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P = QγE
P = power in watts
γ = N /m3
Q = AV E = head
Q = discharge ( volume flow rate ) Efficiency = Output / Input
A = area ( m2 )
V = velocity ( m/s ) PROBLEMS:

1. The head loss from section 1 to section 2 in the pipe

system shown is 2.1 m and the head loss from section 2
Q =A1V1 = A2V2= A3V3
to 3 is 4.9 m. If the velocity of flow at 1 is 1.8 m/s and the
pressure is 180 kPa.
a) Find the discharge
1. Continuous flow - at any time, the discharge or flow b) Find the velocity at point 3
rate at every section of the stream is the same c) Find the pressure at point 3.

2. Uniform flow – the mean velocity of flow for a given

length or reach is the same at every cross section

3. Steady flow – the flow rate does not change over time

4. Laminar flow – uninterrupted flow in a fluid near a solid

boundary in which the direction of flow at every point
remains constant

5. Turbulent flow – the path lines of the individual

particles of a flowing liquid are irregular curves and 2. The pump shown delivers 115 li/s of oil sg = 0.84, to
continually cross each other and form a complicated reservoir D at elevation 72 m. The energy lost in the
network. suction line is 3.2 J/N and in discharge line is 7.6 J/N.

a. Compute the total head added by the pump.

b. How many kW does the pump supply the system?
THREE FORMS OF HEAD OR ENERGY c. If the pumps is 85% efficient, how much power does it
V2/2g = velocity head
P / γ = pressure head
Z = elevation head

E = V2/2g + P / γ + Z

Major loss (due to friction )

Darcy-Weisbach Formula
hf = fLv2 / 2Dg ( all sections )
hf = 0.0826 fLQ2 / D5 ( circular pipes only )
E1 = E2 ( Theoretical )
V1 2/2g + P1 / γ + Z1 = V2 2/2g + P2 / γ + Z2 Manning Formula
hf = 6.35 n2Lv2 / D4/3 ( all sections )
hf = 10.29 n2LQ2 / D16/3 ( circular pipes only )
Hazen-Williams Formula
HA = head added by the pump v = 0.8429 CR0.63S0.54 ( all section )
E1 = E2 ( Actual ) Q = 0.2785CD2.63S0.54
V1 2/2g + P1 / γ + Z1 +HA = V2 2/2g + P2 / γ + Z2 + HL hf = 10.67LQ1.85 / C1.85D4.87 ( circular pipes only )

Turbine S = slope of the egl; hydraulic slope; energy gradient

HE = head extracted by the turbine = HL / L = hf / L
E1 = E2 ( Actual )
V1 2/2g + P1 / γ + Z1 +HA = V2 2/2g + P2 / γ + Z2 + HL + HE L = length of the pipe
hf = head loss due to friction
D = diameter of the pipe (m)


For non-circular pipe: PROBLEM:

D = 4R R = A / P(wetted perimeter) A 0.75-m ф pipe 1162 m long carrying 2.4 m3/s of water
branches into 2 pieces 450-mm ф and 600-mm ф at
Minor Loss ( due to change in size or direction, junction A. The 450 mm pipe is 1254 m long and the 600
obstruction, etc.) mm one is 1186 m. They come together at junction B and
continue as a single pipe 750 mm in diameter and 866 m
hm = km v2/2g
long. Assuming the values of “f” are 0.017, 0.019, 0.02
km = coefficient of such minor loss respectively for the 750, 600 and 450 mm pipe.
a. What is Q in the 450 mm pipe?
PROBLEM: b. What is Q in the 600 mm pipe ?
1. The loss of head in a 1200 mm x 600 mm pipe c. What is the pressure head at junction B if the
conveying water is estimated at 0.04 m per meter pressure at A is 116 m?
length. f = 0.032. What is the discharge?

NR = vD / Ʋ = vDρ / µ
1. From the given figure, the rate of flow from reservoir A N R < 2000
is 0.2 m3/s.

a) Compute the head loss in pipe B TURBULENT FLOW

b) Compute the discharge in pipe C N R > 2000
c) Compute the diameter of pipe C

N R = Reynold’s Number
v = velocity of flow (m/s)
D = diameter
Ʋ = kinematic viscosity (m2 /s)
ρ = mass density (kg/ m3 )
µ = dynamic viscosity (Pa.s)
absolute viscosity
coefficient of viscosity

A fluid flows at 0.002 m3/s through a 150-mm
diameter pipe. Determine whether the flow is
laminar or turbulent if the fluid is:
a. Air (Ʋ = 1.48 x 10-5 m2 /s
b. Mercury (µ = 1.53 x 10-3 Pa.s )

HL = h f1 + h f2 + h f3


EA = E B
VA 2/2g + PA / γ + ZA = VB 2/2g + PB / γ + ZB
h = VB 2/2g
Q=Q1+Q2+Q3 VB = √(2g h)
HL = h f1 = h f2 = h f3


VB = √(2g h) Theoretical Velocity
VB = Cv√(2g h) Actual Velocity
QB = A√(2g h) Theoretical Discharge
QB = C A√(2g h) Actual Discharge

C = Coefficient of Discharge
Cv = Coefficient of Velocity
CC = Coefficient of Contraction
C = Cv CC


A jet is issued from the side of a tank under a constant

head as shown. The side of the tank has an inclination of
1H to 1V. The total depth of water in the tank is h1 = 6.70
m and the orifice is located h2 = 3.7 m above the bottom
of the tank. Neglecting air resistance and assuming Cv =
1.0, determine the following:
a. The maximum height to which the jet will rise
above the orifice
b. The point “x” the jet will strike the horizontal
plane 1.20 m below the bottom of the tank
c. The time it takes for the jet to strike a horizontal
plane 1.20 m below the bottom of the tank.


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