Olompia Underpass
Olompia Underpass
Olompia Underpass
JUNE 2008
1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................. 1
2. METHODOLOGY .................................................................. 3
3. GEOTECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS................................... 5
5. CONCLUSION .................................................................... 12
1.1 Background
As per the request made by the client (i.e. Eng. Zewdie Eskinder & Co. Plc) for
Geotechnical Investigation and Foundation Recommendation works for Bole Ring
Road Round About to Meskel Square Road Design and supervision, SABA
Engineering PLC has executed a geotechnical investigation work by drilling four
exploratory boreholes to a maximum depth of 15.00 m at Olympia Junction at the
proposed locations shown on the attached site plan (Appendix 2).
The field investigation was conducted from June 01 to June 06, 2008.
Accordingly, the general and particular geology of the site and the methodologies
employed are described and the investigation and tests used to study the engineering
properties of the sub-surface strata including analysis and interpretations of results are
discussed. Finally, recommendation is given with regard to the bearing layer, bearing
depth, allowable bearing pressure and suitable type of foundation.
1.2 Location
The new circular overpass structure is located at Olympia area having four supporting
piers. At each pier one borehole was drilled to various depths below NGL till a
confidential bearing layer was identified. The coordinates and elevations fo boreholes
measured using hand-held GPS and the depths drilled are tabulated as follows:
Addis Ababa city is situated in the western margin of the Main Ethiopian Rift and
represents a transition zone between the Ethiopian Plateau and the rift with poorly
defined escarpment.
The geology of Addis Ababa area is represented by four volcanic units dominated in
the lower part by basaltic lava flows (Addis Ababa basalt), followed by a pyroclastic
sequence, mainly formed by ignimbrites (Addis Ababa Ignimbrite), followed by
central composite volcanoes (Central Volcanoes unit), and finally small spatter cones
and lava flows (Akaki unit).
Addis Ababa basalt extensively crops out along Akaki, Kebena, and Dukem rivers at
the east to southeastern part of Addis Ababa, and represents the oldest unit of the
It consists of essentially sub-horizontal lava flows with thickness ranging from few
meters up to 20m. Maximum exposed thickness was found east of Addis Ababa,
along the Kebena River. Addis Ababa basalt is predominantly constituted by alkaline
and olivine basalts with three main textural attributes, that is, porphyritic, aphyric,
and sub-aphyric.
Addis Ababa ignimbrite is exposed close to Addis Ababa along the Akaki and
Kebena rivers. It overlies the Addis Ababa basalt and locally covers the products of
the composite central volcanoes of Wechecha and Furi. The sequence is constituted
by different flow units, consisting of pale-green to pale-yellow welded and crystal
rich ignimbrites.
Central volcanoes unit includes the Yerer volcano and the product of the two
composite volcanoes Wechecha and Furi west and southeast of Addis Ababa,
respectively. Wechecha and Furi volcanoes are two large edifices composed by
predominant trachyte with minor pyroclastics. Yerer represents the largest volcanic
edifice in the region, with a relief of 1000m from the plain and 14km wide along east-
west direction. Products mainly consist of trachytes, even if pyroclastics are
widespread mainly in the central part eastern sector. The highest part of Yerer
volcano was affected by a more recent volcanic activity that produces spatter cones
and associated basalt.
Akaki unit crops out east of Addis Ababa and consists of scoria and spatter cones
with associated tabular lava flows and phreato-magmatic deposits. Alluvial deposits
covering these units consists of regolith, reddish brown soils, talus and alluvium with
maximum thickness of about two meters.
Below the relatively thin layer of back-fill material, the entire project site is underlain
by residual soil layer comprising stiff, brown to light yellowish sandy silty
clay/clayey silt occasionally mixed with some highly weathered gravel-sized basalt
The detailed geological strata encountered are presented in the boreholes log sheets
attached with this report (Appendix 1).
Rotary core drilling technique has been employed using one Korean made crawler
type drilling rig having the capacity to perform boring operation to the required
standard and quality.
Dry drilling method has been utilized for the top soil formation using inner lining and
double core barrels fitted with appropriate size tungsten carbide bits at the bottom in
order to achieve good quality core recovery. When the formation changed to rock,
water was pumped down to the bit through hollow drill rods, thus, lubricating the bit
and flushing the debris up the borehole.
Telescopic drilling was used whereby the drilling size was reduced progressively
starting from 110 mm hole diameter to 101mm and remained so till the completion
Ground water was not encountered in all the boreholes till completion depth.
Field Testing
The field testing was conducted in the boreholes starting from a depth of 1.50m
below NGL
Standard penetration tests (SPTs) have been conducted inside boreholes using a
standard hammer, weighting 63.5 kg and falling freely from a height of 760 mm
along a frictionless guide rod in accordance with test procedure mentioned in test No.
19 of BS 1377; 1975. Blow counts for a total penetration depth of 450 mm from the
bottom of a cleaned borehole were recorded and counts for the first 150 mm
penetration were discarded since the ground is considered to be distributed by drilling
activity prior to the test. SPT N-values for the last 300 mm penetration were thus
recorded at the corresponding depths on the borehole log sheets.
Two undisturbed soil samples were taken using thin wall Shelby tube from boreholes
BH-C (at a depth of 3.60m) and BH-D (at a depth of 6.0m) for soil UCS and direct
shear tests. Additionally, eleven distributed soil samples were taken from SPT split -
spoon sampler from the boreholes (as shown on the borehole log sheets) for
laboratory determinations of gradation, Atterberg limit and free swell tests.
Table (2-1) presents summary of the exploration methods and tests performed for the
Core samples recovered from core barrels were arranged in partitioned wooden core
boxes having 1.0 m length, and are properly labeled indicating project name, client,
borehole designation, depth, etc. The cores inside core boxes were logged and
photographed (colored) as part of the report document.
Table 2.1: Summary of Methods of Exploration and Tests Performed for the
Descriptive analysis was made on the soil samples derived from the boreholes. This
was used together with the classification tests and relative compactions as indicated
from the SPT tests, and the following generalized geo-technical layers are identified.
Details on type and extent of the geothecnical layers are given in Appendix 1 (Borehole
A. Back-fill material
The top most part of the project site at Olympia junction is composed of a back-fill
material having thicknesses varying from 0.45m around BH-D to 1.90m around BH-B.
Underlying the back-fill material, dense residual soil layer of basalt origin comprising
sandy silty clay/clayey silt mixed with some gravel-sized basalt rock fragments were
found and continued to the bottom depth where drilling terminated.
The field SPT N-values conducted in these layers ranges from 14 to 42 indicating dense
nature of natural compaction down deep the layer. The soil consistency test results for
the residual soil layer showed Plasticity Index and Liquid Limit values varying from
6% to 22% and from 39% to 67% respectively. The free swell is about 10% to 90%.
According to Unified Soil Classification System, the residual soil layer is classified as
low plastic. According to Bowles, 1988, soils having a PI values lower than 35% show
a very low potential for volume change.
Foundation recommendation refers to the determination of the bearing layer and depth,
allowable pressure on the bearing layer and type of foundation that could be adopted
safely and economically.
As can be observed from the stratigraphy encountered in all the boreholes, the dense
residual soil layer can be considered for placing foundation footings of the four pier
structures of the overpass. The allowable bearing pressures for the selected foundation
layers shall be discussed based on correlation of the relative compaction of the in-situ
ground as indicated from SPT and laboratory determination of UCS. Determination of
the allowable bearing pressures and selection of foundation types and depth is discussed
UCS tests were conducted on two undisturbed soil samples taken from BH-C at a depth
of 3.60m and BH-D at a depth of 6.0m. The test results are shown below:
Unconfined compression tests were conducted on two soil samples to derive the
undrained shear strength value, Cu of the soil. The average of Cu values obtained from
BH-C and BH-D is considered and angle of internal friction, Ø is taken as zero.
The net ultimate bearing pressure for vertical loads on clay soils is normally computed
as a simplification of either the Meyerhof or Hansen equations as follows (Bowles,
1984). For cohesive soils, changes in ground water levels do not affect theoretical
ultimate bearing capacity. Presence of ground water has no effect on cohesive soils with
Ø = 0. For the most critical stability state (Ø = 0), which is created when the foundation
load is applied so rapidly, the immediate bearing capacity is independent of the location
of the water table. This is in contrast to the long term stability in which case the value
of the drained shear strength cd, and the bearing capacity factors are obtained
corresponding to a drained friction angle Ød.
When designing a foundation on the basis of ultimate bearing capacity, a suitable factor
of safety should be used to determine the allowable pressure so that the foundation
system may be safe against shear failure. For footing foundations, a factor of safety of 2
to 3 is commonly used under normal loading conditions. Thus, taking a factor of safety
of 3; one obtains:
The allowable bearing pressure obtained from the analysis based on soil UCS tests is
very low.
In order to get the shear strength properties of the silty clay/silt soil, Direct Shear tests
were conducted on undisturbed samples retrieved from the boreholes. The friction angle
(φ), cohesion (C) and unit weight (γ) are obtained from the direct shear tests conducted
on two Shelby tube samples taken from BH-C and BH-D. Since the samples represent a
layer which has more or less similar characteristics we have taken the average values
for φ, C and γ of the upper silty clay/silt soil.
Among the bearing capacity equations we have chosen Meyerhof’s bearing capacity
equation since it can be used in any situation. Terzaghi’s bearing capacity equation is
usually preferred for very cohesive soils where D/B < 1.
J.E.Bowels states that the base width term can be ignored for a conservative solution
since its contribution is not substantial. Thus the base width term has been ignored and
the depth factor dropped since the application of these theoretically based values to a
practical situation has been questionable. (Vesic, 1975).Thus the increased bearing
capacity of shallow footings due to the depth effect has not been taken into account.
When designing a foundation on the basis of ultimate bearing capacity, a suitable factor
of safety should be used to determine the allowable pressure so that the foundation
system may be safe against shear failure. For footing foundations, a factor of safety of 2
to 3 is commonly used under normal loading conditions. Thus, taking a factor of safety
of 2.5; one obtains:
SPT values were used to calculate the bearing capacity of the residual soil layers.
Representative values are selected from the SPT data. The boreholes, the depths below
NGL at which the selected SPT N- values are obtained, the SPT N-values and the
adjusted N-values (i.e. N’55) are given below and they are considered for determining
the design N-values.
The N-values are converted to N55 standard energy ratio value according to Bowles
(Bowles, 1988).
N’55 = CN x N x n1 x n2 x n3 x n4
N’55 = adjusted N
n1 = Er/Erb (where Er is average energy ratio that depends on the drill system and Erb is
the standard energy ratio). Er is taken as 45 and Erb as 55.
After adjusting the N-values based on the above formula and taking corresponding
average values from respective boreholes, a design N-values are chosen from
consecutive depths where the test is performed. The design N-values are taken as the
average of N-values which are found in between ½ B above and 2B below the proposed
footing depths where B is the width of the foundation.
The bearing capacity for the soil layer is calculated from the SPT N- values using
Meyerhof’s equation as follows (Bowles, 1988): -
B = Width of foundation
D = Depth of foundation
qa = Allowable bearing pressure for settlement limited to 25 mm.
Kd = 1+0.33D/B < 1.33
F2 = 0.08
F3 = 0.3
F4 = 1.2
The following allowable bearing pressures are calculated for different foundation
widths at a footing depth of 3.50m below the ground level for settlement limited to 25
mm. Footing width is a significant parameter since a large footing width will affect the
soil to a greater depth and strains integrated over a greater depth will produce a larger
Table 4.1 Allowable Bearing Pressures Based on SPT
Width B (m)
Proposed Footing Depth
Below Ground Level 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
Allowable Bearing Pressures (KPa)
From the above analysis, one can see that allowable bearing pressure obtained using
bearing capacity equations from UCS tests is 84 kPa which is a very low value and do
not represent the engineering behavior for the encountered sub-surface foundation
material of the project site. The allowable bearing pressure obtained from Direct Shear
test is relatively closer with the values obtained based on SPT. Usually SPT reflects the
actual in-situ condition of the ground and, for safety reasons, we have considered the
values obtained from direct shear. Therefore we recommend an allowable bearing value
of 505 kPa for footing foundations to be placed at a depth of 3.50m below NGL
around BH-A,BH-B,BH-C and BH-D.
Bearing capacities are calculated for shallow foundation systems.
Foundation footings shall be directly placed on a residual soil layer comprising light-
yellow to brownish sandy silty clay/clayey silt occasionally mixed with some highly
weathered gravel- sized basalt fragments for the supporting pier structure. Footings
shall be placed at a depth of 3.50m below NGL around all the boreholes BH-A, BH-B,
BH-C and BH-D and an allowable bearing pressure of 505 kPa is recommended.
Appendix 1
Borehole Logs
Appendix 2
Borehole Locations
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
Appendix 5