RPH Week 11
RPH Week 11
RPH Week 11
Topic My House Lesson 1 Main Skill (s) Focus: Reading and Writing
Time Content Learning Objective Learning Outline Material/ Differentiation Teacher’ Notes/ Remarks
Standard Standard References Strategies
0930-1000 BI 1.2 BI 1.2.2 1. All pupils will be able Pre-lesson: Weather charts, Differentiate by 1. All pupils will be able to talk about
30min Listen and BI 1.2.3 to talk about parts of their Opening time laptop, pictures outcome – allow their classroom
English respond BI 1.2.4 classroom - Greetings of parts of children to
appropriately BI 1.2.5 - Weather routine eraser, ruler, respond to the Impak: _____ SM _____ BM
2. Most pupils will be able Lesson development: bag, book, new topic in
BI 1.3 BI 1.3.1 (i), to say the words: Circle time sharpener and different ways: 2. Most pupils will be able to say the
Listen, (ii), (iv) a) eraser - Sing a song “Wind the pencil a) By miming words:
understand and b) ruler bobbin up” only a) eraser
respond in a c) pencil - Say the things they can b) By mouthing b) ruler
variety of d) book bring to school clearly: the new language c) pencil
contexts e) bag a) eraser c) By repeating d) book
f) sharpener b) ruler the new language e) bag
BI 2.2 BI 2.2.1 c) pencil after or with you f) sharpener
Apply sounds BI 2.2.2. 3. Most pupils will be able d) book
of letters to BI 2.2.3 to match the words to its e) bag Impak: _____ SM _____ BM
recognise BI 2.2.4 picture with guidance f) sharpener
words - Spell the word: 3. Most pupils will be able to match the
a) eraser words to its picture with guidance
BI 2.3 BI 2.3.2 b) ruler
Demonstrate c) pencil Impak: _____ SM _____ BM
understanding d) book
of a variety of e) bag
texts in the f) sharpener
form of print
and digital - Match the words to its
materials picture with guidance
Closing time
- Reflecting on learning
- Sing a song “Wind the
bobbin up”
(30 min)
Masa/ Standard Objektif Kesepaduan/ Impak & Catatan
Tunjang Pembelajaran Di akhir pembelajaran, murid dapat bahan Di akhir pembelajaran, murid dapat
1030-1100 KD2.3.5 Pupils will be able to draw a bubble 1. Recognise the ‘an’ words BI2.26, BI2.2.7, Pupils will be able to draw a bubble
30min Menunjukkan map for the ‘ap’ words, match the 2. Sound out each ‘an’ words BI2.4.1/ flash map for the ‘ap’ words, match the
AP kebolehan sendiri words to its picture 3. Draw a bubble map cards, drawing words to its picture
(Ketrampilan melalui pelbagai 3. Match each ‘an’ words to its picture paper, glue fan man
diri) kaedah komunikasi fan man can pan
can pan fan man van
van can pan
van Impak: _____ SM _____ BM
1100-1130 SA 2.3.1 Membandingkan ukuran objek: 1. Murid memahami konsep panjang dan Beberapa mainan Membandingkan ukuran objek:
30min Membanding panjang dan pendek dan mengukur pendek berbeza saiz, panjang dan pendek dan mengukur
AP ukuran objek panjang dan pendek objek 2. Membuat perbandingan antara objek lembaran kerja panjang dan pendek objek
(Sains awal) (i) panjang-pendek panjang dan pendek
(ii) tebal - nipis 3. Mengukur panjang dan pendek objek
(iii) besar - kecil
(iv) tinggi-rendah
(v) berat -ringan
Mengukur panjang/
tinggi objek
menggunakan 1 unit
bukan piawai Impak: _____ SM _____ BM
10min Refleksi PdP hari ini, pesanan, ucap selamat dan bersalaman untuk pulang
0830-0900 PM14.1.2 Melabel objek di dalam kelas bersama 1. Menyebut nama objek yang terdapat di MA1.1.4, BI2.3.2/ Melabel objek di dalam kelas bersama
30min Menunjukkan sikap rakan dalam kelas tags rakan
Pendidikan bertoleransi dengan 2. Melabelkan objek tersebut bersama rakan
Moral rakan - table dengan menggunakan tags: - table
-chair -chair
-window - table -window
-door -chair -door
dustbin -window dustbin
Impak: _____ SM _____ BM
0900-0930 KD2.3.1 Draw and colour a picture of ‘window’ 1. Pupils talk about the shape of windows in BI2.2.6, BI2.3.2, Draw and colour a picture of ‘window’
30min Bertutur dengan and read the simple sentence “w is for their classroom BI3.2.4, KE3.3.2 and read the simple sentence “w is for
Ketrampilan yakin window” 2. Count the windows in the classroom window”
diri 3. Each pupil are asked to draw a window on
the whiteboard
4. Pupils sound out each letter of ‘window’
5. Read the simple sentence ‘w is for
window’ with guidance
6. Draw and colour a picture of window and
write the sentence in their exercise book. Impak: _____ SM _____ BM
0930-1000 BM2.3.1 Membunyi sukukata terbuka: 1. Murid membunyikan sukukata terbuka KD3.2.3/ Kad Membunyi sukukata terbuka:
30min Membunyikan ka, ki, ku, ke, ke, ko ka, ki, ku, ke, ke, ko sukukata ka, ki, ku, ke, ke, ko
Bahasa sukukata terbuka ba, bi, bu, be, be, bo ba, bi, bu, be, be, bo ba, bi, bu, be, be, bo
Malaysia BM2.3.3 da, di, du, de, de, do da, di, du, de, de, do da, di, du, de, de, do
Membaca perkataan ca, ci, cu, ce, ce, co ca, ci, cu, ce, ce, co ca, ci, cu, ce, ce, co
dengan suku kata ga, gi, gu, ge, ge, go ga, gi, gu, ge, ge, go ga, gi, gu, ge, ge, go
terbuka: ha, hi, hu, he, he, ho ha, hi, hu, he, he, ho ha, hi, hu, he, he, ho
(i) KV+KV ja, ji, ju, je, je, jo ja, ji, ju, je, je , jo ja, ji, ju, je, je, jo
dan mewarnakan sukukata ja, ji, ju, je, 2. Aktiviti mewarnakan sukukata ja, ji, ju, je, dan mewarnakan sukukata ja, ji, ju, je,
je dan jo je dan jo je dan jo
dan mewarnakan sukukata terbuka 2. Aktiviti mewarnakan sukukata terbuka dan mewarnakan sukukata terbuka