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Guidebook EMCD 2023

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about emcd

English and Music Competition Days atau EMCD adalah kegiatan tahunan
yang menawarkan kompetisi dalam bidang bahasa Inggris dan musik untuk
siswa/i SMA atau SMK dari seluruh Indonesia. Agenda ini diselenggarakan
oleh Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni (FBS) Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana
(UKSW) Salatiga dalam rangka menjadi wadah untuk mengasah
kemampuan siswa/i dalam bidang bahasa Inggris dan seni musik. Tahun ini,
EMCD 2023 mewadahi 5 kompetisi bahasa Inggris (short story writing,
storytelling, spelling bee, newscasting, dan speech) serta 2 kompetisi musik
(vokal grup dan band) yang mengikuti 3 sistem perlombaan yakni online,
hybrid, dan on-site. Dengan tetap menerapkan protokol kesehatan,
diharapkan EMCD 2023 dapat menjadi wadah bagi siswa/i untuk
menyalurkan minat dan menampilkan karya terbaik dalam kompetisi yang

English and Music Competition Days or EMCD is an annual event for all
senior high school students in Indonesia. Conducted by the faculty of
Language and Arts (FLA), Satya Wacana Christian University, EMCD aims
to hone English and music skills in a fair and fun competition. This year,
EMCD offers 5 English competitions (short story writing, storytelling,
spelling bee, newscasting, and speech) and 2 music competitions (vocal
group and band). The competitions will be done on-site, hybrid, and
virtually. Through this event, we hope that students can experience a fun
competition, perform their best, and improve their skills.

emcd 2023
Mode of Competition
List of Competition
1. Short Story Writing : Online, 1 Round
2. Storytelling : Online (Semifinal), Offline (Final)
3. Newscasting : Online (Semifinal), Offline (Final)
4. Speech : Online (Semifinal), Offline (Final)
5. Spelling Bee : Offline, 4 round
6. Vocal Group : Offline, 1 round
7. Band : Offline, 1 round

Competition Venue for Offline Competition

1. Storytelling, Newscasting, Speech, Spelling Bee, and Band: FBS Kampus
Kartini (Jalan Kartini No. 15-17)
2. Vocal Group: Recital Hall (Gedung D Seni Musik UKSW, Jalan Diponegoro

General Information
1. There will be 5 English competitions and 2 Music competitions.
2. The registration will be open from November 21st, 2022 to January 13th, 2023.
3. Any questions regarding the competitions will only be answered during
working hours (08.00 - 21.00 WIB).
4. Any kind of complaints will only be administered during 3 days after the
winner’s announcement. Complaints filed after 3 days, will not be served.

emcd 2023

5. Participants that made it to the final round are responsible for their own
accommodation, transportation fee and needs. EMCD 2023 committees will
only serve as information provider.
6. The registration fee will be:
a. Early bird registration (November 21st, 2022 - December 18th, 2023) :
Individual = IDR 75,000
Group = IDR 150.000
b. Regular registration (December 19th, 2022 - January 13th, 2023)
Individual = IDR 90,000
Group = IDR 180.000

Story telling: Speech:
Champion : IDR 1,500,000 Champion : IDR 1,500,000
1st runner up : IDR 1.250,000 1st runner up : IDR 1.250,000
2nd runner up : IDR 1.000,000 2nd runner up : IDR 1.000,000
Newscasting: Vokal Grup:
Champion : IDR 1,500,000 Champion : IDR 2,500,000
1st runner up : IDR 1.250,000 1st runner up : IDR 2.250,000
2nd runner up : IDR 1.000,000 2nd runner up : IDR 2.000,000
Spelling Bee: Band:
Champion : IDR 1,500,000 Champion : IDR 2,500,000
1st runner up : IDR 1.250,000 1st runner up : IDR 2.250,000
2nd runner up : IDR 1.000,000 2nd runner up : IDR 2.000,000
Short Story Writing:
Champion : IDR 1,500,000
1st runner up : IDR 1.250,000
2nd runner up : IDR 1.000,000

In addition to getting prizes, the winners of emcd will be given another reward in a form
of scholarship when they register themselves into Faculty of Language and Arts, UKSW
as students In one of the study programs.

Ground Rules
1. There will be 6 contestants for each competition who come to the final

round. Those 6 contestants will be announced on February 2nd, 2023.

2. There will be 3 winners for each competition, and the winner will be

announced on February 25th, 2023.

3. All videos, scripts, and all documents needed must be submitted by the

latest on 14th January 2023 at 23.59 WIB.

4. Submission rules:
All documents must be submitted through Google Form:
YouTube video title : Name of Competition - Participant's Name
- EMCD 2023
Script filename : Name of Competition_School’s Name_
Participant’s Name_EMCD 2023

5. Late submission within 24 hours will receive 5 points deduction of the

total score. Submissions after January 15th, 23:59 WIB will be disqualified.

Ground Rules

1. The contestants have to wear appropriate clothes.

2. The contestants must arrive at least 30 minutes before the competition begins

to receive the instructions.

3. Participants are prohibited from using curse words, RELIGION, RACIAL,

AND SEXUAL PREJUDICE during the competition

4. The best 3 contestants of this final round will be announced as the winners.
5. The participants are not allowed to bring any kind of weapons.
6. The participants are not allowed to smoke during the competition.
7. For more detailed rules and information on competition that you wish to join,

please read this guidebook until the end.

8. The judges are in complete control of the competition. Their decision are

9. Technical meeting for offline competition and finalist will be announced later.


1. Akan ada 6 kontestan dari setiap kompetisi yang masuk ke babak final. Finalis
akan diumumkan pada tanggal 2 Februari 2023.
2. Tiga pemenang dari setiap kompetisi akan diumumkan pada tanggal 25
Februari 2023.
3. Seluruh video, naskah, dan dokumen yang diperlukan wajib diserahkan paling
lambat pada tanggal 14 Januari 2023 pukul 23.59 WIB.
4. Aturan pengiriman:
Semua dokumen dikirimkan melalui Google Form:
Judul Video YouTube : Nama Cabang Kompetisi- Nama Peserta - EMCD 2023
Penamaan Naskah Kompetisi : Nama Cabang Kompetisi_Nama Sekolah_Nama
Peserta_EMCD 2023
5. Keterlambatan pengumpulan dokumen dalam waktu 24 jam akan menerima
pengurangan 5 poin dari total skor. Keterlambatan sehari setelah tanggal jatuh
tempo (24 jam) akan didiskualifikasi.



1. Para kontestan harus mengenakan pakaian yang rapi dan sopan.

2. Para kontestan harus datang setidaknya 30 menit sebelum kompetisi dimulai
untuk menerima instruksi.
3. Peserta dilarang menggunakan kata-kata makian dan kata-kata yang berunsur
SARA selama kompetisi berlangsung.
4. Tiga kontestan terbaik dari babak final akan diumumkan sebagai pemenang.
5. Peserta tidak diperbolehkan membawa senjata apapun.
6. Para peserta tidak diperbolehkan merokok selama kompetisi berlangsung.
7. Informasi dan peraturan yang lebih rinci terkait tiap kompetisi dapat disimak
di halaman selanjutnya.
8. Dewan juri memiliki kewenangan penuh terhadap perlombaan. Keputusan juri
tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
9. Pertemuan teknis untuk perlombaan luring dan finalis akan diumumkan lebih

1. Storytelling
Yustina Priska Kisnanto, M.Hum.
Antonina Anggraini Setiamunadi, M.Pd.
Victoria Usadya Palupi, M.A.- ELT.
2. Speech
Prof. Dr. Listyani, S.Pd., M.Hum.
Frances Lorraine Sinanu, S.Pd., M.A.
Aurelia Melinda Herka Puspita, S.Pd., M.Ed.
3. Newscasting
Eirene Haryono, S.Pd., M.Hum.
Christian Rudianto, M. Ap. Ling.
RPN Dian Widi Sasanti, S.Pd.
4. Spelling Bee
Neny Isharyanti, Ph.D.
Yessica, M. Li.
Dr. Anna Sriastuti, M. Hum.
5. Short Story Writing
Suzana Maria L.A.F, S.Pd., M.Hum.
Erio Rahadian Pamungkas FanggidaE, S.Pd., M.Hum.
Daniel Kurniawan, M.Pd.

1. Band
Yohanes Ruswanto, M.Sn.
Leo Agung Rupiyono, S.Sn., M.Pd.
Yudi Novrian Komalig, M.Sn.
2. Vokal Grup
Drs. Agastya Rama Listya, MSM, Ph.D.
Poedji Soesila, S.Sn., M.A.
To be announced

Story telling
(There will be a limit of 25 participants for this competition)
The competition will be held hybrid; online for the semi-final round and offline for

the final round.

Each school is able to send a maximum of three representatives.


The theme for the semifinal round is Fairytales. Participants are required to create

their own story based on the following sub-genres:

Royalty fairytale
This story needs to tell a tale about royal characters in a kingdom setting with a

touch of romance.
A fantasy fairytale
Fantasy fairytales include magic and mystical creatures where the whimsical and

magical stuff happens.

Magical realism
Magical Realism is a genre of everyday life story combined with a little bit of magic

and fantasy. The setting is not necessarily a fairyland or a fantasy land, but it

depends on your creativity.

1. Every participant in this competition must be a senior high school student.
2. Participants are not limited to using only one point of view (narrator, first

person or third person)



Story telling
4. Each performance should last 5 - 8 minutes (including the brief introduction).
If the performance lasts over 8 minutes or less than 5 minutes, the score will be
deducted by 5 points.
5. Participants have to deliver their story without reading the script.
6. Participants may use any properties and costumes to support their story.
7. Participants can explore their own surroundings and are permitted to sing,
clap, make noise or show their body gestures. However, please make sure the
voice is loud and clear enough to be heard in the video.
8. The storytelling submission has to be in a landscape mode with good quality
video (at least 480p). The video should be filmed with a stable position from the
front side only and shows at least the upper half body of the participants.
9. Video must be uploaded through YouTube.
10. The video must be taken once (cannot be paused).
11. The script must be written in Times New Roman, 12, with 1.5 spacing, and
12. The script must be submitted in the form of a PDF and the participant’s name
must be written on the top right corner of the script.
13. The video performance’s YouTube link and script must be submitted through
EMCD’s Google Form:
Video : Storytelling_Participant’s name_School’s name
Script: Script Storytelling_Participant’s name_EMCD 2023
14. All submissions must be done by the latest 14th January 2023 at 23.59 WIB.
Late submission within 24 hours will receive 5 points deduction of the total
score. Submission a day after the due date (24 hours) will be disqualified.

Story telling

The final round will be followed by 6 semifinalists. Each participant will make

their own story. The goal of this round is to challenge the creativity of each

At the end of the competition, there will be three winners announced.
The theme for final round is Friendship and Courage
1. Each participant will have to come 30 minutes before the competition starts to

receive more additional information.

2. The participant(s) will be disqualified if he/she doesn’t show up after being

called to stage 3 times without any reasonable permission.

3. For any technical failures, each participant will be given 1 minute tolerance.
4. The judges consist of 3 people who will judge objectively and the

championship decision cannot be contested.

5. Participants must prepare 3 printed scripts that will be displayed to be

submitted to each judge at the time of the competition. (Note: The scripts are

just for the judges).

6. None of the participants are allowed to read any texts or notes when

delivering the story.

7. Time signals for each semifinalist will be given by the timekeeper.

Flag signals for time:

Green Flag : The participant starts to deliver their story.
Yellow Flag : The participant's performance has reached 5 minutes.
Red Flag : The participant’s performance has reached 8 minutes

Story telling

8. Participants may use any of the equipment that follows their story, such as
properties and costumes to support the story’s delivery.
9. Property used must be able to be cleaned easily in a short time. The

properties also must not make a mess and not be made of sharp objects.
10. The supporting files (specifically sounds and slides) may be handed to the

committee in a flash-drive before the final competition starts (If needed).


Story telling
1. Content : 25
The story's content and creativity must be related to the theme.
2. Grammar : 15
The participants have to deliver the story coherently using correct
English grammar.
3. Pronunciation : 15
The participants have to deliver the story with correct
pronunciation, articulation, and intonation.
4. Fluency : 15
The participants have to deliver the story smoothly at a precise speed.
5. Expression & stage performance : 20
The participants have to deliver the story with appropriate gestures and eye-
6. Property : 5
The participants use appropriate properties to deliver the story, including the
use of backsound.
7. Timing : 5
The participants have to deliver the story within the given time.

Total Score : 100


Spelling bee
Spelling Bee is a competition of spelling words quickly and precisely in English.
There will be a limit of 30 participants in this competition and a maximum of 3
participants from each school. The words will use American spelling.

There will be 4 rounds in this competition, namely Preliminary Round, Quarter-

final Round, Semifinal Round, and Final Round. All of the rounds will be held on-
site on February 25th, 2023. The top 15 participants in the Preliminary Round will
go to the Quarter-final Round. The 10 participants with the highest scores in the
Quarter-final Round will go to the Semifinal Round, and the best 5 will go to the
Final Round.

The latest registration for all participants is on January 13th, 2023.
Please read the full registration procedures for the spelling bee competition
carefully in the registration section of the invitation.


Preliminary Round
This round will test the listening and spelling skills of the participants. Each
participant must write down the right spelling of a list of words pronounced by the
pronouncer. In total, participants must write down 50 words to gather 100 points.
15 participants with the highest score will go to the next round.

Spelling bee
Quarter-final Round
The 15 participants will be given a chance to take the lottery for their order of
performance along with the word list. During the contest, each participant will
have to spell out 10 words given by the pronouncer. The theme for this round will
be about science and education. A correct answer will be worth 10 points, and no
point reduction for wrong answers. 10 participants with the highest score will go to
the semi-final.
Semi-final Round
The 10 participants will be given a chance to take the lottery for their order of
performance along with the word list. In this round, each participant will have to
spell out 5 words given by the pronouncer. The categories of words for this round
are adjectives and adverbs. Each word is worth 15 points, and there will be 5 points
reductions for every wrong answer. The 5 participants with the highest score will
go to the final round.

Final Round
The participants will be asked to spell the given words perfectly within 10 seconds.
There is no specific theme or category for this round. The words will be chosen
randomly. The participant is eligible to spell the word if he/she is the fastest flag
raiser. Each correct spelling will result in a 15 points addition. There will be 10
points reductions for the wrong answer. If one participant is unable to spell the
word correctly while the other participant can, the second fastest will be given a
chance; and if they spell the word correctly, they will get 10 points.

All points will be calculated and there will be the first, the second, and the third
winners of this competition.

Spelling bee

1. Participants must come 30 minutes before the competition begins and listen
to the instructions given.
2. All participants will enter a room and sit according to the specified seat
3. Each participant is required to bring a pen, as it will not be provided by the
4. Participants are not allowed to bring anything other than a pen.
5. Cheating or looking at other participants’ answers is not allowed.
6. The pronouncer will read the words and the participants must write the word
correctly on the answer paper.
7. Each word will be repeated twice.
8. Asking a word to be repeated is not permitted.
9. There will be 50 words read by the pronouncer, and each word is worth 2
10. Each participant must write the words clearly in capital letters. Unclear words
will be considered incorrect.
11. There will be no point reduction for the wrong answer.
12. 15 participants with the highest score will go to the next round.

Spelling bee
1. The 15 participants will have to take a lottery to decide their turns and the
word list package.
2. Each participant will have to spell out 10 words given by the pronouncer.
3. Each participant will be given 10 seconds to think of each word.
4. There will be a flag provided to show if their 10-second time is up and the
participant must immediately spell the word given. If the participant does not
spell the word within 3 seconds, it will be counted as incorrect.
5. The participants are recommended to say the word out loud before and after
spelling it. If a participant forgets to say the word before or after, the judge
may not disqualify the participant. However, pronouncing the word helps in
two ways:
Saying the word before spelling it will let the pronouncer know that the
participant has heard the word correctly.
Saying the word after spelling it will let the judges know that the participant
has finished with the spelling.
6. The participants may ask for lifeline (help) from the pronouncer within their
10 seconds thinking time. There are three kinds of lifelines, namely:
To say the word again (repeat),
To define the word (definition),
and to use the word in a sentence (example).
7. If the participant has started to spell a word, that participant should NOT
stop and start over.
8. Each correct answer will be worth 10 (ten) points. There will be no point
reduction for the wrong answer.

Spelling bee
9. If there is a tie between participants, they will be asked to spell out another 3
10. 10 participants with the highest score will go to the semi-final round.
11. Judges are in complete control of the competition. Their decisions are final.

1. The 10 participants will have to take a lottery for their order of performance
and the word list package.
2. In each word list there will be 5 words to be spelled.
3. Each word will be worth 15 points.
4. There will be 5 points reductions for incorrect spelling. Unspelled words will
be counted as incorrect.
5. Each participant will be given 10 seconds to think of each word.
6. There will be a flag provided to show if their 10-second time is up and the
participant must immediately spell the word given. If the participant does not
spell the word within 3 seconds, it will be counted as incorrect.
7. Each participant is encouraged to say the word out loud before and after
spelling it. If a participant forgets to say the word before or after, the judge
may not disqualify the participant. However, pronouncing the word helps in
two ways.
Saying the word before spelling it will let the pronouncer know that the
participant has heard the word correctly.
Saying the word after spelling it will let the judges know that the participant
has finished with the spelling.
8. If the participant has started spelling a word, that participant should NOT
stop and start over.

Spelling bee
9. The participant may ask for lifeline (help) from the pronouncer within 10
seconds of thinking time. There are three kinds of lifelines, namely:
To say the word again (repeat),
To define the word (definition),
and to use the word in a sentence (sentence).
10. The time for them to spell out the word will be counted as part of the points.
The longer they spell, the less their point will be. The duration of the spelling
will affect their points. See the table below.
11. The 5 participants with the highest scores will go to the final round.

Spelling bee

1. All 5 participants will be asked to spell the words given perfectly within 10
seconds. There will only be 10 words to be spelled.
2. For each word, the participants must compete with each other to be the fastest
to raise his or her flag. The fastest participant will get the chance to spell the
3. The participant who gets the chance to spell the word must start spelling the
word immediately. If the participant does not start spelling within 3 seconds,
the chance will be given to the next participant.
4. If there are participants who raised their flag at the same time, the judges will
decide who the fastest participant is.
5. Each word will be worth 15 points.
6. Wrong spelling will result in a 10 points reduction.
7. If one participant is unable to spell the word correctly, the second fastest will
be given a chance, and if he/she spells the word correctly, he/she will get 10
8. Each participant is encouraged to say the word out loud before spelling it and
after spelling it. If a participant forgets to say the word before or after, the
judge may not disqualify the participant. However, pronouncing the word
helps in two ways.
Saying the word before spelling it will let the pronouncer know that the
participant has heard the word correctly.
Saying the word after spelling it will let the judges know that the participant
has finished with the spelling.
9. There will be no help option for this round.

Spelling bee
10. If the participant has started spelling a word, that participant may NOT stop
and start over.
11. If there is a tie of points between participants, they will be given 3 more words
to spell.
12. The added points will determine the first, second and third winner.
13. Judges are in complete control of the competition. Their decisions are final.

Point Reductions/disqualification reasons:

1. If a participant is caught cheating by any means, that participant will instantly
be disqualified.
2. Uttering unintelligible or nonsense sounds in the process of spelling will result
in points reduction or will be counted as incorrect.

(There will be a limit of 30 contestants for this competition)
The competition consists of 2 rounds, semi-final and final. The competition will be
done via online for the semi-final and onsite for the final. Each school is only
allowed to send 3 representatives to take part in this competition. The top 6
participants from the semi-final round will compete in the final round, and the
best 3 participants from the final round will be announced as winners.


The contestants must deliver a speech in a form of Persuasive and Argumentative
Contestants must:
1. Do their persuasive speech for the semi-final round and argumentative speech
for the final round.
2. Write a speech under the theme:
“Reality shows are a source of exploitation” (theme for semi final round)
“Is celebrity culture good or bad and why?” (theme for final round)
3. Develop the themes and make it creative and persuasive.
4. The themes of the speech are not the title of the speech. Therefore,
participants can make their respective titles according to the chosen theme.
5. The speech script should not have been used in any speech competition before.
6. The speech manuscript is the original manuscript made by the participant or
supervisor and is not a result of plagiarism. If the judges find any plagiarism of
more than 3% of the script, the participant will be disqualified.

1. Video performance must be uploaded on YouTube and the script must be
submitted through email: emcd.fbs@gmail.com
Video : Speech_Participant’s name_School’s name
Script: Script Speech_Participant’s name_EMCD 2023
2. The participant’s name and the theme must be written on the top right corner
of the script.
3. The script must be written in Times New Roman, 12pt, with 1.5 spacing, and
justified. The script must be sent in PDF form.
4. All submissions must be done by January 14th, 2023 23.59 WIB at the latest.
Late submission will receive 5 points deduction from the total score.

1. The speech will be in the form of a Persuasive Speech.
2. The contestants have to wear appropriate clothes.
3. Videos must meet the following criteria:
Filmed horizontally.
Filmed in a proper place, no passerby, minimum background noise, and

adequate lighting.
Filmed from a static position.
Filmed from one camera angle.
The video must be taken in a cowboy shot position.
Facial expression and voice must be clear.
The quality of the video must be at least 480p.
4. The speech must be recorded in a single take.
5. Additional props (e.g. costumes, musical instruments, banner and animated

backgrounds) are permitted within the recording as long as no distractions are

created. You may only put the persuasive words in the banner.
6. Back sound is not permitted.
7. The contestants are allowed to make a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation file

with a maximum of 6 slides. The PowerPoint file has to be submitted with the

format: SPEECH COMPETITION - Participant’s Name. Along with the

script via email: emcd.fbs@gmail.com

8. The speech must not contain RELIGIOUS, RACIAL, AND SEXUAL

9. The contestants are not allowed to read their script while delivering their


10. The speech should last about 5-7 minutes. If a performance lasts less than 4

minutes 30 seconds or over 7 minutes 30 seconds, still allowed and no point

deduction. If it exceeds the specified time, the participant will get 5-point

11. The judges are in complete control of the competition. Their decisions are



1. The speech will be in the form of an Argumentative Speech.
2. The contestants have to wear appropriate clothes.
3. Maximum duration of speech is 7-10 minutes. Participants are given 5

minutes to prepare. If a performance lasts less than 7 minutes 30 seconds or

over 10 minutes 30 seconds, there will be no points deduction. If it exceeds

the specified time, the participant will be immediately stopped and get 5

point deduction
4. The contestants are not allowed to read their script in any form while

delivering their speech.

5. Participants will be given a random serial number and will be called

according to the serial number that has been given.

6. The speech must not contain any RELIGIOUS, RACIAL, AND SEXUAL

7. The judges are in complete control of the competition. Their decisions are

8. The best 3 participants will be announced as winners.

Linguistic Competences
Grammatical accuracy: 5
Vocabulary: 5
Pronunciation: 5
Fluency: 5
Voice quality : 5
Textual Competences
Quality of ideas: 5
Organization (coherence & Cohesion): 5
Style & Register: 5
Politeness: 5
Tone of Voice: 5
Pragmatic Competence
Academic Conventions: 5
Total Score: 55


Grammatical Accuracy
The contestant has to deliver a speech with the correct grammar.
The contestant has to deliver a speech in a good command of broad vocabulary

and idiomatic expression.



The contestant has to acquire a clear, natural pronunciation, and intonation.
The contestant has to express their ideas fluently and spontaneously, almost

Voice quality
The contestant’s voice can be heard by the listener, not too loud nor too quiet.
Quality of ideas
All of the ideas are relevant to the aims or topic of the speech.
Organization (coherence & cohesion)
The contestant can produce a clear, smoothly flowing, well-structured speech and

show controlled use of organization patterns.

Style & Register
The contestant can control shifts of formal and informal register.
The contestant can mediate effectively and take account of sociocultural

Tone of Voice
Wide range of idiomatic expressions and appropriate emotional expressions.
Academic Conventions
The contestant has to deliver a speech with appropriate and accurate use of

reference to sources.

Short Story
The Entry
1. The latest registration for all participants is on January 13th, 2023.
2. The short story document must be submitted by January 14th, 2023 at 23.59

WIB the latest.

3. Submission of works must not exceed the specified competition time limit. If

there is a delay of less than 24 hours after the deadline for submission, the

participant’s score will be reduced by 5 points. If the submission is more than

24 hours, the participant will be DISQUALIFIED.

4. The competition is held fully online with only one round.
5. The maximum number of total entries is 30 participants.
6. Each school can only send a maximum of 3 participants, one story each.
7. Submission rules:
All documents must be submitted through the provided Google Form:
Filename : Name of Competition_School’s Name_Participant’s Name
8. The file must be submitted in PDF format.

The Story
1. The theme of the story is Dream and Hope.
2. Stories must be between 1200 - 2200 words (title not included). If it is more or

less by 50 words (1150 - 1199 or 2201 - 2250 words) the participant’s score will be

reduced by 5 points. The participant will be DISQUALIFIED if it is less than

1150 or more than 2250 words.

3. Stories must be written in English.

Short Story

4. Stories must be typed in the following formats:

Font: Times New Roman
Size: 12
Text: justify
Space: double space
5. The title of the story must appear at the top of the first page in BOLD.
6. Stories must not have been published, self-published, published on a website
broadcast, or featured in another competition. Breaking this rule will be
penalized in form of disqualification.
7. Stories must not contain elements of RELIGIOUS, RACIAL, AND SEXUAL
8. Using foul words is not allowed and can result in disqualification.
9. Any plagiarized work will be disqualified.
10. Stories cannot be edited once entered.
11. All entries will be judged by 3 judges.

Short Story

Grading Criteria
1. Originality (10 Points): This evaluates the freshness of imagination, creativity,
and uniqueness.
2. Plot Structure (10 Points): Enough information is provided to understand the
story. The sequence of events, dialog, and emotional movements are well
crafted. Adding moral values is advisable.
3. Language (10 Points): This evaluates the spelling, grammar, punctuation, and
the clearance of the idea.
4. Character Development and Dialog (10 Points): The characters are able to
hold the reader’s attention. Actions and interactions are consistent and well-
motivated. The readers are able to differentiate which characters are speaking.
5. Quality of Writing (10 Points): This evaluates the relevance to the theme
given. The writing organization is logical and effective. Sentence fluency is
smooth and expressive.

(There will be a limit of 30 contestants for this competition).
Each newscast competition participant must submit a Piece to Camera (PTC) in a

video format, along with its script. This competition consists of two rounds; Semi-

Final and Final Rounds. The best six contestants from the semi-final round will go

to the Final Round. The best three contestants will be announced as the winners.
The topics of the EMCD Newscasting competition 2023 are "Criminal Case" (Semi-

Final round) and "An Invention for Being a Superhuman" (Final round). Feel free

to write either fictional or factual news.


1. Upload your PTC through YouTube and send the link to Google Forms
2. Upload your script file through Google Forms with this detail:
Filename : Competition_School’s Name_Participant’s Name_EMCD 2023
3. The PTC video should be in an MP4 format and the PTC script in a PDF file.
4. Write your name on the top right corner of the PTC script.
5. The PTC script should be written in Times New Roman, 12, with 1.5 spacing,

and justified.



1. We will only receive 30 contestants in this 2023 Newscast Competition. Each

school is welcome to have (maximum) three representatives.

2. Each contestant should prepare their own PTC and PTC script.
3. The news content should be related to the topic given.
4. Any plagiarized work up to 5% will be given 5 points deduction.
5. The submission deadline is 14th January 2023 at 23.59 WIB. Late submission

within 24 hours will be subject to 5 points deduction. The EMCD newscast

competition committee has the right to disqualify submissions over 24 hours.

6. The video should be able to stand on their own, and adequately present the

topic given. They should be between 3-5 minutes, excluding embellishment

opening. (Feel free to use any decorative motion graphic opening, but it will

not be counted as performing time, and it will not be graded.) Participants

will be subject to 5-point deduction for every 15 seconds less or 15 seconds

more than the required time.

7. Contestants must dress in a shirt or collared shirt (not a T-shirt).
8. There are the following criteria for the video:
Filmed on the horizontal, in either 16:9 or 4:3 aspect ratio (see attachment for

further info).
Participants should face the camera lens when doing PTC.
Filmed from one camera angle.
The on-camera piece should be taken in a medium shot, or medium close-up

(see attachment for further info).

Be sure to have clear quality of the video.

Please be mindful of your audio level. Participants’ voices should be

louder than
any background music and/or sound effect.
The quality of the video must be at least
The PTC must be recorded in one take.
9. Feel free to be creative with animated backgrounds, graphics, and/or on-
camera property.
11. Contestants are not allowed to be seen reading prompter or PTC scripts
while delivering their news.
12. The judges are in complete control of the competition. Their decisions are
13. Grading criteria:
a. Pronunciation : 100
b. Confidence and fluency : 100
c. Timing and content : 100
d. Style : 100
Total Score: 400

The Explanation of the Scoring Criteria
Pronunciation (25 points)
Piece to Cameras should have the right pronunciation, articulation, and

Confidence and fluency (25 points)
Contestants should perform the news reading fluently with proper talking speed

(between 150-175 words per minute), supporting gestures, clear voice, and well eye-

contact, and in a one-take video.

Content and timing (25 points)
Be creative in performing the PTC. Make sure you are coherently using correct

grammar, and make sure you are punctual with the time given (3-5 minutes).
Style (25 points)
Participants should wear appropriate attire and expressions related to the content

of the news.

For further details, please look at the aspect ratio guide.


1. There will be 6 contestants competing in this round.
2. The contestants must arrive at least 30 minutes before the competition

begins to receive the instructions.

3. Each contestant should be prepared about the topic for the final round.
The contestants do the preparation at home.
Contestants must prepare only 1 slide for the background (Microsoft

PowerPoint) of each topic they get.

Contestants may prepare the outlines or main information of the news they

are going to broadcast at home and are not allowed to bring the outlines

during the performance.

The information in the news must be related to the topic given.
The background in the form of Microsoft PowerPoint and the outlines

should be sent via email: emcd.fbs@gmail.com at 9 PM at the latest, one day

before the performance. Late submissions will get 5 points deduction per

judge from overall points.

4. Each contestant will broadcast the news inside the studio.
5. The newscast should last for 4-7 minutes, and if a performance lasts less than
4 minutes or more than 7 minutes, the contestant’s points of TIMING will
be severed.
6. Time signals for each contestant will be given by the timekeeper.

Flag signals for time:
Green Flag: The contestant starts the newscasting.
Yellow Flag: The contestant’s performance has reached 4 minutes.
Red Flag: The contestant’s performance has reached 7 minutes.
7. The preparation and the newscast will be held in different rooms. The
committee will not provide a table and a chair for the newscaster. The newscast
is a live report.
8. The contestants must dress politely.
Collared shirt or shirt
Cloth pants
Black shoes
Collared shirt or shirt
Dress or skirt (under knees)
Black shoes or Flat shoes
High Heels (optional)
9. Grading criteria:
Pronunciation : 100
Confidence and fluency : 100
Timing and content : 100
Style : 100
Total score : 400
10. The best 3 contestants of this round will be announced as the winners.

Vocal grup
Vokal grup dipahami sebagai sekelompok orang yang bernyanyi bersama tanpa

atau dengan menggunakan iringan musik. Jumlah anggota vokal grup pada

kompetisi EMCD 2023 adalah 3 hingga 6 orang. Setiap sekolah berhak untuk

mengirimkan maksimal 2 kelompok.

Syarat dan Ketentuan Umum

1. Peserta merupakan siswa SMA/SMK di Indonesia, yang dibuktikan dengan

Surat Keterangan dari sekolah.

2. Maksimal jumlah peserta dibatasi sebanyak 10 kelompok.
3. Jumlah anggota vokal grup adalah 3-6 orang (termasuk dengan pengiring).
4. Setiap sekolah diperbolehkan untuk mengirimkan maksimal 2 grup.
5. Peserta lomba dipungut biaya sebesar:
a. Pendaftaran early bird (21 November - 11 Desember 2022): Rp 150.000
b. Pendaftaran reguler (13 Desember 2022 - 13 Januari 2023): Rp 180.000
6. Tema untuk lomba vokal grup adalah friendzone.
7. Karya lagu yang dinyanyikan belum pernah dilombakan sebelumnya.
8. Wajib membawakan 2 lagu, dengan ketentuan 1 lagu berbahasa Inggris dan 1

lagu berbahasa Indonesia.

9. Durasi penyajian adalah 15 menit, terhitung naik hingga turun panggung.
10. Perlombaan dilangsungkan secara offline, bertempat di Recital Hall.
11. Keputusan Dewan Juri bersifat mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.

Vocal grup
Syarat dan Ketentuan Teknis Perlombaan
Terdapat beberapa aspek yang perlu diperhatikan tentang lomba Vokal Grup pada

kompetisi EMCD 2022:

A. Ketentuan Penyanyi dan Pengiring:
1. Jumlah anggota vokal grup adalah 3-6 orang.
2. Jumlah maksimal penyanyi adalah 5 orang.
3. Pemain musik diperbolehkan untuk bernyanyi, namun jumlah penyanyi tetap

mengacu pada poin 2.

4. Iringan hanya diperbolehkan menggunakan iringan musik acoustic.
5. Alat musik yang disediakan oleh panitia adalah piano akustik, sedangkan gitar

dan kajon dapat dibawa oleh masing-masing peserta.

B. Ketentuan Lagu:
1. Tema lagu yang dibawakan harus sesuai dengan tema yang telah ditentukan

oleh panitia.
2. Peserta diperbolehkan untuk menampilkan medley lagu dan tidak diberi batas

minimal maupun maksimal jumlah lagunya.

3. Lirik lagu tidak boleh mengandung unsur SARA dan bahasa yang kasar.

C. Teknis Pelaksanaan:
1. Masing-masing peserta akan diberi waktu 10 menit untuk melakukan uji coba

panggung, sehingga peserta wajib hadir pada pukul 7:30 WIB.

2. Peserta tidak diperkenankan untuk melakukan lipsync. Jika ditemukan

pelanggaran, maka peserta akan diberikan pengurangan poin atau

3. Jika pengiring musik tidak bernyanyi, maka diwajibkan untuk tetap memakai


Vocal grup
Penilaian Lomba
Beberapa aspek yang akan dinilai dalam lomba Vokal Grup EMCD 2023:
Teknik Vokal (20 poin)
Aspek yang dinilai: jangkauan intonasi, pernafasan, homogenitas.
Materi Vokal (20 poin)
Aspek yang dinilai: warna suara dan ambitus.
Aransemen (20 poin)
Aspek yang dinilai: kreativitas garapan vokal dan instrumen.
Pembawaan (20 poin)
Aspek yang dinilai: tempo, dinamika, style, artikulasi, diksi, harmoni.
Penampilan (20 poin)
Aspek yang dinilai: tata panggung, penguasaan mikrofon, koreografi,


EMCD 2023 akan menghadirkan lomba band yang dibuka untuk 15 (lima belas)
kelompok band. Masing-masing sekolah bisa mendaftarkan maksimal 3 (tiga)
kelompok band siswa mereka. Tema yang diusung pada lomba band ini adalah
“Bangkitlah Indonesia”. Tema ini diangkat dengan harapan dapat membangkitkan
semangat serta harapan akan kemajuan dari Bangsa utamanya setelah mulai lepas
dari pandemi Covid-19. Sesuai dengan kriteria yang dimiliki para juri akan
dihasilkan 3 kelompok sebagai pemenang utama.
Persyaratan & Ketentuan:
1. Lomba dibuka untuk 15 (lima belas) kelompok band dari tingkat
SMA/SMK/sederajat dan masing-masing sekolah hanya diperkenankan untuk
mengirim maksimal 2 (dua) kelompok band.
2. Peserta merupakan siswa/i dari tingkat SMA/SMK.
3. Kapasitas dari jumlah personil dalam satu band: 4-7 siswa/i (jumlah vokalis;
minimal 1 dan maksimal 2).
4. Lomba akan diadakan pada tanggal 25 Februari 2022 di halaman gedung FBS
yang berada di Jl. Kartini
5. Satu lagu wajib yang dibawakan bisa dipilih dari:
Indonesia Jaya - Harvey Malaiholo
Jadilah Legenda - Superman Is Dead
Bendera - Cokelat
Semangat Baru - Ello, Barry, Ipank, Lala Karmela
6. Satu lagu bebas bisa dipilih dari lagu apapun asalkan bergenre pop dan masih
berkaitan dengan tema yang ada.

7. Penampilan setiap band diberikan waktu maksimal 10 menit yang akan
dihitung saat masing-masing ketua grup memberikan cue atas kesiapan. Alat
yang disediakan oleh panitia: Keyboard, Gitar, Bass, dan Drum. selain alat
yang tertera, dipersilahkan untuk membawa alat pribadi.
8 Menggunakan pakaian daerah asal atau batik akan mendapatkan nilai plus.
9. Wajib mengikuti rehearsal yang akan dilakukan pada tanggal 25 Februari 2023
pukul 07.00 WIB - selesai. Masing-masing grup hanya mendapat waktu sebesar
5 (lima) menit untuk uji coba panggung.
10. Keputusan dewan juri bersifat mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.

Penilaian Lomba
1. Harmonisasi (35 poin)
Ketepatan tempo instrumen (12 poin)
Keselarasan nada setiap instrumen (12 poin)
Keseimbagan dinamika antar instrumen (11 poin)
2. Aransemen (35 poin)
Keunikan pada aransemen (15 poin)
Penguasaan instrument setiap personil (20 poin)
3. Penampilan (30 poin)
Etika (15 poin)
Kekompakan antar personil (10 poin)
Pakaian (5 poin)


For further inquiries, please contact:

(Working Hours: 08.00-21.00 WIB)
Flory (089684576424)
Yesaya (08157655460)
Story telling:
Andrea (085727124237)
Melki (081237056901)
Shelya (088225350381)
Edo (0895365219127)
Spelling Bee:
Michelle (081389129188)
Henfrosa (082155446978)
Short story writing:
Sonia (085345276677)
Regina (085238635320)
Atalya (089512737700)
Vokal grup:
Junipa (081381437612)
Jeany (089510736604)
Format Pembayaran: Nama Peserta_Asal Sekolah_Nama Kompetisi

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