Mrs Marul Sudah Jadi
Mrs Marul Sudah Jadi
Mrs Marul Sudah Jadi
Evaluation in teaching the English language is a process of collecting, analyzing
and interpreting information about teaching and learning in order to make informed
decisions that enhance student achievement and the success of educational programs
(Rea-Dickens and Geimanie, 1993).
Evaluation is a process that includes five basic components:
1) Articulating the purpose of the educational system.
2) Identifying and collecting relevant information.
3) Having ideas that are valuable and useful to learners in their lives and professions.
4) Analyzing and interpreting information for learners.
5) Classroom management or classroom decision making.
Assessment is a process that includes four basic components:
1) Measuring improvement over time.
2) Motivating students to study.
3) Evaluating the teaching methods.
4) Ranking the students' capabilities in relation to the whole group evaluation.
The purpose of classroom assessment and evaluation is to give students the
opportunity to show what they have learned rather than catching them out or to show
what they have not learned.
To be useful and effective, evaluation and assessment requires planning.
Preparing for evaluation should be an integral part of planning each lesson or unit as
well as general planning at the beginning of the school year or course. Instruction and
evaluation should be considered together in order to ensure that instruction provides
itself to evaluation and that the results of evaluation can direct ongoing instructional
planning. Moreover, if evaluation is not planned along with instruction, the time
required for assessment activities will most likely not be available. As pointed earlier,
clearly an important focus of classroom assessment and evaluation is student
achievement (Jabbarifar, 2019).
2. Content