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PESCO general Knowledge, pak studies & islamayat

1. Taxila was the capital of ?

2. single is double and one is??
a= twice b= thrice c= zero d=!1
ans: a
3. In earlier hours, on September 6, india cross border of Pakistan, city?
4. Which one is odd in the list? Loin, leopard, cow, etc?
5. Heaviest, longest mammal?
blue whale
6. Who took the resolution of kashmir to UN 1st? 
7. Old name of Iran was?
8. Pakistan largest province by area?
9. Wimbledon tournament is of which game?
Ans: lawn tennis
10. 64 32 16 8 4 2... ? Missing number
ans: 1
11. Meaning of Qiblah.
anything infront
12. Which rukan of islam is shield
13. Arafat is on...
hajj day
14 .Pick the odd one out
Answer-= acre(Foot ye sb length k measure k lye.  Acre is to measure land/area)
15. Norther area western ranges ....himaliyas
16. A term from the same department and functional area that involve in efforts to improve wark activities is........
A.problem solving team
B.prograed decision
D.organizational cultura
ans: d (not sure)

1.mathematical eq that allow us to predict the value of dependent variable from known values of one
or more independent variable is called
correlation eq 
distributive eq
varience eq
regression eq
prediction eq
ans: regression
2. z transform is used when signal is not 
absolute sumable
square sumable
a b and c
ans: ab and c
3.any constant of t domain is a impulse in f domain with 
infinite height, infinite width, infinite area
infinite height, infinite width, unit area
infinite height, zero width, infinite area
infinite height, zero width, unit area
ans: infinite height, zero width, unit area
4.. polarization of plane wave describes the time varying behaviour of 
electrical field
magnetic field
em field
electric flux
ans: electric field (https://www.google.nl/search?
5. the period of moon is according to keplers law where c= 1/100
1 month
2 month
1 year
2 year
ans : 1 month (http://www.slideshare.net/WayneJonesJnr/ch16-3361666)
6. In S-plane horizontal axis represent ?
7. In superconductors what happens ( repulsion of magnetic, absorbing of magnetic field, absorbing of electric field,
repulsion of electric field)
ans: repulsion of magnetic
8. What is produced by superconductor (V, temp, Press, magnetic field)
ans magnetic field
9. which analysis deals with the effect of disturbances on power system?
a)fault trend analysis b)sinusoidal analysis c)stability analysis d)line power analysis e)load flow analysis
ans: Stability analysis
(ref: http://stability-analysis.blogspot.com/)
10. power system-------- is a word used in connection with AC current power system condition?
a)range b)loop c)gain d)conservation stability
ans: stability. 
11. the terminal of an element is called ------?
a)edge b)limit c) zero d)mode d)rim?
ans: edge

12. lower voltages like 66kv and 33kv are consider to be 
a)distribution V b)sub-transmission V C)fluter V d)minor transmission V
ans: b (Today, transmission-level voltages are usually considered to be 110 kV and above. Lower voltages, such as
66 kV and 33 kV, are usually considered subtransmission voltages, but are occasionally used on long lines with light
loads. Voltages less than 33 kV are usually used for distribution.)

13. oscilloscope measures ????

1)current,2)voltage,3)capacitance or 4th yad nai ?????
Ans: voltage
14. Delta service is less expensive why ? forgot options ...
ans: no neutral needed
15. active device is one which.
a-store energy
b-absorb energy 
c-absorb and convert one to another form 
d-store and convert from one form to another form
ans: d
 16. AERODERIVATIVE turbine dnt have 
a-stator b-compressor c-fuel intake system d-fans
17. If R1 is the resistance of a coil of copper at t oC and RT is the resistance at T oC and also the
resistance temperature coefficient of copper per degree centrigrade at 0oC is 1/234.45, then Rt/RT
(A) (1+t) / (1+T)
(B) (1+ 234.45t) / (1+234.45 T)
(C) (234.45 + t) / (234.45 + T)
(D) (234.45 + t2 ) / (234.45 + T 2)
ans: c.
18. Symmetrical faults on power system are 5% or 10%?
ans: 5 %
19. Which of the following is not a purpose of disturbances monitoring equipment?
A.model validation
B.disturbance investigation
C.incorrect protection settling
D.assessment of system protection
ans: c (nts key)
20.......is like a 3 phase gives constant power
B.split phase
C.two phase
D.single phase

ans a (nts key)

21. commercial dig/analog convertor module's are available with precision ranging from 6 bit
to ............A.10
ans: 18 (nts key)
22. in superposition theorem all v-sourses are replaced by.........
A.open ckt
B.closed ckt
C.short ckt
D.open ckt with parralel branch
ans: c
23. 0ptical power depends..........associated with the optical fibre receiver.
B.dark current
ans d
24 . the principal of ..........can be used to analyze fault in power system network.
ans: d
25. Solid grounding is used for ............voltages.
ans: below 660 v
26.if potential of point A & B is Va and Vb then to find Vab, we take _____ as a reference
(Va, Vb, Both Va & Vb, none)
ans: vb (Lower potential is taken as refrnc . Va-Vb means Va is at higher potential)
27. RC snubber circuit is used to limit the rate of ..... in off state 
a=rise of current in scr
b=rise of voltage in scr
d=conduction period
ans: b
28. voltage is difference in between two points of:
1.electtric pressure 
2.Lorentz pressure
3.magnetic pressure and etc
ans: 1
29. which is not basic element in Transformer
2.primary winding
3.secondary winding
4.mutual flux
ans: mutual flux (not present in autotaransformer and negligible in ct)
30. tramission line voltage are ...and above
ans: 110 (Today, transmission-level voltages are usually considered to be 110 kV and above. Lower voltages, such
as 66 kV and 33 kV, are usually considered subtransmission voltages, but are occasionally used on long lines with
light loads. Voltages less than 33 kV are usually used for distribution.)
 31. For the protection of over current require...............Transformer
ans: current transformer
32. ................... Is a Circuit in current lead voltage at 90 degree or voltage lag current at 90 degree
ans: capacitance
33. in submarine power sys power is transmitted through
a=high voltage direct current b= low V direct I c=under current d=under ampere
ans: hvdc
34. Lti system is completely analyzed by
Step repsonce 
Impulse etc
ans: impulse response
35. ...... is small (less than 10) that can be measured b/w two possible constant points?
a=dim b=trame c=stray d=ground voltage
ans: stray (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stray_voltage)
36 diac is a ................... layer device
ans: 4 layer
37. Lighthing and storm caused what kind of fault ??
Line to line, line to grnd ,double line to grn
ans:line to groung(- a short circuit between one line and ground, very often caused by physical contact, for example
due to lightning or other storm damage)
38. If z transform lies in ROC then 
A. System is stable
B. Inverse of system is stable
C. Both system and its inverse are unstable
D. Both system and its inverse are stable
ans:  Both systm and its inverse is stable and casua
39. power in circuit resistance is ?
a= reactive power b= active power d= apparent power
ans: real
40. Inductive me Reactive power
41, reciprocal of power factor ?
a= gain b= Q factor C= reactive power d= real power E= any other 
ans: b
42. for ideal transformer ?
a=winding have no resistance b=core has no losses c=core has infinite losses
ans: all
43. if all conductive objects are bonded to the same earth ground risk of electric shock is..?
a= max b= min c=zero d=negligible
ans: min
44.Uranium is how much percent waala b tha
ans: 0.7
 45. Galvanometer in wheatstone
46. Low resistance k lye Kelving bridge
47. Resistance k lye Wheatstone bridge
48. which instrument is not used for DC?
a= moving iron b= induction type c= hot wire moving coil d=permanent magnet 
ans: b
49. When fault occur to di line CB become...close,open etc
ans: open
 50. If shunt resistance is increased?
current sensitivity decreases
51.  For an alternator when the power factor of the load is unity
(A) the armature flux will have square waveform
(B) the armature flux will be demagnetising
(C) the armature flux will be cross-magnetising
(D) the armature flux will reduce to zero.
52. .... is rms value of applied voltage and current ?
a=apparent power b= real power c= reactive power d= virtual power d= reactive power
ans: appearent
53. Fundamental property used in single node pair ckt analyzer is that ...........across all element is same.
ans: voltage
54. Source which supplies constant voltage no matter how much current is drawn from it is
Ideal V source
Ideal I source etc
ans: ideal voltage source
55. requirement of variable speed can met by ?
a=induction motor b=shunt motor c= variable frew d= wound rotor 
ans: wire wound (nts key)
56 transmission lines use voltage and--------- alternating current
a=single phase b=two phase c=neutral phase d=three phase
ans: d
57. two types of over loaded protection instantaneous over current and ?
a=variable over current
b=timeout over current
c=constant over current
d=delay feedback current
ans: b

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