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Postgraduate - 18 October 2022

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Achieving new heights in excellence

Expand your career options
after completing your tertiary education.
4 Postgraduate THE STAR, TUESDAY 18 OCTOBER 2022

Gain knowledge on molecular medicine

HUMAN diseases such as cancer, diabetes, experts and promote broad levels of
dementia, heart diseases, influenza, expertise through teamwork within those
tuberculosis, malaria, dengue and HIV, along research teams.
with other pathological conditions have This has led to students having the
caused a significant reduction in human advantage of interprofessional
lifespan. Current strategies have been vastly collaboration, which in turn has led to
ineffective and there is an urgent need to quality research being published. For
develop novel techniques and therapies example, a study related to pancreatic
that may be potent and effective against cancer was recently published in Nature
such diseases. Research through collaborations with
Molecular medicine is a relatively new Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, Universiti
field that may help in addressing the issues Putra Malaysia and Tohoku University
faced by conventional remedies. Therefore, Graduate School of Medicine.
it is important for us to have updated In May this year, another MMM student
knowledge in molecular medicine and to published her comprehensive review on the
continuously update newer developments therapeutic potential of agarwood in the
in the scientific field. management of chronic inflammatory
International Medical University (IMU) diseases with input from different expertise
has been delivering the Master of Science from the University of Sydney and
in Molecular Medicine (MMM) programme University of Technology Sydney from
since 2012. Candidates can enrol through a Australia, as well as Sharda University,
part-time or a full-time mode. Shoolini University, Lovely Professional
“One of the advantages of the programme University and Saveetha University from
is that students can perform their research India. Such collaborations play a major role
activities at the convenience of their in widening students’ perspectives and
workplace. As a working adult, I find this outlook on the world of research.
very convenient and thoughtful. It is very The MMM programme also features
challenging for a working adult to travel, A key feature of the MMM programme is the possibility of credit transfer and enrolling in a several forums and discussion activities,
which can be very time-consuming and double-degree option offered by the Queen Mary University of London. enabling students to meet and interact
costly. Being able to conduct the research with course mates from diverse academic
project modules at work is like killing two medical-related diseases and mechanisms at genes responsible for cardiac arrhythmia backgrounds such as working experience in
birds with one stone; we get to complete our a molecular level. and cardiac excitability. These were studied medicine, pharmacy and diagnostic labs.
day-to-day job while keeping track of the A key feature of this programme is the using exome analysis at a UK biobank. The Notably, some of them have been promoted
progression of the project,” says Ashraf possibility of credit transfer and enrolling in student successfully completed this to higher positions such as manager,
Hakim Dzulkarnain Azman, an alumnus of a double-degree option offered by the Queen preliminary research study this year. principal medical lab scientist, and more,
the programme. Mary University of London (QMUL). Through Besides that, there were several research upon completion of the MMM programme.
This programme is designed to help this option, students obtain two MSc degrees, projects conducted within the MMM The commencement of this programme is
students develop their skills in molecular one from the UK university and another programme that were conducted in in March and September of each year. If you
research (either lab-based or non-lab-based from IMU. The MMM programme trains collaboration with universities from are interested to join this programme, make
such as computational analysis for the larger students to have critical thinking abilities, Australia such as the University of an online application today.
dataset). These skills are required to gain problem-solving skills as well as a scientific Technology Sydney as well as some local
knowledge and confidence if a student foresight in anticipating potential problems. universities including Monash University n For more information about this or other
intends to pursue a doctoral programme. In In March 2020, IMU had a double-degree Malaysia, Universiti Malaya, Universiti Putra IMU postgraduate programmes, email
addition, the MMM has always equipped student who carried out a joint research Malaysia and so on. Such opportunities postgraduate@imu.edu.my, call 03-2731
students with in-depth knowledge of project with QMUL in studying the roles of enabled students to work with diverse 7272 or visit www.imu.edu.my.

Importance of social
media in today’s landscape
SOCIAL media refers to websites and stories: Social media provides an opportunity
applications that are designed to allow for brands to share longer and in-depth
people to share content quickly in an information. This may be in the shape of
effective and efficient manner. It also refers brand profiles, product information, lifestyle
to any Internet communication tool that tips or personal testimonies and stories. The
allows users to engage with the public goal of the numerous styles of content is to
and is easily accessible through various provide something relatable and meaningful
smartphone apps and computers. The to the audience.
most successful social media platforms l Companies are able to grow an audience
have found their own niche in the market with a small budget: Social media
and have proven vital, be it in a social or advertising is one of the least expensive
professional context. ways of marketing businesses digitally.
There is a huge demand for social media Companies and businesses can grow as a
executives, managers and strategists in the page on social media platforms by being
marketing and business sector. Viewed from consistent and posting relatable content for
a digital marketing aspect, social media audiences.
provides incredible benefits that help l Learn and understand competitors:
companies reach millions of audiences With all business profiles on social media
worldwide. networks being accessible to the public, this
Companies are beginning to realise that a is a chance for entrepreneurs to know their
strong social media presence is key to competitors better and understand the sort
staying relevant and ensuring sustainability. of strategies implemented by them to attract
Among the reasons to engage in social audiences.
media include:
l To improve brand awareness Trends on social media change almost
l To engage with audiences every second and social media platforms are
l Cost-effective when it comes to reach constantly tweaking their algorithms.
l To improve brand loyalty Looking at how most organisations
l Marketplace awareness nowadays stress the importance of social
l To increase traffic to brand website media, it’s important for you to take the
l To enhance SEO rankings opportunity to upskill. Upskilling in digital
marketing may just be what your employer
Listed below are various reasons social needs – which may result in a well-deserved
media is relevant in marketing activities: promotion or reward for your contributions
l Companies are able to share their to the company’s success.
6 Postgraduate THE STAR, TUESDAY 18 OCTOBER 2022

day for graduands
ASIA e University (AeU) held its 11th began with the proclamation of Tan Sri
convocation ceremony on Saturday (Oct 15) Datuk Dr Syed Hamid Syed Jaafar Albar,
at World Trade Centre Kuala Lumpur. A total former Foreign Minister of Malaysia, as the
of 1218 AeU graduates attended and received first Chancellor of AeU who also presented
their scrolls at this meaningful ceremony. the awards during the first session of the World Trade Centre Kuala Lumpur witnessed AeU graduates across various disciplines
AeU has, to date, seen over 25,000 students event. receiving their scrolls.
graduate since its inception in 2007. The Datuk Seri Dr Noraini Ahmad, Minister
ceremony also included graduates of 2021 of Higher Education, was present for the Abdullah, in his speech said, “The graduating the initiation of APEL Q activities towards
who were affected by the postponement of ceremony not just as a guest of honour, but class of 2021 and 2022 is unique as students obtaining approval for offering APEL Q
the previous physical convocation ceremony also as one of the graduates of the Doctor of had to endure and overcome exceptional programmes. This is a testament to AeU’s
due to the Covid-19 pandemic that hit Business Administration (DBA) programme uncertainty and challenges brought on by reputation as an eminent e-learning
globally. The event celebrated the through the APEL Q pathway. Also present the pandemic. As education is about growth education provider.”
achievements of both local and international was Tan Sri Mohamad Zabidi Zainal, Board and not just grades, all graduands have
graduates with some international students of Governors chairman of AeU. adapted and grown in this difficult time.”
attending the ceremony in person. AeU vice chancellor, Emeritus Professor He added the experience thus undoubtedly
About AeU
The 11th AeU convocation ceremony Tan Sri Datuk Dr Nik Mustapha Raja enriched their success. Asia e University (AeU) is a collaborative
Dr Nik Mustapha went on to say, “The multinational and multi-mode university
qualifications received tell the world established in 2007 under the auspices of 35
that all AeU graduands are passionate, Asia Cooperation Dialogue countries. AeU is
ambitious and tenacious. These are the ranked as a “Very Good” university by the
qualities that equip you to make a difference 2020 Setara Ranking and emerged as the top
in changing lives and shaping society for the among the Open and Distance Learning
better. This traditional physical in-person Universities in Malaysia.
graduation ceremony is the first to be held In 15 years, AeU’s cumulative student
since 2019 making the 11th convocation population has exceeded 25,000 students,
very memorable.” from more than 86 countries. The students
As a joint celebration, this year marks of AeU enjoy an immersive personalised
AeU’s 15th year of its establishment. In education experience with goals of flexibility,
addition, AeU is among one of the five quality and relevance regardless of the
institutions of higher learning invited by the geographical locations.
Malaysian Qualifications Agency to
participate in the APEL Q pilot project and in n For more information, visit aeu.edu.my

Opportunities for
industry-relevant research
ONE of the most important factors of a Assoc Prof Dr Tew Yiqi for suggesting the
good master’s degree by research is if the topic of computer vision technology and
research project is industry-relevant. Other for his dedication. I appreciate Dr Tew for
important factors that contribute to a trusting me to explore and do tasks my
quality master’s degree through research own way. This helps me to be creative and
are knowledgeable and experienced if I reach a dead end, I can always discuss
research supervisors and the availability it with Dr Tew to solve the problem,” Pang
of industry-standard facilities to conduct explains.
research activities. Through this research project, Pang also
Pang Yik Siang is currently pursuing his had the opportunity to work with students
Master of Computer Science at Tunku Abdul with different specialisations, in particular
Rahman University College (TAR UC) and engineering students.
working on a research project about multi- Explaining his role as supervisor, Dr Tew
view video coding in Industry 4.0. The aim says, “I was once like Pang, where I did a
is to develop high-efficiency video coding number of research work for my PhD, hence
with real-time video streaming on multiple- I know the important support needed to
view cameras for industry usage and to help a student in his research work. As his
establish advanced video processing with supervisor, my fundamental role is to open
Industry 4.0 implementation. In addition, his mindset to explore all the possibilities
the research project also has the potential and guide him in his journey of growth.
to work well with 5G technology, resolving At TAR UC, students learn by doing and
the issue of high-definition video experiencing themselves, which is aligned
transmission delay. with the Beyond Education philosophy. In
Prior to this, Pang had completed his addition, TAR UC provides the support in
degree in Mechanical Engineering at TAR terms of facilities and environment to
UC, before joining a software company. enable students like Pang to research and
“During my employment, I worked closely discover new advanced technology and its
with many manufacturing companies and applications.”
realised how valuable programming is as a
skill and why computer vision technology n For more information about TAR UC’s
is gaining importance in the industry. postgraduate programmes, intakes or other
Although my job exposed me to all these general enquiries, visit www.tarc.edu.my.
developments, I did not have the Attractive scholarships are available at TAR
fundamentals in programming. UC on the basis of academic merit and
“I am very grateful to my supervisor sibling discount for qualified students.

Dr Tew (right) in
a discussion with
Pang on real-time
video encoding
and decoding
processes using
High Efficiency
Video Coding
THE STAR, TUESDAY 18 OCTOBER 2022 Postgraduate 7

Welcome to a lifelong relationship

THE University of Nottingham 300,000 former students
Malaysia (UNM) campus has come By worldwide. This network keeps
to life once again as our new intake them in touch with us but also
and returning groups of students ASSOC PROF with their peers, their very own
join us for the new academic year. DR JASON professional and social network.
This is a particularly poignant In September, I got to meet a
moment. For many, it is the first
PANDYA- large group of our MBA alumni at
time we are teaching and meeting WOOD an event we hosted at our Kuala
students face-to-face since the start Lumpur teaching centre. I met
of the pandemic. Although some graduates from the very first
face-to-face teaching began to individual story, their own cultural cohort in 2001, through to those
happen at the end of last year, it and religious identity, and their who had completed their studies
was still very much a tentative own life experiences that shape this year. In every conversation I
experience as we prepared, at them into the people they are today. From left, UNM interim provost and chief executive officer Prof Sarah had with these industry leaders, I
any stage, to return to online These personal biographies Metcalfe, CTOS Data Systems Sdn Bhd head of key account heard fond recollections of their
operations again. provide one of the richest and management Diana Afandi, Omesti Bhd chief executive officer Izad time with us and a strong
As we welcome those new most rewarding experiences for Sallehuddin and the writer at the recent Nottingham in the City 2022 commitment to continue being
students onto campus, we do academics. I would like to take MBA alumni reception. great ambassadors for Nottingham.
everything to ensure that they this opportunity to disabuse They reflected on the learning
feel like they are members of the readers of the notion that green spaces, our library and study concerns if anything goes wrong. moments that had shaped them,
UNM community from day one. university academics are the sole facilities, sports facilities, They are also an important conduit but most of all, valued the
Whether they are taking their first experts in the classroom. The very entertainment, and places to gather between us – the management relationships they had formed
steps in the higher education best learning experiences are not socially. When I arrive early in the board of the university – and the during their studies. And this is
journey through our foundation characterised by a sage professor morning, I see students jogging views of students. They have something to be proud of. From
and undergraduate degrees, delivering wisdom from the front around our lake, and when I leave already proved to be excellent day one at UNM to years after you
or returning to study at the of a lecture theatre. They are at the end of the day, I watch ambassadors for the student voice, have graduated from us, you will
postgraduate level, those first few characterised by the contributions, groups gathered around benches, meeting with senior leaders of the always be an important member
weeks are formative in shaping questions and debates from sharing stories with one another. university to outline their plans for of our community.
how students feel about being at students, the interactions between How we teach and our learning the coming year.
university. Our induction and learners and teachers, and the environment are both important. If students feel that their n Assoc Prof Dr Jason Pandya-
orientation programmes are led by sharing of perspectives. Learning But our best asset in welcoming experience has been worthwhile Wood is dean of the Faculty of Arts
staff and students, providing fun comes to life when everyone is an students is the students themselves. and memorable, they will forever and Social Sciences at the
and lively introductions to campus active participant in the experience, Here, I must pay tribute to our treasure their affiliation with the University of Nottingham Malaysia.
life, and focused on building a and speaking personally, I learn fantastic Students Association (SA) University of Nottingham. When
community of learners. and grow as much as my students and the elected officers who will be they leave us, they become an
Many of our students have when this happens. An added serving the community this year. important lifelong member of
travelled far to be with us. We benefit is that this approach The SA is a vital resource for our alumni
have international students from contributes to making our students students. It does so much more network,
approximately 85 countries. Some feel included and welcome: than organise societies and provide which
join us for a semester exchange members of and contributors to entertainment and enrichment presently
programme, others are here for the UNM community. activities, as important as these are. stands at
the entirety of their studies. Other Beyond the classroom, our The SA officers are at the frontline around
students have travelled from nearby beautiful campus environment is of ensuring our students feel
towns and from other states in designed to be ‘home from home’. welcome, safe, knowledgeable
Malaysia. Each one brings their own Students can enjoy lush and vast about campus life, and able to voice
8 Postgraduate THE STAR, TUESDAY 18 OCTOBER 2022

Thriving with the Internet of Things

INFORMATION technology and the Internet The need for commercial connectivity impressive are the innovations made
have brought humans tremendous power. spurred the development of the commercial possible on mobile platforms – apps, for
Together, they have become an important
infrastructure for life in the modern world
Net and the growth of Internet service
providers. In 1971, ARPANET only had 20
MNRB Group head of development
and provided many with the only way to computers. Today, roughly 900 million operations for group strategy and brought on by
the Internet has
complete school, work and communicate computers are connected to the Internet. innovations Mohd Khairul Hairi Mazlan
safely with family and friends during the Communication between computers used talks about the app he is developing.
Covid-19 pandemic.
The Internet is a user interface with a set
to be geek territory, with emails assuming
the form of character streams that had to be
“It’ll be the first API-driven hi-tech mobile
web for insurance companies in Malaysia.” been nothing but
of protocols connecting local networks.
January 1983 is considered the beginning of
typed in with formatting knowledge.
Protocols and software for the World Wide
Recipient of the Industry Award for Best
Project at MSU’s 12th convocation ceremony transformative. In
the Internet, though the term had been used
even earlier than that. ARPANET (Advanced
Web were rolled out only in the early 1990s,
alongside a graphical user interface (GUI) so
during his Bachelor in Computer Science
(Hons) years at Management and Science teaching and learning,
Research Projects Agency Network) had
not been connecting networks as much as
geeks were no longer a pre-requisite.
As computers became smaller and more
University (MSU), Mohd Khairul also
graduated with a Master in Business
massive open online
it had been connecting computers, and it
prohibited commercial traffic.
portable, they started being embedded into
everyday things – hence the birth of the
Administration at MSU’s Graduate School of
Management (GSM).
courses (MOOC) open
Internet of Things (IoT). Increasingly
equipped with sensors and Internet
He reminisces about having his life
transformed by the digital revolution. He
the door to knowledge-
connection, new computers receive, store
and send data – whose operational analysis
professes to having underperformed in his
studies pre-MSU, but gaining success in his
hungry learners. No
holds the promise of performance career through hard work and higher less impressive is
the innovation made
optimisation. education is a lesson he wishes to pass on to
Empowerment brought on by the Internet future generations.
has been nothing but transformative. In
teaching and learning, massive open online
“Anybody can be whoever they want to
be if they are willing to work for it and get possible on mobile
courses (MOOC) open the door to
knowledge-hungry learners. No less
an education. Seek help and trust your
institution. Learn as much as you can. My platforms – apps, for
final-year project at MSU’s Faculty of
Information Sciences and Engineering example.”
involved programming and my supervisor
was extremely generous with help. I not
only received his full supervision but also Hence, as an applied, enterprise, holistic
kindness and care in ensuring my success.” and international university, MSU offers
Mohd Khairul professes A known name in higher education, MSU foundation, undergraduate, postgraduate
to gaining success promotes excellence and advances quality and flexible programmes through an entry
in his career through education, with a culture of industry and system that facilitates admission of students
hard work and higher entrepreneurship embedded in its from all walks of life, focused on
education at MSU. ecosystems, research, innovation and transforming lives and enriching futures.
MSU offers various ways for working n For the full range and information on
adults to further their studies. A wide range postgraduate programmes at MSU through
of programmes is offered with students’ the Graduate School of Management (GSM),
convenience as well as their educational call 03-5521 6868, email gsm@msu.edu.my
and professional backgrounds in mind. or visit www.msu.edu.my.

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