REC-Q3 Week 2 - Exemplar-DLL Grade 9
REC-Q3 Week 2 - Exemplar-DLL Grade 9
REC-Q3 Week 2 - Exemplar-DLL Grade 9
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Norma D. Taopo and Rubylyn E. Cutanda Learning Area Science
Teaching Dates & February 20-24, 2023 Quarter Third
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pp. pp.136 pp.137 pp.138
2. Learner’s Materials pp. pp.166-167 pp.168 pp.170 pp.169
3. Textbook pp.
4. Additional Materials from Laptop, TV, Learning Activity
Learning Resources (LR) Sheet
B. Other Learning Resources
Video clip presentation of an erupting Show an ice cream cone to the students. PICTURE ANALYSIS: Video clip presentation of
A. Elicit volcano Students are given pictures of volcanic eruption.
atch?v=t-gsfdYkZbI Kanlaon, Mt. Pinatubo and Mt.
Mayon. ch?v=A4dRMmxrQMo
On ¼ sheet of paper, answer the 1. What is this? 1. What can you say about the 1. What can you say about the
B. Engage following. Random answers will be 2. What are its parts? different pictures? video?
presented. 3. What land forms can you compare to 2. Are all volcanoes located on the
1. What can say about the video clip? this object? same place? 2. Why volcanoes erupt?
2. How does the volcano erupt? 3. Are all volcanoes had a record of
3. What do you think are the factors eruption? 3. What causes the eruption of
that affect the volcanoes?
eruptive styles of a volcano?
Essential Question:
What are the factors that affect the
eruptive style of a volcano?
Working in groups, students will Essential Question: What are the Working in groups, students will Fill the tables.
C. Explore identify the factors that affect the external parts of a volcano? follow guided activity. Temp Silica Amo
eruptive styles of a volcano? Each group is given the tasks to eratur Conte unt of
(Refer to LM p.170) classify volcanoes as active or e nt Gas
inactive based on record of Low
eruption. ( Activity 2: Volcanoes Visco
in the Philippines )
(Refer to LM pp.166-167) Visco
Publication and Communicating Publication and Communicating Results Publication and Communicating Presentation of Answers:
D. Explain Results Results (RASA-BASA)
Key Questions: Random Answers will be read
Key Questions: aloud and present based from the
1. What are the factors affecting the 1. What is a summit? previous activity.
volcano’s eruptive style?
2. How does each factor affect the 2. What can be found at the summit?
volcano’s eruptive style?
3. What is a slope? Base? 1. Are all volcanoes found in the
same location?
2. Which of the volcanoes had the
most number of eruptions? Least
number of eruptions? No record of
3. How will you classify the
volcanoes that have records of
4. How will you classify volcanoes
with no record of eruption?
5. In your own words,
differentiate an active volcano from
an inactive one.
Key Question: Key Question: Key Question: How are volcanoes Factors Affecting the Viscosity of
E. Elaborate What are the primary factors that What are the external parts of volcano? classified? Magma:
affect the eruptive style of a volcano The higher the
temperature of magma is,
the lower is its viscosity
and vice versa.
high silica content are
more viscous
loss of gases makes
magma more viscous
What are the factors that affect the Identify the different external parts of a Using the Philippine map (fig. 3), Describe the effect of high
F. Evaluate eruptive style of a volcano? volcano and describe each. ( 5pts) plot the location of thefollowing temperature to the formation of
volcanoes. gas? (5pts)
Rubrics: Assign colors for the volcanoes. Rubrics:
5 - Identified and described all parts. Indicate this in the legend. 5 - Described clearly and
4 - Identified and described only 2 completely.
parts. 4 - Description is complete
3 - Identified all parts but without but not clear
description. 3 - Description is complete but
2 - Identified and described only one vague.
1 - None of the answers mentioned 2 - Description is incomplete and
above vague.
1 - Irrelevant answer
One of the eruptions of Mt. Kanla-on, What will happen when the
G. Extend spewed out a very thick cloud of temperature is high?
smoke high above the sky. How do
you describe its eruption?
February 24, 2023 at 1pm – 2 nd
V.REMARKS Quarter Cards Out
1. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
2. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
3. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners
who have caught up with
the lesson
Rubylyn E.Cutanda
Subject Teacher