Rps Ccu
Rps Ccu
Rps Ccu
A. Deskripsi Isi
This subject will make the students Students will be able to expose the key concepts in cross-cultural communication. Students will be able to increase students’ understanding of
the reciprocal relationship between communication & culture. Students will be able to help students develop: an ability to mindfully interact with people from cultures different than their
own an appreciation for different in culture beliefs and communication.
B. Proses Pembelajaran
Kuliah dimulai dengan membuat komitmen belajar dengan mahasiswa yang dikenal dengan BLC (Building Learning Commitment) yang membahas tentang prosedur di
peraturan kuliah, materi, evaluasi dan proses belajar mengajar.
Tawaran dari dosen sesuai dengan silabus. Namun dalam BLC didefinisi kembali. Secara umum perkuliahan terdiri atas layanan individual, aktifitas aktif mahasiswa
untuk mencari bahan dan berbagai kajian dari referensi buku maupun dari hasil browsing. Bahan-bahan dan kasus-kasus yang ditemukan dibahas dosen secara
komprehensif dengan interaksi yang kental dengan mahasiswa, ditindaklanjuti dengan diskusi.
C. Evaluasi
No. Komponen Bobot
1 Tugas, partisipasi dalam kelas 30%
2 Kehadiran 20%
3 Ujian tengah semester 20%
4 Ujian akhir semester 30%
D. Rincian Materi Perkuliahan Tiap Pertemuan
Pertemuan 1 : Culture definition, Communication definition, Intercultural communication, Component of communication Characteristics
of communication
Pertemuan 2 : Culture diversity in perception, Culture and perception, Beliefs, Value
Pertemuan 3 : Individualism, Equality, Materialism, Science and Technology, Progress and Change, Activity and Work
Pertemuan 4 : Cooperative, Science and Technology, Progress and Change, Activity and Work
Pertemuan 5 : Important and function, Culture and families, History, United States, Chinese, Japanese, Arabs, Russians
Pertemuan 6 : Language and Culture definition, The important Language, The Nature of Language, Language diversity co-cultures,
African American Language, Female Communication, Argot, Function of Argot
Pertemuan 7 : The Message of action, space, time, and silence, The important of non-verbal communication, Definition of nonverbal
communication, Function of nonverbal communication, Repeating, Complementing, Substituting,regulating
Pertemuan 8 : UTS
Pertemuan 9 : The Message of action, space, time, and silence, The important of verbal communication, Definition of verbal
communication, Function of verbal communication
Pertemuan 10 : Similarities, Differences, Nonverbal Communication and Culture, Body Behavior, Eye Contact and Gaze, Touch, Smell,
Pertemuan 11 : Context and Communication, Culture and Business Context, International Business Context, The Domestic Business
Pertemuan 12 : Culture and Education, What Cultures Teach, Multicultural Education, Goals of Multicultural Education, Problem in
Multicultural Education, Multicultural Competency
Pertemuan 13 : Point of view, Philosophy of Change, The Brain is open System, We have free choice, Communication has consequence
Pertemuan 14 : Potential problem in culture communication, Seeking similarities, Uncertainty reduction, Diversity of communication
purpose, Withdrawal, Power, Culture Shock, Ethnocentrism
Pertemuan 15 : Improving Intercultural Communication, Consider the Physical and Human Setting, Develop Empathy, Develop
Communication Flexibility, Some Ethnical Considerations, Be aware of consequence, Seek commonalities, Recognize the
validity of differences
Pertemuan 16 : UAS
E. Daftar Buku
Referensi :
a. Richard, E. Porter. 1995. Cross Culture Understanding. California.Wadsworth Publishing Company.
b. Claude, Jean. 2000. Cultural Diversity. American; a Model of Cultural Dynamics.