This document outlines the requirements and inspection of facilities by the Indonesian Food and Drug Authority for warehouses storing imported traditional medicines or health supplements. It lists the required administrative documents, standard operating procedures and forms, as well as mandatory facilities and tools that must be present in the warehouse, with translations between Bahasa Indonesia and English. Administrative documents include layout drawings, location maps, notarial deeds, taxpayer IDs, and business licenses. Standard operating procedures cover employee hygiene, cleaning, receiving/storage, procurement/distribution, quality control, temperature monitoring, recalls, complaints, returns, and pest management. Mandatory facilities are thermohygrometers, plastic pallets, receiving/sending areas, rejection areas, mousetraps,
This document outlines the requirements and inspection of facilities by the Indonesian Food and Drug Authority for warehouses storing imported traditional medicines or health supplements. It lists the required administrative documents, standard operating procedures and forms, as well as mandatory facilities and tools that must be present in the warehouse, with translations between Bahasa Indonesia and English. Administrative documents include layout drawings, location maps, notarial deeds, taxpayer IDs, and business licenses. Standard operating procedures cover employee hygiene, cleaning, receiving/storage, procurement/distribution, quality control, temperature monitoring, recalls, complaints, returns, and pest management. Mandatory facilities are thermohygrometers, plastic pallets, receiving/sending areas, rejection areas, mousetraps,
This document outlines the requirements and inspection of facilities by the Indonesian Food and Drug Authority for warehouses storing imported traditional medicines or health supplements. It lists the required administrative documents, standard operating procedures and forms, as well as mandatory facilities and tools that must be present in the warehouse, with translations between Bahasa Indonesia and English. Administrative documents include layout drawings, location maps, notarial deeds, taxpayer IDs, and business licenses. Standard operating procedures cover employee hygiene, cleaning, receiving/storage, procurement/distribution, quality control, temperature monitoring, recalls, complaints, returns, and pest management. Mandatory facilities are thermohygrometers, plastic pallets, receiving/sending areas, rejection areas, mousetraps,
This document outlines the requirements and inspection of facilities by the Indonesian Food and Drug Authority for warehouses storing imported traditional medicines or health supplements. It lists the required administrative documents, standard operating procedures and forms, as well as mandatory facilities and tools that must be present in the warehouse, with translations between Bahasa Indonesia and English. Administrative documents include layout drawings, location maps, notarial deeds, taxpayer IDs, and business licenses. Standard operating procedures cover employee hygiene, cleaning, receiving/storage, procurement/distribution, quality control, temperature monitoring, recalls, complaints, returns, and pest management. Mandatory facilities are thermohygrometers, plastic pallets, receiving/sending areas, rejection areas, mousetraps,
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No. Bahasa Indonesia No. In English 1. Lay out gudang dan kantor ( diatas tengah 1. Building and Office layout (Address and ditulis nama perusahaan dan alamat Company name should be center above) perusahaan ) dan dibawah ujung kanan and on the lower right corner should be tertulis Mengetahui Pimpinan dan dibawah Head of Company and on the lower left ujung kiri tertulis Tim Pemeriksa. corner The inspection Team ( konsultan ) 2 Peta lokasi ( seperti peta lokasi undangan 2. Location map (for example wedding pernikahan , jangan dari google map ) ceremony map. Google map is not allowed) ( konsultan ) 3. Akte Notaris 3. Notarial Deed 4. NPWP ( No Pokok Wajib Pajak ) 4. Company taxpayer identification number Perusahaan 5. NIB ( Nomor Izin Berusaha ) tercantum 5. Business Identification Number KBLI 46492 Perdagangan Besar Farmasi KBLI 46492 ( Suplemen Kesehatan / Obat Tradisional ) 6. GMP tidak perlu dilegalisir 6. Good Manufacturing Practice does not need to be legalized kbri 7. Surat Penunjukkan dari produsen 7. Letter of Appointment from produsen
8. CFS/CPP Legalisir KBRI 8. Certificate of Free Sale / Certficate of
Atau list rencana produk yang akan Pharmaceutical Product Legalized KBRI diimpor, kops surat ttd direktur cap perusahaan
FORMS) ( All SOP Konsultan ) No. Bahasa Indonesia No. In English 1. SOP Hygiene Karyawan 1. Standard Operating Procedure of Employees hygiene 2. SOP Pembersihan Ruangan 2. Standard Operating Procedure of Space Cleaning 3. SOP Penerimaan dan Penyimpanan Barang 3. Standard Operating Procedure of Receipt and Storage 4. SOP Pengadaan dan Pendistribusian Barang 4. Standard Operating Procedure of Procurement and Distribution 5. SOP Pengawasan Mutu Barang 5. Standard Operating Procedure of Quality Control 6. SOP Monitoring Suhu 6. Standard Operating Procedure of Temperature Monitoring 7. SOP Recall 7. Standard Operating Procedure of Recall 8. SOP Penanganan Keluhan 8. Standard Operating Procedure of Complaint Handling 9. SOP Penanganan Produk Kembalian 9. Standard Operating Procedure of Handling of Returned product 10. SOP Penanganan Hama 10. Standard Operating Procedure of Pest Management 11. Formulir Kebersihan Ruangan 11. Rooms Hygiene form 12. Formulir Monitoring Suhu 12. Temperature Monitoring form 13. Kartu Stok 13. Stock Card ALAT / FASILITAS YANG HARUS ADA DIGUDANG ( MANDATORY FACILITY / TOOLS IN THE WAREHOUSE) No. Bahasa Indonesia No. In English 1. Thermohygrometer ( sudah dikalibrasi ) 1. Thermohygrometer (calibrated) 2. Palet plastik 2. Plastic pallets 3. Area Penerimaan dan Area Pengiriman 3. Receiving and sending areas 4. Area Reject berupa kerangkeng besi / 4. Rejection Area (with iron cage) lemari terkunci 5. Perangkap tikus 5. Mousetrap 6. Catch Flyer 6. Flytrap 7. Tempat Sampah Tertutup 7. Closed trash can 8. APAR ( Alat Pemadam Api Ringan ) 8. Fire Extinguisher 9. Tulisan ( konsultan ) 9. Warning board - dilarang merokok - No Smoking - makan dan minum diarea gudang . - No Food and Beverages in warehouse - Cucilah tangan sebelum dan sesudah - Wash your hands before and after bekerja working