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・Do not carry out installation, operation, service or mainte-

nance until thoroughly understanding the contents of this


・Keep this manual available at all times for installation, oper-

ation, service, and maintenance. ISHIDA CO., LTD.
Manual No. 0149A
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You can help improve this manual by call-
ing attention to errors and by recommend-
ing improvements.
Please convey your comments to the near-
est Ishida Company regional representa-
Thank you!

Copyr igh t c 2001 by I shida Co . , Ltd. All Rights Reserve d.

No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form, by mimeograph or any
o t h e r m e a n s , w i t h o u t w r i t t e n permission of the publisher.

IWX Operation Manual Kg Version Manual No. 0149A

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To ensure the safe operation of this machine, the general safety considerations below must be followed:


This instrument is a Class 1 device which requires protective grounding for safe operation.

To avoid potential shock hazards, a protective grounding conductor for the instrument must be securely connected
to the main grounding provision by qualified service personnel.

Do not remove covers or enclosures.

To avoid personal injury and shock, do not open or remove any covers or enclosures of the instrument unless
specified in the manual.

Do not perform unspecified maintenance.

For your own personal safety, do not perform any maintenance procedures which are not specified in the manual.

Diconnect the power supply before servicing.

To ensure your personal safety, disconnect the power supply before servicing.

Power supply to the machine is disconnected only when the electrical

plug is removed from the electrical outlet. For safe operation of this
machine, connect the plug to the nearest and most accessible outlet.

The following symbols are used to alert service personnel of potential danger or
special circumstances related to the safe and proper servicing of this machine:

Precautions which must be followed to prevent the possibility of death or

serious injury.

Precautions which must be followed to prevent the possibility of light or

moderately severe injury to personnel or damage to the equipment.

Important information for the operation of the machine.

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Always operate the scale on a level surface. Do not disassemble the scale.

Do not expose the scale to direct sunlight for Do not allow any liquids to come into contact
long period. with the scale.

Do not drop or apply a strong shock to the When cleaning the scale, only use a soft dry
scale. cloth wetted with a neutral cleanser. Never
use thinner or other volatile liquids.

1) Always operate the scale with the same rated AC power supply shown
on the specification plate.

2) To disconnect the power supply, remove the electrical plug from the
electrical outlet.

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Avoid Locating the Scale in the Following Places:

A place of low temperature, high temperature or high humidity

A place exposed to direct sunlight

A place frequently exposed to vibration

On an unstable floor or table.

A place directly exposed to wind, cold air, or hot air.

A place directly exposed to cold air from a cooler or refrigerator. A place exposed to hot air from an air condi-
tioner or heater. A place exposed to wind from a fan or other pneumatic device.

A dusty place

A place provided with fluctuating power supply voltage

Use of an electrical outlet also being used for a vibrator, radio, or other noise sources may affect the performance
of the scale. Be sure to provide an outlet exclusively for use by the scale. Also avoid putting many loads on one
electrical outlet.

Power Supply

Use a power supply that conforms to product specifications.

Provide a power line to be exclusively used for the scale.

If the power supply voltage fluctuates, the scale may malfunction.

Do not tread on or place a heavy load on the power cable.

The cable will be damaged. Continued use of the cable under such conditions may lead to an accident or prob-
lems with the scale.

Be sure to ground the scale to avoid electrical leakage and malfunction.

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Table of Contents

1. Before Using Your Scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

1-1 Cautions for Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2. Name and Function of Each Component . . . . . . . 8

2-1 External View of the Scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2-2 Function of Each Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

3. Preparing the Scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

3-1 Fitting the Display Pole and Setting Up the Scale . . . . . . . . . . 9
3-2 Vertical Adjustment of the Display Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

4. Weighing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

5. Tare Key-in Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

6. Confirming the Tare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

7. Using the Preset Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

7-1 Presetting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
7-2 Calling the Preset Value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

8. Setting Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
8-1 Setting Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
8-2 Set Values List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

9. Routing Servicing and Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

9-1 Routine Servicing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
9-2 Cleaning Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

10. Troubleshooting Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

11. Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

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1. Before Using Your Scale

1-1 Cautions for Handling

• Do not disassemble or reconstruct • Before using the scale, be sure to
your scale. level the scale body.
Incorrect disassembly may lead to scale failure. Otherwise, the scale may malfunction.
Reconstructing the scale, disassembling part(s), or
fitting unspecified part(s) may cause serious acci- • Never use thinner or other volatile
dents or personal injuries. If disassembled or recon-
structed the scale may not be allowed to be reused as
agent for servicing the scale.
Discoloration may result. Wipe the scale body gen-
an approved scale.
tly with a soft dry cloth, or use a neutral detergent.

• Do not use your scale in abnormal

• When carrying the scale, be sure to
If smoke, disgusting smell, or any other abnormality
hold it at the bottom.
Do not move the scale by holding only the display
is detected from the scale, immediately disconnect
unit or display pole.
the power supply cable plug from the outlet and con-
tact the nearest ISHIDA regional representative for
repair. Continued use of the scale under such abnor- • Never peel off the seal affixed to the
mal conditions may cause a fire or electric shock. scale body.
For your personal safety, never repair the scale by

• Your scale is a precision machine. Do

not give the scale any shock.
The scale may be impaired or its weighing perfor-
mance may be deteriorated.

• Do not insert/remove the plug in/from

the outlet with wet or dirty fingers.
An electric shock or short-circuit may occur.

• Do not remake the electrical plug or

power cable.
A fire or electric shock may occur.

• Do not pull strongly, break, or remake

the power cable.
The core wires may be cut and cause a fire, electric
shock, or defective functioning of the scale.

• Be sure to insert the load cell into the

display pole.

• Do not pour an excessive amount of

water or high pressure water on the

• Do not leave any items on the weigh-

ing platter.

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2. Name and Function of Each Component

2-1 External View of the Scale

2-2 Function of Each Key

Used to turn ON/OFF display function of scale.

The key turns ON or OFF the display function of the scale. Power to the scale is
still active even when the key is switched OFF. When moving the scale or leaving it
for a long period without use, be sure to disconnect the power by removing the electri-
cal plug from the outlet.

(1) Used for zero adjustment to reset weight indicator to zero.

(2) Used to switch numeric values to the positive side when registering and setting them.

(1) Used to set tare weight.

(2) Used to switch numeric values to the negative side when registering and setting them.

(1) Used to conform and display the tare weight.

(2) Used to print out the subtotal when a printer is connected.
(3) Used to shift the flashing digit during registration and setting.

(1) Used to print out the weight when a printer is connected.

(2) Used to conform and display the data being called in the preset mode.
(3) Used to call the registered tare weight and its upper and lower limits.

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3. Preparing the Scale
The following describes the procedure for preparing the scale before operation.

3-1 Fitting the Display Pole and Setting Up the Scale

The display unit and display pole are fitted together with a tightening knob. The display pole
and the bracket pipe base are separated.

1. Remove the Bracket Pipe.

Remove the bracket pipe from the bracket pipe base (by loosening the four hex head

2. Pass the Load Cell Cable through the Display Pole.

Push the extra length of cable protruding from the bracket pipe base into the display pole.

Do not pull strongly on the load cell cable

when pushing it into the display pole. Other-
wise, it may be cut.
If the cable covering material is scratched,
water may penetrate into the cable and cause
unreliable weighing, or the core material may
corrode and cause the scale to fail.

3. Stand the Display Pole against the Bracket Pipe Base.

Stand the display pole against the bracket pipe base by fitting it at its load cell cable side into
the tongue of the bracket pipe base.

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4. Fix the Display Pole with the Bracket Pipe.
After confirming the screw holes are aligned, fix the display pole to the scale body with the
bracket pipe (at four points with plain washers and hex head screws).

Fit the bracket pipe with its larger radius cor-

ners facing upward. Securely tighten the
screws until the display pole becomes steady.

5. Store the Load Cell Cable inside the Display Pole.

Fold up the extra length of load cell cable and store it inside the display pole.

Push the load cell cable deeply into the dis-

play pole at least 15 mm away from the pole

6. Install the Weighing Platter.

Make sure that nothing has been placed on the

weighing platter.

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7. Level the Scale.
Adjust the level adjustable feet until the air bubble inside the level remains at the center of
the circle.

8. Supply the Power

Insert the power supply plug into the outlet. Ground the plug if the scale will be used in a
place with a chance of electrical leakage or static electricity or in such an area exposed to
electrical noise as the vicinity of an electric motor.

To disconnect the power supply, remove the

electrical plug from the electrical outlet.

9. Turn on the Power Switch.

With nothing placed on the weighing platter, press the key.

The display unit will turn on.

Make sure that display indicates all "0"s.

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10. Adjust the Zero Point.

When no zero-point mark ( ) is displayed, press the key.

3-2 Vertical Adjustment of the Display Unit

After loosening the display unit tightening knob, adjust the unit at an easy-to-see angle.
Then, retighten the knob.

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4. Weighing

1. Turn ON the Power Switch.

With nothing placed on the weighing platter, press the key.

The display unit will turn on.

Make sure that the display

indicates all "0"s.

2. Subtract the Tare.

After placing a tare container on the weighing platter, press the key.

The tare can also be sub-

tracted by the following
- Call the preset value.
- Set the tare to the tare
key-in mode.

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3. Weigh an Item.
Place the item to be weighed on the weighing platter together with the tare weight.

* When the upper and lower limit values have been set, the following will be displayed.

Weighing Indication on scale (When the built-in buzzer is set to distin-

Weighing condition
result guish between the upper and lower limits)

Over Weight > upper limit weight (beep, beep, beep,---)

Lower limit weight ≤ weight

Accept (beep-----)
≤ upper limit weight

Under Weight < lower limit weight (beep---, beep---, beep---)

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5. Tare Key-in Mode

1. Switch to the Tare Key-in Mode.

After confirming the scale is in a stable condition with nothing on the platter, press the

key for two seconds.

2. Set the Tare.

Move the flashing digit by pressing the key, and press the key or key
to key in the tare.
- For a tare of 0.8 kg:

×3 ×2

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3. Press the Key.

The tare will be set.

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6. Confirming the Tare

1. Confirm the Tare during Weighing Operation.

To confirm the preset tare, press the key.

- For a tare of 0.08 kg:

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7. Using the Preset Function

7-1 Presetting
1. With the Power Supply Turned OFF, Press the Key.

Then Press the Key.

Preset No. 1 will be displayed.

Press the key while all

displays are ON (while the
buzzer is sounding).

2. Select the Preset No. to Set.

To select the preset No., press the key or key.

Press the key.

The tare for weighing range A of the preset No. will be displayed.

Pressing the key will increase the preset No., while pressing the key will
decrease it.

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3. Set the Tare for Weighing Range A.

Move the flashing digit by pressing the key. Then key in the tare for weighing range

A by pressing the key or key.

- For a tare of 0.25 kg:

×3 ×2

×1 ×5

Press the key.

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4. Set the Tare for Weighing Range B.

Move the flashing digit by pressing the key. Then key in the tare for weighing range

B by pressing the key or key.

- For a tare of 0.3 kg:

×4 ×3

Press the key.

The flashing digit will be

displayed at the position
where the key is
pressed for setting the tare
for weighing range A.

5. Set the Upper Limit Value.

Move the flashing digit by pressing the key. Then key in the upper limit value by

pressing the key or key.

- For an upper limit value of 1 kg:

×4 ×1

Press the key.

If the lower limit value has

already been preset, only
values equal to or larger
than this limit value can be
The flashing digit is dis-
played at the position
where the key is
pressed for setting the tare
in the weighing range B.

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6. Set the Lower Limit Value.

Move the flashing digit by pressing the key. Then key in the lower limit value by

pressing the key or key.

- For a lower limit value of 0.5 kg:


Press the key.

If the upper limit value has

already been preset, only
values equal to or less than
this limit value can be set.
If the upper limit value has
been set to “0,” then only
the lower limit value can
be set.
The flashing digit is dis-
played at the position
where the key is
pressed for setting the
upper limit value.

7. Set the Values for the Other Preset Numbers.

Return to step 3 in the above procedure.

8. Finish the Setting Procedures.

Press the key.

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7-2 Calling the Preset Value

1. Press the Key for Two Seconds.

Preset No.1 will be displayed.

2. Select the Preset No.

Select the preset No. to be called by pressing the key or key.

- For preset No. 2:


Pressing the key will

increase the preset No.,
while pressing the key
will decrease it.

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3. Press the Key.

The tare, upper limit value, and lower limit value will be displayed.
(Example) Tare weight : 0.25 kg
Upper limit value: 1.00 kg
Lower limit value: 0.50 kg

If no tare weight has been

set, or if neither the upper
limit value nor lower limit
value has been set, the val-
ues before pressing the
key will remain active.

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8. Setting Mode

8-1 Setting Method

1. With the Power Supply Turned Off, Press the Key.

Then Immediately Press the Key.

The set value number of setting No. 1 is indicated.

While all display segments

are ON (while the buzzer
is sounding), press the

2. Change the Set Value.

Change the set value by pressing the key or key.

- To make the ON/OFF key ineffective:

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3. Change the Incorrect Setting No.

Select the desired setting No. by pressing the key.

- To set the sounding condition of the built-in buzzer:

× 15

The currently set value for the built-in buzzer sound is indicated by the setting No. 16.
Return to the procedure 2.

4. Finish the Setting Procedure.

Press the key.

For a description of the setting Nos. and the setting conditions of the setting value Nos., refer
to the Set Values List.

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8-2 Set Values List

Setting Setting
Description of setting Setting condition
No. value No.
F01 Key selection function 00 All keys enabled

key enabled (Scale is active at all times when power

supply is ON.)

F02 Function to automatically 00 No function provided

call preset No.
Preset No. 1 is automatically called when power supply is

F03 Switching digit (printer) 00 For 16 digit printer

01 For 20 to 24 digit printer
F04 Printing date (printer) 00 Not provided
01 Provided
F05 Printing preset No. 00 Not provided
01 Provided
F06 Printing tare, upper limit, 00 Not provided
and lower limit
(printer) 01 Provided

F07 Printing serial No. 00 Not provided (no subtotal printing function)
01 Provided
F08 Continuous/single slip Printing on individual slips (new paragraph on 8th line after
specification (printer) printing, with heading on each slip)

Printing on continuous slip (with no line space after


F09 Baud rate (RS232) 00 1200bps

01 2400bps
02 4800bps
03 9600bps
04 19200bps (Only output is supported.)
05 38400bps (Only output is supported.)
F10 Specification of serially 00 Format to be exclusively used for printer
output telegraphic message
(RS232) 01 DAP-01 format
02 IWQ1 format (expansion of DAP-01)
03 MZ-7000 format
04 IWQ2 format (expansion of MZ-7000)
05 IWQ3 format (Indicated condition is output.)

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Setting Setting
Description of setting Setting condition
No. value No.
F11 Serial output system (RS232) 00 No output function provided
01 Unconditional (synchronized with A/D conversion)
02 Under output condition <F12>
03 When data input is required (RS input)
F12 Serial output condition 00 Automatic/within limit/stable state output (printing)
01 Manual/within limit/ stable state output (printing)
Automatic/within and without limit/ stable state output

Manual/within and without limit/ stable state output


04 Automatic/within limit/zero-return output (printing)

05 Manual/within limit/zero-return output (printing)
Automatic/within and without limit/zero-return output

Manual/within and without limit/zero-return output


F13 Setting connector output 00 1. Stable 2. Zero-point marking 3. OK 4. Over

signal (connector box)
01 1. Stable 2. Zero indication 3. OK 4. Over
02 1. Stable 2. Zero indication 3. OK 4. Outside limit
03 1. Stable 2. Under 3. OK 4. Over
04 1. Under tare subtraction 2. Under 3. OK 4. Over
F14 Setting connector input signal 00 key
(connector box)
01 key

02 key

F15 Loud buzzer (only when Buzzer ON simultaneously with built-in buzzer (normally
installed optionally) OFF)

01 Buzzer ON under "OVER" condition (normally OFF)

02 Buzzer ON under "OK" condition (normally OFF)

03 Buzzer ON under "UNDER" condition (normally OFF)

04 Buzzer ON when weighing is stabilized (normally OFF)

Buzzer ON when weighing is stabilized under "OVER"

condition (normally OFF)

Buzzer ON when weighing is stabilized under "OK"

condition (normally OFF)

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Setting Setting
Description of setting Setting condition
No. value No.
F15 Loud buzzer (only when Buzzer ON when weighing is stabilized outside limit
installed optionally) (normally OFF)

Buzzer OFF (normally ON) simultaneously with built-in


09 Buzzer OFF under "OVER" condition (normally ON)

10 Buzzer OFF under "OK" condition (normally ON)

11 Buzzer OFF under "UNDER" condition (normally ON)

12 Buzzer OFF when weighing is stabilized (normally ON)

Buzzer OFF when weighing is stabilized under "OVER"

condition (normally ON)

Buzzer OFF when weighing is stabilized under "OK"

condition (normally ON)

Buzzer OFF when weighing is stabilized outside limit

(normally ON)

F16 Buzzer sound setting 00 During stable weighing outside limit

01 During stable weighing under "OK" condition
02 During stable weighing under "OVER" condition
03 No buzzer sound even in case of key input
Sounding when key input is made and during stable
05 Sounding only when key input is made
Upper/lower limits discrimination function (during
stable/unstable weighing)
F17 Setting automatic power- 00 No function provided
off time
01 10 minutes
02 20 minutes
03 30 minutes
04 40 minutes
05 50 minutes
06 60 minutes

Shaded areas are factory default settings.

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9. Routing Servicing and Cleaning

9-1 Routine Servicing

After cleaning the outer surface of the scale with a soft wet cloth, wipe it with a dry cloth.

9-2 Cleaning Methods

Part to be cleaned Cleaning method

(1) Remove the weighing platter from the scale, and rub the platter sur-
face gently with a soft brush or soft cloth soaked with water-diluted
neutral detergent. Then wash the platter in water and dry.
Weighing platter
(2) Remove the weighing platter from the scale, dip it in hot water (70 to
90 ℃ ) for about 30 minutes, and then dry.
• Be careful not to get scalded.

Wash the outer surface in water (normal temperature), and then dry.
Weighing unit, display pole, • Do not use a detergent or chemicals other than those mentioned
and display unit (parts other above.
than the weighing platter) • Do not allow a brush, solid, or any rough material come in contact
with the weighing unit after removing the weighing platter.

To ensure your personal safety, disconnect the electrical plug from the outlet before any
servicing or cleaning.

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10. Troubleshooting Guide

If an error occurs while using the scale, take appropriate measures according to instructions
in the following table.

Error Countermeasure

Display unit does not go on

(1) Check the power supply plug for full insertion into the outlet.
even if ON/OFF key is pressed.

(1) Place scale on stable flat surface or table.

"0" does not appear after a dis-
(2) Confirm that there is nothing on the scale.
play check when the ON/OFF
(3) Check level adjustable feet for any floating condition.
key is pressed.
(4) Protect scale from strong winds.

(1) Place scale on stable flat surface or table.

Weight indication can not be (2) Check level adjustable feet for any floating condition.
stabilized. (3) Protect scale from strong winds.
(4) Keep items to be weighed away from the display pole.

* For symptoms other than those described above, contact the nearest ISHIDA regional representative
where you purchased your scale.

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11. Specifications

Models IWX-150 IWX-30

Capacity/ 150 kg/50 g (dual)
30 kg/10 g (dual)
Minimum Graduation 60 kg/20 g 15 kg/ 5 g
Display Fluorescent
Weight Check over, accept, under
Tare weight
Preset Function Upper limit weight
Lower limit weight
Weight 16.8 kg 9.4 kg
Waterproof Construction IP-67
Power Supply AC 100V - 240 V +/-10%, 50/60 Hz
Option Output via RS232C

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2001 Aug.
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