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Healthy Heart - 29 September 2022

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Keeping your
heart healthy
ACCORDING to the Statistics

Biogrow Oat BG22

Department, heart disease
remains the leading cause of death
in Malaysia. In its “Statistics on
Causes of Death’’, 15% of medically is high in total
certified deaths in 2019 were due
to the disease, which is an increase fibres and lactose-
from its 2017 report, where
ischaemic heart disease was the free with no added
principal cause of death in 2016 at
13.2%. sugar, artificial Biogrow Oat BG22 contains 100% natural oat bran powder imported from Sweden.
Having high cholesterol levels is
one of the major risk factors in
ingredients and gel in the small intestine. This published human studies on Shopee Mall.
developing heart disease. The
formation of plaque in the arteries
preservatives. viscous gel attenuates the intestinal
uptake of LDL cholesterol as well as
cholesterol-lowering and blood
glucose-controlling effects. (1)
This article is brought to you by
Legosan (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd.
resulting from high levels of blood the reabsorption of bile acids Two scoops/sachets (≈ 18gm) of
cholesterol restricts oxygenated which the body makes from Biogrow Oat BG22 oat bran powder n For more information, call
blood flow to the heart and Unleash the power of Bioactive cholesterol.(1) (2) daily provide the recommended 03-7956 2220 (Monday to Friday,
consequently, causes a heart oat beta-glucan in oat bran. In response, the body will draw *3gm of bioactive oat beta-glucan to 9am-5pm) or email info@biogrow.
attack. Oat beta-glucan is a type of upon the pool of circulating lower blood cholesterol and control com.my.
However, heart disease can be soluble fibre substantially found in cholesterol to produce new bile blood glucose levels effectively. (1)
avoided by adopting a healthy the oat bran which is the outer layer acids which are essential for Biogrow Oat BG22 is lab-tested
lifestyle such as: of the grain. However, not all oat digestion and absorption of fats in low in **Glycemic Index (GI<55) (3)
– Be physically active by beta-glucan is the same. the small intestines. which makes it suitable for (1)
EFSA Journal 2010; 8(12): 1885.
engaging in exercises such as brisk Bioactive oat beta-glucan with Lower uptake of cholesterol from prediabetic and diabetic patients. (2)
Joyce et al. Front. Nutr 2019,
walking, running or jogging, high molecular weight is the unique the gut combined with more bodily Besides, it is also high in total fibres 6(171), 1-15.
cycling, and swimming among form as it has been scientifically cholesterol used for bile acid (soluble and insoluble fibres) and (3)
Brummer et al. Cereal Chem
others. proven to produce cholesterol- production results in reduced blood lactose-free with no added sugar, 2012, 89(5), 225-26.
– Avoid red meats such as beef lowering and blood glucose- cholesterol level. (1) (2) artificial ingredients and
and lamb. For healthier controlling effects due to its high preservatives. *Bioactive oat beta-glucans are
alternatives, choose white meats viscosity.(1) Biogrow Oat BG22 also has good high in molecular weight and have
such as fish and lean chicken.
Heart-healthy Bioactive Oat solubility as it dissolves readily in been scientifically shown to
– Choose healthier cooking
How does bioactive oat beta- Beta-Glucan water with no shaker required. produce a good viscosity effect in
methods such as steaming, grilling, Embrace a healthy lifestyle by the gut for optimal cholesterol-
baking or boiling which help to glucan work? Biogrow Oat BG22 contains 100% making small healthy changes in lowering effect -EFSA Journal.
reduce the amount of oil used. natural oat bran powder imported your diet for good heart health. **Diets that are low GI
– Eat a high fibre diet especially Bioactive oat beta-glucan from Sweden that provides only the Biogrow Oat BG22 is available in (Glycaemic Index) and high in
foods rich in soluble fibre such as dissolves readily inside the digestive clinically proven bioactive oat beta- all leading pharmacies nationwide dietary fibre are protective – WHO
oat beta-glucan. tract where it forms a thick viscous glucan with more than 20 and the Biogrow Official Store at Europe Diabetes.

Children are at risk too

HEART disease is not only a chambers of the heart) begins as a consequence of the
concern in adults, but in children – Coarctation of the aorta (the streptococcal infection of the throat
as well. Here are descriptions of main artery leaving the heart is (strep throat).
some conditions known to be constricted) Most strep throat infections do
found in young children. – Transposition of the great not lead to rheumatic fever but
arteries (the two large arteries when the infection is undiagnosed,
leaving the right and left sides of untreated or undertreated,
Congenital heart disease the heart are switched) rheumatic fever can occur.
(CHD) – Tetralogy of Fallot (a complex According to the World Heart
condition involving several Federation, rheumatic fever and
Congenital heart disease (CHD) structural defects) RHD are responsible for about
describes a number of different 233,000 deaths annually and
problems that affect the heart. affects mostly children and young
It is a type of birth defect that
Acquired heart disease adults. Parents cannot take their children’s health for granted and must take an
can be described more accurately There are heart diseases that Primary prevention of acute active role in ensuring they are free of any heart disease.
as a defect or abnormality of the are not present at birth but rheumatic fever is the effective
heart or blood vessels near the acquired. The two major types treatment of acute throat infections swollen hands and feet, bloodshot Obesity
heart. are rheumatic heart disease and caused by group A streotococcus, eyes, swollen lymph nodes, a
According to the World Heart Kawasaki disease. achieved by up to 10 days of oral strawberry apprearance to the Obesity is one of the factors that
Federation, the majority of antibiotics or a single tongue and an acute inflammation causes cardiovascular disease and
children born today with CHD will intramuscular penicilin injection. of the blood vessels, especially is determined by the dietary habits
survive and lead a normal or near-
Rheumatic heart disease Secondary prevention is the the coronary arteries. of individuals. It is a major public
normal life with proper treament. Rheumatic heart disease is the prevention of a recurrence of The cause of the disease is health concern and is steadily
CHD may be diagnosed during most commonly acquired heart rheumatic fever and involves unknown but may be caused by affecting many low- and middle-
infancy (mild CHD) or soon after disease in many countries, regular administration of some kind of infectious agent. income countries, particularly
birth (severe CHD). Some are especially in developing antibiotics over many years. The disease occurs in young those living in urban settings.
diagnosed during prenatal countries. However, for severely damaged children. According to the World There are several environmental
screening. It is a condition where the heart valves, surgery is often Heart Federation, 80% or more factors associated with childhood
Examples of CHD are: heart muscle and heart valves are required to repair or replace them. that are affected are less than five obesity. In many economic-driven
– Atrial septal defect (a hole damaged due to rheumatic fever, years old and it occurs more in nations, increased consumption
between the two upper chambers which is caused by streptococcal boys than in girls. of energy-dense, high-calorie foods
of the heart) bacteria.
Kawasaki disease Children who are undiagnosed and drinks and decreased physical
– Ventricular septal defect (a Rheumatic fever is an Kawasaki disease is or untreated can contract serious activity contribute to uncontrolled
hole between the two lower inflammatory reaction and characterised by fever, rash, heart damage. weight gain in children.
2 Healthy Heart THE STAR, THURSDAY 29 SEPTEMBER 2022

Boosting your metabolic rate

INCREASING metabolic rates have been an with an improvement in overall health and
interest of many, especially among weight-
conscious individuals. Understanding
helps in body fat reduction.
EAT relates to the body’s energy Total body fat
metabolism is crucial in guiding us to obtain
an optimal metabolic rate.
consumption through structured exercise,
which primarily includes cardiovascular, is composed of
‘Metabole’ is a Greek word for ‘change’. In
the context of the human body, metabolism
strengthening, flexibility and balance
exercises. Furthermore, each type should
essential and storage
means the conversion of energy intake –
consumed food into energy and waste
have specific criteria in terms of frequency,
intensity, time and types to achieve the
fat. Storage fat is
products. Increasing the rate of conversion is
believed to increase the rate of burning off
different exercise objectives. For example, in
maintaining fitness, a total of 150 minutes of
mainly deposited
body fat. Is this true? cardiovascular exercise per week is under the skin as
subcutaneous fat,
Consultant family medicine and lifestyle recommended, while a longer duration is
medicine physician at MSU Medical Centre needed for body weight reduction.

or around body
Dr Faridah Mohd Zin explains, “Our body Food thermogenesis contributes the least
consumes energy through four pathways: to body energy consumption. High lean
basal metabolism, food thermogenesis, non-
exercise activities thermogenesis (NEAT) and
protein and whole foods use more energy
compared to other types of food and organs as visceral
exercise activities thermogenesis (EAT).
“More than half of the body’s metabolism
processed foods. Although consuming them
would induce a higher metabolic rate, the Dr Faridah Mohd Zin. fat. The latter has
is consumed as basal metabolism i.e., for the
function of vital organs such as the heart,
contribution made to the increase of daily
body metabolism is the lowest. the desired level of body fat. been shown to have
kidneys, brain and many others (about 60%).
The thermic effect of food has the lowest
The major factors contributing to basal
metabolic rate include sex, height, age,
Increasing muscle mass would increase
the body’s ability to use up energy. The a strong correlation
contribution which involves the energy
needed to change the food we eat into
ethnicity, body composition and genetic
factors. Body fat and muscle mass are the
American College of Sports Medicine
recommends regular resistance training
with cardiovascular
substances that are “edible” by our cells such
as glucose (about 10%). Increasing the
only factors that can be intentionally
exercises to build and maintain muscle. Men
and women should participate in muscle-
metabolic rate would mean increasing the Total body fat is composed of essential and strengthening activities that work the major
energy-burning rate of the body, which storage fat. Storage fat is mainly deposited muscle groups (legs, hips, back, chest, a healthy balanced diet is crucial to ensure
theoretically could be increased by under the skin as subcutaneous fat, or abdomen, shoulders and arms) at least two adequate macro and micronutrients are
optimising the NEAT, EAT, thermic effect of around body organs as visceral fat. The times each week. Examples of muscle- supplied for a healthy body.
food and the body’s metabolism.” latter has been shown to have a strong strengthening activities include lifting Body metabolism happens continuously,
NEAT relates to the energy consumed correlation with cardiovascular diseases weights, using resistance bands, and doing allowing ongoing opportunities to maximise
while performing daily activities. Optimising including heart attack and stroke. Energy push-ups and some forms of yoga. Even its effect. Body fat is a way our body stores
daily activities such as cooking while consumption of more than required would daily activities such as gardening, playing unused energy. Hence, optimising the body’s
standing or pacing around the room while be stored in the body as fat. Hence, a with your kids and carrying the groceries metabolism while eating less than our body’s
on the phone have shown to increase negative balance between energy intake and can strengthen muscles. daily energy requirement will certainly force
metabolic rate. Since these activities are consumption is essential to force our body to Although resistance training is an our body to burn energy from the stored
done every day, enhancing the energy burnt use stored fat as a source of energy, leading important part of a complete exercise body fat. Thus, consistency in creating this
through this pathway could be regarded as to weight reduction. As the origin of stored regimen, consuming the appropriate amount negative balance in energy will gradually get
an opportunity that should not be missed. fat comes from food, an alteration of an and type of protein to maintain and build rid of unwanted body composition, namely
Moreover, NEAT is found to be associated individual’s food intake is crucial to achieve muscle is just as important. On top of that, the stored fat.

It is important to learn the right

techniques in performing CPR so that
you do not cause more harm than good.

Learn a life-saving skill

DO you know how to react if you see the various symptoms associated with heart
someone collapsing in front of you? What disease.
would your first course of action be if the While hospitals and non-governmental
person is not showing signs of breathing? organisations are taking steps to create
Is it a classic case of a heart attack and is it awareness, the public must do its part to be
safe to move the person? informed not merely to spot possible cases of
These questions are important to heart attack or heart failure, but also equip
consider so you can be prepared should a themselves with life-saving skills such as
medical emergency unfold in front of you. cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
Knowing what to do in those crucial knowledge.
moments can be the difference between
life and death for someone in medical
Learn how to respond
According to The Heart Foundation of CPR is performed in emergency situations
Malaysia, up to 30% of medically certified when a person does not show signs of life or
deaths in government hospitals are the heart stops. In the case of a heart attack,
attributed to cardiovascular diseases. From the victim’s ventricle has lost its ability to
this total, some deaths occur outside beat in an organised fashion and thus fails to
hospitals and within the first two hours pump blood throughout the body.
after the onset of symptoms. The brain, which is the most sensitive part
Coupled with the fact that cardiovascular of the human body, is affected within
diseases remain the leading cause of death seconds of the heart stopping. The victim
among Malaysians, it should be an issue will lose consciousness due to the lack of
that everybody is aware about. oxygen and brain death will occur in less
Sadly, this is not the case and many than 10 minutes.
Malaysians do not fully understand the
dangers of heart disease, its prevalence or > TURN TO PAGE 4
THE STAR, THURSDAY 29 SEPTEMBER 2022 Healthy Heart 3

Heart diseases with unique names

THE world of medicine can prove ventricle – which can weaken it.
to be slightly confusing to those
who are not very well versed in it.
Many diseases got their names
Ventricular septal defect
through foreign languages such as A hole in the heart, present at
Greek or Latin. Sometimes, a birth. Ventricular septal defects are
disease was named after the person the most common birth defects,
who first came upon it. Today, with about one in every 500 babies
however, it is less common for born with it. The condition is
diseases to get their names from usually considered non-life-
animal species, people groups or threatening as smaller holes
the geographical locations where typically close as the child grows –
they were first discovered. Mostly, usually during infancy or early
names are now derived from childhood. However, significant
describing its appearance and the heart lesions can be remedied
symptoms it causes. Healthy Heart with transcatheter treatment to
takes a look at some of the more avoid life-threatening
curious conditions that may afflict complications such as irregular
and assail the human body’s most heartbeats.
hardworking organ.

The heart is the most hard-working organ in the body, hence it is vital to take care of it throughout our lives. Heartburn
Takotsubo cardiomyopathy While the word “heartburn” may
Also known as broken heart prognosis or likely outcome of this However, patients seem to live of fluid – pericardial effusion – in appear dangerous and threatening,
syndrome or apical ballooning condition is generally favourable as normal lives after undergoing the which increasing pressure affects it is actually caused by the
syndrome, takotsubo the symptoms are treatable, and required corrective surgery. The heart functions negatively. stomach’s digestive acid rising up
cardiomyopathy was first most individuals recover within a exact cause of this heart defect the oesophagus tube. It appears in
confirmed in Japan in 1991. It is a month. remains unknown, but is thought to the form of a burning sensation in
temporary heart condition that is be caused by a combination of
Aortic regurgitation the chest. The pain is commonly
often triggered by stressful genes and environmental risk Also known as aortic mistaken as coming from the heart,
situations and extreme emotions.
Tetralogy of Fallot factors such as what the mother insufficiency, the condition refers to thus its name. It may also be
The condition got its name from This is a rare condition present at consumed during pregnancy. the leaking of blood flow back into mistaken for angina – a discomfort
how the left ventricle of a patient birth. It was first discovered by the main pumping chamber of the of the chest.
diagnosed with the condition Frenchman Étienne-Louis Arthur heart known as the left ventricle. It While medical terminology may
resembled the shape of a Japanese Fallot in 1888. The “tetra” in
Pericarditis is caused by an aortic valve, one of appear opaque and confounding to
octopus trap (takotsubo). tetralogy refers to four defects of Pericarditis refers to the four main valves of the heart. In those not well versed in them, it is
The syndrome happens in the heart and its blood vessels that inflammation of a sac-like tissue this condition, the aortic valve does important to always consult with
women more often than men. commonly occur together. that covers the heart called the not close tightly during the diastole your physician who can clarify
People with takotsubo This complex heart defect affects pericardium. While the cause of the stage of the cardiac cycle when the more on any concerns and a
cardiomyopathy may experience a the normal blood flow through the inflammation often remains heart muscle relaxes. This creates medical condition’s implications. It
sudden chest pain or shortness of heart. According to the United unknown, it is commonly induced flow in two directions during the is recommended to carry out heart
breath, both of which are States Centers for Disease Control by viral infections. Most cases are relaxation of the heart to refill with check-ups every two to four years.
symptoms similar to that of a heart and Prevention, about one in every mild and will recede on their own. blood and causes the left ventricle For patients with high-risk factors,
attack. While the causes of the 2,518 babies are born with tetralogy However, more severe cases may to hold more blood. Over time, this physicians may recommend more
condition remain unclear, the of Fallot yearly in the US. lead to an abnormal accumulation results in the enlargement of the frequent monitoring.
4 Healthy Heart THE STAR, THURSDAY 29 SEPTEMBER 2022

DHA helps kids grow

healthy and smart
GIVING children the right nutrition consumption when provided to behavior in children with attention-
during their developmental years is children aged seven to nine with deficit/hyperactivity disorder: A
an integral step toward mental minimal to no side effects. randomized controlled trial
growth. To this end, foods rich in This is further supported by The published in Nutrition observed
omega-3 fatty acids have been Relationship of Docosahexaenoic hyperactivity, compulsive
traditionally supplemented into a Acid (DHA) with Learning and behaviours, difficulty in class, social
child’s diet for a variety of health Behavior in Healthy Children: A issues and other attention-deficit/
benefits. Review published in Nutrients, hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
There are three main types of where high levels of DHA in healthy symptoms to determine that
omega-3 fatty acids: alpha-linolenic children were shown to lead to increased levels of DHA had

Be a helpful bystander
acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid improved performances in reduced overall symptoms of ADHD.
(EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid activities related to learning and Adding omega-3-rich foods and
(DHA), which are not produced by behavior. supplements, particularly those rich
our bodies naturally and must be with DHA, into children’s diets can
obtained from diet consumption. be a safe and effective way to
These nutrients can be sourced
Stay protected from ensure that they grow up to be > FROM PAGE 2 procedure is a taught skill and
from eating certain fish, such as neurodevelopmental capable and healthy adults. people need to learn the proper
tuna, mackerel and sardines, or
supplements containing extracted
disruptions n For more information, call
CPR helps prolong circulatory
and lung function by restarting
techniques because incorrectly
performed CPR can cause broken
fish oils. Children at an early age are 03-7490 2138. oxygenated blood flow to the ribs and bruising.
considered to be at the most heart and brain until the affected Among the topics usually
malleable stage of their lives. person is able to receive medical highlighted in a CPR course such as
Improved cognitive function During such a critical point of their attention or defibrillation. The those organised by The Heart
DHA has historically been linked development, it is natural as sooner you perform CPR on a Foundation of Malaysia are:
to improved cognitive function, parents to wish our children a person who has experienced l Coronary artery disease
academic performance and mood smooth transition into cardiopulmonary arrest (where l Risk factors for heart attack
regulation. adulthood, free from there is no sign of breathing or a l Lung anatomy and function
According to Docosahexaenoic medical conditions. heartbeat), the greater their l Recognising a heart attack
Acid for Reading, Cognition and The study chances of being successfully l Recovery position
Behavior in Children Aged 7–9 Years: Eicosapentaenoic resuscitated. l Airway obstruction in
A Randomized, Controlled Trial (The and For this reason, it would be conscious and unconscious adults
DOLAB Study) by PLoS ONE, DHA docosahexaenoic ideal if everyone were to undergo l CPR and airway obstruction in
supplementation was found to acids, cognition, a CPR training programme children and infants
improve other functions such as and through initiatives such as the One must undergo assessments
reading and behaviour control in introduction of CPR training in including theory and skills tests
underperforming yet otherwise schools. While there are ample before he is awarded with a
healthy children. resources online that describe the certificate acknowledging his
The study also determined DHA step-by-step process and show success in completing the
to be safe and efficient for videos of how to perform CPR, the programme.

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