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Task 2 - Thematic Content 2

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Reported speech: questions and commands. “Please, get in touch with them today.” - The thesis
advisor asked me / “Have you set your alarm clock?” - The professor asked me previously the test.

Verb Pairs She got married before she graduated from her Master´s degree / I got engaged in a
new project at the University / I have been in love with my career from the very first semester.
THEMATIC UNIT: EXPANDING MY HORIZONS Most common idioms and expressions related to your academic fleld. leap of faith / turning point / in

Mixed Tenses: Well, I have been following them for more than a month now, but so far I have
TASK: You will apply for a job in a very well-known institution/corporation in which a person will interview you.able
not been Prepare to answer
to catch questions
them in the act. related to your
Sometimes area of
I worry expertise,
that yourthey’re
by the time personalcaught,
and interpersonal
I’ll ski
have my law degree and I’ll be defending them! Taken from: http://www.grammarbank.com/verb-tenses-exercises.
html for educational purposes.

Review of Passive Voice. I don’t understand why you don’t have the report. It was sent to you over
a week ago / The Amazon rainforest is extremely important to the ecology of the earth. 40% of the
world’s oXygen is produced there.
• To discuss the differences in content and format of Professional Profiles around Pronunciation:
the world. Musical aspects of pronunciation: stress, intonation and rhythm (reading aloud)
• To create a Professional Profile

INPUT: ACTION ONE: Read about professional profiles around the world.
Discuss the elements that should be included in a personal profile.
LANGUAGE FOCUS Watch a video on YouTube about how to create a great professional Profile and
2 based onby
Sentence connectors (conclusion, result, exemplifying) Buying organic fruit and vegetables is a better choice. In the first place, they are less contaminated that, createpesticides.
chemical a draft of For
yours in thereason,
another portfolio.
they are not genetically modified. In3 add

Past modals (should have, could have, would have) Pyramids could have been built, even before the Egyptians themselves / The study would have been reported before the deadline.
Review of simple and continuous tenses (present and past): She is writing her thesis while having a part time job in the same academic and professional field / They were conducting a survey when their boss arrived and asked them to leav
Relative clauses with who-that-which: Her curriculum, which she writes to apply for a new job in the US bank, has to be finished by June / Jane, WHILE:
whose mother is a physician, is very good at biology / Do you know the reason why so many p
Reporting verbs (invite, remind, agree, advise, deny, suggest, apologise) The teacher reminded us that the lesson started at six in the evening / The journalist agreed that Einstein had received the award the previous night
A. Read a set of sketches that include both Colombian and international
Collocations. Many students at the university have recently been calling for the abolition of bullfightings as they are seen as cruel to animals /
The boss and the workers struck a bargain which led to the strike ending peacefully professional profiles, taking notes of the differences and similarities in the bo X
Review of perfect tenses: simple and continuous. She has been preparing her Statement of Purpose for more than a year / The fair has been a total below:
success / They had interviewed many people for the position.
Doctor Andres Perez

Doctor Andres Perez graduated as a physician from the Rosario University in Bogota,
Colombia in 1987, and continued to specialize in Plastic and Reconstructive surgery at
the National University of Colombia, and San Juan de Dios University Hospital
obtaining his diploma in 1994, having achieved the distinction of Resident Chief.

Dr. Perez trained as Fellow Assistant for plastic surgery at the University of Illinois, Chicago,
under world-renowned facial plastic surgeons such as Dr. Dean Toriumi and Dr. Eugene
Tardy, as well as Dr. Sherrell Aston and Dr. Daniel Baker at the Eye and Ear Hospital in
Manhattan, New York.

He has been a member of the Colombian Society for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery for
20 years, as well as other important international societies of plastic surgery such as FILACP
(Federacion Ibero Latinoamericana de Cirugia Plastica).

Programa Institucional de Inglés

Well-known for his insatiable desire to achieve excellence and his innovation the supervision and construction of more than one million square feet of new office space in
in various techniques, he is a permanent invitee to numerous national and such notable buildings as 437 Madison Avenue and 645 Madison Avenue.
international plastic surgery conferences in the USA, Canada and Europe.
Dr. Perez is extremely well-recognised not only by his patients, but by his Mr. Gural is widely recognized as an invaluable member of the Greater New York community
colleagues as well, for his expertise in various facial rejuvenation techniques as well as a highly respected leader in real estate. Mr. Gural’s industry and charitable
such as the Short Scar Mini facelift and the Fat Stem Cells Transfer, in which he affiliations include the Board of Directors of The Real Estate Board of New York; member of
has abundant experience and skill. the Board of Directors of the Realty Foundation and Recipient of their 2006 Man of the Year
Award; President of the New York Chapter of The Starlight Starbright Children’s Foundation; a
Well-known for his dedication and ability, he achieves completely natural results member of the Board of U.S.O.; Chairman of “I Have a Dream - NY” and Co-Sponsor of the
and adapts to the expectations of each and every one of his patients. Chelsea-Elliot “I Have a Dream” Project; Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Times
Ultimately, Dr. Perez stands out from the crowd because he dedicates sufficient Square Business Improvement District; member of the Board of Directors of Cooper Union,
time to each unique patient in their initial consultation, explaining all details of member of the Board of Directors of the 14th Street-Union Square District Management
their surgical procedure clearly and concisely. Furthermore, Dr. Perez is fluent in Association; member of the Board of Directors for Art New York; member of the Board of
English and has for many years treated foreign patients from all over the world. Directors for Starworks; Vice President of The Broadway Association; member of the Board of
“We were able to communicate very well, he speaks very clear English, he Directors of the Eldridge Street Synagogue; member of the Board of Directors of the Jewish
answered all of my questions, took a lot of time with me.” Michelle Batista from Community Center of the Upper Westside; member of the Board of Directors of Eugene Lang
Virginia, USA. College at The New School for Liberal Arts; member of the Board of the Settlement Housing
Fund. Mr. Gural is a member of the Board of Directors of the UJA-Federation, where both he
Accompanied by his efficient and dedicated medical team, your post-op evolution and his father, Aaron Gural, were honored at the organization’s 1995 Annual Luncheon. Mr.
will be closely evaluated and monitored to guarantee amazing and safe results. Gural is the Chairman of American Racing and Entertainment LLC, which is currently
developing two racinos in Upstate New York.
Taken from: https://goo.gl/eJErJe Purposes.
Adapted and modified by: Julian Esteban Zapata Gomez Mr. Gural is a graduate of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, with a degree in Civil Engineering.
He is married, has three grown children, five grandchildren and resides in Manhattan. He is a
JEFFREY R. GURAL major owner and breeder of Standardbred racehorses on his farm in Stanfordville, New York.
Taken from: https://goo.gl/Ax1bia For educational Purposes. 5
Chairman Adapted and modified by: Julian Esteban Zapata Gomez
Jeffrey Gural is chairman of Newmark Grubb Knight Frank,
a full-service commercial real estate firm. With his partner,
Barry M. Gosin, Mr. Gural has steered Newmark Grubb
Knight Frank since 1978, when it served only the New York Nikos Lavranos, from the Dutch permanent representation, to the
area. Under his auspices, Newmark Grubb Knight Frank first European Federation for Investment Law and Arbitration (EFILA)
completed a successful national expansion in 2001 and then
grew to expand internationally in 2006 through a strategic Until July 2014, according to his Linked-in profile, Dr Nikos Lavranos was working
partnership with London-headquartered real estate firm for the Dutch government as a senior policy advisor on bilateral investment treaties,
Knight Frank. Newmark Grubb Knight Frank now provides Jeffrey R. Gural Chairman Newmark Grubb Knight Frank 125working at the EU level. He is an expert on international arbitration and investment
Park Avenue
coverage from more than 320 offices worldwide. New York, NY 10017 United States law. He worked for the Dutch government for more than four years and he led the
T 212.372.2400 negotiationsforseveralinvestmenttreaties; he was alsothechiefDutchrepresentativein
Fax: 212.372.2409
Mr. Gural is responsible for the managing and leasing of the theEU’s trade policy committee.
8 million square feet of properties in which Newmark Grubb Areas of Specialization
Knight Frank’s partners have ownership. Newmark Grubb Strategic Real Estate Advisory and Consulting NGOs, including Transnational Institute and CEO, recently reported that Dutch
Investment Banking investment treaties, which Lavranos helped to negotiate, are generally considered
Knight Frank currently manages approXimately 150 Leasing and Management
buildings in the Metropolitan area, of which they have an Workouts as some of the most investor-friendly in Europe. In conjunction with its company-
ownership interest in 41 buildings. Mr. Gural oversees all Asset Sales friendly tax regime, the vaguely-worded investment treaties are the reason why the
acquisitions, as well as the overall supervision of the Years of Experience Netherlands ranks second worldwide in originating arbitration claims.
company’s non- institutional portfolio. 39 years
In July 2014 in Brussels, the European Federation for Investment Law and Arbitration
Prior to joining Newmark Grubb Knight Frank in 1972, Mr. (EFILA) was launched which aims to be the “main voice” of users of investment
Gural was a member of the staff of Morse-Diesel arbitration at the EU level. Lavranos co-founded EFILA and is the Secretary General of
Construction Co. During his six-year tenure there, he was the organisation which also includes law firms representing some of Europe’s biggest
responsible for companies.
Programa Institucional de Inglés
The setting-up of EFILA is a direct response torecent hard-hitting criticisms(including
from CEO, MEPs and some member state governments) of the Commission’s proposals to SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES AMONG PERSONAL PROFILES
include investor state dispute settlement (ISDS) provisions within TTIP. In a recent
Commission consultation on the issue of ISDS in TTIP, the institution was overwhelmed
 They have obtained higher education degrees.
to receive 150,000 objections representing 97 per cent of the total, an indication of the
 They are recognized nationally and internationally.
strong public concern on this matter.
 With their professions they try to help people and the development of humanity.
 They give good recommendations about
Lavranos is quoted as saying: “We became increasingly annoyed that there were so many them.
lies and half-truths and propaganda out there and no counterbalance. We felt there was DIFFERENCES:
a clear need for investment arbitration practitioners to pool their expertise and explain to  They focused on different areas of study: medicine, business, politics.
the public the benefits of investor-state arbitration”. He also said: “Nobody argues that the  They have different backgrounds because of their professions.
current investment arbitration system is perfect.… There is no doubt that the system has  They are from different countries.
to evolve if it wants to survive. But we believe that most, if not all, of the critique is highly  Their personalities and ways of socializing are different.
exaggerated and based on wrong perceptions.”  They have different knowledge of life.

EFILA has joined the EU lobby register, declaring less than €9,999 lobby expenditure for
the six months to November 2014 (viewed 2 July 2015). It lists four lobbyists registered
with the European Parliament, including Lavranos, and identifies TTIP as one of the
dossiers it currently lobbies on. It has had at least one meeting with the Commission to
discuss ISDS, in October 2014.
EFILA also has an advisory board which brings together representatives from law firms,
major companies such as Shell, and from governments. EFILA says that they “serve in
their personal capacity and shall be completely independent from the organisations in
which they are employed or hold mandates”. The recent NGO report Lawyers
subverting the public interest provides additional information on their backgrounds.
6 7
In September 2014, Lavranos also joined Global Investment Protection in Zürich as Head
of Legal Affairs. The consultancy advises companies on how to structure investments
to have access to the most investor-friendly arbitration routes in case of
“unreasonable governmental action” such as “regulatory and tax measures”.
Otherservicesof the company include “pre-emptive lobbying and intervention” and
developing funding strategies for investor-state claims. Global Investment Protection
commented on the appointment that “[with] Nikos Lavranos in our team we can offer
investors hands-on knowledge on how to defend [investor assets] against destructive
government interventions.”

It seems clear that Lavranos has seamlessly walked from a key position with the Dutch
government negotiating ISDS provisions in trade deals, now one of the hottest topics in
the whole TTIP negotiation, through the revolving door to lobby, on behalf of private
interests, on identical ISDS issues at the EU level. The Dutch government needs to
urgently develop some tough revolving door rules to prevent future moves like this which
raise the strong risk of possible conflicts of interest. Lavranos declined to respond to our

Taken from: https://goo.gl/c7RaAu For educational Purposes.

Adapted and modified by: Julian Esteban Zapata Gomez

Programa Institucional de Inglés

B. Identify and extractfrom one of the differentreadings (not the Colombian one):
reporting verbs, collocations, verbs in perfect tenses and sentences in reported speech.
Read the article from the Colombian professional aloud and practice pronunciation,
observing stress, intonation and rhythm

Create your personal profile to be presented to the class as in a job interview.


I am looking forward to starting a new adventure in the world of chemistry. I am a 5 semester chemistry student with experience in project management. I collaborated with the

8 9


With the vocabulary and structures identified during the previous activities. Complete the
sentences with reported speech based on the previous readings.

a)“Where are you from?”he asked me.

I am from Montelibano, Córdoba, Colombia. I go for 5 semesters at the University of Antioquia of

b)“What will you choose as a carrier?”he asked me.

I will choose a car as a carrier, as it is much safer.

c)“Please, get in touch with them today for arranging the meeting,” he asked me.
Yes of course, I will immediately put in contact to assign the time of the meeting.

d)“Don’t leave your luggage unattended in the airport,” he told me.

Yeah, I’m looking out for him, because I can’t let him get lost.

Programa Institucional de Inglés e)“Are you flying soon from Asia?” he asked me.
No, I’ve been very busy and I don’t think I’ll be able to travel anytime soon

f) “May I ask you a question about your professional future?” he asked me.
Sure, I’ve been thinking about it a lot and I already have the answer I couldn’t find before.
g)“Have you set your cellphone alarm clock for the meeting?” he asked me. Ronald: “Where does Maria park her car in the building?”
Yes, I set my cellphone alarm clock up in case I forgot the meeting. Ronald asked me my answer: Maria always parks her car in the parking lot in front of the building.
h) “Is Prague the capital of the country?” he asked me.
Honestly, I don’t know the answer.
Elisabeth: “Did you watch the latest film about economics?”
i)“You mustn’t touch the screen that hard!” he told me.
All right, a lot of times I touch it hard because the screen doesn’t work almost. Elisabeth asked me my answer: Yes, but I thought it was a little boring.

j)“Would you rather dance or drink in a business meeting?” he asked me.

I prefer to drink at the business meeting because it gives a neutral image about me.
Mandy: “Can I help you with something, sir?”

k) “How long have you been standing here?” he asked me. Mandy wanted to know my answer: Yes,
I’ve been standing for about 15 minutes.
please help me by telling me where I can get
m) “Stop laughing, this is a serious matter!” he told me. Of course, I’m not going to Julio Cortazar’s books.
laugh. Don’t worry.

Taken from: https://goo.gl/QV5U For educational Purposes. Adapted and modified b

ACTION TWO: Orally report a comparison and contrast about different profiles
around the world.

Create your online personal profile at: https://goo.gl/yVcPqr. Then present
it orally to the class.

From the previous activity, orally report the similarities and differences
10 found on the different profiles, both in format and content. 11

Discuss the advantages of knowing about professional profiles of people around the world to
strengthen yours and to apply for a new job.
With the vocabulary and structures identified during the previous activities, answer the
following exercises related to professional profiles.
I. Finish the sentences using Reported speech. Always change the tense, although it is
sometimes not necessary.
Christopher: “Do you want to close the business?”
Christopher asked me. My answer: No, I don´t want to close because I think I can renew it and make a lot of money.

Betty: “Where did you come from?”

Betty wanted to know. My answer: I am from Montelíbano, Cordoba, Colombia. And I am currently living in Medellin, Antioquia, Colombia.

Mark: “Has John arrived from his trip?”

Mark asked me. My answer: Yes, John arrived from his trip this morning.
Programa Institucional de Inglés

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