft fan plus
Clivo 8arkort•Sy• bolic J ..artailty•
la about • ..an wtio soak s tho tocrot
to i--artal lifo,only to flnd out
that th• "Old Onea • trick hi• . H• a•t
to boco.. i..ortal but looso ~is
sou l in return!!°Cryptic Reel• s" is
a horror atory ebout a viaion lnto a
wor1d wh•r• .onstros itios oxiat,a
piace jual outsldo of ronlity.A
i"oel• whoro childhood night• aros
lurk . l gueaa aoao pooplo would cali
lt HolllCheck out the lp.lt"s •ort
ot coneept albu• .
Oo you plan to tour 1urope soon ?
k . L : l1le"rewa been t Ffi of d5in0 a
Your with pssibly Ento-*>•d I "• not
possitiveJl(I wh~•h I eould 9ivo
•oro detaila.)
l.qst word• 1
K.L :lhe nk tor th• into rviow 0 and
aupport.Re . ..t>or support your ac•n•.
go to ahowa.write banda,buy faniinea
ordor r•el d•ath (not pseudo thraah
liko Slayer) liv• llk• 1·v• aald
tro• the start I aupport th• fana
on d the bands.I always heve and I
a 1way s willlStay b1zerrot1

K. t :I
now aanf;
b{ Oig ot
Ei'r•che.Wo t•lked & I to d hl• I
would con1ider itfThen wt.on Nop•l•
0.ath wes recordlng · H.c• et
Norrisound .Aick & I wont down.019
.... thero with Nooturnus wtio was
1lso recording.We ell •ot a telked.
An agree•ent was mado , a contrecta
tor 4 lp1 ahowed up 4 llK>nths lator.
A lot O1 bonds n••• Massecro e s
=~~f t=!lii InfluoftCf ,fiow §O You
• :I k lt's great.J . . .n
Ci'Jsacre only did Z Oe-.os a e few
11ve & rehearsai tapes . To think tha t
,... •ade auch a largo i •prossion o n
• O aeny band• is uncrediblell don't
ca-s.id•r it to b• • ripp.- off es long
•• th•1 •d•it that Mess•cr•
.•'la.nc•d the•.I •••n look,even
a.r-.y went •• far •• credtting . .
•• men in
• totolly dlg on d udes • ith
b oraoks • ahowing,dorf•atoos,
(that'a oh••••-footl) ,~e ld tn the
genital aroo, unahO• •r•d with a s-oko
dangling out of th• mouth uneont r o-
' llable bo-wel probl•• ond ot e-ourae ••
lots a ohtat hairl
Leat wor-d s tor lou .•.
~ :rnanx i ra R.Wrlta to us. Look
u tor 'Carrion tor Wor•a .sta1 d•ad
and . . k• aura to wash your ball
sack aJ

Thit dutch bend influenced by tho

t•llon god• C•ltic Frost. h~s their • ti rugs
flrst albu~ out on Propheey Roca. a
now d{vitlon of SeMaphoro.So th 1s
w• •··~- ~·••• t 1••
r'!"Tl\"6 t t I ~·ç A~'1. ?
\"àTPi'I' )'OU,. ~r vana Man) l hink it's good.
·e I n ì'Wl 1Mll~1nary rentosy worl~.It cien iats oonsider hashish less
interview will •hOw you that they oddioting th•n coff•• lll t'• still
eren ' t new coMer end th8t thoy havo la ditr•r•nt for an~on•. dr u gs,bu t itill her•tull than .ost
• lot ot 8•bition. ~rw are fo!:J-2 !iC!~'o xou use pyr2 paopl• th nk.Th• •••• scienti•t•
~k p bo~~
your history !)'o~'1:;\ ~VJì pr , indood wo do. conaid•r a OOhOl •• a harddru9 with
the •••• eddiction
Bù~"'i'. too •uch.Al'ter •11,the crowd as heroln tln
:~beg•n as • k inde party OOJll•a tor th• band,not ~or th• fir•- Hollend th•r• are 30 000 heroln
unks and 300 000 alcoholics! So•e-
•nd in aept . 87,We developped
and b•c•.. in the yoars
1t110rks.1t • s juat e ...11 pieç• of our
•t•e•-•ot . lhtn9 to aet yar •ind to workl
till now e deeth ••tal bands.Hot on Vou r• ~-ti:jtis Frost/H•llha. . . r ~flrIZu • •f~t"''"! plana tour
purp.ose,it )ust happen9d right now n r c -n e • lnna
dr-op.PrOduca eor• COs end beco•• a
till we
.... ve ootta worldwlde record deel a . Uf• colnctdenc•, I guess . . Jor band world wld•ll
end play lot• of tit• es headliner v•r tried to b• Celt1c Frost
f:r~•ll Ho lec~ 9t a teCOftd 'uitarist ?

end •• support tor soe• . . jor bands no, . . ,... O.liriv• I! !Got O•lfrlU• : Hot 1•t. n the futur•
11ke Obituary,the Acc0s9d ,Cil\dle . .sa
Wha hink of ,..,. dutch -Hoe oud
or Paradiso Loat •..
How did u at our d . .l so D!!irt~ : i
Zit" juf
I •••· J1• ?
1 •1 Hork 22 I•••.
mi u• : Mvch a.t~n1 tel•ntad yount MIII ZU J aar,Jlen 25 l••r.
t>a Holland.Gooa COllP•tition.
• u• :Don t know.I guess we just
ree ..d attention by our sound end
our radiatlon.Maybe,wo " re quito so.e
~t __ rou liv• 7
lnfrent no• lt s not sunny! -g :iouKOtn io
-." fK •dd 1
ii?tous, at0st
oc t gueaa.lt · • ditficult to 9r••tint• to •11 death-
• thin alaa,but wtio •• l to say so. ban9era . O.eth ••tal rui••t
Vou n d n a s . . lt labal.it eould e•t Oit•ITh• club pr•t•nd to be poor
_ wa'ri ti• a'Vallabl• just · o•u•• the~ t••r the b•nd ltl'On·t çgntect : D• Ooorn 55 b
attraok •uch o•ool•.
1848 JR
~ . tta start
so•owhere. D• O.Oorn ( NK)
_ ,tha dl•trlbution is worlwid• DELIRIUM : Zzooounh Th• Nttharlends
end daMn•d Qu1t• good toot WttK 8 so strange na•• and lp
DELIRIUM : Amiput•tion 90 t1tle don ' t txpect psycho fun
mu•io,but true doo•/death ••t•l
IHia bi'Wd i a with no doubts a C•ltic tro• Holland.Delirlua really
Froat/Hellh•. .er aon.Very doo•y and sound• dutch l ike Asphyx or even
ho•vY bl•ok /death . . tal is t•atured ~••Pit•rnol Òeathr•ign,the voice
in this •xcell•nt deNtO.Except Wintar LS v•ry de•p,and th• wtioly sound
O•liriu• la the only band wtio has very dOO•y could re•1nd Coltic
succ••d in ••k ing the legend ot Frost or Hellhe. .ar.So the trax
Switz•rland live aga i n.4 songs of a 9ot gre•t tntensity,and this lp
very wel l wrltt•n but 90rbid •us iG. ia tor H•llha . .er rons .

"Nhat ore vour future ~ans 1 ~ HAAVEST : Reh•arsal 90
· 3ro... th : li'e!J. , we re · r • 1ng . o n lir.RCa•i tfOM tne USA and fits in
moro songs ano dolng o sol1t eo a d•liri u•, i ndu•trial,l.n••n• end
30HDAGE HARVEST is one of tn• w1th Spin• and S ndles s Terrtb 1 • no~sy sty l e.It could re•i nd
-=:s t Drutal 1ndustr1al band ev•r Slaughter.#e 3re •lso ""'°r~ 1 n9 o n engl1•h bands l i ke $ore Throet
~- ~• t •d on Earth ! Th•y are also a snow ( hope fully ) w1th Surviva l ana so•• Foetus influce1 . 1t · s a
e•yor19inal in the1r aMaz1n9 Researeh ~a oorato rie s some t1mo l.n kind of dark universe Iou will
•~ damag1n9 way to "play•tt! For ~ugust . UnMl• , not much else to say .
enter al soon as you wi l listen
a.. •• too .any listen1n9 to this ihank y ou iebast1en t or th• very to t h ~s sound tro• outter
~ ~o could be hazrdous for your madnes•.Contact:Bondage Harve•t
C ~l.~ tnterv1ew .K1ll a h1~p10 ! t9 Map1e Road , York PA 17403 USA.
~ l th ... so take care!! 4 trax deeo costs 4$ .
O•tM> c osts l s ! US~ )
:e:.sy •
e••• th• id•• to play so BONDAGE -l '$ alsewher•)
:We want to destroy all
!og••tic musical tneor1es . :t s Cont.:sct : aondag• Harvest
90l"• than noJ.s• to us,1t ' s an c 1 o 3row·yn Izer
ea~ression and an
, ••u strat1ons
Outl•t tor our
ond anger.It we
HARVE S T 19 '4ao l• 1'o•d
York , Pi\ 17403
· ~ t •d , we could play ••tal or pop USA
: · """'•tever,but we t i nd 1ndustr
·~al cnaos to be pri•ltive end
•y onotic.~• -~~ ~•~~cnlnq tor th•
~t of all •usic.
_.,,a t doas the na•• Bondage
...,ai~v ist mèans !
!-cwxn ;Our Xaae was originally
. • # H21 N04 , but paopl• were
•iv1n9 a hard time with tha name,
so wa decided to change it to
•::>9• t h1n9 -ore l•dgable.The
.ias 1 nsp1red tro• an old Survival
; •se•rcn Laborator1es fil• that
s~ ow•d th• oestruct1on ot inc1v1-
: .a :1ty •nd •narvested· peoples
•~nds into on• b19 th1nk-tank.
•~a t s about vour lvr1es ?
~--owyn ; We rea ~ ly don t Nave any
s •t irrange• ent of lyr1cs or
-o ~dt . It s all spontaneous . we let
'-~ •usic oo th• speaking . words
-e~d to lim1 t a teel1n9 end
·•st r1ct people trom mak1n9 tne1r
~..,... analoaies ot wnat the •us1c

• •an & to !h•• ·
I OU aqree Wl~h COMMUnlSM ?
~·OwyX !Wtl• 1 lt s actuilly i very
;~od tdea , but 1t could never work
: e c a u se people need to nave a
t e n se of solf-worth.The y need
~i ls •mot1va tor • t o be proouctive
.~e to wor~ tor their own
-~t erests and goals rathe r than
-i ~n~1ng about what the country
:~ul o benef1t fro• lt . As norr1ble
as i t ••y sound , greed 1s a
~-1 •ary Motive tor progress.
•:cord1nq to vou , are faetories
"~ .i!- q•l'I !
3 -owvK ; Sa""i1callylyos . l like tn e
10uridl ins1de a ractory,but tne
-ork 1 ng conditions are poor . Steve
-or ••d in a $teel •i l l ano qu1te
•·a n kly 1 h•t•d every ~inute of 1t.
~e d idn t lik• th• idee ot b•ing•
t •• 1ng th• workers gettin9 11a11n1-
~~: ated ~y th• bourgeoisio
... n e9ers.
•--"'l;a t • vour tave i ndus band ?
,-o-yn ; We hiv• • IOt ot favo-
·~ tea bands in inoustria l mu s ic.
• • l uat Spine.Throbbing Gristl• ,
~ !n1 strv SW111ns,Endless T•rribl•
'o ise Siaugntor!Orackhouse,Eina -
:runzende Neubau~en, & 0.L.O.
~~ e you 1nto indus auaic onlv ?
3 · G~n ; HO,we I1at en tO i wid•
as sòttt•ent of bands fro • Public
~~ ••Y Sonie Youth, M:adonna Thrill
<::l Kult , Pixies,01ck less.~a•ha in
Saunaus 1 Henry Rollins 1 0is••• Oer ,
,enance 1 exit 13,Ride,Ptnk Floyd,
J:s n arMOnic Orcnestra,olo Napel•
: . . th, and Fatt-aey.
009 to a•t 4
3ro-vn :W•ll , you ~no w
record deal soon ?
-oul-0-be untrue;you know tha t I
-ould b e a 11ar;1r I say to you,
~o. We $re not counting on any-
tftat It
HEAOBUTT line-up:
bass &
Ashley O: bass ,
Simon: bass
Stetf X: ••tal

-~~n9 i n the n ear future,but that Jason: flllOt.al r'"'-~~- ( ~

. $ o. ~ . ?art of th• fun of b•1n9
-~c e r ground is working toward tne HEA08UTì :L1v• A.Pril 1991
=~v • t •d
·oeal that banos hooe Fuck l forget Mel v1na, Oodfl••h,
~:• . #• are eager to work w1tn Pitohshitt•r, Einaturi•nd• H•u-
~:~ er bands on split ep and split 8auten . Here ne c~s aga1n . t h•
: :s ,but at the n.o••nt,we · re just __,ddy Ke1t h ••-S.stara ~••trel
·•·91n9 out . w1tft a r•el co•~o l'Nlde ot J ba•s
l: ae s t age act since you play•ra,2 m•t:•l pl•yera end a
dru• . . chine.Thaaa n._ trax blow
.• .!t"' f•d ! avaryth~ng .... y .Jt • s real 1ndua,
~·~• rn : Yes we ' ve play•d tor so•• no on• . h•s raaehad auoh an
;* 3u r c o 1l ege t r iends 1n the aggraas1vity in the1r way of
play i ng.Tha pro j oct of an ap ia
::-~1t or1es a n ò a couple of tiMes
=~•~ln g uo tor Oessau and Trill on th• . . y.So don • t •1••
Ulti . . te band in do~ Xndua l
--· Kul t . So &a JOr tours yet
.... =~9nt.
"-*~~ r eacttons to th• taoe ?
! 2 z_., x : SO tar~tne resoons• h•s
! e •- oos l.t 1v e . :.01t P•OPl• don t
-·~•~ , t a no wnat aondag• H•rvest
s ~!lrro~t ~or Max 1•u• •nJOY••nt ,
• e- t abs and pound aw.ay .
~ ""°--- •01tterent• 1 s u seo to
~s:--.~ J s a l ot .
Wo wanna introduco SONIC VIOLENCE getting any smaller.
ono of tho Most çru shin·band on ~ :Aistorica ll y 1 it hasn't changed
oarth.Tho whole me•bors answe rod our muçn,oxcept now tne rich are even
questions and then give a total idea richer ond tho poor are still as
about their b•nd. ~oor.
What th e . .an ing of •JAGD• and of
Can xou give us a brief story ? oour cover !
Oave :The band....,.. initially forGed ave :lhe COver dipicts the • tinol
!i\1986,but didn " t evolve into its !"r'Ony".Seing huntod by society is
present tor• until early t988.This nothing co•p•red to hunting
now consists ot El•or ( dru•s ), Murra y your se lf.The titl• of tne lp reflect
bass & voc~ls) Andy (bass),and Davo thi s as •JAGO • •eans hunt in geraan.
~guitar & voca 1 s).We rol eased our
irst record,a 4-track 12" c4lled
•sacrifico to Stronght• oarly this
What do you think ot Peaceville ?
Dave ;Peacevllle ts expanding both
mùSTcally and 11terally.They are not
yoar (bofor~ signing to Peaceville), ju st concentrating on one style of
mainly to get ourselvos so~• music which is good for us and tor
attontion. 'Ilo thon signed to the111.
?oacevillo in tho s~ring of this El -.e r :I 'NOu ld agree with you I
yoar and rocorded JAGD" shortly thin k tho l abel is one of,if not t~•
ol'terwards. best independ3nt labol.We are
How was it to play with doath . .tal oleased that we signed·
bands in London ! Row did you-rrnc1 ìhe Ti9•r Panzer Tank ~lt s wi~h lour
~ e ~ci"ild ! 1aa~e"iifion t lou fear aisunders ooa
et..r :We found it a bit strange •it er. .ch troops !
r eally ,du e to the tact we are not a Oavo : #e u sed tnis particular tark
oeath ~vtdl band.As for th o crow.d. oecause i t i s a Jagdpanzer •nd
Nell it · s diff1cult to say.So~e also,as you nave oointed out,it fits
~eoplo obviously en 1oyed and others our l..:aage.
didn · t know what to think of it.
E~rly Ki.lling Joke is on• of tour
:gdv :As far 3S *• are conc•rned
ere is no proole• as it bears no
~in influ•nc•.how do you soe n . . :.ns19nia.
now are there oth•r bands wtiicfi Oo ou consider ou as nationalis~?
tnr 1uenced you ! ave: .. an we a agree . a i
Oave :Early Ki lling Joke i nfluenced -nalis~ i s th o grea test ignorance.
~more in wnat thoy didn ' t havo 'Ne aro much more into European
rat her than wn3t they did.As fo r cooperation and 1nte9ration.
Killing Joko now,we don ' t even know Were ~ou shocked by ZZ Top (long
' Nhat thoy aro doing.Ne l ost interest
Nhen thev lightonod uo tholr sound.
3air a~~ 6oard~
ave : o r t i r
f ls clean and
Murray ;I ' ~ influenc ed by overrtn1ng convenient.
roally,it s co• ing at ~• al the AndJ : We hav e no fr1lls haircuts for
t 1 198. rills lllus ic .
Oave :Otner influences ,other :han On your 09ft . wha t ' s th• .::.s t horribl•
'i'Ui'!c ~ ...ou lo
include peoolos ~ttitudo th1n9 on our pl•n e t ?
..,gr~ oy poople , l1ke ~yd1~ ~un ch ,is MUrray :)patKy .
3n insoiration but not a •us ~cal Oave : Religion.
:.n f luence. Afdy :Peop l e wno judge a book by
El. .r :! agree w1th Oave with wnat l. s cover .
S e says about attituoes . Jollo Siafra El. .r :Pol.itics.
nas in sp1rod Me not JU St by his And th_.. .:>s t beautyfull ?
music.but the wno l o 1o ea and concept MUrray : Plaving llve ~usic.
that surrounds ni~ as a oerson. andy :V 12 Forrar1 racing ongines.
What do ou think of bad re utation :1·~ still looking for it.
o s in • • s in uro • ou ~r :Anything really fucking
const er yourse ves as s in ea s . nolsy.
~gaf :
lheir reout~tlon,~n generai LS
~o ly ~esorv•d ln ~y op1nion.
How do you think 90s w1ii be ?
Dave :War and eCono• ic decline of
Oave :·~e are not skinhoacs. ·....e Jus t tliO"'*•s t .
ff'iVi short hair ,·was Yul Srynner a Andy :~ritain finally sorting out
skinhead ?I don t thinh so ~ wner• i t stands relative to Europe .
El. .r :Or Jus tin of Gooflosh. Mlurra~ :For us,a lot of broak1ng
No troubles w~th such • look,·caus• down arr1•rs espec1ally in Europe .
~eople . .inly luaqe at JirsY sigh~! EJ.. .r :W.ll,S6 NIC VIOLEHCE ai• to be
ndy :fes pcople do )u go you y e~tro -1.y .b usy .Our l •st year has se•n
tirst i•pressions,but tnat · s their us grow into a rorc • so now I think
probl••· lt i s time to break out and do
O•v• :I think our look puts off a so. . thin9 w1th 1t.
ror-ot h eckiers.
Murray :They alW8ys do,ye ~ .
00 you kno. Headbut~ hav• l bass,you
are th en s..t.n !
gnay ; So What ~
ave : W• l'Ulke enough noise tor 4
5ass players.
What do you thinh ot the sar
Is bec0&1.n9 bisser se<;f...., t • r~ch
and th• ~r ln Cnq1•nd !
tt. .r : I ink 1t s g etting bigger.
IWUrra~ :The probl•• 1s t~at not
enoug peopl• ~re oreparad to stand
and fight,so I c an ' t soo the gao

48,Ashlands Court 408A Rayloigh Rd
Coronation Avenue
East Tilbury Southern-On-Sea
Essex-England Essex-England

L• s ' leurs ou
Aich•ro Howerd.
TXMOAOUM & NOS Sy Cherles S.uoel•ire
Mo r•oe 1 no r•ncor:l •hall b••t you
as butoners tell a n O•
a.s '4osea sl90te the roc' l n Horeb •
J• te frapperai a•n• colere I shell •ake you weep,
Et ••n•
ha1ne,co-..e un ooucher,
Co.,.e Moiso l• rooherl And by th• waters of oftliction
Et J• trapperai O• ta peup1er•, my desert will slaked.
My d esire,tha t hope has
Pour abr•uu•r -on •anara, -anstrout
Ja1ll1r l•s ••u• O• la 'outtran~• wlll trolic in your tears
Mon dea1r 9ontla d eaperanc•
5 ur t••
pl eura ••l•• na9ara . as a sn1p toss•s on the ocean •
i n •Y Desotted heart
eo..a un va1sse•u QU1 prend la larga your aoorable sobs ~ Lll e cho
Et oena -.on coaur qu lls souleront .. i .. o .. <'I eos tat1o oruu11.
Jea cher1 san9lote rotent1ront
Co._• un ta•Oour qu1 bat la char9el Fo r I - • • not a dissonane•
in the divine accord,
He sui•·).• pas un raua accoro because ot tne gre!Hly lron~
Dana a d1v1ne Sf91thon1e, ...tlllch inflltrates •Y soul ?
Gr•ce a la vorace lron1e
Oui •• aac01.ia et • • .ard ? ! hear i t i n •Y vo1ce th•t
shr lllness ,
Ella est oans •• vo1•,la cr1aroa! that poison in •Y blOod
C est tout .on aan~,ce po1son noir! I •• the s LnJ.ster $11••• ln whioh
Je sui• la a1nistra • .1 rro)r the Pury sees h ersel f
Ou la ••o•re se ragaroal
! •• th• knite ano the wouno lt
su1s la plaia et le couteavl deals
sule la soufflet at la Joue! t aa lne slap e nd the cheek,
sula las •••bres et la roue, I •• tne -"••1 ano th• Drok en ll•Ds ,
la u1ct1. . at l• bourreau! n ang•en ano vlctl•s bOth t
J~ su1s oe .on ooaur la va•p1ro, l .. ,. th• vampire i.t 111y own veina,
- Un d• e•• grand• •b•ndonn•• one of th• great last h o,.de
Au rire Ot•rneJ oonoaanes, doO••d tor the reat ot ti•e,ano
Et Qui n• peuvent plus sour)re l b•)Of'ld,
.. ... to lau9n • but s • ll• no .ore ·

. .,
... '
..... '· '•


Ch.~a:JT : Al•tster Crowley .

IKJ ~ re•lly rul es ,'cause
11v•• ,ou tons or intos about
~r•~t 9east,Mas ter Therion .It s
rre"eh ..ritten ooo- ,tor the .o-enti!
CLlVE &AAKEA :W••v• World 3tit : • sure lt s th• oest ones • no
lhia 606k Is re•lly str•ne• •nd O• s~r• you 11 d1• tor r ead1ng th1 s .
w111 1urprise a lot.It • s • very -~ere 1a • f1r st part aDo ut the llfe
~o~g atory (-are 600 pag~a)Lend ot Cro • l•Y. ~ sacond o ne ~bout Lntos
it a ltss gory aa usual.lt s ~hen ta~on rro• a very"lfhare • 3 b i bltog••-
nM)rO fa n tast10 1 3 nd •agic . Heverthe phy1ond a lts t or all Crowley 10T o r
-l•ss,O.Barker got a real insane ~-~· ano •11 othal" kt nd ot oroel" ,
• ind to writ• auch things.You t><>Oks poe•s ,rttuals .• . ~ very 9ood
won ' t get bor•d by reading th~s oook ,l f'lt•~ •s t~n9 • "• &nfor-.t ~v • to
book,you · 11 just rlnd. kind ot tne n19n••t l •v• l.AA •"tl1sh """Ltte n
ed1tlon •lll o e out soon ~o k•• • o n
change cause or the deliriu• of touc~ wltft th• trenoh OTO.Fol" -or•
th• nove list.CO•e•red to 0
The 1nfos ~rtte to SeDe•tien Zi. . . r••nn,
Oa•n•tion Ga• • 1t·s really 1J Aue Ou M1l llon ,88240 8ai ns• L• •·
different but • vi 1 peopla aro 8a1n•,,ronce.The book costs 140 , ,
always to~ally 1 ntornal and aiok. wh1ch tnoLuo• post•Q•·
didn • t know hi• ,H.P.
~ .cratt was • nov•list who wrot•
._... ahort stori•s about th• dar"
~ Ola apheaous •ntitl•s with suoh
....,.s : Cthulhu.Hy•rl athotep,Yog-Sotho
- ! ' Shub-Niggurath •.. and so on.He is
-=i- considered as a pr•cursor,with
!::-;er i\lan Poe,of the litte r•rv
~ro rtul and fantastic styl• with
•. s ao special way to writ• and
:.a1nt• tbo•1nat1ons.And troM his
: ... nted •ind are born your most
~ ~rtOl• night•a res.Th•n,here is his
""": '""-'• t tory:

P~NTAGRAM :Oiteppeer .•. 90 GAOTESOUE : Adv. Mini l p
T li ~.o tro• e nother band lhi s wdOld h avo got a
colled Pen tegr•• co•• tro• Me1l co i f the 9 u i tars wo u l d
You ve 4S •inut•s ot pure thrash lou d e r. G ro t • squ e i• play 1no a
1n the real raw and old way ~ Y d e ath/thresh •• t e l.Th• g ood p o lnt
ot the 1988 ...,.ve .lt ' s atrange
th•t they sound this way,but lt s 19 the • • c • llent b as•i • t who
very 1nterest1ng.You can cot19•r• play• in •n origin• l way.The b a c k
1t •lth the Oevestation ( 111) b u t ward i • th• s ing• r wh o i s n ' t v o ry
not so good.Anyway the oe-.o 1a 1ns pir• d. An yway I ' l l suggos t t h i s
evailable tor 6$ eostpeld to Ivan to r soendinavi an wave ton•.
lopez,lu1s Pere: e r d i• 853-3 Cp Con taot:o/ o To•es Lind berg, Lin das
•4670 Guadelajara,Jal Mexico. V. 34 , 4 27 oo 8il l o a 1 s weden.Adv .1e
' I • cost 2 S ~ 'Th e Fin• 1 Conapi rac y
SUFFOOATtOH :Hu. . n Waste 91 1s tor 3 ~ • 1 I.A.e
I dOK t know if th1a Ep will b•
rel••••d or not on Rel•P•• Recs., CON~esso~ :Unc9ntroll•d 0.1 90
beceu•• 5uftoc•t1on sJgned to th• Collapae D.2 90
ger. . n tro• Hucle•r Bl•st.&o ,.. Woll , . . ny people in doat h • •tal
w1ll •••.About •u a1C 1t·s wno 1ly
death/grind in the VS style ••
•••111• to on joy l.t.aten 1n g to t h i •
bnn d a nd I hev• to ad•i t the t
so•e other bend• hev e donetli~e th•y'r• brill ant.Th e • t y l e oan be

lncantetion, Mo rtlcien,I 1MtO le~Jon oesortbod as • •low technical
end •o on ... ! thln ~ 1t a useJess ••tel·tho P•rtioular po1nt is
to tell .ore ebout th1s bend.Juat th•t fhe sing•r hea a gr,• et hith
wa1t tor the lethel lp. vo1o•.No fast beeting here,but
1ncr•d1ble dt'u. .1n9.tt • s l ik e e
•1• ot Paradi•• Lost and ' • t •s
HECAOLOAO :The Enchanted Land 90 Warning.t· m auro they' l l got a
lfìla §IP'•a n b a nd has don• a long I~ deal •oon.
4 son g • de•o .Th e produotion isn ·t
very good but the whole sound i s , TRAN §Q R~SSOR : DOMO 2 90
cor r,ot . TAe y ar• direct!y intluen l~il fli~Bn • se who•• tif"s t doeo
·ced by the Nihilist type.I • review in our 2nd is•u• satd tha t
sure the 1r nex t release w i l l be th•ir neat coatnl w111 strlk• i s
-oro then truol( re we n ew No•tra
1ntereat1ng.Look ou~ tor th• new -d•~•?).l n fact,thi• 5 sone• 2nd
g e raan deatn wave ! ! .,.., de-o has nothtng to .soe with
thetr first r•l•oao. e~ o•llen t

PHLtG~I_Q~ : Houtr•l Forost

~nT'i'1' t>.end who •••••
fò' I
to h••
produotion ,end good
' lay • gro~ t
sound o r•
horo.Th oy 1ep rovod a l ot ,end n o w
deeth • • tal. Th•
its own w•y of play1n9 wh ich l• ir•t tl"ack ro•inds ••
tar tro• tho •tyle of th•t ecrophagia but with the •Peod of
country .I like tho 9uitar·s -ork, Horbi d Ang•l.Th• 2nd on• i• vory
well oaocuted and or19in•l;the doo. •ith b•l~' • sound l lk e on
vole• la •sphyaiatod in tho Toao• ?o•••••ed t1r•t lp.The Oth•r
deth W11y .Tho b19 b~c kward is th• song• aro in 1• 1110lat ion voin, So
don t h••itato a lllinuto,order i t

d r u• •Ound ana the aolis ooho
sound tro• the 4 tr~x.?n •Y now. Tho beat japAn••o b a nd so r ar
opi n lon "lnto tho Hblls or
Theorioa• 1• tho beat. ·O• Profundis 90
T1'iTi' tr•nch b•nd o a 1st Por quite
,. a lot19 ttao•. Thelr new de.e> 1 s
~ ll ke e r ab.irth.,irat tho lay out
• death/thraah
band tro. France .On thls tape aro • and tape •"• protoaaiono ly
trex well producod and well i pr1nt•O (color• photoJ.Th e MUS.lC
lS thraan with Or1ginal ~• r t s
dono . tt roe1nos
awediah bnn d Moro1less ~o aa
see,COTLOO is we11 intlu enood . nd
so••t1••s 11ko on "Ligh t ot Kno wl•dg e b u t
on the othor sid• •CHI!•
too si• pl•
r1fft.$0-o th1ng 1tran9e is th•t
they al so got Pascal rro• ou oan not say lllfllch b•nd aout1d
Massacra on beck~nt vocals on ono
ot tholr tr••.It . . . . . tholr I 1~• the• .So 1 thlnk it s a IOOd
r•••on 1n 1t• e lf to t•t t~o1r
future w1ll snlnello• news tor doiao . Writo to:O••~•n C•rre~ 1 % 4 ad
tholr ~ontact. \ ~ Ll•Dort,8-4000 Av19non,Franoo.
O~S~~IOQt :Oe•th Untolds 90 ~ ~ESHU~O~H : Pro• o Topo 9 1
ihij weHisn b•nO j u st signed on
I el X est de• o w•• .ln SJoyor
ve1n but thia one 1a .ore d••t h Nuclear 8last Rooorda tor a lp ,
m•tal.Th• 3 tra• are t•st and and hare •r• two tra ~ tak• n tro•
r••liy rur1ous on t~• "MtOle . And 1t.Caua• of the lend of origin,
one .or• interest1n9 thing 1• you could ~h~ht 1t .... d•etn
that they got tholr OWft souna end ••tel in Ent • O v•ln ... not at
not \hl• troa Entoat>od.Thoy al•o allJllHosnugg•n 9ot its own •tYl •
reoord ed tho1r demo .ln Sunl19ht e nd 1t·s •••in' a lot ot
g et th•ir next do.o r oviewed and
on interview. 1
Studio.In neat Splk o h o e o you 11 intluoncea,~01n9

1s •
rom t h e roots
ot all •P••ò and threah . But t h• t
v•ry t•chn ioal band
here,wt.lch got a powert u l
ano pro<1uct1on siv1ng nero t ""O
sou n d
EN81TTeAfD : De.o I 90 raw trax.vary or1I1nal a n d o v e n
Ah ongTri'h Nnd play in9 br;wtal r•achoo bI 1na•n ty 2t • s ao• o-
thraa hcoro in typ1cal •"'9li•h
hordcor• vo~n: Wl'l•l an ortg1n• l
thln9 rea lI coo
•-ong you w1 l en)oyl
1hat • lot
de-olWo aro t•r fro• gods Horo•y,
Ripcord,E. N.T.Well •orr y g u I•· TOR TU~EA : Demo 91
but you s h o u ld do so• oth ne A•FOi • • -Torture tro• Chil•. And
botter n••t tt•o.Tho vocal• aro I had to s ay that this dolllO ia
boring ond o n.1.y e b.ltt•r tasto ot 4. very eurprisin9 ceuae or . . n y
decoption r e . ..in• in yowr th.-oat ~ thinga: a t first they got a really

•~•r ll•t•nin9 to this 8 trea good aound,thon th• band doa •n • t
dOllO. • play •• v2olent •• oth•r• •outh
a•ert~a n b.ands.It ' a a k ind of
ABHORAEMCE : SiA F•e t Un d • f" 90 A technic•l and ••lodic dea t h
thr~ah wtlich g uitara r e aind e bit
f t s f;.Qii"'"' G•r1N1n r this t i• • 1 not .._, Slayor or Da rk Angol so•o tiM• • ·
, ,..o • FLn land. Unor ginal n e • • a nd ~ Nevorth•less, d on ' t oapect a too
•usio , but a lot o r pow•r h • lP• d ...,. cool band cause they got so•• r•w
by• 9ooe1 produotion.Th•1r tht'a s h ano brutal fast parta.
d ee~h • •tel had to bo b•tter it
the y reelly w.nna b • gr••t,they Gu••• whare do th••• 4 ba~d• co.e
hav• go on we>r-ing tor th• nea t tro.7Eeay . •. SwedonlW•ll,l auppoa•
1tr1ke ••• Stephan Tec- lenbor9,E• i l th•f nave •o.. doeth •otal b•nds
tee ori•• ther• .F1r1t, !4ACA8R_~
-Nol d e-We9 10,7032 Sind elt1n9en .
END wh i ch ia • good -nrt"6il>ed
'Im'luenced band,to•oti•o• fl')Od
and or19t.n•l parta "'°1ch 11 a
PJSORACf :lnsid• th• Labyrinth •.. sign or hopo tor t~air n• • t
Fi 1 nd want to do a rac• with
Scand1Aev1a tor rirat productive HORTA SKY~D :Proiong th• A9ony 90
WltK thi 2nd • tr•a d•-o HOrte
r•l•••o .Tboy gota 'ood
th•1r 3 tr-... d..O Cons-...ed by
ao.,nd on
country ot death bands?Di•grao• S kuld show ua thet th•y k noW wha t D•rknesa· 90,.,..lc.fa w1 ll ba
1s • Carcass olono.Thair songa . . .n da•th . I t:h1.n lii: they sound e roleased bt tha ~...,. fr.nc~ lobol
•ro well •tructured and cool,but b~t liko Obituar y.and the •Oun d Corp•• G.rlnd•r •• a 7•.Then l•
1 n t•ct '"""'Y don t we listen to otfeo ts on the vooala aro really T~AUMATJç Wl.tn theit' 3 tre• d•.c>
·syMphonles of Siokne•s • inat••d? 1nap1 rod by Tardy. ono mo r o t i mo 90 •1h.- Proc••• ot Aapino •
Bu t 01a9race ia with Exit t3 on• vou con ou••s Wh o r• they co•é Aancld Cedaver• wh1ch 1• ~ •ll
ot th• tew b•nd• who plaI 1n • troe just by listoning to the• · do~• CM.tt shOwld be More
gore arind style with abil ty end typical US sound.A do-o •tatui or~9lnal.Even ir they play a
no noi••· •, and Which will soon ftnd a d••l typ.icaJ s...,,.oish death,tho y n o ed
or sur•. to i.prove in the ••• r c h of th• ir
HALAPHAA :Rehoersal 91 o-n •t~~•. I t'a th• . . . . tor
AB fZ s tront . . nlOirk He1nten 1s back ISEJIKàAAD : Spo ctre s ovor Gorgoroth NO~'EA-TV -..tlich h a • a ~ ood first
w1th • new dea d y or1g1nel bano . He lt s surely an "old" tape ( 89 , :r---tF"aX- d o mo out Docadonc o
i s the on!y on• tro• A8YZ,but toun d out it he• to b e rev1ow.d 'cauaé Ro••ins ' . l t's cool b ut noth 1n9
t'o&lly good deathtr eak s.The both new lt • very da r k ,ea p e o1al.ly tn• n e w, A b i t d orkor than the two
t raa "Torn Soul • & 0 Arisen Ft'om voice whioh 1 s 1n bleok ,.., . l t s pr•viou• o n••.thoy sound •ore in
F la•es• are true ly insa ne •nd dOO•y not very tast,.o• tly oooe and t ho Horway •C•n• v o ln To
sick.It sounds in the
I -.ol e t1on)lbut kee p
US .,...Y
origina .It's
ybe v ery capt1v1ng ~~Pts.It conta 1ns
ro"r d1s- l tra • t.n a oar11. ev11
conolwdo, TOllAEM?A
d•eo prov•i ul fhet th•I heva
wt\oa o thlr·d
••P•rlono•d.Th•y p e y •
style ,"""lCh • -oa)J yOi.I ln insa n a
very bruta end pro•1•• intense dance or deatn.so nothlng to add d••th \hrash With t••t 9.-lnd dr u•
t1••• tor th• future.D1rk He1nzen,Aft •oout th1• t•P•,••o pt that 1• parta .· ~al•tdoaoopic Lu n acy• d•ao
Schutz•nra1n 19,6107 Reinhe1m 2, 90st1y for s•~•n~c tr••k• o u t l 90 oqntains 4 tra~ or S layo r ~•et
Ger1a11ny. su99ost to othars to ~ • t i ! too!I Morbtd Angel i n HOll •usic.


REV~ HANT : Pr o phao y o • 1 no

•a~ aXp 9 1
Hara i a t h• fi rs t l p o f t hat ...11
known •••rioan band lllfhO t uat
si gnod on Nuoloar 8l aat Raoofda .
They soon r e l eased a 7• to r
Thr a•h Reca . a nd ..,,. got th• t r•K
"Ol stant e yea• on thia l p . But l t
••••! t hey progresaed i n t hel r
way cause t hi a l p l a very t e oh-
ni ca~ but s till PQ1W9rfull. Only 7
t r • x , but l ong •nd g Ood o n•• · Th•
b, nd s tlll Pl•Y t h•ir partioula r
•J.• o t d••th/thr••h ••t a l ~ nat
you a ll lls t •n•d on• d •y ,'lif• Juat
sug g•at you to 1 • t t hat l p • •
s oon as it' a o u t.

: ,.... ,.. • Good

Here is the lp ot t h• so tunny
9rindin9 band fr o. t h• USA.After
the~r •P on Thraa h Reoa ,he r •
co. . s • full leng th o ne .,lrs t of
all I rea lly llk • lt,l think E• i t
13 la above a ll Ca roaas olonea
becausa th•r • i i . . ,.., •tJl•• w1th
C..rca ss lnt uence a:aoa1et . . . J• •z
onesll~t alw.y a brut•l and f un ny
Tha l y rics a r e e n, age-ct 1 n th•
right . ., .so suppor t h••• dud aa
wtto are real -..isioia na a nd not
youno wannab••iby t .-ttin1 thia l p
to tfie ad r esa n n . . . .
810 AllGEL ;Europ•an Madn•ss 89 CAOAVEA :Ha l uc1natin9 ana l • tY
OAJIK PAS$AGES : a99 •r 91 :lft01li•7""'lioofl,eg h•r• • s't"Ul a crap :iO ft••d to introduc• YOU thla trlO
k•ri s a gf•àt s•~l•r out on ~•• on• . Th• aound 1s v•ry tr••t~but tro- Norw. y.th• f v e b••n • d a90•
Dorlan • 1•~•1,Rls• 'rom Th• it ••••s th• band~wasn t r•ally
t>O'W9rfull th• night th• lp was
undar-ground ba no tor lono.so Lt a
tiaai tor th•• to do an lp o n
Abov• ,•nd it s g~ly dOO- witn
ba nds such aa So11tud• A•t•rnus, racord•d (Oort ... nd 89).Th•r• are M•croaia A• C• .Th• lr -.s io l• near
Saint V1tus,Count ~av•n,P•nance , no kind ot fury or energy.Jt'a
borln9 •nd brine you ••l••p.Th•
t n)9 Ca rc ••~ .but -.r• ola•stoa l
d •ath . . tal ort• nt941.Th• produot1on
Stillborn 1 Cathedral ••• As you ••• • cov•r t a total craop and on• .or•
only 1r••~ b•nds ara th4r•.So,you 1an · t r . .lly tOOd,bvt lt 91v•• • r aw
t . . this lp don ' t wor1:h buying
n a d b• tt• r t•ttln lt taa t,cau••
J.t s r•a lly cool end n10 •. l t.For th• -.o.ent.I n•v•r found a
cool Morbid AAa•l bootlag.Th•
•nd orutal di. . n•&on to t~ •ir laUS&O .
Th• voica 1• O. K tor th•ir oor•
l y r1ca and th• 9uita r got an
~~~ ~ "•·:.C11~1!11111111"'1•• prtc• 1s around 2 DM. rlginal sound.Th• &r Intro Tuba oirJ. ll
MOR81D AllC)iL :Bl•asad ara th• . .k• your lit• a s it a nos•ns •.W•ll
:SJ.ck •• to conclud•,1t'a a cool l P.••P• otal
H•r• · s a ao a . .i t•d lp\but •lao a •ly tor all th• tory 9rlncl•r• ( )Us t
s o aWlli t•d ba nd. Morbia Ant • l 1a hav• look to the lr cov• r) ,
sur•lly tha .ost a ucc•a stulì
d•ath . . t a l band ot t h• t1110rld.
aut with th~• lp it'a a ur• tn•y
will aur p ris• • lot of p.opla. At
t irst I wou ld lik• to wern •11
deat h / g rind rraaka wtto tnink th•t AAOAHE :Oastlnat on Unknown
thi• lp • 111 ba .ora brutal and
t ast•r
Madn•••" ,caus•
than ••lt•r•
on•• wlll ••Y •O••
know brutal daat~
i t ' s wi•P •usio,but
tbr thoso ones look to tho •dito
ian ' t lTh••• 1~ trax ara just an~ F.O,A.O.For ay own,I·• a b1g
aMOng th• .oat t • chnical avar f-n ot fet•• Wnrnin9 OeadlI
haard.Thi a M. A lp ia lik• • ~igar '11l•s aing end othar {echnica
pa int~va r y co• plic• t a d,but vary 1 yr 1 cal band.lt ' s no~ a1apla
s iok.~v•n th• 3 trax fro• t h a • h•eily •etnl, i t · s l"eal heroic
·A.o. o• lp l o st brutalitr,bu t ' t11ntaay •usio with • tho qu1ckna3s
ot maoician · s spalla,th• heavi-
g a ined in aic knass .$1ck oou d ba
tha trua t1110rd tor this lp.Tr•• Rf$S ot nothern gianta,and th•
h• va no tury , bu\ ~ d•rk po w•r • n d biear voico of an elt ~o•t.Exe•ll
4 tnt
a sick i nfluano• on your • ind. 1 t product1on,wondarfu1 covar;
i • i-.po••t bl• ,to d••orlb• lit -or• a 9ood packaga for a surpr~aing
causa 1 t woui d b• too dittioult. bond.Woll,as you can ••• thls is
Ju•t haar it b ~ y our•• ~v•s , o u t • very aood band •• I wea
you ara warn• d don t t h i nk you thipk ing th•t heroic t•chnical
will l i •t•n to 1Altars o t Madn••• •ot• 1 waa dend,All real ••tal
11" . t t · a t ust • n aw kind ot d•• t h onaa with • cuitur• ot th• ••rly
or avan •ic k • • tal ••• yoora shou ld e•t this.

A young §or-aa n an"O-which first
do.o featurea 7 trax.The •usic is
thrashcoro 1 voc•ls aro original,
soaoti••s niQh,so•etiaes doop i n
a doath way.All songs havo
engagod lyrtcs which is cool.lt "s
thoir first do11<>,so don ·t oxpoct
tc>o .uch,but t f they r e hoars• a
lot thor · 11 do so••th l ne
i ntorest n9 · causo thoy already
kn6W to pla ,

Or SHRINKEA :Tho Epony• 90 F~rat,l'd
: o.o
liko to say that
Aero i n\"•- thil'd now delte> I • a tochnic• l ••t•l or olso fan, 1
wol l known underground w•s d i ••PP01ntod by t1rat Athoist lp
the US.Aftor a do•o of co•parod to thoi r gr••t demo •on
t h!s ono contei ns only 2 trax,but Th•y Sloy".This n•w doao contains 2
~ongs whlch will b• on th•ir 2nd lp:
it s 900<:! quality puro hoavy Ungestionablo Pr•sonc•• with its
aorbia doath . • Tt g~to n• haa an odd stran90 intro and •ootor•iti vo
at-.osphoro on wftiGh tho vocals Yoars aro two uncrodiblo trax w1th
~roa~ os woird sonsations . •Gor• hig~ l ovol nt0si ci•ns work.So I think
a r• is in t his •••o ori ginal os thoy · ro lbOre t ochn1cal t ~oir 2nd
••1n .All doo•
g;ot 1 t. , ,
doath fa n s s~ould rolooso will bo a lot b•ttor.

3 6.
NAKEO CITY :Torture Gardon B.APHOMET : 7 • ~VST IFIEA :T,E.A.R.S 7• 91
t6u o•n t i-..gin• how happy I was i wo traa are foaturod on that woll A lot o ! pooplo told t his band
to diacover t his twist•d br•ins rocordod 7 • •spoctral Mani .oc' and also com1n9 f roa Brazil,was tho
Jozz band .I explein :in Franco wo ' Torn Soul ". 1t sounda aoro ouropoon truo Sarcofego followors.lt wil.l
got 1Miny youngstors who octing t ha n Ua thet • s their ori ginal1ty. • aybo surpriso •O•o but I don·t
snobiah bocaust thoy a r o J62X Thoy play cool doat h • etal,vory agreo.·t.N.R.l' i s a' cult lp a nd
fa ns.Thoy th1 nk
intell ectuals a nd that
t hoJ •r•
azz 1 ~
hoavy so• • t) . . s.J t· s t old tho~r l p
will blow awey this 7 •.so what c o n p roba bl~ t ho boat which
8raz11.But. wo c a n •t
e••• •ro•
t e ll thet
tho only 1ntoll1gont •ust e.So now wo o•poct noat t i .• •? For suro a roal Mystlf*or lS as boat as Sarcofa go
1·11 Make liaton to this roally do•ontod vyn il,wait and soo • ..
aaaitng band .They•ro oxporioneod o~ tho1r fi rst lp.Evon if it'f a
end talontod j azz musici ans but bit sim1lar, 1t · s t ar fro. b•ln
play . iazz in o grind way . 1t 's tho sa•o ,Mystitior go_t s o.e coof
so•et~••s as bruta! as Soro THERION :Ti•• Shal l Toll parts,and vocals w1th echoes but
Throat but • uch .oro structurod . Groat 4 tra~ ap t ro• this swodish thoro s nothing •oro.This band is
O. K.,bu t no •oro ,
Roolly good •usictans . Grind j az z band!! That op k illz a lot wi th a
is classi!! poworful sound,and ot course the
so nice songs t ro• the band.Four VARATHROH : 1" 91
intenso ~nd l ong trax a r• Stil! 1n a dooay way tor tha
t eatur od on this ep wti t ch i s not firat aong,and tastor on tho 2nd
one.This o l ack ••tal band i s
so oapenaivo t or tho nt0. . nt , but
hurry up to g e t
death . • .
that piece of fuck1 n · 9roet. lt k illi.Aa
havo a good band in this e roa ,ot
course Rotting Christ,Va rathron
1s real ly a sarious bend which
PRESTIGE :Se l l ing To Sa lvation will • aybo dotnroned R.C.Just
Rcro s the 2nd lp fro• a good wait tor th• lp. Nov•rtheless ,the
fi nnish band eollod PRESTIGE .It 's both t ro• k illz and aro pret t y
dar~ when listoning,

NCANTATION :Entrant•ont
was provioualy
eraphic Oocay Rocs. ,but
roubles it happonod on ~e l apse
ocs.Tho only I nave to say 1s that
Ou must Cbsolut oly got th1a 7• by
ny woys.The band is sa g r eet!Tnia
oath ~• tal stylo lS ultra brutal
nd sounds good.Tek o caro ot the~
oice tro• outtor gravo WhlCh Will
1nvo•~ 666 l eg1ons ot do1110ns HotJce
that t~o 7• at ~ ~atre•o
destruct1va traa!

TOXAEMlA : 7 • •
Sti!I • Se raphic Oocay pr oduct
this op ia i n a doo• doath styl'
that will potrity you r brain.The
band CO••s from ~wodon ,but wa$
ablo to avo td that clone sound we
know verv well s~nce Ento•bed oot
ltS l p out.Or i 91na4 a nd weil
produ cod ,ovoryth~n9 is dono to
~ako tho 7· ind i sponaable i n your
r ocords colloction.

Miny be nds .fot such o na . . , but this
one doosn •xist any-ore.In tact
HEXX :Watory Grovos Ep t~oy are now I ..olation ••~•rs . This
JOTi"r thoir roally gOod mini- lp· 7 has b•on pri ntod by Soraphio
t hey cal• our impation~o wit~ Oecay Recs . • liiaitod to $00 copioa,
this op which foatur os 3 songs . Thoso 2 songs a r e tak on t r o • t heir
Tho first ono:"Watory Gravos• is d!.O 87,and sound doo-y and brutal,
a now one Which is t hoir bost w1th deop vocals.Thoro are 11tiany
sono ovor writton. Fast. brutal br•aks and the bass i s predo•ineting
thr ash with •any broaks,or1 g1 nai A good stu ft,b ut ono 90re tuck in
rifr• a nd so•• doath i nTluoncos . time lia ited ,wtiy?
Tho both othor son9s dat o tro•
tho1r first l p: t ast spood aotal.
So you ean co•paro and soo t hat
thoy'vo suceood thoir ovolution.

DAAKTHAONE : Soulsido Journo

TOU riid t d got this k iller p o ut
o n Poacovill• ' ceu•• it • ill -ako
you di•l 1 Dorkthrono rol oaaod
t horo a . . stor pioco.Of courso it
i• in thot so brutal ....dish voi n
but it kopt an o r i gi na l soundi
•~•ing po. . rful and tochnica
oarts in roal good stylo .Lyrios
a r o strango and ov~l,al-ost dirty CEHOTAPH : Tonobrous Apparition 7•
and t ho \ffflolo i s on tho odgos of Ae r • i i -.oxican band whi ch got a
s a nity.I th~nk thoro aro only ono ROOd sound for l t• op.And 90ro
way bot·oro dy.ing,buying t hat l.p . . thi• band is vory talontod . Thore
aro unfortunatoly only 2 trax on
1thls 7" 1 a nd we W9it•O tor 90ro
• Causo tnoi r doc>9 doath . .tal iS
, · really groat and that voice is so
..:. Ooop! . It i:oaily wort:h buyin9 t:hat
" .::-~.. ~ ~_!till li• 1too edition 7•.
~~~ I
HIHILIST :Orowned 7•
lhls I " i s j ust out aa a bootle
3nd ~ontains 2 t rex:•sovere 8urn9
.~~ and Wh•n ~ife Has Ceosed 0 .These
;21'""~~~·h~ - ~oth trax were recordod i n August
il' .-·_ .. '
..; .....
• · '""··~ •••• +::~.•-' ·-
9 and that 1• is out on Blood
Rude Oofect Recs.Anothor bootloy
DORSAL Aift!!~CA : Searching or ••• P
' .!li• • ; .?J4:7"e-..
MALEOtCTION :Syste• Fear 90 out,proba~ly l i •itod.The sound 1~
l ri.i . bP fans i n searoh o f l l l his ihrash Roca.op
origina itI i n tho •et~l scene.Aft or • ~th ei r worst reloaso.Maledi ct on
.aI Js good,an~ 1t s worth to
o yo~ got it if
don t have NIHILIST de90a and
sovoral pa,D. Atl•nt1ce raached ~is a n onglish band playing in l t s cool to et a HIHILIST réc.
thoir . . tured statu• .They offar us - · Bolt Throwor stylo ot tho
a special concopt albu• Whi ch tolls r:.-.:boginning.But it"s unorigi nal
u• th• atory ar a young .an in a · ~alroedy heard and t oo si.plo:
futuro world l1ko G.Orwoll ano.aut . ~~Noreove r t ho s i ngor i s unhoarablo COAEAPH08!A ~Ho rbidi~ s Pathology
bohind this intorosting novol so111e ~~~·$o tho r1,n can only s:ay that this SorapKiC OoGay introduco u s that
reol li te evonts a re hiddon . Music is kind ot op is danverous fa r the cool band o~ a st~ll coloreo
tochnical f aat and strango thresh. undorgrouno, · causo tho rocords vyn1l.Gor• •ohObi• got hor• o very
good oroduc~ w• ll r •cor4•d which
re...U.ds ~ 1Ot Carcass wi thout
Cool a.nd interost i ng . c o•p.enioa rol•l'SO evory s hitty
bands to 111•ke profit and thot
HO RETURN :Psychol ogical Tormont kill underground. • be1n9 stup1d clonos.Th•y are
A Frehch band Which is on play1n also ln a l unatic styl•
S•••tery Roca . 1 a now labol. After XYSMA :Pata ~or9ana 7 ' .otnich turn you craty too hard to
thoir de9'0 ·v1sion o'f Oecadonce• doscribe ,so you ' d b•tfer hoer it
in th• ty~ic •! US 8ey Area thrash rr-i"ioms Carcass h as lott 4 tot oy yours•lves .
thoy then dee dod to spread some of artor•ath 1n Finland.I can t
d•ath r i ff• (who·s talk ing about toll you to r o t or to Oisgroce
trend?),th•t ••k•s somothing revi•w caus• thls ti•• it wlll bo TOXOOETJt : Hys~eries About Lite . •.
quito new:a •ix ot classical a b~t ditforon t,on a po1nt only . K••1C&ft Toq u ~lla froa ks •ro back
t hrash with chorus c rew and toch- Causo it Xys.a succood i n bo1n9 4 with their l p now.Wo aro i n tront ot
nical doath r i ffs.Tho production Carcass clone.thoy still ar• h1gn teohnical doath/thra•h with
by Marquis fro• Coroner is oxcoll clano.Novortholoss,wo can hoa r c lass ( c al i nspirod solis. Thoy
• ont.1 think thoy will got o 9ood tnat 1 · as a good p1oco , but as 1 brought so•othing now in tho sceno
reapon so a.ong thresh fa n s but said Carcass creatoo ~ st~lo with Oorsol Atl • ntica South Aaort ea
all dooth onea should -ak• t~oir wnich lS 1MPOSS1blo to Pl~y with s hows us t henks to WÌld Aa gs that
own i dea . Tho best song is wi th no not falli ng tn st.plo copy.That this country taaturod stra ngo and
doubt •009eneration of the Last i s only a bad thing for pooplo intorost i ng bands.Cool vocals
Dec•do" who cen ' t creato somothing e lse . t•cnno musi c.

ID OllJVARY - S.AJGON ICIC!( .. MO!llO AlfGEL - PRl....§ : 11ndhoven t991
We 9ot a litll• trio to Holland end we to.o.- opportun1ty to go to
th• t •.stiva.l . . . or . .ybe it s invert~ l?So I o nly w1ll r ev i ew th•s•
na. .d banda ,caua• I d1dn ' t t•k• care to the reat,ea c ept . . ybe t he
be91nnin9 band Psychotic W•ltz wnich -..a intens e payoho heavy ••ta.l
or that · s what 1·ve heardtAbout Obituary ,th• band 1• b•tter wi thout
Jaaes Murphy ,and now thay raally - i lls! !Saigon Klok ia a Fa1th No
Mo ra/ Mordred • i • ,inter aating a nd trosh.~rbid Angel gota bad sound
and during 'l•MOrtal Alt••' we oou ldn ' t haar tha voice.M.A la still
• • t re•• and ov il on atoge,aa on Europoan Mednaaa tou r 89,lot · s see
on !uropean Sicknaaa 91tPr1•ua ia ,aa you know it,a band i noluding
th• old Possesaed guitor player , &o tt·s • bit strange to ••• h i -
there,wtth colored oloth•• and pl&y1n9 teohn o tunM rock Music . aut
they hav• a lot ot ener9y on stage •nd rea lly h•d auooess.tt • s 8.lso
sura th•t tha wttola ot th• crowo e••• tor Morbid Angel . S•• the• on
tourlAbout Ar.ored S• int, M•tal Church and th• othar• ,I think • lot
a.on9 you don ·t care ,ao th• r• ara no . . ttar it they a1n t rav1ewe-dt
(I hope so . •• )
~O AETUAN • EXHORDEA :Pa ria t4th -.rch ~ 391 Gibus
Thl& 9 19 -.a in tact intarastin9.J •ust ad-.tt No Aeturn,tha trench
new t hrash act ,out on No1se Aaca.caaa rev1ew>,w.ra QU1ta good.Eva n
if the1r atago act w.a• a bi\ too typical w1th • l•o~ of anargy and
or1ginslity,•us1cally thay wera united .As t h• pro.oter of thl& show
is th• d1str1butor of th•ir lp tor Franca,they ' va gota good sound .
wo ll ,ov•n i t Gibus staga it very s111&ll,thoy •u•t progr••• in tho i r
a cting ,and boco•• o bit lass inf luenced by Sleyar.Anyway,thay havo
ovaryth1ng tor on 1 n tar national oarreer.Thon oa•o t ho • • •ricen o nos
tro• fxhoroar.First,th~y va baan ripped off o•u•• th•1r •ound waa
or•p.t · d like to ••k if t h • •ound •ngin••r is • atupid ~•tio na liat.
Cfuc~ hi•t).This b•nd ••. .s er•at 11v•.•v•n if th•Y don t play pure
O•ath •• t • l,th•y · r• n•ar tro• aarly O.rk An9el . T·hey pla y frank ly ptLlAlUt4 . CATHEOAAL - PAAAOISE LO!T : 3 1 th M:arc:h t99t A.alst
wlth the wi l l to . . k• ut • n)oy ing th• s how.I wai•r•ally 1mpr•sa'9d Tha internal W"aek-end of t200 k• travel , start•d in Pari a .We want to
by th•1r tal•nt•d bass player.lo conclude,one aor • ti•• : wh•r• are 'Al'°"Uk."4UOIJ~P,ta:>PCJVR· l•ltlu• to • •• tha ttrat tour of Paradis a l.ost •• haadltner . Tha
th• tana 7 (Th•ra - .re a oout 80 P•OPl•~t ).And I d l lk• to add - t..,,1N~r~1.At:NAIROENCllS d11tch band Oal1riu• •ddad tor 2 shows , startM th• teat , a nd 1111ay•d
hata all tor.u ot natlonal1••· 1 w•6.TOCN;HA.NTl'Otl.5U~ll~IN.$DE \har• C•lt1c Frost i nfluanc•d •atal .Th ey h ad aO•• so.e 111roo1. . .
"Ji::lcln!S CDNOITH:)N$ . with tha P.A and ._.r•n ' t at aasa on ata 9 e . Havert halass ,tha orOWd
~EATEH ~ $ACRED f!!.ICH • SCPV~TURA : 2 4tb May t991 N•ncy appreolated tha snow """'ich includa d e Calt ic Frost covar 'Cirola ot

lt was c ool that Sapultur• coulo co. . 1n Fr•nca,•nd .os tly very ' tha Tyranta • . Than the en9lish dOO• . . . tara arrivad: Cathadral ._..
closa fro• hO••Jln t•ot wa could heve aaw tha• withou t hav1n9 t o ì ntroduced by a Oia . . nda Qalas i ntro,orushod avaryon• ' • aars with
'ravol all dny ~nd night.Hevartholoss,we don • t rogret th•t ni9ht.Wo thatr •o haavy and slow doo• .Th•Y played new son9s and th• deMO
• lsaoo ~•~ton c ~uae we ohtorod t oo l ato ceu•• ot slow antrace of a onos: L•• sLngs b a tto r th&n on tho• . Tho at1110sphoro of sadness a nd
lot ot poopl11 du• to a bad orgeni aa-rion . Tho plooa w11e cool,but th• ,.=-:J~ ,. d •apa~r r~ • & nd a a bit Joy Oivislon,bu t tor tho •usic i t ian • t tho
o re•niaers fuokod up .The bnnda h ad t o do t ha sound c heck
batore t h •Y • 4ro on •tege, ao thera was a l o t ot ti•• lost,but we at
juat ., '•') '·.li . s~ •a lA apaoi•l •ontton fo r thoir vory good dru. .•r.Finally ,P•rad iae
Loat Lnv•d•d th• atago.Th•ir thow wea evon bott•r than t heir 4 fOod l
loa s t saw S•crod Raioh whloh or• atill so cool to ••• on stag•.1 - . "~.tO H · -
I ' l onoa i · va seen in Englend. Niok atiil ha• hia str•ngo stage eotJ.ng :

.11..,... I . /Ili-,.. ..
don t kno. th•ir now tr•x •• well •• 'Ignorano o• and • surt j; ano h1a voico i •prov•d e lot.th• other •o•bers pl•yad
•- ' · - -,..::.
Nicaro9ua • onea,b11t lt ••• cool ••P•Cielly 'A.-arloan Woy· . A~•r protesslonaily t ho song:t of t ho.il'" bOth lps.Origi.nol songs,• gra•t l

'~. 'l~ ~·l~J,.,

thia e••• $aoultur11,wi\h • 9raat covar pictura on behlnd,The li9bt show 1#.ilh ono ot tho b est i · ve heet'd llve:Par•diso Loat wi l l w.ith :
ahow roa lly k i.llad •• o auao lt -.kaa strango etfeots on •Y ai.nd.And no doubt r•eoh high clasa b•nd o ast .
tne Oand was sti l l powartull,t•star t .han on lp.I )ust don • t r ••lly .' Aftor l•ltiu• ,..,. want to Ger. . nr to sa• another aW91tad tour :
ENTOM!EO • ASPHYX : 1st Af>r1l t991 Trior
care of th•lr n•• •Ongs,but the old onea atill k ill.So,tor tbat
. \"l '' . \ .
<.! 1. '~~ f;f y·'
only,1t r o•lly wortft ••aln9 Saoultur• on sta9e.Tho y atlll ao tho lt .... ti. . to dtscover tho n ow Aapfty• : Mart in (•a -Pe stilence) now
llack Sabb•th cover • ,•nd olao • HC one 1 don ' t h now.Oraat t s l nga end play basa 0 lnst•ad ot Thoo <••• lnterviow).They play in •
•HATE F(?RCE - HOAK • H.S.T. : Pari• 3rd March 1991 !apao• Or,neno .· ··--'-'
·.. · t,.....S vary brutal . . y evan it the ir sound wasn ' t roa.llr food. N. . traa
sound 9reat • ••Pt ono;thoy still hev• raally oppressint doo• pa rta .
Thi a waa a speci a l n • rd core feat i val ran by french l abel Junglo .-·,, . t':... : . Tha at•t• actin9 ot Martin wtis r e•lly full ot hatred and prot•aaion
~op ,T hera woren ' t ••ny ~•Oplo tor th1a 919 end tho • t 100•Ph•r• was ' '· . 'lf" - •lly eaecuted,Aob guit•r aound could hava baon bett•r end dru. .i ng
rathar cool,without wavaa ot del1riu•.Tha oponer , Hat• Forco,a t r io
tro• tho south ot Franca (1oulouao} ,has dono a graat •how. They P·ley
w•• c orraot.ln t h ·• whola 1 · . aura their l p i s cool.H••dlin•t' fro•
s wadan :fnto•bod gaua that n ight • show a b i t deceiving.I tound that
in the a.tyla of the NYt10,•nd thai r Oro...Mags cov•r talla it •ll.The th• naw tinger isn' t ·• • good as. L.. Q wt1s . Th oir sqund first we a bad
dru . .ar singad w•ll, and thay ' va got cetchy chorua.To •y •ind thay but hopafully quick ly changod .Thoy playad the claasical traa tro •
can •PP·lY tor an tn\ a rnat1onal carror with eny doubt . Tho aacond their lp,3 new traa .th• unrel••••d "'orsahan • ,and • Oeath oovar ,
bend,Ho•x,fro• Paria - r • totally boring,they .,.,.. intl"Oduood •• a 'Ev ll Doed" . Thay h•v• • po-.rtull et•t• acting,but I think thay '
Suicidal/Cro-Megs i n fluen o o o b a nd, but I found · •• horribla. $orry • ; want to play th• ir sonas too -.uoh tastar than on the lr lp:thi• giva ·
Juntl• HoptBut, this baftd la only • •P••d . .ta.1 band whioh doasn ' t th•• a noi ay sound.To' concl~d•,one .,. ... ti. . th• orgo.nisors ahowod ·
d••arva a daal!Then ca. . M.•• T,tha old axparianoecl trench MC leader their •tupidity by c:hoosing no-broin bas tarda tor tho socurity wt.o '
""ich ls now • · tour P~•O• '>On.d . And o acept t he bed aound lft th• k iched ano have b . . t•n avery ato9a divers oo..i,_ng to the ir h•l"Mllatll
bo9innln9,thoy •ound th• rJtht . ., to k~ck • .sa .They preaentod us When wi l l a ll this violanca at show. endl f! Thon ,f.inally .,. c a'9
tnetr n ow aongs ,as th•r jwat fini shad thair laat lp <•••
news) .I bech to Parts . Kopotully,I 1 1ko dr1v i n9 .• ll
"OP• thev ' l l ttna11y auooeod wtth t _ft_e ir "aw r•laase.
Ccunt Raven - Saint Vitus : 24th October Cràsh Froiburg
En ter now tho real• ot Doo• •.. For those wtlo didn't know thoso both
~• nd s ,thoy aro play i ng c r ushing doo• fro• the bost choico.Tho worst
tnin9 hero was that only a fow pooplo caoo to soo tho~ i n t ha t
club.So,tho swodish Count Aoven startod with only b l ittlo p i eco o f
the c rowrd in f ront of tho•. Thoy playod the whole t r a x o f tho i r now ii".;..
out lp •ttorni Wnrnl.ng• ,wta i ch fit into a Style f l"O• tho 70 ' s .O f ~·
courso thoi r •us~c is vory hoavy and slow,and tho voico roiainds a ~- ·
l ot Ozzy Osbourne. Tho sound was not bad, but could have been bot t or . :·
o spocia ~ly t or this k i nd of •usi o.Aftor a lon9 broak,(C.A s t artod l
to p l ay at 10 , and St Vitus at ~idni9ht to o nd at 2 i n tho morni ngt)
arrivod the a•er1can fro• Sai nt Vitus . The sound was vory çood , and
they played 2 hOurs wi.th 3 recallsfin fact they p l ayed many trax
fro • t he •v • l p and •o•• o f t ho others.Evon i f thol r s tyle is v ory
l oud and s l ow, we d i dn · t sloep, · causo we woro into t he trax,totall y
"lypnotlZed,under the spoll of tho magica! voico of t he slnger. · ~·
OtSHARHONtC ORCHESTRA - I HCUBUS : 9th Hay 1991 Frenkfurt ~!l!l!~~lr!
Hey Patr i ck your band i s s till crazy a nd da•entodllt k i l l s ! Yeah
this band f ro• Austria i s surel y ono that Spikohead saw the .ost
otton . And we still got the samo pl easure to moot tho•.So thoy wore
st111 0.K . t h i s ni gh t , and I t hink they st111 will be . Thoy played a
naw t r ax f ro• t he ir lp wh ich will bo out i n sopto•ber.Ho aatter, i t
ls still p sycho gr i nd . For lncubus,wa• wero wn 1t i n9 sinco ·sorpent
- 4.99tation• is o ut to seo t ho• on s t age.I thi nk wo ware far tro•
tha truth t in fact 1 I ncubus r eall y k i ck ass { yoah Michaol l ! } ,and we ~
-on ' t rogre t t o dri ve so far , to loosa our f rionds i n t hat town ~nd
to look af~ ar tho• a ll th• a f tornoon ,to pay thot • xponsivo porMing
olaco,to h ave a l acM of boor,to soe so much pretty g i r l s without
9otting one ,to bo i ll a ttor going t o Mc Oonalds ... So you • u sn ·t
•~s s that c ult band · causo lncubus k illz , and i f you only hoar thoi r
lo you can ovon. undorstand wttat Holl i s.Thoy p l ayed a l ot of trax
•ro• tho f irs t l p ( cult lp),and of courso tho wholo socond l p , and
thay did t hroo come back .I just would liko t o noti co that tha
~ogativ c lub i s too s,..11 ,too hot,ond put t ho sound undor prossuro ,
and t hat the f ly1 n · men who crossod tho a i r upon •Y hoed woro f ool
•1th no doubt ,causo u solossly broko tha ir bonos.A dude j ust soe•s
~o die j ust close t o mo.Just MaMo cool s t ago d i v 1 ng , you ' r a not
~~rd a ond you ' l l n ovor f l y • •. ( I wnsn ' t drunk t hat night ~ nd so••
guys r oally •ode t r1p i n tha air! }
TKEPOHEM PA ~ - ~ES TETINES NOIAE~ :Mency Sth April 1991
~ p s y cho, coro , thrash,dooth , rock crowd gat hor od i n club Tor•i r
f~por t to soo t h i s both i nsane fronch bonds . Tho f i rst ono got
n••• l could transleto by Bla ck Vddora.That na•o ' i n troduco ono t
:ne •ost psycho lunati c bend.At tirst t ho l ook o t tho throo guys i.
r eally crozy , end j uat abovo tho staga wero hangod soao bona $,Whi ch
. . da an odd ataosphoro.About tha •usic thoro oro o lot o f banda
1nfl uoncos.Los T6tinas Noiros rominds a e i x o t Noir 06sir ond Curo
tor tho voi ce , Oodtlesh,Tho Young Oods,DialNlndo G.olos,and others tor
tna • usic.Tho s i ngor WO• sortngin9 ovorywhor•,•in91ng i n both
•ronch and english lyri cs thet turn your • i nd to insonity.Abou t t he
sacond band, nothi ng to aay except that thay are very g roat on sta9a
lik e on lp too),but l think that the singer is . . Ming the .oat ot
:na s t •go ect . Thoi r Voi vod i nfluencod stylo is still efticiont and
or191 na l ,but wo can ' t avol d thi nkl ng al>out tho cult canedian band
-non w• heer Troponea Pal.Navertheless,a real cool ni9ht . •. -.... ...
Son i c Violenco- Bonod;lction-Paradise Loat-Autopsy .......· o~ o(""'rtQ.'I) o :r o o '3 o u :r :::r o :r ( t o o et ::r
:i 0.,0'<::J~:>Ol't
;:0 ,.
19th September t 990 t h o OO•• L on d on.
this show, J bands

t ro• Poacoville,and which bonds!Son i c ·
.j:"> ~
..:• ::if0" - ~. 0 ~i:i 0 0 0 ni:i ....
o::r..-:i:r""'x< 0 ,... .
,..,, ,... 0 _
11.olonce started with their · so loud & •eta lli e •usic · wh iç· h is v ory ~_... ' ;.t:; .,o 1» O',,. :r a. :i I o o< .... o -e,..
fil o
o o"':i e- ., c.o 1o1
o,... ::i .,0
eeptiving on stage.A groa t sound 9a110 thotn the forco of on unstopp- ~· Mlif}!t~o ~;~,~i:!,,.,:;;"' ;~
.ablo • J ogd Ponzor• whi ch gr i nd all o n its woy . Tho bo'th baas playors · ~-tot"" a o et 0 ~-e•'",..." 0 :r,.,..
-.,ro a total toriaent tor our l i tt l o oars. Th on e • •• 8enedic tion with a-~
"< :i :i "•""'"I"''°
1 - ,... . *'o o o"" cr I o 7,.'U
0 0 0
• • y eool atti 'tude Their new s i n9or Dove,from Plaguo H .D.C ovon o a.o a •~ ""'""a ,... o-e e%
•v· • • . ,..., ...... e: ·:i a1ot w ... :r.,o ::io
eot a dooper vot ce than 8arney ! ! They playod a short t1#1e 1 bu t vory ... ::i • :&: ,... o ( ..,. o .., ~,... 0 1

••nergi c wit h :i t tho ond a good covor f ront Col ·
- • Eve: Paradise Lost arrivod wi th "The 0 1aon 666" as
i:rus hod out"· brains with their 9oth1c·
t ic Frost

doo• doath ntota lTh ·

"Aoturn To
i n t ro a nd
•Y P l ayo d
o ~ .... -..,..e 1ot 7 o o 1ot ,.. :J ' 3 , •rt
::i o..-
C'>..,. 1ot a.
.... :rooio
1» )e

o o
o •e .. o<:irtaoo
:J' •

o,. 0 < o.,..

:r :reo o 1»
t ,...

llOW trax whi ch 'woro woll structured .A groat band and wttat 3 singerl ~ X
g" :;
; & ; ,,. l ~ ~ • ~ ..,'< ., •

-1nally tho californians gory god:z: arrived , Autopsy proovod on• tM>re o lit"' o.., , o"'• I " • no :r 1
•i.e '
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Unl•••htd - Nocturnus - 8olt Th,.o-er : th February 1 1 X• a rue
Th•t show started w1th th• swediah bend Unleashed whose front~ 1a
Johnny that uaed to play in th• f•l90us Nihilist .If you don"t know
the~r style ••• review .Their show W9s ve,.y great and sounded good
but th•y unfortunetely played • littl• bit too short indeed.lo ,..
hop• to ••• th•• very soon tor• long er showl1Af"t:er th•• ca• • th•
new Ta•p• godz,so called Nocturnus .lf soae could thou9ht keyboa~ds
kil l ed th• bend on sta9e,that " s truely false.lt"s stran9• at the
b•ginning but you only hear the Lp ofter a whi l e and lt doe•n ' t
• a tter a lot.Hocturnus i s v e ry efticient on stage and Mik• doesn't
looao hi• brenth though h• both playa dru•s e nd sings,They ~l a y ed
·th• whole tra• fro• th• Lp • th• CO bonus.Aftor thom oa•o th•
English warriors ot Khorn e,th• War . .aters.tn fact you gu•••• d it, 1
thought Bolt Thro. . r.Even if •ony guya couldn ' t avold atering •t
th• n1ce basaPl•Y•" Jo,tho ,.ost wais worth seen.Yeah ,they pley•d new
trax and of courso tho best tro• "Real•• of Chaos",l •••n tho
l..illin9 "Pleav.,• tearer • , "Eterna! ...,.,. ••.. t heve t.~ -n~iç•.J th• b.e1tJ
pl•y• th• whole trax ten ti.aas tester then on records,so you can
easily t . . g~n• seoing th•• is very hezardous for th• health ! l i

ASSOftfED HEAP - CEATH POWfA - PAR!J)lSE LOST :10th April 1991 Trier
we soon vlslte<ll that . . .11 conc•rt plac• ne.ed E•tl wn1oh ,....
••tre&ly full wh•n we ••• that Asphya / Ento.->Od g19.lut thls ti. . ,
only a t,._ people e~•• there . At fl,.st,Asso rted Heap.a g e r . . n d ••th
band .,...ich tirst lp •The l •o•rienoe of Horror• 1s j uat out on
label.Thoy played th• wno le traa ot the1r lp i n a rew 919 .lt .would
not b• rlght to ssv 1t "s •n orig1n•l band,but th•y ar• w1ld ano raw
on stege,•nd got • •1• of d••th in Morgoth/Sepultur• styl•s .•f-t•r
theM o••• th• trench band Oeeth Power,very disappo1nt1n9.They have
a lp out for a whil e,and h•v• already dono a lot of 919s,but thoy
dldn ' t 9et a lot of succesJ,Maybe due to their new rock n roll
dru111111er.8u t ther• was no rogo.Thon 1 the splendid mo••nt waa spre•d
through the Parodis• Loat show . Only t he muaic . . ka you trevel
•. throu9h th• aeona,contur l•• ago.end you drea• .. . Th•y wore really
9i9ant1c and pow.rtull .A great band to se• on stage .

PHOTOS p . 37: Delirium

p . 38: Benediction
p.39: Bolt Thrower





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