MTB MLE Unit 1
MTB MLE Unit 1
MTB MLE Unit 1
Lesson 1
■ It is the system of words or signs that a particular group of people uses to express thoughts and
feelings with each other
When a language dies - we lose a piece of knowledge, of human thought, and of world-view –
and it cannot be replaced.
Languages in danger must be revitalized and further developed because:
they are needed to maintain cultural and linguistic diversity for a sustainable future
they express identity, “hold” history, and transmit culture
they contribute to the sum of human and cultural knowledge
they are essential for human and social development – and for the fulfillment of human rights
What do we know?
A language can survive and thrive only if it has a strong presence in the education system.
But most education systems are inappropriate for, or even hostile to, indigenous and minority
groups and their languages.
Large numbers of learners are forced to learn in a language (official or international) that is
different from the language they speak at home.
People only learn to “read” once.
It is therefore essential – both to keep cultures and their languages strong and intact and to
increase school success – that early education and initial literacy be provided in the learner’s
first language or mother tongue – which then makes it easier to master national and
international languages.
Learners must begin school from where they “are” – in their home language -- and NOT in a
language they do not know.
It is very difficult to teach people to read and write in a language they don’t understand.
The starting point of learning how to read and write is the language of the learner – beginning
with the known and moving progressively to the unknown.
Skills in the first language of literacy should be consolidated before the second is mastered -
preferably during at least three years of study.
A strategy of multilingualism beginning with mother-tongue mastery produces better learning
outcomes and higher rates of internal efficiency – higher enrolment, less repetition, lower
drop-out rates, and higher achievement.
Education for All can only be achieved with a strategy of mother tongue-based multilingual
education – without it, too many children will not enter school, will fail, and will drop out – or
be pushed out -- of the education system.
Using mother tongue also:
builds initiative and participation in learning
stimulates the production of materials in home languages
inserts local knowledge into the classroom
facilitates integration into broader social, cultural, and economic contexts
contributes to the individual and collective development of often excluded people
can improve relations between political leaders and the multilingual population of a country
MLE for building a strong foundation and a good bridge in multilingual contexts
1. Phonology
2. Morphology
3. Syntax
4. Semantics
5. Pragmatics
Language Environment
Language that is appropriate to one environment might appear meaningless or foolish in another
■ People
■ Their Purpose
Lesson 2
Believe that language like any other knowledge, skills and values can be taught to children via
repetition, imitation and habituation
Children learn to speak by copying the utterances heard around them, and by having their
responses strengthened by the repetitions, corrections and other reactions that adults
1. Presentation
Through oral and dialogue form with little explanation. Errors are immediately corrected, accuracy
emphasized, accurate repetition and memorization of the dialogue is the goal of this stage
2. Practice
Through patterned drills to help learners master the structure of the language and fluency overly
3. Application
Argue that children are prewired to learn and acquire language as they go through different
developmental stages
Cognitive Constructivism
As children become sophisticated in their mental processes, the more susceptible they are in
acquiring and manipulating language to represent ideas
Sociocultural Constructivism
Lev Vygotsky emphasized the importance of private speech, children talking to themselves for
turning shared knowledge into personal knowledge
Vygotsky’s theory implies that cognitive development and the ability to use thought to control
one’s own actions require first a mastery of cultural communication systems and then learning to
use these systems to regulate one’s thought processes
– the gap between actually ability, something that they can do on their own and potential
ability, something that they can do with help and supervision (scaffold)
Eric Lenneberg (1921-75) was a linguist and a neurologist who pioneered on innateness argued
that the development of language in children can best be understood in the context of
developmental biology that critical period inhuman maturation existed especially on language
Lenneberg believed that the development of language was said to be the result of brain
Chomsky argued that children are endowed with the capacity to acquire a language as they are
continuously exposed to adult speech
Interactionist’ Perspective
Albert Bandura’s Social Learning Theory (SLT) explains that children learn from each other
and from others through observation, imitation and modeling
This theory explains that children imitate the words and language patterns they hear by
watching and listening to the models, caregivers and family members in their life
1. Attention Phase
– Paying attention to the model this phase actually explains why teenagers are hooked up with pop
2. Retention Phase
– Once teachers and adult have learner’s attention, it is time to model the behavior they want
students to replicate and then give learners a chance to practice or rehearse
3. Reproduction
– Learners attempt to replicate the models Behavior In the classroom, this takes the form of an
assessment of learners’ learning
4. Motivation Phase
– Children will imitate a model because they believe that doing so will increase their own chances
to be reinforced
In the home babies listen to language for around a year before they begin to attempt
responding in sensible syllables and words (speaking). Babies are allowed to try, to make
mistakes and to try again without blame. This same safe environment should exist in the
classroom, allowing continued development of the first language in order to continue
developing cognitive skills.
Continuing the developing of the learner’s first language enables them to use that language
for thinking. When the mother tongue is bypassed we postpone learning until adequate
proficiency is developed in the second language. Thus mastery of content is postponed
while second and third language acquisition is taking place. First those foreign languages
must be understood before learning of content can take place.
People say that 95 % of all Filipinos speak Filipino, but that is not true at the time young
children begin their schooling. At age 5, 6 and 7 only 30% speak Filipino. How we teach
Filipino and English are of key importance for adequate mastery and useage of those
languages. Building on the first language of the learners provides a strong foundation and a
good bridge toward learning Filipino and English.
Listening, speaking, reading and writing
The four modes of language, talking (speaking), listening, writing and reading, are all
interdependent. As learning is very much dependent on language, a classroom should be a place
where language flows confidently with the four modes constantly interweaving.
Children come to school with a good foundation of oral language development in their mother
tongue which requires expanding through experience and practice. It is the teacher's responsibility
to provide children with those experiences which will increase their language capacity and
practices, expanding their competence and confidence in the four language modes.
Conversation is an important tool for developing oral L1.
Conversation between teacher and student
Conversation between student and student
Conversation provides ways to
Explore new topics
Share tentative ideas
Consider possibilities
There is strong positive correlation between early oral language skills and the later development of
reading and writing. However, in the focus on literacy, the importance of getting children to listen
and to talk is often overlooked. The teacher who encourages the children to listen and to talk and
to use language in all its forms, first in the childs mother tongue, will have the greatest success in
promoting the cognitive development of the children. This must first occur in a language the
learner knows best and uses most, the learners first language. Then, as oral or communicative
competence is built in the second and third languages, the cognitive abilities will transfer from the
L1 to subsequent languages learned.
Cummins (2000), an educational researcher and writer suggests:
Children…with a solid foundation in their mother tongue develop stronger literacy abilities
in the school language.
The level of development of children's mother tongue is a strong predictor of their second
language development…
Children's knowledge and skills transfer across languages from the mother tongue…to the
school language
A good bridge allows learning of a new language before learning in a new language.
Reading and writing skills only have to be learned once and these skills, as well as understanding
concepts can be transferred from one language to another.
Lesson 3
Second Language Acquisition
Second language learning is more successful with a good L1 foundation. Learning a language
should come before learning through a language.
General Principles of 2LA:
Comprehensible input is crucial – learners need to understand what the teacher is saying
in order to learn. Language learning is a result of meaningful interaction in the L2.
Low anxiety situations enable the comprehensible input to be processed by the learner.
When high anxiety situations occur in the classroom even comprehensible input does not
get past the learners’ emotional filter.
Social factors include societal support and opportunity to practice and use the L2 in a
(emotionally) safe environment affect language learning.
Relationship between the learner, their cultural group and the dominant cultural group
(language status) can impact language learning.
Beginning learning by developing BICS (Basic Interpersonal Communicative Skills) for
meaningful conversation should come before cultivating CALP (Cognitive Academic
Language Proficiency).
Basic L2 literacy helps develop cognitive process if L2 oracy – BICS is already developed.
Often development of BICS and literacy occur at the same time rather than sequentially.
A child’s second language competence is partly dependent on the level of competence
already achieved in the first language. The more developed the first language, the easier it
will be to develop the second language.
Use events and activities that the pupils are familiar with when using language and
learning new languages. Familiarity increases comprehension.
Learning a language before learning in a language is crucial for educational achievement.
Five goals of language learning:
Communication goals – using language for negotiating & sharing meaning with others.
Language and cultural awareness goals – understanding ones own language and culture
Socio-cultural goals – understanding the target language and culture better.
Learning how to learn goals – understanding how to learn in and through language.
General knowledge goals – learning about the world.
Classroom Strategies
First language development
Focus on meaning and
Focus on accuracy and correction
LISTEN Listening to understand, enjoy, Recognizing & distinguishing sounds;
appreciate recognizing parts of words; following
SPEAK Speaking to communicate thoughts, Using language correctly (pronunciation,
ideas, needs, experiences grammar)
READ Reading for meaning & understanding Decoding words by recognizing their parts
WRITE Writing to communicate thoughts & Forming letters properly, neatly, and spelling
feelings words correctly
Reading Plan:
1. Read the entire story to all the learners
2. Read the entire story with all the learners
3. Read one part of the story (page or sentence) with one or two of the learners
4. Let one or two learners read the story by themselves
5. Read the entire story again with all the learners
Asking the right kinds of questions. Closed questions are those requiring only one word
answers or answers that are directly found in the text. These do not encourage deeper
thinking, analyzing, expressing opinion or strong learning. Open questions require complex
thinking and articulation of one’s thoughts in response. Open questions build thinking skills
and language skills while giving control of the conversation to the learner.
Second language acquisition – strengthening learning Filipino and English through TPR
TPR principles
The success of TPR is built upon these foundational principles of second language acquisition
theory: Languages are best learned when the learner receives lots of comprehensible
(understandable) input in a low anxiety situation. For young learners, listening to a teacher
give instructions in a still foreign language or listening to a radio broadcast in the L2 is not
understandable; listening to short chunks of the L2 followed by physical response is much
more understandable.
Beginning language learners can benefit greatly from a "silent period" in which they learn to
understand and respond to parts of the language without attempting to speak it. This is also
referred to as "delayed production," and reflects the way that children learn their first language.
The basic idea behind Total Physical Response is that a language learner learns to hear
something in the language and then physically respond to it. Often at first the segments
uttered in the L2 are commands such as "stand up," "sit down," "walk," "touch your nose," and
so on. However, as discussed in a section below, TPR is easily extended to other verb tenses
and more complicated sentence patterns. By using gestures and props, the teacher is able to
add enough context to his speech to help convey meaning to the learner. The teacher needs to
control the number of new items to be learned each day, limiting them to 2 -3 and reviewing all
items learned each day to ensure strong learning and building on previous lessons.
During this learning time, the students only listen and respond. Trying to speak too soon 1)
may distract them from rapid vocabulary development, 2) will likely cause their anxiety level to
rise which could decrease their ability to remember what they have learned aurally, and 3)
could harm long-term pronunciation if they develop bad habits before having heard lots of
TPR-B for "TPR with body", includes everything that can be done with general body movement:
stand up, sit down, turn around, turn right, turn left, lift up your arm, touch your nose, etc.
This is best done in a room with some space to move around.
TPR Object
TPR-O stands for "TPR with objects.” This is best done sitting at a table that has some objects
on it. For example, one day the teacher could bring produce from the market. That day the
students could not only learn the words for "apple," "banana," "orange," and so on, but also,
"give me," "take," "put," "smell," "bite," "roll," "peel," and "show me." For this activity, the
teacher could start off with: "This is an apple. This is an orange. This is an apple. This is an
orange. Where is the apple? (The students point.) Where is the orange?" Once again new words
can be fairly quickly built up one at a time. (Remember, only add two or three new items a day.
Once the new words are learned they can be combined with forms learned previously, building
on the language. For example, phrases previously learned such as put on top of, put
underneath can be used when learning the above names of fruit. The following day add the
other verbs such as give me, take, and smell etc. 2 or 3 a day only.)
When doing TPR-O, always remember to learn verbs that are associated with the objects they
are learning. For example, if the students are learning about a radio, they can learn the parts
of the instrument as well as words associated with its use, such as turn it on, turn it off, turn
up the volume, turn down the volume, change the station, open up the battery case, take out
the batteries, and so on.
TPR with Pictures
TPR-P stands for "TPR with pictures." Pictures are extremely effective language learning tools.
The teacher may have large photographs or could use cut out pictures from a newspaper or
magazine. If the pictures are from the community, it will be even more effective. The teacher
could go through and say "This is a man. This is a boy. This is a man. This is a boy. Where is
the man? Where is the boy?" Gradually both background and foreground objects in the
pictures could be learned, as well as verbs: "The carpenter is hitting the nail with a hammer,"
leading to requests such as "Show me the man who is hitting something." Even verb tenses can
be incorporated by the teacher talking about all of the pictures as if they happened last week,
or now, or next week. The actual physical response with pictures is fairly basic--pointing at
something--but the opportunity for vocabulary acquisition is as broad as the types of pictures
one can use. In addition to taking one’s own pictures, children's picture or story books can also
be used for this kind of learning.
TPR Storying
TPR-S was developed by Blaine Ray and is being used in classrooms throughout the United
States. It involves the teacher (and eventually the students) acting out simple stories as a
means of understanding the story and internalizing vocabulary.
What about Speaking?
At some point students will feel the urge to start speaking. Don't push it, but at some point
they can begin saying things for the teacher or their peers to do, from "stand up" to "turn the
volume down" to "show me the man who ate fish yesterday." They can also speak about a table
of objects: "This is a ball. This is a key. This is a book. The pen is on the book." And finally,
they can describe pictures in any tense: "The man ate fish. The boy read a book."
Things to Remember when Teaching with TPR
The most common mistake that teachers who are new to TPR make is to introduce new words
too quickly or to introduce them two or more at a time. Students will feel overwhelmed if they
don’t receive enough repetition. The teacher should learn to continually monitor and evaluate
the students’ progress and make minor adjustments as needed. The secret of TPR is to make it
a regular, ongoing part of the language study program, with great emphasis at the beginning
but continued use throughout the school years.
As with pre reading and prewriting skills, children also need to become “number ready”.
Activities should be interesting and enjoyable and children require direct manipulation of
concrete objects to understand the mathematical concepts. Learning should therefore be
planned sequentially from real-life/concrete objects to abstract
• real-life objects
• pictures of objects
• pictures of shapes and figures
Concepts can be developed through matching, identification, naming objects and naming
pictures of objects.
• sorting objects on a certain set of criteria -
• sorting pictures of fruit, animals, color
• sorting fruit we peel and fruit we don't peel
• sorting leaves on basis of color, shape and texture
• sorting seeds, stones, etc
Materials for sorting and counting: Stones, seeds, wooden shapes, counters
• Stringing colored beads in sequence: 2 red, 1 blue, 2 yellow, 2 red, 1 blue, 2 yellow......
• Stories based on sequence (e.g. butterfly story)
• daily routines
• rhymes based on sequence
• pattern making
• Sorting from biggest to smallest
• Have pictures on cards – different sizes. Ask child to point to the smallest/largest, biggest
Problem solving:
• Maze: prepare a maze on a sheet or on the floor. Find the way through
• Puzzles: join the pieces together – start simple
Number in sequence – start with concrete objects, then pictures of objects, then you can go on
to dots before using number symbols
• Use fingers and toes
• Concrete objects, stones, seeds etc... demonstrate the ability to count by touching each
• Counting rhyme
• Count different things in the classroom
• Play counting games
• Count trees, houses etc...
• Clapping – how many times
• Sitting in a circle – each child says the next number starting at 1..... 10
• One to one correspondence: place 5 objects in a row. Ask child to put one seed/stone
under each object. (each glass with a spoon/straw). E.g. Ten hens with ten eggs. Five nests,
five birds. Laying a table with places – enough for each person.
• Set up rows of same number of things (stones, leaves, seeds, sweets....
• Teacher calls a number: children get into groups of that number. E.g. three.... children get
into groups of three.
• Clap when counting – e.g. count to 10, with 10 claps
• Cards with dots on: how many dots one each card.
• When children know the number symbols, play dominoes – one part number and one part
• Place number cards in order. Child should put the same number of beads on or beside the
• Draw a number of objects on a sheet of paper. Ask child to color in a number of objects –
e.g. one tree, three birds....
• Big, small
• tall, short
• heavy, light
• long, short
• high, low
• more, less
• first, last
• left, right
• Give each child a stick with leaves – ask them to sort the big from the small
• Through stories (big lion, small mouse)
• Observation when going out... big house, tall tree
• Use cards with long short objects etc...
• compare heights of children -make marks on wall
• Using objects to measure (toothpicks along a ruler; hands to measure each other)
• Heavy and light objects – put in order
• Stand in a circle – reach up high. Now bend down low
• Meal times – who has more rice? Who has less dhal?
• Playing with water – containers of different sizes and shapes. Which holds more/less
water? How many cups does it take to fill the jug?
• How many boys, how many girls in the class?