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MTech Regulations 04122017

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Ordinance and Regulations

Programme: M Tech

0.1 The provisions contained in these regulations govern the conditions for imparting courses of
instructions, conducting examinations and evaluation of students’ performance leading to the degree of
Master of Technology (M Tech).
These regulations are effective for the batches of students admitted in the Academic Session 2016-17

0.2 Discipline/Specializations: The disciplines and the specializations in which the courses of study are
available and degrees will be offered are:
(a) Civil Engineering (CE)
(i) Water Resources Engineering (ii) Structural Dynamics & Earthquake Engineering (iii)
Transportation Engineering (iv) Geotechnical Engineering (v) Structural Engineering
(b) Electrical Engineering (EE)
(i) Power and Energy System Engineering (ii) Control & Industrial Automation
(c) Mechanical Engineering (ME)
(i) Thermal Engineering (ii) Design and Manufacturing (iii) CAD-CAM & Automation (iv) Materials
and Manufacturing Technology
(d) Electronics & Communication Engineering (ECE)
(i) Microelectronics & VLSI Design (ii) Communication & Signal Processing Engineering
(e) Computer Science & Engineering (CSE)
(i) Computer Science & Engineering
New discipline/Specialization may be added in future with the approval of the competent authority.

0.3 The provisions of these regulations shall also be applicable to any new discipline(s) that is(are)
introduced from time to time and added to the list in Sec. 0.2.

0.4 Supplementary regulations, whenever necessary, may be framed and implemented by the Senate from
time to time.

0.5 Notwithstanding all that have been stated in these regulations, the Senate has the power to modify any
of the clauses from time to time.

0.6 In the event of occurrence of any doubt/ambiguity in the interpretation of any clause of the regulation
and also with any matter pertaining to M Tech programme which has not been covered by the
regulation, the decision of the Chairman, Senate shall be final.

07 A student becomes eligible for the award of M Tech degree, if he/she has
(i) Fulfilled all the academic requirements prescribed in the regulations.
(ii) No disciplinary action pending against him/her.
(iii) No dues to the institute, department, hostels etc.

0.8 The award of M Tech degree must be recommended by the Senate and approved by the Board of
Governors (BOG) of the institute
0.9 Legal dispute, if any, shall be under the jurisdiction of Silchar court(s) of Cachar district in the state of
Assam only.


1.1 Regular (Full-Time)

These are the students who work full time for their M Tech programme.
1.2 Sponsored (Full-Time)
A candidate in this category is sponsored by a recognised organisation for doing PG in the institute on
a full time basis. He/she should have at least one year of working experience in the respective field.
Sponsorship letter (Form-1) should be attached with the application.

1.3 Regular (Full-Time / Part-Time)

These are the students who are admitted as regular full time students and are subsequently converted to
part time students after the completion of mandatory course work as specified in a particular

1.4 Part-Time Students

This category refers to the candidates who are professionally employed personnel, who can attend
classes at the institute while employed. These candidates should be able to attend regular classes as per
the schedule of the institute. The applicant must be a regular employee of a recognised R&D
organisation, national institute or any other recognized institute, government organisation or industry
with at least one year of experience at the time of admission and be engaged in professional work in
the discipline in which admission is sought .A no objection certificate from the head of the
institution/organisation in which he / she is employed (Form-II) should be enclosed at the time of

1.5 Project Staff

This category refers to the candidates who are working on sponsored projects in the institute and
admitted to PG programme. The duration of the project at the time of admission should be at least three
years. This category of students may be registered on a part time basis. No objection certificate from
the project coordinator should be attached with the application.

1.6 Institute Employees

Institute employees may be sponsored as part time students by the Director, on recommendation of
Head of the Department in which the employee is working. The employee must have completed at
least two years of continuous service in the institute at the time of admission.

1.7 The maximum number of students that can be admitted in a particular specialization under categories
of students 1.2, 1.4, 1.5, and 1.6 shall not exceed 20% of the sanctioned intake strength of that
A regular full time student under category 1.1 may be allowed to continue his / her programme as a
student under category 1.3 only under special circumstances. However, such conversion has to be
recommended by the DPPC of the concerned department and approved by the Senate.

2 Minimum Qualification for M Tech Admission

Students for admission to M Tech programme must satisfy the following criteria:
Bachelor’s degree in Engineering / Technology or equivalent in an appropriate area with at least 60%
marks or 6.5 CPI/CGPA on a 10 point scale. A relaxation of 5% marks or 0.5 in CPI/CGPA on a 10
point scale shall be extended to the candidates belonging to SC/ST/PWD. Further, a candidate with
MCA (Master in Computer Application) degree may also apply for M Tech programme in the Deptt of
CSE subject to fulfilment of the aforesaid minimum qualification requirements.
Departments may specify additional requirements over and above these minimum requirements.

3 Admission

3.1 For category of students under 1.1 admissions to M Tech programme will be as per CCMT guidelines.
However, the minimum qualification criteria must be satisfied. In the event of existence of vacancies,
institute spot round admission may be conducted and the eligibility criteria over and above the
minimum as stated in clause 2 of the regulations may be decided by the institute.
3.2 For categories of students under 1.2, 1.4, 1.5, and 1.6, an advertisement will be issued in the institute
web site in the month of April/May. Admission will be granted based on interview / discussion with the
DPPC of the concerned departments. However, the minimum qualification criteria must be satisfied.

3.3 The applicants, who are yet to complete all the examinations including the thesis oral examination,
viva-voce etc of the qualifying degree by the date of admission to the programme, may be considered
for admission. However, if admitted, they must produce evidence of their having passed the qualifying
degree examination with the specified minimum marks/CPI (as per clause 2) within 8 weeks of
beginning of the semester, failing which their admission is liable to be cancelled.

3.4 If, at any time after admission, it is found that a candidate has not fulfilled all the requirements
stipulated in the offer of admission, the Dean (Academic) may revoke the admission of the candidate
and report the matter to the Senate for appropriate decision.

3.5 The institute reserves the right to cancel the admission of any student and ask him/her to discontinue
his/her studies at any stage of the course on the grounds of unsatisfactory academic performance,
indiscipline, any misconduct or any other unlawful acts committed by the student.

3.6 The decision of the Senate regarding all matters pertaining to admission is final and binding. A
candidate whose selection is approved by the Chairman, Senate will be admitted to the M Tech
programme on payment of the prescribed fees etc.

4 Academic Calendar

4.1 Each academic session is divided into two semesters of approximately 16 weeks duration so that a
minimum of 40 lecture classes are made available for each course. The sessions are: Odd semester
(July-Dec) and Even semester (Jan-June).

4.2 The schedule of academic activities approved by the Senate for a session including dates of registration,
mid-semester and end-semester examinations, re-examination, inter semester breaks etc. shall be laid
down in the Academic Calendar for the session.

4.3 The academic calendar will also reflect the scheduled vacations. Further, the Director in the capacity of
Chairman, Senate may announce suspension of classes when the situation so demands. Such suspended
classes may or may not be compensated on a weekend/holiday or by other means as announced on case-
to-case basis.

5 Residence
5.1 Institute is by and large residential and all students shall be generally required to reside in, and be a
member of the hostels to which they are assigned by Dean, SW (Students Welfare). Under special
circumstances, the Director/Dean (SW) may permit a student to reside outside the institute. However,
such permission may be withdrawn at the discretion of the institute authority, at any time considered
appropriate, without assigning any reason thereof.
5.2 Married accommodations are generally not provided to PG students. However, under special
circumstances, the authority may provide the same to a PG student.
5.3 All students must abide by the rules and regulations of the hostels as may be framed from time to time
by appropriate authority and approved by the Senate.

6 Course Structure

6.1 In order to qualify for an M Tech degree of the institute in a particular specialization, a student is
required to complete the credit requirement as prescribed in the course structure of that specialization.
The credit requirements may be different for different specializations; however, clause 9.1 of the
regulation requires to be satisfied.
6.2 Teaching of the courses shall be reckoned in terms of credits or credit points. Credits are assigned to the
courses based on the following general pattern:
• Two credits for each lecture period
• Two credits for each tutorial period
• One credit for each practical / seminar / project session of one hour

7 Registration

7.1 To help the students in planning their courses of study and getting general advice on the academic
programme, the concerned department shall assign Faculty Adviser(s) from the department. The
Faculty Adviser(s) will monitor academic progress, approve selection of electives and registration of
other courses etc. of the concerned student(s) till the student(s) leave the institute.

7.2 Every student is required to register, in person, for the approved courses through the assigned Faculty
Adviser(s) at the commencement of each semester on the day fixed for such registration and notified in
the Academic Calendar. The Dean (Academic) may cancel the registration of one or more courses if
they are found to violate some rules or if there are restrictions imposed due to disciplinary reasons.

7.3 Students who do not register on the day announced for the purpose may be permitted late registration
under special circumstances only on payment of additional fee. Normally no late registration shall be
permitted after the scheduled date except in special cases like those:
(i) dictated by counselling authorities in the first semester
(ii) a family calamity or natural calamity stopping the candidate to report for registration on the
scheduled date
(iii) participation in a national/international event
All terms and conditions of late registration against case (i) is fully governed by the guidelines of the
counselling authorities.
The minimum percentage of attendance requirement of a student registering late will be calculated from
the date of their registration. But, no special consideration is admissible in the matter of
assessment/evaluation or grading. Late registration is permitted till a specified date as per academic
calendar. If a student does not register within the specified date, he/she is automatically demoted and
may register for the same during the next year in the same semester without any extension of the total
allowed duration of the programme.
However, under very exceptional, unforeseen, and unavoidable circumstances, late registration
beyond the specified deadline may be allowed on case-to-case basis by the Chairman, Senate on the
recommendation of the Dean (Academic). This is possible only when the reasons cited are genuine and
the authorities are satisfied with the same. In this case, the total attendance requirement shall be
calculated from the last date of late registration.

7.4 Only those students will be permitted to register in the next semester who have
(i) fulfilled the minimum academic requirements
(ii) cleared all dues of the institute, hostel, and library and fines (if any) of the previous semesters.
(iii) paid all required advance payments of the institute and hostel dues for the current semester
(iv) not been debarred from registering on any specific ground.

7.5 During registration the following conditions must be fulfilled:

(a) The minimum number of credits that a student under a specified category has to register for
Semester-I & Semester-II, is guided by clause 9 and similarly the maximum no of credits that a student
under categories 1.4, 1.5, and 1.6 is allowed to register for Semester-I & Semester-II, is also guided by
clause 9. However, students under category 1.1, and 1.2 will have to register for all courses in the
Semester-I & Semester-II as assigned in the course structure.
(b) Students who obtain ‘F’ grade in any core course in any semester may clear it in the re-examination.
Else, he/she has to register the course in the next appropriate semester when it is offered.
(c) Students who obtain ‘F’ grade in an elective course in any semester may clear it in the re-
examination. Alternatively, he/she may register for any elective course from within the same group of
electives offered in the next appropriate semester.
(d) In case of failure in the project (Phase-I and Phase-II), there is no provision for re-examination and
the students will be required to register for the same in the next appropriate semester.
(e) Similarly, in case of failure in courses like seminar, practical etc the students will have to register for
same in the next appropriate semester.
(f) A student must continue his/her registration in the institute till he/she completes all the requirements
for the award of the degree by paying prescribed fees even if he/she is required to register for no/zero
course in a particular semester (A situation of no/zero course registration shall arise when a student has
cleared all course except some even or odd semester courses)
(g) When a student registers a course of a particular semester for the second time (because of backlog
/shortage of attendance), the particular semester may be named as usual but may be followed by a
letter-[R], [R]-stands for Repeater (Example- Semester-I[R], Semester-II[R], etc)
(h) When a part time student under categories 1.4, 1.5, and 1.6 registers a course of a particular
semester in the subsequent academic year, the particular semester may be named as usual but may be
followed by a letter-[M], [M]-stands for Mandatory course (Example- Semester-I[M], Semester-II[M],
(i) When a part time student under categories 1.4, 1.5, and 1.6 registers a course of a particular semester
for the second time (because of backlogs / shortage of attendance), the particular semester may be
named as usual but may be followed by a letters-[MR], [MR]-stands for Mandatory course Repeater
(Example- Semester-I[MR], Semester-II[MR], etc)
(j) When a student registers a particular semester with no/zero course, the particular semester may be
named as usual but may be followed by a letter-[Z], [Z]-stands for no/zero course (Example- Semester-
I[Z], Semester-II[Z], etc)

8 Attendance

8.1 Attendance in a course must be 75% of the total classes held for that course and a student will not be
allowed to write the end semester examination for that course if his/her attendance falls below 75%.
His/her result in that course will be kept withheld and he/she will be required to register for that course
in the next appropriate semester. A letter grade ‘W’ shall be awarded in the withheld course and will
be reflected in the semester grade card.

8.2 For the purpose of calculating percentage of attendance, the Dean (Academic) will fix a cut-off date
before every end semester examination. The course coordinator may arrange for additional classes
within the semester, if he/she desires so to cover the shortage of attendance for student(s).

8.3 In case of truly exceptional circumstances, the Senate or the Chairman, Senate may relax the
attendance requirements.

9 Credit Requirement

9.1 The duration of the course leading to M Tech degree for the students under categories 1.1 and 1.2 will
ordinarily be of two years They will be required to complete a minimum of 96 credits of load of which
at least 48 credits shall be through PG course work and at least 32 credits through research. They have
to register for at least 24 credits in each of the first two semesters (i.e Semester-I and Semester-II) and
at least 10 and 22 credits in the III and IV semesters respectively. No student under these categories
shall continue in the programme for more than 3 years after first registration. The course and research
requirements in individual departments/programme may be over and above the minimum stated above.

9.2 The duration of the course leading to M Tech degree for the students under categories
1.4, 1.5, and 1.6 will ordinarily be of three years They will be required to complete a minimum of 96
credits of load of which at least 48 credits shall be through PG course work and at least 32 credits
through research. They will be required to register for a minimum of 12 credits and a maximum of 18
credits in each of the first two semesters (i.e Semester-I and Semester-II). They will be required to
register for the remaining credits of Semester-I and Semester-II during the next academic year so as to
complete the prescribed credits of the first two semesters. They will be required to register for at least
10 and 22 credits in the Semester-III and Semester-IV respectively. No student under these categories
shall continue in the programme for more than 4 years after first registration. The course and research
requirements in individual departments/programme may be over and above the minimum stated above

9.3 The duration of the course leading to M Tech degree for the students under category 1.3 will ordinarily
be of three years They will be required to complete a minimum of 96 credits of load of which at least
48 credits shall be through PG course work and at least 32 credits through research. They have to

register for at least 24 credits in each of the first two semesters (i.e Semester-I and Semester-II) at least
10 and 22 credits in the III and IV semesters respectively. No student under these categories shall
continue in the programme for more than 4 years after first registration. The course and research
requirements in individual departments/programme may be over and above the minimum stated above.
The modalities in respect of Semester-III and Semester-IV registration will be recommended by the
DPPC of the concerned department and has to be approved by the Senate.

10 CPI Requirement
The minimum CPI requirement for continuing in the programme as well as to qualify for the degree is
6.0. If the minimum CPI criteria is not fulfilled by a student at the end of Semester-I, he/she will be
issued a warning by the concerned department and a copy of the same will be sent to the Dean
(Academic) for necessary record and if the same criteria is not fulfilled after the completion of course
work at the end of Semester-II, he/she may opt for registering those subject(s) of Semester-I and
Semester-II , in which his/her pointer is less than 6.0.However, these subjects can only be registered in
the appropriate semesters when these are offered. If the CPI criteria is still not fulfilled, he/she may be
relieved from the programme. Similarly, if a student fails to secure a minimum CPI of 6.0 at the end of
Semester-III, he/she may be issued a warning by the concerned department with a copy to Dean
(Academic) for necessary record and after completion of the course, he/she has to obtain the minimum
CPI of 6.0 in order to qualify for the degree.
11 Assessment of Performance
There will be continuous assessment of a student’s performance throughout the semester and grades
will be awarded by the concerned course coordinator or the appropriate committee appointed for this
purpose on the following basis:

11.1 Theory Subjects:

(i) The evaluation will be based on the performance on minor test, mid-semester examination, end-
semester examination, and internal assessment. The combined assessment of minor test and internal
assessment is known as sessional assessment.
(ii) Centralised examinations are conducted for the mid and end semester / re-examinations for one (1)
and two (2) hours duration, respectively. The minor test is conducted by the course coordinator in a
suitable time between mid and end semester examinations of duration varying between one hour to
three hours, to be decided by the course coordinator.
(iii) The internal assessment is based on the student’s performance in class
test/quiz/viva/assignment/class impression/attendance etc as decided by the course coordinator and
declared at the start of the semester.
(iv) The overall performance in a course is decided by the following component-wise weightage
Components % Weightage
Mid semester exam 30%
End semester exam 50%
Sessional assessment Minor test 10%
Internal assessment 10%
11.2 Practical subjects
The evaluation will be on the basis of attendance, assessment of the tasks assigned including
experimental works, and the test/exam/viva/report, to be decided by the concerned department/course
coordinator. As such, the assessment procedure may vary from department to department and
instructor to instructor. However, the evaluation procedure needs to be declared by the course
coordinator at the beginning of the semester.

11.3 Seminar
The evaluation will be done by a committee to be constituted by the department. The evaluation will
be on the basis of presentation, report, and any other task assigned by the coordinator/committee etc.
However, the evaluation procedure needs to be declared by the course coordinator at the beginning of
the semester.

11.4 Thesis/Project (Phase-I and Phase-II)

(i) Thesis supervisor(s) for a student will normally be appointed from amongst the faculty members of
NIT Silchar and preferably from the concerned department. However, under special circumstances,
one of the supervisors may be appointed from outside the Institute, But, such an appointment has to be
done on the recommendation of DPPC of the concerned department and subsequent approval by the
Senate. Department will evolve modalities for appointing supervisor(s) keeping in view the student’s
aspirations and faculty interest. The DPPC will coordinate this activity and will formally communicate
the appointment of thesis supervisor(s) of a student to the Academic section. No change/addition of
supervisor(s) is allowed after the thesis has been submitted to the Academic section. No student once
registered for thesis/project units will be allowed to continue the programme without the thesis
supervisor(s) having been appointed by the DPPC. No student will have more than two supervisors.
No change in thesis supervisor(s) will be allowed without the consent of the concerned DPPC.
(ii) The evaluation of the project phase-I will be made by a committee consisting of the following
(a) Supervisor(s)
(b) Expert(s) from the concerned department
(c) One expert from another department within the institute
(d) Member(s), DPPC
The committee shall be approved by the Dean (Academic) on the recommendation from the head of
the department. The evaluation process will be continuous and its criteria will be decided by the
department. DPPC or a departmental programme coordinator being nominated by the HOD will
coordinate the entire evaluation process. The evaluated project (phase-I) will be awarded an
appropriate letter grade.
(iii) The evaluation of the project phase-II will be made by a committee consisting of the following
(a) Supervisor(s)
(b) Expert from outside the institute (External Expert)
(c) One expert from another department within the institute
(d) One expert from the concerned department
(e) Member(s), DPPC
The above committee shall be formed by the head of the department. The committee shall be approved
by the Dean (Academic) on the recommendation from the head of the department. The evaluation
criteria will be decided by the department. DPPC or a departmental programme coordinator being
nominated by the HOD will coordinate the entire evaluation process. The evaluated project (phase-II)
will be awarded an appropriate letter grade.

(iv) The Chairman, DPPC will submit to the academic section for approval of the Dean (Academic) the
names of the project evaluators for project phase-I prior to the commencement of evaluation and for
project phase-II, the names of the thesis/project evaluator/examiners, in the prescribed form, will be
submitted by the Chairman,DPPC at least two weeks before the submission of the thesis. Unbound
typed copies of thesis/project, one for each examiner/evaluator, prepared according to the prescribed
format being available in the academic section will be submitted at least one week before the probable
date of examination/evaluation. The oral examination/evaluation will be held within two months from
the date of submission of the thesis/project. If however, the student does not make himself/herself
available for examination, his/her programme will be deemed to have been terminated. Request for
revival of the programme by such a student should be addressed to the Chairman, Senate.
The department will record the date of submission of the thesis/project and arrange to send the thesis to
the examiners/evaluators. The supervisor/programme coordinator will inform the examiners of the date
of oral examination and send a copy to the academic section. The thesis/project will be evaluated and
the report of oral examination conducted by the committee will be submitted to the Chairman, DPPC
and the same will be communicated to the academic section for record and necessary action.
On successful completion of the oral examination, each student will be required to submit one bound
copy of the thesis/project each to the academic section, department and the thesis supervisor(s).
A thesis will be awarded appropriate grade, 60% weightage will be on the basis of oral examination
and 40% will be based on internal evaluation.
(v) Acceptance/Rejection of the thesis/project ( phase-II)
A thesis/project will be considered to have been accepted and awarded appropriate grade, if all the
members of the committee recommend its acceptance. Otherwise, the thesis/project will be considered
to have been rejected and awarded ‘X’/ ‘F’ grade. The oral examination for resubmitted thesis/project,
(if ‘X’ grade is awarded) with all modifications/corrections as per the suggestion of the committee,
will be conducted by the same committee unless otherwise approved by Dean (Academic). If the
resubmitted thesis/project is rejected, the matter will be reported to the Senate for appropriate action.
Acceptance of thesis/project will be reported to the Senate for approval. In case, the thesis is awarded
‘F’ grade, the student will have to continue his/her registration for the same subject to maximum
duration of the programme.

12 Grading system

12.1 Courses covered under Theory, Practical, Seminar, and Project/Thesis (Credit Course)
Based on the performance of a student, each student is awarded a final letter grade in each of the above
courses, at the end of the semester. The letter grades and the corresponding grade points are as follows:

Grade Points
AA 10
AB 9
BB 8
BC 7
CC 6
CD 5
DD 4
F 0
I/X (Incomplete, to be subsequently converted -
to a letter grade from (AA – F)
W (Withheld due to shortage of attendance) -

The teacher of a course may award the grade ‘I’ to a student if the concerned student was compelled to
remain absent from the end semester examination on account of (i) illness or accident which disabled
him/her from appearing the examination (ii) a calamity in the family at the time of examination, which
in the opinion of the course coordinator / institute, required the student to remain away from the
campus. Such an appeal has to be made to the course coordinator with a copy to the concerned HOD.
In case the appeal of the concerned student is not considered by the course coordinator / HOD, he/she
may apply to Dean, Academic for a final decision for the award of ‘I’ grade and the decision of the
Dean, Academic will be final.
Besides, a student may also be awarded ‘X’ grade only in Project phase-II. In case, a students’
performance in project phase-II (Semester-IV) is not up to the satisfaction of the
examination/evaluation committee, an extension of time may be granted and may be awarded ‘X’
grade to project phase-II. However, subsequent evaluation of the project and awarding an appropriate
letter grade, has to be completed prior to commencement of the next semester registration. If no such
extension is given, the grade awarded will automatically be ‘F’. Here the grade ‘X’ also is treated as a
transitional grade (only for project phase-II) and subsequently to be converted to a letter grade.
A letter grade ‘W’ is awarded in a course(s) in case a student fails to secure required percentage of
attendance as per clause 8.1.Such a course can only be registered in the next appropriate semester,
evaluated as a regular course and awarded the appropriate grade. However, the letter grade ‘W’will be
reflected in the semester grade card.

12.2 An awarded ‘I’ and ‘X’ grade must be converted by the course coordinator/ competent committee to an
appropriate letter grade and communicated to the Academic section within the prescribed date./ period.
Beyond the prescribed date / period, the ‘I’ or ‘X’ grade will automatically be converted to ‘F’ grade.
Semester Performance Index (SPI)
SPI will be computed for the semester as follows:
C G + C 2G2 +  + C n Gn
SPI = 1 1
C1 + C 2 +  + C n
Where n is the number of courses registered for the semester, C1 is the total credit allotted for the ith
course, and G1 is the grade points (as defined in 12.1) awarded in the ith course.
12.3 Cumulative Performance Index (CPI)
CPI will be computed at the end of each semester and communicated to the students along with the SPI
in the form of a grade card. The CPI gives the cumulative performance of the student from the first
semester up to the end of the semester to which it refers, and will be calculated as follows:
C1G1 + C 2G2 +  + C m Gm
C1 + C 2 +  + C m
Where m is the number of courses registered up to that semester, C1 and G1 as defined above (12.2).
Whenever a student repeats or substitutes a course in any semester, the lower grade obtained by
him/her in the course is to be ignored in the computation of CPI from that semester onwards.

12.4 Both SPI and CPI will be rounded off to second place of decimal and recorded as such. Whenever
these CPI are to be used for the purpose of determining the merit ranking of a group of students, only
the rounded off values will be used.

12.5 Conversion of grades:

The institute adopts a 10 point scale for conversion of grade to equivalent percentage of marks. For
example, CPI 7.0 is equivalent to 70% of marks; CPI 6.25 is equivalent to 62.5% etc.

13 Award of grades, Changes in grades and Grievance redressal

13.1 Theory, Practical/Seminar, and Project/Thesis

Total marks for which a student is evaluated in a course will be finally normalized to 100 and a relative
grading pattern shall be followed, subject to the lower cut-off for a minimum pass grade (DD) of 35.
The awarded grade shall be scrutinized and approved by DPPC before forwarding to academic section.
The results of performance of the students in the semester examination shall be announced by the
teachers of the courses concerned. It is mandatory for the course coordinator to show all evaluated
answer scripts to the students during the stipulated period as mentioned in the academic calendar. For
end semester examinations, normally the answer scripts are to be shown within the first week of
commencement of next semester classes. Students should point out discrepancies in the evaluation by
the course coordinator, if any, on the spot. End semester answer scripts shall be preserved by the
teacher(s) concerned for a period of one semester. However, the sheet containing details of marks
converted to grades must be preserved by DPPC till the students complete their course of study.

13.2 Change in grades: After seeing the end semester answer script, if a student feels that the marks
awarded in a course is not justified, he/she may request the course coordinator for a review of the
awarded marks. The course coordinator, if satisfied, may review the awarded marks, make correction
to the grade (if required), and send the same to Dean Academic with due justification for a change in
grade. Such a correction must be done within one week of the start of the next semester or the due date
specified in the Academic Calendar. Beyond this, no change in grade shall be entertained under any

13.3 Grievance redressal: If a student is not satisfied with mid semester evaluation in a theory course,
he/she may approach the Chairman, DPPC for a review. The DPPC shall review the matter and its
decision in this regard shall be final. However, if a student is not satisfied with the course
coordinator’s evaluation in the end semester examination of a theory course, he/she may approach the
Chairman DPPC for a review of the awarded marks/grade within two working days from the last date
of submission of corrected grade as per Academic Calendar. On receiving such a prayer, DPPC shall
review the matter and intimate the academic section regarding change of grade (if any) within seven
working days from the last date of submission of the corrected grade. In case, the student is not
satisfied with the review of DPPC, he/she shall have the option to approach Dean (Academic) and the
decision of the Dean (Academic) shall be final in this regard. However, such an appeal shall be
entertained only up to three weeks from the date of commencement of next semester classes.

14 Examinations:

14.1 In assessing the students’ attainment in courses (Theory and Practical), seminar, project/Thesis etc., the
system of continuous assessment is adopted by the institute. In conformity with the practice, there will
be one mid semester examination and one end semester examination for every theory course, in
addition to minor test and internal assessment. The mid semester and end semester examinations will

be centrally conducted by the Academic section of the institute. The minor test, class test, quizzes etc.,
will be organised by the concerned course coordinator. For practical course there will be only the end
semester examination to be conducted by the concerned department preferably within the time
schedule specified by Academic section.

14.2 There is a provision of re-examination and the students who obtain ‘F’ grade in theory courses may
appear in the re-examination to clear the theory courses only in which ‘F’ grades have been awarded. .
Re-examination is conducted only for end semester examination. For appearing in one or more courses
in re-examination, students are to apply to Dean (Academic) / Deputy Registrar (Academic) / Asst
Registrar (Academic) and pay the requisite re-examination fee.

14.3 There is no provision for re-examination of the courses like practical, seminar, project phase-I and
project phase-II.
14.4 A single grade card will be issued to a student for a particular semester and the same will be issued
once the student clears all the courses of that semester. If a student clears a course(s) in a number of
attempts (more than one), the same will be reflected in the relevant grade card. Similarly, if a student
clears an elective course by taking the same or different course from within the same group of electives
in more than one attempt, it will be reflected in grade card. The grade card also will reflect the award
of ‘W’ grade.
14.5 Students who have missed an end semester examination on valid reasons and awarded ‘I’ grade are
eligible to appear in re-examination. ‘I’ grade, in no way, will be reflected in the semester grade card.
14.6 No re-examination will be scheduled for the mid semester examination. In case of absentees, it is
entirely up to the course coordinator to ascertain the proficiency of the student by whatever means
considered appropriate, if he/she is satisfied with the bonafides of the cases. However, such cases must
be brought to the notice of the concerned DPPC.

14.7 The institute will provide sick room facility inside the institute building or in a nearby hospital as
deemed convenient by the institute to assist students who may fall sick during the examination.

14.8 The examination will normally be “closed book type”, where the students are not permitted to bring
any material from outside. All necessary charts and tables will be provided by the institute. It is the
course coordinators’ responsibility to recommend the materials to be provided, and to check with the
examination office that the arrangements have indeed been done. While normal scientific calculators
are permitted, other electronic devices such as programmable calculators and calculators containing
communication devices, mobile phones etc. are forbidden in the examination hall. If such devices are
found to be possessed, the possessors shall forfeit the devices to the institute. Such an act will be
treated to be an unfair means in the examination hall and dealt with as per conduct and discipline rules.

14.9 All the question papers submitted by the teachers will be treated as “confidential documents” till the
end of the examination of the course concerned. It is an open document after the examination is over.
The institute will archive question papers in physical and electronic form, and make them available to
future students.

14.10 All examinations and re-examinations will be held as per dates notified in the Academic Calendar

15 Student Feed Back

Course evaluation form (AC/109) submitted by a student will assist a teacher to improve the contents
and delivery. It is the duty of every student to give his/her thoughtful response to the queries given in
the Form. It is mandatory for a student to submit the form soon after completion of a course. The Dean
(Academic) office will issue a notice mentioning how the form will be submitted.

16 Financial Support
Students admitted to M Tech programme will be considered for assistant ship, fellowship, tuition fee
waiver etc, subject to the following norms:
16.1 Tuition fee waiver will be as per directive of the Govt of India from time to time.
16.2 The number and amount of assistant ship will be fixed on availability of funds.

16.3 A student must have a valid gate score at the time of admission.
16.4 Students receiving assistantship from the institute or any other funding agencies will be required to
perform academic duties assigned to them by the department as per rules in force from time to time.
16.5 The continuation of assistantship/fellowship will be subject to satisfactory performance of the duties
assigned by the department and satisfactory progress in the post-graduate programme such as
attainment of minimum CPI of 6.5 at the end of each semester.
16.6 Financial assistantship will normally be for a period of two years and one year for the students under
category 1.1 and 1.3 respectively.
16.7 No financial assistance from the institute will be available to other categories of students except 1.1
and 1.3. However, students under category 1.5 shall get funding from the projects as per rule but will
not get any additional assistance from the institute.

17 Leave Rules
17.1 An M Tech student is eligible for 30 days of leave in an academic year.
17.2 Absence without obtaining prior sanction of leave will be considered as an act of indiscipline and shall
entail reduction of scholarship on a pro rata basis, besides any other action that may be decided by the
17.3 Any absence over and above the prescribed limit of admissible leave shall entail deduction from the
scholarship, besides other action as may be decided by the institute.
17-4 For a period of leave up to two weeks, prior application for leave shall have to be submitted to the
concerned HOD through the concerned Faculty Adviser and supervisor (if applicable) stating reasons
with supporting documents wherever necessary and if the period of leave is more than two weeks, the
prior application shall have to be submitted to Dean (Academic) through the concerned HOD.

17.5 For a period of leave exceeding 30 days, prior application shall have to be submitted to the Chairman,
Senate through proper channel.
17.6 Intimation to the hostel warden must be given prior to availing the leave.

18 Conduct and Discipline

18.1 Students shall conduct themselves within and outside the precincts of the institute in a manner befitting
the students of an institute of national importance.
18.2 As per the order of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, ragging in any form is banned: Acts of ragging
will be considered as gross indiscipline and will be severely dealt with.
18.3 The following acts shall constitute gross violation of the code of conduct and are liable to invoke
disciplinary measures:
(a) Ragging
(b) Lack of courtesy and decorum, indecent behaviour anywhere within or outside the campus
(c) Wilful damage or stealthy removal of any property/belongings of the institute/hostel or of fellow
(d) Possession, consumption or distribution of alcoholic drinks or any kind of hallucinogenic drugs
(e) Mutilation or unauthorised possession of library books
(f) Hacking in computer system (such as entering other person’s area without prior permission,
manipulation and/or damage of computer hardware and software etc.)
(g) Furnishing false statement to the disciplinary committee or wilfully withholding information
relevant to an enquiry
(h) Organizing or participating in any activity that has potential for driving fellow students along lines
of religion, caste, home state, batch of admission, hostel or any other unhealthy criterion
(i) Resorting to noisy and unseemly behaviour, disturbing studies of fellow students
(j) Adoption of unfair means in the examination
(k)Disturbing in drunken state or otherwise an incident in academic or student function or any other
public event.
(l)Having found to be pursuing regular studies and/or correspondence courses (leading to degree or
diploma) in any other college, university or an educational institution
(m)Having found to be concurrently employed and performing duty or carrying out business in
contravention to academic schedule of the institute and without approval from the institute
(n) Any other act of gross indiscipline in the opinion of the competent authority

Commensurate with the gravity of the offence, the punishment may be reprimand, fine and expulsion
from the hostel, debarment from an examination, rustication for a specified period, and termination
from the programme/expulsion from the institute.

18.4 For an offence committed in (a) a hostel (b) a department or in a classroom and (c) elsewhere, the
Assoc Warden, the Head of the Department and the Dean (SW), respectively, shall have the authority
to reprimand or impose fine. All cases involving punishment other than reprimand shall be reported to
the Chairman, Students Disciplinary Committee.
18.5 All major acts of indiscipline, which may have serious implications on the general body of students,
and/or which may warrant a formalized nature of investigation, shall be handled by the Students
Disciplinary Committee, approved by the Senate.
18.6 Cases of adoption of unfair means in an examination hall shall be reported to Dean (Academic) for
taking appropriate action
18.7 In the event of a major punishment, the aggrieved party shall have the right to appeal to Chairman,
Overall conduct and discipline shall be governed by the rules appended in Annexure-I

19 Grade Card

In general, a grade card will contain the following:

(a) Name of the student, Registration No
(b) Name of the semester, Academic year
(c) Course no, Course name
(d) Performance in each course by letter grade
(e) Number of attempts in which a course is cleared (*)
(f) Whether ‘W’ grade is awarded in any course
(g) SPI (Semester Performance Index) vide clause 12.2
(h) CPI (Cumulative Performance Index) vide clause 12.3
(i) Signatures of the competent authorities

(*) It implies how many times a student has appeared in the end semester examination to clear a course


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