Analysis of Impact Air-Permeability of Fabrics: Fibres and Textiles in Eastern Europe January 2008
Analysis of Impact Air-Permeability of Fabrics: Fibres and Textiles in Eastern Europe January 2008
Analysis of Impact Air-Permeability of Fabrics: Fibres and Textiles in Eastern Europe January 2008
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1 author:
Magdalena Tokarska
Lodz University of Technology
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All content following this page was uploaded by Magdalena Tokarska on 24 February 2015.
n Introduction The dependence of the pressure on the a circular grip mounted on the upper base
volume flux in static conditions for wo- of a cylinder. Inside the cylinder is a tight
In many flat textile products, appropriate ven fabrics is approximated by a straight piston. The impact of the downward
air-permeability is their most important line: movement of the piston in the cylinder
feature [1, 2]. This feature especially re- causes a transient airflow through the po-
fers to parachutes, tents, tarpaulins, sails ps(w) = a . w (1)
rous membrane. The impact movement
and vehicle airbags. Aeration is also an At the second stage the specimen under of the piston is a technical representation
important feature of filtration fabrics. study is subjected to transient airflows on of a unit step – one of many possible
a specially constructed stand for dynamic dynamic interactions. The mathemati-
Wawszczak and Strzembosz [3, 4] pre- investigations (Figure 3) [8]. cal model and results of simulation of
sented an aerodynamic method in their the piston displacement in a cylinder is
studies of textiles, which enables the es- On the stand the same specimen of a described in the paper [9].
timation of the internal structure. The au- porous structure is placed as a barrier in
thors elaborated a new criterion diagram
for the physical modelling of fluid flow
in filtration nonwovens [5]. The method
consists in blowing an air stream through
the specimen. The authors measured
pressure drops at different mass fluxes.
76 FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe January / March 2008, Vol. 16, No. 1 (66)
Figure 4. An example of the dynamic characteristics of the fabric. Figure 5. Hypothetical and real impulse pressure for/on the fabric.
The feature of a textile product which (2) where n – the number of measurements,
highlights differences in the behaviour of where a – the slope of the static charac- i = 1, 2, ..., n.
its structural elements during fixed and teristic ps(w) (formula 1).
transient airflows is called impact perme- The IP index thus determined is the
ability [10]. Static ps(w) and dynamic Figure 5 presents the hypothetical and result of modernisation of the former air-
characteristics p(t) define the flow prop- real impulse pressure obtained for an ex- permeability index [14]. The IP index re-
erties of the flat textile products stud- ample of the fabric - M4. To approximate sults from differences in fabric behaviour
ied [11]. Figure 4 presents the dynamic of the hypothetical impulse pressure, a that occur during fixed and transient air-
characteristics of the fabric - M4. neural network was used [13]. flows. The IP index given by formula (3)
FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe January / March 2008, Vol. 16, No. 1 (66) 77
Figure 7. The IP index values for the fabric. Figure 8. Arranged fabrics.
has a special construction. The IP index conditions. Hence, the fabric structure, Arranging fabrics with respect
values are within the range of (-0.5; 0.5). shapes and sizes of its pores, should not to their flow properties
The sign of the IP index permits to undergo changes during transient air-
quickly estimate the differences in the flows compared to fixed airflows. The impact air-permeability index of
behaviour of fabric in fixed and transient fabrics determined according formula (3)
airflow conditions. The negative values The values of the index of the impact arranges textile products with respect
of the IP index indicate that the shapes permeability, IP, were determined for ten to their flow properties. To identify the
and sizes of the inter-thread canals will (n = 10) specimens obtained from the properties of fabrics characterised by
cause a reduction in the airflow resis- fabric - M4. The valuesreceived are definite values of the IP index in static and
tance of fabric in transient flow condi- shown in Figure 7. dynamic conditions, 20 different fabrics
tions compared to fixed conditions. The were studied. The studies were carried out
positive values testify that the shapes Next, the arithmetical mean for the IP using a designed experiment [15]; a sta-
and sizes of the inter-thread canals will index of the fabric - M4 was determined. ble-system design was selected [15, 16].
bring about an increase in the airflow The value of the arithmetical mean equals The structural parameters of the fabrics
resistance on the fabric in transient flow 0.0438 (Figure 7). The coefficient of and the threads unstitched from them
conditions compared to fixed conditions. variation amounts to 3% in this case. In are shown in Table 1. They have been
The zero values of the IP index testify to comparison with the arithmetical mean, arranged from the greatest to the small-
the fact that the pressure difference that the weighted mean for the IP index was est value of the IP index obtained. The
occur on both sides of the fabric is the calculated. The weighted mean equals zero values of the twist given in Table 1
same irrespective of the investigation 0.0433 (Figure 7). were obtained for flat filaments. These
Woven fabric Impact permeability Thick- Number of Number of Linear density Linear density Warp Weft Crimp Crimp
denotation index IP, ness, warp threads weft threads, of warp, of weft, twist, twist, of warp, of weft,
- mm 1/cm 1/cm tex tex twist/m twist/m % %
M7 0.0487 0.75 35 21 44.6 44.6 254 230 6.7 4.0
M4 0.0438 0.76 36 23 50.4 47.2 270 250 12.0 3.7
M8 0.0411 0.75 35 18 51.0 53.7 149 121 10.7 8.0
M9 0.0380 0.69 36 23 50.7 47.1 271 262 9.4 2.9
M5 0.0359 0.74 35 19 52.0 49.6 154 139 9.8 5.5
M6 0.0268 0.42 43 24 24.9 26.3 378 378 3.1 6.5
M1 0.0233 0.72 35 19 43.0 54.3 153 131 6.7 6.7
M3 0.0151 0.36 38 35 29.3 20.3 206 195 3.4 0.3
M2 0.0131 0.62 22 33 26.4 40.9 214 167 11.6 11.6
M13 -0.0135 0.48 82 30 9.6 25.5 0 0 8.7 0.0
M14 -0.0197 0.38 45 32 20.6 19.4 215 0 12.2 3.1
M10 -0.0377 0.67 38 22 50.0 48.5 269 277 9.7 4.5
M17 -0.0467 0.65 27 25 48.9 50.3 271 258 2.1 7.1
M11 -0.0540 0.66 27 23 57.3 58.3 228 228 5.9 7.1
M20 -0.0562 0.41 43 24 25.1 25.7 290 200 2.5 5.9
M12 -0.0592 0.75 56 25 41.1 38.7 278 278 7.7 1.5
M16 -0.0677 0.27 44 35 12.2 18.5 0 0 6.5 0.0
M18 -0.0719 0.67 49 40 26.6 24.4 0 0 26.0 13.0
M15 -0.0941 0.28 48 26 19.7 8.5 0 0 3.2 0.3
M19 -0.2330 0.33 45 33 19.4 35.1 244 172 3.4 12.4
78 FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe January / March 2008, Vol. 16, No. 1 (66)
a) b) c)
Figure 9. Structure example of fabrics of: a) negative IP index, b) positive IP index, c) small value of IP index.
concern warp threads of fabrics, such as linear density of warp – 26.6 tex In order to exemplify the textile product
M13, M15, M16, M18, and weft threads linear density of weft – 24.4 tex. structure of a small index value, the fab-
of fabrics, such as M14, M15, M18. The This is a fabric of hopsack weave. ric denoted as M14 was chosen. A sim-
zero values of the twist and weft crimp of plified structure of the fabric is shown in
fabrics M13 and M16 were obtained for Fabrics of a positive index are products Figure 9.c.
yarns made of microfibres. made of thick yarns. These yarns are not
clumped, which facilitates airflow. How- The selected parameters of the fabric are
The fabrics arranged with respect to the ever, on the other hand, there is the small
IP index value have also been presented crimp of the weft, hindering the airflow
number of warp threads – 45./cm
in graphical form (Figure 8). through the fabric. The shapes and sizes
that the pores of such a product will as- number of weft threads – 32./cm
Based on the set of structural parameters sume will cause an increase in the air- linear density of warp – 20.6 tex
of the woven fabrics studied, textile flow resistance of the fabric in dynamic linear density of weft – 19.4 tex.
products of negative, positive and small conditions compared to static conditions. This is a fabric of plain weave.
value of impact permeability were char- The fabric threads, interlacing with one
acterised. The choice of fabric weave another, form a stable but thin structure.
was based on preliminary investigations. The small crimp of the weft will render n Conclusions
The investigations depended on the asse- the fabric rigid, which will hinder the 1. Studies of the impact permeability of
ssment of the weave influence on the IP deflection of the warp threads under the fabrics and comparative studies, allow
index sign. influence of the airflow.
this feature to be shaped at the design
and construction stage.
The fabrics for which a negative value In order to exemplify the textile product
of the impact permeability index was ob- structure of a positive index, the fabric 2. A modernised index of the impact
tained are characterised by a large num- denoted as M5 was chosen. A simplified permeability of fabrics arranges tex-
ber of warp threads and a small number image of the structure of the fabric is tile products with respect to their flow
of weft threads. The shapes and sizes that shown in Figure 9.b. properties.
the pores of the product of a negative in- 3. A sign of the index of the impact
dex will assume should cause a decrease The selected parameters of the fabric are permeability is the same for all speci-
in the airflow resistance of the fabric in following: mens obtained from the same woven
dynamic conditions compared to static number of warp threads – 35./cm fabric. The index can take other signs
conditions. In an extreme case, the num- number of weft threads – 19./cm for different woven fabrics.
ber of weft threads can be so small that linear density of warp – 52.0 tex 4. The woven fabrics of a negative value
the warp threads will spread apart due to linear density of weft – 49.6 tex. of the IP index studied are charac-
the dynamic air stream. Lack of support This is a fabric of shaded twill weave. terised by a loose structure, resulting
for the warp threads by the weft threads from a very small number of weft
will cause the inter-thread space to en- Next, fabrics of a relatively small value
threads compared to warp threads.
large in dynamic conditions. The fabric of the IP index, IP ∈ [-0.0200; 0.0200],
Other fabrics investigated, which are
thus built will have an unstable, loose were identified. These fabrics do not
structure and will be liable to bagging. belong to thick products. They are char- characterised by a positive IP value of
acterised by a small linear mass of both the index, are not clumped; however,
In order to exemplify the textile product thread systems and small crimp of the they are thick and rigid. Fabrics char-
structure of a negative index, a fabric weft. The weft and warp threads form a acterised by a small IP value of the
denoted as M18 was chosen. A simpli- rigid and clumped fabric. In such a sys- index are thin, clumped and rigid.
fied image of the structure of the fabric is tem, great thickness of the weft threads,
shown in Figure 9.a. will cause an increase in the airflow re-
sistance of the textile product. The condi- Editorial note
The selected parameters of the fabric are tions of the airflow can be improved by The paper was presented at the 9th Con-
the following: large crimp of the warp. A fabric thus ference of the Faculty of Engineering and
number of warp threads – 49./cm built should behave in a similar manner Marketing of Textile of Technical University of
number of weft threads – 40./cm both in static and dynamic conditions. Lodz, 10th March 2006, Lodz.
FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe January / March 2008, Vol. 16, No. 1 (66) 79
1. Szosland J., Babska A., Gąsiorowska
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Composite Textiles’, Fibres & Textiles in
Eastern Europe, 1999, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp.
2. Zieliński J.: ‘The Effect of Pack Structure
on Stream Permeability’, Fibres & Textiles The 8th International Symposium
in Eastern Europe, 2001, Vol. 9, No. 2.
3. Wawszczak W.: ‘The Geometrical – "Ven-
tilating” Model of any Textile Structure’
(in Polish), Proceedings of 3 th Confer-
ence ‘CLOTECH’, Łódź Poland 2006,
pp. 62-68.
4. Wawszczak W., Strzembosz W.: ‘The
Aerodynamic Method in Studies of Se- EL-TEX 2008
lected Nonwovens’, Fibres & Textiles in
Eastern Europe, 2005, Vol. 13, No. 2, Electrostatic and Electromagnetic Fields
pp. 61-65.
5. Wawszczak W., Strzembosz W.: ‘Criterion New Materials and Technologies
Aerodynamic Analysis of Needled Non-
wovens’, Fibres & Textiles in Eastern will be held on 26-27 November 2008 in Łódź, Poland.
Europe, 2002, No. 1, pp. 71 – 75.
6. Tokarska M.: ‘Research and Analysis of
Impact Permeability of Woven Fabrics’ (in
Polish), Ph.D. Dissertation, Department The Symposium is organised by the Textile Research Institute (IW) in Łódź, the Institute of
for Automation of Textile Processes, Telecommunication, Teleinformatics and Acoustics (ITT&A) of the Technical University
Łódź, 2006. of Wrocław, and the Polish Committee of Electrostatics (SEP), Warsaw.
7. Gniotek K., ‘Flow Properties of Textiles
and their Modelling’ (in Polish), Zeszyty El-Tex Symposium has been organised by the Textile Research Institute since 1994. On
Naukowe (Scientific Letters of the Techni- the 1st of July 2007 the Textile Research Institute was enlarged by the inclusion of the
cal University of Łódź, Scientific Disserta- following formerly independent institutions:
tion No. 192, D.Sc. Dissertation, Łódź, n Institute of Textile Architecture (Instytut Architektury Tekstyliów – IAT)
1993. n Institute of Textile Materials Engineering (Instytut Inżynierii Materiałów Włókiennicz
8. Gniotek K., Tokarska M.: ‘Measurements ych)
of the Impact Air Permeability of Flat Tex- n TRICOTEXTIL Institute of Knitting Techniques and Technologies (Instytut Technik i
tile Products’ (in Polish), Proceedings of Technologii Dziewiarskich Tricotextil)
5th Workshop & Conference ‘Computer
Aided Metrology’, SOWA Sp. z o.o., Ry- The main aim of El-Tex 2008 is the survey and promotion of scientific, technological and
nia, Poland, 2001, pp. 235 – 240. applicational developments and the exchange of experiences between experts representing
9. Zięba J.: ‘Simulation of a Solenoid Actua- different scientific disciplines.
tor for a Device for Investigation Dynamic
Air Permeability Through Flat Textile The program will cover a selection of issues in the scope of:
Products’, Fibres & Textiles in Eastern n the effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF) onto human health,
Europe, 2003, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 85-87. n eliminating or restricting the hazards caused by the occurrence of static electricity,
10. Gniotek K., Tokarska M.: ‘Determining n environmental aspects of EMF,
the Impact Permeability Index of Textiles’, n production methods and application of textile shielding materials,
Textile Research Journal, 2002, Vol. 72, n electrostatic evaluation of textile fabrics,
No. 2, pp. 170-173. n the metrology of electrostatic and electromagnetic fields.
11. Gniotek K., Tokarski P.: ‘New Methods
of Assessing Static and Dynamic Flow
n abstract submission in English (2 pages A4) 25.04.2008
Characteristic of Textiles’, Textile Re-
n paper/poster acceptance 31.05.2008
search Journal, 2000, Vol. 70, No. 1, pp.
n manuscripts ready for printing 30.06.2008
n submission of presentations in electronic form 30.06.2008
12.Tokarska M., Gniotek K.: ‘Method of
n payment of registration fee 30.09.2008
Predicting the Pressure Drop on Woven
Fabrics’, Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Eu- Registration fee:
rope, 2005, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 48 – 51. authors 200 EURO, other participants 250 EURO
13. Tadeusiewicz R.: ‘Neural Networks’ (in The fee covers: participation in sessions, CD with abstracts and presentations, boarding,
Polish), Akademicka Oficyna Wydawni- and social event. Hotel costs are not included.
cza RM, Warszawa 1993.
Recommended accommodation and Symposium venue: Hotel AMBASADOR,
14. Gniotek K.: ‘Dynamic Permeability of Tex- address: ul. Kosynierów Gdyńskich 8, 93-320 Łódź, Poland tel.+4842 646 49 04
tiles’, Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe,
1996, Vol. 4, No. 2 (13), pp. 54-55.
15. Polański Z.: ‘Experiment Design in Prac- Information:
tise’ (in Polish), PWN, Warszawa 1984. Textile Research Institute (IW), Brzezińska 5/15, 92-103 Łódź, Poland,
16. Gniotek K.: ‘Methodology of Identification fax: +4842 6792638
of some Properties of Textile Objects’ (in
Contact persons:
Polish), PAN, oddział w Łodzi, Komisja
Włókiennictwa, ISBN 83-86492-24-4, Katarzyna Grzywacz tel. (+4842) 6163 195, e-mail:
Łódź 2004. Joanna Koprowska tel (+4842) 6163 116, e-mail:
80 FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe January / March 2008, Vol. 16, No. 1 (66)