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Sleeper Rev1

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Sleeper: Type-1

A (mm) B (mm) C (mm) D (mm) E (mm) F (mm) G (mm) H (mm) Weight (kN)
1 2000 450 1100 250 1200 300 250 400 23.8

Dead load of pipe, P(DL) = 0.50 kN/m2

Content load of pipe, P(Cont.) = 2.00 kN/m2
Spacing of sleepers = 6.00 m
Length of sleepers = 2.00 m
Assuming allowable bearing pressure of soil = 100.00 kN/m2
Self weight of sleeper = 23.75 kN
Weight of soil over sleeper = 14.59 kN
Total dead load, D = 38.34 kN
Total pipe dead load, P(DL) = 6.00 kN
Total content load of pipe, P(Cont) = 24.00 kN
Total thermal load along / accross pipe, T = 4.5 kN
Seismic Base Shear Force, Fb =
Sd (T1) = Ordinate of design spectrum at period T1
T1 = fundamental period of vibration of the sleeper
m = total mass on the sleeper
T1 = 0s Assuming sleeper as rigid structure
(As per section fo "RAPID-P0022-PUNJ-CVS-DES-5100-0001")
TB = 0.07 s
Since, 0 < T1 < TB
So, Sd(T1) = 0.13*(2/3+(T1/0.07)*(2.27/q-2/3))
q = 1.5 (from 5.3.3 of BS EN 1998)
OBE case is ignored as the ag value is less than 0.615 times.
Sd(T1) = 0.087
Total seismic load, V = 0.087*(38.34+6+24) = 5.92 kN
Wind load
Projected area (Maximum dia of pipe 10") = 0.1*2+0.275 = 0.475 m
***For pipe dia larger than 12" non standard sleeper will be designed.
Wind pressure = 0.65 kN/m2
Spacing of sleeper = 6m
Wind Load, W = 1.85 kN
Load combinations for stability check
Comb. D P(DL) P(Cont) T W V
LC1 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.35 1.5 0
LC2 0.9 0.9 0.9 1 0 1

Stability check
Check against sliding
Slide force
Sliding force along pipe way for LC1 = 1.35*T+1.5*W = 8.85 kN
Sliding force across pipe way for LC1 = 1.35*T = 6.08 kN
Resultant sliding force for LC1, Fslide = 10.74 kN
Sliding force along pipe way for LC2 = 1*T+1*V = 10.42 kN
Sliding force across pipe way for LC2 = 1*T+1*0.3*V = 6.28 kN
Resultant sliding force for LC1, Fslide = 12.17 kN
****Seismic force considered as Ex+0.3Ey
Resistance force
Total dead load 0.9*(D+P(DL)+P(Cont)) = 61.51 kN
Assuming friction coefficient m = 0.45
Total resistance force, Fstab = 27.68 kN
Factor of safety against sliding, FS = 2.27

Check against overturning

Overturning moment
Overturning moment for LC1, Mo = 8.85*(F+G+H)/1000 = 8.41 kN-m
Overturning moment for LC2, Mo = 10.42*(F+G+H)/1000 = 9.90 kN-m
Stabilising moment
Total stabilising moment, Ms = 61.51*E/2/1000 = 36.90 kN
Factor of safety against overturning, FS = 3.73
** Assuming the horizontal force act at top of the sleeper including seismic load consevatively.
** If dia of pipe increases, non standard sleepers will be designed .

Load combinations for bearing pressure check

Comb. D P(DL) P(Cont) T W V
LC1 1 1 1 1 1 0
LC2 1 1 1 1 0 1
Check for bearing pressure
Total vertical load, P = 1*(D+P(DL)+P(Cont)) = 68.34 kN
Total horizontal load, LC1 = 1*T+1*W = 6.35 kN
Total horizontal load, LC2 = 1*T+1*V = 10.42 kN
Total moment along pipe way = 10.42*(F+G+H)/1000 = 9.90 kN-m
Total moment across pipe way = (4.5+5.92*0.3)*(F+G+H)/1000 = 5.96 kN-m

Maximum pressure, pmax. = = 56.56 kN/m2

Minimum pressure, pmin. = = 0.39 kN/m2

Load combinations for foundation design

Comb. D P(DL) P(Cont) T W V
LC1 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.5 0
LC2 1 1 1 1 0 1

Total vertical load, P = 1.35*(D+P(DL)+P(Cont)) = 92.26 kN
Total horizontal load, LC1 = 1.35*T+1.5*W = 8.85 kN
Total moment along pipe way = 8.85*(F+G+H)/1000 = 8.41 kN-m
Total moment across pipe way = 1.35*T*(F+G+H)/1000 = 5.77 kN-m
Maximum pressure, pmax. = = 63.18 kN/m2
Minimum pressure, pmin. = = 13.71 kN/m2

Total vertical load, P = (D+P(DL)+P(Cont)) = 68.34 kN
Total horizontal load, LC2 = 1*T+1*V = 10.42 kN
Total moment along pipe way = 10.42*(F+G+H)/1000 = 9.90 kN-m
Total moment across pipe way = (T+0.3*V)*(F+G+H)/1000 = 5.96 kN-m
Maximum pressure, pmax. = = 56.56 kN/m2
Minimum pressure, pmin. = = 0.39 kN/m2
LC1 govern.
Design of footing
Maximum moment at face of pedestal, M Ed = 7.13 kN-m
fck = 35.00 N/mm2
fyk = 500.00 N/mm2
Effective depth, d = 250-75-5 = 170.00 mm
Required reinforcement, Ast = 101.45 mm2
Asmin. = 0.26*fctm*b*d > 0.0013Ac = 325.1 mm2
Spacing of 10dia. reinforcement = 241.4 mm c/c.

Hence, provide 10 dia bar @ 200mm c/c in wall and footing on each face.
Provide 8 dia bar @ 200mm c/c as distribution reinforcement on each face.

Checking for transverse shear

Design transverse shear force at distance "d" from pedestal face, V Ed = = 19.3 kN
Design shear resistance of concrete
CRd,c = 0.18/gc = 0.12
k= 1+√200/d = 2.00
r1 = Asl/(bd) = 0.0023 <0.02
Ignoring scp
VRd,c = 81.87 kN
Minimum shear resistance

vmin = 0.035*k2/3*fck1/2 = 55.88 kN

Here VEd < VRd,c. Hence, no shear reinforcement is required.

Sleeper: Type-2

A (mm) B (mm) C (mm) D (mm) E (mm) F (mm) G (mm) H (mm) Weight (kN)
2 2500 550 1400 250 1200 300 250 400 29.7

Dead load of pipe, P(DL) = 0.50 kN/m2

Content load of pipe, P(Cont.) = 2.00 kN/m2
Spacing of sleepers = 6.00 m
Length of sleepers = 2.50 m
Assuming allowable bearing pressure of soil = 100.00 kN/m2
Self weight of sleeper = 29.69 kN
Weight of soil over sleeper = 18.24 kN
Total dead load, D = 47.93 kN
Total pipe dead load, P(DL) = 7.50 kN
Total content load of pipe, P(Cont) = 30.00 kN
Total thermal load along / accross pipe, T = 5.63 kN
Seismic Base Shear Force, Fb =
Sd (T1) = Ordinate of design spectrum at period T1
T1 = fundamental period of vibration of the sleeper
m = total mass on the sleeper
T1 = 0s Assuming sleeper as rigid structure
(As per section fo "RAPID-P0022-PUNJ-CVS-DES-5100-0001")
TB = 0.07 s
Since, 0 < T1 < TB
So, Sd(T1) = 0.13*(2/3+(T1/0.07)*(2.27/q-2/3))
q = 1.5 (from 5.3.3 of BS EN 1998)
OBE case is ignored as the ag value is less than 0.615 times.
Sd(T1) = 0.087
Total seismic load, V = 0.087*(47.93+7.5+30) = 7.40 kN
Wind load
Projected area (Maximum dia of pipe 10") = 0.1*2.5+0.275 = 0.525 m
***For pipe dia larger than 12" non standard sleeper will be designed.
Wind pressure = 0.65 kN/m2
Spacing of sleeper = 6m
Wind Load, W = 2.05 kN
Load combinations for stability check
Comb. D P(DL) P(Cont) T W V
LC1 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.35 1.5 0
LC2 0.9 0.9 0.9 1 0 1

Stability check
Check against sliding
Slide force
Sliding force along pipe way for LC1 = 1.35*T+1.5*W = 10.67 kN
Sliding force across pipe way for LC1 = 1.35*T = 7.59 kN
Resultant sliding force for LC1, Fslide = 13.09 kN
Sliding force along pipe way for LC2 = 1*T+1*V = 13.03 kN
Sliding force across pipe way for LC2 = 1*T+1*0.3*V = 7.85 kN
Resultant sliding force for LC1, Fslide = 15.21 kN
****Seismic force considered as Ex+0.3Ey
Resistance force
Total dead load 0.9*(D+P(DL)+P(Cont)) = 76.88 kN
Assuming friction coefficient m = 0.45
Total resistance force, Fstab = 34.60 kN
Factor of safety against sliding, FS = 2.27

Check against overturning

Overturning moment
Overturning moment for LC1, Mo = 10.67*(F+G+H)/1000 = 10.13 kN-m
Overturning moment for LC2, Mo = 13.03*(F+G+H)/1000 = 12.38 kN-m
Stabilising moment
Total stabilising moment, Ms = 76.88*E/2/1000 = 46.13 kN
Factor of safety against overturning, FS = 3.73
** Assuming the horizontal force act at top of the sleeper including seismic load consevatively.
** If dia of pipe increases, non standard sleepers will be designed .

Load combinations for bearing pressure check

Comb. D P(DL) P(Cont) T W V
LC1 1 1 1 1 1 0
LC2 1 1 1 1 0 1
Check for bearing pressure
Total vertical load, P = 1*(D+P(DL)+P(Cont)) = 85.43 kN
Total horizontal load, LC1 = 1*T+1*W = 7.67 kN
Total horizontal load, LC2 = 1*T+1*V = 13.03 kN
Total moment along pipe way = 13.03*(F+G+H)/1000 = 12.38 kN-m
Total moment across pipe way = (5.63+7.4*0.3)*(F+G+H)/1000 = 7.45 kN-m

Maximum pressure, pmax. = = 55.07 kN/m2

Minimum pressure, pmin. = = 1.88 kN/m2

Load combinations for foundation design

Comb. D P(DL) P(Cont) T W V
LC1 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.5 0
LC2 1 1 1 1 0 1

Total vertical load, P = 1.35*(D+P(DL)+P(Cont)) = 115.33 kN
Total horizontal load, LC1 = 1.35*T+1.5*W = 10.67 kN
Total moment along pipe way = 10.67*(F+G+H)/1000 = 10.13 kN-m
Total moment across pipe way = 1.35*T*(F+G+H)/1000 = 7.21 kN-m
Maximum pressure, pmax. = = 61.10 kN/m2
Minimum pressure, pmin. = = 15.78 kN/m2

Total vertical load, P = (D+P(DL)+P(Cont)) = 85.43 kN
Total horizontal load, LC2 = 1*T+1*V = 13.03 kN
Total moment along pipe way = 13.03*(F+G+H)/1000 = 12.38 kN-m
Total moment across pipe way = (T+0.3*V)*(F+G+H)/1000 = 7.45 kN-m
Maximum pressure, pmax. = = 55.07 kN/m2
Minimum pressure, pmin. = = 1.88 kN/m2
LC1 govern.
Design of footing
Maximum moment at face of pedestal, MEd = 6.89 kN-m
fck = 35.00 N/mm2
fyk = 500.00 N/mm2
Effective depth, d = 250-75-5 = 170.00 mm
Required reinforcement, Ast = 98.12 mm2
Asmin. = 0.26*fctm*b*d > 0.0013Ac = 325.1 mm2
Spacing of 10dia. reinforcement = 241.4 mm c/c.

Hence, provide 10 dia bar @ 200mm c/c in wall and footing on each face.
Provide 8 dia bar @ 200mm c/c as distribution reinforcement on each face.

Checking for transverse shear

Design transverse shear force at distance "d" from pedestal face, VEd = = 18.6 kN
Design shear resistance of concrete
CRd,c = 0.18/gc = 0.12
k= 1+√200/d = 2.00
r1 = Asl/(bd) = 0.0023 <0.02
Ignoring scp
VRd,c = 81.87 kN
Minimum shear resistance

vmin = 0.035*k2/3*fck1/2 = 55.88 kN

Here VEd < VRd,c. Hence, no shear reinforcement is required.

Sleeper: Type-3

A (mm) B (mm) C (mm) D (mm) E (mm) F (mm) G (mm) H (mm) Weight (kN)
3 3000 650 1700 250 1200 300 250 400 35.6

Dead load of pipe, P(DL) = 0.50 kN/m2

Content load of pipe, P(Cont.) = 2.00 kN/m2
Spacing of sleepers = 6.00 m
Length of sleepers = 3.00 m
Assuming allowable bearing pressure of soil = 100.00 kN/m2
Self weight of sleeper = 35.63 kN
Weight of soil over sleeper = 21.89 kN
Total dead load, D = 57.51 kN
Total pipe dead load, P(DL) = 9.00 kN
Total content load of pipe, P(Cont) = 36.00 kN
Total thermal load along / accross pipe, T = 6.75 kN
Seismic Base Shear Force, Fb =
Sd (T1) = Ordinate of design spectrum at period T1
T1 = fundamental period of vibration of the sleeper
m = total mass on the sleeper
T1 = 0s Assuming sleeper as rigid structure
(As per section fo "RAPID-P0022-PUNJ-CVS-DES-5100-0001")
TB = 0.07 s
Since, 0 < T1 < TB
So, Sd(T1) = 0.13*(2/3+(T1/0.07)*(2.27/q-2/3))
q = 1.5 (from 5.3.3 of BS EN 1998)
OBE case is ignored as the ag value is less than 0.615 times.
Sd(T1) = 0.087
Total seismic load, V = 0.087*(57.51+9+36) = 8.88 kN
Wind load
Projected area (Maximum dia of pipe 10") = 0.1*3+0.275 = 0.575 m
***For pipe dia larger than 12" non standard sleeper will be designed.
Wind pressure = 0.65 kN/m2
Spacing of sleeper = 6m
Wind Load, W = 2.24 kN
Load combinations for stability check
Comb. D P(DL) P(Cont) T W V
LC1 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.35 1.5 0
LC2 0.9 0.9 0.9 1 0 1

Stability check
Check against sliding
Slide force
Sliding force along pipe way for LC1 = 1.35*T+1.5*W = 12.48 kN
Sliding force across pipe way for LC1 = 1.35*T = 9.11 kN
Resultant sliding force for LC1, Fslide = 15.45 kN
Sliding force along pipe way for LC2 = 1*T+1*V = 15.63 kN
Sliding force across pipe way for LC2 = 1*T+1*0.3*V = 9.42 kN
Resultant sliding force for LC1, Fslide = 18.25 kN
****Seismic force considered as Ex+0.3Ey
Resistance force
Total dead load 0.9*(D+P(DL)+P(Cont)) = 92.26 kN
Assuming friction coefficient m = 0.45
Total resistance force, Fstab = 41.52 kN
Factor of safety against sliding, FS = 2.27

Check against overturning

Overturning moment
Overturning moment for LC1, Mo = 12.48*(F+G+H)/1000 = 11.85 kN-m
Overturning moment for LC2, Mo =15.63*(F+G+H)/1000 = 14.85 kN-m
Stabilising moment
Total stabilising moment, Ms = 92.26*E/2/1000 = 55.36 kN
Factor of safety against overturning, FS = 3.73
** Assuming the horizontal force act at top of the sleeper including seismic load consevatively.
** If dia of pipe increases, non standard sleepers will be designed .

Load combinations for bearing pressure check

Comb. D P(DL) P(Cont) T W V
LC1 1 1 1 1 1 0
LC2 1 1 1 1 0 1
Check for bearing pressure
Total vertical load, P = 1*(D+P(DL)+P(Cont)) = 102.51 kN
Total horizontal load, LC1 = 1*T+1*W = 8.99 kN
Total horizontal load, LC2 = 1*T+1*V = 15.63 kN
Total moment along pipe way = 15.63*(F+G+H)/1000 = 14.85 kN-m
Total moment across pipe way = (6.75+8.88*0.3)*(F+G+H)/1000 = 8.94 kN-m

Maximum pressure, pmax. = = 54.07 kN/m2

Minimum pressure, pmin. = = 2.88 kN/m2

Load combinations for foundation design

Comb. D P(DL) P(Cont) T W V
LC1 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.5 0
LC2 1 1 1 1 0 1

Total vertical load, P = 1.35*(D+P(DL)+P(Cont)) = 138.39 kN
Total horizontal load, LC1 = 1.35*T+1.5*W = 12.48 kN
Total moment along pipe way = 12.48*(F+G+H)/1000 = 11.85 kN-m
Total moment across pipe way = 1.35*T*(F+G+H)/1000 = 8.66 kN-m
Maximum pressure, pmax. = = 59.71 kN/m2
Minimum pressure, pmin. = = 17.17 kN/m2

Total vertical load, P = (D+P(DL)+P(Cont)) = 102.51 kN
Total horizontal load, LC2 = 1*T+1*V = 15.63 kN
Total moment along pipe way = 15.63*(F+G+H)/1000 = 14.85 kN-m
Total moment across pipe way = (T+0.3*V)*(F+G+H)/1000 = 8.94 kN-m
Maximum pressure, pmax. = = 54.07 kN/m2
Minimum pressure, pmin. = = 2.88 kN/m2
LC1 govern.
Design of footing
Maximum moment at face of pedestal, MEd = 6.74 kN-m
fck = 35.00 N/mm2
fyk = 500.00 N/mm2
Effective depth, d = 250-75-5 = 170.00 mm
Required reinforcement, Ast = 95.89 mm2
Asmin. = 0.26*fctm*b*d > 0.0013Ac = 325.1 mm2
Spacing of 10dia. reinforcement = 241.4 mm c/c.

Hence, provide 10 dia bar @ 200mm c/c in wall and footing on each face.
Provide 8 dia bar @ 200mm c/c as distribution reinforcement on each face.

Checking for transverse shear

Design transverse shear force at distance "d" from pedestal face, VEd = = 18.2 kN
Design shear resistance of concrete
CRd,c = 0.18/gc = 0.12
k= 1+√200/d = 2.00
r1 = Asl/(bd) = 0.0023 <0.02
Ignoring scp
VRd,c = 81.87 kN
Minimum shear resistance

vmin = 0.035*k2/3*fck1/2 = 55.88 kN

Here VEd < VRd,c. Hence, no shear reinforcement is required.

Sleeper: Type-4

A (mm) B (mm) C (mm) D (mm) E (mm) F (mm) G (mm) H (mm) Weight (kN)
4 4000 800 2400 250 1200 300 250 400 47.5

Dead load of pipe, P(DL) = 0.50 kN/m2

Content load of pipe, P(Cont.) = 2.00 kN/m2
Spacing of sleepers = 6.00 m
Length of sleepers = 4.00 m
Assuming allowable bearing pressure of soil = 100.00 kN/m2
Self weight of sleeper = 47.50 kN
Weight of soil over sleeper = 29.18 kN
Total dead load, D = 76.68 kN
Total pipe dead load, P(DL) = 12.00 kN
Total content load of pipe, P(Cont) = 48.00 kN
Total thermal load along / accross pipe, T = 9.00 kN
Seismic Base Shear Force, Fb =
Sd (T1) = Ordinate of design spectrum at period T1
T1 = fundamental period of vibration of the sleeper
m = total mass on the sleeper
T1 = 0s Assuming sleeper as rigid structure
(As per section fo "RAPID-P0022-PUNJ-CVS-DES-5100-0001")
TB = 0.07 s
Since, 0 < T1 < TB
So, Sd(T1) = 0.13*(2/3+(T1/0.07)*(2.27/q-2/3))
q = 1.5 (from 5.3.3 of BS EN 1998)
OBE case is ignored as the ag value is less than 0.615 times.
Sd(T1) = 0.087
Total seismic load, V = 0.087*(76.68+12+48) = 11.85 kN
Wind load
Projected area (Maximum dia of pipe 10") = 0.1*4+0.275 = 0.675 m
***For pipe dia larger than 12" non standard sleeper will be designed.
Wind pressure = 0.65 kN/m2
Spacing of sleeper = 6m
Wind Load, W = 2.63 kN
Load combinations for stability check
Comb. D P(DL) P(Cont) T W V
LC1 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.35 1.5 0
LC2 0.9 0.9 0.9 1 0 1

Stability check
Check against sliding
Slide force
Sliding force along pipe way for LC1 = 1.35*T+1.5*W = 16.10 kN
Sliding force across pipe way for LC1 = 1.35*T = 12.15 kN
Resultant sliding force for LC1, Fslide = 20.17 kN
Sliding force along pipe way for LC2 = 1*T+1*V = 20.85 kN
Sliding force across pipe way for LC2 = 1*T+1*0.3*V = 12.55 kN
Resultant sliding force for LC1, Fslide = 24.33 kN
****Seismic force considered as Ex+0.3Ey
Resistance force
Total dead load 0.9*(D+P(DL)+P(Cont)) = 123.02 kN
Assuming friction coefficient m = 0.45
Total resistance force, Fstab = 55.36 kN
Factor of safety against sliding, FS = 2.27

Check against overturning

Overturning moment
Overturning moment for LC1, Mo = 16.10*(F+G+H)/1000 = 15.29 kN-m
Overturning moment for LC2, Mo = 20.85*(F+G+H)/1000 = 19.80 kN-m
Stabilising moment
Total stabilising moment, Ms = 123.02*E/2/1000 = 73.81 kN
Factor of safety against overturning, FS = 3.73
** Assuming the horizontal force act at top of the sleeper including seismic load consevatively.
** If dia of pipe increases, non standard sleepers will be designed .

Load combinations for bearing pressure check

Comb. D P(DL) P(Cont) T W V
LC1 1 1 1 1 1 0
LC2 1 1 1 1 0 1
Check for bearing pressure
Total vertical load, P = 1*(D+P(DL)+P(Cont)) = 136.68 kN
Total horizontal load, LC1 = 1*T+1*W = 11.63 kN
Total horizontal load, LC2 = 1*T+1*V = 20.85 kN
Total moment along pipe way = 20.85*(F+G+H)/1000 = 19.80 kN-m
Total moment across pipe way = (9+11.85*0.3)*(F+G+H)/1000 = 11.93 kN-m

Maximum pressure, pmax. = = 52.83 kN/m2

Minimum pressure, pmin. = = 4.12 kN/m2

Load combinations for foundation design

Comb. D P(DL) P(Cont) T W V
LC1 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.5 0
LC2 1 1 1 1 0 1

Total vertical load, P = 1.35*(D+P(DL)+P(Cont)) = 184.52 kN
Total horizontal load, LC1 = 1.35*T+1.5*W = 16.10 kN
Total moment along pipe way = 16.10*(F+G+H)/1000 = 15.29 kN-m
Total moment across pipe way = 1.35*T*(F+G+H)/1000 = 11.54 kN-m
Maximum pressure, pmax. = = 57.98 kN/m2
Minimum pressure, pmin. = = 18.90 kN/m2

Total vertical load, P = (D+P(DL)+P(Cont)) = 136.68 kN
Total horizontal load, LC2 = 1*T+1*V = 20.85 kN
Total moment along pipe way = 20.85*(F+G+H)/1000 = 19.80 kN-m
Total moment across pipe way = (T+0.3*V)*(F+G+H)/1000 = 11.93 kN-m
Maximum pressure, pmax. = = 52.83 kN/m2
Minimum pressure, pmin. = = 4.12 kN/m2
LC1 govern.
Design of footing
Maximum moment at face of pedestal, MEd = 6.54 kN-m
fck = 35.00 N/mm2
fyk = 500.00 N/mm2
Effective depth, d = 250-75-5 = 170.00 mm
Required reinforcement, Ast = 93.11 mm2
Asmin. = 0.26*fctm*b*d > 0.0013Ac = 325.1 mm2
Spacing of 10dia. reinforcement = 241.4 mm c/c.

Hence, provide 10 dia bar @ 200mm c/c in wall and footing on each face.
Provide 8 dia bar @ 200mm c/c as distribution reinforcement on each face.

Checking for transverse shear

Design transverse shear force at distance "d" from pedestal face, VEd = = 17.7 kN
Design shear resistance of concrete
CRd,c = 0.18/gc = 0.12
k= 1+√200/d = 2.00
r1 = Asl/(bd) = 0.0023 <0.02
Ignoring scp
VRd,c = 81.87 kN
Minimum shear resistance

vmin = 0.035*k2/3*fck1/2 = 55.88 kN

Here VEd < VRd,c. Hence, no shear reinforcement is required.

Sleeper: Type-5

A (mm) B (mm) C (mm) D (mm) E (mm) F (mm) G (mm) H (mm) Weight (kN)
5 5000 1000 3000 250 1200 300 250 400 59.4

Dead load of pipe, P(DL) = 0.50 kN/m2

Content load of pipe, P(Cont.) = 2.00 kN/m2
Spacing of sleepers = 6.00 m
Length of sleepers = 5.00 m
Assuming allowable bearing pressure of soil = 100.00 kN/m2
Self weight of sleeper = 59.38 kN
Weight of soil over sleeper = 36.48 kN
Total dead load, D = 95.86 kN
Total pipe dead load, P(DL) = 15.00 kN
Total content load of pipe, P(Cont) = 60.00 kN
Total thermal load along / accross pipe, T = 11.25 kN
Seismic Base Shear Force, Fb =
Sd (T1) = Ordinate of design spectrum at period T1
T1 = fundamental period of vibration of the sleeper
m = total mass on the sleeper
T1 = 0s Assuming sleeper as rigid structure
(As per section fo "RAPID-P0022-PUNJ-CVS-DES-5100-0001")
TB = 0.07 s
Since, 0 < T1 < TB
So, Sd(T1) = 0.13*(2/3+(T1/0.07)*(2.27/q-2/3))
q = 1.5 (from 5.3.3 of BS EN 1998)
OBE case is ignored as the ag value is less than 0.615 times.
Sd(T1) = 0.087
Total seismic load, V = 0.087*(95.86+15+60) = 14.81 kN
Wind load
Projected area (Maximum dia of pipe 10") = 0.1*5+0.275 = 0.775 m
***For pipe dia larger than 12" non standard sleeper will be designed.
Wind pressure = 0.65 kN/m2
Spacing of sleeper = 6m
Wind Load, W = 3.02 kN
Load combinations for stability check
Comb. D P(DL) P(Cont) T W V
LC1 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.35 1.5 0
LC2 0.9 0.9 0.9 1 0 1

Stability check
Check against sliding
Slide force
Sliding force along pipe way for LC1 = 1.35*T+1.5*W = 19.72 kN
Sliding force across pipe way for LC1 = 1.35*T = 15.19 kN
Resultant sliding force for LC1, Fslide = 24.89 kN
Sliding force along pipe way for LC2 = 1*T+1*V = 26.06 kN
Sliding force across pipe way for LC2 = 1*T+1*0.3*V = 15.69 kN
Resultant sliding force for LC1, Fslide = 30.42 kN
****Seismic force considered as Ex+0.3Ey
Resistance force
Total dead load 0.9*(D+P(DL)+P(Cont)) = 153.77 kN
Assuming friction coefficient m = 0.45
Total resistance force, Fstab = 69.20 kN
Factor of safety against sliding, FS = 2.27

Check against overturning

Overturning moment
Overturning moment for LC1, Mo = 19.72*(F+G+H)/1000 = 18.74 kN-m
Overturning moment for LC2, Mo = 26.06*(F+G+H)/1000 = 24.75 kN-m
Stabilising moment
Total stabilising moment, Ms = 153.77*E/2/1000 = 92.26 kN
Factor of safety against overturning, FS = 3.73
** Assuming the horizontal force act at top of the sleeper including seismic load consevatively.
** If dia of pipe increases, non standard sleepers will be designed .

Load combinations for bearing pressure check

Comb. D P(DL) P(Cont) T W V
LC1 1 1 1 1 1 0
LC2 1 1 1 1 0 1
Check for bearing pressure
Total vertical load, P = 1*(D+P(DL)+P(Cont)) = 170.86 kN
Total horizontal load, LC1 = 1*T+1*W = 14.27 kN
Total horizontal load, LC2 = 1*T+1*V = 26.06 kN
Total moment along pipe way = 26.06*(F+G+H)/1000 = 24.75 kN-m
Total moment across pipe way = (11.25+14.81*0.3)*(F+G+H)/1000 = 14.91 kN-m

Maximum pressure, pmax. = = 52.09 kN/m2

Minimum pressure, pmin. = = 4.87 kN/m2

Load combinations for foundation design

Comb. D P(DL) P(Cont) T W V
LC1 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.5 0
LC2 1 1 1 1 0 1

Total vertical load, P = 1.35*(D+P(DL)+P(Cont)) = 230.65 kN
Total horizontal load, LC1 = 1.35*T+1.5*W = 19.72 kN
Total moment along pipe way = 19.72*(F+G+H)/1000 = 18.74 kN-m
Total moment across pipe way = 1.35*T*(F+G+H)/1000 = 14.43 kN-m
Maximum pressure, pmax. = = 56.94 kN/m2
Minimum pressure, pmin. = = 19.94 kN/m2

Total vertical load, P = (D+P(DL)+P(Cont)) = 170.86 kN
Total horizontal load, LC2 = 1*T+1*V = 26.06 kN
Total moment along pipe way = 26.06*(F+G+H)/1000 = 24.75 kN-m
Total moment across pipe way = (T+0.3*V)*(F+G+H)/1000 = 14.91 kN-m
Maximum pressure, pmax. = = 52.09 kN/m2
Minimum pressure, pmin. = = 4.87 kN/m2
LC1 govern.
Design of footing
Maximum moment at face of pedestal, MEd = 6.42 kN-m
fck = 35.00 N/mm2
fyk = 500.00 N/mm2
Effective depth, d = 250-75-5 = 170.00 mm
Required reinforcement, Ast = 91.44 mm2
Asmin. = 0.26*fctm*b*d > 0.0013Ac = 325.1 mm2
Spacing of 10dia. reinforcement = 241.4 mm c/c.

Hence, provide 10 dia bar @ 200mm c/c in wall and footing on each face.
Provide 8 dia bar @ 200mm c/c as distribution reinforcement on each face.

Checking for transverse shear

Design transverse shear force at distance "d" from pedestal face, VEd = = 17.4 kN
Design shear resistance of concrete
CRd,c = 0.18/gc = 0.12
k= 1+√200/d = 2.00
r1 = Asl/(bd) = 0.0023 <0.02
Ignoring scp
VRd,c = 81.87 kN
Minimum shear resistance

vmin = 0.035*k2/3*fck1/2 = 55.88 kN

Here VEd < VRd,c. Hence, no shear reinforcement is required.

A (mm) B (mm) C (mm) D (mm) E (mm) F (mm) G (mm) H (mm) Weight (kN)
1 5000 1000 3000 250 600 300 250 400 40.6

Dead load of pipe = 0.50 kN/m2

Live load of pipe (filled with content) = 2.00 kN/m2
Spacing of sleepers = 6.00 m
Length of sleepers = 5.00 m
Assuming allowable bearing pressure of soil = 100.00 kN/m2

Pipe dead load = 15.00 kN

Self weight of sleeper = 40.63 kN
Weight of soil over sleeper = 13.44 kN
Total dead load = 69.07 kN
Total live load = 60.00 kN
Total horizontal load along pipe due to thermal load = 7.5 kN
Total horizontal load accross pipe due to thermal load = 7.5 kN
Total moment along pipe due to thermal load = 7.13 kN-m
Total moment accross pipe due to thermal load = 7.13 kN-m

Stability check
Check against sliding
Slide force
Sliding force due to thermal load (g Q = 1.1), Fslide = 8.25 kN
Resistance force
Total dead load (gG = 0.9) = 62.16 kN
Assuming friction coefficient m = 0.45
Total resistance force, F stab = 27.97 kN
Factor of safety against sliding, FS = 3.39 Ok

Check against overturning

Overturning moment
Overturning moment due to thermal load (g Q = 1.1), Mdst. = 7.84 kN
Stabilising moment
Total stabilising moment (g G = 0.9), Mstb = 18.65 kN
Factor of safety against overturning, FS = 2.38 Ok
**** For stability check weight of soil is ignored.

Check for bearing pressure

Total dead load = 69.07 kN
Total live load = 60.00 kN
Total moment along pipe due to thermal load = 7.13 kN-m
Total moment accross pipe due to thermal load = 7.13 kN-m
Maximum pressure, pmax. = 69.62 kN/m2 Ok
Miniimum pressure, pmin. = 16.42 kN/m2 Ok

As there is small moment in footing minmum reifocement to be provided.

Asmin. = 325 mm2
Spacing of 10dia. reinforcement = 241.538 mm c/c.

As there is small moment in footing and wall minmum reifocement to be provided.

Asmin. = 325 mm2
Spacing of 10dia. reinforcement = 241.538 mm c/c.
Hence, provide 10 dia bar @ 200mm c/c in wall and footing.
Provide 8 dia bar @ 200mm c/c as distribution reinforcement.
Input data Design value Supplementary reinforcement

Nominal Concrete
Equivale Thread Max. PJC W edge Bolt Tension Shear Vertical Horizontal
H see note t (Min.) Pitch, s capasity capasity supplementary supplementary
Bolt type nt Dia (S) 1 (Square) distance, (min.) (max.) (max.) reinforcement reinforcement
(d) c (min.)

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kN) (kN) (No of bar - φdia) (No of bar - φdia)
20 130 300 330 50 12 200 125 48.66 19.00 4-10 2-10
24 130 350 330 80 12 200 125 56.55 28.00 4-10 2-10
30 140 400 355 80 16 200 125 84.82 43.00 4-10 2-10
36 165 450 380 100 16 200 150 89.00 63.00 4-12 2-12
42 180 500 380 120 19 200 160 162.86 85.00 4-16 2-16
48 200 550 430 140 19 200 190 217.15 112.00 4-16 2-16
56 255 600 530 180 25 250 250 289.53 152.00 6-16 3-16
64 280 1370 580 200 32 250 270 289.53 152.00 6-16 3-16

Type Insert plate Lugs Load carrying Capacity

L (mm) W (mm) tp (mm) No.of lugs Dia (mm)Length (mm)
Tension (kN) Shear (kN)
Type 1 180 140 12 2 10 125 12 25
Type 2 260 260 16 4 10 125 24 50
Type 3 360 300 20 4 12 125 30 72
Type 4 360 300 20 6 12 125 45 108
Type 5 500 360 25 6 16 150 49 193
Type 6 500 360 25 8 16 150 74 257
Type 7 610 360 32 8 16 150 100 321

Type Dimension
A (mm) B (mm) C (mm) D (mm) E (mm) F (mm) G (mm) H (mm) Weight (kN)
1 2000 450 1100 250 600 300 250 400 16.3
2 2500 550 1400 250 600 300 250 400 20.3
3 3000 650 1700 250 600 300 250 400 24.4
4 4000 800 2400 250 600 300 250 400 32.5
5 5000 1000 3000 250 600 300 250 400 40.6

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