Edu301 (Quiz 1) (Mid Term MCQS) Final Term (All in One File)
Edu301 (Quiz 1) (Mid Term MCQS) Final Term (All in One File)
Edu301 (Quiz 1) (Mid Term MCQS) Final Term (All in One File)
11. Which of the following is a commonly used teaching strategy which helps in developing space in
working memory ____________________________________________________ elaboration
50. The ------- domain encompasses objectives that deal with the recall or recognition of
knowledge.___________________________________________________________ cognitive
51. --------- perform poor in mathematics and science._________________________________ Girls
52. Teaching is a ----------------._____________________________________________ profession
53. Which type of diversity is related to Parental education, occupation and social status in the
community?___________________________________________________ Socio economic
54. Girls are less committed to ----._____________________________________________ careers
55. Learning that changes an existing conception is called ----_________ conceptual change
56. The fast and foremost is consideration of a teacher being an/a ………….of change._____ Agent
57. Which is the broader term?_____________________________________________ curriculum
58. Altering motor activities to meet demands of problematic situation is -___________ Adaptation
59. Objectives that represent the purposes of instruction of a teacher are
called:_________________________________________________ Instructional Objective
60. Different cultures have different perceptions about --------.______________________ education
61. Affective domain was developed by Bloom and Krathwohl in --------------.________________ 1964
62. Schools follow a certain ------.___________________________________________ curriculum
63. Lev Vygotsky's was born in -----------._________________________________________ Russia
64. ------------ is the name of degree that a person must get to join teaching profession._ B.ED/M.ED
65. You will organize the ------ in such a way that you will ask them to first observe and then record.
_________________________________________________________________ assessment
66. The objective “The student will judge the effectiveness of writing objectives using Bloom's
taxonomy” is an example of ------ level of cognitive domain.______________________ Analysis
67. Good curriculum planning has two major components holistic vision
and__________________________________________________ Detailed implementation
68. ----- is not restricted to the schools._________________________________ Collegial context
69. IEP is the abbreviation of -----------.________________________ Individual Education Plan
70. -------- is the domain where our body movements are involved.______________ Psychomotor
71. Teaching has a --------------- function.__________________________________________ social
72. The term ------ is used while explaining multiple diversity among people.____________ dyslexia
73. ------ is the title of the whole unit._______________________________________ Unit/ subject
74. The best teachers apply planning -----------.____________________________________ flexibly
75. -------- plays an important role in child's learning._____________________________ Language
76. Vygotsky’s theory of social constructivism includes -------------- major ideas.____________ Three
77. Methods are also identified in ------------.________________________ instructional planning
78. What we do in schools, we never focus on the --------- level of learning._______________ higher
79. To write performance objectives is ----------._________________________________ necessary
80. The process of sequencing of concept should be from:_______________ Simple to complex
81. In this state of functioning, a teacher does not invite people to give you suggestions. There is no
sharing of ideas.________________________________________ Intentionally Disinviting
82. The action verbs that used for evaluation level questions are:_____ Judge, verify, conclude
83. ----------- is basically an extended adaptation of a lesson plan._________________________ IEP
84. The interesting thing is that our emphasis is on ---------._________________ working memory
85. It is important for the broader curriculum to identify educational --------.__________ experiences
86. ------ is a fixed capacity._______________________________________________ Intelligence
87. Master teachers are ------------- in their planning.__________________________ well-organize
88. You have to create a check list for assessing-------- skills.________________ communication
89. -------- is not appropriate, if both sides of brain are not working appropriately.________ Learning
90. You must tell the students about the ------- processes they are learning._____________ thought
91. ----- is one of the famous models of curriculum development.________________ Tyler's model
92. Teacher must come up with at least ------- so that the students can understand the concept
easily.___________________________________________________________ one example
93. Vygotsky was a -------- psychologist.________________________________________ Russian
94. -------------- is an ability to recall or recognize what has been learned or experienced. Retention
95. The warmth, respect and appreciation in the eyes of the -------- for the teacher are the actual
recognition.___________________________________________________________ students
96. in ------, Bloom developed the taxonomy of cognitive domain.________________________ 1956
97. Individual educational plans are usually opposite to which of the following?_________ Inclusion
98. Detailed implementation comes from --------- planning.____________________________ lesson
99. The ----------- of our colleagues is the foundation of power.________________________ esteem
100. “Write an appropriate title for the text” is an example of ------------ level of cognitive
domain._____________________________________________________________ Synthesis
101. The concept of “Teaching is an Art”, was developed by ……….in 1891.____ William James
102. At second stage of zone of proximal development, a child gets assistance from -----------
.__________________________________________________ more knowledgeable other
103. Which of the following is the art of developing logical plan for instructional activities and has
integrated steps?____________________________________________________ Sequencing
104. Learning is a ------------ process.___________________________________________ social
105. Age is the element of -------- diversity.____________________________________ physical
106. ----- is change in behavior._____________________________________________ Learning
107. ------- is a teaching method where a teacher presents concepts and
procedures._______________________________________________________ Presentation
108. Teacher should remain relaxed while doing ----------.___________________ brainstorming
109. Paulo Friere was born in -----------.___________________________________________ 1921
110. Children construct their own -----.______________________________________ knowledge
111. First level of Affective Domain is ------------------.____________________________Receiving
112. Post lesson activities are related to -------------.____________________________evaluation
113. Deductive and inductive are not only the modes of presentation but modes of ------
also._____________________________________________________________ experiments
114. It was ----------- century in which perceptions about teaching, learning and education were
developed._________________________________________________________________ 16th
115. Curriculum guidelines are consists of -------.__________________ Learning outcomes
116. --------- are those skills which are required to achieve a certain goal._______ Enabling skills
117. Idea of "teaching is an art" was developed by-------.____________________ William James
118. Sequencing steps are in progression, they start from simple to ------.____________ Complex
119. Ministry of education has planned curriculum document till grade level:________________ 12
120. The individualized part of IEP means that the plan has to be tailored specifically to your child's
--------.__________________________________________________________ special needs
121. Immersion model was developed for ----------------- diversity._________________ Language
122. Procedural knowledge is gained through -------.____________________ direct instruction
123. Learning is there when teachers try to help learners change their -------------instead of focusing
on their own teaching.________________________________________ cognitive structures
124. In ----- level of cognitive domain, students recall their knowledge._____________ Synthesis
125. Hierarchy of Affective domain was developed by Bloom and Krathwohl in ------.________
126. Who gave this statement" Less planning leads to less learning"__________________ Walsh
127. While writing performance objectives, we have to use an action word that exactly shows the ---
----------.______________________________________________________________ Behavior
128. In information processing theory working memory is also termed as which type of
memory?___________________________________________________________ Short term
129. Teachers have to identify the ------- to monitor the progress of the students.______ methods
130. -------- is also known as concept map.___________________________ Graphic organizer
131. instructional objective are …………….than goal___________________________
132. Which of the following is the focus of the Individual Educational Plan (IEP)?____
133. The knowledge that consists of facts, concepts and generalization is termed as____
134. In art class a student paints a new and original painting. Which will be cognitive level of this
outcome according to Bloom’s taxonomy?_____________-
135. Whenever there is evaluation, there must be -------------.___________
136. A ------------ is a figure of speech describing something with implied terms.__________-
137. The thinking process which requires focused attention as compared to others:___
66. Educators work to stimulate the spirit of inquiry and acquisition of knowledge.
67. Facts or principles that he has memorized by learning.
68. Every student has different potential of learning.
69. Reflective practice is a way of studying your own experiences to improve the way you work.
70. Zone of proximal concept was also established by Vygotsky.
71. This professional standard demands from us to create a climate that promotes the
Professional judgment.
72. Teacher has the autonomy of how to teach in a class.
73. Task analysis model is a very important model of learning.
74. Idea of “Teaching is an Art”, was developed by William James in 1891.
75. Knowledge about different facts is stratified knowledge.
76. Teaching has a very important social function.
77. Planning is important as there are three characteristics of master teachers.
78. Intentionally inviting: This is the highest level of your teaching development.
79. Knowledge is created, when we act and reflect.
80. Modes of presentation are two i.e. Inductive and deductive.
81. Nothing is learnt unless it is in long term memory.
82. To achieve the learning outcomes of every unit, we have to construct some instructional
83. While writing performance objectives, we have to use an action word that exactly shows the
84. In horizontal level, planning includes selection of activities, resources, assessment and
85. In vertical level, it includes link between standards, benchmarks, learning outcomes and
instructional objectives
86. Intellectual growth cannot take place unless we do not provide opportunities to our students
to think at high level.
87. There are three foundations of curriculum: sociological, philosophical and psychological.
88. “Analysis level questions are higher-order questions that require students to think critically
and in depth.
89. The art of developing logical plan for instructional activities is called ‘sequencing’. Such a plan
consists of interlink steps.
90. The taxonomy has been widely used in curriculum and test construction. From google
91. Learn skill of observation then actually inductive mode of presentation is better than
deductive mode of presentation.
92. Sequence helps to make learning more manageable.
93. Comprehension level of cognitive “Describe two nation theory”.
94. Holistic vision comes from curriculum planning while detailed implementation comes from
lesson planning.
95. In curriculum planning, assessment is taken into consideration.
96. Asking question is a skill.
97. Questions of students are more important than the questions of teachers.
98. Curriculum documents are not available in all schools.
99. Individual Education Plans (IEP)
100. The common thing in Tyler's model and Bloom's taxonomy is that the teachers observe the
101. Content knowledge is a very important competency of a teacher.
102. Processes are also very important in teachers’ considerations.
103. Sequencing has different principles; these principles are the introduction of simple concepts
then concrete examples.
104. Writing Standards and benchmarks in a sequence in Curriculum Planning.
105. Action research is very effective research for teachers, because it aims at
106. Origination is the highest level of Simpson’s hierarchy.
107. Lesson plan starts with the subject.
108. There are different mechanics to do different things.
109. Good textbooks provide a structured sequence of lessons.
110. Working memory is our conscious memory.
111. Sequencing steps are in progression. They start from simple and go to complex.
112. Origination is the level where a child can originate things on his own.
113. Write performance objectives is necessary.
114. In order to teach a sequenced lesson teacher need to add complexity to the lesson.
115. Unit planning is the most important as well as the most time-consuming level of planning
for each teacher. gave the idea by Waish
116. Sentence formation is a prerequisite for paragraph writing.
117. We have limited time to teach in a class.
118. Bloom’s Taxonomy was knowledge level or recall level, where actually students recall
their knowledge.
119. You will organize the experience in such a way that you will ask them to first observe and
then record.
120. Teacher must come up with at least one example so that the students can understand the
concept easily
121. Content forms are three: Facts, Concepts Generalizations
122. A lot of information can be communicated through a picture.
123. Lesson plan is actually detailed form of unit plan.
124. Abstract thinking is very important
125. Curriculum guides are planned by Ministry of education in Pakistan.
126. Questioning has a lot of significance value.
127. An important thing in inductive mode of presentation is Process.
128. Enabling skills are those skills which are required to achieve a certain goal.
129. The individualized part of IEP means that the plan has to be tailored specifically to your child's
special needs.
130. Content and Processes are also very important in teachers’ considerations.
131. Whenever we are sequencing, we need to know what a prerequisite for a particular terminal
objective is.
132. The focus in IEP will be on the needs of the learners rather on the content to be taught.
133. In debriefing teacher tells the students to reflect what they have learnt through this
134. Elements of planning 11.
135. Simulations are done in the virtual environments and are computer based.
136. Discovery learning is a learner-centered method.
137. Group processes and the classroom goal, task, reward and participation structures are
more directly under the teachers’ control.
138. Classroom structures are the foundations that shape particular lessons and behaviors
during those lessons. Three important structures include task, goal, and participation structure.
139. . Synthesis level Summarize the story including its main idea.
140. There are four steps in Taylor’s model of curriculum
141. Write an appropriate title for the text.. come from Synthesis level.
142. We need to sequence our learning objectives.
143. Adding on must not be confusing.
144. Instructional aims: Student-oriented.
145. If a teacher plans to take the students for field trips, then he needs to consider school
146. Abstractions are something which is not tangible.
147. Lesson is a piece of a unit NOT a block of time.
148. Learning activities are those where students are actively involved.
149. Effective individual education plans (IEP) have key characteristics. They are
Individualized and child centered.
150. Girls perform poor in mathematics and science.
151. Teacher is a person who is making lesson plan, unit plan and term plan.
152. A lesson plan is defined as “a systematic design for the development, implementation and
evaluation of instruction”.
153. . What we do in schools, we never focus on the higher level of learning.
154. The common think in Tayler and Bloom taxonomy is that to teacher the behaviors.
155. Methods are also identified in instructional planning.
156. In evaluation, we discuss that there are two things; criteria and method.
157. Where there is silence, there is no learning.
158. Metacognition: is cognitive about cognition.
159. You have to create a check list for assessing communication skills.
160. The other name for Learning by reflection is Socratic Method.
161. Master teacher communicate their instructional objectives effectively to the students.
162. Linear fashion focus on goals.
163. Nonlinear fashion focus on process.
164. Negative reinforcement occurs when something already present is removed (taken
away) as a result of a person's behavior.
165. Gagne expands the steps of introducing and organizing experience to include a sequence of
nine particular “Instructional events”.
166. Teachers have to identify the methods to monitor the progress of the students.
167. Whenever we are planning a unit, we really need to select these learning activities very
carefully. And we need to make a match between processes and learning activities.
168. The interesting thing is that our emphasis is on working memory.
169. Lesson plan is part of the unit plan while activity schedule is part of the block timetable.
170. Performance objectives, there are the three elements present i.e. performance condition
and criterion.
171. Performance objective we need to align our performance objectives with the curriculum.
172. Subject/ topic Unit subject is the title of the whole unit.
173. Unit planning is important because we need to know the reasons for dividing the whole thing
into components. Most of the times, teachers’ complaint for shortage of time.
174. There are three levels of plans.
175. Collegial context is not restricted to the schools rather now it has become web based
176. There are 6 levels of Bloom’s taxonomy of cognitive domain.
177. Feeling of efficacy is very important for the teachers
178. It is our assumption that independent skills are prerequisites, so students know them already.
179. Less planning leads to less learning. (Walsh, 1992.
180. Collegial context is something that emphasizes that power and decision-making should be
shared among some or all members of the organization (Bush, 2003).
181. Keeping notes is a very important type of post lesson activity because a teacher can have
the record of his/her teaching.
182. Knowledge forms are Content, Process.
183. Mechanism indicates that a child is independent to do a task by following its mechanics.
184. Unit planning is very challenging and time consuming but the most important thing is that
good unit planning is a guarantee to effective instruction and effective learning.
185. Schools’ policy is to cover the content as much as possible.
186. Evaluate your teaching, come up with judgments but provide sufficient evidence to support
your statement.
187. Declarative knowledge: This is the knowledge that is declared in books, research papers,
and newspapers.
188. 124. According to research, the best recognition is got from students and not from the
government or the school administrators.
189. Blind and Low Vision – A condition of partial or total impairment of sight or vision that
even with correction affects educational performance adversely.
190. Active learning: Active learning is where human mind is actively involved in constructing
meaning of the experience.
191. Freire was a Brazilian educator and philosopher who was a leading ...
192. Freire was born on September 19, 1921 to a middle-class family in Recife,
Pernambuco, Brazil.
193. Teacher is more interested in covering the syllabus instead of bringing conceptual
change in the students.
194. Science is an organized body of knowledge.
195. Answering some key questions to create an image of the classroom teaching and learning.”
Reflective practice:
196. Reflective practice is very important for a teacher.
197. Nolan and Francis (1992) believe that: Knowledge is actively constructed by learners.
198. Learning is there when teachers try to help learners change their cognitive structures
instead of focusing on their own teaching.
199. “Much human behavior is learnt by observing the behavior of others (Bandura 1978
200. Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)
201. The gap between actual and potential level of a child is Zone of Proximal Development
202. Cognitive perspective is to develop students’ academic and thinking skills from a novice
level to a more expert level.
203. Speech is a powerful psychological tool that lays the foundation for basic structures of thinking
later in one’s development.
204. According to Vygotsky’s theory, language, learning and environment is a social context.
205. Creativity is also a part of metacognition
206. Learning depends on prior learning
207. Schools not only teach the students but also raise them. (Sausa,2003)
208. What students are taught in schools affects the ways they will thereafter see and treat others.
(Schlesinger, 1993)
209. CAP: Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor
210. Psychomotor domain is the domain where your body movements are involved.
211. Perception means attending to a stimulus.
212. Set is a readiness for action.
213. Word ‘complex’ shows that here the child can do many things independently.
214. 1Adaptation comes from the word ‘Adapt’ which means to set yourself in the given situation.
215. Hierarchy of affective domain was developed by Bloom and Krathwohl in 1964.
216. In organization, you start showing that behavior but that is not a consistent behavior.
217. “Taxonomies may be used to decide what to teach, how to teach and how to evaluate
teaching.” (Marzano, Pickering, and Pollock 2001)
218. Research shows that learning do not take place if presented in isolated items (Hohn,1995)
219. Taxonomies provide a cognitive structure.
220. Who presented the multiple intelligence theory? _______________________ Harvard Gardner
221. How many levels Bloom’s taxonomy? ___________________________________________6
244. The white hat in the De Bono’s six thinking hats signifies information known or needed
245. Teacher model skill in direct instruction
246. Network integration is created among group of students
247. Teacher role is minimized in unguided inquiry
262. In order to start working, the cells need to communicate with each other
263. A research was conducted and it was reported that teachers mostly focus hemisphere of children.
265. Different types of -functions occurs in the left and right hemisphere Mental
269. We can remember those things which are concerned with our Right side memory
270. Integration means putting things Together
275. Development cannot be separated from the social context in which it occurs
276. Development of gross motor skills is very important in preschool or early childhood education
277. Children construct their own knowledge.
278. John dewy says that there is no such profession where knowledge is separable from doing or
279. Application of core concepts in new level is important
280. In left hemisphere there is logical thinking. Verbal intelligence and convergent thinking
281. Teachers want to teach in depth but want to cover the syllabus too
285. Performance assessment can be used to measure student’s problem solving potential as well
as group
286. Knowledge can be assessed through written tests
287. Usually we do not question our tradition and authority
293. Different types of mental functions occur in the left and right hemisphere.
298. Beyer says that critical thinking has two important dimensions.
300. Learners are responsible for planning. Conducting and evaluating their own effort
301. Process of assimilation leads to consideration of new options and points of view
--------------- means problems with reading, writing, spelling, symbols and Dyslexia
numbers, because the brain misinterprets what it sees (visual) and hears
The statement “The student will define the 6 levels of Bloom's taxonomy” is an
example of ---------- level of cognitive domain.
Who gave this statement: “Having a critical spirit is as important as thinking niam
In --------, planning includes selection of activities.
in ------, Bloom developed the taxonomy of cognitive domain.
While writing performance objectives, we have to use an action word that performance
exactly shows the -------------.
Unit planning
------ is the guarantee of effective instruction and effective learning.
yearly planning
While ---------, you have to see the curriculum framework.
The statement "Write an appropriate title for the text" comes in the ------ level of synthesis
cognitive domain.
Altering motor activities to meet demands of problematic situation is ---------.
A content is consisted of -------. Facts - Concepts -
The --------- focuses on what the learner will experience, rather than what the
instructor will share or do.
Master teacher
The term ---------- is actually a teacher who has expertise on his subject and he
ensures the quality learning of the students.
The last three levels of Bloom’s taxonomy of cognitive domain are called as ---- Higher level of
-----. learning
The statement of an observable behavior on the part of learner is ---------.
Methods are also identified in ------------.
The objective “The student will compare and contrast the cognitive and
affective domains.” is an example of ------ level of cognitive domain.
The -------- has been widely used in curriculum and test construction.
You must tell the students about the ------- processes they are learning.
The prescription of a minimally acceptable level of a performance on the part of Criterion measure
a learner is called --------.
------------ is a disorder in language formation that may be associated with impairment
neurological, psychological, sensory or physical factors.
Who gave this statement:
"Schools not only teach the students but also raise them."
Who gave this statement" Less planning leads to less learning"
"Unit planning is the most important as well as most time consuming level of
planning for each teacher" who gave the above statement?
------- knowledge is a very important competency of a teacher.
____ plays an important role in child’s learning. language
Information used as evidence or as part of a report or news article is called ___
A teacher is responsible in the ____ development of a child.
Teacher can manage different ___ in school for ethical development of a child.
An agent of
The role of a teacher is a changed from a lecturer to ___. transformation
Social context
development/learning cannot be separated from ____ in which it occur.
In ___ teachers do not have autonomy or the power of decision making.
___ model is an important way of learning.
An agent of
The role of a teacher is changed from a lecturer to __.
___ knowledge is acquired, if a child gets cognition about cognition.
Who gave this statement “knowledge is created when we act and reflect”?
Howard Gardner is very famous because of his __.
intelligence theory
Reflection in
____ is very important for a teacher.
___ is important but it does require time.
___ context of school is “characterized by or having
power and authority vested equally among colleagues.”
---- is a series of small action steps which are needed to achieve desired goals.
"Describe the two nation theory" comes in -------- level of cognitive domain.
------- means that a behavior becomes part of your life.
The objects through which light could not past are ------- objects.
It is important for the broader curriculum to identify educational --------.
There are ------ necessary elements of planning. 11
motivation level
A teacher needs to know the ------ level of the students.
------- is essentially a nested process with horizontal and vertical dimension.
Long term
---------- is a planning of one year of a school.
A teacher needs to know the ------ level of the students.
lesson planning
Detailed implementation comes from --------- planning.
Students’ ------------ must be considered before planning.
Terms in revised Bloom’s taxonomy were changed from noun to -----------.
Teachers must communicate their ------ to the students.
Criterion measure:
The prescription of a minimally acceptable level of a performance on the part of
a learner is called --------.
Benchmarks and standards are written in a sequence in ---------.
We have to identify the facts, concepts and generalizations while planning a ---- a unit
Teaching activities are there to teach --------- to the students.
------ identifies classroom assessment criteria. teacher
d unit planning
------ is the gurantee of effective instruction and effective learning.
The objective “The student will judge the effectiveness of writing objectives
using Bloom's taxonomy” is an example of ------ level of cognitive domain.
unit planning
-------- planning is very challenging and time consuming.
Formal operational
"Abstract thinking leads to reasoning with symbols" this refers to ------ stage of
Piaget's cognitive development.
If we will use the connections our efficiency of doing any task will -------.
Questions in ----- also includes in essential questions.
In order to start working, the cells need to -------- with each other.
holistic l
Teacher must ensure ------ development of child.
Brain develop very fast in the ------ year after birth.
Learners can learn only ----- chunks of information at a time.
Remarkable changes occur in the brain during the ---------- decade of life.
A teacher can teach higher order thinking skills through the --------- process.
The average weight gain of 6-12 years children in a year is ---------------.
Fragmentation is said to be the ------- level of integration.
Teaching is very exciting for ------- teachers without integration also.
Children can come up with different ideas and teachers must ------ all ideas.
--------- have no obvious right answer.
John dewy says that there is no such profession where ------- is separable from
doing or practise.
Teachers want to teach in ----- but want to cover the syllabus too.
Child’s rights convention of 1989 has mentioned that “-------------- is basic right
of every child.”
The green hat in the De Bono’s six thinking hats symbolizes ---------.
Group learning will be more efficient for developing the ------.
), Learning
According to Kolb (1984), ------------ is a process of a combination of grasping
experience and transforming it.
The word scientific was devised in the -------. 19
The black hat in the De Bono’s six thinking hats symbolizes ---------.
Usually we do not ------- our tradition and authority.
The red hat in the De Bono’s six thinking hats symbolizes ---------.
During guided inductive inquiry, the -------- plays the key role in asking teacher p
The ---------- is an educated guess about the relationship between the
independent and dependent variables.
The solutions, responses provided by learners are not found in --------.
problem based
Children produce their original work after -------.
Inquiry may involve ---------, procedure and solution.
--------- are responsible for planning, conducting and evaluating their own Learners
Roots of the ------- of all social sciences is based on scientific method.
In school we do not have much time to deliver information so we must know the
critical thinking
----------------- thinking is a disciplined manner of thought that a person uses to
assess the validity of something.
---------- talked about logics and he was one of the pioneers.
------- love integrated curriculum because it provides the context for learning.
During guided inductive inquiry, the ---------- plays the key role in asking teacher
According to Kolb (1984), Learning is a process of a combination of grasping ---
-------- and transforming it.
Inquiry may involve problem, -------- and solution.
Guided inductive
In ---------- , students investigate a teacher-presented question.
various processes
Inquiry method requires the learner to develop -------- associated with inquiry.
Information inquiry
----------- inquiry is widely used in our classroom settings.
Learners progress from --------- observations to inference or generalizations in specific
GII. observations
-------- is the domain where our body movements are involved.
William James
Idea of "teaching is an art" was developed by-------.
is a learning style in which learning takes place by the student carrying out a Kinesthetic learnin
physical activity.
Intellectual growth
growth cannot take place unless we do not provide opportunities to our
students to think at high level.
The theory of Zone of proximal development was given by --------.
A child is responding in the form of action but this action is not an independent Guided Response
action is a
means the knowledge about how to teach the students. knowledge
There are ------ types of education in our society.
------ includes all intellectual skills.
According to research, the best recognition teachers got is from the --------------.
Higher thinking
Developing questioning skills among students comes in levels:
Who gave this statement: “Knowledge is created when we act and reflect”?
------ is the level where a child can originate things on his own.
“Write an appropriate title for the text” is an example of ------------ level of Synthesis level
cognitive domain.
The objective “The student will construct an instructional objective for each level
of Bloom's taxonomy” is an example of ------ level of cognitive domain.
cannot be separated from the social context in which it occur
16th century
It was ----------- century in which perceptions about teaching, learning and
education were developed.
Low cost
A teacher must use -------------- resources in a class.
f inquiry
An educator must work to stimulate the spirit of ------------- among the students.
higher level
What we do in schools, we never focus on the --------- level of learning.
Hierarchical levels of Simpson' Psychomotor domain are
The level of --------- to the profession must be to the range of every student.
------ is the knowledge that is declared in books,
t evidence
While evaluating teaching or students’ learning, you should always come up
with judgements based on -----------.
The process of setting goals, developing strategies is -------.
IEP is basically ----------- adaptation of lesson plan.
If a teacher plans to take the students for field trips, then he needs to consider - schools‟ resources
--------------- research is very effective research for teachers because it aims at Action
Learner can process only about one new idea or concept every ------- second.
In ------- books there is a lot of information than Japanese and German books.
A preschool child of 36 months can now hold ------ different emotions in his mind
at the same time.
Pre-school and
---------- education is different from other education.
infant educations
Generative topics
--------- need to be interesting for the teachers as well as for students
-------------- integration method overlaps concepts as organizer.
"Child is a natural discoverer" who gave this statement.
The idea in -------- thinking is that no idea is a stupid idea.
Essential questions are related to the ---- of people.
-------- teacher should integrate two or three subjects so that we can save the Primary school
------ are most important persons in the application of curriculum.
Story time
-------- needs to be an integral part of early years of education.
completion of
Teachers mostly concern about ----------.
Student’s Interest
Form 3 focuses on the integration of subject knowledge with -----------------.
-------- theory is very much applicable in early childhood education.
The ------------ curriculum is a great gift to experienced teachers.
passive rolesResearch has now determined that remarkable changes occur in
the brain during the ----- decade of life.
Development cannot be separated from the ---------context in which it occurs.
By the age ------, a child has TWICE as many brain connections as an adult.
Gross motor and fine motor development is involved in -----------. development
Food oxygen
Which needs does a primary reinforcer satisfy?
warmth watre
Teachers get little assistance from ------- publishers.
--------------- type of integration is related to shared integration.
We need to integrate the knowledge with -------- skills.
Through -------- it will be easier for the children to ask essential questions.
Different countries use different names for pre-schooling, but the umbrella term Early Childhood
for it is Education
There are ----- stages of Piaget's cognitive development.
Nested integration
--------------- integration takes advantage of natural combinations.
Development of --------- skills is very important in preschool or early childhood Gross motor
Forms of integration were presented by Fogarty and Stoehr in --------.
Work on scientific method was started by -------- to Galileo.
Cooperative learning method can help students develop ------------ skills.
50 years
Piaget spend actually------- to work on constructivism.
--------- can be assessed through direct observation.
---------- is a model which requires student cooperation and interdependence in learning
its task, goal and reward structure.
Cooperative learning methods are those in which more than --------- person one
work together.
In cooperative lessons, Students work -------- to master learning goal.
cooperative learning help students make the ---------- from whole-class to
cooperative learning groups.
In cooperative learning, ----------- are oriented to the group as well as the Reward system
More than ---------- of the researches says that cooperative learning helps in the
academic achievement of the student.
A special challenge for cooperative learning teaching is how to ------- for both
team and individual efforts.
In --------- teacher talk time is more than 50% of students talk time.
Effective teachers
---------- create productive learning communities.
Peer tutoring is -----------.
External rewards
-------------- lose their significance after sometime.
--------- discussion is a teacher-centered discussion.
Guided practice
Practice that is under the watchful eye of the teacher is called -------.
Teachers can obtain better classroom discourse by giving their students
opportunities to think before they --------.
The base level of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is ---------. needs
------------ learning is a learner-centered method.
Monologic discussion is -------- centered discussion.
Discovery learning is a ----------- centered method.
In democratic process ------- are involved. children
How many categories did Abraham Maslow believe that needs could be 5
classified into?
2. Incidental
Crossword puzzles is an example of ------------ learning. learning:
-------- in classrooms does not flow just from the teacher.
Direct instruction lessons require the unique classroom -----------.
Teaching cycle
Planning, implementation and evaluation comes in --------.
------------------ is the adding of an aversive stimulus to decrease a certain punishment
behavior or response.
A ------------- learning environment is a setting for learning that includes a learning
controlled and often simplified copy of a real world system to be studied.
---------- are done in the virtual environments and are computer based.
depth of
A lot of information is not important ------ information is important.
Problem Based
---------- has its intellectual roots in the Socratic Method. Learning
------------ knowledge is acquired, if a child only learns facts and memorizes Procedural
political activity
Teacher needs to have some perceptions and ideas if -------.
------ means the knowledge about how to teach the students. knowledge
-------------- knowledge is acquired, if a child gets cognition about cognition.
Holistic development means ---------.
------ means that professionals are ethically bound to follow some norms.
Master teachers -------------- instructional objectives to the students.
------- means that students may get any change in their behavior. procpective
Collegial context
----------------- is something that emphasizes that power and decision-making
should be shared among some or all members of the organization.
------ is the procedure to gain declarative knowledge.
------------- means social interaction among the students or the other people as
There are --------- types of instructional planning that are commonly used in
------ are thoes objectives which need to be achieve by the end of lesson. objective
------------ is a way of studying your own experiences to improve the way you Reflective practis
Covering sylabur
Teacher is more interested in ------ instead of conceptual change.
Which educationist gave the below statement; "What students are taught in
schools affects the ways they will thereafter see and treat others"
Direct instrucation
------- means that students may get any change in their behavior.
------ knowledge is a step ahead of declarative knowledge. knwliedge
------------ is the name of degree that a person must get to join teaching B ed M ed
In ----- teachers do not have autonomy or the power of decision making.
---------- context of school is “Characterized by or having power and authority
vested equally among colleagues:"
According to Gagne, ----------- knowledge is “knowing that….”
----------- knowledge comes in psychomotor domain.
Different cultures have different perceptions about --------.
hHoward gardner
--------- is very famous because of his theory of multiple intelligences.
The ----------- of our colleagues is the foundation of power.
Direct instr
At second stage of zone of proximal development, a child gets assistance from
------ is where human mind is actively involved in constructing meaning of the Active learning
--------- perform poor in mathematics and science.
----- method
Teachers must give --------------- to the students
to maximize learning.
The ‘basics’ of the ------- curriculum are mathematics, natural science, history,
foreign language & literature.
You have to create a check list for assessing-------- skills. skill
Being aware of or sensitive to the existence of certain ideas or phenomena and
being willing to tolerate them is called --------.
Linear plan
Teachers rarely plan in -------------- as encouraged in textbooks.
There are ------ elements of performnce objectives.
When teacher provides guidance to the students, then there is --------.
This is not true that if the learning cannot be ------ then there is no learning.
You will organize the ------ in such a way that you will ask them to first observe
and then record.
----- is one of the famous models of curriculum development.
In curriculum planning ------ is taken into consideration.
Lesson plan
------ is defined as "a systematic design for the development, implementation
and evaluation of instruction".
In ----- level of cognitive domain, students recall their knowledge.
While planning a unit a teacher needs to identify -----------.
Curriculum guides actually give us a guide line about what to be taught in Grad level
different ---------.
The first three levels of cognitive domain are called as ---------.
The common thing in Tyler's model and
Bloom's taxonomy is that the teachers observe the -------.
The focus in IEP will be on the ----------- of the learners rather on the content to need
be taught.
To write --------- is necessary, especially when we are going to start teaching.
----------- is basically an extended adaptation of a lesson plan.
------- are usually assessed through analysis method or through observation.
Good textbooks provide ------- sequence of lessons.
-------- means that the disposition or learning you are talking about, you must
value that disposition.
The individualized part of IEP means that the plan has to be tailored specifically
to your child's special --------.
------ is something which indicates division of time.
Historical drawings and paintings are used in ------------ inquiry to stimulate historical
------------- inquiry involves the processes of searching for information and instruction
applying information to answer questions.
Different countries have different age levels of --------- education.
Problem solving
The important thing in ----- is what we know we must share it with others. method
By the -------, a child has TWICE as many brain connections as an adult.
The solutions, alternatives or responses provided by learners are not found in -- textbook
Piaget spend ------- years to work on constructivism.
Most classroom ---------- proceeds at too rapid a pace.
Direct instruction
-------- keeps students in passive roles.
If projects are ------------ , they allow the learners to be immersed in one big Structured
In --------- the most important thing is assigning the tasks.
Problem solveing
-------- is very useful learner centered teaching and learning strategy.
Students work in teams to master learning
The most important thing in thinking skills is to provide the ------------.
2. Teacher must give his feedback before moving on to the next student or question.
7. Cooperative learning teaching is how to grade for both team and individual efforts.
9. Bruner did not clearly divide these stages he kept them merged.
10. Cooperative learning should have cooperative tasks, cooperative goals and cooperative
11. Piaget spend actually 50 years to work on constructivism.
14. In pre schools pictures and model are not sufficient way of learning.
16. Performance assessment can be used to measure students’ problem solving potential as
well as group work.
17. Competitive goal structure: It occurs when students perceive that they can obtain their
goal if, and only if, the other students with whom they work fail to obtain their goals.
18. The most important thing in inquiry is evidence.
20. Group skills are the skills with which students participate effectively in a group. E.g. readiness
for action, sequencing a task, managing tasks, negotiation skills, communication skills,
assessing skills or managing skills etc.
21. Guided inquiry involves the processes of searching for information and applying information
to answer questions.
22. Having a critical spirit is as important as thinking critically. Norris
23. Problem Based Learning has its intellectual roots in the Socratic Method
24. Inquiry may involve problem, procedure and solution.
25. The hypothesis is an educated guess about the relationship between the independent and
dependent variables.
26. The blue hat in the De Bono’s six thinking hats symbolizes thinking process.
27. The green hat in the De Bono’s six thinking hats symbolizes creativity.
28. According to Kolb (1984), Learning is a process of a combination of grasping experience and
transforming it.
29. Assimilation leads to consideration of new options and points of view.
32. In cooperative learning, Reward systems are oriented to the group as well as the individual.
38. The most important thing in thinking skills is to provide the wait time.
41. If projects are structured properly, they allow the learner or groups of learners to be
immersed in one big idea,
42. Teams are made up of high, average and low achieving students.
48. Generative topics are those which are linked with core concepts.
49. Whenever a particular behaviour is __after a behaviour and the behaviour increases as a result,
positive reinforcement has occurred.
50. Assigning different roles is a good thing in jigsaw technique
54. … is a learning style in which learning takes place by the student carrying out physical activity.
Kinesthetic learning
55. Mechanism indicate that child a….to do task by the following its mechanism. Independent
56. Who gave the theory of multiple intelligence Harvard Gardner’s
57. …. Is the knowledge that is declared in books, research paper or newspaper Declarative knowledge
58. The term …. Is used while explaining multiple diversity among people dyslexia
59. The objective students will compare and contrast the cognitive and affective domain is an example of…is
the level of cognitive domain analysis level