What Is Plastic
What Is Plastic
What Is Plastic
History of plastic
The first synthetic plastic, called Parkesine, was made by Alexander
Parkes in 1862 from organic cellulose. The effort to mass produce
this plastic failed because of poor quality. An early plastic that
succeeded on a large scale is Celluloid, meaning “like cellulose”. John
Wesley Hyatt synthesized celluloid from cotton fibre and camphor in
1869, apparently to make a cheaper substitute for ivory billiard balls.
Celluloid went on to have a much bigger impact by replacing scarce
and expensive natural materials and gave access to a host of goods.
Perhaps the greatest impact of Celluloid was serving as the base for
photographic films. But extensive use of Celluloid was limited due to
its tendency to catch fire easily during production and the need for a
labour intensive process.
The first completely synthetic plastic, which did not use cellulose
from plant sources, was invented by Leo Baekeland in 1907.
Baekeland was looking for a material to replace shellac as an
electrical insulator. It was named Bakelite and was made from an
extract of coal tar. Bakelite was used for making clocks, radios,
phones, etc., that were uniquely styled. Each subsequent decade saw
the introduction of new and more versatile plastics like Polyvinyl
Chloride (PVC), Polyethylene, Nylon, Polystyrene, Polyethylene
Terephthalate (PET) and so on. The production of plastic increased
rapidly to meet the huge demand during World War II. After the war,
this huge capacity was suddenly available for the general public in
the form of cheap consumer goods and textiles.
Classification of plastics
Plastics are mainly of two types:
1. Thermoplastic
2. Thermosetting plastic
Plastic as Curse
1. Plastics are non-renewable resources.
2. They are toxic and produce toxic fumes when burnt.
3. Plastic is low heat resistant and has poor ductility.
4. Plastic is non-biodegradable.
5. They are responsible for choking the drains.
6. They are harmful to the environment by polluting it.
7. Recycling plastic is hard and very expensive.
8. Plastic ends up in harmful wastage and harmful to our health
and can cause cancer also.
9. Some animals and birds in search of food consume some
amounts of plastic, by which many of them end up choking.
10. Burning of plastic is a very slow process that releases a
lot of poisonous gases into the atmosphere.
Recycling of Plastic