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Design and Implementation of A 5 kVA Inverter

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Design and Implementation of a 5 kVA Inverter

Article  in  Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering · October 2016

3 34,603

1 author:

Chukwuka Anene
Federal University of Technology Minna


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Design and Implementation of a 5kVA Inverter

This work is on the design and construction of a 5KVA Pulse Width Modulated (PWM), Metal
Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (MOSFET) based Inverter, which works on the
principle of Pulse Width Modulation. The inverter uses the IC SG3524 and a pair of Twelve
MOSFETs to drive the load. The design and implementation starts with the power supply.
Component selection was made with the aid of electronics data book, which made the design and
calculations very easy. One main feature of this inverter is the monitoring section, and the
battery-charging section connected to the inverter circuit. The inverter converts DC supply of the
battery into AC power supply required by most electrical appliances/equipment when the AC
main is not available, and when the AC main is available; this AC mains supply goes to the AC
mains Sensor, the Relays and Battery charging section of the inverter. This inverter can be used
for domestic purpose and it is not recommended for industrial purpose where high current is
required for application, such as starting a heavy-duty motor.

MOSFET, PWM, AC, DC, Control Unit, Oscillator, Transformer, Rectifier, Inverter.

1.0 Introduction

The erratic nature of power supply is a thing of major concern to all Nigerians. The cost of

acquiring a generator set and the need to supplement the irregular voltage supply by the

Electricity Distribution Companies of Nigeria make it essential for the construction of the

DC/AC power inverter.

An Inverter is a device, which converts the DC supply of the battery into AC power supply

required by most of the electrical/electronic equipment [9]. The process through which the
Inverter converts DC power supply to AC power supply is called INVERSION. This inversion

process is the reverse of the rectifier process, where the AC is converted into DC power supply.

In the past, Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) techniques were employed in voltage and current

source Inverter only. Availability of self commuted devices, such as power transistor, Metal

Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (MOSFET), Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor

(IGBT) and Gate Turn-off Thyristor (GTO), have made pulse width modulated AC to DC

converter also popular in many applications. The steady state and dynamic performance of

Inverters, AC to DC converters, and DC and AC drives are significantly dependent on the pulse

width modulation techniques [1].

Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) of a signal or power source involves the modulation of its duty

cycle, to either convey information over a communication channel or control the amount of

power sent to load [4].

Generally, in every home, office and industry, electrical/electronic devices are installed for use.

These devices require electrical power for their operation; and most of these devices when not

supplied with the required quality power supply, are at risk of being damaged.

In Nigeria, the standard electrical/electronic equipment work on 220V/50HZ AC power supply.

This power supply should not contain spikes, noise etc which could lead to damage of the


With this direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC) power Inverter, people now have an

alternative to power supply when there is an outage thereby reducing irregularities in power

supply by the National Power body – Electricity Distribution Company of Nigeria.

This device (Inverter) will be of immense importance to rural dwellers and serve as a substitute

to power supply and big generating plants. In terms of cost, size and reliability, the device stands

the test of time and is relatively portable and cheap compared to other means of power


Primarily, the inverter converts DC power to AC power at a desirable output voltage, current

and frequency. The conversion may be achieved with such devices like the ICs, MOSFETs,

capacitors, resistors, diodes, and bipolar or unipolar transistors when properly arranged and

combined [2].

Based on this definition and the availability of AC power, the importance of an inverter and the

need for a constant source of AC power in Africa and many other developing nations cannot be

over emphasized. In most of these countries, AC power is very erratic. In Nigeria, for example,

there is always an incessant supply of electricity.

The DC voltage can be obtained from solar power and DC batteries. Thus, on the basis of

inversion, this work shall reveal how DC power to AC power (that is converted) may be used to

power fluorescent tube, television set, radio, printer, Computer and also for general purpose.

2.0 System Overview

This work presents the theory, design, analysis and construction of an Inverter that converts a 12

volt DC to 220 Volts AC at a frequency of 50Hertz.

Design is the application of science and technology to the realization of a physical object to

perform specific functions with optimum economy and efficiency.

In this work, many components were used to achieve the design objective. Each component has a

function different from the other, and highly dependent on the others for the desired results.

Some of the components used in this design for its proper operation include:

1. The integrated circuit – SG3524

2. The Seven Segment Display

3. The Transformer

4. The Rectifier

5. The Capacitor

6. The Relay

7. The Resistor

8. The Diode

9. The Transistor

10. The MOSFET

2.1 The Integrated Circuit - SG3524

The SG3524 is a series of Pulse Width Modulator circuits used to offer improved performance

when used in designing all types of switching power supplies. The on-chip + 5.1V reference is

adjusted to 1% and the input common-mode range of the error amplifier includes the reference

voltage eliminating external resistors. A sync input to the oscillator allows multiple units to be

synchronized to an external system clock. These devices also feature built-in circuitry with only

an external timing capacitor required. A shutdown terminal controls both the soft-start circuitry

and the output stages, providing instantaneous turn off through the PWM latch with pulsed
shutdown, as well as soft-start recycle with longer shutdown commands. These functions are also

controlled by an under voltage lockout which keeps the outputs off and the soft-start capacitor

discharged for sub-normal input voltages. This lockout circuitry includes approximately 500mV

of hysteresis for free operation. Another feature of this PWM circuits is a latch following the

comparator [7]. Once a PWM pulses has been terminated for any reason, the outputs will remain

off for the duration of the period. The latch is reset with each clock pulse. The output stages are

designs capable of sourcing or sinking in excess of 200mA [3]. The SG3524 output stage

features NOR logic, giving a LOW output for an OFF state. Below Figure 1.0 shows the pin out

of the Integrated Circuit SG3524.

1 INV V… 16
2 NON-INV I/P V... 15


4 OSC VC 13
IC SG3524
5 O/P

6 RT O/PA 11



Figure 1.0: IC SG3524

2.2 The Seven-Segment Display

Figure 1.1 below shows a common display format composed of seven elements or segments.

Energizing certain combinations of these segments can cause each of the ten decimal digits to be

displayed. To produce a 1-segment, bands b and c are energized; to produce a 2-segment, bands
+ Vcc
a, b, g, e and d are energized.

f b

e c
Figure 1.1: Seven segment display format showing arrangement of segments.

One common type of 7-segment display consists of Light-emitting diodes (LED) arranged as

shown in Figure 1.1 above. Each segment is an LED that emits light when there is current

through it. In the Figure 1.1 above, the common anode arrangement requires the driving circuit to

provide a low-level voltage in order to activate a given segment. When a LOW is applied to a

segment input, the LED is turned ON; and there is current through it. There is also a common

cathode arrangement, which requires a HIGH at each segment input to ON it. The seven

segments can still be in liquid crystal display (LCD) form [3, 5].
2.3 The Transformer

A transformer works on AC signals; it cannot work on DC signals, as a DC signal does not

generate mutual inductance. A transformer consists of two coils, which are wound each on

laminated core. It is made up of primary and secondary sides respectively. There are two types of

coils; these are:

- Primary coil and

- Secondary coil.

The coil to which the AC supply is applied is called the primary coil/winding. The coil in which

EMF is induced and the output is taken is called secondary coil/winding. The secondary coil can

have one or more windings.

In the transformer, electric energy is transferred from one circuit to another circuit. During this

transfer, the current and the voltage can be changed, that is they can be increased or reduced [5].

There is no direct electrical connection between the primary and the secondary coil in a

transformer [6]. When AC current flows in the primary coil, there is change in the magnetic flux

generated in the primary coil with induced EMF which is transferred to the secondary coil. The

voltage generated in the secondary coil depends on the ratio between the number of turns in the

primary coil and number of turns in the secondary coil.

In a transformer, the relationship between voltage, current and number of turns in the coils is

given by:

V1 N I
 1  1 (1)
V 2 N2 I 2


▪ V1 is the input voltage to the primary

▪ V2 is the output voltage from the secondary

▪ N1 is the number of turns in the primary coil

▪ N2 is the number of turns in the secondary coil

▪ I1 is the current in the primary coil

▪ I2 is the current in the secondary coil

In an ideal transformer, there is no loss and the efficiency is 100%; but in reality, this is not easy

to obtain. Figure 1.2 below shows an Ideal transformer circuit.

I1 I2



AC N1 N2 V2

Primary coil Secondary coil

Figure 1.2: Ideal transformer circuit

2.4 The Rectifier

After stepping down the AC mains supply using a step-down transformer, the stepped-down AC

supply is converted into DC by the rectifier circuit.

Three most common types of rectifier circuits are:

▪ Half wave rectifier

▪ Full wave rectifier

▪ Full wave bridge rectifier

The one used in the design of this work is full wave bridge rectifier.
In this rectifier, four diodes are connected across the secondary winding in a special arrangement

of diodes, called “bridge arrangement”, as shown in Figure 1.3 and Figure 1.4.

Direction of
Input Current flow in
Signal First half cycle


AC D3 D2
Mains Output
B Signal

Figure 2.4: Bridge Rectifier showing direction of current flow in first half circle

Direction of
Current flow in
A Second half cycle
D1 D4
Signal C D Output
D3 B D2 Signal


Figure 2.4: Bridge Rectifier showing direction of current flow in second half circle

During the positive half cycle of input AC signal in the secondary winding, point A is positive

and B is negative.
This makes diodes D4 and D3 forward biased and the current flows from point A to point D

through D4, D to C through load and from point C to B through D3. During this time, D1 and D2

remain reversed biased.

During the negative half cycle of input AC signal in the secondary winding, point B is positive

and A is negative. This makes diode D1 and D2 forward biased and the current flows from point

B to point D through D2, D to C through load and from point C to A through D1. During this time

D3 and D4 remain reversed biased [2, 5].

Note that for both half cycles of AC, direction of current through the load is same, from point D

to C. So, the bridge rectifier rectifies full AC wave and produces DC output from the AC input

using the full secondary winding.

Other components are explained as they are used in the design method below.

3.0 Design and Methods

The block diagram of the 5KVA power Inverter is as shown in Figure 1.5 below. This is

followed by explanation of individual blocks, design consideration and design calculation for the

different components used.

Current Step-up
Battery(s) Oscillator
Driver Transformer

Control Unit Output

PHCN Supply
AC Power Supply

Figure 1.5: Functional Block diagram of the 5KVA power inverter

3.1 Design Specifications

The design specifications of the inverter are summarized below:

- Output power 5kVA

- Output waveform = Modified sine wave

- Output frequency = 50Hz

- Output voltage = 220 volts AC

- Charging type = constant voltage.

The capacity of an inverter is a function of:

- The type and number of power MOSFETs used

- The size and capacity of the power transformer used

Therefore, in this work, a 5kVA transformer was designed and matched with the appropriate

number of MOSFETs.

3.2 Power Supply Unit

The control unit takes power from a 5V regulator (7805), while the oscillator stage is powered

directly from the battery. To monitor the power from the Power Distribution Company, a step

down transformer 220/12V was used and rectified using bridge rectifier. A filtering capacitor

was applied and the output was connected to one of the analog input of the microcontroller.

3.3 Control Unit

For the control unit, the ATMega8 microcontroller serves as the central processing device, it

monitors inputs such as voltage level of battery, Power Distribution Company input

current/voltage level, etc. This unit has five (5) relays connected to it via a current driver IC,

ULN2003 which can drive up to 500mA current. The ULN2003 drives the relays according to

decision taken by the microcontroller. Below Figure 1.6 is a schematic diagram of the control




14 23
15 24
Analog inputs
17 26
18 27
19 28
9 1
10 9
2 1
1B 1C
16 RL3
3 2 15 12V
4 3 14
PD2/INT0 3B 3C
5 4 13
PD3/INT1 4B 4C
6 5 12
PD4/T0/XCK 5B 5C
11 6 11
PD5/T1 6B 6C
21 12 7 10
20 13



Figure 1.6: Schematic diagram of the control unit

3.4 Oscillator Unit

In this stage, the DC energy from the battery is converted to AC energy of a specified frequency.

It is an electronic source of alternating current or voltage having sine, square, saw tooth or pulse

width. In particular, this design is a Pulse Width Modulated, MOSFET based Inverter. As

‘Rectifier’ means conversion from AC to DC, ‘Inverter’ is the name given to DC to AC


The oscillator used in this design was Pulse Width Modulation regulator control (SG3524) which

was modified to sine wave using BC557 transistors.

The major functional unit of the IC (SG3524) is the oscillator circuitry. The oscillating

frequency is varied through the resistor and capacitor connected to pin 6 and pin 7 respectively.

The output of oscillator is pin 3 which is a single ended pulse fed directly into a flip flop.

The flip flop divides the single ended output into two and fed to NOR gate, then to transistors

each attached to a NOR gate at pins 12, 11, 13 and 14, pin 14 and 11 of each transistor is used as

the two outputs of the oscillator used for push pull application and fed to the BC557 transistor.

The output of the BC557 transistor is fed to the preamplifier circuit using the TIP42 transistors.

Pin 12 and 13 are connected to pin 15 and tied to the supply voltage of the battery. Below Figure

1.7 shows the circuit diagram of the oscillator.


1N4148 OSC 1
1 16

2 15 Q3 R4
BC557 10K

3 14

4 13
5 SG3524 12 OSC 2
6 11 Q2
BC557 R5
R3 10K
100K 7 10
C1 8 9


Figure 1.7: circuit diagram of the oscillator

3.5 Frequency Configuration of the Oscillator

The Oscillator, SG3524 requires external synchronization for the designer to vary the pulse

duration derived and consequently the frequency. The formula to calculate the oscillator

frequency is given as:

F (2)
Rt Ct

T = Rt Ct (3)

Where F, is Frequency in Hertz,

T = Time constant; Rt = Resistance; Ct = Capacitance

Rt is chosen to be 100kΩ; Ct also chosen to be 200nF

Therefore, T = 100 x 103 x 200 x 10-9

T = 0.02secs.

However, frequency, F = 1/T

F = 1/0.02 = 50Hz.

3.6 Current Driver Unit

MOSFETs are metallic oxide semi-conductors in which the gate is completely insulated from the

channel by a thin layer of silicon oxide. This permit operation with gate source or gate channel

voltage above and below zero. Figure 1.8 below shows the circuit configuration of the MOSFET.
To transformer
Q3 Q2 Q1
To preamplifier R1 IRF150 R3 IRF150 R2 IRF150

100Ohm 100Ohm 100Ohm

To Transformer
Q6 Q5 Q4
To preamplifier R4 IRF150 R5 IRF150 R6 IRF150

100Ohm 100Ohm 100Ohm

Figure 3.7: Circuit configuration of the MOSFET

This configuration consists of an array of MOSFETs connected in parallel. The MOSFET used

in this design has its path number as IRF150 and the following data sheet parameters:

- Current rating = 39A

- Voltage rating = 100V

- Power factor (pF) = 0.88

- Power rating = 190W

The required number of MOSFETs per channel for a 5kVA Inverter is thus obtained:

P = VA cosθ (4)

Where cosθ = pF; and P = actual or real power of the Inverter.


P  5000  0.88  4400 W

The Total number of MOSFET is given by:

Number of MOSFETSs = Actual Power of the design/ Power rating of the MOSFET:

That is; 4400/190 = 23.16.

Hence, 24 MOSFETs were used; with 12 on each parallel channel, boosting the current to drive

the transformer.

3.7 The Step-up Transformer

A transformer is a static (stationary) device by which electric power in one circuit is transformed

into electric power of the same frequency in another circuit. It can step-up or step-down the

voltage in a circuit in response to ratio of the coil at the primary and secondary winding, but with

a corresponding decrease or increase in current.

The physical basis of a transformer is mutual induction between two circuit linked by a common

magnetic flux generated; corresponding to the input power to the transformer. The transformer

used at the output stage was designed to be able to realize 220V from the input of 12V AC signal

at the MOSFET end.

This step-up center tapped transformer, steps up 12V AC from the output of the inverter unit to

the desired 220V AC. Below Figure 3.8 shows the complete circuit diagram of the 5KVA

Inverter (Inverting unit).



R1 R6

1N4148 Q1
1 16 TIP42
R7 IRF150
TR1 220V Ac output
2 15 Q3 R4
BC557 10K 12V

3 14

4 13
5 SG3524 12 Q4 Q7
1N4148 TIP42 IRF150 TRAN-2P3S
6 11 Q2
BC557 R5
R3 10K
100K 7 10
C1 8 9

RV2 IRF150

Figure 3.8: Complete circuit diagram of the 5KVA Inverter (Inverting unit)

4.0 Packaging

Packaging of the constructed project was done to achieve a good looking and presentable device.

During the packaging, some factors were considered; these include:-

The durability of the material to be used in the packaging, materials like wood, plastic or metal

could be used but for this project work, metal sheet was used; this is to ensure easy dissipation of

heat to the environment.

Again, caution was taken to avoid short-circuiting of any part of the design. The portability of

the package was taken into consideration to limit the space it will occupy as well as to ease the

burden associated with the movement of the device.

The ventilation of the package was also considered; this is to help in temperature control of the

device since most of the components in the construction are heat-generating components. Figure

3.9 below, shows a picture of the neatly packaged 5kVA Inverter design.

Figure 3.9: Picture of Packaged 5kVA Inverter


The instability of power supply in the country calls for an alternative power supply to be used as

an emergency. This project has met the objective and purpose for which it was designed and

constructed. It could be used in homes, offices and industries to serve as an alternative power

supply because of the following advantages:-

- Low maintenance cost

- No moving parts

- No noise pollution

- Easy installation

- No environmental pollution
This project could also be used by many other electrical/electronic appliances, provided it is

within the limit of operation.


One of the limitations of this project is that the 12V DC battery backup cannot withstand a large

load applied on it for a long period; the overload cut-off is triggered when the load on the

Inverter is larger than the designed capacity. Hence, for a more reliable and stable power supply,

it is recommended that a larger battery backup should be provided to enable this project

withstand larger loads for a long period.

The department should develop a cottage workshop where young interested students will be

engaged in mass-production, customization and commercialization of this equipment (Inverter);

thereby encouraging entrepreneurship and product localization.

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