DPAFM3101 Rev4.3
DPAFM3101 Rev4.3
DPAFM3101 Rev4.3
Designed for FM radio transposers and transmitters, this FM Amplifier Box incorporates ALL-IN-ONE technology with
International Standard for FM Broadcast Stations.
General characteristics:
• Frequency Range: 87.5-108Mhz
• RF power Output: 250W typical, 350W max.
• RF power Input: 3W min. , 8W max.
• Low Pass Filter: Yes, >60dB
• RF Coupler: Yes, FWD and RFL.
• FAN: Yes, 92x92x38mm, 153cfm - 4.3m3/min air.
• Heatsink Installed: 27 x 10 x 4 cm (10.6" x 4" x 1.57")
• RF Connector Input: Yes, N Female Amphenol.
• RF Connector Output: Yes, N Female Amphenol.
• RF Sample Connector: Yes, BNC Female.
• Supply Input Requered: 48VDC /8.5A.
• Box Dimensions: 30cm x 10cm x 10cm (11.8" x 4" x 4")
• ROHS Compliant.
(T-heatsink = 50 °C, 50Ω loaded, Vs = 48 V)
Note: You connect GND Power Supply to a Box chase or Black cable supply.
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All OEM modules have 1 year warranty in Digit@lion Technologies.
The warranty not include the RF power transistor installed.
Shipping Cost to our laboratory and back for a repair is not included in the warranty.