Features General Description: 3A Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulator
Features General Description: 3A Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulator
Features General Description: 3A Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulator
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Typical Application
Pin Configuration
( Top view)
Pin Descriptions
Pin No.
Name I/O type Pin Function
Open drain output. Setting high impedance once VOUT reaches 92%
of its rating voltage
Feedback Voltage. This pin is connected to the center tap of an
2 FB I external resistor divider network to set the output voltage as VOUT =
3、4、5 VOUT O Output Voltage. The power output of the device.
Input Voltage. Large bulk capacitance should be placed closely to
6、7、8 VIN I
this pin. A 10μF ceramic capacitor is recommended at this pin.
Chip Enable (active high). This pin is internal pull high to VDD. The
9 EN I
device will be shutdown if this pin is pull low.
Supply voltage for control circuit. This pin provides bias voltage to
the control circuit and driver for the pass transistor. For better
10 VDD I current capability, A 3V to 5V supply voltage for control circuit is
recommended and supply voltage should be 1.5V higher than the
output voltage.
11 GND I/O Ground.
Ordering Information
1. Package 2. Shipping
No Item Contents
1 Package TD:TDFN10-3x3
Electrical Characteristics
(VIN= VO+0.5V, VEN=VCNTL=5V, CIN=CO=10uF, TA=TJ=25°C)
Dropout Voltage
Thermal Shutdown
40 °C
VCNTL=5V 0.3 V
EN Voltage
Threshold Logic-High
VCNTL=5V 1.1 V
EN Internal Impedance EN to VCNTL Impedance 0.5 1 MegΩ
EN Input Bias Current IEN VEN=0V 5 10 uA
Soft Start Time TSS From 10%*Vo to 90%*Vo 0.6 1 2 mS
Power OK
Note 1. Stresses listed as the above “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the
device. These are for stress ratings. Functional operation of the device at these or any other
conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied.
Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may remain possibility to
affect device reliability.
Note 2. Devices are ESD sensitive. Handling precaution recommended.
Note 3. θJA is measured in the natural convection at TA=25℃ on a high effective thermal conductivity test
board (4 Layers, 2S2P) of JEDEC 51-7 thermal measurement standard. The case point of θJC is
on the expose pad for PSOP-8 package.
Note 4. The device is not guaranteed to function outside its operating conditions.
Note 5. Regulation is measured at constant junction temperature by using a 2ms current pulse. Devices
are tested for load regulation in the load range from 1mA to 3A.
Note 6. The Dropout voltage is defined as VIN-VOUT, which is measured when VOUT is 0.98*VOUT(NORMAL).
The Dropout voltage is measured at constant junction temperature by using a 2ms current pulse.
Typical Characteristics
VIN Line Transient Response VIN Line Transient Response
VO=1.2V,IOUT=0 VO=1.2V,IOUT=1A
Application Information
Enable function. It allows the output current to reach the
The GS7163 has a dedicated enable pin(EN). maximum value of 4.5A. Then further decreases
When the EN pin is in the logic low (VEN<0.3V), in the load resistance reduce both the load
the regulator will be turned off, reducing the current and the load voltage.
supply current to less than 1uA. Thermal-Shutdown Protection
When the EN pin is in the logic high (VEN>1.1V), Thermal Shutdown protects GS7163 from ex-
the regulator will be turned on and undergoes a cessive power dissipation. If the die temperature
new soft-start cycle. Left open, the EN pin is exceeds 160°C, the pass transistor is shut off.
pulled up by an internal resistor to turn on the 40°C of hysteresis prevents the regulator from
regulator. turning on until the die temperature drops to
Power-on-Reset 120°C.
The GS7163 features a power-on-reset control Output Capacitor selection
through monitor both input voltages to prevent The GS7163 is designed to employ ceramic
wrong operations. Only after the two supply output capacitors as low as 10uF; if employ EL
voltages exceed their rising POR threshold output capacitor as large as 1000uF, feedback
voltages, the regulator is to be initiated and starts resistance (Rbottom) should be larger than 100K
up. ohm(Table 1). Place the capacitors physically as
POK close as possible to the device with wide and
The POK pin is an open-drain output, and can be direct PCB traces. Capacitor ESR should be less
connects to VOUT or other rail through an external than 50mohm.
pull-up resistor. As the output voltage arrives 92% Cout Rbottom
of normal output voltage, an internal delay Ceramic ≥10uF ≥0.1KΩ
function starts to perform a delay time and then EL 1000uF ≥100KΩ
output the POK pin high to indicate the output is Table 1 Cout capacitor vs. Rbottom resistance
OK. As the output voltage falls below the falling Input Capacitor selection
Power-OK threshold or one of the two supply Bypass VIN to ground with a 10uF or greater
voltages falls below it’s falling POR threshold, the capacitor. Bypass VCNTL to ground with a 1uF
POK pin will output low immediately without a capacitor for normal operation in most appli-
delay time. cations. Ceramic, tantalum or aluminum elec-
Build-In Soft-Start trolytic capacitors may be selected for input
An internal soft-start function controls rise rate of capacitor. However ceramic capacitors are
the output voltage to limit the current surge at recommended due to their significant cost and
start-up. The typical soft-start interval is about space savings. Place the capacitors physically as
1mS. close as possible to the device with wide and
Current Limit direct PCB traces.
The GS7163 contains over current protection
Green Solution Technology Co.,LTD.
Rev.:1.22 10 Jan-16
3A Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulator GS7163
e b e b e b A
L 6 7 8 9 10 L 6 7 8 9 10 L 6 7 8 9 10
D1 D1 D1
E E1 E1 E1
5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1
Top view
Bottom view
A3 Pin #1 ID Options
Note:The configuration of the Pin#1 identifier is
A1 optional,but must be located within the zone indicated.
Side view
Dimensions in
Symbol Millimeters
Min. Max.
A 0.70 0.80
A1 0.00 0.05
A3 0.203 REF.
b 0.18 0.30
e 0.50 REF.
D 2.90 3.10
E 2.90 3.10
D1 2.30 REF.
E1 1.65 REF.
L 0.30 0.50
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