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Biology: Reproduction Plants Animals

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Activity 1. R E P R O D U C T I O N
Reproduction Plants Animals
Can reproduce Yes, plants can reproduce Yes, animals can
asexually? asexually. reproduce asexually.

If yes, write the different The different ways on The different ways on how
ways on how they how plants reproduce animals reproduce asexually
is through parthenogenesis,
reproduce asexually. asexually is through
budding, fragmentation or
Explain and give an vegetative propagation binary fission.
example and fragmentation. Parthenogenesis is a form of
Vegetative propagation is reproduction in which an egg
where offspring grow can develop into an embryo
from a part of the parent without being fertilized by a
plant. An example of sperm. An example of
parthenogenesis is a bird.
vegetative propagation is
Another way is budding
true bulb which includes which is a small growth on
onion and garlic. And the surface of parent breaks off,
last way a plant can resulting in the formation of
reproduce asexually is two individuals and its
through fragmentation. example is yeast. Next is
fragmentation and it is where
Fragmentation is another
organisms break into two or
form of asexual more fragments that develop
reproduction that into a new individual. Or it
involves new plants can be binary fission where
growing from small parts single parent cell doubles its
of the parent plant that DNA, then divides into two
cells and usually occurs in
fall to the ground. And its
bacteria. An example of
example are liverworts fragmentation is starfish
and mosses. while an example of binary
fission is amoeba.

Reproduction Plants Animals

Can reproduce Yes, plants can Yes, animals can
sexually? reproduce sexually. reproduce sexually.
If yes, write the different There is only one way There is only one way
ways on how they on how plants on how animals can
reproduce sexually reproduce sexually produce sexually and
and that is through that is through
pollination. fertilization.
Pollination is the Fertilization is the
transfer of pollen fusion of haploid
from-flower-to-flower gametes, egg and
in angiosperms or sperm, to form the
cone-to-cone in diploid zygote and
gymnosperms. give birth to the
young ones.

Activity 2. Growth and Development

Directions. Read and analyze the statements below. Write TRUE
if the statement is correct and FALSE if otherwise. Write your
answer on a separate sheet of paper.

(F) 1. Animals have definite pattern of growth and

development while plants’ growth is limited
to a certain size.
(T) 2. The cells of plants and animals enable them to grow
and develop.
(T) 3. Both plants and animals’ growth are supported by
organs and organ systems.
(F) 4. Plants and animals have meristematic regions.
(F) 5. Plants and animals can grow throughout their life.

Activity 3. Mode of Nutrition

Directions. Read and analyze the statements below. Write TRUE
if the statement is correct and FALSE if otherwise. Write your
answer in your answer sheet.

(T) 1. Plants have the capability to make their own food

while animals cannot.
(T) 2. Both plants and animals obtain their food from
sunlight, water and air.
(T) 3. Plants are autotrophic while animals are
(T) 4. Animals depend on plants and other organisms for
food while plants rely on sunlight, water and air.
(F) 5. Plants and animals have presence of chlorophyll on
their cells.
Activity 4. Gas Exchange
Directions: Compare and contrast the process of gas exchange in plants
and animals. Copy and complete the table in your answer sheet.
Plants Animals
Take In/Inhales Carbon dioxide Oxygen
Releases/Exhales Oxygen Carbon dioxide
Organs/Structure Stomata is where the Lungs, gills, skin are
Used for Gas gases happened to the organs/structure
Exchange exchange that is used for gas

Activity 5. Transport/Circulation
Directions. Read and analyze the statements below. Write TRUE if the
statement is correct and FALSE if otherwise. Write your answer on your
answer sheet.

(T) 1. Plants are less complex and requires less food and water to survive
while animals require more food and nutrients.
(F) 2. In animals, circulatory system is the main transport system in the body
while plants have vascular vessels.
(F) 3. Both plants and animals have capillaries to allow the flow of fluids
in their body.
(T) 4. Plants do translocation process while animals do the circulation process.
(T) 5. Plants have xylem and phloem to carry water, dissolved minerals to
different parts of the plant while animals have arteries and capillaries
that carries oxygen-rich blood throughout the body.

Activity 6. Regulation of Body Fluids

Directions. Read and analyze the statements below. Write TRUE if the
statement is correct and FALSE if otherwise. Write the answer on your
answer sheet.
1. Vacuoles are structures in plants ……………………
that regulates cytoplasm osmolarity ……..
while animals have excretory
system that controls the amount of
water loss and maintains osmotic
2. In animals, organs that are ……………………
responsible for osmoregulation …
depend on the species while plant
cells rely on vacuoles to regulate
cytoplasm osmolarity.
3. Osmoregulation in plants and …………
animals mainly depends on the …
water and salt absorbed in roots.
4. Plants that live in different …….
habitat have different ways on to
regulate water loss and absorption.
5. Osmoregulators like birds and ………….
mammals can keep the osmolarity
of body fluids different from their
environment while
osmoconformers like marine
invertebrates allow the osmolarity
of their body fluids to
match that of their environment.
Activity 7. Chemical and Nervous Control
Directions: Compare and contrast the chemical and
nervous control in plants and in animals. Copy and
complete the table on your answer sheet.

Chemical and Nervous

Plants Animals
Presence of Plant hormones can Vertebrates have ductless
glands/ Endocrine glands
affect all aspects of plant
hormones life, from flowering to
that produces hormones.
fruit setting and
maturation, and from
phototropism to leaf fall.
Moreover, hormones are
signaling chemicals that
are present in tiny
amounts, distributed
throughout the plant
body, and only elicit
responses in cells that
have the appropriate
hormone receptors, just
as in animals.
Origin of hormones Every cell in a plant can Unlike plant
hormones, animal
produce plant hormones.
hormones are
Animal hormones are
often produced in
produced exclusively in specialized hormone-
specific glands. synthesizing glands.
Hormones control a wide The hormones are then
range of plant behaviors secreted from the
in response to various glands into the blood
stream, where they are
transported throughout
the body.
Structure that In plants, hormones The Endocrine and
nervous system
transports travel large coordinate with each

hormones throughout the body other through a series of

feedback mechanism.
via the vascular tissue Feedback mechanism A
(xylem and phloem) mechanism or a signal
that tends to initiate (or
and cell-to-cell via accelerate) or to inhibit
plasmodesmata. (or slow down) a process.

Hormones produced The hormones that are produced by

plants are: a) Auxin, the master growth Here are some of the Endocrine
and functions regulator; b) Cytokinin which is glands and hormones they
responsible for cell division; c) produced. a) Hypothalamus - the
Gibberellins responsible for stem, fruit, hormones from the hypothalamus
and seed growth; d) Abscisic Acid govern physiologic functions such
(ABA) that causes dormancy of the as temperature regulation, thirst,
plant; e) Ethylene, hunger, sleep, mood, sex drive,
promotes fruit ripening, flower wilting, and the release of other hormones
and leaf fall; f) Systemin, anti-herbivory within the body.; b) Anterior
hormone that activates plant responses Pituitary gland - Growth Hormone
to wounds from herbivores; g) Methyl (GH), stimulates growth,
Salicylate (MeSa), hormone for Adrenocorticotropic hormone
immunity that helps regulate responses. (ACTH), regulates levels of the
steroid hormone cortisol, which
released from the adrenal gland; c)
Parathyroid gland , Parathyroid
Hormone, increases blood 𝑪𝒂 𝟐+;
d) Thyroid gland – produces
thyroxine that increases metabolic
rate and heart rate; promotes
growth; e) Adrenal glands –
Epinephrine, produces many
effects related to short- term stress
response, Cortisol, produces many
effects related to short-term and
long-term responses, Aldosterone,
increases reabsorption of 𝑁𝑎+ by
kidneys; f) Pancreas - Islets of
Langerhans Insulin, decreases
blood glucose, Glucagon,
increases blood glucose Kidneys,
Erythropoietin (EPO), increases
synthesis of red blood cells
Vitamin D and decreases blood
𝐶𝑎2+; g) Ovaries – Estradiol,
regulates development and
maintenance of secondary sex
characteristics in females; other
effects; Progesterone-
prepares uterus for
pregnancy; h) Testes –
testosterone, regulates
development and
maintenance of secondary
sex characteristics in
Presence of Plants don’t have a All animals have a true
presence of nervous nervous system except
Nervous System system. However, it has sea sponges.
plant hormones that
affect all aspects of plant

Plants don’t have a

Basic structure basic structure since While there is great
diversity among
it has no presence of different vertebrate.
nervous system. a CNS that contains
a brain and spinal
cord and a PNS
made up of
peripheral sensory
and motor nerves.

Location NONE One interesting

difference between the
nervous systems of
invertebrates and
vertebrates is that the
nerve cords of many
invertebrates are
located ventrally (along
the belly) whereas the
vertebrate spinal cords
are located dorsally
(along the back).

Activity 8. Immune System

Directions. Read and analyze the statements below. Write TRUE if the
statement is correct and FALSE if otherwise. Write the answer on your
answer sheet.

TRUE 1. Plants have Methyl Salicylate hormone that

helps regulate responses to infection by parasites or
pathogens while animals have a complex immune
system that recognize foreign substances in the
body and destroy them.
FALSE 2. Plants use hormones to fight infection while
animals use a complex network of organs
containing cells to fight against diseases.
TRUE 3. Plants and animals have their own special way
in fighting pathogens, viruses, bacteria and other
parasites that penetrates into the organism.
TRUE 4. Plants: two branched innate immune system;
Animals advanced immune system
FALSE 5. Molecular/substance recognition has significant
role in the immunity of plants and animals.

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