Act. 4d Joints Body Movements FOR STUDENTS
Act. 4d Joints Body Movements FOR STUDENTS
Act. 4d Joints Body Movements FOR STUDENTS
Instruction: Answer only the PreLab Quiz and the Review Sheet.
PreLab Quiz
ab Quiz
1. Name one of the two functions of an articulation, or joint.
_____________________________________________ or
Nearly every bone in the body is connected to, or forms a joint with, at least
one other bone. Joints, or articulations, perform two functions for the body.
They (1) hold bones together and (2) allow the rigid skeleton some
flexibility so that gross body movements can occur.
Joints may be classified by structure or by function. The structural classifi-
cation is based on what separates the articulating bones—fibers, cartilage, or a
joint cavity. Structurally, there are fibrous, cartilaginous, and synovial joints.
The functional classification focuses on the amount of movement the joint
allows. On this basis, there are synarthroses, or immovable joints; amphiar-
throses, or slightly movable joints; and diarthroses, or freely movable joints.
Freely movable joints predominate in the limbs, whereas immovable and
slightly movable joints are largely restricted to the axial skeleton.
The structural categories are more clear-cut, so we will use that classifica-
tion here and indicate functional properties as appropriate. See Figure 10.1.
O B J E C T I V E 1 Name the three structural categories of joints and com-
pare their structure and mobility.
Fibrous Joints
In fibrous joints, the bones are joined by fibrous tissue. Some fibrous joints are
slightly movable, but most are synarthrotic and permit virtually no movement.
The two major types of fibrous joints are sutures and syndesmoses. In
sutures (Figure 10.1a), the irregular edges of the bones interlock and are united
by very short connective tissue fibers, as in most joints of the skull. In
syndesmoses, the articulating bones are connected by short ligaments of dense
fibrous tissue; the bones do not interlock. The joint at the distal end of the tibia
and fibula is an ex-ample of a syndesmosis (Figure 10.1b). Although this
syndesmosis allows some give, it is classified functionally as a synarthrosis.
Joints and Body Movements
First rib tissue Articular
(a) Suture
(c) Synchondrosis
(f) Multiaxial joint
(shoulder joint)
Humerus 10
Vertebrae Articular
(d) Symphysis (g) Uniaxial joint
(elbow joint)
Pubis Articular
(b) Syndesmosis
Figure 10.1 Types of joints. Joints to the left of the skeleton are cartilaginous joints;
joints above and below the skeleton are fibrous joints; joints to the right of the skeleton
are synovial joints.
Activity 1 of scapula Ligament
Identifying Fibrous Joints Bursa Joint cavity
Examine a human skull. Notice that adjacent bone sur- containing
faces do not actually touch but are separated by a wavy Ligament synovial
seam of ossified fibrous connective tissue. Also examine fluid
a skeleton and an anatomical chart of joint types for
examples of fibrous joints. Articular
Tendon cartilage
Cartilaginous Joints membrane
In cartilaginous joints, the articulating bone ends are Fibrous
of biceps
connected by cartilage. Although there is variation, most articular
cartilaginous joints are slightly movable (amphiarthrotic) Humerus capsule
functionally. An important type of cartilaginous joint is the muscle
symphysis. In a symphysis (symphysis means “a growth to-
gether”), the bones are connected by a broad, flat disc of
fibrocartilage. The intervertebral joints and the pubic sym-
physis of the pelvis are symphyses (see Figure 10.1d and e). Figure 10.2 Major structural features of the shoulder
Synchondrosis is a cartilaginous joint that is held together joint, a synovial joint.
• The outer part of this capsule is dense fibrous connective 3. Unclamp the balloon and add more water. The goal is
tissue. It is lined inside with a smooth connective tissue mem- to get just enough water in the balloon so that your fists
brane, called synovial membrane, which produces a lubricat-ing cannot come into contact with one another but remain
fluid (synovial fluid) that reduces friction. separated by a thin water layer when pressure is applied
to the balloon.
• Articulating surfaces of the bones forming the joint are
covered with articular (hyaline) cartilage. 4. Once again, perform the same movements to assess
the amount of friction generated.
• The articular capsule is typically reinforced with ligaments
and may contain bursae, or tendon sheaths that reduce friction
where muscles, tendons, or ligaments cross bone. Text continues on next page. ➔
Bursa Origin
What anatomical structures might be represented by your
fists? Brachialis
The two articulating bones on opposite sides of the
synovial cavity.
Activity 5
Identifying Types of Synovial Joints
Synovial joints are divided into the following subcatego-ries on
the basis of the movements they allow. As you read through the Figure 10.3 Muscle attachments (origin and insertion).
description of each joint type, manipulate the joints identified as When a skeletal muscle contracts, its insertion moves
examples on yourself and on an articu-lated skeleton to observe
toward its origin.
its possible movements. Range of motion allowed by synovial
joints varies from uniaxial movement (movement in one plane)
joints (Figure 10.3). When the muscle contracts and its fibers
to biaxial movement (movement in two planes) to multiaxial
shorten, the insertion moves toward the origin. The type of
movement (move-ment in or around all three planes of space
movement depends on the construction of the joint 10 (uniaxial,
and axes).
biaxial, or multiaxial) and on the position of the muscle relative
• Plane: Articulating surfaces are flat or slightly curved, to the joint. The most common types of body movements are
allowing sliding movements in one or two planes. described below and shown in Figure 10.4.
Examples are the intercarpal and intertarsal joints.
O B J E C T I V E 4 Demonstrate or identify the various
• Hinge: The rounded process of one bone fits into the body movements.
concave surface of another to allow movement in one
plane (uniaxial), usually flexion and extension. Examples
are the elbow and interphalangeal joints. Activity 6
• Pivot: The rounded or conical surface of one bone
Demonstrating Movements of Synovial Joints
articulates with a shallow depression or foramen in an-
other bone. Pivot joints allow uniaxial rotation, as in the Attempt to demonstrate each movement on a skeleton or
joint between the atlas and axis (C1 and C2). on yourself as you read through the following material:
• Condylar: The oval condyle of one bone fits into an Flexion (Figure 10.4a and b): A movement, generally in
oval depression in another bone, allowing biaxial (two- the sagittal plane, that decreases the angle of the joint
way) movement. The wrist joint and the metacarpo- and reduces the distance between the two bones. Flexion
phalangeal joints (knuckles) are examples. is typical of hinge joints (bending the knee or elbow), but
• Saddle: Articulating surfaces are saddle shaped. The it is also common at ball-and-socket joints (bending
articulating surface of one bone is convex, and the abut- forward at the hip).
ting surface is concave. Saddle joints, which are biaxial, Extension (Figure 10.4a and b): A movement that in-
include the joint between the thumb metacarpal and the creases the angle of a joint and the distance between two
trapezium (a carpal) of the wrist. bones (straightening the knee or elbow). Extension is the
• Ball-and-socket: The ball-shaped head of one bone fits opposite of flexion. If extension proceeds beyond ana-
into a cuplike depression of another. These multiaxial tomical position (for example, bending the trunk or head
joints allow movement in all directions. Examples are the backward), it is termed hyperextension (Figure 10.4b).
shoulder and hip joints. Rotation (Figure 10.4c): Movement of a bone around its
longitudinal axis. Rotation, a common movement of ball-
and-socket joints, also describes the movement of the
Movements Allowed by Synovial Joints atlas around the odontoid process of the axis.
O B J E C T I V E 3 Define origin and insertion in Abduction (Figure 10.4d): Movement of a limb away
from the midline or median plane of the body, generally
relation to skeletal muscles.
on the frontal plane, or the fanning movement of fingers
Every muscle of the body is attached to bone (or other con- or toes when they are spread apart.
nective tissue structures) by at least two points—the origin Adduction (Figure 10.4d): Movement of a limb toward the
(the stationary, immovable, or less movable attachment) and
midline of the body. Adduction is the opposite of abduction.
the insertion (the movable attachment). Body movement
occurs when muscles contract across diarthrotic synovial Text continues on page 123. ➔
Hyperextension Extension
(a) Flexion and extension of the shoulder and knee (b) Flexion, extension, and hyperextension
Adduction Circumduction
Plantar flexion
(c) Rotation of the head (d) Abduction, adduction, and (e) Dorsiflexion and plantar flexion
and lower limb circumduction
Pronation Supination
(radius rotates (radius and ulna
over ulna) are parallel)
Inversion Eversion
(f) Inversion and eversion (g) Supination (S) and pronation (P)
Activity 7
Demonstrating Uniaxial, Biaxial, and Multiaxial Movements
Using the information in the previous activity, perform the
following demonstrations and complete the Activity 7
Joint Disorders
Most of us don’t think about our joints until something goes accompanied by torn or stressed ligaments and considerable
wrong with them. Joint pains and malfunctions can be due inflammation. The process of returning the bone to its proper
to a variety of causes. For example, a hard blow to the knee position, called reduction, should be done only by a physi-cian.
can cause a painful bursitis, known as “water on the knee,” Attempts by the untrained person to “snap the bone back into
due to damage to the patellar bursa. Tearing a ligament may its socket” are often more harmful than helpful.
result in a painful condition that persists over a long period Age also takes its toll on joints. Weight-bearing joints in
because these poorly vascularized structures heal so slowly. particular eventually begin to degenerate. Adhesions (fibrous
Sprains and dislocations are other types of joint prob- bands) may form between the surfaces where bones join, and
lems. In a sprain, the ligaments reinforcing a joint are dam- excess bone tissue (spurs) may grow along the joint edges.
aged by excessive stretching or are torn away from the bony • If possible, compare an X-ray image of an arthritic joint
attachment. Because both ligaments and tendons are cords to one of a normal joint.
of dense connective tissue with a poor blood supply, sprains
heal slowly and are quite painful. Place a check mark in the box after you have completed this
Dislocations occur when bones are forced out of their task.
normal position in the joint cavity. They are normally
Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.
4d Joints and Body Movements
Name _______________________________________________________ Lab Time/Date ___________________________________
Types of Joints
1. Use the key terms to identify the joint types described below.
2. include joints between the vertebral bodies and the pubic symphysis
6. have a fibrous articular capsule lined with a synovial membrane surrounding a joint cavity
2. Match the joint subcategories in column B with their descriptions in column A, and place an asterisk (*) beside all choices
that are examples of synovial joints. (Some terms may be used more than once.)
Column A Column B
1. joint between most skull bones ball-and-socket
5. elbow pivot
4. Describe the structure and function of the following structures or tissues in relation to a synovial joint, and label the
structures indicated by leader lines in the diagram.
articular cartilage
synovial membrane
Name two important factors that contribute to the stability of the hip joint.
During muscle contraction, the _________________
7. Complete the descriptions below the diagrams by inserting the type of movement in each answer blank.
(a) at the elbow (c) of the upper limb (e) of the upper limb
(b) at the knee (d) of the lower limb
Joint Disorders
8. What structural joint changes are common in older people? ____________________________________
9. Define dislocation: