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CHAP 11: THE INFORMATION AGE early on recognized the usefulness of language
and the ability it gave to make sense of nature.
Life is accompanied by endless transmission of
information that takes place within and outside THE TIMELINE OF INFORMATION AGE
the human body. According to Webster’s
Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary,
information is “knowledge communicated or
obtained concerning a specific fact or
circumstance.’ Hence , information is a very
important tool for survival.
The information Age is defined as a “period
starting in the last quarter of the 20thcentury
when information became effortlessly
accessible through publicationsand through the
management of information by computers. The
Information Ageis also called the Digital Age and
the New Media Age it was associated with the
development of computers
According to James R. Messenger who
proposed the Theory of Information Age in
1982, “the Information Age is a true new age
bases upon the interconnection of computers
via telecommunications, with the information
system operating on both a real-time and as-
needed basis. Furthermore, the primary factors
driving this new age forward are convenience
and user-friendliness which, in turn, will create
user dependence.
Before the printed word, the written word was
prevalent. Yet, the intent to carry information
has always been present.
A word is a combination of sounds that
represents something. It is significance which
makes words distinct from just any kind of vocal In his article “Truths of the Information Age”,
utterance. Words are made up of sounds yet Robert Harris detailed some facts on the
they transmit something more significant – Information Age.
information. 1. Information must compete.
2. Newer is equated with truer.
3. Selection is a viewpoint.
THE ROLE OF LANGUAGE 4. The media sells what the culture buys.
In the human quest for understanding the 5. The early word gets the perm.
natural world, the ability to name and classify 6. You are what you eat and so is your brain.
objects found in nature was seen as a first step 7. Anything in great demand will be
in knowing. Thus, The scientific search for truth counterfeited.

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8. Ideas are seen as controversial. brokers, form Microsoft’s Bill Gates to Apple’s
9. Undead information walks ever on. Steve Jobs to Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg.
10. Media presence created the story. Critics charged that the Internet created a
11. The medium selects the message. technological divide that increased the gap
12. The whole truth is a pursuit between the members of the higher class and
lower class of society. Those who could not
Computer- A computer is an electronic device
afford a computer or a monthly access fee were
that stores and process data
denied these possibilities. Many decried the
impersonal nature of electronic communication
1. Personal Computer (PC)
compared to a telephone call or a handwritten
2. Desktop Computer
3. Laptops
On one hand, the unregulated and loose
4. Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs)
nature of the Internet allowed pornography to
5. Server
be broadcast to millions of homes. Protecting
6. Mainframe
children from these influences or even from
7. Wearable Computers
meeting violent predators would prove to be
The World Wide Web- Several historian trace
difficult. Nowadays, crimes in various forms are
the origin of the Internet to Claude E. Shannon,
rampant because of the use of social media.
an American Mathematician who was
Cyberbullying is an issue that poses alarm
considered as the “Father of the Information
Theory.” He worked at Bell Laboratories and at
age 32, he published a paper proposing that APPLICATIONS OF COMPUTERS IN SCIENCE
information can be quantitatively encoded as a AND RESEARCH
sequence of ones and zeroes. Madan, n.d.- One of the significant applications
Rouse, 2014- The Internet is a worldwide of computers for science and research is evident
system of interconnected networks that in the field of bioinformatics. Bioinformatics is
facilitates data transmission among the application of information technology to
innumerable computers. In early days, the store, organize, and analyze vast amount of
Internet was used mainly by scientist to biological data which is available in the form of
communicate with other scientist. The Internet sequences and structures of proteins.
remained under government control until 1984.
How to Check the Reliability of Web Sources
Ushistory.org, 2017- One early problem faced
Lee College Library, n.d.- The Internet contains
by Internet users was speed. Phone lines could
a vast collection of highly valuable information
only transmit information at a limited rate. The
but it may also contain unreliable, biased
development of fiber-optics cables allowed for
information that mislead people. The following
billions of bits of information to be receive
can help us check the reliability of web sources
every minute. Companies like Intel developed
that we gather. It is noteworthy to consider and
faster microprocessors so personal computers
apply the following guidelines to avoid
could process the incoming signals at a more
rapid rate
Consequently, companies whose business are Who published the site?
built on digitized information have become
valuable and powerful in a relatively shot .edu= educational .com = commercial
period of time; the current Information Age has .mil = military .gov = government
spawned its own breed of wealthy influential .org = nonprofit

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•AFA e-Newsletter •Global Gateway: World Culture and
•American Memory Resources
•Bartleby.com Great books Online •Google Books
•Chronicling America •Googlescholars.com
•Cyber Bullying
•National Library of Medicine’s Medline CHAP 12: BIODIVERSITY AND THE HEALTHY

 Decrease in biodiversity is eminent the source of life for all and it has direct
worldwide. Vertebrates fell to 60% from consumptive value in food, agriculture,
the 1970s due to human causes. It is medicine and industry
projected that by 2020, wild life decline Understanding biodiversity within the concept
will be 67% of the present number. The of ecosystem needs a thorough study on the
Word Wild Fund for nature and relationship of the biotic, the living organisms
Zoological Society of London reported and the abiotic, nonliving organisms.
an annual decrease in wildlife by 2%. A Sustainability of the ecosystem ensures a better
major cause is human population which survival rate against any natural disaster.
is doubled in number since 1960 to 7.4 Therefore, we, as human inhabitants of the
billion. ecosystem, must preserve and conserve the
 Humans have industrialized the natural biodiversity of all creatures.
habitat of wildlife as well as marine life.
Leaving these creatures with no place to
Alteration in any system could bring varied
live would eventually cause their
effects. A change in biodiversity could have
deaths. Marco Lambertini, the General
erratic effects not only in wildlife or marine life
Director of WWF International,
but also in human being. For example, humans
described that the disappearance of
inhabiting the forest would disturb the natural
wildlife is at an unprecedented rate.
order of life.
 Earth might enter the sixth mass
Trees and plants would be affected in the land
extinction event according to experts.
–clearing operations where the houses would
Mass extinction is described as the
be built. The animals, insects, and all types of
disappearance of species at a rate of
life forms in the cleared area would be either be
1,000 faster than usual. Moreover, the
displaced or most likely be killed. The food chain
disappearance of species in a certain
might be damaged.
environment causes an imbalance in the


Biodiversity is “the variability among living
organisms from all sources, including terrestrial,
marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the
ecological complexes of which they are part;
this includes diversity within species, between
species and ecological services that constitute

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CONSEQUENCES OF BIODIVERSITY LOSS contaminants, or they can be social , such as

Intact ecosystem function best since the dangerous work, poor housing conditions,
organisms composing them are specialized to urban sprawl and poverty.
function in that ecosystem to capture, transfer, Unsafe drinking water and poor sanitation and
utilize and ultimately, lose both energy and hygiene are responsible for a variety of
nutrients. The particular species making up infectious diseases, such as schistosomiasis,
ecosystem determine its productivity, affect diarrhea, choler, meningitis and gastritis. In
nutrients cycles and soil contents, and influence 2015, approximately 350,000 children under the
environmental conditions such as water cycles, age of five died from diarrheal diseases related
weather patterns, climate, and other to unsafe drinking water, and approximately 1.8
nonbioticaspects. million people used drinking water
As stated by Tilman “The Earth will retain its contaminated with feces.
most striking feature, its biodiversity, only if
humans have the prescience to do so. This will
Some human illnesses that are found to be
occur, it seems, only if we realize the extent to
related with its environment include
which we use biodiversity.
Parkinson's disease, heart disease, cancer,
NUTRITIONAL IMPACT OF BIODIVERSITY chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,
According to World Health Organization, asthma, diabetes, obesity, occupational
biodiversity is a vital element of human being’s injuries, dysentery, arthritis, malaria and
nutrition because of its influence to food depression.
production. Biodiversity is a major factor that
contributes to sustainable food production for
Scientific researchers have developed new
human beings.
technological tools that greatly improve
Nutrition and biodiversity are linked at many
different aspects of our lives. The use of
levels: the ecosystem, with food production as
nanoscale is our important interdisciplinary
an ecosystem service; the species in the
area generate by advancement in science and
ecosystem; and the genetic diversity within
technology. Scientist and engineers were able to
species. Nutritional composition between foods
build materials with innovative properties as
and among varieties of the same food can differ
they manipulate nanomaterials. Indeed,
dramatically, affecting micronutrient availability
research and application of knowledge on
in the diet
nanomaterials will continue to bring widespread
HEALTH, BIOLOGY AND BIODIVERSITY implications in various areas of society,
Almost all living organisms are dependent to especially health care, environment , energy,
their environment to live and reproduce. Basic food, water and agriculture.
needs of living organisms such as air, water, Nanotechnology refers to the science,
food and habitat are provided by its engineering, and technology conducted at the
environment. The evolution of human beings nanoscale, which is about 1 to 100 nanometers.
was due to the improved access to these basic Nanoscience and nanotechnology employs the
needs. study and application of exceptionally small
Environmental hazards increase the risk of things in other areas of science including
cancer, heart disease, asthma, and many other materials science, engineering, physics, biology,
illnesses. These hazards can be physical, such as and chemistry
pollution, toxic chemicals, and food

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The concepts of nanotechnology and mechanical probe that gathers information from
nanoscience started in December 29, 1959 the surface of material.
when Physicist Richard Feynman discussed a
Scanning Tunneling Microscope- This special
method in which scientists can direct and
type of microscope enables scientists to view
control individual atoms and molecules in his
and manipulate nanoscale particles, atoms, and
talk “There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom”
small molecules. In 1986, Gerd Binig and
during the American Physical Society meeting at
Heinrich Rohrer won the Noble Prize in Physics
California Institute of Technology. The term
because of this invention.
“nanotechnology” was coined by Professor
Norio Taniguchi a decade after the dawn of the NANOMANUFACTURING- It refers to scaled up,
use of ultraprecision machining reliable, and cost effective manufacturing of
Manipulation of nanomaterials needs an adept nanoscale materials, structures, devices, and
understanding of their types and dimensions. systems. It also involves research, improvement,
The various type of nanomaterials are classified and incorporation of processes for the
according to their individual shapes and sizes. construction of materials. Therefore,
They may be particles, tube, wire, films, flakes, nanomanufacturing leads to the development
or shells that have one or more nanometer of new products and improved materials. There
sized dimensions. One should be able to view are two fundamental approaches to
and manipulate them so that we can take nanomanufacturing, either bottom up or top
advantage of their exceptional characteristics. down.
Bottom-up fabrication- It manufactures
products by building them up from atomic- and
Scientists use special types of microscopes to
molecularscale components. However, this
view minute nanomaterial. During the early
method can be time-consuming. Scientist and
1930s, scientists used electron microscopes and
engineers are still in search for effective ways of
field microscope to look at the nanoscale. The
putting up together molecular components that
scanning tunneling microscope and atomic force
self-assemble and from the bottom-up to
microscope are just among the modern and
organized structures.
remarkable advancements in microscopy.
Top-down fabrication- It trims down large
Electron Microscope- German engineers Ernst pieces of materials into nanoscale. This process
Ruska and Max Knoll built the first electron needs larger amounts of material and discards
microscope during the 1930s. This type of excess raw materials.
microscope utilizes a particle beam of electrons
to light up a specimen and develop a well
magnified image. Electron microscope produce
higher and better resolution than older light
microscopes because they can magnify objects
up to a million times while conventional light
microscopes can magnify objects up to 1,500
times only

Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)- It was first

developed by Gerd Binig , Calvin Quate , and
Christoph Gerber in 1986. It makes use of a

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fluorescence, magnetic permeability, melting

point, and electrical conductivity.




Nanotechnology involves operating at a very
small dimension and it allows scientists to make
use of the exceptional optical, chemical,
physical, mechanical, and biological qualities of
materials of that small scale.


Various activities of the cells take place at the
nanoscale. The deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
serves as the genetic material of the cell and is
only about 2 nanometers in diameter. Nanotech Roadmap for the Philippines (PCAS
Furthermore, the hemoglobin that transports TRD DOST)
oxygen to the tissues throughout the body is
5.5. nanometers in diameter.


Particles with dimensions of 1 100 nanometers
have properties that are significant discrete
from particles of bigger dimensions. Quantum
effects direct the behavior and properties of
particles in this size scale. Among the essential
properties of nanoscale that change as a
function of size include chemical reactivity,

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treat or cure genetic related human illnesses.

In 2015, a team of researchers at Harvard
Medical School and the Boston Children’s
Hospital stated that they were able to restore
basic hearing in genetically deaf mice using
gene therapy. They used an improved gene
therapy vector developed at the Massachusetts
Eye and Ear that was identified as “Anc80”
which enables the transfer of gene to
inaccessible outer hair cells when introduced
into the cochlea
Human gene therapy was actually first realized
in 1971 when the first recombination DNA
(rDNA) experiments were planned. It can be
simply viewed as insertion foreign DNA into a
patient’s tissue that hope to successfully
BENEFITS AND CONCERNS OF USING eradicate the targeted diseases. It was actually
NANOTECHNOLOGY inspired by the success of rDNA technology
which occurred over the last 20 years.
1. Nanotechnology is not a single
technology; it may become pervasive
2. Nanotechnology seeks to develop new
materials withspecific properties
3. Nanotechnology may introduce new
efficiencies and paradigm which may
make some natural resources and
current practices uncompetitive or
4. It may be complicated to detect its
presence unless one has the specialist
tools of nanotechnology

Stem Cell Gene Therapy- Stem cells are mother

cells that have the potential to become any type
of cell in the body. One of the main
Medical science has detected many human
characteristics of the stem cells is their ability to
diseases related to defective genes. These
self-renew or multiply while maintaining the
types of diseases are not curable by traditional
potential to develop into other types of cells.
methods like taking readily available medicines.
Embryonic Stem Cells- It is derived from a four
Gene therapy is a potential method to either

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or five day old human embryo that is in the

blastocyst phase of development. The embryos
are usually extras that have been created in IVF
(in vitro fertilization) clinics where several eggs
are fertilized in a test tube then implanted into a
Somatic Stem Cells- These are the cells that
exist throughout the body after embryonic
development and are found inside of different
types of tissue. They remain in a non dividing
state for years until activated by disease or
tissue injury. These stem cells can divide or self
renew indefinitely, enabling them to generate a
range of cell types from the originating organ or
even regenerate the entire original organ.

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