SGS Seminar Presentation
SGS Seminar Presentation
SGS Seminar Presentation
Hafiz M. Rafay
Manager Quality
MS Biosciences, MSc Biochemistry
~9 Years journey of Quality Learnings and Implementation
8 Key Quality roles in 6 Business Units
Certified Certified
Lead Auditor QAP
Understanding Commitment vs Compliance
“I must do it this Commitment
new way” “I want to do it
Reaction Action this new way”
“I will react to this change-if must” “I will act to achieve this change”
Testing Testing
“I must absorb this change” “I will put myself at stake for this change”
Negative Perception Positive Perception
“I see the opportunity in this change” “I see the opportunity in this change”
“I see the implication for me/us”
Compliance “I know why and what will change” Commitment
“I am being told about something”
Challenges of Compliance-Oriented Culture
Pathway for Compliance to Commitment
Leader Compliance
Boss Coerced
“Compliance is doing what you're told
because you have to. Commitment is
doing what needs to be done because
you want to.”