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CHR 12000 kJ/kwW-hr
- 0.3

1.A diescl engine is opera on a 4 stroke cycle has a heat rate of 8000 -1 2.31-1 0.51946
Btu/Hp-hr. The compression ratio is 13, cut-off ratio is 2 and k = 1.32.
Find the brake engine efficiency.
A. 63.49 % C. 69.43% 0.3-0.57753
B. 64.39 % D. 46.93 %
21-1 7. A 12 x 18 in four-cylinder four stroke single acting diesel engine is

e 0.501
-1]11.52(2-1)] rated at 200 Bhp at 260 rpm. Fuel consumption at rated load is 0.42 Ib
per Bhp-hr with a heating value of 18,920 Btu/lb. Compute the engine
101e-e HR 8000 Btu/hr-hp
A. 440.85 ft'bhp-min C. 320.45 ft'bhp-min
Biu/hr-nP 0.318125
B. 404.85 fbhp-min D. 440.55 ft'bhp-min
0.6350 VDLN
2. What is the mechanical efficiency of a 0.5 MW diesel engine if the thus:
friction power is 70 kW.
A. 87.72 % C. 89.61 % 17643.18 in'/s(I
B. 84.55 % D. 88.24 % Bhp bhp (12in)min)

P.+P, 500 kW+70kW

.06 1 4 4 in*

min- bhp t
4 4 0 . 6 4 i n

min bhp

=0.8772 87.72%
8. The brake thermal efficiency of a 1 MW diesel electric plant is 36.%.
AnsA Find the heat geperated by fuel in kW if the generator efficiency is 89
What temperature is required to ignite the fvel oil?
A. 3,121.10 kw C. 4.121.10 kW
A. 800 to 1000 F
B. 3,528.64 kW D. 4.528.64 kW
B. 70) to 900 F
C. 900 to 1100 F Soluton:
D. 1000 to 1200 F
Answer: A
where: P,
0.36- 000kW
4 A 12x 18 infour-cylinder four stroke single acting diesel engine is 0,89Q
rated at 200 Bhp at 260 pm. Fuel consumption at rated load is 0.42b Q3121.1 kW
per Bhp-hr with a heating value of 18,920 Btulb. Compute the brake
mean effective pressure. Ans.A
A. 74.85 psi C. 79.67 psi

B. 834 psi 9. An engine in which the fuel is bumed outside of the power cylinder.
D. 65.89 psi
A. internal combustion engine
eletion: B. extemal combustion engine
P= Pw C. compression ignition engine
D. spark ignition engine
where: VpLNn,n.
CEBUAnswer: B
,(12im) (18in)pm(0) 10. A four-stroke, 8 cy linder diesel engine with bore and stroke of 9 inches
and 12 inches respectively and speed of 950 rpm has a brake mean
V. = 1058591.061 in'/min
effective pressure of 164 psi. The specific fuel consumption is 0.39
thus Ib/bhp-hr and the fuel heating value is 18,500 Btub. Determine the
thermal efficiency.
200 Bhp 3300 1058591.061 A. 32.57 %
B. 35.27 %
C. 57.35 %
D. 45.57 %
14,82 psi Salukions
5. An engine in which the fuel is burned directly within the working
cylinder. 2545Bu/hr-hp
A. intemal combustüion engine
B. external combustion engine a3 bhp-hr
C. compression ignition engine
e,0.3527 35.27%
D. spark ignition engine
Answer: A Ans
11. A 305 mmx 457 mm four stroke single acting diesel engine is rated
6. A 500kW diesel has a heat rate of 12,000 kJ/kw-hr. The compression
at 150 kW at 260 rpm. Fuel consumption at rated load is 0.26 kg/kW-hr
ratio is 16:1, cut of ratio of 2.3. Assume k = 1.32. Calculate the engine
with a heating value of 43,912 kJkg Calculate the brake therma
efficiency based on the output of 500 kW.
A. 57.77 % C. 47.77 % efficiency
A. 31.63 % C. 21.63 %
B. 57.78 % D. 37.67 %
B. 41.63 % D. 35.63 %
Salaion Solulion:
3600 s/hr
m (Q) (0.26kg/kW-hr)(43912 KJ/kg) P = PV
e0.3153 31.53% where: P
Ans. A (1445mm)(027bar )-4.876875 barhar
12. A diesel engine is operating on a 4 stroke cycle has a heat rate of 8000 80 mm

Btu/Hp-br. The compression ratio is 13, cut-off ratio is 2 and k.32. 487.6875 kPa
Find the brake engine efficiency.
A. 63.49% C. 69.43 %
B. 64.39 % D. 46.93 %
V 3.9188m/s
2-1 P= (487.6875)(3.9188)=1911.16kw
k-1]* 32(2-1)]
e=0.501 Ans. A
2545Btu/hr-hp -
0.318125 18. In a test laboratory, it was found out that of the 80 Bhp developed by
e HR 8000 Btu/hr-hp an engine on test, 45 Hp are absorbed by the cooling water that is
pumped through the water jacket and the radiator. The water enters
the top of the radiator at 200°F. At that temperature, enthalpy of the
water is 168.07 Btu/lbm. Water leaves the bottom of the radiator at
190°F and with an enthalpy of 158.03 Bru/bm. What is the water flow
Ans.A rate for a steady state condition?

13. An engine where the ignition is caused by heat of compression.

A. 25 gal/min
B. 20 gal/min
C. 23 gal/min
D. 24 gal/min
A. intemal combustion engine
B. external combustion engine Seluoni
C. compression ignition engine
D. spark ignition engine S T T U T E
9Q.where: Q. =m,(Ah) p.V, (Ah)
Answer: C
14. A four siroke, direct injection diescl engine of 4 in. bore x 4.5 in.
strokedevelops 45 Hp at full load and 8 Hp when running at idling V, =1369.37
v. hmin)
=1369.3h60 r
load. Engine specd is 2,200 rpm. What is the nmechanical efficiency.
A.885 % C. 77 % V. 22.823 gpm
B. 88 % D. 74 %
Ans. C
Pind Parctian tPhrake 8 Hp+ 45HP = 53 Hp 19. A 650 BHP diesel engine uses fuel oil of 28°API gravitry, fuel
consumption is 0.65 l6/BHP-hr. Cost of fuel is P 7.95 per liter. For
Cn 0.8491 or 84.91 % continuous operation, determine the minimum volume of cubical day
tank in cm ambient temperature is 45C.
AnsA A. 4,372,890 cm C 5,291,880 cm
B. 5,987,909 cm D. 7352,789 cm
15. A 12x 18 in four-cylinder four stroke singleacting diesel engine is
rated at 200 Bhp at 260 pm. Fuel consumption at rated load is Ib
per Bhp-hrwith abeatingvalue of 18,920 Btub. Compute the brake
V= n
themal efficiency Pus PSG)
A. 32.029% C. 25.06 %
B. 43.09 % D. 30.34 % Solving for SG:

2545 Btu/hr-bp CEBU s 141.5
131.5+API 131.5+28
141.3 0.887
m,Qb m.Q 0.42 SG=SG(1-0.00072(115.6))
(18920 Btu/b)
h-b sG=0.8871-0.00072(45-15.6)]=0.8684
Ans. A V
065 her(6S0bhp)
16. AI what temperature will self igniting cartrndges ignite?
A. About 200 1 V 187.133 2n2.54cm
B. About 190 F I lin
C. About 210 F
V 5,299.016.45 cm
D. About 250 F
Answer: B
20. A four-cycle six cylinder dieselengine of 4 4 in bore and 6-in stroke
running at 1200 rpm, has 9 percent CO: present in the exhaust gases
17. The area of an indicator card taken offthe high pressure cylinder of a
The fuel consumption is 28 Ib/hr. Assuming that 13.7 percent CO
quadruple expansion engine is 1445 mm, the length is 80 mm, and indicates an air-fuel ratio of 15 Ib of air to 1 Ib of fuel, calculate the
mm of height represents 0.27 bar. The bore of the cylinderruns at 1.65 volumetric eficiency of the engine. The intake air temperature is 60
rev/sec. Calculate the total indicated power of the engine assuming deg. F and the barometric pressure is 29.80 in of Hg.
equal powers are developed in all cylinders. Note: bore = 60 mm A.83% C.887%
stroke = 1050 mm, and this is a double acting. Iwo stroke and D. 92%
B. 81%
quadruple expansion engine.
A. 1911.2 kW C. 1123.5 kw Sotukon:
B.2345.7 kW D. 2331.43 kW
24. A 500 kW diesel engine develops torque of 2 kN-m, The engine drives
e, an alternating current generator with 8 poles producing current at 60
Hz. What is the speed ratio of speed reduction gear?
Solving for N,
2.6: 1 C. 1.6: 1
m,- (0.769)(15)=11.5351b,,/1bf
B. 3.6:1 D. 4.6: 1

n 3=0412 moles N,/Ibf Satuien

From: % CO, CO N-2020(60)
N,+CO P- 2xTN,
0.137 co
0412 Dco,= 0.0654 moles CO,hr
s0OkW=2n (2KN-m)(N;0s
N 2387.32 rpm
0.09= 0.0654
0.0654 +n 2387.32 2.653
Ratio 900

m n,(MW)= 0.6613(28) = 18.52 Ib. Ans. A
the air required for combustion: 25. The portion of the piston which extends below the piston pin and serves
as a guide for the piston and connecting rod.
m 18.52 -
0.769 0.769 24.08Iba/lbf
A. piston skirt
B. piston ing
C. piston scoring
Subst to PV = mRT
D. piston seizure

(29.8 in Hg 29.92inHg Answer: A

-24 bt.
3.342Tbm- (60+ 460°R) Rings located in the grooves ofthe piston usually near the top and
26. near

A. piston skirn
V,316.82 2464 n'/s B. piston ing
C. piston scoring
v,-DLN .- p( D. piston seizure

V, 2.9555 n/s Answer:B

27. Air in the cylinder ofa Dieselengine is at 30 °C and 138 kPatabs) in
V 2.464
e, 29555
0.8337 compression. If it is further compressed to one eighteenth of its
original which of the folowing most nearly equals the work
Ans.A done in compression if the displacement volume of the cylinder is 14.2
21 What temperature should be the maximum to which ubricaing oil is 4. 8 kJ C. 14k
permitted to rise? . 11 k D. 17 kJ
A. not more than 100 F
B. not more than 200 F Solkons
C. not more than 300F
D. not more than 400DF
1 8
V-V, =14.2L
Answer: A Solving for V
22. The mechanical efficiency of a single cylinder four stroke engine is 80
%. The frictional power is estimated to be 25 kW.Calculate the brake w =4.2 -15.04L
power developed by the engine. V,15.04)=0.835 L
A. 100 kW C. 120 kW
B. 125 kW D. 95 kW P=R( = (138 kPa)(18) 7893.34 kPa
Setukos w PV-PV.(7893.34 kPa)(0.835L)-(138 kPa)(15.04L)
1-k (1-14)(10001/m')
W=-11.3 k
P=100 kw
025 28. A device which automatically governs or controls the speed of an
Ans. A engine.
A. servomotor
23. What air pressure is needed for air starting a Diesel engine? B. governor
A. 250 psi C. indicator
B. 150 psi D. speedomneter
C. 350 psi
D. 450 psi Answer: BB

Answer: A
33. A 373 kW (500 Hp) internal combustion engine has a brake mean
29. An ideal diesel engine operates on a I kg of cold air with a suction cffective pressure of 551.5 kPa at full load. What is the friction power
pressure of 110 kPa and an initial temperature of 40°C. The if mechanical efficiency is 85%.
compression pressure is 3000 kPa and the cut-off is at 8% of the stroke A.88.23 Hp C. 99.24 Hp
from head-end to dead-end center of the piston. Calculate the ideal B.77.23 HHp D. 66.24 Hp
cycle thernmal efficiency.
A. 58.56 % C. 55.85 % Setutham
B. 59.55 % D. 65.56 %
0.85 S00hp
Soluion: eP+P P
S00 +

88.24 hp
P=P 3000=I10
= 10.61 34. A dynamometer test was done for one hour at steady load on a 6
Solving forV,: cylinder diesel engine It was found to use 42 kg of fuel having Qh =
42,000 J/g. Cylinder is 22.8 cm x 27 cm, 4 cycle type. Speed. 550 rpm
RV mR,T(110)(V,)=(/)(0.287)(40+273K) and dynamometer torque at 27CC0 kg cm. Determine the brake thermal
V 0.8166 m efficiency
A.31.15 % C. 32.36 %
then: = »10.61
00 = 000
V, B. 29.16 % D. 35.52 %

V= 0.0770 m' Soluho

Note: V,-V, =cV, =c(V,- V,) P
V,-0.077-0.08(0.8166-0.077) Solving for P
0.1362 1.7688 P 2TN-2a000 Kg-Cm550rev 9.81 N 6Ominhr
0.0770 100 cm/m min kg h r

549.2 x 10*

549.2 x 10
e,0.5586 55.86% = 0.3113 31.13%
Ans.C 42 ke)4200J/e)(100g/kg)
30. If the brake mean effective pressure of a diesel engine is 500 Kpa and
the mechanical efficiency is 85%, what is the indicated mean effective 35. Find the power which a 2.5 MW natural gas engine can developed at
pressure? an altitude of 1981.2 m taking into consideration that the pressure
A. S88.24 kPa change alone.
C. 688.24 kPa A.1.957 MW C. 1.795 MW
B. 524.88 kPa D. 624.88 kPa
B. 1.597 MW D. 1.579 MW
0.85= 00kPa
Ans. A P =29.92- h
31. The compression ratio in a Diesel engine is 13 to 1 and the ratio of P29.92981.2m)(3.28f/m) =23.42 in Hg
expansion is 6.5 to 1. At the beginning ofcompression the temperature 1000
is 32°C. Assuming adiabatic compression and expansion calculate the Thus,
ideal thermal efficiency taking thespecific heats
at constant pressure
and volume as 1.005 kJ/kg.K and 0.718 kJ/kg.K respectiveBly. EBU P=(2.5 MW)29.92)1957 MW
A. 54 % C. 58 %%
B 56 % D. 52 % Ans.A
Sotioni 36. What air pressure is required to produce the required ignition
e,= - - lemperature?
A. 350 to 500 psi
B. 250 to 400 psi
where:,, 13= (6.5) >=2 C. 450 to 600 psi
24 D. 150 to 300 psi

Answer: A
Ans.C 37. In a four stroke Diesel engine , drawing air into the cylinder is what
32. stroke?
Acombination of liquids which do not mix-orcombinechemically
A. emulsion A. first stroke
B. deposition B. second stroke
C. evaporation C. third suroke
D. separation D. fourth stroke

Answer: A Answer: A

38. Clearing a cylinder of exhaust gases by forcing into it a current of air

which provides clean air for the next compression stroke.
A. scavenging
B. supercharging
D. knocking

39. Inereasing the total amount of charging air in the working cylinder of the 44. A hydro-clectric plant discharges water at the rate of 0.75 m'/s and
engine. enters the turbine at 0.35 mps with a pressure of 275 kPa. Runner inside
A. scavenging diameter is 550 mm, specd is 520 rpm and the turbine efficiency is 88%.
B. supercharging Find the turbine speed factor.
C. choking 0.638 C. 0.836
D. knocking B. 0.386 D. 0.386

Answer: B Soluion

40. A hydroelectric turbine is directly coupled to a 24-pole, 60 Hz
altemator. It develops 2.000 Hp with a specific speed of 60 rpm. Solving for h
Compute the required diameter of the turbine.
A. 445 ft C. 5.44 ft hPV275 (0.35 28.04m
B. 3.45 ft D. 3.45 ft
Y2g 9.81 2(9.81)
Solnkon SO
TDN 120 120(60) (550 mm)(520 rpm)
JAh where: N=
P 24 300 rpm
Im Imin0638
2(9.81m/s )(28.04m)1000mm 60s.38
From specific speed

NVHP 2000hp
Ans. A
6 0 rpm-0pm)
N h 5/4 45. A Pelton wheel is to be designed to run at 300 rpm under an effective
h 75.78 f head of I50 m. The ratio of the nozzle diameter to the diameter of the
pitch circle is 1/12. Assuming efficiency of 84% , what is the size of the
Subst. the values:
wheel in m. Assume a speed ratio of 0.45.
I-R(D(3orpm)(Imin/60s) A. 1.05
B. 2.00

2(32.2n/ )(75.78 ) D 2.86

D 4.45 f Salekion

41. The shaft power delivered in a
hydroelectric power plant is 30 KW. The 045 D500rpm Imin
plant has a working available head of S0 meters with hydraulic
efficiency of 85% and mechanical efficiency of 92 %. Compute the
V2(9.81m/s)(150 m)60s
discharge flow rate of the turbine. D=15m
A. 0.08 m3/s C.0.07 m/s
B.0.80 ms D. 0.70 m/s
Sdlnkon 46. Find the number af generator poles for a generator running at 600 rpm
and 60 Hz.
P= rQh e,e.
A. 12 C. 6
30kW (9.81kN/m°')(0)(50m )(0.85)(0.92) B. 24 D. 48

Ans.A N-120
42. The volume flow rate of water in a 180- mm diameter pipe is 30 ms.
Determine the pressure drop in a 100 meter pipe considering a 100 meter 600rpm 120(60)
Pipe. Note: f=0.0354. P=12
A. 0.0167 C. 0.1076
B. 0.0198 D. 0.1706 Ans. A

Solving for velocity: V =

CEB 47. The elevation of the headwater is 3250 ft and that of the tailwater is 600
ft. Penstock diameter is 30 in. Water flowing 40 f'/s, turbine efficiency
85% , friction factor taken as 0.035, turbine setting is 8 ft above tailwater
level. Penstock length 4000 ft. Generator direct-connected to turbine
v-30m/hr x Ihr/3600s has an efficiency of 92%. Nozzle efficiency 96%. Compute the brake
0.3275 m/s
horsepower of the turbine.
(0.18m) A. 9815 HP C. 5189 HP
B. 8915 HP D. 9581 HP
then: h, L (0.0354)(100m)(0.3275m/s
2gD Sols
2(9.81m/s )(0.18m)
h, = 0.1075m

P-(62.4 )(40)(3250-600)(0.96)(0.85)
43. A supply water is available at a head of 684 meters. It is proposed to 550
build a turbine to operale at 6 rev/s and develops 14.92 MW. Compute B, 9813.36 hp
the specific speed in rpm.
A. 3.297 rpm C. 6.568 rpm Ans. A
B. 4.356 rpn D. 3.477 pm 48. A hydro-electric generating station is supplied from a reservoir of
apacity 6,000.000 m at a head of 170 m. Assume hydraulic efficiency
of 80% and electrical efficiency of 90%. The fall in the reservoir level
N, =-NHP after a load of 15 MW has been supplied for 3 hrs, if the area of the
eservoir is 2.5 km is closest to:
(6 revis)(60s/min)(14,920 kw)(1hp/0.746 kW) A. 5.39 cm C. 5.98 cm
(684 mx 3.28 n/m" B. 4.32 cm D. 4.83 cm

N,= 3.2973 rpm

Sdekon P=rQhe e,(1-h )
where: Q=AV =A 50,000 (9.8i)(Q)(150m)(0.94)(0.82)(1 -0.05)
P yQhe,e.
Q-464 m'/s(3.28ft/m) =1637.44 cfs
15.000 &W =
(9.81kN/m°)N2.3 1km3x3600 s
53. A potential waterfall for hydroelectric power plant has water available
(170 m)(0.8)(0.9) at a rate of 160 m° /s under a head of 18 m. Compute the number of
d 0.0540 m= 5.40 cm Francis turbines required if it runs at 120 rpm, specific speed of 350
and 80% hydraulic efficiency.
Ans.A 2 C. 4
B. 3 D. 1
49. A bydroelectric plant has 20 MW generator with an efficiency of 96%.
The generator is directly coupled to a vertical Francis type hydraulic Slakion
turbine having an efficiency of 80%. The total gross head on the turbine Solving for P
is IS0 m while the loss of head due to friction is 4% of the gross head.
P=yQhe, = (9.81kN/m')(160m'/5)(18m)(0.8)
The runaway speed is not to exceed 750 rpm. Determine the fow of
water through the turbine in cfs. P 22602.24 kW
A. 406.59 C. 650.94 Solving for the no. of turbines
B. 5056.49 D. 945.60


Rn,(1-% b,)(e,e) 22602.24

20.000kW = (9.81EN/m°)(Q)(150 m)(1-0.04)(0.80)(0.96) 350= L

Q 18.43 m'/s(3.28t/m) r 2
Q 650.52 ft/s
Ans. A
Ans.C LUTEF 54. Detenmine the energy requirement in kW ofa pump that is 85% efficient
50. The water velocity of a 5 mx Im channel is 6 m/s. What is the annual if it is employed to increase the pressure of 7.5 kg/s of water from 50
energy produced if the net head is 120 m and the over-all efficiencyis kPa to 5 Mpa.
80%. A40 C. 50
A. 494,247,258 kw-hrs C. B. 45 D. 35
247,494,528 kW-hrs
B. 247,497,582 kW-hrs D.
472,497,582 KW-hrs Soltion
Ey Qhe, where: Q = Av
where:h . AP5000-50kPa 504.59m
E= (9.81kN/m )(Sm )(lm)(6m/s)(120m)(0.8)(1yr)30day24 Y 9,81 kN/m
"1y lday
P 5 kg/s)(9.81m/s )(504.59m) ikw
E 247 494 528 kW-hr/yr 0.85 100oW
AnsC P 43.7 KW

51. The differencebetween the source ofthe waler supply and the centerline
of the hase of the nozzle of a Pelton wheel type is 400 meters. It was
Ans B
found out that the pressure at the nozzle is 2.5 Mpa when the flow is 55. A pelton wheel running at a speed of 600 rpm is driven by 2 similar
1.7 ms. If the penstock inside diameter is 70 cm, what is the brake jets. At this spead it transmit 600 kW to the shaft. If the efficiency of
power of the pelton wheel considering that its efficiency is 80 % the runner is 90% and the velocity of the fluid at inlet to the bucket is
A.3.43 MW C. 2.45 MW 50 m/s, compute the diameter of each jet if the speed ratio is 0.44.
A. 0.0165 m C.0.0143m
B.4.36 MW D. 1.45 MW
CEBU 0.0435 m D. 0.0154 m

P rQhe
where: h=+ and V Qdv, (no. of jets)
Solving for Q
1.7 P rQhe
2500 /(r/4)(0.7) 255.84 m where: V, = a n d =0.44
9.81 2(981 m/s)
P= (9.31kN/m')(1.7m'/s)(255.84m)(0.8) then:
P 3413.27 kW = 3.41 MW

Ans A
P V, no. ofjets
52. A hydroelectric plant has a 50 MW generator with an efficiency of 94%.
The generator is directly coupled to a vertical francis turbine having an
efficiency of 82%. The total gross head in the turbine is 150 m while the
d 0.017m
loss of head due to frictuon is 5% of the gross head. Detemine the flow
of water through the turbine in cfs? Ans A
A. 1637.44 cfs C. 1234.45 cfs
B. 3453.54 cfs D. 3244.5 cfs

56. A proposed hydro-electric power plant has the following data: 61. The following are all exumples of indirect (secondary) miscellaneous
Elevation of normal headwater surface 194 m methods to measure flow except:
Elevation of normal tailwater surface 60 m
Loss of head due to friction 6.5 m turbine and propeller meters
Turbine discharge at full gate opening 5 m'/s B. magnetic flow meters
Turbine efficiency at rated capacitly 90% Cpositive displacement meters
Dhot wire anemometers
The turbine is to be connected to a 60 cycle AC generator. Cakulate
the turbine brakepower output.
Answer: C
A. 6.852.5 kW C. 5.268.5 kW
B. 6.528.5 kW D. 5,628.5 kW 62. A supply of water is available at a head of 60 ft. It is proposed to buid a
turbine to operate at 125 rpm and this turbine is expected to develop 50
MW. What is the critical speed ?
A. 193.79 rpm C. 391.97 rpm
P,= Ohe, B. 139,79 rpm D. 319.97 rpm

P-98sm'/s)(194-60- 6.5m)(0.0) Shon

P = 5628.49 kW

NNVHP 125rpm50000kW(1hp/0.746 kW
Ans. D N, (60n)
57. One could expect the possibility of Reynolds number similarity in all of N,=193.79 rpm
the following cases except:
A. pumps
8. 63. Compute the scale ratio for the model turbine if the prototype to model
C. turbines
D. weirs
speed and head ratio is 0.675 and 12 respectively.
A. 5.24 C. 5.82
Answer: D TUTEFo B. 5,13 D. 5.32

S8. One could expectthe possibility of Froude number similarity in all of the Slon
following cases except Q H
1 2 3N
A. surface ships
surface wave motion 3 2 5D
flow over weirs
D. closed pipe turbulent pipe flow

Answer: D 12-(0.675)(kcaleratio)
scale ratio =5.13
59. River flows at 30 m/sand develops a total brake power of 5 MW. What
is the available headif it is proposed to install two turbines with 85% Ans.
efficiency each? 64. The power output from a generator that is driven by an impulse turbine
A. 19.99 m C. 16.75 m is 122,000 kW. The turbine wheel which is mounted on a 3ft diameter
B. 25.26 m D. 23.18 m
steel shaft, has a 20 ft diameter and is spr by a 2 ft diameter water jet.
Assuming ideal conditions (Vjet = 2Vvane and the jet is deflected
P 7Qhe through 180°). the angular speed of the turbine wheel is most nearly:
A. 15 rpm C,1300 pm
so00 W9.81m /6)085) B. 150 rpm D. 2600 rpm

Ans. Al CEB
60. A pelton type turbine has a gross head of 40 m and a friction head loss
of 6 m. What is the penstock diameter if the penstock length is 90 m and.
the coefficient of friction head lossis 0.001( Morse).
A. 2040 mm C. 2440 mm
B. 3120 mm D. 2320 mm
Slikon V94.19m/s

Solving for V: Note ue and Va

V=2gh=2(9.81m/ )(40-6m) ro(94.19 m/s)
V= 25.83 m/s
2fLV A3.28 z(94.19 m/s))
from: h
gD 60
h, 6m= 2(0.001)(90m)(25.83m/s)
15.45 rad/s
min 2 ev=
147.51 rpm

(9.81m/s )(D) Ans B

D= 2.04 m = 2040 mm

65. A hydro-electric impulse turbine is directly coupled to a 24 pole, 60 Hz 70. At a potential hydraulic-plant site the average elevation of the headwater
altemator. It has a specific speed of 60 rpm and develops 3000 Hp. is 1812 ft. the tailwater elevation at 1575 . The average
What is the required diameter assuming a peripheral speed ratio of 0.45.
estimated at
annual water flow was determined to be equal to that volume flowing
A. 0.661 m C.0.443 m through a rectangular channel 30 ft wide with a depth of 4 ft and an
B. 0.552 m D. 0.775 m average velocity of I5 fUs. Find the annual electrical energy this site can
produce with a water turbine efficiency of 85% .a generator efficiency
Soluton of 95%, and the loss in the headworks equal to 3 % of the available head.
A. 160,468.000 kW-hrs C. 260.468,000 kW-hrs
B. 247,864,000 kW-hrs D. 147.864000 kW-hrs
N where:N= 40 120(60)
2gh where: NEP 24 Soletion:
N 300 rpm hoet (1812-1575 )(1-0.03)=230 ft
Solving for h: Q 30 (4) ( 15) = 1800 ft'/s

N, h4 The kW output: (kW)
6 0 3003000
62.4(1800 230 X0.85 X0.95J0.746) =28,295 kw
h 89.13ft =27.17m The Annual Energy Produced
Substituting values: 28,295 (8760) = 247,864,000 kW-hrs

045 D(300/60) Ans. B

2(9.81)(27.17) 71. The specific speed of turbine is 85 rpm and running at 500 rpm. What is
D 0.661 m
the maximum power delivered by the generator if the head is 25 m and
Ans.A generator efficiency is 90%.
66. A hydraulic turbine receives water from a reservoir at an elevation of 100 A. 1,140.21 kW C. 2,181.35 kW
m above it. Whal is the minimum water flow in D. 2,140.27 kW
kg/s to produce a steady B. 1,182.35 kW
turbine output of 50 MW.
A. 50,247 C. 50,672
B 50,968 D. 59,465
N, NHP 500HP
85 25(3.281)
50,000 = 9.81 Q(100) HP 1,761.02
Q S0.968 m/s S0,968 kg/s Pp1,761.02 (0.746) (0.90) = 1,182.35kW

Ans. B Ans B
72. Calculate the power that can be developed from a hydro-electric power
67. The mechanical volumetric and total efficiencies of a turbine are 94%,
plant or station having the following data:
96% and 82% respectively. Calculate ihe total head if the effective bead Catchment Area 90 km
is 50 m.
Average Annual rainfall 120 cm
A. 4543 m 35.44 D 85 %
B. 44.35 m D. 53.44 m Available head 350 m
Over-all Station Efficiency 75%

eh h

A. 8,746.06 kW C. 9,746.80 kW
B. 6.794.08 kW D. 7,496.08 kW
Solving for e
0.82 0.94(e0.96)
Ch 0.9087 or 90.87% ( 90x10* m ) (1.20 m)(083)291 m'/s
8760 hrs/lyr (3600 s/hr)
hietal0.9087 (50)=45.43 P.=rQh 9.81(291)(350) =9,994.78 kW

Ans. A Po = Pu eoverall 9994.78 (0.75)=7,496.08 kW

68. A vena contracta in a fluid jet issuing through a hole in a plate is located Ans. D
approximately: 73. In a hydroclectric power plant the tailwater elevation is at 500 m. What
isthe head water elevation if the net head is 30 m and the head loss is
A. 10 diameters downstream of the hole 5% of the gross head2
B. at jet's minimum diameter A. 785.25 m C.528.57m
C. at the orifice minimum diameter B.582.57 m D. 758.25 m
D. at the orifice maximum diameter
Answer: B
Dg hw-Drw
Solving for h :
69. One could expect the possibility of Froude number similarity in all of the h = h + bi = hs +0.05 h =
following cases except 30 1.05 hg
h 28.57 m
A. motion of a fluid jet then, substituling
B. flow over spillways 28.57 hiw 500
C. surge and flood waves thus;
D. subsonic airfoils hw 528.57 m

Answer. D
Ans. B
74. The pressure gage leading to the turbine casing of a Francis turbine reads 79. A double overhung impulse turbine of 85 % efficiency is direct
0.5 Mpa and the center of the spiral casing is 5 m above the tail race connected to a 30,000 kW generator of 93% efficiency. Elevation of
What is the net head if the velocity of water entering the turbine is 10 headwater level is 2730 ft above sea level, elevation of tailwater level
m/s? is 1260 ft above sea level, turbine seting is 12 ft.. velocity of fow in
A. 67.01 m C. 70.61 m penstock is equal to 0.025 2gh loss of head due to friction is 2% of
B. 76.01 m D. 61.07 m
grosshead. Compute the flow through the turbine in ft'/s.
A. I57 f s C. 413 ft /s
B. 314 s D. 206.5 ft''s
h-Z 2981 209 81)
= 61.07 m

h h , - h , = h, -002h, = 0 93h,
Ans. D h, = h-h. - D- [2730- 1260-12]- 1458 m
75. The tailwater and the headwater of a hydo-electric plant are 150 m and h 0.98(1458 )- 1428 84 m
200 m respectively. What is the water power if the flow is 15 m/s and
a head loss of 10% of the gross head ? 30,000 624Q(1428.84)X0.85)
A. 6,621.75 kW 0.746(0.93) 550
C. 5,621.76 kW
B. 7,621.65 kW D. 4,621.56 kW 314 0 , Q, ==157 t'/s
S 2

Ans. A
Solving for h: 80. In a hydro-electric plant, water flows at 10 m/s in a penstock of I m2
h e h w - htw 200- IS0 = S0 m cross-sectional area. If the net head of the plant is 30 m and the turbine
h hg-hi = 50-0.10(50) = 45 efficiency is 85%, what is the turbine output?
then: Substituting: A. 2,501.55 kW C. 3.626.34 kW
P9.81 (15)%45) =
6.621.75 kW B. 2.100.21 kW D. 3.124.65 kW
76. Which of the following choices is a suitable Q AV= I(10) 10 m'/s
generator speed for this type P YQh9.81 (10)(30) = 2,943 kW
of runner with the following data:
P= 0.85(2,943) = 2.501.55 kW
Horsepower 111,300
Net Head 80 ft
Electrical efficiency 50 cycles/s
Ans. A
81 Compressing air in afour stroke cyce is
A. 53.57 pm C. 57.53 pm
B. 55.37 pm D. 75.35 pin A. first stroke
B. second stroke
Slon C. third stroke
D. fourth stroke
N N=O 675
h 80 rpm Answer: B

N=N,(h 7547(80 = 54 82. In ahydraulic plant the difference in elevation between the surface of the
VHP 11300 water at intake and the tailrace is 650 ft when the flow is 90 cis, the
friction koss in the penstock is 65 ft and the head utilized by the turbine
120f 120 (50)112
P N 54 is 500 AL The mechanical friction in the urbine is 110 Hp. and the
leaknge lossis 4 cfs. Find the hydraulic efficiency.
thus; the suitable generator speed; N: A 87.45% C. 85.47%
N= 120(50) 53.57 rpm
B. 84.57% D. 78.54 %
P 112

Ans. C Hydraulic Efficiency,en

77. River fAows at 30 m/s and develops a totul bruke power of 5 MW. Wha 500 0.8547 8547%
is the available head ifit is proposed to installtwo turbines with 85% 650--65
efficiency each?
A. 19.99 m C. 16.75 nm
Ans. C
B. 21.54 m D. 12.54 m
83 Which of the following srokes is produced by the buming gases.
A. first stroke
S000 5,882.35 kW B. second stroke
0.85 C. third stroke
5,882.35 = 9.81 (30) h D. fourth stroke
h 19.99 m
Answer: C
Ans. A
84. A pelton wheel runs at a constant speed under a head of 650 ft. The cross
78. The fact that a fluid's velocity increases as the cross sectional area of the sectional area of the jet is 0.50 f and the nozzle friction loss is to be
pipe through which it fow decreases is due to: neglected. Suppose the needle of the nozzle is to be adjusted as to reduce
the area of the jet from 0.50 to 0.20 ft. Under these conditions the
A. Bernoull's equalion efticiency of the wheel is known to be 70% . Find the power output of
B. the continuity equalion he wheel.
C. the momentum equation A. 2112.34 Hp C. 3017.62 Hp
D. the perfect gas law B. 2506.34 Hp D. 3462.74 Hp

Answer: B Salu-kon
V-V2gh v2(32 2N650) = 204.60 t/s
A V = 0.20 ( 204.60) =40.92f°/s

89. Which of the following strokes expels the burned gases?

624(40 92X6NU) 3o17.62 Hp A. first stroke
0.70(3017.62)= 2112.34 Hp B. second stroke
HPeutpu C. third stroke
Ans. A D. founh stroke
Answer: D
85. A 2000 kW diesel engine unit uses I bbl oil per 525 kw-hr produced. Oil
is 25°API. Efficiency of generator is 93K%, mechanical efficiency of 90. The fuel is supplied by one pump and switched to each cylinder by a muti
engine is 80%. What is the thermal efficiency of the engine based on outlet rotating valve or distributor.
indicated power ?
A. 31.69 % C. 39.6 % A. distributor system
B. 29.47 % D. 35.6 % B. injector system
C. non injector system
D. non distributor system

The indicated thermal efficiency. e Answer: A

On,Q 91. A hydro-electric power plant consumes 60,000.000 kW-hr per year
What is the net head if the expected flow is 1500 m°/min and over-all
where efficiency is 63%.
API = 131.5 A. 34.34 m C. 44.33 m
S.G B. 43.43 m D. 33.44 m

25 =
141.3 131.5 Sdeton:

S.G.15. = 0.904
S.G156C P, =Qh
Solving for h:
where: P, =P.e,

mmucl(bbl) 37851L= 143.724 k

90 gal 6000 00 W-9.8 ' s h(0.63)
Q 41.130+139.6°API =41,130 + 139.6 (25) = 44.620 kJkg
h 44.33 m

Pand = = 705.645 kW-hr =2.540,323 kW-s or k Ans. C

92. A pelton wheel running at a speed of 400 rpm is driven by a water power
2,540,323 = 0.3961 or 39.61 % of5000 kW. The elevation is 150 m and the velocity coefficient is 0.97.
(143 724)X44,620) Findthe number required if its diameter is limited at 0. 15 m.
of jets
AB. 43 C.5
Ans. A D. 6

86. In parallel pipe system originating and tenninating in comman junctions: Solving for
mass flows through each branch are
equal P rQh
B. pressure drops through each branch are equal
C. lengths of cach branch are equal
D. flow areas of each branch are equal
s00&W=9.81 150m)
Answer: B Q 3.40 m/s
Solving for no. of jets:
87. The following are examples of indirect (secondary) measurements to
measure flow rates using obstruction meters
except: QDCgh(0. ofjets)
A pitot static meters 3.40 s0.1sm)' x0.97e(os1m/s°)(150 m) (no. ofjets)
B. static pressure probes
no. of jets =3.65 4 jets
weight and mass scales
direction sensing probes CEBV as
Answer: C 93. When a falling object reaches a speed at which the drag force cquals its
weight, it has achieved :
88. A four-stroke 394 mm bore and 534 mm stroke single acting diesel
engine with four cylinders is guaranteed to deliver 350 BHp at 300rpm. A. Mach one
The engine consumed 66.8 kg/hr of fuel with a heating value of 44,251 B. a laminar boundary layer
kJkg. Calculate the indicated meun effective pressure in kPa if C. a turbulent boundary layer
mechanical efficiency is 89%. D. terminal velocity
A. 451 kPa C. 490 kPa
B. 475 kPa D. 425 kPa Answer: C
94. The coefficient of discharge is the ratio of the

V LNn= (0534) (4)=0651 m'/s

2(60)J A. area of vena contracta to the orifice area
B. actual discharge to the theoretical discharge
Pbrake Pat VD C. actual velocity to the theoretical velocity
350(0.746) = Pmb (0.651)
Pamb 401.08 kPa D. effective head to the actual head

450 65 kPa Answer: B

Ans. A
95. A reaction turbine develops 500 BHP. Flow through the turbine is 50 cfs. Please log-on to www.primereviewcenter.com for the enhancement of
Water enters at 20 fps with a 100 ft pressure head, The elevation of the Elements(Terms) in Mathematics & Basic Engineering Sciences, Power &
turbine above the tailwater level is 10 ft. Find the effective head Industrial Plant Enginecring and Machine Design.
A. 130.2 ft C. 110.2 ft
B. 120.2 ft D. 116.2ft


h 100+ 10+
2 (32.2)
116.2 f

Ans. D
96. Binding of the piston and the cylinder wall as a result of the lubrication
having been destroyed by excessive temperature and friction.
A. piston skirt
B. piston ring
C. piston scoring
D. piston scizure

Answer: D

97. Water flows steadily with a velocity of 3.05 m/s in a horizontal

having a diameter of 15.24 cm. At one section of the pipe, the
temperature and pressure of the water are 21°C and 689.3 kPa
respectively. The pressure in the other section is 516.9 kPa, and the
length of the pipe is 304.8 m. What is the friction factor? Note: Ps
516.9 kPa,L 304.8 m

A. 0.156 C.0.0185
B.0.0091 D. 0.781
h 1LV
re: h, L-895-S16.= 17.574m

17.574 S04.8X3.05)
h 00185
98. Grooves in the cylinder wall or piston or in both. It is caused by the
piston scraping the cylinder wall in its movement without proper
A. piston skir
B. piston ring
C piston scoring
D. piston seizure

Answer: C
99. A Pelton wheel is to be designed to run at 300 rpm under an effective
head of 150 m. The ratio of the nozzle diameter to the diameter of the
pitch circle is 1/12. Assuming efficiency of 84%, what is the size ofthe
wheel in m. Assume a speed ratio of 0.45.1
4. 1.05 C 1.55
B. 2.00 D. 2.86

TDN 045 D300/360)

V2gh 29.81X150)
D 1.5 m

Ans. C
100. The coefficient of velocity is equal to the :

A. product of the coefficient of and the

discharge coefficient of
B. actual velocity divided by the theoretical velocity
C. sum of the coefficient of discharge and the coefficient of
D. difference of the coefficient of discharge and the coefficient of

Answer: B

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