Input Data
Friction calculation
a) Pipe Losses
where hf = 10.7 x L x Q1.852
C1.852 x D4.87
Therefore hf 0.063 m
b) Minor Losses
where hL = K x V2
Therefore hL 0.001 m
The friction loss on the suction mains will be very small because of the short length
of the pipe, and thus can be neglected
Max Min
Static suction lift -0.4 -1.3
Static delivery head 12.04 11.14
Delivery friction losses 0.07 0.07
Total pumping head 11.71 9.91
Say 12 m = 39.4 ft
From the design data, the pump shall be required to have the following criteria :-
a) Delivery head 39.4 ft, H
b) Capacity 3.3 g.p.m, Q
For direct coupled motor and pump, rated motor output power,
Pm = bhp(1 + a)
where a = allowance factor for electric motor
= 15% as required by SAJ
Therefore, Pm 0.06 hp
Say 0.1 hp
The motor will be provided with all necessary protective devices including one year supply
of spare parts.
A surge anticipator valve will also be provided to protect the pump and the pipe lines
against any high back pressure.