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DLL Week 10

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School Congressional NHS Grade Level 11

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Marvin A. Melendres Learning Area Understanding Culture, Society & Politics
Teaching Dates & Time Week 10 Quarter 2nd (1st Semester)

Session 1 Session 2
Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives, necessary procedures must be followed and if needed additional lessons, exercises and remedial activities may be done for developing content knowledge and competencies. These are assessed using Formative
I. OBJECTIVES Assessment strategies. Valuing objectives support the learning of content and competencies and enable children to find significance and joy in learning the lessons. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum guides.

A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of:

Cultural, social, and political institutions as sets of norms and patterns of behavior that relate to major social interests.
B. Performance Identify one’s role in social groups and institutions Evaluate how political organizations operate as an entity which maintains
Standards societal functions

C. Learning Traces kinship ties and social networks. UCSP11/12HSOIIi-20 Analyze social and political structures. UCSP11/12HSO IIj-23
Write the LC code for each

Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach in the CG, the content can be tackled in a week or two.
Family and Kinship Political and leadership Structures
List the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson and in learning. Ensure that there is a mix of concrete and manipulative materials as well as paper based materials. Hands-on learning promotes concept development.
A. References UNDERSTANDING CULTURE, SOCIETY, & POLITICS. DepEd Learner’s Manual. 2016
1.Teacher’s Guide pages
2.Learner’s Material pages pp. (Balena, 2016) pp. (Balena, 2016)
3.Textbook pages pp. (Balena, 2016) pp. (Balena, 2016)
4.Additional Materials from QUIPPER CLASS
Learning Resource portal
B. Other Learning Resources TV, Laptop, Activity Sheets, bond paper, coloring materials or online TV, Laptop, Activity Sheets, bond paper, coloring materials or online
resources/application resources/application
These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of learning by the students which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with multiple ways to learn new
IV. PROCEDURES things, practice their learning, question their learning process and draw conclusions about what they learned in relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for each step.

A. Reviewing previous lesson Social Organization/Social Institution: Show pictures of family, marriage and kinship. Ask the students to
or presenting the new lesson -How society is organized? classify what classify each image accordingly.
-How are you influenced by a certain group? Is it possible to have no Ask: What are the functions of family in the development of one’s nation?

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B. Establishing a purpose for Quick Drawing ABC of Politics
the lesson
Ask the students to think of an object that symbolizes their meaning of Assign a letter (from A-Z) to each student. Ask them to think of a
family. Call 3-5 students to share their outputs. (5 minutes) word related to politics and leadership (i.e. A- administration, B-
Presentation of Objectives Bureaucracy, C- chief, D-Duterte). After two minutes, they will write their
The teacher will present the objectives on the projector. answers on the board. (5 minutes)
Say: Today we are going to examine kinship ties, family household and Presentation of Objectives
social networks. Say: Today we are going to different political and social structures.
C. Presenting examples/ Think-Pair-Share: Family Tree Mix n’ Match
instances of the new lesson Directions: Ask the students to form dyads. Give them 5 minutes to Directions: Prepare picture of different political structures (bands, tribes,
share their family tree to his/her partner. After 5 minutes, call at least chiefdom, state; traditional, charismatic and rational leadership. Ask the
three students to share their output in front of the class. (15 minutes) students to match the image to word it befits. (15 minutes)
Process Questions: Process Questions:
1. How did you feel while doing the activity? Was it hard for you to 1. What are the different political structures shown in the activity?
create your family tree? 2. How will you differentiate the leadership of the Presidents in the
2. How will you describe your family (size, organization, residence, pictures?
authority, patterns of marriage)? 3. Does political and leadership structures affect the development
3. Is there any other person, out of your lineage, you consider as of one’s nation? Why or Why not?
family? Why?
4. Why is it important to examine family values? How is it related
to socio-economic development of communities?
D. Discussing new concepts Direct Instruction (30 minutes) “Gallery of Political and Leadership Structures”
and practicing new skills #1 5 + 1 (Five Plus One) (60 minutes)
Direct instruction variation where the teacher presents for five Divide the class into five groups. Assign each group a topic (topics
minutes, students share and reflect for one minute, then the could be given prior to the session for longer time of preparation). Each
cycle repeats. Divide the content into subtopics that can be group will be assigned to a specific station. Stations are located inside the
taught in five minutes. room. Give each group a content card. They will be given 15 minutes to
read and prepare for presentations. Two members will act as the
F. Cultural, social and political institutions (power point presentation) facilitator for every station while the remaining members will go to other
1. Kinship, marriage, and the household stations. Each station will have 10 minutes to present.
a. Kinship by blood
Station 1: Bands
Descent and marriage
(unilineal, matrilineal, patrilineal, bilateral) Station 2: Tribes
-Use different case studies of kinship diagrams. Station 3: Chiefdoms
b. Kinship by marriage Station 4: States and nations
Marriage rules cross-culturally Station 5: Authority and legitimacy
(monogamy vs. polygamy, post-marital i. Traditional
residency rules, referred marriage partners) ii. Charismatic
-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgsJIVWRsuA iii. Rational
Reflect: How will you describe the pattern of choosing a spouse within (Alternative: You can assign the mode of presentation in each station if
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your family you wish)
d. Family and the household
Nuclear, extended, and reconstituted
families (separated, transnational)
-Let students watch a documentary about the Filipino culture of
Extended family. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dczcj2K5ZnA
Reflect: Decribe your Family in terms of its organization.
c. Kinship by ritual (Compadrazgo)
-Using Powerpoint presentation, show different images of rituals
that build kinship among people.
e. Politics of kinship (political dynasty,
Reflect: Name your Ninong and Ninang, Inaanak.
E. Discussing new concepts Fill in the chart below with the information needed. Analyze your Part II
and practicing new skills #2
household using the table below. (5 minutes) Organize your notes in each station using the table below:
Descent/ Forms of Selection Based on Based on Based on (5 minutes)
ancestry marriage of internal residence Authority Characteristic Band Tribe Chiefdom State
marriage organization Population
pattern or

F. Developing mastery Process Questons *Discuss answers in the activity.

(Leads to Formative Assessment 3)
1. How do you define family, household and kinship? Processing Questions:
2. What are different types of kinship? 1. How will you describe the characteristic of each political
3. What are the factors considered in analysis of family structure? structure?
4. How do you distinguish consanguineal and extended from 2. What are the differences between bands and tribe compared to
conjugal and nuclear? Chiefdom and state?
5. What are the different ways to trace descent? 3. What do you think is the most distinguished characteristic of a
6. What does compadrazgo mean? state?
(10 Minutes) 4. How will you differentiate leadership structures?
5. Cite examples of each leadership in the Philippine context.
6. How does political and leadership structure affect the
development of society. (15 minutes)
G. Finding practical “Kinship Diagram” Action Research
applications of concepts and (30 mins) (Simplified version)
skills in daily living

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Trace kinship ties and social networks using kinship diagram. Make a research paper on different examples of political and
Encourage students to make a creative presentation of their own leadership structures existing in your locality. Analyze the effects of each
diagram: they can use multimedia tools if they wish. Start from his/her structure on the development of one’s community. Take note of
grandparents to nieces/nephews on both side (Thus, in case of important observations as you go through your research as it might be
reconstituted family, the student is allowed to trace single lineage). useful in your analysis. Write a short reflection at the end of your
research. ( 5 minutes)
Kinship diagrams: Basic elements Rubrics:
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 Score
1. A circle represents a female
Organization Information is Information is Information is The information
2. A triangle represents a male very organized with organized, but appears to be

3. An equal sign = represents a marriage organized

with well-
paragraphs are
not well-
constructed paragraphs. constructed.
4. A vertical line represents descent or parentage paragraphs
5. A horizontal line represents a sibling bond. subheadings.
6. Relationships are traced through a central individual labeled EGO. Amount of
All topics are
All topics are
addressed and
All topics are
addressed, and
One or more
topics were not
These various elements are joined to produce a kinship diagram. and all
most questions
answered with

* Kinship Diagram will be assigned as a project. It can be done at home answered

with at least 2
answered with
at least 2
1 sentence
about each.
or 1 session can be designed for project making. sentences
about each.
about each.

Quality of Information Information Information Information has

Information clearly relates clearly relates clearly relates little or nothing
to the main to the main to the main to do with the
topic. It topic. It topic. No details main topic.
includes provides 1-2 and/or
several supporting examples are
supporting details and/or given.
details and/or examples.
Sources All sources All sources All sources Some sources
(information (information (information are not
and graphics) and graphics) and graphics) accurately
are accurately are accurately are accurately documented.
documented documented, documented,
in the desired but a few are but many are
format. not in the not in the
desired desired format.
Mechanics No Almost no A few Many
grammatical, grammatical, grammatical grammatical,
spelling or spelling or spelling, or spelling, or
punctuation punctuation punctuation punctuation
errors. errors errors. errors.
Notes Notes are Notes are Notes are Notes are
recorded and recorded recorded. recorded only
organized in legibly and are with
an extremely somewhat peer/teacher
neat and organized. assistance and
orderly reminders.
First Draft Detailed draft Draft includes Draft includes Draft is missing
is neatly all required most required required
presented information information and information and
and includes and is legible. is legible. is difficult to
all required read.

Page 4 of 6
Paragraph All Most Paragraphs Paragraphing
Construction paragraphs paragraphs included related structure was
include include information but not clear and
introductory introductory were typically sentences were
sentence, sentence, not constructed not typically
explanations explanations well. related within
or details, and or details, and the paragraphs.
concluding concluding
sentence. sentence.
Graphic Graphic Graphic Graphic Graphic
Organizer organizer or organizer or organizer or organizer or
outline has outline has outline has outline has not
been been been started been
completed completed and and includes attempted.
and shows shows clear, some topics
clear, logical logical and subtopics.
relationships relationships
between all between most
topics and topics and
subtopics. subtopics.

Internet Use Successfully Usually able to Occasionally Needs

uses use suggested able to use assistance or
suggested internet links suggested supervision to
internet links to find internet links to use suggested
to find information find information internet links
information and navigates and navigates and/or to
and navigates within these within these navigate within
within these sites easily sites easily these sites.
sites easily without without
without assistance. assistance.
Diagrams & Diagrams and Diagrams and Diagrams and Diagrams and
Illustrations illustrations illustrations illustrations are illustrations are
are neat, are accurate neat and not accurate
accurate and and add to the accurate and OR do not add
add to the reader\'s sometimes add to the reader\'s
reader\'s understanding to the reader\'s understanding
understanding of the topic. understanding of the topic.
of the topic. of the topic.

H. Making generalizations and Big Question: What is the role of the family in the development and Why is it important to analyze the political and leadership structure in society?
abstractions about the lesson progress of one’s nation?

I. Evaluating Learning Identification (5 items) Identification (5 items)

J. Additional Activities for Techno Time!
application or remediation
Transfer your kinship diagram using paint application. Print your
work. Submit it to your teacher.
V. REMARKS Rubrics: CREDITS TO DEPED TAMBAYAN BLOGGERS TEAM - http://richardrrr.blogspot.com/
Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No. of learners who earned 80% on
the formative assessment
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.
of learners who have caught up with
the lesson
D. No of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies

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worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?
For improvement, enhancement and/or clarification of any Deped material used, kindly submit feedback to bld.tld@deped.gov.ph

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