HP-GX 5010plus: The Top Weighting Arm For Worsted Ring Spinning Frames
HP-GX 5010plus: The Top Weighting Arm For Worsted Ring Spinning Frames
HP-GX 5010plus: The Top Weighting Arm For Worsted Ring Spinning Frames
Milestones in the Manufacture
of SUESSEN Top Weighting Arms
UTS 200
HP-A 510
For years now, SUESSEN has set the highest standards in the de- As the success of SUESSEN products is based on the continuous
sign of top weighting arms equipped with plate springs. Ever since focus on improving and developing in line with the market require-
its introduction to the market fifty years ago, this design has proven ments, SUESSEN took the next step in 2006 launching the HP-GX
highly successful. 3010 Top Weighting Arm for short-staple ring spinning machines.
In 1956, SUESSEN presented the first top weighting arm equipped Based on tremendous experience and inspired by the success of
with a plate spring, known as the UT type, with later applications on the new HP-GX 3010 Top Weighting Arm, the SUESSEN R&D de-
worsted spinning frames (UT 200) and roving frames (UT 500). partment designed the HP-GX 5010 Top Weighting Arm for worsted
ring spinning frames, in close cooperation with our customers.
As the years have passed, the design has been continually im-
proved and adapted to meet the demands of our customers. In We now proudly introduce to the market the new generation
the early sixties, SUESSEN offered three basic models for worsted of Top Weighting Arms for worsted ring spinning frames – the
spinning, the top weighting arms UTS 200, UTS 300 and UTZ 300, HP-GX 5010plus.
which could be specified in accordance with the relevant applica-
SUESSEN Top Weighting Arms can be obtained as usual directly
tion. Naturally, all variants can be used both for the nip point drafting
from SUESSEN or via OEMs for new machines.
or slip-drafting system.
The Distinctive Features
of the HP-GX 5010plus
FEB 1 2002
STEP=1 19:03:20
DMX =15.18 2.091
SMN =2.091
SMX =1362 Y 153.239
The critical feature of the HP-GX 5010plus is that the top rollers are Corrosion tests carried out by independent laboratories showed that
loaded directly by heavy-duty plate springs without clearance or fric- the HP-GX 5010plus surface has three times more resistance than
tion. Furthermore, the plate spring is supported free from play in the ever achieved.
top arm body. At the same time the plate spring serves as a guiding
Top arm body and top weighting unit
element and prevents the possibility of lateral forces from acting on
the front top roller position. All top rollers are adjustable with regard to pressure load and posi-
In addition, the mechanical treatment of the wider top roller sup-
ports will guarantee the precise parallelism of the top and bottom
roller axles.
The height setting is now placed at the side of the top weighting
arm. By an eccentric bolt setting is much easier, faster, and more
The HP-GX 5010plus will provide you with the feature of partial load
HP-GX-C+ Cradles
100 %
75 %
25 %
Distance or load on all weighting units are set with the units being HP-GX-C+ Cradles
The cradles are made out of steel. The rounded edge of a low-
Top rollers can be easily clipped on the redesigned top roller sup- friction polymer creates a minimum degree of friction on the top
port. aprons.
Manufacturing tolerances of the top arm body have been further The redesigned retention system prevents the cradles from falling
reduced to improve the guidance and precise positioning of the out when the Top Weighting Arm is opened.
weighting units.
HP-GX-C+ Cradles are available for spindle gauges of 75 and
82.5 mm and for all standard fibre lengths.
High-stability principle
Cradle Spacers
To ensure identical apron nips on both the left and the right of the
t tin
HP-R+ Top Rollers
The SUESSEN HP-R+ Top Rollers are of the loose boss type with The recess of the apron top roller can be chosen between 0.5 and
non-removable bosses. The standard saddle will provide additional 1.5 mm.
support to the guidance and precision of the top roller position.
With the design EliTe®CompactSet-L, the front top roller is replaced
The back and front top rollers can be obtained either without cots or by an EliTop specified to fulfil the requirements.
with buffed cots of all popular brands. They can have diameters of
40 mm or 50 mm.
The precise apron top rollers have a rubber cot reducing the slip-
page between apron and roller. The top roller boss diameter is
adapted to the specification of the other top rollers. It ensures a
perfect smooth running of the apron and avoids the accumulation
of dirt.
Technical Data
HP-R+ Top Rollers Top rollers without cots or with buffed cots
Top roller cots and aprons By all renowned manufacturers as per customer’s specification
Top rollers: Ø 50 mm / Ø 40 mm
Top roller cots - Diameter Standard/EliTe®Compact
Apron top roller: Ø 48 mm
Back: 245/290/335 N
Loads Middle: 105/135/165 N
Front: 260/305/350 N
Partial load relief All top rollers: 45 – 65 % of the nominal load
Given setting recommended for long-staple fibres (cradle L-WO) – other settings in SUESSEN Technical Memo SCT.3415
(* dimension depends on bottom apron nose bar applied)
Spindelfabrik Suessen GmbH
Donzdorfer Straße 4
73079 Süssen
Phone +49 7162 15-0
Fax +49 7162 15-367