01-Orma Garage Bridge Superstructure Design
01-Orma Garage Bridge Superstructure Design
01-Orma Garage Bridge Superstructure Design
Slab Bridge Design
- Main reinforcements are placed parellel to center line of roadway.
- The bottom of the slab is assumed level.
- Center to center of support is assumed perpendicular to supports, not neccesarily
parallel to centerline of roadway.
- The additional amount of concrete thickness for crossfall is not considered for
the flexural design, but the weight is included as dead load.
Material Properties
Type of concrete: Grade 20
fc'= 20.00 Mpa
gc = 25.00 KN/m3
Type of steel :
For bar with size greater than f20, For bar with size less than or equal to f20,
Grade-60 Grade-40
fyk = 400.00 MPa fyk = 300.00 MPa
Es = ### Mpa
Ec = 21525.28 Mpa
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Bridge Design Manual - 2002 Appendix SB
Slab Bridge Design
fmoment = 0.90
fshear = 0.90
b= 0.85
s of rupture =fr =0.63sqrt(fc') = 2.82 MPa
Steel ratio
For rebar f > 20 mm
rb = 0.85b1fc'/fy*(599.843/(599.843+fy)) = 0.0217 0.0214
Load Factors
Dead load:
W_slab= 12.50 KN/m2
Weight of wearing surface ws= 1.10 "
Total DL= 13.60 KN/m2
a x [m] VA [KN/m]Mo[KNm/m]
0.00 0.00 70.72 0.00
0.05 0.52 63.65 34.94
0.10 1.04 56.58 66.19
0.15 1.56 49.50 93.77
0.20 2.08 42.43 117.68
0.25 2.60 35.36 137.90
0.30 3.12 28.29 154.45
0.35 3.64 21.22 167.32
0.40 4.16 14.14 176.52
0.432 4.49 9.67 180.43
0.45 4.68 7.07 182.03
0.471 4.90 4.10 183.25
0.50 5.20 0.00 183.87
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Bridge Design Manual - 2002 Appendix SB
Slab Bridge Design
E1 = 250+0.42sqrt(L1W1) L1 = 10400.0 mm
= 4614.76 mm/lane load W1 = 10000.0 mm
The equivalent width of longitudinal strips per lane for both shear and moment with more than one
lane loaded may be determined as:
E2 = 2100+0.12sqrt(L1W1)<=W/NL(3333mm) L1 = 10400.0 mm
= 3323.76 mm/lane load W1 = 10000.0 mm
E= 3.32 m
a) HS20-44
c) Lane load
3.0 m
9.3 KNm
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Bridge Design Manual - 2002 Appendix SB
Slab Bridge Design
Case -1 Moment and shear at rear wheel position ( truck moving to the right )
a) HS20-44 Loading
4.267 4.267 8.53
p P
x =a*s P/4
s= 10.40
a x x1 x2 x3 VA VA [KN] Mo Mo [KNm]
0.00 0.00 1.87 6.13 10.40 1.635 94.85 0.00 0.00
0.05 0.52 1.35 5.61 9.88 1.522 88.32 0.79 45.93
0.10 1.04 0.83 5.09 9.36 1.410 81.79 1.47 85.06
0.15 1.56 0.31 4.57 8.84 1.297 75.26 2.02 117.41
0.20 2.08 0.00 4.05 8.32 1.190 69.03 2.47 143.58
0.25 2.60 0.00 3.53 7.80 1.090 63.23 2.83 164.39
0.30 3.12 0.00 3.01 7.28 0.990 57.42 3.09 179.16
0.35 3.64 0.00 2.49 6.76 0.890 51.62 3.24 187.91
0.40 4.16 0.00 1.97 6.24 0.790 45.82 3.29 190.61
0.432 4.49 0.00 1.64 5.91 0.726 42.11 3.26 189.18
0.45 4.68 0.00 1.45 5.72 0.690 40.02 3.23 187.28
0.471 4.90 0.00 1.23 5.50 0.648 37.58 3.17 184.09
0.50 5.20 0.00 0.93 5.20 0.59 34.22 3.07 177.92
Case -2 Moment and shear at middle wheel position ( truck moving to the left )
4.267 4.267
p/4 P p
x =a*s
s= 10.40
a x x1 x2 x3 VA VA [KN] Mo Mo [KNm]
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Bridge Design Manual - 2002 Appendix SB
Slab Bridge Design
* --- Indicates point of maximum live load moment for spans which can fully contain the truck length.
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Bridge Design Manual - 2002 Appendix SB
Slab Bridge Design
p p
x =a*s
s= 10.40
a x x1 x2 VA VA [KN] Mo Mo [KNm]
0.00 0.00 9.18 10.40 1.883 102.17 0.000 0.00
0.05 0.52 8.66 9.88 1.783 96.74 0.927 50.30
0.10 1.04 8.14 9.36 1.683 91.31 1.750 94.97
0.15 1.56 7.62 8.84 1.583 85.89 2.469 133.98
0.20 2.08 7.10 8.32 1.483 80.46 3.084 167.36
0.25 2.60 6.58 7.80 1.383 75.03 3.595 195.09
0.30 3.12 6.06 7.28 1.283 69.61 4.002 217.18
0.35 3.64 5.54 6.76 1.183 64.18 4.305 233.62
0.40 4.16 5.02 6.24 1.083 58.76 4.504 244.42
0.432 4.49 4.69 5.91 1.019 55.28 4.577 248.37
0.45 4.68 4.50 5.72 0.983 53.33 4.599 249.58
0.471 4.90 4.28 5.50 0.941 51.05 4.608 250.06
0.50 5.20 3.98 5.20 0.883 47.90 4.591 249.10
c) Lane load
a x [m] VA [KN/m]
0.00 0.00 16.12 0.00
0.05 0.52 14.51 7.96
0.10 1.04 12.90 15.09
0.15 1.56 11.28 21.38
0.20 2.08 9.67 26.82
0.25 2.60 8.06 31.43
0.30 3.12 6.45 35.21
0.35 3.64 4.84 38.14
0.40 4.16 3.22 40.24
0.432 4.49 2.20 41.13
0.45 4.68 1.61 41.49
0.471 4.90 0.93 41.77
0.50 5.20 0.00 41.91
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Bridge Design Manual - 2002 Appendix SB
Slab Bridge Design
a x Vs [KN/m]
0.00 0.00 189.01 0.00
0.05 0.32 174.90 88.82
0.10 0.64 160.79 166.34
0.15 0.96 146.68 232.56
0.20 1.28 132.56 288.08
0.25 1.60 118.45 333.73
0.30 1.92 104.34 368.82
0.35 2.24 90.23 393.37
0.40 2.56 76.12 407.37
0.432 2.49 67.16 412.60
0.45 2.88 62.01 414.11
0.471 2.88 56.09 413.96
0.50 3.20 47.90 410.47
a x Vu [KN/m]
0.00 0.00 295.40 0.00
0.05 0.32 274.24 137.97
0.10 0.64 253.09 258.01
0.15 0.96 231.93 360.09
0.20 1.28 210.77 445.30
0.25 1.60 189.62 515.07
0.30 1.92 168.46 568.21
0.35 2.24 147.30 604.73
0.40 2.56 126.14 624.63
0.432 2.490 112.69 631.84
0.45 2.88 104.99 633.67
0.471 2.88 96.10 632.80
0.50 3.20 83.83 626.39
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Bridge Design Manual - 2002 Appendix SB
Slab Bridge Design
Therefore, a moment satisfying the provisions of section 3.3 and Art 7.2 Minimum combination is taken for design
Mu = 633.67 KNm/m
Dprov. = 500 mm
As = Mu/ffy(d-a/2) beff = 1000 mm
= 4624.91 mm2 fy = 400 MPa
fc' = 20 MPa
a = Asfy/(.85fc'b) f= 0.9
= 108.82 mm dia. bar = 30 mm
108.82 cover = 50 mm
dprov = 435 mm
b1 = 0.85
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Bridge Design Manual - 2002 Appendix SB
Slab Bridge Design
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Ethiopian Roads Authority
Bridge Design Manual - 2002 Appendix SB
Slab Bridge Design
To take into account for load distribution normal to traffic use distribution steel,
S= 10400.00 mm
Percentage =1750/sqrt( 17.16 % <= 50%
As dist = 793.64 mm2/m dia of dist. bar = 16 mm
Provide f 16 c/c 250 mm
The amount of additional reinforcement required at the edge beam is given by,
use 6 f 24
Extension length reqd beyond the point at which it is no longer required is given by ;
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Bridge Design Manual - 2002 Appendix SB
Slab Bridge Design
Mu [KNm],Vu [KN]
300.00 (Mu[KNm/m])
0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50
x [m]
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Bridge Design Manual - 2002 Appendix SB
Slab Bridge Design
406(1) GRADE 20 CONCRETE m3 115.8 ( Level bottom surface )
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