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7, Issue 2, April - June 2016 ISSN : 2230-7109 (Online) | ISSN : 2230-9543 (Print)

Design and Analysis of Comparators using

180nm CMOS Technology
Neha, 2Amana Yadav, 3Ila Chaudhary
Dept. of Electronics and Communication, FET, Manav Rachna International University,
Faridabad, Haryana, India

Abstract This paper is organized into six sections. Section 1explaines all
The real world signals are mostly analog in nature and hence, about comparators in general. Section II discusses the design of a
an analog to digital converter is needed to transmit effectively “Two stage open loop comparator using 180nm Cmos technology”.
the analog signals to digital signals. This paper describes the Section III discusses “TIQ Comparator” and its disadvantages.
comparator circuits used in most of the analog circuits now-a- Section IV gives the Quantized differential Comparator followed
days. Comparators play a vital role in most of the analog circuits by the explanation of two stage CMOS amplifier with an output
like Flash ADC’s and the performance of these circuits is greatly inverter section V. Section VI deals with CMOS-LTE Comparator
influenced by the choice of comparators. In this paper, first a “ Open and Section VII deals with implementation and results of the
loop comparator” is designed and its analysis is done followed by above circuits using CMOS technology in TANNER EDA
a “TIQ comparator”, “Quantized Differential Comparator”, “Two environment.
stage CMOS amplifier with an output inverter” and “CMOS-LTE
Comparator” and all of these circuits are used for implementing a lot II. Two Stage Open Loop Comparator
low power analog circuits. After implementing all the comparator Two stage open loop comparator circuits consist of two differential
circuits, power and delay analysis has been done on the basis of inputs. This comparator consists ofdifferential amplifier, input
which Power-Delay-Product (PDP) has been calculated. All the stage, and output stage as shown in Fig. 3. One of the advantages
above circuits are implemented using 180nm CMOS technology of this circuit is that the circuit consumes minimum number of
using a supply voltage of 1.8v. TANNER EDA environment is transistor and thus the circuit area is small.
used for design and simulation of these circuits.

CMOS comparator, TIQ comparator, low power, differential
comparator, CMOS-LTE, Tanner EDA.

I. Introduction
The comparator is a circuit which compares one analog signal
with another analog signal or a reference signal and produces
binary signal as the output based on the comparison. Comparators
are also known as 1-bit analog-to-digital converter. Fig. 1 shows
symbol of comparator.

Fig. 3: Two Stage Open Loop Comparator

In order to implement a high gain, open-loop comparator, the

two-stage op-amp without compensation will be an excellent
Fig. 1: Symbol of a Comparator implementation. In order to achieve the desired resolution
Comparator requires differential input and sufficient gain. So,
In Analog-to-Digital converters (ADC), comparators play an two stage op-amps make an excellent implementation of the
important role. The performance of the target application is comparator. Hence a simplification occurs because it is not
significantly influenced by the type and architecture of the necessary to compensate the comparator as it will generally be
comparator. The comparators, the delay, input offset voltage used in an open loop mode. In fact, the comparator has the largest
and input signal range directly affects the speed and resolution bandwidth possible if it is not compensated and hence the large
of an ADC. Some fundamental applications of comparators are bandwidth gives a faster response.
analog-to-digital conversion, signal detection, neural networks The two stage open loop comparator can be designed by using
and function generation etc. the following formulas:
(W6/L6) = (2I6)/ (Kp’*(VSD6 (sat))2); (i)
(W7/L7) = (2I7)/ (KN’*(VDS7 (sat))2); (ii)
(W3/L3) = (W4/L4) = (I5)/ (Kp’*(VSG3-|VTP|)2); (iii)
(W1/L1) =(W2/L2) = gm12/(KN*I5); (iv)
(W5/L5) = (2I5)/(KN’*(VDS5(sat))2); (v)
Where, I6=I7= (|Pll|*Cll)/(λn + λp); (vi)
|Pll| = 1/(tp*(mk) 1/2); (vii)
Fig. 2: The Block Diagram of a Comparator I5= (2*I7*Cl)/Cll; (viii)

122 International Journal of Electronics & Communication Technology w w w. i j e c t. o r g

ISSN : 2230-7109 (Online) | ISSN : 2230-9543 (Print) IJECT Vol. 7, Issue 2, April - June 2016

III. TIQ (Threshold Inverter Quantization) COMPARATOR handled by front end signal conditioning circuitry.
The technique’s name is so due to the use of two cascading 4. In order to reduce the power consumption and increase the
inverters as a voltage comparator. The voltage comparators performance during metastable stage it requires an S/H at
compare theinternal reference voltages with input voltage, which the analog input.
are determined by the transistor sizes of the inverters. Hence, the
resistor ladder circuit used is not required as in a conventional IV. Quantized Differential Comparator
flash ADC. The Comparator’s role is to convert an input voltage Quantized Differential Comparator technique is basically used
(VIN) into logic `1’ or `0’ by comparing a reference voltage (Vref) for low voltage applications of Flash ADC’s. The internal
with the VIN. If VINis greater than Vref, the comparator produces reference voltages, which are calculated by the transistor sizes
an output which is `1’, otherwise `0’. The TIQ comparator uses of the Quantized Differential Comparator, are then compared
two cascading CMOS inverters as a comparator for low power with the input voltage. The comparator produces an output ‘1’
consumption and high speed as shown in fig. 4. or ‘0’ depending on applied input voltage. If we take the case
of conventional differential comparator, the transistor sizes are
matched and the input Vb is taken from Reference Voltage (Vref)
generated by resistor ladder circuit. Thus all the comparators of
n-bit flash ADC are identical. On the other hand, to create an offset
voltage in Quantized Differential Comparator, we use different
transistor sizes of the transistor M2 of the differential pair. And
also, input voltage is applied to the V1 terminal and the voltages at
V2 and Vb are constants (Figure 5). With this intentional mismatch
in the differential pair,the desired internal reference voltage is
generated. On this basis, 2n-1different sizes of comparators are
needed for the flash ADC implementation. The inverter is used
at the output of the differential amplifier to get sharp Voltage
Transfer Characteristic (VTC) curves.

Fig. 4: TIQ Comparator

The use of second inverter is to increase voltage gain and to

prevent an unbalanced propagation delay. Keeping the length of
the PMOS and NMOS devices fixed, we can get desired values by
changing only the width of the PMOS and NMOS transistors. We
take the assumption that both transistors are in the active region,
the gate oxide thickness (Cox) for both transistors are same, and
the lengths (Lp and Ln) of both transistors are also the same. So, Fig. 5: Quantized Differential Comparator
Vm is shifted depending upon the transistor width ratio (Wp/Wn).
Hence, increasing Wp makes Vm larger and increasing Wn results In order to design n-bit flash ADC, one needs 2n-1 equal
in Vm being smaller on the VTC. quantization voltages, and those many numberof Quantized
However, in order to use the CMOS inverter which acts as a Differential Comparators. In order to generate the different sizes
voltage comparator, we should check the sensitivity of Vm to other of transistors for different reference voltages of the comparators,
parameters, which are not taken into consideration, for correct a PERL code has been developed and the device sizes have been
operation of the TIQ comparator. In a mixed-signal design, the picked up from the data generated to match the requirements. Once
ignored parameters like threshold voltages of both transistors, the comparators produce a thermometer code, the thermometer
electron and hole mobility, and power supply voltage are not decoder is used, which generates 1-out-of-n code, using XOR
fixed at a constant value. logic.
There are some distinct disadvantages of the TIQ approach:
1. The structure is single-ended. V. Two Stage CMOS Amplifier with an Output Inverter
2. Due to poor power supply rejection ratioit requires a separate This comparator circuit is a two–stage CMOS amplifier with an
reference power supply voltage for analog part only. output inverter consisting a total of three stages. The first is a
3. Due to process parameter variations,it has slight changes in differential pair, the second stage is a common source amplifier
linearity measures (DNL, INL) and the maximum analog and is an inverting buffer. The input bias current is designed for
input signal range. However, these problems can easily be 1µA in this circuit. The total amount of bias current is 3µA, as the

w w w. i j e c t. o r g International Journal of Electronics & Communication Technology   123

IJECT Vol. 7, Issue 2, April - June 2016 ISSN : 2230-7109 (Online) | ISSN : 2230-9543 (Print)

current is mirrored to the first two gain stages. Both the analog
inputs are connected to the differential pair. The refernce voltage
is set as ‘Vim’ in this circuit. The transistors length is chosen to
be 180nm as speed is more important than gain in this circuit
design. Since NMOS transistors have higher mobility than PMOS
transistors, an NMOS differential pair is used.
In order to improve gain of the first stage and lower the input offset
voltage , the widths of the input differential pair NMOS1-NMOS2
were increased to get better matching. A commomsource amplifier
is usec to get overall agin of the amplifier.The area covered by
the common source transistorPMOS2 is increasedwith the goal
of reducing the high parasitic capacitance ofPMOS2 which causes
delay in the first stage. This causes decrease in the propagation
delay of the circuit. The thirdstage is an inverter buffer which
increases slew rate of the circuit and adds modest gain. The
circuit designed in fig. 6 gives the length, width and multiplier
values for each transistor.

Fig. 7: CMOS-LTE Comparator

VII. Implementation and Results

A. Two Stage Open Loop Comparator (IN TANNER EDA

Using 180NM Technology)

Fig. 6: Two Stage CMOS Amplifier With an Output Inverter


VI. CMOS-LTE Comparator

CMOS inverter is the well-knownsimplest voltage-to-current
transducer (VCT) implemented in CMOS technology. The inverter
has very low distortionand very good frequency response,as shown
by experiment and simulation howeverthe linear behavior depends Fig. 8: Two Stage Open Loop Comparator
severely on the matching between p-channel and the n-channel
transistors; i.e., the parameter μμeffCoxW/L must be the same for 1. Transient Analysis
both the transistors and its power supply rejection (PSR) is also
poor. The MOS parameters in the above expression have their
usual meaning. Perfect matching is difficult to achieve in practice
because the effective mobilities μeffof electrons and holes depend
on doping, bias voltages and temperature.

The solution to this problem is the four transistor CMOS Trans

conductance element, whose operation resembles in most respect
that of the CMOS inverter but without having PSR problems.
Fig.7 shows the CMOS Linear Tunable Transconductance
Element.The CMOS-LTE Comparator consists Linear Tunable
Transconductance Element and an inverter. By systematically
varying the transistor sizes of the CMOS linear tunable Trans
conductance element,the internal reference voltages are generated.
The transistor sizes of CMOS Transconductance are identical in
this design, with Vg1 and Vg4 as fixed voltages. The output of this
component is connected to CMOS inverter in order to increase Fig. 9: Transient Analysis of Two Stage Comparator
the voltage gain of the comparator.

124 International Journal of Electronics & Communication Technology w w w. i j e c t. o r g

ISSN : 2230-7109 (Online) | ISSN : 2230-9543 (Print) IJECT Vol. 7, Issue 2, April - June 2016

2. Power Results (Open Loop Comparator) 4. Transistor Count = 4

VVoltageSource_2 from time 1e-008 to 1e-007
Average power consumed -> 2.370059e-005 watts C. Implementation of Quantized Differential Comparator
Max power 7.570612e-005 at time 4.1e-008
Min power 5.441084e-006 at time 2.1375e-008

3. Delay Analysis
tdlay = -1.8463e-008
Trigger = 4.0250e-008
Target = 2.1787e-008

B. Implementation of TIQ (Threshold Inverter Quantiz-

ation using 180nm Technology)

Fig. 12: Schematic of Quantized Differential

1. Transient Analysis

Fig. 10: Schematic of TIQ Comparator

1. Transient Analysis
Fig. 13: Transient analysis of QDC Comparator

2. Power Results
VVoltageSource_1 from time 1e-008 to 1e-007
Average power consumed-> 1.594352e-004 watts
Max power 3.089151e-004 at time 8.1e-008
Min power 2.372884e-007 at time 4.025e-00

3. Delay Analysis
tdlay = 2.7083e-010
Trigger = 4.0278e-008
Target = 4.0549e-008

4. Transistor Count = 7

D. Implementation of Two Stage CMOS Amplifier with

an Output Inverter

Fig. 11: Transient Analysis of TIQ

2. Power Results (TIQ comparator)

VVoltageSource_1 from time 1e-008 to 1e-007
Average power consumed -> 1.694443e-006 watts
Max power 6.135738e-005 at time 2.2e-008
Min power 1.548471e-007 at time 1e-008

3. Delay Analysis
tdlay = 2.0173e-010
Trigger = 4.0278e-008
Target = 4.0480e-008
Fig. 14: Two stage CMOS amplifier with an output

w w w. i j e c t. o r g International Journal of Electronics & Communication Technology   125

IJECT Vol. 7, Issue 2, April - June 2016 ISSN : 2230-7109 (Online) | ISSN : 2230-9543 (Print)

1. Transient Analysis 3. Delay Analysis

tdlay = 6.6778e-010
Trigger = 4.0278e-008
Target = 4.0946e-008

4. Transistor Count = 6

Table 1: Comparison
Comparator Techno- Transistor Average power Delay
Type logy count Consumed Product
Open Loop 2.370059e-005 watts -1.8463e-008
180nm 7 437.50
Fig. 15: Output waveform Inverter Comparator 23.70059 µW -18.463 ns

1.694443e-006 watts
2. Power Results Tiq 180nm 4 1.694443 µW
0.20173 ns

VVoltageSource_1 from time 1e-008 to 1e-007

Average power consumed -> 5.214885e-005 watts Differential 180nm 7
1.594352e-004 watts 2.7083e-010
15.94352 µW 0.27083 ns
Max power 9.352080e-005 at time 8.18344e-008 Comparator
Min power 1.542141e-006 at time 7.27415e-008
Two Stage
3. Delay Analysis 5.214885e-005 watts -1.7849e-008
Amplifier 180nm 10 930.17
52.14885 µW -17.849 ns
tdlay = -1.7849e-008 With
Trigger = 4.0278e-008 Inverter
Target = 2.2429e-008 CMOS-
3.413433e-005 watts 6.6778e-010
LTE 180nm 6 22.52
34.13433 µW 0.66778 ns
4. Transistor Count = 10

E. Implementation of CMOS-LTE (Linear Tunable Graph:

Transconductance Element) Comparator Average Power Consumed
Average Power Consumed (μW)

Average Power Consumed (μW)



Average Power Consumed (μW)



Fig. 16: Schematic of CMOS-LTE Comparator

Open loop TIQ Comparator Quantized Twostage CMOS-LTE
Comparator Differential cmosamplifier with Comparator
Comparator output Inveter

1. Transient Analysis Type of Comparator

Comparison of different type of Comparators in terms of Delay




Delay ( nanoseconds)


Delay (ns)
Fig. 17: Output waveform

2. Power Results
VVoltageSource_1 from time 1e-008 to 1e-007

Average power consumed -> 3.413433e-005 watts 0

Open Loop TIQ Comparator Quantized Differential Two stage cmos CMOS-LTE
Comparator Comparator amplifier with output Comprator
Max power 8.273729e-005 at time 2.25336e-008 Inverter
Type of Comparator
Min power 5.146837e-006 at time 2.1e-008

126 International Journal of Electronics & Communication Technology w w w. i j e c t. o r g

ISSN : 2230-7109 (Online) | ISSN : 2230-9543 (Print) IJECT Vol. 7, Issue 2, April - June 2016

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Comparator has been implemented followed by a two stage
Amplifier with Output Inverter and a CMOS-LTE Comparator. All Neha received B.Tech degree in
these architecture can be extended from medium to high resolution Electronics and Communication
applications because of the simplicity of the circuits. Comparators Engineering from Punjab Technical
are a main part of analog circuits. As we can see in the power University (PTU), Punjab in 2014
results that the average power consumed by TIQ comparator is and M.Tech scholar degree in VLSI
less than that consumed by the open loop comparator and so is by & Embedded Systems from Manav
quantized differential comparator. This is due to the reason that Rachna International University,
the TIQ comparator generates the reference voltage internally and Faculty of Engineering and
hence the resistor ladder network is not required when designing a Technology, Faridabad in 2016. Her
FLASH ADC. Quantized Differential Comparator can also be used current research interests include
for designing low power high speed Flash ADC’s. The two stage low power VLSI design, Embedded
CMOS amplifier with output inverter has also been implemented Systems, Nanoscale and CMOS devices.
and the average power consumed by the circuit is calculated.
Delay for all these circuits has been calculated and PDP has been
defined which makes the comparison of all these circuits easier. Amana is currently working as
As future work, we can design low power flash ADC using these an Assistant Professor in ECE
comparator designs and a Priority Encoder. Department of FET-MRIU, Faridabad.
She is pursuing her Ph.D from Manav
Refrences Rachna Internatioal University. She
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[4] T.Maneesha, T.S Ghouse Basha,“Design of Low Voltage low Microelectronics She has teaching and
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[5] Sujeet Mishra, Balchand Nagar,“Design of a TIQ comparator Rachna International University,
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w w w. i j e c t. o r g International Journal of Electronics & Communication Technology   127

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