Biology: Reproduction Plants Animals
Biology: Reproduction Plants Animals
Biology: Reproduction Plants Animals
Activity 1. R E P R O D U C T I O N
Reproduction Plants Animals
Can reproduce Yes, plants can reproduce Yes, animals can
asexually? asexually. reproduce asexually.
If yes, write the different The different ways on The different ways on how
ways on how they how plants reproduce animals reproduce asexually
is through parthenogenesis,
reproduce asexually. asexually is through
budding, fragmentation or
Explain and give an vegetative propagation binary fission.
example and fragmentation. Parthenogenesis is a form of
Vegetative propagation is reproduction in which an egg
where offspring grow can develop into an embryo
from a part of the parent without being fertilized by a
plant. An example of sperm. An example of
parthenogenesis is a bird.
vegetative propagation is
Another way is budding
true bulb which includes which is a small growth on
onion and garlic. And the surface of parent breaks off,
last way a plant can resulting in the formation of
reproduce asexually is two individuals and its
through fragmentation. example is yeast. Next is
fragmentation and it is where
Fragmentation is another
organisms break into two or
form of asexual more fragments that develop
reproduction that into a new individual. Or it
involves new plants can be binary fission where
growing from small parts single parent cell doubles its
of the parent plant that DNA, then divides into two
cells and usually occurs in
fall to the ground. And its
bacteria. An example of
example are liverworts fragmentation is starfish
and mosses. while an example of binary
fission is amoeba.
Activity 5. Transport/Circulation
Directions. Read and analyze the statements below. Write TRUE if the
statement is correct and FALSE if otherwise. Write your answer on your
answer sheet.
(T) 1. Plants are less complex and requires less food and water to survive
while animals require more food and nutrients.
(F) 2. In animals, circulatory system is the main transport system in the body
while plants have vascular vessels.
(F) 3. Both plants and animals have capillaries to allow the flow of fluids
in their body.
(T) 4. Plants do translocation process while animals do the circulation process.
(T) 5. Plants have xylem and phloem to carry water, dissolved minerals to
different parts of the plant while animals have arteries and capillaries
that carries oxygen-rich blood throughout the body.