Dev 03 23 Q2
Dev 03 23 Q2
Dev 03 23 Q2
Document # QMS-FM-10
Effective Date 15-Mar-2022
Alert details
Alert Type: Deviation Alert Scope: Product Alert date: 25-Jan-23
Site: Olympia Department: Production Alert Shift: Night
Alert Time: 10:00 PM Reported by: Ahsan
Briefly write the alert with relevant details:
Use of alternate TRP polybags instead of aligned standard on 3 lines.
In the start of night shift on 25-Jan-2023, it was found that on HH, TT and SS machine instead of using
approved/aligned standard, Alternate TRP polybags were used. As per OPT-SOP-02, clause 5.4.2 (f), “Printed primary
polybags will be packed into secondary polybags/CTN as per approved/aligned standard, sealing of secondary
polybags/CTN will be done accordingly. Barcode scanning on printed polybag and strapping of secondary polybags
will be done as per needed.”
Machin Standard Hold Quantity
Brand/SKU Used TRP
TT Bona Magic L-72 23x44 25x44 524
HH Bona Magic M-80 23x44 23x48 962
SS Bona Plus S-50 26x42 25x40 414
Above stated FG is on-hold by quality and needs to be released to meet customer demand.
Risk Type Risk Severity Risk Type Risk Severity
Quality High SCM High