Ems 01 Iso 14001 Manual
Ems 01 Iso 14001 Manual
Ems 01 Iso 14001 Manual
Daniel Westow
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Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 3
PROCESS INTERACTIONS .................................................................................................... 4
4. Context of the organisation .................................................................................................... 5
4.1. Understanding the organisation and its context .................................................................. 5
4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of the interested parties .................................... 7
4.3. Determining the scope of the environmental management system .................................... 7
4.4 Environmental management system .................................................................................... 8
5. Leadership .............................................................................................................................. 9
5.1 Leadership and commitment ................................................................................................ 9
5.2 Environmental policy ......................................................................................................... 10
5.3 Organisational roles, responsibilities and authorities ........................................................ 11
6. Planning ............................................................................................................................... 14
6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities......................................................................... 14
6.1.1 General ............................................................................................................................ 14
6.1.2 Environmental aspects .................................................................................................... 14
6.1.3 Compliance obligations .................................................................................................. 16
6.1.4 Planning action................................................................................................................ 16
6.2 Environmental objectives and planning to achieve them .................................................. 16
6.2.1 Environmental objectives................................................................................................ 16
6.2.2 Planning actions to achieve environmental objectives ................................................... 17
7. Support ................................................................................................................................. 18
7.1 Resources ........................................................................................................................... 18
7.2 Competence........................................................................................................................ 18
7.3 Awareness .......................................................................................................................... 18
7.4 Communication .................................................................................................................. 18
7.4.1 General ............................................................................................................................ 18
7.4.2 Internal communication .................................................................................................. 19
7.4.3 External communication ........................................................................................... 19
7.5 Documented information ................................................................................................... 20
7.5.1 General ............................................................................................................................ 20
7.5.2 Creating and updating ..................................................................................................... 20
7.5.3 Control of documented information................................................................................ 20
8. Operation.............................................................................................................................. 22
8.1 Operational planning and control....................................................................................... 22
8.2 Emergency preparedness and response .............................................................................. 22
9. Performance evaluation ....................................................................................................... 23
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This manual describes the Environmental Management System (EMS) processes
used by Konings Juices and Drinks UK Ltd to ensure compliance with the ISO14001-
2015 standard.
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Continual Improvement
Business Context
Equipment and Management of and Critical
Infrastructure Compliance Requirements
Maintenance Requirements
Allocation of
Control of External Environmental
Resources Aspects
Induction Control
Customer Requirements
Training and Management of
Development Emergencies
Control of
System Audit
Legal and Other Requirements
System Review
Management and
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Environmental conditions
Site has over 600 PV solar panels. The weather and cloud coverage can affect the
amount of energy we are able to generate.
Water quality
We operate in a hard water area, because of this some of our water has to be
treated/softened before it can be used. However, we will always try to recover and
reuse any waste water when possible.
Land use
After treatment our water is sent to a lagoon and can be sent to the river box during
certain times of the year. We need to ensure that the water stays within the levels of
consent and that we only discharge the volumes permitted.
Natural resource availability
Our core product is apple juice. Environmental conditions can affect the harvest and
therefore the availability and cost of our raw materials.
Any water shortages could also affect the sites ability to operate.
Internal Contexts
Technology can have a huge impact on our environmental performance. For
example, we will always aim to run the boilers on LPG as this is a cleaner and more
efficient fuel than oil. We will look to maximize our use of renewable energy by using
solar panels and electricity generated by the AD plant. As technology improves we
should also be able to recover more water and improve the efficiencies of our RO
and NF plants.
Internal culture
The internal culture can have a big impact on our environmental performance. The
training of staff from the top is critical to our success.
The performance of our equipment can also impact our environmental performance.
We know from our data that the less breakdowns we have and the more efficiently
the plant runs the less resources we will use per litre of juice produced.
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The site is situated just off of the A134 which runs between Colchester Essex and
Sudbury Suffolk. The factory stands on land bordered by apple orchards owned by
Boxford Suffolk Farms. There are two residential properties adjacent to the site also
owned by Boxford Suffolk farms.
The nearest villages are those of Leavenheath and Boxford and the surrounding land
is mainly farm land which is designated Green belt. The nearest river is The Box.
A search of the Magic Site (http://www.natureonthemap.naturalengland.org.uk/) has
identified an area of natural beauty and a local nature reserve approximately 16
kilometres from the site.
No receptors that may be particularly sensitive to site operations are therefore
identified in the immediate vicinity.
Site Layout
The Konings site covers an area of approximately 18,000m². It consists of a multi-
story building providing the following facilities;
Tanker bay
Apple Chill Store
Preparation Room
Tank Farm
Microbiological Lab
Finished Goods Store
Labelling Hall
Filling Room
Bottle Blow Moulder Room
Boiler Room
Engineering Workshop
Raw material and Packaging Store
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Meeting Rooms
The Utilities Building containing:
Ammonia Chillers
RO Water treatment
Water tank sampling points
Compressed air generator
Chlorine dioxide generator
LPG Storage
The external area comprises a large bunded hard standing area for storage with all
drains going to the waste water treatment plant, a weigh bridge, apple offloading
system and car parks.
The waste water treatment plant is situated towards the rear of the site. All areas are
accessible via a one-way road system.
The scope of the Environmental management system includes all activities that take
place on land owned or leased by Konings juices and Drinks UK Ltd on the Boxford
site. This includes; The blowing of PET bottles from pre-forms, the pressing &
blending of fruit juices and the receipt of raw materials, the bottling of fruit juice, the
operation of a waste water treatment plant, including discharge to the lagoon, the
storage and usage of cleaning chemicals and oils, the disposal of waste and any
other activities that are part of the production process.
The scope ends after the finished products have been driven off of site in Culina
trailers. At this point the finished product becomes the property of PepsiCo.
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5. Leadership
5.1 Leadership and commitment
The site leadership team is fully committed to the Environmental Management
System. The leadership and commitment with respect is evidenced by the following.
a. Taking accountability for the effectiveness of the EMS.
b. Ensuring the Environmental policy and objectives are established and are
compatible with the strategic direction and the context of the organisation.
c. Ensuring the integration of the EMS requirements into the business
d. Ensuring that the resources needed for the EMS are available.
e. Communicating the importance of the EMS and conforming to the EMS
f. Ensuring that the EMS achieves its intended outcomes.
g. Directing and supporting persons to contribute to the effectiveness of the
h. Promoting continual improvement.
i. Supporting other management roles to demonstrate their leadership as it
applies to their areas of responsibility.
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6. Planning
6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities
6.1.1 General
When planning for the EMS Konings Juices and Drinks UK Ltd has considered the
a. External and internal issues as stated in 4.1 and 4.2.
b. The Scope of our EMS
Within the scope of our EMS we have determined potential emergency situations,
including those that can have an environmental impact.
We have maintained and documented information of our:
a. Risks and opportunities that need to be addressed;
b. Processes needed to the extent necessary to have the confidence they
are carried out as planned.
Emissions to air;
Green House Effect (Global warming) Raw Material and Energy use
Stratospheric Ozone depletion Use of non- renewable raw materials
Acid Rain Use of recycled raw materials
Local Air Quality Use of reusable packaging
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Significance assessment:
Legal/other requirements: Specify whether there are any legal or other
requirements to which the organisation subscribes relating to the environmental
aspect that require specific actions to be undertaken or impose specific duties upon
the organisation (input “YES” or “NO”);
Frequency: Assign one of the following values to reflect the frequency with which
the environmental aspect will have a potential/actual impact on the environment:
1. More than three years to never;
2. Every one to three years;
3. Every month to once a year;
4. Every week to once a month;
5. Every day to once a week.
Influence: Assign one of the following values to reflect the influence the organisation
has over the environmental aspect:
1. Mainly outside the control of the organisation;
2. Minor influence;
3. Medium influence;
4. Major influence;
5. Direct control.
Impact: Assign one of the following values to reflect the potential/actual impact the
environmental aspect could have or has on the environment:
1. No, or insignificant, impact on the environment;
2. Minor impact on the environment;
3. Moderate impact on the environment;
4. Very relevant impact on the environment;
5. Major impact on the environment.
Score: Input the significance score. This is calculated as the frequency value
multiplied by the influence value multiplied by the impact value:
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7. Support
7.1 Resources
Management shall ensure the availability of resources essential to establish,
implement, maintain and improve the environmental management system.
Resources include human resources and specialised skills, organisational
infrastructure, technology and financial resources.
7.2 Competence
Konings shall ensure that any person(s) performing tasks for it or on its behalf that
have the potential to cause a significant environmental impact(s) identified by the
organisation is (are) competent on the basis of appropriate education, training or
experience, and shall retain associated records. The organisation shall identify
training needs associated with its environmental aspects and its environmental
management system. It shall provide training or take other action to meet these
needs, and shall retain associated records. The organisation shall establish,
implement and maintain a procedure(s) to make persons working for it or on its
behalf aware of
the importance of conformity with the environmental policy and procedures and with
the requirements of the environmental management system,
the significant environmental aspects and related actual or potential impacts
associated with their work, and the environmental benefits of improved personal
their roles and responsibilities in achieving conformity with the requirements of the
environmental management system, and
the potential consequences of departure from specified procedures.
7.3 Awareness
At minimum all staff will be made aware of the EMS on induction. This includes
awareness of our Environment policy. Staff will also receive EMS update training on
an annual basis.
Contractors are all informed of what is expected of them in section 15 of the
contractor induction. All contractors will be inducted before starting work on site and
will be re-inducted every 2 years, or following any incidents. The induction includes
the requirement to correctly dispose of any waste and to provide waste transfer
notes when required.
7.4 Communication
7.4.1 General
Konings Juices and Drinks UK Ltd has determined the internal and external
communications relevant to the EMS including;
a. On what it will communicate.
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b. When to communicate.
c. With whom to communicate.
d. How to communicate.
e. Who communicates.
When establishing the communication processes, we have;
a. Considered our compliance obligations, and
b. Ensured that environmental information communicated is consistent with the
information generated within the EMS and is reliable.
c. Ensured that we shall respond to relevant communications on the EMS and
d. Retained documented information as evidence of its communications, as
Environmental updates and training are delivered by the site Health, Safety,
Sustainability and Environment Specialist. Other members of staff, for
example the Engineering and Services manager may also send updates.
These updates may be in the form of E-mail, Formal Training, Posters, or the
sites newsletter – “The Boxford Press”.
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7.5.1 General
This Environmental manual describes the core elements of the EMS and the
documents interaction necessary for the functioning and continual improvement of
the EMS. All documents included in the EMS are on the sites document control
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3. Master copies of documents and their storage and distribution location shall
be stored in the ISO 14001 folder in the Copella EMS folder on the H Drive.
4. Any hard copies of EMS documentation will be uncontrolled copies and
therefore cannot be treated as an up to date version. The exception to this is
the Emergency Preparedness plan where a controlled hard copy is located
under the fire panel and in the site safety centre.
5. All documentation shall be version controlled, clear, dated and readily
identifiable. Previous versions shall be archived on the H Drive.
6. Obsolete documents should be promptly removed from all points of issue and
use. Those retained for legal or other purposes shall be clearly marked as
7. Relevant parties will be informed when a document is updated.
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8. Operation
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9. Performance evaluation
9.1.1 General
All monitoring and measurements are captured on the sites monitoring and
measurement register EMS 9.1.1.
We ensure that any equipment used is calibrated, maintained and verified as
9.2.1 General
We will ensure that internal audits of the environmental management system are
conducted at planned intervals to.
a. determine whether the environmental management system
conforms to planned arrangements for environmental management
including the requirements of this International Standard, and
has been properly implemented and is maintained, and
b. provide information on the results of audits to management.
Audit programme(s) shall be planned, established, implemented and
maintained by the organisation, taking into consideration the environmental
importance of the operation(s) concerned and the results of previous audits.
Audit procedure(s) shall be established, implemented and maintained that
the responsibilities and requirements for planning and conducting audits,
reporting results and retaining associated records,
the determination of audit criteria, scope, frequency and methods.
Selection of auditors and conduct of audits shall ensure objectivity and the
impartiality of the audit process.
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The Environmental and sustainability person will select the areas and
activities to be audited ensuring all areas are audited at least annually.
All audit findings will be discussed with the audit team where appropriate.
For any non-conformities, near misses will be uploaded onto the site near miss
system for investigation and corrective actions.
Results of internal audits and the progress of all near misses will be reported
to Senior Management at the EMS Management Review Meeting on an
annual basis.
Internal audit will be completed by following document EMS 9.2.1 Internal audits. Or
by 3rd party using their pro forma.
The Environmental and sustainability person will select the areas and
activities to be audited ensuring all areas are audited at least annually.
All audit findings will be discussed with the audit team where appropriate.
For any non-conformities, near misses will be uploaded onto the site near
miss system for investigation and corrective actions.
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10. Improvement
10.1 General
We will use our performance reviews (9.1 9.2 and 9.3) to determine opportunities for
improvement and implement necessary actions to achieve the intended outcomes of
the EMS.
All potential environmental near misses are reported on the near miss system for the
appropriate manager for investigation and rectification. See investigation form
A near miss will be raised if a procedural non conformity occurs, such as failure to
carry out an evaluation of compliance. The near miss report will contain
details of the non-conformity corrective action and where appropriate
preventative action.
All near misses are discussed at the weekly Site Leadership Team meetings and
daily 9am meetings.
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