The water-soluble sulphur dyes will dissolve in water without any other addition, but it
must be emphasized that this solution will not dye cellulose without the addition of sodium
sulphide and carbonate. Their advantages are that they are easier to handle, contain less
insoluble matter, making them more attractive for package dyeing, and they possess
superior levelling properties.
There are four main methods use to apply for water soluble Sulphur dyes.
A Liquid mixture containing sodium Sulphide as the reducing agent. Either no or very
little sodium sulphide is added, and the liquid is poured into the dyebath. The material is
entered, and the temperature is raised to the boil after which dyeing is allowed to continue
in a cooling liquor. There are some dyes for which the maximum temperature
recommended is below 1000C. Quantities equivalent to 5 to 15g/1 of common salt or 10
to 30 g/l of crystalline Glauber’s salt are added, preferably in several small portions
during the dyeing cycle.
B Dye mixtures containing sodium sulphide as the reducing agent, and which are in the
solid state. The dye is pasted with water at about 30 and then water equivalent to 10 to 12
times the weight of the paste at the same temperature is added and stirring is continued
for a period of 10 minutes. The solution of dye is poured into the dyebath, to which 5 to
40 per cent on the weight of the goods of common salt or twice the amount of crystalline
Glauber’s salt together with a small quantity of anhydrous sodium carbonate have also
been added. The material is entered and dyed for 45 to 60 minutes at the recommended
temperature. With salt-sensitive dyes it is desirable to add the electrolyte in small portions
at internals.
C Dry mixtures containing sodium formaldehyde sulphoxylate as the reducing agent. The
dye is pasted and then dissolved by boiling in 10 to 20 times its weight of soft water. This
solution is poured into the dyebath and the temperature raised to 90 to 95 c. After 20 to 30
minutes common or Glauber’s salt may be added if it is necessary to bring about a
satisfactory degree of exhaustion.
D Thiosulphonic acid derivatives. The dye is pasted with cold water and dissolved by
boiling, after the addition of sufficient water to ensure solution. The recommended
quantity of reducing agent is then added and this may be either sodium sulphide or
sometimes sodium hydrosulphite together with sufficient sodium carbonate to ensure
stability of the liquor. Electrolyte is added when necessary for satisfactory exhaustion.
2) a. Describe cold soda ash method and warm bicarbonate method used in
the Reactive dye (Dichlorotriazinyl) application process.
There are two methods, which used in the Reactive dye (Dichlorotriazinyl)
application process.
Depth of
shade Soda ash
Up to 0.5% 3 g/l
0.5 to 2% 4 g/l
2 to 4% 7 g/l
over 4% 10 g/l
Polyester fabric dyeing with high temperature is the best method that is
basically followed in our industries. This process requires high temperature in
between 130 -135℃. Also this requires high pressure as well.
In this process no dye carriers are needed. Basically, carriers are used to swell
the fiber. Carrier dyeing method has some drawbacks as well.
In the polyester disperse high temperature dyeing, alkali which used while
preparation, weaving, knitting etc process, must be removed entirely.
As per this chart we can see the difference of the high temperature disperse
dyeing has more effective for Polyester fabric. In textile industry, all
polyester dyeing machines can raised their temperature to 130 C to get best
dyed fabric.
The following disperse dyes are particularly recommended for dyeing high
temperature dyeing.
The method is to make the dyebath up with the dyestuff and 1-2 lb (0.45-
0.9 kg) of a dispersing agent such as Metexil DN-VL or some similar
product which is stable up to 130 C (266F). The dyeing should be started
at 70 C (158 F), the temperature raised slowly to 120 to 130C (248 to
266F) and maintained for period of 30-60 minutes.
After high-temperature dyeing the goods should always have a final wash-
off at 70C (158F) for 15 to 20 minutes with a suitable detergent.