Test Design
Test Design
Test Design
led by ACER, developed the test instruments for use in PISA 2003.
The 167 items used in the main study were selected from a larger pool of approximately 300 items that had
been tested in a field trial conducted by all national centres one year prior to the main study.
PISA 2003 was a paper-and-pencil test. The test items were multiple choice, short answer, and extended
response. Multiple choice items were either standard multiple choice with a limited number (usually four)
of responses from which students were required to select the best answer, or complex multiple choice
presenting several statements for each of which students were required to choose one of several possible
responses (true/false, correct/incorrect, etc.). Short answer items included both closed-constructed
response items that generally required students to construct a response within very limited constraints,
such as mathematics items requiring a numeric answer, and items requiring a word or short phrase, etc.
Short-response items were similar to closed-constructed response items, but for these a wider range of
responses was possible. Open-constructed response items required more extensive writing, or showing
a calculation, and frequently included some explanation or justification. Pencils, erasers, rulers, and in
some cases calculators, were provided. The consortium recommended that calculators be provided in
countries where they were routinely used in the classroom. National centres decided whether calculators
should be provided for their students on the basis of standard national practice. No items in the pool
required a calculator, but some items involved solution steps for which the use of a calculator could
facilitate computation. In developing the mathematics items, test developers were particularly mindful to
ensure that the items were as calculator-neutral as possible.
The 167 main study items were allocated to 13 item clusters (seven mathematics clusters and two clusters
in each of the other domains), with each cluster representing 30 minutes of test time. The items were
presented to students in 13 test booklets, with each booklet being composed of four clusters according
to the rotation design shown in Table 2.1. M1 to M7 denote the mathematics clusters, R1 and R2 denote
the reading clusters, S1 and S2 denote the science clusters, and PS1 and PS2 denote the problem-solving
clusters. Each cluster appears in each of the four possible positions within a booklet exactly once. Each test
item, therefore, appeared in four of the test booklets. This linked design enabled standard measurement
techniques to be applied to the resulting student response data to estimate item difficulties and student
The sampled students were randomly assigned one of the booklets, which meant each student undertook
two hours of testing.
In addition to the 13 two-hour booklets, a special one-hour booklet, referred to as the UH booklet (or
the Une Heure booklet) was prepared for use in schools catering exclusively to students with special
needs. The UH booklet was shorter, and contained items deemed most suitable for students with special
educational needs. The UH booklet contained seven mathematics items, six reading items, eight science
items and five problem-solving items.
The two-hour test booklets were arranged in two one-hour parts, each made up of two of the 30-minute
time blocks from the columns in the above figure. PISA’s procedures provided for a short break to be
taken between administration of the two parts of the test booklet, and a longer break to be taken between
administration of the test and the questionnaire.
Detailed consortium planning of the development of items for PISA 2003 commenced in March 2000.
Initial planning documents addressed the following key issues:
2001. During this ten-month period, intensive work was carried out in writing and reviewing items, and in
conducting cognitive laboratory activities.The field trial for most countries took place between February and
July 2002, after which items were selected for the main study and distributed to countries in December 2002.
Table 2.2 shows the major milestones and activities of the PISA 2003 test development timeline.
Activity Period
Develop frameworks September 2000 - July 2001
Develop items September 2000 - October 2001
Item submission from countries February - June 2001
National item reviews February - October 2001
Distribution of field trial material November - December 2001
Translation into national languages December 2001 - February 2002
Field trial coder training February 2002
Field trial in participating countries February - July 2002
Select items for main study July - October 2002
Preparation of final source versions of all main study
October - December 2002
materials, in English and French
Distribute main study material December 2002
Main study coder training February 2003
Main study in participating countries February - October 2003
the requirements for writing items, relationships with the mathematics framework, and a discussion of
issues affecting item difficulty. A number of sample items were also provided. An item submission form
accompanied the guidelines, to assist with identification and classification of item submissions. A final
deadline for submission of items was set as the end of June 2001.
In addition to the three consortium centres involved in problem-solving item development (ACER in
Australia, CITO in the Netherlands and a group at the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom), items
were also submitted by the national centres of Italy, Ireland and Brazil. From the submitted material, seven
units (comprising 40 items) were included in the material sent to all countries for review.
Some submitted items had already undergone significant development work, including field-testing with
students, prior to submission. Others were in a much less developed state and consisted in some cases of
little more than some stimulus material and ideas for possible questions. All submitted material required
significant additional work by consortium test developers.
One other feature of test items that was developed for PISA 2000 and continued for PISA 2003 relates to
double-digit coding, which can be used to indicate both the score and the response code.The double-digit codes
allow distinctions to be retained between responses that are reflective of quite different cognitive processes and
knowledge. For example, if an algebraic approach or a trial-and-error approach was used to arrive at a correct
answer, a student could score a ‘1’ for an item using either of these methods, and the method used would be
reflected in the second digit. The double-digit coding captures different problem-solving approaches by using
the first digit to indicate the score and the second digit to indicate method or approach.
The development of mathematics items took place at one or more of the consortium item development
centres:The ACER in Australia, CITO in the Netherlands and NIER in Japan. Item development in problem
solving was carried out at ACER, CITO and the University of Leeds. Professional item developers at each
of the centres wrote and developed items. In addition, items received from national submissions or from
individuals wishing to submit items (for example individual members of the mathematics expert group also
submitted a number of items for consideration) were distributed among the relevant item development
centres for the required development work.
Initial preparation
A professional item writer prepared items in a standard format, including item stimulus, one or more
questions, and a proposed coding guide for each question.
Item panelling
Each item was given extensive scrutiny at a meeting of a number of professional item writers. This stage of
the cognitive laboratory process typically involved item writers in a vigorous analysis of all aspects of the
item, including from the point of view both students and coders.
Items were revised, often extensively, following item panelling. When substantial revisions were required,
items went back to the panelling stage for further consideration.
Cognitive interview
Many items were then prepared for individual students or small groups of students to attempt. A
combination of think-aloud methods, individual interviews and group interviews were used with students
to ascertain the thought processes typically employed by students as they attempt the items.
Items were revised, often extensively, following their use with individuals and small groups of students.
This stage was particularly useful in clarifying wording of questions, and gave some information on likely
student responses that was also useful in refining the scoring guides.
Pilot testing
Every item that was developed was subjected to pilot testing in schools with a substantial number of
students who were in the relevant age range. Test booklets were formed from a number of items. These
booklets were field tested with several whole classes of students in several different schools. Piloting of this
kind took place in schools in Australia, Japan, the Netherlands and Austria. Frequently, multiple versions
of items were field tested, and the results were compared to ensure that the best alternative form was
identified. Data from the field testing were analysed using standard item response techniques.
Items were revised, often extensively, following pilot testing with large groups of students. In some cases,
revised versions of items were again subjected to the pilot testing procedure. One of the most important
outputs of this stage of the cognitive laboratory procedures was the generation of student responses to all
questions. A selection of these responses were added to the scoring guides to provide additional sample
answers, showing coders how to code a variety of different responses to each item.
NPMs were also given a schedule for the distribution and review of draft items that would occur during
the remainder of 2001.
As items were developed to a sufficiently complete stage, they were dispatched to national centres for
review. Four bundles of items were sent. The first bundle, comprising 106 mathematics items, was
dispatched on 30 March 2001. National centres were given a feedback form, which drew attention to
various matters of importance for each item, and were asked to provide detailed feedback within four
weeks. Subsequent bundles were dispatched on 3 May (comprising 29 problem-solving items), 3 June
(comprising 28 problem-solving items and 179 mathematics items) and 7 August (comprising 45 problem-
solving items, 115 mathematics items and 38 science items). In each case, NPMs were given four weeks
to gather feedback from the relevant national experts, and return the completed feedback forms to the
The feedback from NPMs was collated into a small set of reports, and made available to all NPMs on
the PISA Web site. The reports were used extensively at meetings of the mathematics forum and the
mathematics, problem-solving and science expert groups as they considered the items being developed.
The feedback frequently resulted in further significant revision of the items. In particular, issues related
to translation of items into different languages were highlighted at this stage, as were other cultural issues
related to the potential operation of items in different national contexts.
A similar review process involving the mathematics expert group was also employed. Meetings of the
group in February, July and September 2001 spent considerable time reviewing mathematics items in great
detail. Problem-solving and science items were similarly scrutinised by the relevant expert groups.
When items reached the stage of readiness for national review, they were also considered to be ready
for translation into French. At that time they were entered in a web-based item-tracking database. Test
developers and consortium translation staff used this facility to track the parallel development of English
and French language versions.
Part of the translation process involved verification by French subject experts, who were able to identify
issues related to content and expression that needed to be addressed immediately, and that might be of
significance later when items would be translated into other languages. Many revisions were made to
items as a result of the translation and verification process, which assisted in ensuring that items were
as culturally neutral as possible, in identifying instances of wording that could be modified to simplify
translation into other languages, and in identifying particular items where translation notes were needed
to ensure the required accuracy in translating items to other languages.
A total of 512 mathematics items were developed to the stage where they were suitable for circulation
to national centres for feedback, and could be seriously considered for inclusion in the test instruments
for the PISA 2003 study. A further 20 items were retained from PISA 2000 for possible use as link items.
Similarly, a total of 102 new problem-solving items and 38 new science items were developed to this stage,
and circulated to national centres for review.
The MEG continued the selection task over the two days following, and presented a set of 237 recommended
items to a meeting of NPMs the following week.The problem-solving and science expert groups also selected
items for the problem-solving and science instruments, and presented these to the same NPM meeting.
The consortium carefully considered the advice from the national item feedback, the mathematics forum,
the three expert groups, and the NPM meeting. Consortium item developers made further refinements
to the selection of recommended items where necessary for purposes of balance in relation to framework
requirements, and the consortium selected a final set of items for the field trial. A total of 217 mathematics
items, 35 science items and 51 problem-solving items were selected. Some of the important characteristics
of the selected mathematics items are summarised in Table 2.3, Table 2.4 and Table 2.5.
Table 2.3 • Mathematics field trial items (item format by competency cluster)
Competency cluster
Item format Reproduction Connections Reflection Total
Multiple-choice response 13 44 22 79
Closed-constructed response 28 31 10 69
Open-constructed response 10 37 22 69
Total 51 112 54 217
Table 2.4 • Mathematics field trial items (content category by competency cluster)
Competency cluster
Content category Reproduction Connections Reflection Total
Space and shape 12 20 7 39
Quantity 19 30 9 58
Change and relationships 11 38 21 70
Uncertainty 9 24 17 50
Total 51 112 54 217
Table 2.5 • Mathematics field trial items (content category by item format)
Item format
Closed- Open-
Multiple-choice constructed constructed
Content category response response response Total
Space and shape 11 12 16 39
Quantity 17 26 15 58
Change and relationships 30 18 22 70
Uncertainty 21 13 16 50
Total 79 69 69 217
Table 2.6 • Problem-solving field trial items (problem type by item format)
Item format
Closed-constructed Multiple-choice Open-constructed
Problem-solving type response response response Total
Decision making 2 6 12 20
System analysis and design 1 10 8 19
Trouble shooting 0 9 3 12
Total 3 25 23 51
Table 2.7 • Science field trial items (science process by item format)
Item format
Closed- multiple- Multiple- Open-
constructed choice choice constructed Short
Science process response response response response response Total
Describing, explaining and
1 6 4 5 2 18
Interpreting scientific evidence 0 1 5 8 0 14
Understanding scientific
0 0 3 0 0 3
Total 1 7 12 13 2 35
The mathematics items were placed into 14 clusters, each designed to represent 30 minutes of testing.
Likewise, four clusters of problem-solving items and two clusters of science items were formed. The
clusters were then placed into ten test booklets according to the field trial test design, shown in Table 2.8.
Each booklet contained four clusters.
Table 2.8 • Allocation of item clusters to test booklets for field trial
professional editor. This assisted in uncovering remaining grammatical inconsistencies and other textual
and layout irregularities, and ensuring high quality in the presentation of the final product.
English and French versions of items, clusters and booklets were distributed to national centres in three
dispatches, on 1 November, 16 November and 3 December 2001. A consolidated dispatch of all items,
clusters and booklets, including errata, as well as other material for the field trial, was sent on compact
disk to all countries on 21 December.
National centres then commenced the process of preparing national versions of all selected items. All
items went through an extremely rigorous process of adaptation, translation and external verification in
each country to ensure that the final test forms used were equivalent. That process and its outcomes are
described in Chapter 5.
All countries sent representatives to the training sessions, which were conducted in Salzburg, Austria, in
February 2002. As a result of the use of the coding guides in the training sessions, the need to introduce a
small number of further amendments to coding guides was identified.These amendments were incorporated
in a final dispatch of coding guides and training materials, on 14 March 2002, after the Salzburg training
meetings. Following the training sessions, national centres recruited coders, and conducted their own
training in preparation for the coding of field trial scripts.
The queries and consortium responses to those queries were published on the consortium website. The
queries report was regularly updated as new queries were received and dealt with. This meant that all
national coding centres had access to an additional source of advice about responses that had been found at
all problematic. Coding supervisors in all countries found this to be a particularly useful resource.
On the basis of these critical measurement characteristics, a proportion of the field trial items were
identified as having failed the trial and were marked for removal from the pool of items that would be
considered for the main study.
A timing study was conducted to gather data on the average time taken to respond to items. A multiple
coder study was carried out to investigate the inter-coder reliability of manually coded items.
Further, a comprehensive field trial review report was prepared by all NPMs. These reports included a
further opportunity for NPMs to identify particular strengths and weaknesses of individual items, stemming
from the translation and verification process, preparation of test forms, coding of student responses to
items, and entry of data.
For the mathematics domain, a total of 65 items were needed from the field trial pool of 217.The selection
had to satisfy the following constraints:
• The number of items (about 65) was based on the results of the timing study, which concluded that
thirty-minute item clusters should contain an average of 12 to 13 items;
• The major framework categories (overarching ideas, and competency clusters) had to be populated
according to the specifications of the framework;
• The proportion of items that required manual coding had to be limited to around 40 per cent;
• The psychometric properties of all selected items had to be satisfactory;
• Items that generated coding problems were to be avoided unless those problems could be properly
addressed through modifications to the coding instructions;
to be avoided; and
• Once all these characteristics were satisfied, items reflecting mathematical literacy in an interesting way
would be preferred.
The mathematics expert group identified a total of 88 items suitable for possible inclusion in the main study,
including the 20 items retained for linking purposes from the PISA 2000 test. The science expert group
identified 10 new items to replace the 10 that had been released from the PISA 2000 item set. This meant
they had a set of 37 items recommended for inclusion in the PISA 2003 main study. The problem-solving
expert group identified 20 items suitable for inclusion.The reading expert group recommended a selection
of 33 items from the PISA 2000 main study item pool for inclusion in the PISA 2003 instruments.
The consortium carefully considered the advice from the four expert groups, and made some adjustments
to the recommended selections in reading (by removing four items, reducing the final pool to 29 items)
and in mathematics. The adjustments to the mathematics selection were a little more extensive in order to
resolve a number of remaining problems with the initial preferred selection of the expert group:
• The total number of items selected had to be reduced from 88 to a maximum of 85;
• The overall difficulty of the selection had to be reduced;
• The number of relatively easy items had to be increased slightly; and
• A small number of items that had relatively high omission rates had to be removed from the selection.
These adjustments had to be made while retaining the required balance of framework categories. In the
end a total of 85 mathematics items were selected (including 20 that were retained for linking purposes
from the PISA 2000 study). The final selection included a small number of items that had been given
relatively low ratings by national centres. These items were needed either to reduce average item difficulty,
or because they were seen to contribute something important to the way the test reflected the framework
conception of mathematical literacy. Similarly, a number of items that had been highly rated were not
included.These items suffered from one of more problems, including poor psychometric properties, being
too difficult, or there were remaining problems with use of the coding guides.
The proposed selection was presented to the PGB in Prague, Czech Republic in October 2002, and to a
meeting of National Project Managers in Melbourne also in October. The characteristics of the final item
selection, with respect to the major framework categories, are summarised in Table 2.9, Table 2.10 and
Table 2.11.
Table 2.9 • Mathematics main study items (item format by competency cluster)
Competency cluster
Item format Reproduction Connections Reflection Total
Multiple-choice response 7 14 7 28
Closed-constructed response 7 4 2 13
Open-constructed response 12 22 10 44
Total 26 40 19 85
Competency cluster
Content category Reproduction Connections Reflection Total
Space and shape 5 12 3 20
Quantity 9 11 3 23
Change and relationships 7 8 7 22
Uncertainty 5 9 6 20
Total 26 (31%) 40 (47%) 19 (22%) 85
Table 2.11 • Mathematics main study items (content category by item format)
Item format
Multiple-choice Closed-constructed Open-constructed
Content category response response response Total
Space and shape 8 6 6 20
Quantity 6 2 15 23
Change and relationships 3 4 15 22
Uncertainty 11 1 8 20
Total 28 13 44 85
For the reading domain, 28 items were selected from the PISA 2000 item pool for use in the PISA 2003
main study. Items were selected from the PISA 2000 items with the best psychometric characteristics,
and to retain a balance in the major framework categories. Some of the framework characteristics of the
selected items are summarised in Table 2.12 and Table 2.13.
For the problem-solving domain, 19 items were selected for use in the main study.Their major characteristics
are summarised in Table 2.14.
For the science domain, 35 items were selected, including 20 that had been retained from the PISA 2000
main study item pool, and 15 new items that had been selected from those items used in the field trial.
Their major characteristics are summarised in Table 2.15.
Table 2.12 • Reading main study items (reading process by item format)
Item format
Closed- Open-
constructed Multiple-choice constructed
Reading process response response response Short response Total
Retrieving information 3 1 0 3 7
Interpreting 1 9 3 1 14
Reflecting 0 0 7 0 7
Total 4 10 10 4 28
Table 2.13 • Reading main study items (text structure type by item format)
Item format
Closed- Open-
constructed Multiple-choice constructed
Text structure type response response response Short response Total
Continuous 0 9 9 0 18
Non-continuous 4 1 1 4 10
Total 4 10 10 4 28
Table 2.14 • Problem solving main study items (problem type by item format)
Item format
Closed-constructed Multiple-choice Open-constructed
Problem-solving type response response response Total
Decision making 2 2 3 7
System analysis and design 1 2 4 7
Trouble shooting 0 3 2 5
Total 3 7 9 19
Table 2.15 • Science main study items (science process by item format)
Item format
Complex- Multiple- Open-
multiple choice constructed Short
Science process choice response response response Total
Describing, explaining and predicting 3 7 6 1 17
Interpreting scientific evidence 2 4 5 0 11
Understanding scientific investigation 2 2 3 0 7
Total 7 13 14 1 35
After finalising the main study item selection, final forms of all selected items were prepared.This involved
minor revisions to items and coding guides, based on detailed information from the field trial, and the
addition of further sample student responses to the coding guides. A further round of professional editing
took place. French translations of all selected items were updated. Clusters of items were formed in each
of the four test domains in accordance with the main study rotation design, shown previously in Table 2.1.
Test booklets were prepared in English and French.
All items, item clusters and test booklets, in English and French, were dispatched to national centres in
three dispatches, on 10 December, 13 December and 20 December 2002.
This enabled national centres to finalise the required revisions to their own national versions of all selected
test items, and to prepare test booklets for the main study.
Coder training sessions were conducted in Madrid, Spain, in February 2003. All but three countries had
representatives at the training meetings. Arrangements were put in place to ensure appropriate training of
representatives from those countries not in attendance.
Once again, a small number of clarifications were needed to make the coding guides and training materials
as clear as possible, and revised coding guides and coder training materials were prepared and dispatched
in March 2003 following the training meetings.
1 The mathematics forum was a gathering of country representatives, nominated by PGB members, which had expertise in
mathematics education and assessment.
2 It is worth mentioning here that as data entry was carried out using KeyQuest, many short responses were entered directly,
which saved time and made it possible to capture students’ raw responses.
Country codes
List of abbreviations
The following abbreviations are used in this report:
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Brennan, R.L. (1992), Elements of Generalizability Theory, American College Testing Program, Iowa City.
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Greenacre, M.J. (1984), Theory and Applications of Correspondence Analysis, Academic Press, London.
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Harvey-Beavis, A. (2002), “Student and Questionnaire Development” in OECD, PISA 2000 Technical
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© OECD 2005 PISA 2003 Technical Report 331
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Table of Contents
Foreword ............................................................................................................ 3
Chapter 1. The Programme for International Student Assessment: An overview ........................ 7
Reader’s Guide ...........................................................................................................13
Chapter 2. Test design and test development ..................................................................15
Chapter 3. The development of the PISA context questionnaires ..........................................33
Chapter 4. Sample design .........................................................................................45
Chapter 5. Translation and cultural appropriateness of the test and survey material ...................67
Chapter 6. Field operations .......................................................................................81
Chapter 7. Monitoring the quality of PISA ................................................................... 101
Chapter 8. Survey weighting and the calculation of sampling variance .................................. 107
Chapter 9. Scaling PISA cognitive data........................................................................ 119
Chapter 10. Coding reliability studies .......................................................................... 135
Chapter 11. Data cleaning procedures .......................................................................... 157
Chapter 12. Sampling outcomes ................................................................................. 165
Chapter 13. Scaling outcomes ................................................................................... 185
Chapter 14. Outcomes of coder reliability studies ........................................................... 217
Chapter 15. Data adjudication ................................................................................... 235
Chapter 16. Proficiency scale construction .................................................................... 249
Chapter 17. Scaling procedures and construct validation of context questionnaire data ............... 271
Chapter 18. International database .............................................................................. 321
References ......................................................................................................... 329
OECD (2006), “Test Design and Test Development”, in PISA 2003 Technical Report, OECD Publishing,
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1787/9789264010543-3-en
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