SHS Curriculum Outline&courses
SHS Curriculum Outline&courses
SHS Curriculum Outline&courses
-It seeks to provide the FIlipino learners with the necessary skills and competence to prepare them to take on the
challenges of the 21st century.
-It will make the basic education system in the Philippines at par with international standards…
-A product of the collaboration with CHED, TESDA, academe and industry partners.
-[May 15, 2013] RA 10533 or Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 = it added two years of SSenior High School
(SHS) to broaden the goals of high school education for college preparation, vocational and technical carreer
opportunities as well as creative arts, sports and entrepreneurial employment. It also makes education learner-
oriented and responsive to the needs, cognitive and cultural capacity, and the circumstances of learners ,schools
and communities through the use of appropriate mediums of teaching and learning, including mother tongue.
R.A 10533
K-12 program
-learner-centered, inclusive, developmentally relevant and appropriate.
Learner-centered = puts needs and interests of the students at the center of the teaching-learning process
-relevant, responsive and research-based
-contextual and global
-shall use pedagogical approaches that are constructive, inquiry-based(establishing connection of evidences),
reflective(reflect on what and why they need to learn), collaborative(to share ideas between and among
themselves), differentiated (great consideration the different learning styles and multiple intelligences of the
learners) and integrative(connections and relationships of ideas and concepts between and among disciplines).
-spiral progression = mastery of knowledge and skills
-flexible = localize, indigenize and to enhance it based on their respective educational and social contexts.
Inclusive Education
-Due to the diversity and number of Senior High School subjects, learning resources are classified into five “course
packs”, each with specific learning resources.
-classroom-based [formative and summative assessments] and system (national or international)
DepEd Order No. 51 s. 2015 Guidelines on the Implementation of the SHS Program in Existing Public JHS and ISs,
Establishment of Stand-Alone Public SHSs and Conversion of Existing Public Elementary and JHSs into Stand-Alone
DepEd Order No. 26 s. 2017 Amendment of DO No.51, 2015 (Systems and Procedures on the implementation of
-Setting learning standards are triggered by different demands across sectors. For instance, as national economies
evolve, global enterprises need more workers with higher levels of technological, academic, and work skills in
order for industries to compete globally. School and workplace learning must address these through reforms in the
curriculum and training programs.
-Besides developing critical competencies for learners, the Applied Track Subjects also make the SHS curriculum
flexible because it allows the learner to move across tracks, in case he changes his mind in the middle of SHS
-The delivery of the subjects may be adjusted according to the context and content of the tracks. Therefore, the
students learn the same skill/competency despite the different teaching-learning content and strategy.