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MPM 7002 Writ 1

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Project Managment

31st March

Student Details ( Student should fill the content)

Student ID (UWIC ID and Cardiff Met ID : ICBT ID :
Batch No

Scheduled unit details

Unit code MPM7002
Unit title Project Leadership
Assignment Details
Nature of the Assessment Report
Topic of the Case Study GIVEN
Learning Outcomes covered YES
Word count 3000
Due date / Time As communicated in the assessment plan
Extension granted? (For Office Yes No
use only)

I certify that the attached material is my original work. No other person’s work or ideas
have been used without acknowledgement. Except where I have clearly stated that I have
used some of this material elsewhere, I have not presented it for examination / assessment
in any other course or unit at this or any other institution
Signature Date
Result (Assessor use only)

Marks by 1st Name & Signature of the 1st Agreed

Assessor Assessor Mark

Marks by IV: Name & Signature of the IV

For Office use only (hard copy assignments)

Receipt Received by

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MSc. Project Managment

Assignment Type & Title:

For student use: Critical feedback on the individual progression towards achieving
the assignment outcomes

For 1st Assessor use: Assessment feedback



Name & Signature of the Date

Assessor : :

Comments by the IV

Name & Signature of the IV:

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MSc. Project Managment

Project Leadership MPM7002

WRIT1 (Individual Work)

Type of the assignment: WRIT I - Reflective Report

Title of the assignment: Preparation of Action Plan based on the Reflection of

Selected Leadership Themes.

Weighting of assessment: 70% of total marks

Word count: 3000 words equivalent

Learning objectives and outcome of the assignment:

 Demonstrate leadership styles for a wide range of projects and sectors

 Demonstrate the list of leadership traits and characteristics of a PM.
 Demonstrate the ability to influence team members in a project management
 Use and apply industry leading personal and competency development
frameworks and tool

You are required to reflect on the following leadership styles domains and traits by
addressing their positive and negative aspects.

 Their leadership style

 Three important leadership traits (three traits) they possess
 Their Personality trait
 Their leadership domain

First you need to do a literature review on the above topics and critically evaluate them
on the current Project Management context. Pick the most appropriate style, traits and
the domains you’re going to evaluate and justify your selection.

Using the themes given above you need to mention, justify and evaluate how a PM
could execute a project successfully. You also need to mention the challenge they
might face while executing the projects under these themes. Develop an action plan
for the PM and recommend how they could overcome those challenges.

Note: Minimum 20 academically valid reference should be used.

(Further guidelines regarding this assignment will be given at lectures).

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MSc. Project Managment

Assessment criteria:

Method of assessment and its criteria are as follows:

Breakdown of the assessment:

Assessment criteria Allocated

Introduction by highlighting the task and objectives of the assignment 10
Methodology used to conduct the assignment 05
Reflection – Reflection on the given leadership themes by addressing
their positive and negative aspects,
 Their leadership style
 Three important leadership traits (three traits) they possess 30
 Their Personality trait
 Their leadership domain

Evaluation of the themes for the Project Managers identified, 30

discussion, critical evaluation, and conclusion
Preparation of action plan – To fulfill the gap how to develop an action 15
plan should be addressed here.
Format and the flow of report including proper referencing, writing style 10
and presentation.
Total (Finally converted into 70%) 100

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MSc. Project Managment

Marking Criteria

Criterion / 100-90 89-80 79-70 69-60 59-50 49-40 39-0


Overall Standard Standard Distinctiv Merit Acceptab Below Significa

level comparabl compara e work for work for le for Masters ntly
(indicativ e to ble to Masters Masters Masters pass below
e – not for journal conferen level level standar Masters
grading) publicatio ce paper d pass
n publicatio standard
Scope Outstandi Excellent Clear Clear Scope Poorly Little or
ng clarity clarity of focus. scope evident scoped, no scope
of focus, focus, Very and and with or focus
includes boundari good focus, satisfacto significa evident.
what is es set setting of with ry but nt
important, with no boundari some with omissio
and significan es, omission some ns and
excludes t includes s or omission unneces
irrelevant omission most of unnecess s and sary
issues. s or what is ary unneces issues.
unnecess relevant. issues. sary
ary issues.
Understa Outstandi Excellent Very Good Basic Poor Little or
nding of ng with with good with with with with little no
subject critical critical critical some limited awaren understa
matter awarenes awarene awarene awarene awarene ess of nding of
s of ss of ss of ss of ss of relevanc subject
relevance relevanc relevanc relevanc relevanc e of matter is
of issues. e of e of e of e of issues demonstr
Outstandi issues. issues. issues. issues. ated.
ng Excellent Outstandi Ideas are Limited
expressio expressio ng expresse expressi
n of ideas. n of expressio d, with on of
ideas. n of some ideas.
ideas. limitation.

International College of Business and Technology

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MSc. Project Managment

Comprehe Excellent Very Good Limited Little or Poor use

Literature nsive independ good secondar secondar no of taught
literature ent independ y y extensio materials
review. secondar ent research research n of . No
Evaluation y secondar to extend to extend taught synthesis
and research. y taught taught material .
synthesis Sources research. materials materials s. Poor
of source are Sources . . Limited choice
material to evaluate are Evidence evaluatio and
produce d and evaluate of n of synthesi
an synthesiz d and evaluatio sources, s of
outstandin ed to synthesiz n of deficienci material
g produce ed to sources, es in s.
contributio an produce with choice
n. excellent a very some and
contributi good deficienci synthesis
on. contributi es in .
on. choice
Critical Standard Excellent A very Critical Analysis Little or No valid
analysis of critical standard good analysis evident no analysis.
based on analysis – of critical standard with but analysis
evidence showing analysis of critical some uncritical. .
questionin – analysis. questioni Sources
g of excellenc Sources ng of are not
sources, e in are sources, always
understan questioni question understa question
ding of ng of ed nding of ed, with
bias, sources, appropria bias, limited
independe understa tely, and independ independ
nce of nding of a very ence of ence of
thought bias, good thought. thought.
independ understa
ence of nding of
thought bias,
ence of

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MSc. Project Managment


 Paper Size : A4
 Word Count : 3000 words
 Printing Margins : LHS; RHS: 1 Inch
 Binding Margin : ½ Inch
 Header and Footer : 1 Inch
 Printing : Single Sided
 Basic Font Size : 12
 Font Style : Arial/Times New Roman
 Reporting Structure :

 Introduction to the organization

 Structure of the organizations (The first 4 layers is compulsory)
 Challenges & Issues (could separate the sections as sub heading)
 Proposed Structure (with elaboration of the key changes)
 Proposed Approach & Recommendations
 Conclusions

Important Information for Students

 The assignment should be uploaded to the TURNITIN via Cardiff Met Moodle in
addition to this the softcopy of the assignment should be uploaded to ICBT SIS
on or before the deadline.

Please log on to www.icbtsis.lk to upload your assignment.

For TURNITIN submission please log on to www.cardiffmet.ac.uk and submit

through the Moodle (For more information please check your MS. PM handbook).

 ICBT SIS assignment Softcopy submission should be in following order

 1st page – Cover sheet

 2nd page – Assignment feedback sheet
 3rd page – Turnitin Originality report
 4th Page – Screen Shot of Assignment Submission Details
 5th page – onwards your answered script.

 Uploaded softcopy should be named as MSc -(subject number) (followed by the Cardiff
met student ID.

E.g. for Project Leadership Assignment MSc7002 - 2000000

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MSc. Project Managment

 Students are expected to keep a backup of all the assignments. ICBT and Cardiff
Metropolitan University have all the right to re call for soft copy of any assignment at
any time during the course.
 Please note that plagiarism is treated as a serious offence and therefore the work you
produce must be individual and original although may work in groups in some
instances (Please refer to Student Handbook on Plagiarism & Cheating).

 All sources of information must be referenced using “Harvard referencing” where a

reference listing should be included at the end of the assignment.

 Please note that the submission date given for this assignment is the final date that
you can upload the assignment. No late submissions are allowed by the system.
(Please refer to the Student Handbook on Assessments - Late Submissions).

 Please refer to Student Handbook on Assignments – Re-submission, mitigating

circumstances procedure.

 Please include the assignment coversheet in your answer. Please avoid copying
assignment question in your answer file.

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