Detailed Lesson in BIOLOGY
Detailed Lesson in BIOLOGY
Detailed Lesson in BIOLOGY
I. Objectives
At the end of a 60-min period, at least 75% of the students will be able to:
Materials: Charts, Book, Manila Paper, Pen, activity sheetValues: Creativity, Patience, Following
III. Procedure
A. Learning Activities
a.(Prayer, Greetings)
The teacher will select who will lead the (One Student will lead the Prayer)
B.(Checking of Attendance)
say present...
microscope, Right?”
“Yes Mam!”
"Plant and animal cells have a greatdeal of The students will look at the side by side diagrams
similarities between them. The smaller of plant and animal cells.
components inside the cells, called organelles,
perform the same functions in each kind of cell.”
e. (Generalization)
In 1 whole sheet of manila paper the students will find their respective groups and makea Venn
diagram in order to determine the differences and similarities of the animal andplant cell.
After the activity the students will answer the activity sheet wherein they need to labelthe parts
of the cell and states its function.
V. Assignment