Shaqour 2021
Shaqour 2021
Shaqour 2021
Architectural Engineering
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The construction sector in Egypt faces many challenges related to managerial issues. The construction
Received 10 May 2021 industry considers a waste generator sector that harms the economy and environment. This study sup-
Revised 5 July 2021 poses that adopting lean construction approaches is essential in reducing waste and enhancing the
Accepted 12 July 2021
Egyptian construction sector’s performance. Data was collected from one hundred and sixty-two con-
Available online xxxx
struction professionals who have the experience to design, manage, and construct projects and are
involved in construction sites in the new capital city in Egypt. The overall conclusion of this study is com-
patible with the same studies worldwide, which are related to the adoption of lean tools in the construc-
Lean construction
Lean tools
tion sector affects time, cost, quality, safety, environment, and relationships positively, which is raising
Waste reduction the value of resources and money. Results indicate that construction professionals apply lean tools in
Project management construction sites to manage, monitor, control, and construct projects, although they sometimes do
Construction industry not know what they are applying lean tools. Results show the knowledge level of lean concepts is less
than the adoption level. Respondents evaluated 31 benefits of adopting lean construction. The major ben-
efits are economic-related. The main Lean Construction ‘‘LC” tools adoption benefits are: Improve process
control, Improved planning, Material storage control (access and inventory), and Time reduction.
Ó 2021 THE AUTHOR. Published by Elsevier BV on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
1. Introduction suitable project management tools [6]. New concepts and tools
have been adopted in management to deal with challenges in the
The construction industry has proven to be considered one of construction industry [7]. Lean construction is a distinguished
the critical economic industries in many countries worldwide, new practice compared to traditional construction management
which affects the national income [1]. Construction industry devel- approaches, which will lead to a good transformation in the con-
opment considers slow in comparison to other industry sectors and struction industry [8].
harms the environment [2]. Inefficient project management in Production industry Preceded construction industry in imple-
Egypt causes waste of time, cost, and material [3]. Any activity that menting Lean methods [9,10]. Lean thinking was first used in the
increases production process cost and time without adding value is Toyota production system TPS) in the 1950s in Japan [11]. In
called waste [4]. The construction sector in Egypt faces many chal- 1988, John Krafcik described Toyotas Production System TPS as a
lenges related to managerial issues. The construction industry con- ‘‘Lean” [12]. Automobile factories adopt Lean concepts as a stan-
siders a waste generator sector that harms the economy and dard for production [13]. Lean construction considered a new
environment [5]. Project quality and target value are achieved by method to manage construction project which aims to reduce
waste of material to obtain the maximum value from the process
[14]. Lean construction appeared as a term in 1992 [15]. Construc-
⇑ Address: Architecture Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Nahda
tion industry developers refused to apply many thoughts related to
University, Benisuef City, Egypt.
the manufacturing sector, such as implementing Lean Construction
E-mail address:
[2]. The challenges of the construction sector emphasize the need
Peer review under responsibility of Ain Shams University.
to adopt lean concepts in construction projects [16].
The importance of this research is the contribution to the exist-
ing knowledge of lean tools and benefits by prioritizing the bene-
Production and hosting by Elsevier fits of adopting Lean Construction in terms of their level of
2090-4479/Ó 2021 THE AUTHOR. Published by Elsevier BV on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Please cite this article as: E.N. Shaqour, The impact of adopting lean construction in Egypt: Level of knowledge, application, and benefits, Ain Shams Engi-
neering Journal,
E.N. Shaqour Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx
importance in New Capital construction projects and revealing that the isolated application of lean techniques will not achieve
how these benefits positively affect socially, economically, and sustainable development. The success of the lean system depends
environmentally aspects of the construction industry. This study on people’s how to provide energy and intelligence to it. People
will motivate project stakeholders to learn, investigate, implement, influence leadership styles, the organization’s structure, organiza-
and be aware of Lean tools. tion memory, and learning, organization culture, which includes
language, cultures, symbols, and beliefs, which made Toyota own
1.1. Limitations of the study a deep culture depending on sharing these items. Culture improve-
ment supports the basics of leadership. Toyota has a philosophy of
A wide range of studies discussed several aspects related to owning a good process defined by principles, not by technology,
Lean construction such as lean challenges, between lean and BIM and then improved by people [18].
implementation, lean prefabricated project delivery, the barriers Lean thinking means Identifying the specified value according
of implementing lean in construction, comparison between prefab- to the product, the flow of value, create product flow, aim for per-
rication and convention systems, and integrating many tools with fection, a custom product, zero-time delivery, and stores are
lean construction such as Six Sigma and Green Construction, etc. empty. While lean production means transparency, stopping the
[17]. This study is limited to studying the level of knowledge of line, one-piece flow, product withdrawal, alignment, and sync
lean tools and the benefits of using Lean Construction in Egypt. [19]. Lean production aims to identify the value of products, ongo-
The research supposes that the adoption of Lean Construction tools ing flow of manufacturing process control, good documentation
is essential in reducing wastes and improving the Egyptian con- and transparency of products data to enhance making a decision,
struction sector. and effective follow-up products during operation by customer
[16,20]. The lean approach has many aims: waste reduction, time
value, values-based approach, improvements, quality manage-
1.2. Aims of the study
ment, and flexibility towards required change [21].
Many companies tried to reduce production costs to comply
The research structure consists of the introduction, lean defini-
with the increased competitiveness worldwide by having an effec-
tion, history, concepts, literature review, research aims and
tive production process. Thousands of companies worldwide have
methodology, results are presented and discussed, and conclusions
implemented ‘‘lean” principles to benefit their positive impact on
are finally presented.
performance [22]. Many studies were investigated lean tools, ben-
Data was collected from one hundred and sixty-two construc-
efits, barriers, and the success factors for implementing lean
tion professionals who have experience in designing, managing,
approaches. Despite that, organizations, in general, fail to adopt
and constructing projects and are involved in construction sites
lean approaches because they focus on short-term plans [13].
in the new capital city in Egypt. A qualitative approach was
Non-value-adding activities can be eliminated by adequate
adopted through a questionnaire survey to achieve research aims.
planning, accurate decision-making, and data availability [9]. Many
The data collected by a questionnaire. Then a statistical tech-
organizations adopted a Lean construction tool that is appropriate
nique used to analyze data to reach results to achieve study aims;
to achieve maximum value. Lean principles, which have been
these aims are:
implemented widely in the manufacturing sector, can eliminate
waste in the construction industry sector if applied broadly [5]. A
1. The first aim is to evaluate the causes of construction waste in
new delivery system for projects called Integrated Project Delivery
Egypt to justify promoting Lean tools and methods to reduce
IPD which promotes high efficiency by giving specific information
and control construction project waste to raise the value.
and new technologies in a collaborative environment where risks
2. The second one is to explore the knowledge level and adoption
are shared to improve cost, quality, and time [23]. Lean project
of lean tools in managing construction projects, and the
delivery is considered IPD with continual improvement and learn-
researcher aims to investigate the actual knowledge and the
ing, including systems, thinking based on data, demand, shared
actual adoption of lean concepts in the construction sector.
and open, etc. [24].
3. The third aim is to identify the benefits of using Lean construc-
The construction management process and tools are strength-
tion in Egyptian construction sites and define the main factors
ened by implementing Lean Construction in many ways. In Bangla-
that comprise the benefits.
desh, a study shows that project stakeholders are familiar with and
aware of the technique of LC, but they don’t practice it. They
The achievement of these aims will help construction project
believe that Lean Construction affects cost, safety, quality, and
stakeholders to take a serious step towards mainstream the use
the environment positively [25]. Many barriers that limit Lean
of LC in construction sites in Egypt.
Construction practices’ implementation were classified as the fol-
Results of this study aspire to draw attention to Lean Construc-
lowing: environment barriers, labor barriers, materials barriers,
tion and encourage the construction sector to implement lean con-
and exogenous barriers [26].
cepts to achieve a reduction of waste in cost, time, and material in
Although many studies approved that implementing Lean
addition to adding value. It will be considered as a step towards
thinking in construction has many benefits, the construction sector
achieving environmental and economic better performance.
suffers from inadequate and ineffective adoption of Lean
approaches worldwide. The adoption of lean tools in the early
2. Literature review stages of construction projects faces negative issues according to
retarding information flow and bad visualization of the project
2.1. Lean concepts and definition [27].
Lean production’s main concerns are quality and performance 2.2. Lean tools
achieved by a certain process [12]. NISTMEPLN defines ‘‘Lean” as
an approach aiming to reduce waste to improve production rate Experts implemented the tools to apply Lean thinking in indus-
according to customer requirements. The first application to lean try and construction.
concepts was in manufacturing production by the Toyota produc- The common aims among these tools are improving quality,
tion system [17]. Many manufacturing organizations understand increase safety, reduce project time, reducing effort in production,
E.N. Shaqour Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx
and preserve resources. The mentioned aims could be achieved by solve the problems related to construction projects, direct atten-
adequate documentation to ensure sustainability, make good use tion from stakeholders and managers to add more value [1]. Many
of previous experiences to enhance the ability to predict and solve countries believe in Lean Construction as an appropriate method in
problems, increase the life cycle of the product or building, reduc- the future that will preserve resources, reduce cost, accelerate
ing waste, and raising the value of using resources. In general, lean activities, shorten time, and improving control [43]. Lean construc-
tools focus on benefits from previous experiences to solve current tion methods, techniques, tools, and concepts could face value
problems and save resources for the future. challenges in construction and offer a solution for the efficiency-
Many studies discussed and defined these tools. Lean tech- based problem in the construction industry. Many project-related
niques and tools were extracted from previous studies. Table 1 pre- items could be enhanced after implementing Lean Construction
sents the tools. tools such as time-saving, material waste reduction, labor waste
Previous studies mentioned that many tools also could be reduction, and space-cost saving [44]. Many studies discussed
implemented as a lean tool and appropriate for the construction the benefits of implementing Lean Construction; next, Table 2 clar-
industry, such as BIM Building Information Modeling [41], Visual ifies the benefits, classified into Economic, environmental, and
management VM, which makes construction process simple and social benefits.
transparent for all project stakeholders by using digital billboards,
graphical dashboards, and signs [28]. Yokoten also is a Japanese
2.4. Lean construction studies in Egypt
lean tool that means sharing the best practice. ‘‘Single Minute
Exchange of Dies” SMED a tool that means methods that cause
Many researchers in Egypt studied ‘‘lean” from different aspects
rapid tool change. Six Sigma methodology first used in Motorola,
using different methodologies to reach the results, such as ques-
and it concentrates on the non-occurrence of defects. Heijunka
tionnaire surveys, interviews, and case studies. A study suggested
focuses on a mixed production system (production level) [42].
techniques and principles that improve labor productivity and cost
performance by adopting lean thinking in Egypt. It is used data
2.3. Benefits of implementing Lean construction
related to masonry activity in eleven buildings. This study con-
cluded that there is a relationship between the variability in daily
Many countries have understood that using Lean Construction
labor productivity and the quality performance of construction
tools to gain better performance in the construction industry to
projects [51].
Another study during 2012 develops a tool for assessing the
Table 1 impact of adopting lean principles to the project’s design process.
Lean tools definitions and aims were extracted from previous studies. The author used the interview method to collect data, and as a sim-
Tool Lean Tools Definition Aims
ulation model to the design process was built and then applied to a
Code case study. The results show 40% improvements in the
T01 Prefabrication Prefabricated components Improve quality
(offsite production) [28]. and safety
T02 Standardization Regular Repeated Processes are Reduce time and
leading to success [29]. effort Table 2
T03 The 5S process Classifying, ordering, glowing, Maintain tools, Extracted Benefits of Implementing Lean Construction from previous studies.
regulating, and repeat process supplies,
Benefits code Benefits Group
and using the same tools [30]. equipment,
andsaving time Environmental benefits
T04 Five why A problem-solving Defining cause- B01 Safety control improvements [45]
technique [28]. and-effect B02 Time, cost, and material waste reduction [46,47]
T05 VSM Value stream mapping - Reducing time B03 Material waste reduction [47,48]
material flow mapping waste and B04 Improve the quality of the environment [21]
tool [31]. maintain a B05 Preventing pollution and emissions [49]
suitable B06 Material storage control (access and inventor) [45]
inventory B07 Reduction of energy consumption [49]
T06 TPM Total productive maintenance- Increase the B08 Water conservation [48]
preventative maintenance [32]. operation time B09 Enhancing work environment [4]
T07 LPS The last planner system- a Minimizing Economic benefits
technique of constructing wastes, B10 Time reduction [45,50]
workflow [33]. increasing B11 Cost reduction [45,47,50]
prediction, B12 Improve quality [48,50]
increasing B13 Increase productivity [45]
productivity B14 Rework minimization [4]
T08 JIT (Just In Time) Maintaining Optimize B15 Improve prediction of risks [4,43]
material flow to keep inventory B16 Improving safety [4]
work [34]. B17 Improved planning [43]
T09 kaizen Continuous improvement- Performance B18 Improve process control [43]
evaluate process quality, time, criteria B19 Labor cost reduction [43]
resources, and demand [30]. B20 Value achievement [43]
T10 TVD Target Design with constraints [35,36], Raising value B21 improving life-cycle cost [43]
value design Adapting of target costing from B22 Reduction of rework [43]
manufacturing product devel- Social benefits
opment [37]. Cost predictability B23 Customer satisfaction [45]
during product progress [38]. B24 Employee satisfaction [45]
T11 Error proofing Mechatronic device [39]. Avoiding B25 Minimization of conflicts [45,47]
(Poka-Yoke) mistakes, B26 Improve communication between project stakeholders [47]
increasing B27 Enhancing transparency [48]
quality and B28 Improving decision making [47]
safety B29 Continues improvements [47]
T12 Pareto analysis High impact causes [40]. Risk B30 Enhancing team work [47]
management B31 Valuing relationships [43]
E.N. Shaqour Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx
performance after using the lean process measured in terms of 3. Material and methods
activity rates [52].
A study during 2013 develop a new technique depending on 3.1. Study methodology
lean principles (LPS Last Planner System) and limited to the execu-
tion of industrial buildings in Egypt to control risk factors causes Authors used different approaches to study Lean Construction
time overrun showed that implementing lean process reduce in previous studies, such as using a structured survey approach
industrial process duration by 15.57%. The developed technique using questionnaires and interviews, using case study approaches,
approved to mitigate many risks causes time overrun [53]. A study developing approaches, models, frameworks, theories, and litera-
in 2013 suggested adopting lean construction to improve produc- ture review [18]. This research intends to identify and prioritize
tivity and revealed that lean-based tools have been implemented the benefits and the knowledge level of adopting Lean Construc-
in construction management successfully and achieved shorten tion tools and approaches in Egypt. Similar studies used the same
in time, improving safety and enhancing quality. This study pro- methodology, ‘‘a structured survey approach,” to reach conclusions
posed a model for the performance improvement process and rec- as in a study to investigate the barriers to implement lean tools in
ommended future research on translation to lean thinking in KSA [57] and also use in a wide range of similar studies such as in
construction [54]. [58]. However. The used method aligns with the qualitative study
Although the construction industry in Egypt tries to adopt inter- methodology, which provides real explanations by using statistical
national plans for development, it has a major impact on the envi- analysis.
ronment and is considered the main waste and resource depletion. Research methodology can be summarized as follows:
This study investigated the role of implementing lean principles in
the Egyptian construction industry. The methodology of this study 1. The study began with a problem definition, aims definition, and
was the first literature review, survey questionnaire, and case literature review consisting of lean concepts and definition, lean
study. The conclusion of this study stated that 58 % of the respon- tools, and lean benefits, collected from previous studies.
dents stated that they apply Lean principles in their projects to add 2. The second step is using a structured survey approach by using
value and eliminate wastes without knowing that it is called Lean a questionnaire survey
during design and construction phases [55]. 3. The study sample was demonstrated, and the required analyses
Another study in 2020 suggested a framework to adopt the Last were defined to reach the results
Planner System LPS and addressed the barriers to implementing
lean concepts in Egypt. The questionnaire survey methodology
was used to reach conclusions [56]. 3.2. Study limits and community
By reviewing many studies conducted in Egypt during the pre-
vious 15 years, which used several methodologies which dealt with This study is clarifying the use of lean concepts in Egypt. This
the ‘‘Lean Construction” from various aspects, but few of them study was conducted in Egypt using a questionnaire survey target-
tried to study the classification of benefits of applying Lean tools ing construction project professionals who have a knowledge back-
and approaches from the point of view of the project stakeholders ground about lean construction and concepts and are engaged in
and based on their experiences. Thus we can reach the significance construction sites in the new capital city. The construction project
of this study. This research investigates the benefits of applying professionals’ specializations are architects, engineers (civil,
Lean approaches in the construction industry in Egypt to empha- mechanical, and electrical), project managers, site engineers, and
size their importance and motivate implementation them, and also technical office engineers). The sample selection was random from
measures the extent to which the project partners familiar with the study area, and it was not addressed in the survey contract size
Lean tools and the extent to which they apply them in the con- and the form of construction that the respondents are dealing with.
struction industry in Egypt. This will form a complete perception The respondents are working on projects within the government
of the existing reality of Lean culture in Egypt to be considered a district and the administrative district. The research tool (ques-
starting point for deepening the culture further and applying Lean tionnaire) was distributed to more than 200 respondents from
tools in a systematic way which will be a real contribution to the the study area, and 162 questionnaires were retrieved. Thus, the
original body of knowledge. recovery rate is 81%, which is an acceptable percentage to com-
plete the research. The following Table 3 presents the basic infor-
mation of the research sample. A preliminary study was achieved
2.5. Literature review summary to examine the validity of the research tool and the targeted
studies; these are Prefabrication, Standardization, The 5S process, Educational Qualification Ph.D. 12 7%
Five why, VSM, TPM, LPS, JIT, Kaizen, TVD Target value design, Master 31 19%
Bachelor 119 73%
Error proofing (Poka-Yoke), Pareto analysis, BIM, VM, Yokoten,
Profession Civil 93 57%
SMED, Six Sigma, and Heijunka. Electric 8 5%
Many studies discussed and classified the benefits of imple- Arch 61 38%
menting Lean Construction; this study classified these benefits into Organization Type Consultation 72 44%
three groups, these are environmental benefits (9 benefits, Eco- Contracting 89 55%
Position Technical office 42 26%
nomic benefits (13 benefits), and social benefits (9 benefits). In Site engineer 73 45%
addition, several studies with different methodologies were con- Project manager 47 29%
ducted in Egypt to investigate ‘‘Lean Construction” from various Years of experience Less than 5 42 26%
aspects, but few or almost none of them explore the reality in From 5 to 10 36 22%
More than 10 84 52%
terms of Lean Tools knowledge and application tools and benefits.
E.N. Shaqour Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx
respondents who will help in offering actual knowledge about Lean 4. Relative importance index was extracted RII are given below, is
Construction [59]. used to rank variables within groups [64]:
ð F i Si Þ
MS ¼ ð1Þ
E.N. Shaqour Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx
Table 4
Causes of waste ranking according to participants point of view in construction sites.
Table 5
Lean tools analysis according to adoption and level of knowledge.
Lean Tool Code Lean tool actual application Knowledge level of Lean tool
T08 4.126 0.825 1 3.289 0.658
T03 4.056 0.811 2 3.689 0.738
T07 4.256 0.851 3 3.125 0.625
T02 3.907 0.781 4 3.113 0.623
T04 3.804 0.761 5 3.554 0.711
T10 3.739 0.748 6 3.435 0.687
T05 3.677 0.735 7 3.185 0.637
T06 3.595 0.719 8 2.953 0.591
T11 3.489 0.698 9 3.257 0.651
T12 3.435 0.687 10 3.125 0.625
T09 3.395 0.679 11 2.913 0.583
T01 3.313 0.663 12 3.850 0.770
Total 3.733 0.747 3.291 0.658
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Table 6
Lean construction benefits ranking analysis.
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Table 8
Rotated Component Matrix of Lean Construction benefits.
Table 9
Lean Construction benefits component-related.
1: Relationship-related benefits 2: Cost-related benefits 3: Work environment-related 4: Management values- 5: Time-related
benefits related benefits benefit
B24 Employee satisfaction B06 Material storage control B08 Water conservation B18 Improve process control B10 Time
B29 Continues improvements B02 Time, cost, and material B16 Improving safety B17 Improved planning B14 Rework
waste reduction minimization
B25 Minimization of conflicts B04 Improve the quality of the B07 Reduction of energy B12 Improve quality
environment consumption
B30 Enhancing teamwork B09 Enhancing work B15 Improve prediction of B13 Increase productivity
environment risks
B23 Customer satisfaction B19 Labor cost reduction B05 Preventing pollution and
B31 Valuing relationships B01 Safety control
B26 Improve communication between
project stakeholders
B20 Value achievement
E.N. Shaqour Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx
6. Recommendations
E.N. Shaqour Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx
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