31 36 00002
31 36 00002
31 36 00002
Reference: 31.36.00002 Issue date: 20-SEP-2022 Last check date: 20-SEP-2022 Status: Open
A/C type/serie: A318, A319, A320, A321, A330, ... ATA: 31-36
Engine manufacturer: Supplier:
D19 (CEO CFM), D20 (CEO IEA) and D21 (NEO CFM) DAR dataframe Added in FDIMU TELEDYNE PN 2234320-0x-0x -
Purpose / Reason for revision:
Engineering Support Status: Open
1 DESCRIPTION...................................................................................................................1
2 DAR DEFAULT DATAFRAME DEFINITONS ..............................................................3
2.1 A320 Family .................................................................................................................3
2.2 A330/A340 Family .......................................................................................................4
2.3 A380 .............................................................................................................................5
3 SAR DEFAULT DATAFRAME DEFINITONS ...............................................................5
3.1 A320 Family .................................................................................................................5
3.2 A330 .............................................................................................................................5
4 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION.......................................................................................6
5 FAQ related to DAR: ..........................................................................................................6
5.1 How to inhibit the DAR 2TV recording on SA aircraft ...............................................6
5.2 What is the matrix conversion for the Approach Type Parameter (FOQA210) referenced in DAR
dataframe ?..............................................................................................................................7
5.3 How to configure WGL-DAR to different recording speed? .......................................8
5.4 Where to find the MCDU DAR speed select option of the DMU/FDIMU? ................8
5.5 ACMS-DAR behaviour depending on parameter SSM................................................8
5.6 Sagem DAR dataframe - incorrect AOA2 parameter source definition....................10
The default DAR dataframe of the DMU's or FDIMU's have been specified by Airbus and defined
independently from the FDRS part (DFDR/QAR dataframe of the FDIU/FDIMU), since addressing different
requirements and end-users. The DAR dataframe of the DMU/FDIMU is therefore very different by design
from DFDR/QAR data.
The DAR default frame vary from one aircraft to another depending on the aircraft type and recording
configuration (function of the DMU/FDIMU equipment installed and its loaded software & database).
Airbus is providing a DAR default baseline with the intent to satisfy a wide range of ACMS data users as
Unlike DFDR/QAR dataframe (frozen), it is reminded that the DAR frame is customizable (user GSE
reprogrammable), meaning that DAR frame can be freely reprogrammed at convenience through the
ACMS Ground Programming tool (FDIMU/DMU GSE). DAR dataframe can be then reprogrammed
through the GSE tool if needed to meet a particular monitoring need (FOQA / FDM program, flight safety
analysis, etc...). (parameters to record, sampling, frame mapping, trigger logic customized at operator's
In case the DAR frame has been customized, AIRBUS can therefore not help further to identify clearly the
recorded DAR parameters and detailed mapping in the frame (customized DAR frame definition is not
known to AIRBUS). The relevant office who performed the DAR programming (e.g.
SAGEM/TELEDYNE/HONEYWELL vendor or any other approved office) will have to be then contacted.
There is so far no such applications available as FDRPL for DAR default dataframe descriptions for the time
being yet. Either AIRBUS or the relevant office from Operator's facility or FDIMU/DMU vendors, who
performed DAR programming, must be then contacted.
AIRBUS DAR default frames, sorted per program, per equipment hardware & software, are however available
throughout below set of ISI solutions.
In case of any Flight data decoding and analysis required to be performed by AIRBUS within the scope of an
accident/incident or for Trouble-shooting purposes based on DAR raw data, please also refer to ISI
31.30.00002 ‘Recording Systems – Flight Data Analysis – Data Format and Supply’.
- compatible raw data format have to be provided to AIRBUS, along with other relevant information (MSN,
A/C configuration,..)
- a DAR data decoding by AIRBUS requires the provision by operators, in addition to the raw data, of the
associated customized DAR dataframe description (unless the DAR default dataframe is used), or preferably
the ACMS database source files.
DAR Frame DMU PN 903116243B0 to 4.zip (‘Readme.txt’ file included for complementary information).
For exhaustive PN list, refer to ISI 31.36.00011 ‘Aircraft Condition Monitoring System (ACMS) -Teledyne-
Hamilton Standard-Nord Micro DMU’.
Sagem DB Sagem DB
Engine Unit
Version PN
1200 CFM ED45A100
1300 CFM ext ED45A100
1400 IAE ED45A100
Sagem DB Sagem DB
Engine Unit
Version PN
1201 CFM ED45A300
1203 CFM ED45A300
1301 CFM ext ED45A300
1303 CFM ext ED45A300
1401 IAE ED45A300
1401 IAE ED45A300
Sagem DB
Sagem DB PN Engine Unit
3304 360-04025-010 CFM ext ED48A100
3308 360-04025-015 CFM ext ED48A100
3309 360-04025-020 CFM ext ED48A100/ED48A200
3311 360-04025-025 CFM ext ED48A100/ED48A200
3329 360-04025-030 CFM ext ED48A100/ED48A200
3332 360-04025-035 CFMext ED48A100/ED48A200
3334 360-04025-045 CFM ext ED48A100/ED48A200
3336 360-04025-050 CFM ext ED48A100/ED48A200/ED48A200WR
3337 360-04025-055 CFM ext ED48A100/ED48A200/ED48A200WR
3338 360-04025-060 CFM ext ED48A100/ED48A200
4025 CFM CEO ED48A100/ED48A200/ED48A200WR
3401 360-04023-010 IAE ED48A100
3403 360-04023-015 IAE ED48A100
3410 360-04023-030 IAE ED48A100/ED48A200
3415 360-04023-045 IAE ED48A100/ED48A200
3490 360-04023-050 IAE ED48A100/ED48A200/ED48A200WR
3491 360-04023-055 IAE ED48A100/ED48A200/ED48A200WR
4060 IAE ED48A100/ED48A200/ED48A200WR
3110 360-04110-020 PW ED48A100/ED48A200
3113 360-04110-030 PW ED48A100/ED48A200
3533 360-04410-060 Neo PW ED48A200WR
4042 Neo PW ED48A200WR
4000 360-04425-055 ED48A200WR
263322923- Neo
4001 ED48A200WR
0185 CFMLeap
Note 3:
In DAR word: 127 subframe: 2 Target bit: 2, the information stored is badly assigned to the description
2.3 A380
- ACMS L11C standard: A380-L11C.zip
This archive contains the default DAR frames that have been developed on A380 aircraft and the
description of DAR frames modifications added in ACMS standard L11C.
On NEO aircraft, SAR channels have been added to the standard software. The list of parameters
recorded in the standard SAR channels are provided in attachment.
3.2 A330
For A330NEO aircraft fitted with FDIMU software:
- D1433RN01C00000
For Operators equipped with A320 aircraft (A320-231 powered with IAE V2500-A1 engines) and DMU
Teledyne P/N 903116243B3D2J3, it is possible to printout the DAR frame format through the MCDU (so
called 'DAR DOC FORMAT' menu) as per AMM 31-36-00 PB001 > DAR programming > item (8) DAR
frame format documentation.
- select AIDS on the MCDU menu
- select DMU PRO/DOC ("-2L- key")
- enter code on AIDS on AIDS DMU PROGRAMMING menu (code = NMAIDS)
- select then PROGRAMMING MENUS ("-5L- key")
- select DAR ("-1L- key")- select DOC FORMAT ("-2L- key")
- select PRINT key to initiate the print-out of the programmed dataframe. Note that only programmed
words should be displayed in the 'DAR DOC FORMAT' MCDU menu (the fixed "DFDR-like" frame words
will be omitted).
Some operators, equipped with external DAR unit (FIN 2TV position) would like to know whether it is
possible to inhibit the DAR recording as they are not using the system on their A/C.
- One solution could consist into disabling the trigger of the DAR through customization of the DMU
database via Sagem ground programming tool (GSE if available), and then install newly programmed
database back on A/C. We would like however to highlight that, though the data recording will be
inhibited, DAR unit will remain install on the A/C. If this first option is chosen, Sagem supplier can be
contacted for any information on GSE programming operations when necessary.
- Another preferable solution, if the operator has no use of the system, is to definitely remove DAR unit
and its associated disk from the A/C through Airbus modification embodiment. This removal will
particularly adapt the ventilation plate, install safety clips on relevant circuit breakers, among other works.
Should the operator concur to this last proposal, we would then recommend contacting our Upgrade
Services department (upgrade.orders@airbus.com) through RFC/RMO process for appropriate
modification/SB embodiment.
5.2 What is the matrix conversion for the Approach Type Parameter (FOQA210)
referenced in DAR dataframe ?
Some A340-600 operators reviewed their new DAR dataframe and noticed that they do not have the matrix
conversion for the Approach Type Parameter (FOQA210).
The Approach Type Parameters are available on Label 271 from FMGEC (FMC) computer ( bit
11/12/13 or bit 11/12/13) and the ACMS input parameter list
5.4 Where to find the MCDU DAR speed select option of the DMU/FDIMU?
Some A320 operators, equipped with boh Teledyne DMU and FDIMU units on their fleet, would have a question
concerning DAR speed modification from the MCDU.
The AMM refers to Figure 31-36-00-00 but for a few A/C only. The DAR speed select option via MCDU for other
A/C can not be found.
The IPC shows that some aircraft are equipped with Teledyne DMU 795-040-x0-00x whereas some others are
equipped with Teledyne or Sagem FDIMU equipment:
Operator's fleet is actually equipped with different DMU/FDIMU equipment, which have their own specificities
and capabilities.
The "DAR speed select" function (as per Figure 31-36-00-00 / SHEET 022.1/1 - AIDS DAR Speed Select Page) is
inherent to Teledyne DMU and can actually be modified from MCDU for Teledyne DMU only. It will in effect
control the way that data is recorded into the DAR with DFDR format included in the DAR frame or not.
The FDIMU's do not provide such similar capability and it is required to pass through the FDIMU ground
programming tools (Sagem GSE for Sagem FDIMUs, or Teledyne AGSIV for Teledyne FDIMUs) for the DAR
programming.The AMM of these A320 aircraft with FDIMUs consequently do not refer to DAR speed select via
MCDU menu.
For further information on the DAR programming capabilities of the FDIMUs through the vendor's GSE (i.e. how
to program it, with suitable settings), the respective Sagem / Teledyne vendor must be contacted or any other
approved office in charge of the FDIMU customizations.
All FDIMU/DMU configurations
The recording of parameters invalidity in DAR varies from one FDIMU/DMU configuration to another and from
one parameter to another (some recorded parameters toggle, some are frozen). As the invalidity code (SSM) is not
recorded in DAR, there is no way to determine if a parameter is invalid or not.
The following table indicates the DAR recording behaviour depending on the SSM. This table results from bench
tests and should be used with restriction, as indication only.
SSM Matrix:
Bit Bit ISO
31 30
Normal Operation Intermediate
0 0 Failure Warning (FW) Failure Warning (FW) Word
No Computed Data No Computed Data Initial Word
0 1 (NCD) Not used
0 Functional Test (FT) Functionnal Test (FT) Functional Test (FT) Final Word
Failure Warning Control Word
1 1 Normal Operation (NO) Normal Operation (NO)
BNR = Binary Data Word; BCD = Binary coded decimal word; DISC = Discrete data word
Normal Operation (NO): Indicates the data in this word is considered to be correct data.
Functional Test (FT): Indicates that the data is being provided by a test source.
Failure Warning (FW): Indicates a failure which causes the data to be suspect or missing.
No Computed Data (NCD): Indicates that the data is missing or inaccurate for some reason other than a failure. For
example, autopilot commands will show as NCD when the autopilot is not turned on.
In BCD words, SSM (0, 0) = Plus, North, East, Right, To, Above; (1, 1) = Minus, South, West, Left, From, Below
5.6 Sagem DAR dataframe - incorrect AOA2 parameter source definition
All A320 family aircraft fitted with a Sagem DMU or FDIMU loaded with the following system database PN:
The Indicated Angle Of Attack system #2 (LAOA2 or AOAI_2) parameter definition recorded on the standard DAR
dataframe is incorrect. The source indicated for this parameter is ADC-1/221/10 (i.e.
The correct source to record Angle Of Attack system #2 data is ADC-2/221/10 (i.e. To correct this
error, the operator can customize the DAR dataframe with the Sagem Ground Support Equipment (GSE).
The following P&W software versions are not impacted and have the correct AOAI2 parameter definition:
Additional Note:
For your information, the DFDR dataframe records also the Angle Of Attack system #2 information through ADC-
Survey for the Engineering Support section
General Information
Potential impact:
Key information:
Solution benefit:
First issue date: 22-NOV-2010 Issue date: 20-SEP-2022 Last check date: 20-SEP-2022
Technical parameters
ATA: 31-36
A/C type/serie: A318, A319, A320, A321, A330, A340, A380
Engine manufacturer:
Fault code/ECAM
Part Number:
- ISI_31.36.00002_Summary.docx
- A320NEO_custo_AIDS_Trigger-Param_v1.1.docx.xlsm
Engineering Support:
- A380 - DAR dataframe L11D.xlsx
- A380-L11C.zip
- DAR Frame DMU PN 903116243B0 to 4.zip
- DAR frame DMU PN 903116243B5B7G8.zip
- DMU SAGEM PN ED45A100.zip
- DMU SAGEM PN ED45A300.zip
- DMU_HONEYWELL PN 967-051x-00x.zip
- FDIMU SAGEM PN ED48Ax00 - A320Family.zip
- SAR CHANNELS LR NEO D1433RN01C00000.rtf
- d1733rn03c00000_sar.txt
- FDIMU_TELEDYNE PN 2234340-0x-0x - A330_A340Family .zip
- FDIMU TELEDYNE PN 2234320-0x-0x - A320Family.zip
Other articles (ISI/TFU):
- 31.00.00019, 31.30.00002, 31.36.00011, 31.36.00027, 31.36.00035, 31.36.00065, 31.36.00091, 31.36.00095, 31.36.00102, 31.36.00108, 31.36.00111,
31.36.00113, 31.36.00117, 45.30.00004
© Airbus SAS, 2022. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.The technical information provided in this article is for convenience and information purposes only. It
shall in no case replace the official Airbus technical or Flight Operations data which shall remain the sole basis for aircraft maintenance and operation. These recommendations and
information do not constitute a contractual commitment, warranty or guarantee whatsoever. They shall not supersede the Airbus technical nor operational documentation; should
any deviation appear between this article and the Airbus or airline's official manuals, the operator must ensure to cover it with the appropriate document such as TA, FCD, RDAS.
Access to WISE is supplied by Airbus under the express condition that Airbus hereby disclaims any and all liability for the use made by the user of the information contained in
WISE. It shall be used for the user's own purposes only and shall not be reproduced or disclosed to any third party without the prior consent of Airbus.