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Journal Sample

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XII
Division of Sarangani
North Glan 2 District
Datalbukay, Glan, Sarangani Province



Rating Period: AUGUST 2, 2021 – JULY 31, 2022 Date of Review: (within July 11-15, 2022)


MFO KRAs Objectives Target Actual List of Verifications Verified by Remarks
Effective 1. Content 1. Applied Q – Demonstrates Q - Demonstrated
Implementatio Knowledge Knowledge of Level 5 in Objective 1 Level 7 in Objective 1
n and Content within and as shown in the COT as shown in the COT
2 COT Ratings
Of Basic Pedagogy across curriculum rating. rating.
Education teaching areas
2. Use research- Q - Uses research- Q- Used research-
based knowledge based knowledge and based knowledge and
and principles of or principles of or principles of
teaching and teaching and learning teaching and learning
2 COT Ratings
learning to enhance in one components of in two components of
professional instruction in the instruction in the
practice lesson plan to improve lesson plan to improve
student learning. student learning.
3. Displayed Q - Demonstrates level Q - Demonstrated level
proficient use of 5 in Objective 3 as 6 in Objective 3 as
Mother Tongue, shown in COT rating shown in COT rating 2 COT ratings
Filipino and English sheets. sheets.
to facilitate
4. Used effective Q - Demonstrates level Q - Demonstrated level
verbal and 5 in Objective 4 as 7 in Objective 4 as
nonverbal shown in COT Rating shown in COT Rating
classroom sheets. sheets.
strategies to 2 COT ratings
support learner
engagement, and
2. Learning 5. Established safe Q - Demonstrates level Q - Demonstrated level
Environment and secure learning 5 in Objective 5 as 6 in Objective 5 as
environments to shown in COT Rating shown in COT Rating
enhance learning sheets. sheets.
through the 2 COT ratings
implementation of
policies, guidelines,
and procedures
6. Maintained Q - Demonstrates level Q - Demonstrated level
learning 5 in Objective 6 as 6 in Objective 6 as
environments that shown in COT Rating shown in COT Rating
2 COT Ratings
promote fairness, Sheets Sheets
respect, and care to
encourage learning
7. Maintained Q- Demonstrates Level Demonstrated Level 6
learning 5 in objective 7 as in objective 7 as shown
environments that shown in COT rating in COT rating sheets.
nurture and inspire sheets.
learners to 2 COT Ratings
cooperate and
collaborate in
continued learning.
8. Applied a range Q – Demonstrates Q – Demonstrated
of successful level 5 in objective 8 level 7 in objective 8 as
strategies that as shown in COT shown in COT rating
maintain learning rating sheets. sheets.
environments that
2 COT Ratings
motivate learners to
work productively
by assuming
responsibility for
their own learning
3. Diversity of 9. Designed, Q – Demonstrates Q - Demonstrated level
Learners, adapted, and level 5 in objective 9 6 in objective 9 as
Curriculum implemented as shown in COT shown in COT Rating
and Planning, teaching strategies Rating sheets. sheets.
& assessment that are responsive Q- 2 COT Rating
and reporting to learners with
giftedness, and
10. Adapted and Q - Demonstrates level Q - Demonstrated level
used culturally 5 in Objective 10 as 6 in Objective 10 as
appropriate shown in COT Rating shown in COT Rating
teaching strategies sheets. sheets.
Q-2 COT rating
to address the
needs of learners
from indigenous
11. Adapted and Q – Completes the Q - Evaluated the
implemented implementation of the adapted/contextualized
learning programs adapted/contextualized learning programs Contextualized Learning
that ensure learning program. Materials to address reading
relevance and gaps and provide a proper
responsiveness to intervention program
the needs of all
12. Utilized Q – Plans for a Q – Developed
assessment data to teaching and learning materials based on Conduct of Reading
inform the strategy and/or learner’s assessment Programs such as
modification of program based on data. “Kantabataan” as School
teaching and learner’s assessment Remediation for learners that
learning practices data. were log behind.
and programs.
13. Maintained Q – Conducts a Q – Planned with the
learning consultative meeting community
environments that with the community stakeholders. Accomplishment Report on
are responsive to stakeholders. the participation of parents.
4. Community 14. Reviewed Q – Reviewed Q - Exhibited an
Linkages and regular personal personal teaching improved practice
Professional teaching practice practices using laws through a teaching
Engagement & using laws and and regulations that material as impact of
Personal regulations that apply to the profession regularly reviewing
Growth and apply to the and the responsibilities one’s teaching Certificate of Participation for
Development teaching profession in the Code of Ethics practice/s using laws training attended for
and the for Professional and regulations that enhancement of teachers’
responsibilities Teachers. apply to the profession professional growth.
specified in the and the responsibilities
Code of Ethics for in the Code of Ethics
Professional for Professional
Teachers. Teachers.

15. Complied with Q- Communicates with Q - Sustained and Certificate of participation

and implemented learners, procedure engagement showing community
school policies and parents/guardians, and with the learners, partnership/linkages.
procedures other stakeholders the parents, guardians,
consistently to implemented school and other stakeholders
foster harmonious policies regarding school
relationships with policies and
learners, parents, procedures through
and other school-community
stakeholders. partnership.
16. Applied a Q - Applies learner- Q - Applied learner-
personal philosophy centered teaching centered teaching Annotated Lesson Plan
of teaching that is philosophy in the philosophy in the indicating the strategies used
learner-centered. lesson in all the lesson in all in teaching, like
components of components of Constructivism or
instruction in the instruction in the existentialism focusing on a
lesson plan to improve lesson plan to improve learner-centered approach.
student learning. student learning.
17. Adopted and Q - Exhibits dignity of Q - Exhibited teaching Certificate of Recognition as
practices that teaching as a as a profession by Outstanding Teacher that
uphold the dignity profession by exhibiting qualities upholds the dignity of
of teaching as a exhibiting qualities such as caring at teaching as a profession.
profession by such as caring attitude, work/attitude, respect,
exhibiting qualities respect, and integrity and integrity with
such as caring with affirmation from affirmation from
attitude, respect different school different school
and integrity. stakeholders. stakeholders.
18. Set professional Q - Updates Q - Updated Updated IPCRF-
development goals professional Professional Development Plan from
based on the development goals development goals Phase II
Philippine during Phase II of the during Phase II of
Professional RPMS Cycle. RPMS Cycle
Standards of

19. Performed Q - Performs at least 1 Q - Performed at least Coordinators/

various related related work/activity 1 related work/activity chairpersonship
works/activities that that contributed to the that contributed to the
contribute to the teaching-learning teaching-learning
teaching-learning process beyond the process.
process. school/community
learning center.
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