This document is an exam for a Computer Organization and Architecture course. It contains 5 questions assessing various topics related to computer organization and architecture. Question 1 covers three state buffers, memory reference instructions, and interrupt cycles. Question 2 differentiates assembly and machine language and covers common bus cycles and writing assembly programs. Question 3 defines control memory, words, and registers and covers assembler passes and pipelining. Question 4 lists RISC characteristics and covers instruction formats and divide operations. Question 5 covers virtual memory, multiport memory, and multiplication using Booth's algorithm.
This document is an exam for a Computer Organization and Architecture course. It contains 5 questions assessing various topics related to computer organization and architecture. Question 1 covers three state buffers, memory reference instructions, and interrupt cycles. Question 2 differentiates assembly and machine language and covers common bus cycles and writing assembly programs. Question 3 defines control memory, words, and registers and covers assembler passes and pipelining. Question 4 lists RISC characteristics and covers instruction formats and divide operations. Question 5 covers virtual memory, multiport memory, and multiplication using Booth's algorithm.
This document is an exam for a Computer Organization and Architecture course. It contains 5 questions assessing various topics related to computer organization and architecture. Question 1 covers three state buffers, memory reference instructions, and interrupt cycles. Question 2 differentiates assembly and machine language and covers common bus cycles and writing assembly programs. Question 3 defines control memory, words, and registers and covers assembler passes and pipelining. Question 4 lists RISC characteristics and covers instruction formats and divide operations. Question 5 covers virtual memory, multiport memory, and multiplication using Booth's algorithm.
This document is an exam for a Computer Organization and Architecture course. It contains 5 questions assessing various topics related to computer organization and architecture. Question 1 covers three state buffers, memory reference instructions, and interrupt cycles. Question 2 differentiates assembly and machine language and covers common bus cycles and writing assembly programs. Question 3 defines control memory, words, and registers and covers assembler passes and pipelining. Question 4 lists RISC characteristics and covers instruction formats and divide operations. Question 5 covers virtual memory, multiport memory, and multiplication using Booth's algorithm.
BE - SEMESTER–IV (NEW) EXAMINATION – WINTER 2021 Subject Code:3140707 Date:03/01/2022 Subject Name:Computer Organization & Architecture Time:10:30 AM TO 01:00 PM Total Marks: 70 Instructions: 1. Attempt all questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4. Simple and non-programmable scientific calculators are allowed.
Q.1 (a) Explain three state buffers. 03
(b) Describe BUN and BSA memory reference instructions in detail. 04 (c) What is interrupt? Describe interrupt cycle with neat diagram. 07
Q.2 (a) Differentiate assembly language and machine language. 03
(b) What is the need of common bus? Draw common bus cycle. 04 (c) Write an assembly language program to find whether the given number 07 is prime or not. OR (c) Write an assembly language program to find factorial of the given number.
Q.3 (a) Define followings: 03
1. Control Memory 2. Control Word 3. Control Address Register (b) Draw the flowchart of first pass of the assembler and explain working 04 of the same. (c) What is the significance of pipelining in computer architecture? Write 07 a note on instruction pipeline. OR Q.3 (a) What is address sequencing? Explain. 03 (b) Construct a 4-bit adder-subtractor circuit. 04 (c) What addressing mode means? Explain any three addressing modes in 07 detail with example.
Q.4 (a) Enlist the characteristics of RISC. 03
(b) Write a program to evaluate X = (a*b)/c+d in two address and three 04 address instruction formats. (c) Draw neat and clean flowchart for divide operation. Explain with 07 example. OR Q.4 (a) Differentiate isolated I/O and memory mapped I/O. 03 (b) Describe pipeline conflicts. 04 (c) What is cache memory address mapping? Compare and contrast direct 07 address mapping and set-associative address mapping.
Q.5 (a) What is the importance of virtual memory? 03
(b) Explain multiport memory and crossbar switch with reference to 04 interconnection structures in multiprocessors. 1 (c) Assume a computer system uses 5 bit (1 sign + 4 Magnitude) registers 07 and 2’s complement representation. Perform multiplication of number 10 with the smallest number in this system using booth algorithm. Show step-by-step multiplication process. OR Q.5 (a) What is cache coherence? Describe. 03 (b) A 4-way set-associative cache memory unit with a capacity of 16 KB 04 is built using a block size of 8 words. The word length is 32 bits. The size of the physical address space is 4 GB. How many bits for the will be required for TAG field? (c) Which are the different ways to transfer data to and from peripheral 07 devices? Explain any one of them in detail.