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BOP Stack



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BOP Stack


The BOP stack configuration selection requires the


 definition of the working pressure rating

 positioning of the various BOP types
 selection of connection type

It also depends on the operational stage and on

considerations about operational procedures, safety
factors and blowout criticality.

The working pressure rating must be adequate to

control the maximum pressure expected during
drilling, assuming the formation fluid is gas.

Parts positioning depends on:

 selection of BOP to be installed
 definition of the different ram-types positioning
 positioning of the drilling spools (if there is any)

Kill and choke line connections can be installed:

 directly on the ram-BOP side

outlets or
 by means of a drilling spool.

Solution (a) allows to reduce the

connections number and the stack
height, but causes greater erosion
inside the BOP during blowout

Solution (b) concentrates erosion

inside the drilling spool, but requires
more connections and a higher stack.
Besides, the use of drilling spools
increases the distance between the
BOP rams facilitating stripping

Note: The casing spool side connections

cannot be used as kill or choke lines
except in case of emergency.

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To summarise, the BOP stack configuration depends on:

 BOP working pressure rating

 BOP internal diameter
 type o-
 f installed BOP and existence of drilling spools

and can be represented by a defined components code. API RP 53 regulations list the components
reading upwards and identify them by the following codes:

A= Annular BOP

R = Single-ram BOP

Rd = Double-ram BOP

Rt = Triple-ram BOP

S = Drilling spool

M = working pressure rating in thousands of psi


A BOP stack configuration with:

- 5.000 psi working pressure rating

- diameter = 13 5/8"

composed of

- a drilling spool,
- two single-ram BOP
- one annular BOP

is represented as follows:

5M 13 5/8" - SRRA

With reference to working pressure ratings, API RP 53 regulations classify BOP stacks into:
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BOP Stack

2M 3M 5M 10M 15M

On the basis of this classification, the number of the BOP to be used and the typical configurations
are indicated, without specifying the ram positions.

 2M maximum 2 BOP are included:



 3M - 5M 3 BOP are included, one ram BOP and one annular BOP:

 10M - 15M 4 BOP are included, 3 ram BOP and one annular BOP:

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Notes: In the 10M-15M configurations the annular BOP can have a working pressure lower than the standard
annular-BOP working pressure.

The drilling spool is optional in all configurations.

The BOP stack complete configuration also includes the ram positioning, which is selected
depending on a variety of evaluations and considerations. The most important are:

- risk of kick with or without pipes inside the wellbore

this defines the type of rams (blind or shear rams) which is more likely going to be used, and
it tells whether the blind rams or the pipe rams should be positioned above.

- circulation through choke and kill lines

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to make this possible, lines should be

connected below the closed BOP.

- possibility to carry out stripping

in case of ram-to-ram stripping an

adequate gap must be provided between
the rams being used together with
pressurising and pressure-discharging
lines. Therefore, stripping cannot be
carried out if a double BOP is being

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- possibility to carry out hang-off

the procedure requires the drill string to be

leaned on the pipe rams and the blind-
shear rams to be closed.

It can therefore be accomplished only if the

blind-shear rams are above the pipe rams at
an adequate distance (it cannot be
accomplished with a double BOP).

- well closure during rams replacement

possibility to close the well during rams

replacement (e.g. before running a casing)

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BOP Stack

- rams replacement in emergency after


possibility ro replace the BOP rams above

the BOP being used to close the well.

The intervention may be necessary when

the installed rams need to be replaced
because they do not suit the operational
conditions or in case of their excessive

- drilling-spool fixing

possibility to close the well below the side

outlets to allow lines fixing. The lower the
BOP position, the greater the possibility to
intervene on the stack components in case
of a loss. In the kill and choke lines there is
usually a higher possibility to intervene.

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- reduction of stack connections

possibility two or three single BOP's

directly connected with one double or
triple BOP to reduce the number
connections and the BOP stack height.

- use of a mixed drill string

the use of a mixed drill string requires a

pair of pipe rams for each diameter being
used (leaving apart the use of variable bore

In the following two BOP stack are described:

 3M - 5M
 10M - 15M

keeping into account the above described points.

In the following, the annular BOP is not being examined, and the blind rams are treated as blind-
shear rams, and we assume that drilling spools have been installed but there are no BOP side
outlets (Drill. spool).

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BOP Stack

stack BOP 3M - 5M (con configurazione Anulare-Cieche-Drilling spool-Sagomate)

-Reduction of connections

With pipes inside the well: Without pipes inside the well:

-Circulation through choke/kill lines

-Fixing the drilling spool

-Rams replacement

-Stripping ram to ram -Well closure during rams replacement

(pipe rams replacement)

-Hang-off procedure (hanging and cutting)

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Annular Annular Annular Annular

SUMMARY Blind Blind Pipe rams Pipe rams
3M - 5M Drill. Spool Pipe rams Blind Drill. Spool
Pipe rams Drill. Spool Drill. Spool Blind

Reduction of connections NO YES YES NO

With pipes inside the well:

- Circulation through choke/kill lines NO YES YES YES

- Fixing the drilling spool YES NO NO NO

- Rams replacement YES YES NO NO

- Ram-to-ram stripping YES 1 NO NO NO

- Hang-off procedure (hanging and YES YES /NO2 NO NO


Without pipes inside the well:

- Circulation through choke/kill lines YES YES YES NO

- Fixing the drilling spool NO NO NO YES

- Well closure during rams replacement NO NO YES YES

(pipe rams replacement)

- Rams replacement NO NO YES YES

Note 1: stripping is possible if blind rams are replaced with pipe rams
Note 2: if a double BOP has been installed the hang-off procedure is not possible for lack of space.

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BOP Stack

Annular Annular Annular Annular

SUMMARY Blind Blind Pipe rams Pipe rams
10M - 15M Drill. Spool Pipe rams Blind Drill. Spool
Pipe rams Drill. Spool Drill. Spool Blind

Reduction of connections YES YES YES YES

With pipes inside the well:

- Circulation through choke/kill lines YES YES YES YES

- Fixing the drilling spool YES YES NO NO

- Rams replacement YES YES YES YES

-Ram-to-ram stripping YES YES NO/ YES 1 YES 1

- Hang-off procedure (hanging and YES YES YES YES


Without pipes inside the well:

- Circulation through choke/kill lines YES YES YES YES

- Fixing the drilling spool NO NO NO NO

- Well closure during rams replacement YES NO NO YES

(pipe rams replacement)

- Rams replacement YES NO NO YES

Note 1: Stripping is possible if the BOP is equipped with side connections.

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Configuration 2: Annular-Blind-PIpe rams-D.Spool

this configuration is particularly suitable in case

of a blowout with pipes inside the well

Configuration 3: Annular-PIpe rams -Blind-D.Spool

this configuration is particularly suitable in case

of a blowout without pipes inside the well

Configuration 5: Annular-Pipe rams-Blind-D.Spool -

Pipe rams

this allows any blowout-control operation to be

carried out (in case a single BOP is being used).

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BOP Stack


All BOP stack components must be periodically checked and inspected to detect any
malfunctioning or losses. Periodic tests must therefore be carried out including the following:

a. BOP functionality test

the procedures include BOP

closing and opening to verify the
actual functioning of the

b. hydraulic test

this test allows to test the

hydraulic sealing of all the BOP
stack components which are
subject to pressure.

BOP functionality test

API RP 53 regulations supply the following recommendations:

- annular BOP they must not be actuated at every round trip. They must be actuated at
intervals not longer than seven days.

- with pipes inside the well - without pipes inside the well

open and close the BOP open and close the BOP without waiting for
the BOP complete closure.

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- ram BOP operating test is recommended at every round trip, not more than once per

- with pipes inside the well - without pipes in the well

carry out the test during tripping with the rams must not be tested.
bit in the shoe.

Note: since sealing is not required during operating tests, the test aim being that of checking operations, the
lesser of rated working pressure should be applied to avoid damages to the packing units.


Test procedure

The test requires pressurisation of the whole high-pressure circuit to test sealing of all the circuit

An initial pressure test must be performed on the BOP's that have been installed after the first
assembly (to be done before drilling the casing concrete plug). The test is then to be carried out in
the following situations:

 after the subsequent casing tubing

 before drilling a known abnormal-pressure zone
 after replacing one of the stack BOP components or of the choke manifold components
 in any case, not less than once every 21 days

When a choke manifold component is replaced, the test must be performed on that component

Note*: in practice, the choke manifold is sometimes tested separately to speed up the operations.

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BOP Stack

Minimum pressure

The equipment should be tested to at least 70% of the BOP working pressure, but limited to the
component with the lowest rated working pressure and to 70% of the minimum yield pressure of
the upper part of the casing string.

The test pressures should never be lower than the expected surface pressure in case a kick should
occur. An exception is the annular BOP which may be tested to 50% of its rated working pressure
to minimize pack-off element wear.

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The test should be performed with water and the necessary pressure is supplied by an auxiliary
pneumatic pump which allows required pressures to be recorded.

The test pressure is recorded by a provided recorder.

The high-pressure pneumatic pump features a low flowrate. Initial pressurisation is therefore
started by means of mud pumps, which allow the maximum allowable pump pressure to be
obtained, and is then continued through the auxiliary pump.

Pressurisation, which is necessary to conduct a pressure test, can also be obtained by means of a
cementing unit (if there is any).

In case of a first installation, start by applying a pressure value lower than the maximum estimated
value; test at 200-300 psi to verify:

 rubber elastomers

 low pressure sealing

 any major leak.

if no leaks are detected, proceed to perform the high-pressure test. In case of leaks, after
eliminating them, pressurise again to reset the pressure test value.

Note: field welding is not recommended to eliminate losses

Tests should be conducted for at least 3 minutes, and is normally kept for 5, 10 minutes.

Conduct pressure test on each component, while keeping upstream and downstream valves

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BOP Stack

The pressure test must be conducted

by applying pressure from below to:

- lower and upper kelly cocks

- inside BOP

- reserve safety valves for pipes being


Before starting the test

1. In case of a first installation, make

sure the accumulator operating
lines are correctly installed

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2. Circulate with water from the

lower kill line to remove mud
from the circuit and from the well

- Circulate one line at a time to

make sure they have actually
been opened and cleaned from

- During circulation open the

casing spool valve and expel the
remaining mud.

3. Use a jet of water to wash the well

head and any part being tested, for
better detection of leaks.

4. Empty and clean the BOP stack


Note (*): carry out enough circulation to prevent any air bubbles from being trapped in the circuit and affecting
the test.

During the test

1. Check sealing at all companion flanges

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BOP Stack

2. Check the ram BOP secondary sealing looking

into the peephole to detect any leak.

3. Check operating lines to detect oil leaks into

the accumulator tank (lower gasket leak inside
the annular BOP closing chamber)

4. Check all the choke manifold components

(high-pressure circuit)

5. Check if either water or mud are leaking at

pipes head (leakage at the cup-tester)

6. Check any water or mud flow from the casing

spool side outlets (leakage at the plug-tester)

Warning: during tests, as few operators as

possible should remain near the
pressurised equipment.

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Test procedure

The test is conducted by using suitable tools which allow the stack BOP pressurisation: cup tester
and plug tester.

Cup tester

It is dropped in together with pipes into the

casing about 6-10 meters below the base

It allows testing of the whole BOP stack except

the blind rams which have to be tested during
the casing pressure test.

To test the casing flange upper sealing, proceed

as follows:

- close the casing spool valve to pressurise the

BOP stack;
- remove the plug and the check valve of the
casing spool flange to detect any leaks;
- eventually remember to re-insert both plug and
check valve.

Notes: - To start the test, first close the casing spool side outlets.
- To facilitate the tester descent, 2/3 pipes can be screwed in at the lower end.

Plug tester

It is usually run in while pipes are inside the

casing until it leans on the seat inside the casing

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BOP Stack

The pipe that is used to run in the tester will be recuperated when the
blind rams are tested. The plug tester allows testing of the blind rams,
but not of the casing connections.

During BOP tests the adequate measures should be followed to prevent the casing from being
accidentally pressurised open the casing spool valve to prevent the casing from being pressurised
in case of leaks.

200-300 psi Test

1. Close the annular BOP

2. Pressurise the circuit until hydraulic valves
3. Conduct the annular BOP pressure test
4. Conduct the ram BOP pressure test
5. Release pressure from the hydraulic valve

Pressure test

Pressurise the circuit and perform a pressure test on the following components

1. Flare line valve (34 )

2. Manifold valve downstream of the

- valves 31, 32, 33
- valves 26, 28, 29, 30

3. Manifold valve upstream of the

- valves 20, 23, 25, 26
- valve 24

4. Choke line (right)

- valve 17, 18, 19
- valve 8, 12
- valve 7, 11

5. Ram BOP
- sagomate superiori
- sagomate inferiori

6. Annular BOP anulare

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Pressurise the reverse circulation line (19) and

perform pressure test on the following

kill line valves (left)

- valve 5,9
- valve 6,10

At the end of the test:

a. release pressure from the auxiliary pump cock

b. restore valves keeping to the

correct circuit configuration

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BOP Stack

Hydraulic pressure tests equipment

Plug tester

It is composed of a plug with non-

communicating threaded ends whose
dimensions are such as to allow
accommodation inside the casing spool,
equipped with O-ring pressure seals to ensure

At the lower end, one or more pipes are

usually installed to ensure adequate downeard
pulling to facilitate the descent.

The tester is eased into place by means of one

or two pipes, which shall be subsequently
unscrewed when the blind rams are tested,
and shall be retrieved after testing screwing it
on the pipes and pulling it out.

Before running it in, make sure its size and shape fit the casing spool seat.
When pressure is applied, the casing spool side outlets must be opened to avoid, in case of leaks,
well pressurisation.

Cup tester

It is composed of:

- two screwed-in
elements with a hole
and threaded
connections at their
ends to be connected
to pipes

- a cone-shaped packing
unit (cup), locked
between the two

The cup is composed of a

rubber part with steel
finishing, available in
different dimensions to
grant an adequate sealing
which suits the casing
inside diameter.

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The mandrel is screwed in on the connection with the cup element in between, whereas drill pipes
are screwed in on upper and lower ends.

During the test, the pipe is subject to the cup-tester pulling, which adds to thrust (due to pressure).
This double effect involves a decrease of the pipes resistance to stretching and imposes a test-
pressure reduction.

If the cup tester is inserted on the drill string head, to define the pipes thrust schiacciamento
pressure, the pull force created by the weight of the string below also has to be considered.

Note 1: as a rule, a set of pipes in good condition and marked for identification are kept to be used only for
cup-tester pressure tests.

Note 2: during the test the lift supporting the test pipe should rest on the rotary table to reduce hanging force
on the whole system and to ease the pipe passage through the BOP packing units.

Maximum pressure calculation

To calculate the crush residual pressure residua di schiacciamento(PRC) value, the following
formula can be applied:


PRC = crush residual pressure (with pull force)

PmaxC = crush maximum pressure (without pull force)
PP = test pressure
ACT = area cup tester
Ap = area pipe body CL. PREMIUM
dC = average unit stress

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BOP Stack

Maximum test pressure

Note: Maximum pressure values and corresponding pull force values are calculated without any safety

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Advantages Advantages

- It allows testing blind rams sealing at the - It does not imply risks of well pressurisation
given pressure because it allows keeping because in case the cup element does not
the well clear of tubing seal, pipes ensure water outlet, preventing
the lower casing section from being
- It does not involve compound force presasurised.
(pulling and external pressure) on the
pipe. It can be run below the casing spool thus

- the last casing section to be tested

- the casing spool outward pressure test

- It cannot be run below the casing spool.
- it does not allow the blind rams to be tested
without pressurising the well

- pipes resistance limit to pull force decreases

Casing ram test sub

It is a casing section of the desired diamater, with threaded

upper and lower ends to be connected to the pipes (upper)
and to the cup tester (lower)

It is used on the plug tester when ram upward

pressurisation is required

Such test is usually conducted at 500 - 1000 psi

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