A320 Lights and Switches Guide
A320 Lights and Switches Guide
A320 Lights and Switches Guide
Overhead panels
Main Panels
pedestal panels
Overhead Panel
RAIN RPLNT/WIPER PANELS................................................................................................................. 5 ELECTRIC PANEL.....................................................................................................................................14
CALLS PANELS.......................................................................................................................................... 5 AIR COND PANEL...................................................................................................................................16
OXYGEN PANEL........................................................................................................................................ 6 PROBE/WINDOW and ANTI ICE PANEL..........................................................................................17
RCDR PANEL.............................................................................................................................................. 6 CABIN PRESS PANEL.............................................................................................................................18
GPWS PANEL............................................................................................................................................. 7 EXT LT PANEL...........................................................................................................................................19
EMER ELEC PWR PANEL......................................................................................................................... 7 APU PANEL...............................................................................................................................................19
EVAC PANEL............................................................................................................................................... 8 SIGNS PANEL...........................................................................................................................................20
FLT CTL PANEL.......................................................................................................................................... 8 INT LT PANEL............................................................................................................................................20
ADIRS PANEL............................................................................................................................................. 8 ENG PANEL...............................................................................................................................................21
AFT AVIONICS COMPARTMENT PANEL..........................................................................................10 VENTILATION PANEL.............................................................................................................................21
AUDIO SWITCHING PANEL..................................................................................................................10 CARGO SMOKE PANEL.........................................................................................................................22
FIRE PANEL...............................................................................................................................................11 AUDIO CONTROL PANEL.....................................................................................................................22
HYD PANEL...............................................................................................................................................12 MAINTENANCE PANEL.........................................................................................................................23
FUEL PANEL.............................................................................................................................................13 GLARESHIELD..........................................................................................................................................25
maintenance panel
Pressed and held: COCKPIT CALL illuminates blue on the external
power panel in the nose L/G bay. An external horn sounds.
Released: COCKPIT CALL remains illuminated.
COCKPIT CALL and external horn can be reset by pressing the RESET
button on the EXTERNAL POWER panel.
Panel AUTO: (extinguished) The CVR and FDR are energized when
1 On the ground, for five minutes after electrical power is sup-
plied to the aircraft.
OXYGEN 2 On the ground, after an engine start.
3 Continuously in flight (whether engines are running or not).
ON: (blue) The Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) and Digital Flight Data
Recorder (DFDR) are energized.
OXYGEN PANEL Pressed (2 seconds): Erases the CVR tape, and a steady low fre-
quency tone sounds, if
MASK MAN ON pb guarded 1 The aircraft is on the ground, and
AUTO: The mask doors are signaled to open automatically when 2 The parking brake is ON.
the cabin altitude exceeds 14,000’.
Pressed: The mask doors are manually signaled to open. CVR TEST pb
Pressed and held: Activates the test if the CVR is energized and
PASSENGER SYS ON light the parking brake is ON. A low frequency signal sounds 4 times
Extinguished during normal operation. though the two flight deck speakers.
SYS ON: Illuminates white when the automatic or manual signal
to open the oxygen mask doors is activated.
When extinguished, the valve is open, supplying low-pressure oxy-
gen to the masks.
OFF: (white) Valve is closed accompanied by an amber OXY indica-
tion on ECAM Door page.
Extinguished during normal operation.
ON: (white) Flap mode 4 “TOO LOW FLAPS” is inhibited when FLAPS
EMER ELEC CONF 3 is selected. In this case, the ECAM LDG MEMO displays
PWR Panel
“FLAPS........3” instead of “FLAPS ........FULL”.
ON BAT light
ON BAT: Illuminates amber when one or more IR(s) is supplied
Fast Alignment - The ADIRS resets ground speed to zero. only by the aircraft battery, or comes on for a few seconds at the
Process takes approximately thirty seconds. To initiate, rotary se- beginning of a full alignment. An external horn sounds and ADIRU-
lector switches must be placed “off” for less than five seconds. AVNCS light comes on blue on the EXTERNAL POWER panel.
hyd Panel
fuel Panel
electric panel
AUTO: (extinguished) The bus tie contactors (BTC) will open or close
automatically in order to maintain power supply to the AC buses.
The generators have priority over external power which has prior-
ity over the APU.
OFF: (white) Both BTCs are open.
Extinguished during normal operation. The AC ESS BUS is normally
supplied from AC BUS 1 but can be powered automatically by AC
BUS 2 if an auto transfer occurs.
FAULT: Illuminates amber with ECAM caution when the AC ESS
BUS is not powered.
ALTN: Illuminates white only when selected. AC ESS BUS is being
supplied by AC BUS 2.
Extinguished during normal operation.
OFF: (white) Switches off all aircraft commercial electrical loads.
AIR COND PANEL 1 The DITCHING pb on the CABIN PRESS panel is in the normal
extinguished guarded position.
ENG 1(2) BLEED pb 2 Cabin differential pressure is less than 1 PSI.
Extinguished during normal operation. Bleed valve opens if
1 Upstream pressure is above 8 PSI. APU BLEED pb
2 APU BLEED pb is off or APU bleed valve is closed. When extinguished, the APU Bleed valve is closed
3 There is no onside wing or pylon leak, and no overpressure or FAULT: Illuminates amber with ECAM caution if an APU leak is de-
over temperature has been detected. tected.
4 The ENG FIRE pb has not been activated. ON: (blue) The APU bleed valve is selected open.
5 The engine start valve is closed.
FAULT: Illuminates amber with ECAM caution if X BLEED selector knob
1 There is an overpressure downstream of the bleed valve. SHUT: The crossbleed valve is closed.
2 There is a bleed air overheat. AUTO: The crossbleed valve is open if the APU bleed valve is open.
3 There is a wing or engine leak on the related side. The crossbleed valve is closed if the APU bleed valve is closed.
4 The bleed valve is not closed during engine start. OPEN: The crossbleed valve is open.
5 The bleed valve is not closed with APU bleed ON.
FAULT will extinguish when the ENG BLEED pb is selected OFF and PACK 1(2) pb
the fault has disappeared. When pb is extinguished the pack flow control is automatic.
OFF: (white) The bleed and HP valves are closed. FAULT: Illuminates amber with ECAM caution when
1 The pack control valve position disagrees with the selected
RAM AIR pb guarded position, or
The RAM air inlet is closed when extinguished. 2 Compressor outlet overheats, or
ON: (white) The RAM air inlet is selected open if 3 Pack outlet overheat.
OFF: (white) The pack control valve closes.
When pb is extinguished, the valve operates hot air pressure auto-
matically to help regulate selected temperatures.
FAULT: Illuminates amber with ECAM caution when a duct overheat
is detected. The valve and trim air valves close automatically. anti ice panel probe/window heat panel
OFF: (white) The valve and the trim air valves close. The FAULT cir-
cuit is reset.
Regulates temps between 64°F and 86°F depending on position. WING pb
When pb is extinguished, wing anti-ice valves are closed.
PACK FLOW selector FAULT: Illuminates amber with ECAM caution if
NORM: Flow is controlled automatically. Depending on passenger 1 The position of the anti-icing valve is not in the required posi-
loading and ambient conditions, it can be selected to LOW or HIGH. tion, or
High flow is provided with APU bleed or single pack operation re- 2 Low pressure is detected.
gardless of switch position. ON: (blue) Wing anti-ice control valves open if a pneumatic sup-
ply is available.
ENG 1(2) pb
When pb is extinguished, engine anti-ice valves are closed.
FAULT: Illuminates amber with ECAM caution if position of anti-ice
valves disagrees with ENG 1(2) pushbutton selection.
ON: (blue) The valves are open and bleed air is available from the
AUTO: (extinguished) Probes/windows are heated automatically if
1 In flight, or
2 On the ground provided one engine is running (except the
TAT probes).
ON: (blue) Probes and windows are heated continuously.
AUTO: (extinguished) One of the two systems is controlling the
outflow valve in the automatic mode.
FAULT: Illuminates amber with ECAM caution only when both CPCs
are faulty.
MAN: (white) Manual control of the outflow valve through the use
of MAN V/S CTL is available.
T/O: Illuminates both taxi and takeoff lights.
TAXI: Illuminates the taxi light only.
ext lt panel apu panel OFF: Extinguishes taxi and takeoff lights.
STROBE FAULT: Illuminates amber with ECAM caution when an automatic
ON: Strobes are on. APU shutdown occurs.
AUTO: Strobe lights come on automatically when the aircraft be- ON: Illuminates cyan when selected. Provides electrical power to
comes airborne. APU systems and sequences the APU for starting.
OFF: strobes are extinguished
BEACON AVAIL: Illuminates green when the APU start sequence is complete
ON: Illuminates beacons. (when N is above 99.5% or 2 seconds after N reaches 95%), and the
OFF: Extinguishes beacons. APU is available for use.
ON: Illuminates cyan signaling that the APU starter is energized.
WING The light extinguishes when the when the APU starter is de-ener-
ON: Turns wing inspection lights on. gized and 2 seconds after N has reached 95% or when N is above
OFF: Turns wing inspection lights off. 99.5%.
When extinguished, the cabin fans operate automatically.
OFF: (white) The cabin fans are stopped.
1st Press: Displays the chronometer time on the respective ND.
2nd Press: Freezes the displayed value.
3rd Press: Resets the chronometer, and the chronometer time dis-
EFIS CONTROL PANELS nal. If tuned and identified, the frequency and ID will be displayed
on the PFD. When selected on, the GREEN pushbutton light illu-
BARO REF display minates.
Displays selected barometer setting in either inches Hg or hPA.
MODE rotary selector
PULL STD knob Selects a navigation display for the respective ND.
OUTER RING: allows pilot to select unit for the barometer refer-
ence, either hPA or inches Hg. The unit selected does not appear RANGE rotary selector
on the PFD. Selects a range scale (10-320) for the respective ND. If the mode
Rotate KNOB to select barometer reference. or the range data fails, the default selection is on the ROSE NAV
Pull KNOB to select the standard barometer reference setting. The mode and 80 NM range.
PFD will display “STD” (29.92in Hg or 1013hPA).
Push KNOB from the STD position to make last selected QNH baro ADF/VOR 1(2)
setting available. These switches select VOR bearing pointers and DME distance on
the respective ND when VOR is available. Since ADFs are not in-
FD pb stalled on JetBlue aircraft, the ADF option is labeled DEACT.
Push this button to select or deselect the associated FD or FPA/
TRK reference from the respective PFD. When selected, the GREEN CSTR/WPT/VOR.D/NDB/ARPT buttons
pushbutton light illuminates. These buttons control the optional data selections. When selected,
they will be displayed on the respective NDs. Only one option can
LS or ILS pb be displayed at a time, and when selected the GREEN pushbutton
Push this button to display or remove the localizer and glideslope light illuminates.
scales on the PFD. Deviation symbols appear if there is a valid sig-
A/THR pb
Arms, engages, or disengages the autothrust (A/THR). The GREEN
pb light illuminates if the A/THR is armed or active. Not normally
used to disengage the autothrust.
landing gear/brakes panel
BRK FAN pb sw
Terr on nd panel HOT: Illuminates amber when the brakes get too hot (300°C) with
ECAM caution and chime.
ON: (white) Fans are running if the left main landing gear is down
and locked.
Control Pedestal
SWITCHING PANEL................................................................................................................................31 DATA PRINTER.........................................................................................................................................35
THRUST LEVERS......................................................................................................................................31 WEATHER RADAR...................................................................................................................................35
PITCH TRIM...............................................................................................................................................32 CONTROL PANEL....................................................................................................................................35
ENGINE MODE PANEL..........................................................................................................................32 ATC/TCAS PANEL....................................................................................................................................36
SPEED BRAKE..........................................................................................................................................33 CONTROL PANEL....................................................................................................................................37
RUDDER TRIM.........................................................................................................................................33 ACP.............................................................................................................................................................37
FLAPS LEVER............................................................................................................................................33 RMP............................................................................................................................................................38
COCKPIT DOOR......................................................................................................................................34 FLIGHT MANAGEMENT GUIDANCE COMPUTER.........................................................................39
PARKING BRAKE.....................................................................................................................................34 EFIS CONTROLS......................................................................................................................................40
EMERGENCY GEAR EXTN PANEL......................................................................................................34 OXYGEN MASK STOWAGE BOX.........................................................................................................41
switching panel
flight management
guidance computer
pitch trim
control panel
data printer
parking brake
ATT HDG selector sw, AIR DATA selector sw thrust levers
NORM: ADIRU 1 supplies data to PFD 1, ND 1, RMI and VOR/DME.
ADIRU 2 supplies data to PFD 2 and ND 2.
CAPT 3: ADR 3 or IR 3 replaces ADR 1 or IR 1.
F/O 3: ADR 3 or IR 3 replaces ADR 2 or IR 2. THRUST LEVERS
The ground spoilers automatically extend during rejected
takeoff, at a speed greater than 72 knots, or at landing when both
main landing gear have touched down, when:
Ground spoilers are armed and both thrust levers are at or rudder trim panel
near idle, or
Reverse is selected on at least one engine (other thrust lever
at or near idle), if ground spoilers were not armed RUDDER TRIM
NOSE L/R selector
Controls the rudder trim actuator, which moves the neutral point
of the artificial feel by the equivalent of one degree of rudder travel
speed brake panel per second. Disabled with Autopilot engaged.
Resets rudder trim actuator to zero trim. Deactivates when the au-
topilot is engaged.
LEVER emergency gear extention panel
Selects simultaneous operation of the slats and flaps. Squeezing
or pulling up on the lock lever is required prior to moving the lever
to the selected position.
PARKING BRAKE selector sw
OFF: Parking brake is not engaged.
COCKPIT DOOR ON: Parking brake is engaged.
AUTO: Automatically controls the antenna gain.
MAX: Rotating knob clockwise controls maximum antenna gain.
DATA PRINTER UP/DOWN: This knob controls up/down antenna tilt.
Prints reports from the ACARS, AIDS, FMGC, CFDIU and EVMU sys-
tems if installed. WINDSHEAR
AUTO: Predictive windshear function is activated even if Weather
control panel Radar transceiver selector is in the OFF position. Selected for all
flight operations. The outer ND knob must be rotated clockwise
to view returns
OFF: No predictive windshear function.
Captian Side
CLR pb
The flight crew uses this pb to clear the code display. As long as the
four figures of the new code are not entirely written, the previous
code remains.
Pushed: Sends the aircraft identification.
CODE display
The window displays the selected code.
control panel
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,0: The flight crew uses these pbs to the code assigned
by ATC.
CONTROL PANEL nose gear bay. The MECH light extinguishes after 60 seconds if it
Captain Side is not reset.
ATT light flashes amber (and buzzer sounds) for a call from a cabin
FLOOD LT PED knob attendant. The ATT light extinguishes after 60 seconds if it is not
Adjusts the brightness of the flood lighting for the pedestal. reset.
ON: (green) Filters out audio navigation identification signals.
acp panel
INT position (locking) allows boom and mask mikes transmit on
interphone regardless of which transmission key is selected.
Center neutral position is normal. Boom and masks do not transmit.
RAD position (spring-loaded) allows boom and mask mikes to trans-
ACP mit on the radio selected on the Audio Control Panel (ACP) when
Transmission keys
Pressing the key will select the associated channel for transmission. PA key
The green light will illuminate. Pressing the key the second time or Press and hold to make a PA announcement. Three green lines il-
selecting another channel will deselect the channel. luminate. Automatically deselects the active transmission key.
CALL light flashes amber (and buzzer sounds) when the SELCAL
system detects a call.
MECH light flashes amber (and buzzer sounds) for a call from the
Frequency Selector
Two concentric selectors to display STBY frequency or CRS. The
outer selector controls whole numbers; the inner selector controls
decimal fractions.
SEL lndicator
The SEL indicator glows white on both RMPs when a transceiver
normally dedicated to the onside RMP is tuned by the other RMP.
RMP Panel
NAV pb guarded
Pressing either guarded NAV key on RMP 1(2) engages the RADIO
NAVIGATION BACK UP MODE and deactivates auto tuning of all navi-
RMP gation radios to the FMGC. The green monitor light will illuminate.
Pressing the NAV key a second time returns control of the naviga-
ACTIVE Frequency Display tion radios to the FMGC and extinguishes the green light. Used
Display window shows the active frequency of the selected radio, in event of dual MCDU/FMGC failure. Allows selection of navaids
identified by a green light on the selection key. based on VOR/LS pushbutton and channel tuning with selector
Display window shows a standby frequency that the pilot can acti- STBY NAV keys
vate by pressing the transfer key or change by rotating the tuning When the guarded NAV key is illuminated green the navigation
selectors. If this window displays a course, then pressing the trans- radio can be selected using one of the Radio Navigation Selection
fer key displays the active frequency in both windows. keys.
Function and page keys: Call up functions and pages the pilot
uses for flight management computations.
Up or down arrow: Scrolls the display in the selected direction to
view portions that are off the screen. Arrows on the bottom right
corner indicate that the display can be scrolled.
NEXT PAGE: Moves to the next page of a multi-page element. An
arrow in the top right hand corner of the screen indicates that an-
other page is available.
AIRPORT KEY: Calls up the flight plan page that contains the next
flight management guidance computer (mcdu) airport along the current flight plan. Successive pushes on the key
show the alternate airport, the origin airport (before takeoff ), and
the next airport again.
FLIGHT MANAGEMENT GUIDANCE COMPUTER Letter and number keys: Allow user to insert data in scratchpad.
CLR: Erases material (messages or inserted data) from the scratch-
MCDU display screen pad or from certain areas of displayed messages.
ATA FIELD: Display generates 14 lines of characters. OVFY: Allows the aircraft to overfly a selected waypoint.
Title line.
Six Label lines. BRT
Six data field lines. Knob: Controls the brightness of the display and the keyboard.
Scratchpad: The scratchpad line will display
1 Specific messages to be acknowledged and cleared. ANNUNCIATORS
2 Information entered by crew to be inserted in DATA FIELD. FAIL: (amber) Illuminates if the associated MCDU has failed.
MCDU MENU: (white) Indicates that the crew should call up a pe-
Line Select Keys ripheral linked to the MCDU.
There is a column of line select keys on each side of the screen. The FMGC: (white) Comes on while the crew is using the MCDU to dis-
pilot uses these to play peripherals (e.g. AOC).
Rotating this knob controls ON/OFF selection and the volume of
the loudspeaker. This knob does not control the aural and voice
GPWS/GS pb light
efis controls GPWS: Illuminates red when any mode from 1 to 4, or any EGPWS
alert is activated. A synthetic voice accompanies the light.
G/S: (amber) Illuminates when mode 5 is activated. The aural
“GLIDESLOPE” warning accompanies the light.
EFIS CONTROLS Pushing: Maintenance function is used to test the aural warning
in flight, pushing will cancel a G/S warning.
ND Knob
Outer Knob: The outer control knob controls the brightness of
both the weather radar image and the EGPWS terrain display,
weather radar image, EGPWS terrain display and predictive wind-
shear image.
Inner Knob: The inner knob controls the general brightness of
the ND symbols. Rotating this knob all the way counterclockwise
switches off the ND.
Pushing this button interchanges the PFD and the ND. If the PFDU
fails, the PFD transfers automatically to the NDU.
Rotating this knob controls the brightness of the PFD and rotating
full counter-clockwise switches off the PFD.
oxygen mask stowage box
Blinker indicator
Flow meter: This indicator flashes and will stay opened when oxy-
gen if flowing.
RESET/TEST pb slide
Control Slide: The crew member pushes the press to test slide in
the direction of the arrow to test the operation of the blinker, the
regulator supply, system sealing downstream of the valve, regula-
tor sealing, and system operation. Pressing the RESET control slide
after the oxygen mask has been used cuts off the oxygen mask
SIDE STICK: Used for manual pitch and roll control. Spring-loaded to neutral position and locked in neutral position with Auto-Pilot engaged unless pilot input
applied which will disconnect Auto-Pilot. Captain and FO side sticks are not mechanically interconnected. If both pilots move their sticks simultaneously, the
inputs are added.
Aircraft response to side stick movement depends on the active flight control law.
o Left-right movement commands roll rate, where neutral = 0 deg/sec, but with numerous limitations, protections, and degraded modes of operation.
o Fore-aft movement commands g-force (load factor), where neutral = 1g, but with numerous limitations, protections, and degraded modes of operation.
AOA demand in Alpha Protection range.
Push-To-Talk Trigger: Squeeze to transmit on the communications channel selected via the transmission keys on the ACP.
Auto-Pilot Disconnect/Takeover button (red): Press once to disconnect Autopilot. Second push silences AP Disconnect alert. While held down, this button
also takes control from the opposite side stick. Pressing and holding for 40 seconds locks out the other side stick. The takeover-side A/P is available (can be used
during crewmember incapacitation)
Page 43
SYSTEM PAGE PUSHBUTTONS: Call up the corresponding system pages on the SD.
RCL PUSHBUTTON: Calls up warning or caution messages and STS page that may have been inhibited or cleared.
CLR PUSHBUTTON: If lit, pressing will clear E/WD warning, caution or status display
ALL PUSHBUTTON: When pressed and held, cycles SD through all system pages
Page 44
TILLER: Left/right movement controls nose wheel up to +/-75 degrees steering angle. Nose wheel deflection response to tiller input is reduced as airspeed
PEDAL DISC button: Spring-loaded. While held depressed, disconnects rudder pedals from nose wheel steering.
Page 45
Manual TOGA Thrust. At least one thrust lever is in the TOGA detent.
Speed Reference System mode is engaged. For takeoff, SRS gives pitch guidance to maintain airspeed at V2 + 10, or if an engine
failure is detected, to maintain the greater of V2 or current speed, up to V2 + 15. For a go around, SRS gives pitch guidance to
maintain the greater of VAPP or the airspeed at the moment of engagement, up to VLS + 25. SRS mode protects against high pitch
attitude and provides at least a minimum climb rate, and, during windshear, provides specifically adapted escape guidance. This
mode is triggered by the thrust levers at FLX or TOGA and will disengage automatically at acceleration altitude or when another
vertical mode is engaged.
The Managed Climb mode is armed. CLB will arm automatically on the ground or when SRS is engaged if no other vertical mode is
Runway mode is engaged. This mode provides steering guidance during the takeoff roll and initial climb if a localizer signal is
Navigation mode is armed. NAV mode arms automatically on the ground if no HDG/TRK is preset and no other lateral mode except
Page 46
Normal Flight Director status indication, showing both FD’s are active. PFD 1 displays FD 1 and PFD 2 displays FD 2.
A/THR is armed. On the ground A/THR is armed by setting the thrust levers at the FLEX or TOGA detent. (At least one flight
director must be on).
Managed Climb
Thrust mode is engaged and commanding climb thrust. The most advanced thrust lever is in the climb detent.
Managed Climb mode is engaged. The FMGS target altitude is higher than the actual altitude. This mode is used to climb towards
the FCU selected altitude along the vertical flight plan (NAV must be engaged – reverts to OP CLB mode if NAV is disengaged).
Pitch guidance is given to hold the airspeed target. FMGS-programmed altitude constraints are taken into account.
Page 47
Open Climb
Thrust mode is engaged and commanding climb thrust. The most advanced thrust lever is in the climb detent.
Open Climb mode is engaged. The FCU selected altitude is higher than the actual altitude. This mode is used to climb towards
the FCU selected altitude at a constant airspeed. FMGS-programmed altitude constraints are ignored. Pitch guidance is given
to hold the airspeed target.
Autopilot 1 is active.
A/THR is active.
Page 48
Mach mode is engaged. The A/THR varies the thrust in order to maintain the Mach target. The Mach target may be
selected on the FCU or managed by the FMGC.
Altitude Hold (Cruise) mode is engaged and pitch guidance is given to hold cruise altitude. The altitude is permitted to vary ±
50 feet from the selected altitude to minimize thrust variations. Aircraft has entered the Cruise Phase. Performance
information is based on cruise flight until the descent is initiated. Altitude Hold (Cruise) mode is engaged and pitch guidance
is given to hold cruise altitude.
Autopilot 1 is active.
A/THR is active.
Page 49
Managed Descent
Autopilot 1 is active.
A/THR is active.
Page 50
Open Descent
Open Descent mode is engaged and the FCU selected altitude is lower than the actual altitude. This mode is used to
descend directly to the FCU selected altitude at a constant airspeed. FMGS-programmed altitude constraints are
ignored. Pitch guidance is given to maintain target airspeed.
Autopilot 1 is active.
A/THR is active.
Page 51
Speed mode is engaged. The A/THR varies the thrust to maintain the speed target. The speed target may be selected
on the FCU or managed by the FMGC.
Vertical speed mode is engaged, with a 1000fpm descent commanded. Pitch guidance is given to maintain the vertical
speed selected on the FCU. FMGS altitude constraints are ignored.
Altitude Hold mode is armed to capture the FCU selected altitude.
Heading mode is engaged. Steering guidance is given to fly the heading selected on the FCU.
Autopilot 1 is active.
A/THR is active.
Page 52
Speed mode is engaged. The A/THR adjusts thrust in order to maintain the speed target.
Altitude Hold mode is engaged. Pitch guidance is given to hold the FCU selected altitude.
DUAL indicates that the automatic landing system is “Fail Operational.” An automatic landing could be completed in
the event of a single-point failure below Alert Height.
Minimum Descent Altitude (210’ barometric altitude) has been entered in the MDA field on the PERF APPR page of
the FMGS.
Autopilot 1 and 2 are active.
A/THR is active.
Page 53
ILS Approach
Speed mode is engaged. The A/THR adjusts thrust in order to maintain the speed target.
Glide Slope mode is engaged. (Requires LOC mode to be engaged). Pitch guidance is given
to follow the ILS glide slope.
Localizer mode is engaged. Steering guidance is given to track the ILS localizer
Below 400’ RA
LAND indicates that the LOC and GS Modes are locked. No action on the FCU will disengage
the LAND Mode.
40’ RA
FLARE indicates that the autopilot is aligning the yaw axis with the runway centerline and
flaring in pitch. If A/THR is active during an autoland, thrust is automatically reduced to idle.
Note: This should not be confused with the fly-by-wire flight control “flare mode”.
On Ground
ROLL OUT indicates that the autopilot is guiding the aircraft along the runway centerline and
the PFD displays the Yaw Bar.
A/THR is active.
Page 54
Alpha Floor is engaged. When Alpha Floor triggering conditions are met (primarily high
angle of attack), A/THR commands TOGA thrust regardless of thrust lever position.
(This protection is available only in Normal Law.)
TOGA Lock is engaged. This occurs subsequent to Alpha Floor activation when the
aircraft leaves the Alpha Floor conditions. In TOGA Lock, TOGA thrust is still being
commanded. To disengage TOGA Lock, the A/THR must be disconnected.
Thrust Lock is engaged. This indicates that autothrust has disconnected either due to
a failure, or by selection of the FCU A/THR pb, while the thrust levers are in the CL (or
MCT) detent. The thrust setting is fixed at the level existing just prior to the
disconnection. Moving the thrust levers out of the CL (or MCT) detent disengages
thrust lock and restores conventional manual operation of the thrust levers.
- Occurs at 10 feet during an autoland to direct the pilot to bring thrust levers to idle
“RETARD” in agreement with A/THR system, or
auto-callout - Occurs at 20 feet during a manual landing to remind the pilot to retard the thrust
levers if they are not already there
Page 55
Page 56
The Indicated Airspeed is depicted by a horizontal yellow index line against a moving white
scale on a gray background. A vertical arrow, called the speed trend arrow, indicates the
aircraft’s predicted speed in 10 seconds if the current acceleration or deceleration remains
constant. In the examples above: The left tape shows 165KIAS, decelerating (predicting
152KIAS in 10 sec). The right tape shows 295KIAS, accelerating (predicting 308KIAS in 10
240 240 240
240 240 240 Target Airspeed - Managed
The Magenta triangle is the FMGS-computed airspeed or the
220 220 220 airspeed corresponding to the FMGS-computed mach number in
managed speed mode. The numeric value is displayed above the
200 200 200 speed tape when the target speed is greater than the displayed
airspeed scale and below the tape when the target speed is below the
180 180 180 speed scale.
Mach Number
280 The current Mach number is displayed in green below the airspeed scale when it is greater
than .50.
Page 57
Takeoff V Speeds
Decision speed or V1 is displayed by a blue number one on the
speed scale from the speed that was entered into the MCDU. If
V1 is off scale, the numeric value will be displayed in blue near
the top of the airspeed tape.
100 131 160 160
Rotation Speed or VR is displayed by means of a cyan circle on
the speed scale from the speed that was entered into the
80 140 140 MCDU. It appears during takeoff, while on the ground.
60 120 120 Takeoff safety speed or V2 is displayed during takeoff by a
magenta triangle on the speed scale from the speed that was
40 100 100 entered into the MCDU. If V2 is off scale, the numeric value will
be displayed in magenta on the top of the airspeed tape.
If the V speeds are not entered in the MCDU, a red “SPD SEL”
message will appear on the top of the speed tape.
Minimum Slat Retraction Speed / Maneuvering Speed
• Acceleration - Green ‘S’ symbol indicates slat retraction speed. It appears
when the flap lever is in position 1 and is the lowest speed to select flaps 0.
• Deceleration - Green ‘S’ symbol indicates minimum maneuvering speed
when the flap lever is in position 1.
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- [YELLOW] Side to side movement of the sideslip index indicates sideslip (lateral
acceleration) of the aircraft (equivalent to the inclinometer “ball” in a conventional
- [BLUE] In case of engine failure during takeoff or go-around, the sideslip index
changes from yellow to blue, and its function changes to beta target. When the
beta target index is centered, the amount of sideslip is optimized for best single-
engine performance (which may result in a slight bank)
Energy Circle
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