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LP. Comparison and Contrast

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Detailed Lesson Plan


Reading and Writing

Prepared by:
Jeson L. Estal
Practice Teacher

Submitted to:
Gleziel Ann Pioc
Seconary Teacher-1
Subject: Reading and Writing Date Submitted:
Section and Time: Actual Teaching:

A. Content Standard
-The learner realizes that information in a written text may be selected and organized to
achieve a particular purpose.
B. Performance Standard
-The learner critiques a chosen sample of each pattern of development focusing on information
selection, organization, and development.
C. Learning Competency

- Distinguishes between patterns and among patterns of development in writing across

a. Narration
b. Description
c. Definition
d. Exemplification/classification
e. Comparison and contrast
f. Cause and Effect
g. Problem-solution
h. Persuasion


At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

A. Define what is comparison and contrast;
B. Compare and contrast ideas/pictures using graphic organizer;
C. Appreciate the essence of .


General Topic: Patterns of Paragraph Development

Specific Topic: Comparison and Contrast


• https://www.studocu.com/ph/document/tagum-city-national-high-school/humanities-and-
• https://www.academia.edu/39070934/LESSON_PLAN_COMPARISON_CONTRASTedi

A. Preliminary Activities
A. Prayer
B. Greetings
C. Classroom Management
D. Other Instructions
B. Recapitulation

Last meeting, we tackled about exemplification and classification. You learned the definition,
and functions in developing a paragraph.

Also, you were able to compose 2-3 paragraph between writing about COVID-19 pandemic
and promoting a product.
C. Motivation

Based from our previous lesson, can you tell me what is exemplification and classification?

Very Good! Mr/Mrs.___ can you give me an example of exemplification?

Excellent! How about Mr./Mrs. _____, Can you give me the am example of classification?

Brilliant! And what transitional devices we should use in exemplification?

Very Good! How about in classification?

D. Activity(Individual)
Class, before we proceed with our topic this meeting, let’s have an activity.
Directions Using the Venn diagram, jot down words and phrases showing similarities and
differences between Jose Rizal and Andres Bonifacio.
E. Analysis
1. How did you find the activity?
2. We’re you able to determine the differences and similarities between Jose Rizal and
Andres Bonifacio?
3. What are their similarities?
4. What are their differences?
5. What transitional word/s should you use to indicate similarities?
6. What transition words should you use to indicate differences?
F. Abstraction

Thank you, class for your active participation. Now, base from your activity, what do you think
is Comparison and Contrast?

Comparison in writing discusses elements that are similar while contrast in writing
discusses elements or ideas that are different. A compare-and-contrast essay, then
analyzes two subjects comparing them, contrasting them, or both. However, its
purpose is not to simply state the obvious but rather to illustrate subtle differences
or unexpected similarities between two subjects.

There are two common ways to organize comparison/contrast paragraph or essay.

The Block Method is used to compare and contrast two subjects one at a time. You
may begin by saying everything you have to say about the first subject you are
discussing then move on and write everything about your second subject. If you are
writing a short paragraph or essay, you might be able to fit all of your points about
each item. However, if you would want to address one subject at a time, you may use
Point-by-point comparison.
Some cohesive devices you can use in showing similarities are likewise, similar to,
same with, like, in the same manner. To show contrast, cue words such as: on the
other hand, however, while, different with, in contrast and the like.

G. Generalization

Base from our discussion today, what have you learned about comparison and contrast?

Very Good! How about the two ways to organize comparison/contrast paragraph or essay?

Very Good! How do we Compare and contrast objectives/places/events/person?

Brilliant! Howportant is making comparison and Contrast in making decisions?

H. Application(By Group)

Class, I will group you into 4. Each group has different activities. Your activities will be graded
using the rubric below.
Directions. Choose a movie you like and make a comparison and contrast using a Venn

Group 2. PARAGRAPH WRITING. Make a comparison and contrast between Junior High
School and Senior High School. Make the information presented into a paragraph. Make sure
to use transitions/signal words that show comparison and contrast.

Group 3. COMPARING ADVERTISEMENT. Michael wanted to buy a Mountain bike. In an

online advertisement, he found out two different Mountain bikes for sale. Let us help Ruben
Choose the best bike for him. To help decide which bicycle will Ruben buy, point out their
similarities and differences. Write your decision in a 1 whole sheet with the reasons.

Rally Boy's Mountain Master

When it comes to bicycles for active,

hard-playing boys ages 10-14, this yellow
and black 24"-wheel Mountain Master
offers both sturdiness and safety where
parents and kids love. It has an oversized
frame that makes getting on and off a
snap, a large derailleur guard, alloy hubs
and rims and many other dependable
components. A 21-speed drive train
makes riding effortless. The twist shifters
come equipped with an easy-to-read gear
display to let you know what gear you are
in. Top-notch linear pull brakes allow
young riders to stop when they need to.
The 1.95-inch all-terrain tires perform well
on in any surface. It only costs Php
11,000.00 *.

Price does not include shipping.

Delivery 4-5 days



Used boy's 24" blue rallyMountain King

bike 21-speed, easy-to-read gear shift
display, pull brakes, large derailleur
guard, and an extra set of 1.95 all-terrain
tires. Just a year old, still like new. Perfect
fora 10- to 14-year-old boy. Come and
check it out. Take it for a spin around the
block. Asking only Php 5,000.00. Just call
218-4879 for more details.

Group 4. FABLES AND CHARACTERS REVIEW. Read the story “The Ant and the
Grasshopper “ Compare yourself with the characters. Share to the class when you were once
like the grasshopper and the ant.

The Ant and the Grasshopper

By Aesop
Rubrics in Group Activity

Criteria 1 2 3 4 5


• Cooperation is observed among all

member (5)
• Majority of the members cooperate(4)
• Few of the members cooperate (2)
Time Management

• Task is finish ahead of time(5)

• Task is finished on time(4)
• Task is finished beyond the time
Sentence Construction

• The sentence written showed

comparison and contrast using
appropriate signal words (5)
• The sentence written showed
comparison and contrast but falls to use
appropriate signal words (3)
• Sentence written falls to show
comparison and contrast and does not
use appropriate signal words (1)

I. Evaluation
Directios. Complete the following statements to summarize what you have learned in this
1. A compare-and-contrast writing analyzes two subjects by __________.
2. The purpose of writing a comparison or contrast essay is not to state what
seems so obvious about the things being compared but __________.
3. The two main organizing strategies for comparison-and-contrast writing are:
__________ and __________.
J. Assignment

Describe two of your friends by telling their similarities and differences. Express them into 5 to
10sentences using transition/ signal words that show comparison and contrast. Write it in a
long bond paper and paste a picture with your two friends

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